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Every other Country has Sentencing Guidelines. The United Snakes's Mass Incarceration is due to vengeance overpowering logic. The understanding of underlying issues result in downfalls and the unrealistically high cost to taxpayers, in order to house inmates, who actually should be in Long-Term Residential Treatment Facilities rather than Prisons. This past year the people helped work against two bills that would roll back Youth Offender Parole and start giving #LWOP sentences again to 16 & 17yr-olds. (The bills would affect laws enacted by SB 9 (2012); SB 394 (2018); SB 261 (2016); and AB 1308 (2018).) These bills, AB 665 (Gallagher) and AB 1641 (Kiley), were ultimately denied hearings in the Assembly Public Safety Committee, so they stalled for the year. Today they're having a Public Safety hearing on these bills and a "Gratitude Tour" thanking the legislators who helped fight for the reform. Our very own co-founder of "Operation Free Bixx - Free Wajuba Alliance", Wajuba McDuffy/OYG Bixx1, will be attending the hearing as an Anti-Recidivism Coalition affiliate and sharing his experience as a former JLWOPer/Northern CA Innocence Project client and how some of those bills helped him before many of the community and other legislators at the State Capitol, here in Sacramento. Here's the link to tune into the hearing: Look for: Public Safety JONES-SAWYER, Chair 9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 126 Committees: Public Safety https://www.assembly.ca.gov/todaysevents #fromJLWOP2EXONERATION #wrongfullyconvictedlivesMATTER #XONR8TIONNOW #dropLWOP 🚮 #ofbfwa✊🏿❤️🖤💚✊🏿 (at Anti-Recidivism Coalition) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TxKzah13Acg-2ej0kdTydfaQAM_mesg0LjSA0/?igshid=zh1i4fb7ot1i
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