#from you!!!!! the hamartia guy!!!!! wtf !!!!!!!!!
(ask game)MARK WINTERS. youre the mark winters torment nexus guy to me. i think ive told you this like 3 times before but i think abt mark witners torment nexus allll the time.
YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH OF A WIN FOR ME THIS IS COMING FROM YOU OF ALL PEOPLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ every day i think about torturing that blonde man.
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youcantundothepast · 6 years
javid headcanons
hey so I haven’t updated in forever (I have reasons just not good ones ngl) (also I’ve been absent on all of my blogs so don’t think y’all are special ;))
but for now here are some wholesome Javid (modern) headcanons that aren’t really supposed to be anything in particular they’re just kind of cute
they skip around from high school to married life and everything in between
also this is so long because I love imagining my two pure boys in love
tw: idk why but there’s more cussing than usual (but I wouldn’t consider it excessive)
- okay so first off, Davey is a mess
- like how does one date??? like he can barely stand his own life how can he share it with someone else????
- especially someone so perfect nice like Jack
- but this isn’t Jack’s first rodeo and God bless him he just smiles when Davey’s awkward and will kiss his cheek or something and Davey will never be sure how he landed someone so nice perfect
- they don’t like the hassle of splitting the bill on dates so they alternate on who pays for the date
- Davey brought Jack sunflowers once for his designated date day and on Jack’s next designated date day, Davey received a painting of said flowers
- as they continuously date, though, they begin learning each other’s favorite flowers
- like Jack loves stargazer lilies but Davey can’t have lilies because of Sarah’s cat, Cheerio (never forget Cheerio)
- Davey favorite flowers are baby’s breath
- on prom night, Sarah and Katherine surprise the two with matching stargazer/baby’s breath boutonniere and they just go soft
- “wait... oh my God I kissed you that night after you went dumpster diving!”
- also real quick, Sarah is Davey’s “best man” and he’s all like Sarah, you can wear a dress, you don’t have to wear a suit like Jack’s best man (Crutchie)
- and Sarah just glared and is like “bitch don’t take this from me”
- she was the best looking in the wedding photos rocking her amazing suit btw
- but back to when they’re just bfs
- when they first start being together Davey isn’t really sure what to think because they’re more than friends, but is it right to say Jack’s his boyfriend yet? (they hadn’t even had their first kiss yet)
- so he goes for a few weeks with them just have a few dates (are they dates though???) until Jack calls him his boyfriend in front of the other newsies (because he can register Davey’s apprehensiveness so he makes the first move)
- and Davey is just like ???!!?!!
- “you- you just called me the-the” and he can’t even register at the moment because the heart eyes are strong
- and Jack is just grinning and is just like “yeah, I just called you the b word. That’s okay with you right?”
- And Davey could just melt into a puddle and is internally like “HOLY SHIT WTF WHAT IS GOING ON I AM GOING TO IMPLODE BEFORE I DESERVE THIS NERD” but he just holds Jack’s hand and kisses the top of it and is like “yeah, I consider you my b word too”
- then Race says whispers “my bitch” to Spot and ruins the whole moment
(okay that sounded so awkward with the whole b word thing but I really wanted to make that joke because I love that meme(?) so allow me)
- their first kiss took a lot of time to build up to, but they both wanted to make sure it’d be perfect so it was on their last day of Junior year and they just spend thirty seconds afterwards just staring into each other’s eyes with their foreheads touching while holding the other’s hands
- Katherine takes a picture of the “first kiss aftermath” posts it to instagram (with their permission) with the caption “FINALLY!!!” with a billion heart emojis
- everyone who didn’t know the two were together scream in the comments
- Jack has to make a follow up post of Davey kissing his cheek and him winking with a huge smile of his face with the caption “my boyfriend ❤️”
- Race, ofc, comments “I thought he was your bitch”
- they’re not really into PDA except simple hand holding and small pecks on lips/face every so often
- Jack’s favorite sign of affection is rubbing his thumb along the top of Davey’s hand especially when Davey gets really anxious because it helps him calm down and remember to breathe
- Davey loves to run his hands through Jack’s hair because it is so soft and sometimes Jack won’t cut it for a while and it’ll curl at the ends and Davey loves playing with them
- they usually only do this though when in private or around close friends because they feel like they’re shoving their relationship down people’s throats with obvious actions
- sometimes someone like Finch will fake gag and Katherine will punch him and he won’t do it again because damn Katherine punches hard
- Jack’s favorite dates are when they just order take out and sit on the couch all night to watch movies
- Jack has made Davey’s watch Brother Bear probably 300 times, but while Jack loves every second of the movie, Davey just smiles and powers through
- it is a good movie though (go watch it if you haven’t you are going to cry your eyes out)
- Davey likes to watch the action movies and superhero movies like Marvel
- (they totally went to see Infinity War and Davey was so broken after like he just stayed in bed cuddling with Jack for hours balling his eyes out)
- (then they went to see Ant-man and the Wasp and the cycle repeated)
- Davey’s favorite dates though are packing some sandwiches and apples/chips and just going to the park and having a picnic or going stargazing
- in NYC, they don’t see many stars so for Davey’s birthday, Jack picked him up in the middle of the night once and drove them to the middle of nowhere to stargaze
- for Jack’s birthday, Davey wants to do something special, but isn’t really sure what to do until Sarah gives him an idea
- it’s Jack’s 18th birthday so he gets a big box and fills it up with “18 things I love about you” and Jack cries reading the little notes Davey writes
- it’s things like a box of new color pencils with a note saying “you add so much color to the lives of everyone you meet” and also a fidget spinner with a note taped on saying “once start something, you won’t quit until it’s finished. but you also get annoying pretty quick ;)” so it’s just a bunch of useless junk but the sentiment and thoughtfulness of it is what makes it special
- did I say Jack cried? I meant to say Jack BAWLED
- like some of the little tear marks never came out of the pieces of paper
- when they decide they want to get married, they just kind of propose to each other
- like one night they are just like “hey, here’s a wild idea, but I love you like a lot and want to spend the rest of my days with you so let’s get married”
- and a month later, they surprise each other with rings so they both have engagement rings
- (low key inspired by AKB/Scott Bixby because that shit is adorable)
- but every relationship has to have some turbulence but it took me a while to come up with something because I don’t want these boys to be mad at each other :(
- so first off, they don’t argue long about the stupid stuff because they realized early that none of that is worth it because they make each other happy and that’s rare to come by these days
- but there are some persistent things they argue about ike Davey never taking care of himself (especially during their college days)
- poor boy doesn’t get enough sleep :(
- Jack’s hamartia is the fact that he can’t stand injustice/assholes
- so he’s often come home with a bloody lip or black eye
- Davey understands, but he wishes Jack wouldn’t get himself hurt so much
- (so they basically both have the same problem they just experience it in different ways)
- it’s when Jack calls Davey from jail when they have a big fight
tw: vague attempted sexual assault
- “A bar fight? What the hell, Jack?!”
- it was the worse Davey had ever seen him with his jaw swollen and bruises littering his whole body
- “Not my fault that motherfucker-“
- “You can’t just fight anyone who is rude or is racist! I hate people like that too, but you can’t punch them a few times and expect them to change in an instant. Some fights you just shouldn’t pick!”
- Jack had never seen Davey so mad so he takes a deep breath and reaches through the bars of the holding cell and grabs Davey’s shoulder calmly
- “Dave... the drink was drugged. I saw the guy put somethin in the woman’s drink when I was passin by the bar. I warned her, but then he came up and started makin a scene. Started making him the victim. He practically demanded that I let him take the girl home as if I could give him permission. Poor girl was so shocked and scared, and he wasn’t backin off. It was just me and him for a while and then his buddies showed up. Some other people tried to help me, and then the cops showed up. Fuckers pinned it all on me and I was in here before I could even let a word out.”
- Davey is speechless by Jack’s story and he was pretty sure he fell in love all over again
- “I jus hope that girl’s okay. She was cryin when I was being put into car in handcuffs. The other guy was only brought in for questioning. Said I was the one who started it and they believed me, saying only kids my age would start trouble like that. Apparently he’s a mechanic at the building down the road. Probably gives these cops discounts or somethin. It’s a load of shit if you ask me.”
- “I know, Jack. Let’s just get you out of here so you can heal up. Knowing you, you’ll probably have another black eye soon enough. Have to heal this one up so you don’t keep the next one waiting.”
- when they’re in their car, Davey reaches across and kisses his swollen jaw
- “I’m sorry about yelling at you, I didn’t know. You’re an amazing person, I should’ve known you wouldn’t just get in a random fight.”
tw over
- ahhh they’re so in love!!!!
- the best thing though is that they’re each other’s support systems
- like every night they go to bed and just cuddle and whenever one has had a bad day, the other will just open their arms and hug them and kiss them for as long as they need
- there’s just so much reassurance and small little compliments between the two
- a lot of stuff has happened during their lives and sometimes it just catches up to them, but the other is always there to catch him
- it’s just full of all-rounded, pure-hearted goodness
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