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cptnbeefheart · 5 months ago
halloween this halloween that. it was also the night that the skeletons came to life. they came fromunder the ground and from all over. theyve never seen so much food as this underground there’s half as much food as this.
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lisalou22 · 1 year ago
Wife comes home late at night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom.
Fromunder the blanket she notices four legs instead of two!
She reaches for a baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can.
Once she’s done, she goes to the kitchen to have a drink.
As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine.
-Hi darling, he says,
-Your parents have come to visit us, so I let them stay in our bedroom.
Hope you said hello to them.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year ago
back to the anon about uncut guys, my roommate in college had sex with an uncut guy and she said when she pulled back his foreskin, there was some fromunder cheese hiding there. AND SHE STILL FUCKED HIM.
i had a friend that had this happen to her too (why is dick cheese common???? HELLO??) and she threw up on his dick. apparently the smell was unworldly.
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ardenrosegarden · 2 years ago
Overall, it is John’s effort to secure the combined intercession of the saints that should be stressed. Canonised Anglo-Saxons were certainly prominent: Edward the Confessor, Edmund, King and Martyr, and Wulfstan. It was sensible practice for kings to associate themselves with canonised predecessors. They could claim kinship with many of them. This was doubly the case for rulers whose origins lay overseas, a useful means of integration and assertion of their credentials as kings of England. John’s devotions also stood within a long-standing tradition of cultivation of ‘English’ cults by the Anglo Norman and Anglo-Angevin ruling class, dating to the generation that arrived in England following the Norman Conquest. Many Anglo-Saxon cults experienced a renaissance as their custodians responded to the impact of the cult of St Thomas Becket from the 1170s onwards. It was also entirely usual for incomers from outside England to cultivate local saints. Bishop Peter des Roches at Winchester was ‘a Frenchman who did more than most Englishmen to foster the cult of the Anglo-Saxon saints’. John’s devotion to cults native to England should not necessarily be viewed as forced upon him due to his continental losses.
Whilst the king’s efforts to seek saintly intercession had parallels in the actions of his predecessors, there are also parallels in the reigns that followed. Henry III, who only reluctantly abandoned his claims to the overseas lands, continued the tradition of which his father had been part. He attracted attention for reciting the names of the holy kings of England: Aethelbert, Edward the Martyr, Kenelm, Oswald, Oswin, Neithan, Wistan, Fromund, Edwuld, Edmund, and Edward the Confessor. Nonetheless, royal devotion to the saints was not limited to those with whom the Angevins claimed kinship. Their attachment to Anglo-Saxon saints was part of a more nuanced policy. Kings realised that they could venerate saints in combination. John was no exception to this trend. Thus, St Thomas Becket was equally important in the royal quest for intercession as the cults of canonised kings. Likewise, major Christian saints, such as the Virgin Mary, St James the Great, St Philip, and St Peter, could be the focus of royal prayers. As a body, John could hope that the saints would intervene on his behalf to help to ensure (or regain) stability of rule and successful kingship. His visits to shrines, and to the homes of relics, and the evidence that he travelled with relics to protect him, provide compelling evidence that the saints were an element central to the personal religion of King John.
-Paul Webster, King John and Religion
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notesfromafashionista · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT UrbanOutfitters ‘Out fromUnder’ Hailey seamless plunge bra top szM.
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zkorpionzsting · 1 year ago
ihope you gwt fall damage when i kiss it fromunde r you
he could never touch a clit in his life
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grendel-menz · 2 years ago
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Thinking about a webcomic about a war between bats and moths in a cave system called the Fromunder - the story revolves around a man who invents the first firearm 
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harlemsince95 · 4 years ago
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alju92 · 6 years ago
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~A view at Clifton Bridge from the old docks~ #bristol #bristolcity #clifton #Cliftonbridge #sunshine #avonriver #riverside #hotwells #hotwellroad #fromunder #suspendedbridge #pontsuspendu #littlehouses #nikon #d610 #2485 #2485mm #thepipas2019 #landscape #city #photography #landscapephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZVNHvI7EF/?igshid=1nk7oaf727oub
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jpncar · 6 years ago
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#hello #fromunder #waterworld #diveday credit: @guillermo_reta (at Cozumel Puerto Maya) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQVsmmFFYz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ktxi0xvdy8nx
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femmewulf · 2 years ago
biogenesis (or, bginnin is wher it ends)
had a class this semester on the history of english and the final was to predict what the future of english looks like. so i came up with a near climate apocalypse-type situation where all long-form communication relied on a very rudimentary recreation of the early Internet, and decided to take a swing at what that would do to literature too. I pictured huge databases of simple text files of basically any written records that could be found that all slowly started to overlap and infuse with each other. So here's what the story of adam and eve looks like then, as it slowly absorbed the trope of tragic lovers, and with it the names Mulder and Scully...
bginnin is wher it ends nothinnes…fromnothinnes darknes…fromdarknes a shadow flittin its wings ofname Bat. fromunder his wing wriggld his redrayd son escapin rebel Robin…fromtheir tomanjerryin comes risinMoon an settinSun. intime came man unlike its now. threesexd all doubldup children ofcosmos…ofsun ofearth ofmoon respectivly. they were smart an trustin…in pairs they relyd oneachother givin an takin with equal hands…they built great things an it was good. intime they set about 2 build a vessel…inorder 2 answer Eternal Question…are we really alone inUniverse? fromwork oftheir came Voyager launchd in2 deep space seekin our answers 2 solitude. mankind sought 2 build its community further…forther is nothin greaterthan 2 give moregreatly or 2 take moretrustin. anthen ther was nothin. Silenc was 2omuch 2 bear for many…they had reachdout 2starrysky opend their arms an been met with nothin. the very idea ofit was 2omuch 2 bear…mankind began 2 fall inshadow ofBat’s wing. ther was no1 outther 2 answer…then came Day ofLast Ofmoon Mulderscully. onfirstday ofsesolitude Mulderscully slept an dreamd…Mulderscully dreamd oflight blindin everywher indream ther was darknes until ther wasn’t…an fromdarknes came them. strange things they were…greyheadd an bugeyd an eerly silent. they spoke unspeakin sayin they were visitin sayin they meant noharm. they spoke tht they had receivd the message tht they had been watchin for so long…tht they wantd 2 help tht they worryd…anyet…Mulderscully got a dreamfeelin they wantd 2 take morethan se could give…an yet se could notstop Takin…an Robin outran Bat across Skyline an Mulder awoke on2ndday.
inwakin he became aware tht he was now he an a body lay next 2 him now she taken fromse. whenawake she came ofname Scully for what was taken fromse…lovers unstarcrossd.
inwakin se now they found themselvs in an eden ofplenty. Eden was perfect…a river of cleanwater with an apple bigtree atcenter. Mulder an Scully saw tht it was good but they had a hunch lookinat each other 2 confirm what Other already knows. Mulder says Scully…she murmurs Mulder…an they stare atTree. Message is clear…a thought fromelsewher. eatnot Fruit ofTree or ull surely die says thought. 
Mulder an Scully began 2 tend 2Garden, forwhatelse is ther 2 be done but 2 care forBeauty theyd been given? So it was tht duties wer dividd up, tendin 2fruits an 2animals, watchin forwhat was inseason, an so it was tht man was meant 2 share inwork an act as stewards forWorld. inbetween tending 2Garden, fromfruits 2animals, Mulder an Scully talked ofWorld…ofwhat they believd what they didnt what they thought ofGarden everything except Message. they couldnt talk about Message. sincethey first thought of it Scully had convinced herself it was a coincidenc. a nothin. a superstition. Mulder didnt. he was sure ther had 2 be something outther, some1 who sent them Thought. he wondered if Voyager had succeedd. he wonderd all this while walking inGarden. he wantd 2 trust. he wantd 2 hav faith. but Tool oftrust communion had been taken in sesplittin…or kept…he wasn’t sure. on3rdNight inGarden he couldnt sleep. as he walked inGarden sleepless he watchd Stars. an inStars…somethin movd. some lights slidin justslightly 2Left enough 2 be noticd but notreally seen.
Mulder returns 2Tree an wakes Scully, tells her what he found. she blievs him as all once blievd eachother. yet what could they do? they knew they werent alone but had nomeans 2 reach out. Mulder began 2 watch Stars sleepless seeking.
on6thNight Mulder stays awake 2 starwatch. Scully sleeps an insleepin dreams of a handsom man beautiful suitd smilin. she sees Man speak2 Mulder whisperin somethin secret 2him. she sees Mulder notseein her sneakin away Shares oftheir labor bit by bit takin morethan whats needd an not givin back. she awakes infright2 a figur inTree. fromdarknes a voice. Bat perches a formless form a chaos. were u told not 2 eat of this tree? says Bat…Yes says Scully…Mulder says silenc. who told u asks Bat…does it matter asks Scully…i don’t know says Mulder. dont u want 2 know Mulder asks Bat 2Mulder. I want 2 bliev says Mulder 2Bat. if u eat ull know says Bat 2Mulder. we cant for well surely die says Scully 2Bat. ull not surely die says Bat 2Scully. forthey know tht when u eat fromit ur eyes will be opend an ull be like them knowin. ull know 2 bliev says Bat 2Mulderscully.
Scully pickd Fruit ofTree. she could know what Mulder saw. Mulder pickd Fruit ofTree. he could know what 2 bliev. they ate together sharin Apple offaith. before they can see what they now know ther is Dreamlight again…blindin everywher. what is this you have done says voic inDreamlight. we wantd 2 know says Mulder…we wantd 2 understand says Scully. Bat is not1 u can trust says them. u should not have done that says them. up2 now u have trustd an known eachother…now ull not trust or know eachother and allother says them. bcause u ate ofFruit ofTree ull have 2 learn 2 trust an ull doubt an ull steal an ull give an take unequaly says them. we made u diffrent 2 test u an u faild says them. we didnt ask 2 be diffrent says Mulderscully. no matter says them. u must struggl noneless says them.
an so it was that man was doomd 2 toil and take til Earth fell 2 ruin. an so it was that trust was made earnd notnatural. an so goes Scatterin of man.
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gleeincorrectquotes · 5 years ago
this cheese smells funky
That’s cause it’s
Fromunder cheese
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bazzpop · 5 years ago
Sintober: Vulgora 5, 9 and 23. I beg u. 😢
@idrinkluciostears you might like this 👀
I’ll add in a dash of marking too 😉
5. Dirty dancing || 9. Lingerie || 11. Marking || 23. “Get on your knees.”
The only time you’ll catch them actually dancing, and not just dancing across the battlefield, is during the masquerade or some other gala.
They’ll twist and turn when dancing around you, watching every move you make with a hungry list behind their eyes.
They’re already getting hot under the collar with the way your body moves against them but when they catch a glimpse of what’s under your robes— it’s over.
Your lingerie peaks out fromunder your outfit when you raise your arms up to toy with their headdress, oh boy do you have them riled up.
They’ll growl into your ear and hold you gently by the throat, having found out your little secret and trying to rile you up in return.
Their face deepens in color at the thought of seeing you void of those damned robes, they might even rip it to shreds with their gauntlets in the process of dragging you away from the party.
Change that “they might rip your robes” to a “they most definitely will rip your robes” when they get you alone. They’re careful enough to not destroy the lingerie underneath though, they’d rather see you in it first.
They greatly admire your cunningness and boldness for trying to pull off something as scandalous as this at one of the Count’s parties.
They’ll have you get down on your knees in one of the secluded hallways, having you fully at their mercy. They love raising your chin with their claws so that you’ll look up at them.
Their mouth is their greatest weapon against you. They’ll run their teeth down any part of your body, hot breath ghosting over you momentarily causing you to shiver, before they latch on and roll your skin between their teeth.
Favorite places to mark you up: inner thighs, neck, collarbone, shoulders, back, nipples, no where is off limits to them.
You’ll always walk away with bruises, bite marks, and angry red scratches after they toy with you.
Sintober requests closed
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notesfromafashionista · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 1HRSALE🦋NWOT UrbanOutfitters ‘Out fromUnder’ Hailey seamless plunge bra top szM.
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grendel-menz · 2 years ago
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i am once again considering a webcomic (but something low effort) 
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askchefcatman · 7 years ago
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What a freaky picture I took while putting my phone down. #nofilter #buttpick #goateegamestrong #photooftheday #picoftheday #winning #swag #dope #chin #thechin #fromunder (at Deer Park, New York)
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