#frozen speartuna
5ecardaday · 9 days
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Swordtember 2024, Pt. 2
Continuing my strange, pop-culture, RPG-style take on Swordtember, I've got a collection of 8 new swords from across a variety of media. This set includes Bloodborne, Magic: the Gathering, Monster Hunter, and more.
What you see here isn't all though. Two other famous blades-- Frostmourne from the Warcraft series, and the Poison Blade from Asssassin's Creed-- are also available, but only over on my Patreon! No worries on price though, it's totally free, as long as you're willing to follow my work on there.
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angermango · 2 years
The emotes are also one of my favorite things about MH along with the silly weapons some games had. (The mugs and whetfish saber Duelblades MHW had are a good example of this.)
The games are amazing, but the Emotes make it even better, one of my favorites was the Devil May Cry one in MHW. It was always really cool seeing your palico react to it and fall backwards on their butt out of surprise.
I hope we get more like those in rise. Only silly weapon I know MHR has is the teddy bear plushie hammer since I'm a hammer main, and it fittingly has the sleep status.
MH gestures and joke weapons are A-list like no other. love me those hilarious beer mugs and whetfish swords.
I started Rise with the Hammer and absolutely invested in that Sleepybear. Other personal favorites of mine throughout the series include the Chef-themed gear and weapons (esp the knife and fork DBs or the knife+wok S&S), the gun shaped like a lobster and another shaped like a cat, the corncob Gunlance, and the good ol' Frozen Speartuna Greatsword (last two are also in Rise)
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As for gestures I'm looking forward to the return of some of the classic emotes in Sunbreak like 'Prance' but some of the event special emotes and poses in base Rise are also fun :D
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embermarke · 4 years
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Frozen speartuna FTW! My MHW character (aka MHW AU Tanya XD)
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angermango · 2 years
World was my first game in the series, so I missed out on a lot of those older ones unfortunately, but know that I love each of those silly weapons you listed after looking them up, and I hope we get more.
I hope the wiggler mask also makes a return, that was 100% my absolute favorite layered headpiece, especially with the Gala suit or the Demon lord layered set from MHW. glad the gala suit is now dyable now though.
Also MHR has me sad right now that I can't play Switch Axe no matter how much I've tried, because it has a Origami crane themed weapon.
oh hell yeah Wiggler hat AKA the Crown of the Gods
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The Origami Axe is real neat but do not despair despite lack of skill! Ownership alone is sometimes half the fun. I shamelessly own the Frozen Speartuna despite not playing GS (yet) solely because I have the ability to hold a giant swordfish popsicle
also yeah the Gala Suit slaps it's my top event gear from anything ever
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