#from the comedic to the serious to the very casual 'yeah this is just a thing that happens sometimes'
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teatitty · 2 months ago
Given that curse based jutsu are a whole subfield of fuuinjutsu in naruto already I'm like genuinely surprised that nobody has used this as the perfect opportunity to do hanahaki fic for KKIR more often. Especially with Iruka getting the curse, since we all make him the seals master anyway. Like, maybe he went on a rare job because nobody could figure out what a thing was and he ends up contracting it himself, or maybe it was an accident [IE: accidentally triggered it while trying to disarm it] or he could've been hit with it during a fight etc etc and I point to Iruka specifically bc we all know he represses his feelings worse than Kakashi does and it'd be very fun to have him Suffer From This and leave Kakashi fretting over him constantly
Iruka takes it all in stride ala "this is a curse and my whole thing is getting rid of them I'm sure I'll figure out a solution Eventually" and then he puts it on the bottom of his list of things to do bc surely it's not that important whoops it got worse haha when did that happen
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jinjeriffic · 1 year ago
I've had a couple of posts cross my dash recently where people lament that a lot of the dpxdc fandom writes characters very OOC and how we're proliferating these characterizations among each other. I figured I'd add my own two cents.
I think the fundamental discrepancy comes from trying to reconcile two canons with vastly different tones.
Danny Phantom is a comedy superhero show operating on cartoon logic. Why do ghost experts Jack and Maddie never realize their own kid is a ghost? Why is the status quo restored at the end of every episode? Why does Danny shoot an ectoblast out of his butt that one time? Because it's funny. It's cartoony action fun where the plot is resolved in 22 minutes, there's never any lasting consequences and it's aimed at kids.
DC meanwhile wants to be taken Seriously. Heroes get beaten within an inch of their life, traumatized, killed and even the good guys do messed up things (often to each other). Yes there's action and puns, but also horrific violence, actions have consequences and it's (mostly) aimed at adults. When a main character dies the comics show their family and friends mourning and things are very dramatic. Even though at this point we, the audience can pretty much expect every death to be undone within 2-5 years of publishing, but I digress.
So how do we, the fanfic/fanart creators reconcile these differences when we make our crossovers? We either make DP more serious and somber, or we make DC more comedic.
Suddenly we have a DP verse where the Fentons' bumbling obliviousness is elevated to serious neglect or outright abuse. The GiW are no longer a minor annoyance, they are a serious threat with genocidal plans and a desire to vivisect the protagonist. When actions have consequences, we imagine Danny as dealing with serious PTSD from having to be a solo superhero and witnessing his family's death that one time (and maybe also getting vivisected). Danny is not just a teen superhero, he's now the Ghost King with serious responsibility on his shoulders.
On the flipside, if we make DC more comedic we tend to exaggerate character traits for comedic effect, focus more on the interpersonal dynamics (especially the Batfam) and have the characters act more casual and silly. Suddenly the Batfam goes from a group of seriously messed up individuals who have trouble communicating with each other and fight all the time to Batdad "Kids if you don't stop killing criminals you won't get dessert ffs" Bruce. Violence is played for laughs instead of taken seriously. Yeah they fight, but they still Love Each Other.
And THIS IS PERFECTLY FINE. It's transformative work! And trying to reconcile these disparate fandoms is hard! Fandom is a labor of love. We do it for free. We do it for our own entertainment. And no one is forcing you to read fics you don't like. DLDR and all that.
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annymation · 1 year ago
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 11- Into The Eye Of A Storm
Chapter 10
The rain was falling down, and thunder could be heard humbling over Rosas.
Aster struggled to free himself from the king's chains that are coming from his staff, but to no avail.
The king just looked down on the star as he held him close to his face, so he began to speak casually:
"So, "Aster" was it? Hehehe I gotta say though, naming yourself just "Star" in Greek? Maybe not your... "Brightest" moment, hum? AH! HA HA HA" The king laughs at his own pun. He completely moved on from the bad mood he was in earlier "OH- I'm on a ROLL today!"
Aster ignores the bad joke as he keeps trying to use his magic to free himself. But their powers aren't responding to him, he's not able to shrink, nor glow brighter, nor unlock the chains, nothing. All he can do is fly and even that feels weaker.
"UGH- Why can't I-"
"Feel your power?" The king finishes their sentence "Dark magic: versatile, easy to use, but somehow oh sooo unappreciated. But I'm sure your magic isn't anything to sneeze at neither, right?" He grabs Aster's face with one hand and makes the star look at him "Care to share a little bit of it? Promise I'll give it back." He says with a very obviously faux gentle tone.
"Yeah right, if you take away my magic you're gonna KILL me!" Aster looks at him furiously.
"Oh you know that? Aw shucks, really thought I could trick ya... But then again" His grin widens "I think you'll come to find that you don't have a choice in the matter"
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Asha is still on the top of the building, even though Aster begged her to run.
Magnifico ignores her like she’s not even there. He’s floating about 2 meters away from where she’s standing.
He’s focused on analyzing the star closely while holding his face “Hmm and what a fascinating form you’ve chosen, it’s like you’re her little hero in cape and everything? How sweet.” He says in a mocking way while pinching his cheek “Though you surely look a lot more… Childlike than I expected, say, how old are you?”
Aster is still fighting but he doesn’t see why not answer the question “Eighteen.”
“18 what, boy? 18 hundred? 18 thousand? Be specific.” The king says nonchalantly.
Aster kinda stops struggling for a second and just gives the king a confused glance “… Well, if you want specifics, I’m 17, but I’m turning 18 in like 2 weeks from now so-”
“Wa-wait you’re serious?” The king interrupts him, staring at him in disbelief. The star nods… Magnifico quickly turns his attention to the girl below them and yells at her in frustration “ASHA! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? MILLIONS OF STARS IN THE SKY AND YOU WISHED UPON A WEAK LITTLE RUNT?! THIS THING IS A BABY” He says while shaking Aster side to side by the chains on his wrists like a rag doll, making the star a bit dizzy.
(A reminder that this man can switch from threatening to comedic at any second and I love it. Like he’s complaining to her like she just got him the wrong pizza toppings.)
“IF THEY’RE NOT WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR THEN LET THEM GO!” Asha exclaims at him, her face is filled with rage.
Magnifico calms down and looks back to the star in his hands like he’s pondering his next move “Hmmmmm… Nah.” He shrugs with a smile “Beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. Besides, this just means he’s too weak to fight back. Isn’t that right, little one?” The king asks with a wicked grin while looking deep into the star’s eyes.
That comment made Aster frown a little.
Even though it’s raining, a few people start gathering bellow where they are to see what’s going on.
Magnifico smiles widely at that. He speaks quietly so just Aster can hear:
“Ooooh looks like we have an audience. Do me a kindness and try to look as defeated and pathetic as you can, okay? I could really use the positive image right now.” Aster has a sad face “Perfect! you’re a natural.” He says like Aster and him are about to perform a scene together in a play.
Asha is looking side to side trying to think on what to do… She notices something on the floor.
The king walks on the air to get few feet down, so his people can better hear him.
(Now let me explain how exactly Magnifico’s flying works, he’s not floating around like Aster does, he’s much more “standing” while underneath his feet there’s a green light, like he just created the steps of a stair. If you watched Onward you know what I mean, it’s exactly like this)
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(So I guess Onward reference, huh, who would’ve thought, a Pixar reference at last, took me long enough.)
“REJOICE MY PEOPLE!” the king exclaims ecstatic “Our little “Wish stealing star” issues have been resolved much earlier than expected!” That got a reaction from Aster, his face became furious once again “Like I said, you can always count on me t-“
Aster screamed on the king’s face “THE ONLY WISH STEALER HERE IS YOU! YOU LYING SNA- HMmH!” The king used his magic to keep the boy’s mouth shut.
“Oh-ho and it’s FEISTY TOO! Heheh- GOOD! I was worried this would be way too easy-“
🪕B L A M🎶
The crowd gasps.
Something just hit the king’s head and made him lose focus on the flying spell. He falls on the floor.
… Asha just threw her Saba’s mandolin on Magnifico’s face, she’s standing on top of the building breathing deeply, relieved that it was a perfect shot.
Aster is free from the chains.
The star doesn’t skip a beat and flies to Asha immediately, holding her in his arms bridal style.
“Hold on tight!” Aster says.
The two fly off in the rain.
We cut to King Magnifico laying face first on the floor.
He didn’t fall from too high up but it was still quite painful.
The crowd is all around him, worried for their king.
Queen Amable rushes to where he is, with some guards pushing the people aside to let her pass.
“DARLING!! OH MY- ANYTHING HURT??” The queen asks genuinely worried, as she sits on her knees next to him.
“… Just my pride.” His voice is muffled, because his face is still laying on the floor. He begins to stand up as he asks “Ugh- quick, how’s my face?” He asks his wife while touching his own face to feel if there’s any injuries.
“As handsome as always, mi rey” The queen coos, caressing his cheek lovingly.
His eyes light up as his excitement returns to him at full force.
“THEN NO HARM DONE!” He exclaims, smiling like a mad man, he’s high on the adrenaline of the hunt.
He stands up quickly to go catch those teens.
“A little bump in the road, sure! But no need for panic everyone!” The king announces to the people around “Just remain in doors and stay calm, things may get a little... Messy hehehe" He chuckles, thinking of all the forbidden and deadly spells he'll finally have an excuse to use.
He uses his staff to run upwards on thin air, he just can't wait to kill those two teens but-
He feels something pulling his cape.
He looks down.
... Amaya is holding his cape, looking at him worriedly... As in, ACTUALLY worried.
He looks at her puzzled, but his eyes for the first time show a gleam of humanity as he looks down on the love of his life.
"... Just... Be careful." She says, glancing at the storm above them.
... Magnus gives her a comforting smile as he removes his cape, it'll be easier to fly without it weighting him down.
He hands the cape to her, whispering softly "I'll be back before you know it."
And up he goes.
Amaya is holding his cape tightly...
She has a bad feeling about this.
Okay, so now you guys might think Asha and Aster successfully skedaddled from the king's grasp because he took too long on the ground, right?
Well I'm sorry to say but you thought wrong. Here's what was happening with our heroes while this was taking place.
Aster is flying with Asha in his arms, they're going back to the forest, his cape leaves a trail of light.
He sounds quite traumatized as he says:
(Vampire stars: stars that sucks the outer layers of material from a companion star, stripping their "bitten" victim down to a mere stellar core.
This is a real thing, and now I'm adding to the lore of wishing stars that there are these evil vampire stars that suck away other wishing star's powers... We have fun here.)
"Welcome to Rosas," (🎶Come on, come this way- sorry) "Where everyone just sees what they want to see." Asha says with a saddened expression. She's looking down on her kingdom as they fly away.
She looks at the castle in the distance...
"Wait... Aster, we gotta go to the castle!" Asha tells him determined
The star stops flying abruptly.
"UUUH Why???" Aster asks her in shock, this is kinda deja vu to that other time she suggested they should run to the castle.
"You can un-curse wishes!" She exclaimed "You un-cursed my wish! We can save A LOT of people if we go in there and you use your magic on as many as you can!"
Now usually Aster would be more than happy to do just that... But he's still a bit shaken by the whole encounter with the king, he's afraid he might catch up to them.
"Asha... I'm not sure we-"
"We can do this, he flies way slower than you, if we hurry we can get there before him." She looks into Aster's eyes, she's full of hope that they can at least save some of her people.
Aster can see her light shining brighter.
"... Then we better hurry." He gives her a trusting smile.
He turns around, flying towards the castle as fast as possible.
As they're reaching the castle, there's indeed no sign of Magnifico.
They get near the window of the wishes room.
"See? Told you we could do it." Asha says with a smile
"Yeah... I guess I am a lot faster than him." He says while flying to get through the window "Now let's do this quick before- OUCH!" Aster hits something when he tries to get in...
There's a green forcefield that manifested on the open window when Aster tries getting through it.
"What th-" Aster tries to hit it to get his hand through but the magic seems to be as strong as concrete, he groans in frustration.
Asha’s smile immediately fell into a scowl.
“oooOOOH SERIOUSLY?!” Asha screams.
“Why, yes. I do take the safety of my people’s wishes very seriously.”
… Take a wild guess on who’s standing behind them with a smug grin…
As soon as Aster hears the king’s voice he JUMPS and flies to the roof of the tower.
He’s holding Asha tightly as he KICKS the roof with his two feet to push himself away from the castle, thus flying away even faster.
Magnifico simply smiles as he uses his staff to once again summons a green hand.
The hand moves quickly through the rain.
Aster is flying as fast as he can but-
The hand catches him.
Asha falls from his arms.
She screams as she falls down.
“NO!” Aster yells in desperation.
Magnifico is now right next to him, smiling maliciously.
“Ah the stars look so pretty when they fall, don’t they?”
Aster’s legs are still free, so he KICKS the staff from Magnifico’s hand, making the king lose focus on the spell.
Aster is freed and flies down almost at the speed of light
It’s a shame the moment was so quick, maybe Aster would’ve noticed Magnifico almost stopped floating when the staff left his hand for a second…
“… That was close…” Magnifico said under his breath
Aster catches Asha in his arms.
“YOU OKAY??” He asks terrified.
“NOPE” She says shaken to her core. Holding him tightly.
Aster weights their options in his head… If they go to to the forest the king is just gonna follow them, he won’t give up on getting his power…
His power.
That’s what the king wants, not Asha.
He’s gonna have to break Rule number 1 again.
“Asha, listen.” The Star calls her attention, sounding more serious than ever “We gonna have to split up again, but I PROMISE I’ll come back before you know it.”
Asha looks at him confused.
His animation looks more sketchy, like it’s unfinished.
“I’ll send you to the forest, very deep into it, so he can’t find you, I’ll just keep him busy for a-“
“NO! You can’t fight him off! You gotta stay AWAY from him.” She’s holding him by the cape.
“I know, but it’s the only way I can keep you safe.”
He lets her go from his arms, making her float with his magic.
“I’ll know where to find you… I’m sorry.”
He stops flying away.
And makes his star dust cary her, flying away deep into the forest.
Asha is looking back at him in the verge of tears.
All Aster can do is sigh.
Time to fight a sorcerer king.
That happens to be right behind him, again.
“You know there are wolves in those woods, right?” Magnifico asks sarcastically as he floats like he's laying down on thin air.
Aster turn around quickly and uses his star dust to make several swords.
He throws them at the king and-
They just disappear into glittery smoke when they touch him.
“PFFT AHAHAHAHAAH STOP IT- I didn’t sign up for a tickle fight! Hahah” Magnifico holds his sides as he laughs
Aster is stunned.
“W-what? How did y-“
The king casted another spell to capture Aster, but this time the star dodges it.
Aster flies upwards.
The king follows with a wicked smile.
Aster doesn't understand, why didn’t that work?... Maybe the king was just expecting it and shielded himself? Yeah. That’s gotta be it.
He tries again, this time trying to do what the king did to him before, creating chains made of star dust to tie him down.
When the chains reach Magnifico, he just dust them off his body with his hand like it’s nothing.
… Aster is pretty peeved to say the least. His animation seems more sketchy and rough.
“HOW IS THIS FAIR? Your dark magic thing makes my powers useless!” Aster exclaims while he flies away from the king.
“Ha! You think THIS is because of my magic?! Boy, come on, I know you’re young, but don’t tell me I actually know more about your kind than YOU do!”
Aster keeps flying away, but he looks back at the king as he asks “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Let me "enlighten you", little one.”
He charges up a lightning spell.
“Your magic is made out of… JOY!
Aster manages to dodge the lightning.
Aster barely managed to escape the second one
Aster didn’t dodge this last one. Their chest has a hole in it now…
That didn’t feel like that time Valentino jumped through him, this actually hurts... A lot.
Magnifico takes the opportunity to capture him again, this time tying him up with a snake made out of green magic.
Aster doesn’t have time to react before he’s wrapped in the snake’s grip.
There's the sound of thunder near them.
Magnifico approaches him slowly, now that the boy is held still in one place.
“And those things- Well, they can’t really hurt anyone, now can they? Heh heh” Magnifico is now flying right next to the star “So... I’m afraid there's little you can do to defend yourself, or anyone else.” He makes a little pout as if to fake pity.
… Aster never knew his magic couldn’t hurt others… Then again, hurting others was never something that crossed his mind before he met this man.
“… If it’s only made of good things then… Why do you want it so bad?” Aster asks
Magnifico’s eyes light up with the question.
“Oooh because it just needs to be wielded by the RIGHT person, my boy. Yes, in you, this magic is very limited because your heart is pure… But in me and my beloved queen however… We’ll be able to do ANYTHING.” He leans in closer to look at the star straight in the eyes as he adds “And that includes hurting the petulant little brat that wished upon you~”
Aster feels a chill run down his whole body. He couldn’t let that happen.
He tried to struggle out of the snake's grip.
Magnifico is amused by the star's determination.
“Heh heh stubborn just like her, aren’t you?”
“Now what are you blabbering about insp- … Wait” Magnifico looks at nothing as he starts connecting the dots “Don’t tell me- That little performance you two were doing at the plaza…” a smile starts creeping in his face, and he starts trying to hold in a laugh “was -pffff- waS THAT AN ATTEMPT TO- HAHAH TO “INSPIRE” THOSE PEASANTS?!” The king has a maniacal smile.
… Aster doesn’t respond, he just avoids eye contact.
“*GASP* IT WAS! WASN’T IT?! OH- HAHAHAHAH” He lets out an evil laugh that echoes through the storm.
Aster tries not paying attention to what Magnifico says.
He tries looking at anything else, the rain, the lightning strikes in the distance, the king's staff...
“OH- oh that’s hahha! That’s too good! OH and let me guess, that was YOUR idea, wasn’t it?!”
Aster already muted Magnifico's voice in his head, he looks closely to the staff... It seems to be made of...
Aster hears another thunder.
The boy has a realization… This man is not smart.
Said man holds the star’s face, so he looks at him in the eyes.
“And here I was expecting that the girl got some WISE and MIGHTY guide from the sky! But NOPE! All she got was YOU, a naive little boy that doesn't know ANYTHING about how the world works!" The king has a deranged grin ear to ear as his grip on the boy's face tightens.
"Did you actually think that SINGING and DANCING would change ANYTHING?! Honestly, how much of a FOOL are you?!"
The star's face crescents into... A smile.
And the king hear's something that he REALLY didn't expect to hear from the boy.
"...pffft hihihi hi hi he- hehe heeh he heh ahah aahha aha ha HAHAH HAHAHAHA HAHAHA AHAAAHHAHAAHHAHHAHA"
The star boy is just laughing… It’s a youthful and free spirited laugh.
Magnifico's evil glee is replaced by bewilderment. He blinks a few times as the boy keeps laughing in his face.
... Did he just break this kid?... Already? After just knowing him for less than an hour?... Well, that sure is a new record for the king.
Magnifico looks frustrated as he asks "What's so funny?"
Aster calms down, and simply looks at the king with a playful smile as he explains
"Hehe oh nothing it's just that- heh heh yeah, I may be a fool but..." Aster's smile turns into cheeky smirk, and there's a gleam of mischief in his eyes as he says confidently:
"At least I'm not the IDIOT that brought a stick made of copper... Into the eye of a storm."
Magnifico's eyes widens.
And at the same time that realization hits him... Something else hits him too.
And all he has time to say is:
"Oh no-"
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(hahahaAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH aaaah… I waited 11 chapters to write this by the way.)
The king’s staff is hit by a lightning bolt, sending shockwaves through his body.
A painful scream echos above the Kingdom of Rosas.
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The queen exclaimed in horror.
... Just as she feared... He got carried away.
Needless to say, Aster’s body is freed from the king’s grasp. The boy watches as the man plummets along with the rain drops.
Aster isn’t smiling anymore, even he is shaken by what just happened, even though he saw it coming.
But he has no time to dwell on this now, he has a friend to find in the forest. So off he goes, leaving a trail of star dust behind him, like a shooting star.
But we’ll be focusing on Asha and Aster’s reencounter in the next chapter.
Now. Let’s focus our attention on what’s happening down in Rosas.
We see the bare foots of the queen running franticly through the dampened streets of her kingdom, she left her high heels behind her.
She's lifting her long skirt up so she can run faster.
Her hair is soaked and messy... Her crown falls on the ground.
She doesn't care, the crown doesn't matter, nothing matters. All that matters to her is finding him.
She’s desperate. An emotion never yet displayed by the relentless queen before.
The guards are trying to keep up with her, as well as other citizens.
She sees people gathered in a circle, the queen pushes through them violently to find what they’re all looking at.
“OUT OF MY WAY!” She yells, her voice is a high pitched screech full of anguish.
The people quickly let her through as they realize who she is.
Amaya finally gets through the people to find…
King Magnifico is laying face first on the floor. Just like before.
“MAGNUS!" The queen runs to his body and hugs it.
He must have used a protection spell, right? He just want to make the star look worse in the eyes of their people, right? Yes, that has to be it.
She tries to take some deep breaths while holding him.
"I-I'm here my love... You may rise now"
No response.
"... Mi vida?... This isn't funny... I know you used a spell to shield yourself... Didn't you?"
She's still not facing him, his face is still laying down on the floor.
A guard approaches from behind her
"... Your highness, we must take the king to the doctor at once-"
"NO- NO HE- he's alright, he-he's just being dramatic, like always ah haha right, my love?"
She starts turning his body so she can see his face.
"Co-come on Magnus, you wouldn't want to keep our people-" She sees his face, a few people in the crowd gasp "... Waiting"
There's a scar.
The king's left eye has a huge scar.
Amaya caresses his face.
She hesitates as she places a hand on his chest...
She can't feel a heart beat.
His cold heart stopped.
The king is dead.
Final Thoughts
OOOOH I'M KIDDING HAHAHA- this isn't the end of the chapter yet :)
But it could be the ending though, right?
I mean, the villain died, Aster even gave a cheeky smile and a final line the likes of "And everything that comes with it" from Alladin.
In a Disney movie, you defeat the villain and the story can wrap up, right?
What more there is to it?
... Well, this rewrite is meant to feel like a proper Disney 100th anniversary movie, so this ain't your typical Disney movie.
And King Magnifico is supposed to the 100th anniversary Disney villain, so he ain't your typical Disney villain.
No... He has something that no other villain in the Disney pantheon had.
He has love.
And what is love?
Love is, and always will be, the most powerful thing on earth. That's what Disney taught us for 100 years.
So... What happens when the villains have love?
This is what I think happens:
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Queen Amable’s eyes widen as it becomes undeniably clear… Magnus is dead.
... The rain now is dying down, becoming a drizzle...
She hears the sound of her people mourning for their king, crying and lamenting the tragedy.
She would not mourn. To mourn would be to accept that he's gone. And she knows him well enough to know that's not what he'd want. No.
She would never give up on him.
All this time she was worried about what these people would think of them, and now here they are, pathetically crying and moaning... They are weak...
She and her beloved don't need them. They never did. All they need is one another. It no longer mattered to her what they thought of her. It no longer mattered if they became afraid of her. It no longer mattered if they didn't love her anymore.
HIS love is all the love she needs.
And so, in this moment. She didn't care in the slightest about showing aaaaall these people... Why in the past they weren't kidding when they called her, well...
A witch.
Amaya suddenly get's up. Surprising the people around with how quickly she did so.
She RIPS the second layer of her long dress, revealing that inside there were many hidden pockets, each one with a small flask of colorful potions that she caries around for emergencies... Such as this.
The crowd gasps in surprise, they all stare at the queen in confusion.
She takes two of the flasks and begins mixing them, her face is cold and focused:
"Phoenix ashes mixed with two drops of scarab beetle juice" The queen says to herself under her breath.
She takes another flask from her skirt
"Newt saliva to heal the heart" She empties the flask and throws it on the ground, breaking it.
Another guard tries to talk to her:
"Uh- umm your majesty what are y-"
"Silence." She tells him, her tone is as sharp as a dagger.
She proceeds to name another ingredient.
"A tear of grief." She says as she takes one tear from her eye, and it really is one single tear.
She stops for a moment as if to remember the next ingredient... She remembers.
Her face turns to the confused citizens and shouts:
"I NEED A CHILD WITH LONG HAIR! NOW!" Her voice echoes, almost louder than the thunder from the storm.
The people are startled, their queen is usually so quiet and gentle, seeing her like this is like seeing a whole different person.
"He-here!" A woman emerges from the crowd holding her daughter, a little girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.
(Because you bet I'll fit in a Tangled reference in this serious and tense scene)
The queen walks quickly to the girl and plucks a strand of hair, which the girl responds with a little "Ow!"
Amaya measures the hair strand with her fingers
"... This will give him about 10 years... Good enough." She says to herself as she puts the hair inside the flask.
A puff of smoke comes out from the flask... The potion is ready.
... It won't be long now.
She walks to her beloved husband, holding the potion in her hands.
She sits next to him... She pets his hair as she looks at his lifeless but still gorgeous face, scar and all. She looks at him with a wistful smile and...
She drinks the potion.
The crowd looks in shock.
Amaya coughs a few times, by the looks of it the potion tasted terrible... But it would be worth it.
She looks back to her king and says in a whisper
"And now, the most important step... True love's kiss."
She kisses him.
The people in the crowd look hopeful, everyone has read in fairytales what a true love's kiss is.
... But Amaya's magic isn't the same as the magic of a fairy... Oh no no no. When it comes to dark magic, you can't simply gain something for free... All dark magic does is take. And it does take something away from Amaya... Something she values a lot.
As she kisses their king, the people start to notice something is happening to their queen...
Her hair get's whiter, with a prominent white hair streak growing from her roots and embracing her whole braided hair.
(Because you bet I'll ALSO reference Anna's hair, from Frozen!)
Not only that, but her hands and face become more wrinkled.
... The queen is aging rapidly.
The people look horrified, worried they might get their king back but lose their queen
(And let me tell ya folks, that would be a TERRIBLE thing to happen because then our boy King Mag would straight up kill everyone in Rosas and then himself... Again.)
But the queen suddenly stops the kiss, she lifts her head up taking deep breaths, exhausted after giving away 10 years of her life to her love...
She looks 60 years old now.
... The king is still motionless...
The crowd is staring in anticipation.
Magnifico's eye's are shot open.
He sit's up quickly as he coughs while gasping for air.
"Shhhhh there there darling, just take some deep breaths now" The queen coos gently, her previous cold hearted demeanor vanished in an instant, and she's once again the kind and loving queen they all know her to be.
The crowd cheers and applauds the queen for successfully bringing the king back to life.
And said king is... Very lost on what on earth just happened, as he places a hand on his head and his eyes are closed, he seems to be in a lot of pain.
"UGhhh... My head-"
"Does it hurt? I can make something to help with that... Healing your face however, may prove to be more of a challenge." The queen says while petting his back.
The king's eyes widen at the comment, he quickly turns to look at his wife for the first time since he came back to life
"What's that about my fa- *gasp*" He get's startled when he sees HER face.
His queen is changed... She's smiling at him, which show even more all her new wrinkles... The white hair streak is very noticeable on her crown-less messy and soaked wet hair.
Magnifico stares at her incredulous... He starts connecting the dots in his head, as he also remembers what happened to him...
"... Amaya... What did you do?" He says as he places a hand on her cheek gently. His eyes are full of worry.
The queen stops smiling... She instinctively tries covering her face with her hands.
Magnus immediately holds her hands, as he looks her deep in the eyes and reassures her "You are... And ALWAYS will be the fairest queen of all, and no curse in this world or any other can change that for me." He says with certainty.
... Even though it's raining, by the queen's expression it's clear that she teared up with that comment.
The king wraps his arms around her gently, like she could turn into dust at any moment.
"... I'm so sorry that I failed you... This never EVER should've happened... But I swear to you, my love" His voice goes cold "I will not fail you... Ever again."
... He would not let himself get carried away again...
That girl is going to pay.
And that star will be theirs.
King Magnifico realizes they're still being watched... They'll continue this tender moment later. Now, he better make the most of the situation, after all, him being literally MURDERED by the star boy certainly helps his side of the narrative.
The king tries to get up but his legs are still feeling a bit numb, his body is still getting used to the fact that it's up and running again. Two guards help him stand up. And they also hand him his magic staff that was laying next to him
Magnifico is now standing up with his wife holding him tightly.
He takes a deep breath to start one of those long and inspiring speeches of his:
"People of Rosas... It seems even I underestimated just how vicious the enemy we're facing really is... The fallen star thought he could kill the heart of this kingdom, but as you can all see, this HEART is still beating! And it shall remain like this for many years to come!" The king says proudly.
The people cheer in unison. Some saying "Long live the king".
... Probably not the best time for Amaya to tell him she could only give him more 10 years soooo he's not getting past 65.
"Rosas shall never fall! For we are the kingdom of HOPE! And NO force in this world can stop-"
The king's speech is cut short, as the queen starts coughing and her legs go weak.
"Woah woah Amaya?" Magnifico looks worried as he holds her closer to him, stopping her from falling.
The people gasp in surprise
The king holds her close to him and whispers "Heh heh no need for theatrics my love, th-they're already on our side" Magnifico says, hoping the queen is just being dramatic to gain even more sympathy from them.
"... It's not pretending" She whispers to him "I feel... Weak."
(If this was a movie, the whole internal dialogue that will happen now, as well as Amaya's internal dialogue that happened earlier, would be just their expressions changing from worried to serious in a few seconds, and just by their expressions and the music the audience would be able to tell that this is a "Oh, they snapped" moment)
Only in that moment Magnus really starts to process what just happened.
He... DIED.
Just like that... He could've left her... Alone... Forever.
And why did he die?... Because he wanted to impress these people. He wanted to make a big spectacle about capturing that star. They made him weaker.
Not only that, but their love and loyalty was flimsy. It took only ONE GIRL speaking in front of a crowd for some people to start questioning him... Clearly, he and his queen are doing this all wrong.
All this time, pretending and deceiving to gain the love of these people, so they'd trust him with their wishes... But the situation changed. Once he harness that star's power, they'll have no use for these people anymore, will they?
So why be loved... When they can be feared?
It's not like he needs their love anyway.
HER love is all the love he needs.
And so, in this moment. He didn't care in the slightest about showing aaaaall these people... Why he wasn't chosen to be the heir to the throne.
The king's face morphs from worried to stoic, as he caresses his wife's hair gently.
The people are looking at him, expecting him to continue the speech.
But instead, Magnifico addresses one specific guard that is standing next to some others
"Captain O'Danohue." The king's voice is emotionless, he's still looking down to his wife while talking to the soldier.
The captain steps forward.
"Yes sire." The captain is a tall and large man with a beard and ginger hair just like Simon's
"Where did that star and that girl go?" Magnifico is still not making eye contact with the man
"They were seen flying to the forest, your majesty."
"Good, good. Send all your men to search for them immediately."
"Right away, your majesty. Do not worry, we'll-"
"And if they're not found til tomorrow night your men will burn that whole forest down." The king added, still talking monotonously.
That gets a few surprised looks from the people around them
The captain of the royal guard is taken aback by this "... Pardon me sire but I think I misun-"
The king finally takes his eyes off his wife to look at the captain with a bored expression "They can't hide in a forest if there's no forest, now can they?" He says like it's just common sense
The captain is perplexed "But- But what about the people that live there? There are houses in the woods."
"They have till tomorrow night to leave then." The king said simply "But of course, if that sounds too hard for you I can burn it down myself." Magnifico shrugs.
The people look shocked... The island's forest has been considered sacred for generations.
The king adds
"Oh, and speaking of "leaving", have your men also burn and destroy all the boats at the docks... No one get's in or out this kingdom until we find that star, was I clear?" He says while looking at the people around him this time.
Simon's father is speechless for a moment... The king seems to have lost his mind, but that's understandable, right? He died a few minutes ago.
The soldier tries to snap him out of it:
"My liege, with all due respect, I don't think-"
"Due respect?" Magnifico interrupts him once again, this time with a hint of anger creeping in his voice "I think you misunderstand captain. You all OWE ME all the respect you can possibly give, not only as your KING, but also as the one who MADE YOU who you are." He doesn't even raise his voice much, those words echo in the hearts of all the citizens that had their wishes granted "I didn't grant your wish of becoming my knight for you to THINK, O'Danohue, I did it for you to OBEY... Was I clear?" The king asks again.
The captain goes stiff.
He bows down to the king as he says "Crystal clear, your majesty."
... A sinister smile finally returns to the king's now scared face.
"There you go, that's a lot easier, isn't it?" The king says condescendingly.
That felt good... He should've done this a long time ago.
He looks down to his queen that he has been holding in his arms this whole time, she's looking up to him, also smiling wickedly.
They're on the same page, they won't pretend to be something they're not anymore.
That girl thought that truth would set these people free? Oh... They're more trapped than ever.
They both turn to look at their frightened and confused subjects.
The king’s glares at them as he says "... I believe it’s quite obvious what will happen to anyone who dares helping the traitor and the star" The green gem on the king's staff starts glowing "Right?"
The crowd all shakes their heads "Yes" quickly, as they know this is a threat.
The gem slowly stops glowing.
"Wonderful, that will be all then." He lifts the staff upward to hit it on the ground "And remember, Rosas... Just keep wishing." He has a subtle smile, this phrase is what he always says at the end of Wish ceremonies.
He hits the floor, creating a huge cloud of green smoke that engulfs him and Amaya, they teleport to the palace.
(I was gonna write Magnifico's reaction to his new scar... Buuuut I think I'll keep that off screen, I think you guys can imagine how he felt about it.)
The people of Rosas are at a loss.
Some think the king just went insane and it's all thanks to that star.
Other's think that he's right to take desperate measures to handle this threat.
And a few are now starting to realize that maybe they've been lied to this whole time and the king has always been a bad person.
No one is quite sure what to think of this.
Except for a certain group of teens... And a goat.
Who went inside to get cover from the rain just before the king went after Aster... So they didn't see the whole ordeal that just happened.
But they have seen enough to know exactly what side they're choosing to be on... Knowing what they know now.
Note that I didn't say how many teens are in that group.
Chapter 12
Final Thoughts
(for real this time)
... So ummmm... That was a lot, wasn't it? hahaha
I swear next chapter will be all about Asha and Aster and there will be WHOLESOME VIBES... After some sad vibes first.
Yeah, they gotta have a little heart to heart BUT it'll be more chill than THIS whole thing that just happened. In fact, from this point forward things should get a little bit more calm... For a while.
But now speaking on this chapter-
I usually don't say this, but ummm if I see fanart of King Magnifico with a scar on his left eye and Queen Amable looking older with a white hair streak it would be so awesome, it would be so cool... Just saying I would go insane, even more than I already am.
And the way I came up with this plot point weeks ago literally is the funniest thing, here's how my thought process went:
I want the confrontation in chapter 10 to feel tense... I'll say it's a cloudy day... Clouds bring rain... And rain brings a storm... And storms brings lightning... And lightning kills Disney villains... I'll kill Magnifico because he had it too good for too long. He needs to take an L. His actions have consequences.
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But seriously though, THIS is a big turning point for the villains.
Initially, they just wanted Aster's power for the sake of wanting it, because it would be fun to have it... Now? Now it's a NEED.
It's a need because they need immortality, Magnifico had a taste of his own mortality, and Amaya is older and weaker, they NEED to have that magic so they can live together forever. Have their happily EVER after, so to speak.
To me that feels more unique and compelling than just "We want power... Even though we already got it."
And speaking of Aster CAREFUL BOY! YOUR PETER PAN SIDE IS SHOWING!!! That laugh Aster let out is supposed to feel like a Peter Pan laugh by the way.
Yeah writing Aster and Magnifico's dynamic was SO MUCH FUN like wooooow you guys have no idea. It's Captain Hook and Peter Pan, it's Alladin and Jafar, it's Hercules and Hades, I wanna fit in all those vibes!!!
But let's address the elephant in the room... So true love's kiss, huh?
I just think it would be HILARIOUS if Disney not only gave us a villain couple for the first time ever... BUT ALSO USED THEM TO PROVE THE POINT THAT TRUE LOVE IS POWERFUL AS HECK.
I mean, they've shown us that
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And over
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So I think having this classic trope happen, BUT TWIST IT in your 100th anniversary movie, would be pretty neat ya know? like, I think, you guys tell me, I don't know 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, this chapter was LOOOONG and full of emotions, mostly tense ones, but things are gonna chill a bit with Asha and Aster on the next one, I promise!
As always
Thank You For Reading!
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lawqual1ty · 1 year ago
Why...? (College AU! Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader)
Pov: Hanging out with some of your mutual friends results in you having a new doubt that racks your brain for a bit... Unfortunately (or not) thanks to a twist in fate you end up having to be attended by your roommate where finally your questions are answered...
I got the idea thanks to me actually going through the same thing rn
This is a part 2 following the story line of this fic! Since so many people seemed to want more and who am I to say no?
Warning: Sort of angsty (I was feeling sad sorry), Hurt to comfort, Migraine, curse words
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"Say what now...?" You stopped stirring your coffee with your straw as you looked flabbergasted at the two guys sitting in front of you.
Sachi and Penguin nodded as they looked at you with a same level of shock while Bepo just seemed a tad bit confused by the situation, although judging by his worried eyes it was pretty serious.
"Yeah... He never lets anyone hang around him when he's studying..." Sachi started, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Or worse let them touch him..." Penguin added with a small sweat drop rolling down his temple.
Your brain took an awkwardly long time to process everything... You kept going back and forth between their words and the memories you had shared with Law during these two years that you had been roommates. Something didn't seem right, although yeah he wasn't the warmest or openest guy in the universe he was never very shut off to you... Going from casual hang outs while you two studied to you sometimes helping him out with caring for his tattoos after the previous shirtless incident (you grew used to seeing him bare chested as he began asking you for help with placing some hydrating creams or sunscreen on his back tattoo). Silence surrounded the three of you as you slowly narrowed your eyes in almost a comedic manner.
"You're lying..."
They yelped making both you and Bepo flinch with wide eyes as the poor bear started apologizing profusely while you patted him on the back, he could be quite the fragile guy sometimes, although it was adorable. You looked back at Sachi and Penguin with a confused look.
"But then... Why is it different with me? I guess it's because I'm his roommate right...?" You were reasoning more with yourself than with the two males, you turned your head over to Bepo with a furrowed expression "He's your best friend right? He must let you do that same stuff because he trusts ya'..."
Bepo looked over at you for a minute before gently shaking his head "Not one bit..." His demeanor then turned apologetic as you flinched at his words "Sorry"
You couldn't help but sigh as you kept gently stroking his back "Don't be..."
"That's what we're telling you! It's super rare..." Penguin started out as he tapped his fingers on the table only making you grunt further as you squeezed your eyes shut "There's something weird going on here... Maybe something..."
Although you had your eyes closed you could sense how both Sachi and Penguin looked over at each other with a creepy blushing face, the faintest scent of blood coming out of their nostrils making you sigh deeply "Don't..."
They gently stopped although you had a feeling that the idea of it being because of "something else" never left their mind as they started giggling on their own. You rubbed the temple of your nose as you tried to process everything, the mere idea of what you considered to be normal in Law now being rare raised so much questions which, based on your previous experience, know they were going to go unanswered...
One thing to know about having Law as your roommate is that he usually kept a lot of fitness stuff around, being a medicine student he cares a lot about his health together with yours so it wasn't unusual to find some stuff organized to the side of the room where he usually worked out when he had time. You occasionally used some of the equipment since he convinced you to... Much to your complaints, but it's something you have slowly gotten used to.
One of these mechanisms was a bar that was placed at the top of the door frame that lef to the kitchen, it should be perfectly safe if it wasn't for the fact that well it wasn't screwed onto the door... It just was placed there, it had never given you much of a problem until today.
You just got back to your dorm with an exhausted sigh, you kept on pondering about the conversation you just you had with Sachi and Penguin... A confused glint in your eyes as you processed their words about you and Law... You had never seen his behavior as unusual so for them to say it's rare out of the blue sure caught you off guard. You dropped your keys on the key bowl (as you liked to call it) with a loud exhale, the sound of the keys clanking being a clear signal that you could finally relax... Or well...
"I need to study..." You muttered to yourself with a soft grunt, you never got to really catch a break... And honestly it was nerve-wracking...
You walked towards the kitchen to get something to snack on while you studied hoping the small treat would keep your sleepless ass awake in some way shape or form, you were in a pretty grumpy mood so you didn't pay much mind at your surroundings as you leaned a hand on the door frame.
Out of nowhere you heard a loud thud and felt your mind go numb for a moment... You froze, not out of shock but rather because you couldn't move, your body didn't seem to respond at all... You looked at the ground and saw what had produced the loud thud, it was the weird bar thing on top of the kitchen door. As soon as you gained consciousness you started to feel a sharp pain at the top of your head, your vision began to get blurry with tears as the pain was changed from a sharp sting to a numbing rumble that made you dizzy, you didn't want to move at all... Finally everything clicked in your brain: The bar had fallen on your head.
You didn't yelp, you didn't move... You just... stood there trying your fucking hardest to keep yourself a foot, luckily you weren't alone at the time... A loud pair of footsteps came running over to you, Law had heard the loud thud and made its way to you in an instant, you raised your eyesight to meet his... Your eyes blurring with tears as the pain turned into a sharp migraine.
"Ouch..." Those were the only words you could utter as you tried your best to chuckle so that the scene didn't look all that bad, unfortunately for you Law had never been one to fall for your strong acts... If anything he grunted as he gently approached you and with a steady hand touched your head gently, the sudden contact made you jolt away, or well as best as you could in your state, as his skin felt weird against yours... That was never a good sign. He silently looked at you with a stern expression as he analyzed the scene.
"Did the bar fall on you?" His words came out in a concerned yet gentle tone. You nodded, words didn't come out of your mouth and if they did they were a muttering mess, he frowned.
"Do you feel like puking?" You shook your head
"I just..." You paused for a bit, the mere fact of taking seeming like a struggle "Migraine..." You spoke as best as you could, he gently took your arm and guided you to the table for you to sit down "Just stay here... I'll go get something"
He headed off and before you realized he was gone he brought a pill with him together with some water and an ice pack, he offered you the pill and you silently took it... The act of kindness made your tears start to roll down your cheeks in rivers and rivers of salty water, why were you being so sensitive? Was it because of the strike? You had no clue, you just placed the pill in your mouth and washed it down with the water, you suddenly felt a ting of coldness at the top of your head finding yourself with Law who stood really close to you as he placed the ice pack on the spot the bar had fallen on you "This should calm down the pain..." He spoke gently as he looked at you with a furrowed expression, your eyes never left him as a comfortable silence surrounded the two of you... The pain was still there but it was no longer unbearable, the one thing that was a bit annoying to you was how much you were crying... Your mind was racing, going between being completely blank and drowned in pain to being fully covered in weird thoughts about you wanting for Law to stop caring for you that much... Why would he do such a thing? Oh right he's a medicine student... This is normal work for him right? Right...? Then why did it hurt...? You hated feeling vulnerable... You got back to blank thoughts as you played with the glass of water and took a few sips. A caring hand took you out of your trance as it wiped a few of your tears away, gently squeezing your cheeks as it did so... You turned to face the one responsible for such gentle care, finding yourself with those grey eyes that confused you so much... They somehow looked so much... Warmer than usual, almost as if you were a delicate piece of pottery that he really appreciated and wanted to fix as best as he could without breaking it further, you couldn't help but cry more.
"Why...?" You muttered catching his attention
Your lips started trembling, the words not coming out of your mouth as you kept crying.
"Why... Are you so nice to me...?" Your words came out in shaky breaths, your lips trembling as you started crying even more than before... A sense of fear surrounding you as you waited for his answer in between whimpers and hiccups, his eyes widened at your question, you were never one to go ask this kind of stuff and it was rare seeing you in this state. He sighed deeply as he kept his hand on your head with an ice pack.
"You remember when you asked me how I was single...?" He looked away as he spoke, you were surprised... You thought he would have forgotten about that moment but it seems it made quite the impact on him, much to your luck, You just nodded... He took a deep breath before continuing. "Well... It's mainly because I never found a reason for me to be nice to others... Some people could be nerve-wracking in my opinion so I just never thought much of actually dating someone..."
You listened to him attentively as you saw the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, almost as if remembering this amused him, he paused for a moment... His eyes gently closed shut as he thought about his next words and actions, he slowly fluttered them open and looked at you in the eyes but there was something... Different in his gaze... You noticed a small hint of warmth behind those cold grey eyes, it was odd, you assumed your brain was starting to hallucinate thanks to the hard hit from the bar but you had a gut feeling it wasn't the case...
He parted his lips to speak once more, his breathing soft as he looked at you "But then you came... And... Although you were pretty irritating at first I got to enjoy your presence..." He chuckled ever so slightly "I even got worried about you whenever you... Got hurt..."
Your eyes started watering even more... He wasn't usually the one to talk so for him to be so open about it all was... New... It was almost as if he had rehearsed this a thousand times before he talked to you but didn't feel ready until he saw you so vulnerable and felt obliged to do so... To finally open up, to finally show himself bare to you. He took another deep yet shaky breath, he seemed to get even more nervous the more he spoke... Like there was a truth behind his words that he wasn't quite ready to admit, a level of fear that covered his heart as he laid it bare with doubt.
"I just... Didn't want to lose you..." He spoke gently, a soft tear drop rolling down his cheek as he looked away into the distance... Your eyes widened in shock.
"You have... Lost someone already haven't you...?"
He looked at the ground and you regretted your words immediately.
"I'm sorry..."
"I did..." He looked back at you "That's why I acted like a coward in front of you... Always caring but never..."
He stopped in his tracks, his words getting stuck in his throat, you felt a sharp sting in your heart as you looked at him... Something in your gut told you he felt the same way as he saw you get hurt and cry... Your shaky lips parted slightly.
"Is that... Why you're so kind to me...?" You looked up at him "Because you're scared...?"
He chuckled gently "Not just because of that..." He admitted with a soft yet sad smile "You have a knack of getting into people's hearts... And unfortunately I was no exception..."
He gently turned to face you with a warm smile, you must be hallucinating already... There was no way he was smiling to you that way... Was there...?
"I fell for you, Y/N..." His words struck your heart strings, if you could move you would have jolted up but you were still kinda numb thanks to your headache... All you could do was stare in disbelief. There were no formalities in his words, his usual '-ya' was not added at the end of your name... Making it all the more... Close... You felt your heart beat rapidly.
Slowly but steadily your lips started shaking even more as you felt like crying your whole heart out, trying your best to hold it in you bit your lower lip as you let out a few hiccups and whimpers... But alas you weren't that strong... You bawled your eyes out as Law stared at you warmly... He froze for a moment not really knowing how to proceed, with a hesitant hand he pulled you closer to him letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you cried everything you had inside...
"It's okay... I'll stay with you..." He spoke gently as he stroked your back lovingly, now his touch didn't feel so foreign in your skin...
He loved you... He really did...
And you loved him...
You loved each other...
You kept crying on his shoulder for what felt like an eternity, snot and tears ruining his hoodie as you kept trying your best to compose yourself... You wanted to talk... You wanted to yell out to him that you loved him too, you really did... But your headache didn't allow you to do so... You only had the strength to cry, not that Law minded at all... He loved being your pillar of support.
You sniffled as your crying came to a stop (at least for a bit) slowly incorporating yourself, the gentle taps of Law's hands on your back giving you a level of reassurance that made you be able to ground yourself...
"I..." You started out gently "I have fallen for you too, Law... Heck I think I did for longer..." You started chuckling nervously as your hand tried to clumsily dry up your cheeks, to no avail "But I... I was a coward... Fuck... Still am!"
You admitted with a sort of bright smile, Law looked at you with wide eyes before chuckling gently... You almost started blabbering your thoughts, unlike him you didn't take much time to think what you were going to say... You just spoke your heart out, and right now it turned out even messier than usual thanks to your dizzy brain... He rolled his eyes with an amused smile, not that you could notice in between your rambles, and then leaned closer to you...
Silence once more surrounded the two of you as he made you freeze... Not with a glare... Not with words... But with the gentle graze of his lips on yours.
You felt like crying again...
You didn't move... You just drowned in the feeling of his warmth against you... His lips stroking yours in a gentle and loving kiss that none of you realized how much you needed it until it happened... All your emotions, your truth, your hearts... Laid there, bare, a show of love and acceptance for only the two of you to witness...
You gently closed your eyes as the kiss dragged out for longer. He slowly pulled away and smiled at you with a hint of red in his cheeks.
"Did I answer your question now?" He asked with a playful tone, you froze for a moment only to laugh, he sure liked being sarcastic even in moments like these huh? You hugged him by the neck, a soft smile grazing your lips...
"You sure did..."
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months ago
A/N: This just popped into my head. I couldn't help it. Needed some comedic relief before I dropped the angst one shot which I'm still working on.
Imagine Dustin having the gall to jokingly tell Nancy Wheeler that she needs permission from Robin to date Steve again. Nancy just gives him an icy stare to mess with him. He just sort of stumbles back into Jonathan, who also decides to mess with him and asks why he thought it was okay to push his girlfriend and ex-boyfriend back together. Practically sweating buckets now, Dustin stutters incoherently before Jonathan laughs.
"You mess with Nancy, and we mess with you too," Jonathan said as Nancy laughed. "I guess that would mean I would need Robin's permission too."
"Wait. . .are you still messing with me?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, well. . .about the whole permission thing, anyway," Jonathan said. "We're very serious about Steve."
"Or are we?" Nancy asked with a gasp.
"Guess you'll never know," Jonathan said.
"Are you both dating my babysitter or not?!" Dustin asked with his hands on his hips.
"Depends, who's your babysitter?" Nancy asked mockingly.
"You know damn well who - " Dustin was cut off by Steve entering the picture.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Dustin wants to know who you're dating," Nancy said with a grin and winked.
"Oh! OH! Well, Argyle, obviously, have you seen his hair?" Steve asked.
"Yes, yes, it's gorgeous! Steve, how long has this been going on?" Dustin asked with a scowl.
"So, you're bothered that I kept this a secret but not about the fact that I'm dating a man?" Steve asked.
"Are you still my big brother?" Dustin scoffed.
"Yes?" Steve asked in confusion.
The door to the kitchen had just opened. Will stood in the doorway, looking shocked as Nancy and Jonathan.
"Then, of course, I don't care. I never cared about what gender someone was before. It's always been about what's in here!" Dustin exclaimed, pounding on his chest. "My first crush when I got to Hawkins was Will!"
"What?!" Will asked.
"Oh, hey, Will," Dustin said casually and turned to face Steve. "Anyway, I'm happy for you."
"That's always been for me too," Nancy said, pointing at her chest.
"Cool," Dustin said, grinning.
"Okay, thank you for telling us," Steve said softly. "I kind of feel bad, though. I'm not actually dating Argyle."
"Oh, well, do you still like men?" Dustin asked.
"And women," Steve replied.
"Then thank you for telling me," Dustin said.
Steve shared a look with Nancy and Jonathan. They looked at each other for a moment before smiling softly at Steve and nodding. Robin entered at that moment.
"But I am dating Jonathan and Nancy," Steve revealed.
"What?!" Robin and Will exclaimed.
"Robin, you already knew that," Nancy said.
"Oh, right," Robin said.
"Did you know I used to have a crush on Will?" Dustin asked.
"No the fuck I didn't," Robin said. "Tell Uncle Robin all about it!"
She put his arm around him and led him out of the kitchen.
"Didn't you need something out of the kitchen?" Dustin asked.
"I've already forgotten what it was," she said.
"Are you okay with this?" Jonathan asked.
"Uh, yeah, it's just a lot of information thrown at me all at once," Will said, blinking owlishly.
Steve and Nancy smiled softly as Will hugged his brother.
"So, how did this start?" Steve asked.
"Dustin tried to tell me that I needed Robin's permission to date you again," Nancy said. "He was joking, of course."
"He's such an asshole," Steve said affectionately, thankful that it all worked out.
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cartoon-buffoon · 1 year ago
I decided to read the Epic Mickey graphic novel—which by the way it's just chilling on the Internet Archive? Like you can read it at any time and I'd highly recommend doing so—but I noticed something very interesting in regards to the heart and the entire real plot point of Epic Mickey. I LOVE over analyzing stupid meaningless things in relation to my favorite characters so this is another stupid rant, sorry if someone has analyzed this before me it's just a neat thing I noticed.
WARNING: rant by someone who hasn't played Epic Mickey properly, sorry if the game contradicts whatever I say somehow. Also SPOILERS for the Epic Mickey graphic novel, I'd recommend reading it yourself because it's pretty cool.
Okay I'm aware the heart is a metaphor for fame, yeah the toons stuck in wasteland are stuck there because they are forgotten. However one thing I find interesting however is how the heart seemingly changes a toon's personality as well? It's for like a single panel where they show the heart does more for the toons than allowing passage in and out of wasteland. It at least affects them in some way.
This is right after Mickey gave up his heart to save Gus and Oswald who the blot had grabbed, now up until this point Mickey was very happy go lucky. Until his heart was stolen, and he suddenly lashes out at Oswald?
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This is really random and out of character from what we've seen until now and in fact Mickey himself seems like he's aware he's not acting himself. As soon as the heart gets stolen we see Mickey who is generally jokey and happy suddenly get mad and outright confrontational. Look at how he gets up in Ozzie's face! Now Oswald did have a reason to be mad at Mickey, his reason was TOTALLY justified and idc if it was an accident Oswald had all the right to mistreat Mickey for ruining wasteland and killing his wife. Yet Mickey always just took on the chin, he felt remorseful yeah yet he just kinda took the insults, this is the first case of Mickey fighting back and Oswald wasn't even insulting him!
Later on when using the rocket we also see Mickey start writing his will when the plan to self destruct the rocket starts going up in flames.
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Although comedic and funny this is pretty fucking grim if you look at the fact that he's just casually preparing for his death. After the rocket crashes we also see him give Oswald some slack and make a snarky remark.
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Now not exactly out of character for Mickey to be funny it's still interesting how his way of being funny in this instance is taking a small jab at Oswald's piloting skills.
Later on we also see Mickey get serious and be really aggressive when fighting the blot.
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Now this could just be of course Mickey deciding to right his wrongs and taking things serious, but I find it interesting that this comes AFTER he loses the heart.
This spring of sudden aggressiveness only awakens after he loses his heart and we see from the panel right after he loses it and Mickey seems dazed and discombobulated. AND THEY JUST GRAZE OVER THIS DETAIL! "I just... Feel so..." AND THEN BOOM! The comic just goes "alright keep it going, move the plot along we only got so many pages" and nothing comes of this. They never clarify what Mickey is feeling, this detail is just passed over, yet it seemingly affects the way Mickey acts for the rest of the comic (or at least until he gets his heart back). What I find so fascinating about this is Oswald and his character, we see him be pretty dynamic and go through a character arc, we learn he has resented Mickey and he built a eutopia for him and other forgotten toons until Mickey ruined it with the tinner. From there his resentment turned to full on rage due to his grief of not only losing his world yet also his wife, yet we see when Mickey tries to right his wrongs Oswald comes to realize Mickey isn't a threat and he acts a lot better. By the end of the comic we also see the two being best friends and relationship patched up.
We never really see Mickey go through a character arc though? Yeah he rights his wrongs and fixes the world he fucked up, yet that's the bare minimum and we see the wizard intended for it to play out like this.
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I mean, I guess Mickey learned a lesson although I don't think "don't mess with magic and things that aren't yours" is a lesson, that's common sense. Mickey is the protagonist of the story and he fixes what he messed up and in the process rekindles his relationship with his lost brother, that's pretty much it. I find this really interesting as generally Mickey is just a tool to tell a story and he rarely shows his character. The time he DOES show character its usually not referenced by Disney or acknowledged, like Runaway Brain.
Fun fact, Runaway Brain which is one of the few instances Mickey is more of a indepth character is also referenced in this very comic!
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Now of course this could be pure coincidence and I 100% think I'm reading WAYYYY to far into this, but it's still interesting to see this comic reference an instance of Mickey being a character with depth. I don't wanna talk about Runaway Brain too much as there's a YouTube video that does a better job of analyzing it better than me, but if you're unfamiliar with the movie it does something unique in the fact that it gives Mickey flaws, painting him (haha get it paint?) as a video game addict.
Got off track a bit but circling back around to my point: Mickey has never really had personality once he became a Disney mascot. In the classical shorts we see him be a lot different than the sterilized mouse we have now and it's only recently did we actually see Mickey get some of his actual charm back (I love the Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse so much and all the stuff related to it). Now as much as I love Oswald he ALSO didn't have much of a personality when being owned by Disney back in the silent era and it wasn't until Epic Mickey did we get to better understanding him and his personality considering he actually talks and he's in a setting with a genuine plot that's more than humor. Oswald in Epic Mickey is this actual character who changes as the plot happens, meanwhile Mickey stays constant UNTIL HIS HEART IS STOLEN. The games could be different or something idk, it's entirely plausible this theory is counteracted by the second game. But at least in the comics we see once that heart is snagged he acts more dynamically and becomes more than just a jolly cartoon character trying to fix his mistake.
I think the heart is more than just fame, it's also a reflection of character and a company's treatment of a character because of fame. Mickey is the mascot, he's flawless, he's the face of a corporation, his heart or aka his fame is what makes him him and it's the image Disney crafted for him. Without a heart toons end up like Oswald, old, bitter, and resentful, yet also dynamic and capable of change and I find this concept so cool yet once again in the graphic novel, IT'S A LIKE A SINGLE PANEL! This idea is kinda just discarded and left as an inference to be made and possibly entirely retconned or countered by the second game or the first game! I don't know, I haven't played either nor the awful 3Ds game.
Alright well that's all, I just wanted to make this little rant because I wanna procrastinate on some stuff I gotta do and I love coming up with theories or overanalyzing things. I don't know how to end this so have this screenshot from the graphic novel that made me go "what the fuck does that mean?"
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(seriously wtf are gus and Mickey on?)
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doueverwonder · 2 years ago
Ok so GerAmeLietIta really intrigued me. I'd love to get a better feel for them, can you give us some headcanons or scenarios?
So anyway, in an rp I have as a side plot (yes you heard me this isn’t even the main plot of the story), but i think it can be kinda universially applied to how they got together.
we had AmeLiet and GerIta, Al and Tolys are married and I don’t even remember Ludwig and Feli’s relationship status but they were together.
anyway; along the way Alfred is like “haha yeah, I had a crush on Ludwig way back in the day” and someone (cough France cough) is like “used to??? USED TO???” bc apparently Al’s crush on Lutz is evident to this day. blah blah blah argument where Al is basically like “I can’t have a crush on someone else, I’m married and I adore the person I’m married too!!” And François goes “PLEASE I’ve been betting on you being polyam for YEARS”
it gets dropped for a few months until; Alfred holds his Christmas party everyone is more than a few drinks in and François can’t help but tell Ludwig about Alfred’s crush.
Alfred spends a few weeks freaking out, and even getting to the point where he tells Tolys about his century old crush. followed by a spurt of “maybe Ludwig was too drunk to remember what François said, maybe it’s fine”
another months or so passes: Ludwig was not too drunk to remember what was said. He just uh, well, he didn’t know what to say. Especially considering he was dealing with the same situation…
eventually Al and Lutz end up on a phone call, for four hours. Talking about the elephant in the room.
After talking to Tolys and Feliciano about it they end up on a date of sorts, all four of them. It's cordial and awkward, until Tolys gets tired of dancing around it leans over to Feliciano and they have this exchange "I hear your husband has a crush on mine" "oh! I heard the same about yours!" Al and Ludwig immediatly go beet red, they were not expecting that, it was so funny to rp.
Anywho, some conversation goes by somehow just stating it made everything go from cordial and awkward to casual and not-so-awkward. We find out there was some miscommuntion and uh, well, Feliciano somehow got the idea that they were entering a swingers arangment and was slightly disappointed to find out otherwise :(
skipping random convos; they're walking back to Alfred's house and Feli decides to make a joke about how he was excited to sleep with someone other than Ludwig; while Lutz is busy being (jokingly) offended Tolys gives Alfred a Look(TM) and they have this whisper convo
A: Are you serious?
L: I won't unless you're okay with it.
A: I guess I don't care?
L: you have to straight out say it's okay or I won't do anything.
A: Yes, it's fine. I really don't mind.
L: you sound hesitant
A: I'm not! I'm surprised! who are you and what have you done with my timid husband???
(heads I am not going through every single convo even if it is technically important)
So, Feliciano and Tolys end up, y'know. Alfred and Ludwig however end up sitting in the living room with their romantic tension, they talk and at some point play chess. It’s lovely.
so anyway, after that the dynamic goes AmeLiet and GerIta are in their original marriages still, Ludwig & Al are dating, Ludwig, And Feli are Tolys’ friends with benefits. (Side note that the running joke is Alfred is super ace and kinda aware of it but doesn’t call himself ace solely cause “I don’t have time for more self discovery rn”)
anyway, they all end up in a relationship with the confessions not even being confessions :\ Ludwig accidentally introduces Tolys as his bf once and is just never corrected. Alfred and Feli just simultaneously start referencing each other as being “my partner” (Feliciano is actually enby no I don’t make the rules). The only actual confession (disregarding GerAme) is LietIta :\\\ it’s very dramatic and comedic they’re standing by a pond under moonlight Feli is like “I have fallen for you, our love shall endure the ages, people will sing of it” “what about Alfred and Ludwig?” “Fuck I forgot about them”
anyway they’re goofy I love them, their favorite movie is 50 first dates they watch it together all the time :)
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year ago
5 22 27?
5. What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
I don't know who said not to include stuttering in their dialogue because the simple fact of the matter is that humans trip over their words all the time. Especially when they're caught off guard or frustrated.
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 26
Like I'm sure they meant "w-w-when a c-character talks l-like this" in casual situations (ie not shivering/overwhelmed) but doesn't have like, A "Real"(?) Stutter (ie Bill from IT), but like... humans say um, and like, and take pauses to think over their words, and say things like "how do I phrase this."
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 4
We bail out on sentences partway through because we realize we wanna say something else.
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Humans don't know how to talk!! Maybe they'll phrase something in a way that isn't technically grammatically correct, but feels smoother to say. ("Weird's not" instead of "weird isn't")
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We elongate words
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—What a Waste (of a Lovely Night)
We (sometimes) drop the g in -ing words. We speak in a series of small sentences instead of stringing them into one, either for emphasis or because we realize that we have more to say.
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We interrupt ourselves to give further context
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 4
Be serious. Do you actually say "wouldn't have" as two separate words in casual conversation, or do you slur it into "wouldn't've" because that's smoother than taking that slight pause between "wouldn't" and "have?" We'll more often say "dunno" or "wanna" instead of "don't know" or "want to," because we're lazy and just wanna (ha) get the words out. Unless we really want to emphasize that we "do not want to do this." Things like that ya know? Just like. Write the words as we actually say them and not how they're "meant" to be said.
22. What role does humor play in your writing? Do you enjoy adding comedic elements to your fics?
Sometimes it serves as a break from angst and tension so that things don't get stale. (See, the reason ppl think the original Teen Titans cartoon was more serious than it was was BECAUSE of all the comedy to make the more serious moments hit harder.) The first (non prologue) chapter of L2C starts very.. almost parody-ish? Where characters are very self aware of "wow zombie apocalypse, who would've thought" before suckerpunching you with character death in Chapter 3 to remind you that "yeah this isn't gonna be fun."
But without graffiti spread about locations and characters messing around with each other and contributing to The Human Condition, the dreariness and misery gets old and you need some kind of respite.
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 26
Other times it's to show/strengthen the relationship between characters. This particular ✨️flashback✨️ also serves to emphasize that Jeremy 1. hasn't been the same since before Michael kicked it, and 2. really isn't trying to bond with his team in the way he did with Michael.
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 26
With Jake in particular, a common catalyst for humor for me, it shows how he uses humor both to distract from the horrors that come with living in the apocalypse and to seek out approval from those around him. I mean, what better way to get someone to like you than to make them laugh?
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—Left 2 Chill // Chapter 17
(Note: the braille remark was made by Jared, but like the drinking joke, the "error" of associating braille with Deaf people and drinking with pregnancy shows that the person making the joke that has to know that what they're saying isn't accurate or absolutely is not advice that should be followed. Jake isn't actually dumb. You have to know the correct answers on a test in order to get every single true/false question wrong. Hi spiderverse reference.)
So short answer. Love incorporating humor for a multitude of reasons.
27. What two (or more) fandoms would you like to see a crossover for? Would you ever write it?
I mean there are about a million different BMC/DEH crossovers under the sun, and I'm a firm believer in Heathers taking place on the same timeline (1989 vs. 2010s, putting Heathers teens in their 40s). And I've already made the L4D au that consumed my mind in the infancy of the pandemic, sooo...
I don't know!! I don't really know what other characters I want to have meet each other. (Sure the L2C crew didn't meet any Survivors from the source material, but they sure as hell met their specific brand of Infected.)
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lucygraysboy · 8 months ago
“i’m so very sorry that i let emotions rule me and didn’t want to hear you out the first time,” he whispers into her hair, squeezing his eyes shut in a feeble attempt to keep from breaking down. strong arms curling tightly around her, one slipping under her knees, the other coiling itself around her back, cradling her to him as if he could provide some sort of belated protection, shielding her from a world that has already done its worst. “i’m right here, lucy gray. we’ll figure something out. we always do,” he promises, kissing her forehead before resting his chin atop her head. his hands caressing her skin, his heart aching every time he thinks about what she’s been through because of him, because of billy taupe. she deserves so much better, but he’s being selfish, holding her in his arms and making promises, doing whatever he can to make her happy again. “it’s okay, you’ve been strong for so long, let it all out if you want to,” he murmurs, hoping she knows that it’s perfectly alright to just cry it out. it pains him to know that no other man has been kind to her, that she’s experienced abuse in some sort of form from all of them. looking at her, a certain kind of anger begins to brew inside him, the need to protect her and hurt every single person who’s ever been unkind to her.
“are you serious right now? the audacity of that scumbag,” he can’t help but snort, shaking his head as he pulls back a bit. he gives her knee a gentle squeeze and nudges her cheek with the tip of his nose, trying to subtly remind her that she’s safe with him. the only thing stopping him from losing his mind and buying her a semi-automatic for extra protection from that creep, is the fact that billy taupe will most likely never be a threat to her again. not after what happened today. “he should be thanking god that you didn’t send cops after him, not worry ‘bout who’s gonna pay to repair his car. what a fuckin’ dimwit. it’s just a stupid windshield, can he grow up? you had it way worse.” his heart slows down and calms a bit when she tells him that she no longer cares for billy taupe, no matter what he does. one look at her and he can tell that she means it. a soft, proud smile tugs at the corners of his lips. it’s admirable how tough she is, most women would just forgive and go back to that man — it’s what his own mother did, always forgiving antrim, taking him back and on and on it went… “i won’t do it again. yeah, right. if he could do it the first, he will do it again. asshole.” he shakes his head, trying to remind himself that lucy gray is safe back home but not sure he really believes it. “of course, baby, it’s what we do. we look out for one another. if you ever change your mind, you can always come to new york city, live with me.” he just throws it out there, a casual reminder. 
he figures they could both use a comedic distraction or they’ll end up tearing up for the millionth time, and so his fingers move closer to her ribs. at first, as she’s telling the sweet, heart-melting story about how she used to marvel at his dark curls, which in turn causes his cheeks to heat up, he’s only caressing her side. up and down. up and down. “oh, and you won’t give my buzzcut the same treatment, hm? are you sayin’ there’s nothin’ worth admirin’ ‘bout it?” he teases, letting his fingers dig into the spaces between her ribs, tickling her now that her guard’s down and she’s still in his lap with nowhere to run to. “what do you mean? these aren’t bangs? wait… what? but they’re short…” it’s not really clicking yet, mostly because she’s had long hair ever since he can remember. why would she cut it short now? is that how billy taupe likes it? his fingertips continue to dance along her side, merciless in their attempts to make her laugh.
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“and? AND? you’re her little bird, she’ll still lecture us and smack me over the head for gettin’ you addicted to cigarettes. besides, i’m too poor to pay for your lung cancer treatment, alright?” he shakes his head, gently pinching her side. no. he’s not sharing smokes with her. he won’t be poisoning the love of his life. “mm, so stickin’ to the classics. good choice. i won’t experiment either then and get the peanut butter chip one, and large coffee. i hope they have that delicious triple chocolate pie, we could get that for dessert? or pecan pie? if it’s fresh?” he suggests with a sweet smile, touching her has made him wonder if she’s been eating properly lately. she feels even lighter now, more bony, but maybe it’s all an illusion cause they’ve been apart for so long. he can’t tell. “actually, i didn’t get to smoke the whole thing ‘cause a little bird flew right past me and distracted me.” frowning when she tells him not to mess with her makeup, he doesn’t know there’s an actual reason behind her sudden desire to cover up all beauty marks. “but i’ve missed it, wanted to see it. hi, howdy, little spot, i love you even if mom covers you up,” he mumbles with a pout, letting her capture his hand but kissing her skin one more time. before he can dwell on it and ask any questions, she’s hopping off his lap and stealing his marlboros, moving as quickly as a lightning, and he’s even more confused. “oh, it isn’t? what else is no big deal now? wanna visit some brothels while we’re at it?” he’s getting slightly frustrated, but doesn’t want to let her see it. it’s not like he’s in any position to judge. he pushes himself off the bed and begins to walk up to her, stifling a smirk because he plans to grab her and spin her around and take the pack away from her. “smoke buddies and alcoholic anonymous members. mhm, yeah, sounds real fun. oh, and you’re a mountain moonshine connoisseur now, too? next time i see billy taupe, i’m stickin’ his empty head in a moonshine jar for doing this.” this sudden change must have something to do with that disgusting man. “if i wanted to get drunk, i would have stayed home. we barely see each other, i want to be sober tonight and remember every little thing. i thought our idea of a fun, rebellious night was building a blanket fort and getting snacks and watching musicals? mhm, just come here and i’ll show you a real party.” he can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous she’s being, all the silly things that she’s saying. he lunges forward like a wild cat, grabby hands trying to reach for her, ready to throw her onto the nearest bed like they’re in WWE.
“yes, exactly what i was coming to say.” she sighed heavily in relief, he was finally getting it. “yes i do— but that’s why i said one day at a time.” quietly speaking in return. moving her feet up, she rests her heels on the bed and curls into him. his scent, warmth and his familiar safety and love she’s always found in him for as long as they’ve been babies holding onto each other. she went months and months without him, crying over him... feeling him and being held only in her dreams. while being stuck in billy taupe’s presence, it was depressing and horrible… she figured this would never be an experience she’d feel again. doe eyes looking off to the side in embarrassment, until billy succeeds in getting her to look at him. eyes threaten to water at the words i won’t hurt you… just because it unraveled how much it really was still bothering her. being harmed by someone's hand... it wasn't like she'd forgotten the times step dad's hand, the preacher's hand, had been any kinder smacking her limbs when she was little. she just kept those things hidden from billy and her mama all these years until that big explosion recently that aided in causing it alas between her mother and him. "the first who won't." saying more to herself than him, never had hands felt more trusting.
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"yeah, he wasn't too thrilled about the window on his truck. so he's been actin' like i'm gonna pay to fix it and clearly...i'm not fixin' shit. then when he gets back on his drunk at nights, here he goes usin' his friends phones to give the ole 'i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i won't do it again' messages. but i'm done with that... he'll never change and even if hypothetically he did... i don't care. i want nothin' to do with a man who hits a woman." that's one thing she won't forgive or take back. "i will, i'll do that. thanks for always lookin' out for me." if not for billy taupe, ironically, they wouldn't even be talking right now probably. so in a way, she does believe it all happens for a reason.
"course i liked it before... i mean, i'll accept you however you wanna look. but i admittedly do have an attachment to your curls. it's just how i always have remembered you, since you were little. you didn't know it, but little me would stand up lookin' at the back of your head while you were doing something like ordering ice cream for us. whenever i knew you were distracted. and be admirin' those cute curls." lucy gray admits, one of many secrets she's kept inside her mind before she laughs. laughing continuing as he makes her shy all the way up, causing an authentic blush to grace her olive features with her powder blush as she gets kissed on her jaw. refraining from freezing up and stammering. "oh, these are just my curls i left out because i didn't like the entirely slicked back look." good, now she has a reason to do something with her hands, twirling the right sided tendril hanging against her cheek with her finger. "and? she can't say anything because she lights up her own stress smokes ALL the time. plus, i won't tell her, come on billy...."
turning her head to look for his backpack, thinking she'll just steal it herself. "i always like the chocolate chip waffle, that's what i want tonight. and... that's not fair you get to smoke and i don't." even if she's smiling on the inside at him being just like the old billy. "noo, don't do that." she's gently grabbing his hand with his spit covered thumb in the fashion of a mom, moving it away from him cleaning off the makeup on her jaw. but the movement alone causes his thumb to swipe away the spot of foundation even if she doesn't notice, hopping up from his lap and grabbing his backpack. looking into it for those cigarettes as she briefly bends to snatch it up. taking a few steps back in case he tries stealing it from her. "it's really not as big deal as it seems." smoking weed. "come on, no snacks necessary. won't it be fun bein' smoke buddies? with the cigarettes, i mean. let's be rambunctious and rebellious and stuff. walmart's got beer and wine, too. not like mountain moonshine but it'll do." being chipper and hyper as she's acting now is a lot better than shedding another tear. "party at our mo-hizzle. yayyy!" she exclaims, hopping in place.
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welcometojackass2022 · 3 years ago
Hello, Nurse (Johnny Knoxville x Reader) [Smut]
@patrickveronalovebot this one’s for you, babe <3
Description: Johnny’s been wanting to try roleplay for a while now, so you agree to dress up like a sexy nurse and give him a “check-up”. The only issue is that Johnny is a smug little bastard who can’t stop cracking jokes the whole time.
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Roleplay sex where you wear a sexy nurse outfit and give Johnny a fake checkup, that’s really it. This is mostly comedic.
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“Are you ready for your checkup, Mr. Knoxville?” You adjusted your old-fashioned white nurse’s hat and stepped into the bedroom, carrying a nurse’s examination kit in one hand and a clipboard in the other. You were wearing a sexy, low cut version of a nurse’s dress, red heels, and a stethoscope around your neck; the dress had a zipper up the front for easy access, and you’d left it zipped down enough to expose your cleavage. Johnny, who was sitting on the table that you’d set up with a long papery-thin sheet on it to resemble an examination table, grinned at you and rubbed his hands over his jeans in anticipation. “I sure am, nurse! And may I say, that is a very fetching dress you’re wearing. This hospital must have a very lenient dress code policy.” You laid your kit and clipboard down on the table and rolled your eyes; you hadn’t given Johnny any rules about what he could and couldn’t say during the scene, but you probably should have, given his reputation for being a snarky little bitch during these situations.
“Yes, Mr. Knoxville, the dress code here is a little more lenient than at other hospitals. Is that a problem?” Johnny shook his head, his grin only widening at your warning tone. “No, nurse, of course not. Just don’t let that zipper get too far down or my blood pressure’s gonna be higher than normal when you measure it.” You opened up the kit and laid out the contents on the table; a popsicle stick, a fake device for shining a light into his ears and eyes, a thermometer, and one of those little hammer tools for checking reflexes. You then picked up the clipboard and pretended to read it. “Alright, so it says here that you’ve been experiencing some pain in your lower areas, is that correct? Can you show me where exactly you’ve been hurting?” Johnny gestured to his crotch area, his acting skills kicking in as he took on a casual tone. “Right around this area, nurse.”
You pretended to take this very seriously, writing something down on the clipboard and nodding your head. “I see. I’m going to do some routine examinations very quickly, just to see if there’s any other issues to address, and then we’ll take a look at that area and see what the problem is.” You picked the stethoscope up from around your neck and put it in your ears, moving the bottom part around Johnny’s clothed chest to look for his heartbeat. After a moment, you frowned and shook your head. “I can’t hear it, your shirt must be in the way. Could you remove it for me, Mr. Knoxville?” Johnny chuckled, grabbing his shirt by the back of the neck and pulling it off to toss it aside. “Huh, never heard a nurse ask me to do that before. This is an odd hospital.” You shot him a look. “Johnny.” Johnny raised his eyebrows at you and fake-frowned. “Don’t break character, sweetie, that’s the number one rule of roleplay.”
You rolled your eyes again and put the bottom piece of the stethoscope back to his now bare chest. “Sorry, Mr. Knoxville. Try to be serious here, please, your health is nothing to laugh about.” You pretended to listen to his heartbeat, purposefully letting your fingers brush over his chest, and then pulled away and nodded. “Sounds normal, no issues there. Alright, let me take your temperature.” Johnny grinned. “Sure thing, nurse. Are we doing it the normal way, or the old fashioned way?” You frowned. “The old fashioned way?” Johnny nodded. “Yeah, you know, rectally.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive way, and you resisted the urge to laugh. “Uh, no, Mr. Knoxville, it’ll be orally.” Johnny pretended to be disappointed. “Damn, I was hoping for a little back door action today. Maybe you can give me a prostate exam later.”
You pursed your lips, determined not to break character again, and took out the thermometer. “Maybe another time, Mr. Knoxville. Here.” You inserted the tip of the thermometer into his mouth and waited for it to beep. Johnny stared you down with an overly suggestive look the entire time, clearly trying to make you laugh, but you merely plucked the thermometer from his mouth and checked the reading. “98.6, average temperature. Looks like you’re all good there, Mr. Knoxville. Now I’m gonna check your ears, eyes, and mouth.” You shined the light in his ears and eyes, purposefully keeping one of your hands on his bare chest to steady yourself, and then picked up the popsicle stick. “Say ‘ah’ for me.” Johnny smirked and opened his mouth. “Ahhh.” You stuck the stick on his tongue and shined the light in his mouth, and then took the stick out and pretended to write something down on the clipboard. “Everything looks good so far.”
Johnny’s eyes landed on the reflex hammer, and he grinned. “You gonna test my reflexes next, nurse?” You sighed. “I wasn’t planning on it, since it’s not really essential to the check-up.” This was true; you’d kind of hoped you could speed through the checkup and go straight into the hot sex, but Johnny seemed determined to stretch this out for as long as he could. He fake pouted and cross his arms. “Seems a little unprofessional for a nurse to skip something during a checkup. What if testing my reflexes ends up saving my life somehow, nurse?” You rolled your eyes and forced a smile. “Good point, Mr. Knoxville, let me test your reflexes real quick.” You picked up the reflex hammer and quickly tapped it against his left knee. He instantly kicked his foot up in the air with a massive grin on his face, and you tossed it aside. “Satisfied?” He nodded. “Very. Thanks, nurse.” You chuckled. “Anytime. Alright, now that we’ve done the basic checkup, let’s take a look at that problem area that you mentioned earlier.”
You gently guided Johnny to lay down on his back, soothingly running your hands up his bare chest, and then you pointed to his crotch, where you could already see him starting to get hard. “You said it hurts right here?” Johnny nodded with a little smirk. “Yep, right there, nurse. You gonna take a look at it?” You set your clipboard aside and smiled, moving your hands down to unzip his tight jeans. “I certainly am! We wouldn’t want you to go home in pain, now, would we?” You gently pulled Johnny’s half-hard cock out, acting as if this was in any way professional and normal for a nurse to do, and Johnny let out a soft groan as it slapped against his bare tummy. You gently wrapped your hand around the base and examined it, pretending to be concerned. “Can you tell me where exactly it hurts?” Johnny grinned. “All over, nurse, the whole thing hurts. Guess you’ll have to examine the whole thing.”
You gently pumped his shaft a few times, rubbing your fingers over the tip teasingly and looking up to see his reaction. Johnny’s mouth fell open, his hips bucking up just slightly at the contact, and you smiled innocently. “Does that help the pain at all?” Johnny nodded, trying to stay in character. “Yeah, nurse, that feels great. The pain totally goes away when you touch it, maybe you should keep touching it and see what else happens.” You nodded, firmly pumping your hand up and down the length of his cock with one hand and rubbing his chest with the other. “Whatever the patient wants! Does it hurt when I touch you here?” You moved your hand away from his chest to play with his balls, and Johnny groaned loudly, a drop of precum leaking from his tip. “Fuck, that feels good, nurse, can you keep doing that?”
You smiled. “Of course! Such a good patient, reacting so well for me.” Johnny distracted himself from the pleasure long enough to shoot you a grin. “Good? Oh, I think you’ve got me all wrong, nurse.” He leaned up and tugged on the zipper of your dress, pulling it down enough to expose your breasts to the cold air. You smacked his hand away, shooting him a warning look, and he raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Have I been a bad boy, nurse?” He was clearly trying to get a rise out of you, but you merely grabbed his wrists and pinned them down to the table. “Yes, Mr. Knoxville, you are. Keep your hands down and let me do my job or I’ll have to tie you up.” Johnny looked surprised, but he nodded cheerfully. “Anything you say, nurse.” You went back to pumping his cock, playing with his ballsack and leaning down to show off your breasts even more.
Johnny’s eyes were glued to your chest, but then he glanced down at the short skirt of the dress and an idea seemed to cross his mind. “You know, nurse, it’s starting to hurt again. I don’t think your hand is gonna cut it anymore, maybe you should try something else.” You frowned in mock concern. “Oh dear! That’s not good, thank you for telling me. Here, let’s try something else.” You leaned down and pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock, smirking at the choked sound that left Johnny’s mouth, and then wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, suckling on it and looking up to see his reaction. You pulled off with a wet ‘pop’ sound, blinking innocently. “Is this helping, Mr. Knoxville?” Johnny nodded, eager to have your mouth back on his cock. “Oh yeah, nurse, that feels so much better, keep doing what you’re doing.” You nodded and leaned back down, licking a stripe up the underside of his shaft.
You wrapped your hand around his base again to steady his cock as you slowly took the entire thing into your mouth, sucking on it and running your tongue over his slit to lap up the drops of precum that were forming. Your saliva dripped down to his ballsack, and you massaged it with your free hand as the other one pumped the part of his shaft that you couldn’t fit into your mouth. Johnny hissed under his breath, mumbling words of encouragement under his breath as he watched you suck him off. “Just like that, nurse, that’s great.” You hummed lightly with his cock still in your mouth, and the vibrations were enough to elicit a genuine moan from your “patient”. You could tell he was close, but you didn’t want him to cum yet; there was still one more thing you wanted to do with him.
You pulled off of his cock again, and Johnny grumbled in disappointment. You rolled your eyes playfully, straightening up and helping to pull Johnny’s pants and underwear all the way down his legs. “I just wanted to see if maybe you’d be open to another method, Mr. Knoxville.” Johnny’s head shot up. “Another method?” You nodded, coyly pulling the zipper of your dress all the way down to your belly button and hiking the skirt up to expose your red panties. “Yes! It’s a little more intimate than the other methods, but I think it’ll be very effective. Are you up for it?” Johnny nodded frantically, instantly forgetting his previous disappointment. “Yes. Yes. I’m so up for it I can’t even begin to describe it.” You smiled, hopping up on the table to straddle Johnny’s waist, kicking off your red high heels as you did so. You pulled your red panties aside, flashing Johnny the sight of your dripping wet pussy.
Johnny looked like he was about to start drooling, and you smirked. “Got something to say, Mr. Knoxville?” He grinned and glanced down at your bare breasts and exposed pussy, letting out a wolf whistle. “Hello, nurse!” You giggled, lining up your entrance with the tip of his cock, and then you slowly sank down on it, immediately tightening up around him as your pussy wrapped around his length. Johnny’s head went back against the table, his hands reaching up to grab firmly at your hips. “Holy fuck, that’s good, just like that nurse.” Your nurse’s hat started to slip off, and you reached up to fix it as you slid all the way up on his shaft and then slammed down on it again. “You feeling better, Mr. Knoxville?” Johnny nodded, thrusting his hips up to get his cock deeper inside you. “So much better, nurse, I think you’re gonna cure my pain for good after this.” You smiled, running your hands up his chest and over his muscled thighs as you rode his cock.
After a couple more thrusts, Johnny’s cock started to twitch, precum dripping from the tip as a warning of what was about to cum, and you smiled encouragingly. “Are you close, Mr. Knoxville? You gonna cum for me?” He nodded fervently, his eyes squeezed shut as he gripped at your hips, and you tightened up around him again, leaning down so your breasts were in his face. “Cum for me, baby. Shoot a nice big load in me and fill my pussy with your cum.” Johnny thrust into you one more time and then moaned loudly, hips jerking up as he came inside you. You gently pulled yourself off of him, leaning over to grab the towel you’d left next to the table to clean the both of you off. You removed your nurses hat and started to pull off your nurse’s dress, and Johnny leaned his head up and grinned at you. “So when’s my next appointment, nurse?”
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sixeyesgojo · 4 years ago
The dead reader made me sad how about something a bit funny but dark based of a comic Tapas called Undying Happiness (it’s been dubbed on YouTube too if you wants to go see it) where the main character falls in love with a guy who’s family has the ability to be able to regenerates wounds even from a skeleton. So do you think we can the cast react to a basically immortal reader?
I like this idea! I also checked out the source material and man, that was SOOO FUNNY lmaoo
Thanks for sending this ask, anon! I think my readers deserve some calm before the storm that’s about to come lol
Summary: undead!reader messing with Team Gojo because why not ;)
Characters: Team Gojo + Sukuna x undead!Reader
Content warning: major injuries (loss of limbs?), mentions of blood
A/N: This is the post anon is talking about: leaving them behind hc
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Gojo Satoru
After a while, he will start making jokes about it. You’re not exactly amused at this fool joking around while you’re bleeding out. Gojo is still a little worried (it’s a secret, don’t tell anybody) because he’s firmly convinced that this technique has to have some kind of drawback but it does not. Or at least there hasn’t been any ever since you discovered this ability.
The first time, he would be slightly taken aback but not entirely surprised. You just lost an entire arm; blasted away until only your bones remained but you didn’t even flinch? How in the world?
Truth to be told, you were already kind of used to this. Having to deal with this frequently (including all the “Aren’t you more of a curse?” questions), you already half expected something of the sort of him as well.
However, after processing what just happened, he’ll just shrug. This man has seen more in his life than any other Jujutsu sorcerer ever could, starting from as early as his baby days, thanks to the six eyes. Nothing bothers him all too much.
He’ll just treat it as if you are using Reversed Cursed Technique, just like Shoko.
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“Babe, what are you doing? Losing an arm again? Oh my god, that is sooo 2017. Come up with something new to shock me with!” he snickers. “Satoru, I swear you are doing this on purpose,” you got mad while holding the space your arm once held. The bloody substance dripping right through your fingers as the lost limb slowly regenerated. 
“It’s really no wonder people constantly ask me why I haven’t exorcised the curse who is sticking to me!” he laughs. You pout, “Rude! I’m not a curse.”
Itadori Yuji
The first time, he is absolutely freaked out. He tries to frantically stop the bleeding in the most clumsy way ever; hands shaking so much it would have the opposite effect. You? You’re calm and you try to calm him down by saying “it’s just an arm” and he goes “JUST AN ARM? THAT’S A LIMB THOUGH???” even more frantically. He already has a few screws loose up there and he knows it but hearing you say that so casually makes him rethink all his decisions in life. It takes him several minutes to calm down. Even though he is a sorcerer now and has seen his fair share of shit happening, including the sopping hole in his chest when Sukuna ripped out his heart, this tops all of it.
After a while, he will be more at ease but still very very worried about you. He doesn’t like seeing you get hurt, even if it’s just a small scratch. Yuji is very relieved when he sees the flesh and skin building back, may even be a little bit fascinated but also grossed out. He will definitely ask you lots of different stuff about it.
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“Does it hurt when it does that?” he looks at your regrowing limb. “What do you mean, Yuji?” you give him a quizzical look. He points at your limb, “That. Does that hurt?”
“Well, of course losing a limb hurts but I have had this ability for the longest time, so I got used to feeling the pain. If you mean regrowing this, then no. It tickles a little, I guess?”
The look on his face was priceless.
Fushiguro Megumi
After a while, he will still be frantic at first but then it finally clicks. His head goes “oh, right.” and he calms down, the tension visibly leaves his body, because by now, he knows it’s not that big of an issue anymore. That does not mean he ceased to help you take care of it though - and he does a great job at it.
The first time, he thinks you’ll die on him. The boy is so frantic, his mind goes blank. His chest will break out of his ribcage soon, he feels, but then he sees your calm face. Utter confusion descends down on him; what the hell was happening? Why weren’t you screaming in pain? Why was your facial expression so calm? Maybe it was a shock?
But no, you were calm all over and simply said, “Whoops?”
Consider him confused for his entire life now. He doesn’t understand what’s happening at all and his mind is set on helping you nevertheless.
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"Ugh, I’m bleeding all over your uniform. I’m so sorry, ‘Gumi,” you mumble as he patches up what he can. “That’s fine, I can just wash it later,” he bluntly states, his eyes hyperfocused on your wound.
“I’ll wash it for you! I owe you that, it’s the least I can do,” you offer. “Just hold still for now, so I can contain the bleeding - don’t want you to bleed out on me. It’d be a hassle.”
“Hehe, sorry,” you say sheepishly.
Kugisaki Nobara
After a while, she will simply proceed to beat the shit out of whoever did this to you first. She will beat them into a pulp and then exorcise them (in case it was a curse). It’s a little comedic for you to see her get worked up over this after seeing it so many times but at the same time, it melts your heart a little.
The first time, the girl rushes to your aid immediately, telling Fushiguro to handle this curse. “Are you okay?” she asks you and her voice is trembling audibly. It was a stupid question to ask, she thinks. But she doesn’t expect to see you stupidly grin back at her, “Yeah, I’m totally fine, don’t worry about me. This will take some time to grow back but it will.”
Grow back? What? She’s confused. Are you pulling a prank on her? It has to be a prank, right?
“No, this isn’t a prank, I’m serious here,” you laughed.
"You really think you can hurt them without facing repercussions, huh? You are so dumb; I almost feel sorry for how stupid you are, thinking that, when I am right here. Now let’s get ready for a game because I can and absolutely will drag this out; learn your lesson!” Nobara yells at the curse and you only chuckle.
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Ryomen Sukuna
The first time, he just clicks his tongue in annoyance, looking at whatever hurt you with fiercely glowing eyes. There would be hell to pay for them. He is annoyed at whatever hurt you but he knows he can fix you easily with his Reversed Cursed Technique. This was so inconvenient, not fun. Quickly, he eliminates the source of your pain and turns to you. He had expected you to have passed out. However, once he sees the wound slowly closing up, a strange grin forms on his face and he starts hollering loudly, “What the heck is that, pet? That’s amusing.”
After a while, he will just sit back and watch as you handle it yourself: free entertainment for his bored soul. He may or may not be generous enough to speed up your recovery with his own Reversed Cursed Technique but I’d rather not count on it because it depends on how he is feeling after you finished the battle.
“Oh? You seem to regenerate a little faster now, even without my help. You take more and more after me, did spending all that time with me turn you into a curse now?” the King of Curses sneers loudly. “Heeey, I’m not a curse! But I would feel better if you helped me out with it instead of sneering at me,” you pouted. For a moment, he seemed to think, “No. It’s amusing.”
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allidopas · 1 year ago
at a glance, norwin seems like he'd be the more rational, level headed and more serious/pessimistic one and orion the impulsive occasionally cheating "i love women...but you're my favorite man" pseudohomosexual whose every thought is projected on his face. you put them together and, at a glance, it seems like theyd be the typical pretty androgynous bottom & muscular technically straight chad top yaoi rarepair that 14 year old fujoshis come up with while running a fever
but then like. when you compare and contrast them, as in *really* start stacking their traits side by side, you start to see. contradictions. things that defy this stereotypical reading
norwin is impulsive, for example: he once threw himself into the ocean despite knowing full well he couldnt swim, just because he wanted to correctly paint the ocean depths. he is also, while humble, extremely confident in the quality of his work: he is only upset that his work turns out depressing, never that it's bad or not up to his quality. when siren is sad about her friend paul, he immediately goes "hey i know what will fix this. a picture book." and then later on he doubts his plan, but NOT because he realized paul might just ignore him or wave him off or anything. he's doubtful because he thinks paul might get depressed from reading his work. he is so very sure that his picture book will elicit An Emotion, he just wants it to be the *right* emotion. he also seems to write and read aloud in an unorthodox way: it's implied he doesnt plan his writing whatsoever, and even if he already has a book in his hands (that HE WROTE HIMSELF) there's a big chance he'll just wing it and say something entirely different.
in contrast, while orion usually sticks to his Gacha Given Bit (flirting etc.), he also does acknowledge his own shortcomings (see the vday event). this is really rare for a character whose schtick is usually a gag (see Xander/Philia etc. who never dropped their respective bits), and *especially* rare for a year 1 event where everyone's too busy kissing euden's butt to have reasonable character development. ok that was kind of a joke but the event this happened in was *specifically* for kissing euden's butt, so. yeah. really says a lot about how orion has, for some godforsaken reason, a few moments that make you think they had more planned for him. but yes anyway compare and contrast norwin's supreme but casual confidence with orion's loud hubris and self admitted moment of fault
there's more shit like this. look at how both these characters reveal their backstories, for example. when euden asks about norwin's past--he even specifically says "hey you dont have to talk about it if you wanr to"--norwin immediately goes into therapy patient mode. he talks about anasonne, the nobles, the fire, the trauma, the reason he wants to tear reality apart. his design implies a bit of mystery, but norwin is fairly open about a lot of things? it's not that he's actively Going to people and forcing his venting on them, but if anyone asks he Does answer what is wrong with him, without hesitation
meanwhile, orion doesn't even answer the question. he's like "yeah you see i am cursed to die if i dont find a soulmate. oh you want details? fuck you. maybe i was lying about being cursed. anyway i need to find Women" while the background music is all comedic. and it's easy to just write it off as some stupid shit he said to look cooler than he is. and maybe that's the truth! but also the "curse" is part of his adventurer bio which is. significant. additionally he has a bunch of lines that are like "you have to do the stuff you want to do Now because you could die tomorrow" and combined with the whole curse thing it's like. man you good? at one point in the game he straight up says he will die without a date but given the context its hard to tell if he's being literal or if he's being a dramatic sexist white knight. it's like. man what is your Deal.
stuff like this is pretty easy to write off when you look at each character individually--for norwin, his status as a depressed artist slash writer gives him the immediate "oh hes just like me fr" impression, when in truth hes just. hes as relatable as i dunno...da vinci? his brand of mentally ill is not anxiety ridden or anything its *just* PTSD, which sounds. weird. *just* PTSD? that's a pretty big deal. but the thing is the traits associated with it are usually seen as comorbid with other things, which norwin is not. and orion looks like a stereotypical fuckboy at a glance and he kind of is but again, when you compare and contrast it gets easier to see the things that dont fit the mold. idk man
grrgh putting norwin and orion beside each other really helps with analyzing both of them, i know the whole "hey dont let ur ship lens get in the way of character analysis" spiel is valid but bc both chars are such. nothingburgers. it is actually a boon to compare and contrast
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idiotwhotalkstoomuch · 4 years ago
How did everyone react to Yuus real age and connection to the great 7?
Note: Some characters already knew her age and connection to the Great Seven so they will react to her appearance in NRC
Btw for looks she looks very generic hence why some boys who know her history overlooked her. (by generic like long brown hair, blue eyes and eyebags. I’ll show a picrew of how I intend her to look soon when I finally pick a favorite)
Also Yuu is royalty of the Valley of the Thorns. When I get back to writing everything will come together.
Also also I need more research to do all these characters properly but since everyone needs a reaction I asked my friend for help so if there seems to be a difference then yeah you know why.
How they found out
(Post overblot Riddle)
*in the infirmary*
Yuu: Relax I was only cut-
Sebek: *enters infirmary* Your Highness! Malleus-sama ordered me to check on you after the news of the overblot came out!
Ace: Wha-
Deuce: Y-your Highness!?!
Yuu: *chuckles*
Yes the scene is somewhat comedic but its just how it is. Me and my friend liked the scene better as a comedic one than a serious one as things get more serious later on so may as well keep up some humor.
Riddle Rosehearts - Very shocked and ashamed. He knew of Yuu’s existence and actually read about her and her history as a child but couldn’t tell it was her on first glance because they’re meetings had him in a bad mood from troublemakers so he didn’t notice.
 Treats her with the utmost respect even if she tells him to relax. He’s very embarrassed that someone who’s been in the presence of all the Great Seven and befriended or in some cases raised them had to see him and the dorm in such a state.
Trey Clover - It came off as quite a surprise to him especially since he had been treating her like one of his kouhai. He’s one of the more relaxed about the reveal and will only ask if there needs to be changes in the way she’s addressed but overall their interactions are hardly affected. Though he will stop treating her like one of his kouhai as she is older than her by quite (*cough centuries*) a lot.
Cater Diamond - See this man had the advantage of putting a picture of him with Yuu in Magicam which definitely brought out someone who knew of Yuu.
He was pretty surprised to see a bunch of comments asking if that’s legit and was going to ask her about it but Unbirthday party preparations got in the way. Needless to say wanted another selfie with her on his Magicam to tell all his followers it’s legit and how he JUST found out.
Ace Trappola - Isn’t all too worried about it. He’s not one to care all too much about titles and all that stuff but he does take her age as something to tease her on.
When Grim and Deuce are annoying him or causing trouble, he’ll joke about how their troubling the “grandmother” and overall takes it without much effect on their relationship.
Deuce Spade - Is shook beyond belief and has to go and mentally process the reveal.
Should he tell his mom that he’s met such an important historical figure? Wait no should he ask Yuu about it? Would it be rude? AH! SHE SAW HIS DELINQUENT SIDE WHILE ARGUING WITH ACE!
Poor boy is so confused on what to do especially since Yuu came from a magicless student that supposedly has a curse according to the mirror to royalty that raised or befriended all members of the Great Seven.
Leona Kingscholar - Well this lion will continue to chug his respect women juice.
He already respects women back at his home and while for them its due to their strength, in Yuu’s case its cause of her age and wisdom that she shares from time to time. 
Ruggie Bucchi -   Ruggie would joke around Yuu and treat her like he does his grandmother. He'd probably poke on her getting old and how she probably shouldn't do so much strenuous activities both teasingly and seriously (much to Yuu's dismay. Her body doesn’t actually age.)
Doesn’t rob from or prank her mainly because he doesn’t feel like getting chewed out by the others who treat her like a goddess for befriending and even raising some of the Great Seven.
Jack Howl - Jack is cautious of his behavior around Yuu as he is a respectful young man.
Tends to worry a bit over her being very casual and relaxed in Twisted Wonderland especially since she’s such an important person in history and tends to be a bit overprotective of her.
Is still tsundere.
Azul Ashengrotto - He. Freaks. Out.
He did extensive research and studying as a child so he knows all about her and her history with the Great Seven.
He wonders how such a historic and ancient woman can casually walk around NRC with little recognition and hopes he can stay calm and suave if she were to ever approach him.
Jade Leech -  Jade is intrigued and amused with Azul’s reaction to her. As long as both Azul and Floyd were happy, he couldn’t care less. Though he does want to know if she can cook, he wants help in Mostro Lounge.
Is pleased to have someone to help wrangle Floyd in his more problematic moods. (”In the years I’ve lived in I’ve seen many moody people this isn’t much)
Floyd Leech - Floyd really couldn’t care less.
He sees the little shrimpy (she’s 170 cm tall) and wants to squeeze her, so what if she’s like 900? Floyd wants to play with the shrimpy!
Kalim Al Asim -  Kalim is, well, excited. He’s awe struck at the fact she’s been alive for that long and would probably want to know more about her life. Kalim is a curious kid.
Despite his energetic nature, he likes hearing her share stories of the past.
When he wants to be more independent, he goes to her for help since she’s lived for so long.
Jamil Viper -  Jamil would be curt and formal, though he’s currently having a epileptic brain seizure. Jamil was well versed in history, and well...having someone his influential just struck something.
Is cautious of her during the Scarabia arc since she might be old and wise enough to see through his plan.
Vil Schoenheit - Vil was already interested in Yuu at the beginning due to being a woman and had a lot of potential but was unimpressed at her eyebags but likes her mature appearance despite being a first year- 
Wait the potato is HOW old?
Vil is impressed. Yuu is hundreds of years old yet looks to be in her early twenties at most.
When he learns that Yuu had even met the Evil Queen, he immediately went to ask about what the beautiful Evil Queen did to look as gorgeous as she did and Yuu happily indulges him.
Rook Hunt -  Rook is undeniably curious, especially after Yuu manages to evade him. He makes it a habit to monitor her movement, randomly ambush her, and try and chase her around the campus. His success varies on the amount of potato's that surround her. He stays away when she's near Diasmonia.
He enjoys chasing her whenever Yuu is around Ruggie or at rare times, Leona as he'd say, "It's hitting two birds with one stone"
Rook scopes out and probably doesn't intervene as much, opting to observe her movements.
Epel Felmier -  Epel is essentially confused, and is currently feeling pity for her as she’s being crowded by so many students. He grimaces when Rook takes interest in her. Epel sends Apple Juice for life fuel. He knows she’ll need it
Idia Shroud -  Idia has heard of Yuu, especially with their rather complicated family history. He’s pretty formal towards Yuu.
Generally avoids her even with their family in better terms and Yuu even friends with Hades now. Is upset at her and Ortho’s alliance to get him out of his room.
Ortho Shroud - When Ortho hears her age and experience, Ortho is overjoyed.
He’s so happy to have Yuu join him in his mission to get his brother out of his room. Is oblivious to past family drama.
Malleus Draconia - Yuu had raised him and his family up to his grandmother, the Witch of Thorns, of course he recognized her as soon as he saw her. He’s surprised to see her in NRC but its a welcome one. He uses a spell on Ramshackle to make it habitable for the woman that raised him alongside Lilia. 
Finds it amusing that the students had no clue. She’s in history books though Yuu does have a rather mediocre and youthful appearance so it must be why they mistook her as a student.
Yuu had asked him to keep quiet on it but unfortunately it seems that Sebek had exposed her while doing orders on his behalf. He apologizes over it and of course Yuu isn’t mad over it, more exasperated.  
Lilia Vanrouge - Lilia is amused that Yuu was mistaken by the teachers as a teenager that could be a student especially since Yuu is older than himself by a few hundred years. 
When the cat’s out of the bag, he’ll openly tease the students to be nicer to Yuu who could’ve been friends or related to their great great great great great etc or less grandparents and is their elder.
Is amused as the students attempt to get Yuu into more modern culture, having been accustomed to letters and more traditional ways for so long.
Silver - While Silver was primarily raised by Lilia, he’s surprised to see obaasa- Lady Yuu in NRC. 
He isn’t affected all too much since he isn’t addicted to guarding Malleus and Yuu like Sebek but he is quite happy to see her and can always tell when she visits since he tends to wake up with a pillow at the random place he slept in.
Sebek Zigvolt - He is ABSOLUTELY A P P A L L E D. Yuu to Sebek, is the most honourable woman to have ever walked the face of this planet. She has managed to raise most of the great seven and bring kingdoms to prosperity. She helped Malleus-sama train, she helped Lillia-sama rise through the ranks and even brought Maleficent to power in her early days.
The moment he gets to catch up to her in Ramshackle, Yuu has to calm him down because he goes feral when he sees where she has to live in but is appeased when Malleus uses magic to make it habitable and helps her personalize it.
Very clearly struggles to address her casually, shown with him being the one to expose her post overblot Riddle. 
Keep sending asks bois I love receiving them. Sorry this took a while there was a lot to go over.
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birdwonder · 5 years ago
I just saw your body swap HCs for the Bucciarati gang, so could I request one for the Crusaders? I also heard about your computer troubles, so if it’s too long and rage inducing I apologize. (Hope you can get your computer fixed) (also found out I could use emojis thanks to you!)🃏
|| sorry for the late response ! thanks for the concern, jester/joker ( whatever shall i call you? ) btw !
Original Post + TW : comedic, very light nsfw 
Star Dust Crusaders | Bodyswap Headcanons
Jotaro Kujo
- The two of you were heading out to buy some cold beverages when you were hit with the stand attack that wasn’t even all that surprising seeing as Dio had sent non-stop, relentless attacks against you all ever since your journey had began. What was surprising was the stand’s effects however.
- When you staggered backwards, you had unfortunately hit your head against a stop street sign that hurt more than you wanted to admit. There was some shock though, as you hadn’t bashed against the pole of the sign but the actual image it displayed it’s self - something you were sure you were too short to reach. “How the hell?” You muttered to yourself while rubbing the back of your hair, pausing when you realised how freakishly different your hair felt. Not to mention, when you looked down, those were definitely not your clothes. 
- “You tell me.” A voice- Your voice responded, your own eyes glaring at you yet from a much lower angle. Shit, you were tall. Or, was this body tall? If you had to guess by your fashion, height and the fact you could see yourself and not Jotaro; well the dots were easy to connect.
- “Fuck, I’m you!” “No shit.” “Why the hell are you so god damn tall?” “That’s your issue?”
- “Ugh, suck my dick.” You groaned at his tone, already hating the situation. A guy was in your body and though you knew Jotaro wasn’t the shifty type, it was still uncomfortable to think about. 
- “Don’t you mean my dick?”
- Ah, he shouldn’t have said that. The two of you both stared at each other in awkward silence, Jotaro visibly regretting what he had let slip and you, slowly starting to laugh. Your laughter was a strange sound seeing as it sounded way deeper than your original one. This must be what Jotaro sounded like when he laughed … it was nice.
- Jokingly, you wagged your brows, “does this mean you want me to whip it out?” If it wasn’t your face, you’d die of laughter at the distraught Jotaro showed, followed with a hint of fluster.
Noriaki Kakyoin 
- “Now, don’t freak out,” Kakyoin tried to soothe, hands holding out to stop you from doing anything rash which didn’t work too well when even he was panicking internally. After all, the one he had to comfort had his face.
- “There’s no way I can’t, I’m… I’m you! You’re me!” Of all the times to be in a stand user’s way, why did it have to be this one ? And w h y did this weird strand of hair keep getting into your mouth?! Seriously, how does Kakyoin manage to look so cool with this pest in his face all the time?
- That wasn’t the only problem though, no. You just had to swap bodies with someone you not only thought of as cool and amazing, but freakishly handsome too. Yet you were convinced you were anything but that. Bending down, you took hold of the jacket on your body, one that Kakyoin’s mind was currently in. “What are you doing?” He asked with a confused look, watching you zip up the jacket which was horribly confusing since he had to watch his own hands fix a jacket that wasn’t even his own.
- “Zipping your- my jacket! Just don’t pay too much attention to me, ok? I’m such a mess,” you mumbled, fumbling with the zipper. Gah, you weren’t used to having such long and thin fingers. Kakyoin in return narrowed his brows, his temporarily smaller hands going over your’s. 
- “Don’t start with that [First Name], you’re perfect the way you are. How we look is not our biggest problem anyways, we need to find that stand user and quick.” As much as you didn’t want to say it, he was right. You couldn’t focus on this, not when you didn’t know how permanent this situation could be. Nodding, you agreed.
- Kakyoin then smiled, a hand placing it’s self on your shoulder. [He died a little inside when he realised he had to go on his tip toes to do this.] “Come on, after all this I’ll treat us to something nice.”
Joseph Joestar
- “OH MY GO-” Joseph tried to yell but stopped abruptly when he realised how horribly strange it sounded in your voice. Of all the days you both agreed to team up, this had to be the one.
- While he was panicking in your body, you were staring at yourself in a mirror’s reflection, flexing your arm with an interested look. The way his muscles tensed and relaxed was way too good not to admire, not when his short sleeves left little to the imagination. Even for his age, this man seriously looked good and you couldn’t even try to hide that thought from him; so you didn’t. With a low whistle, you found a new pose to show off the Joestar’s muscles in, “not bad, old man. Guess you don’t skip gym day even on a retirement plan.”
- Joseph had to double take at your comment. “I’m not that old, and I sure as hell am not retiring anytime soon!” He argued, huffing before storming up to you and shoving you away from the mirror. Admittedly, he was pleasantly surprised by your praise to his physique and it really did get to his head, “you can stare all you want at my body later when we’re not facing serious danger, just get a move on now!”
- Raising a brow at the comment, you smirked to yourself as you watched your own body try to push the one you were in currently. Wonder how it felt for him. The guy would probably get a kick out of it if he just let him relax like you were. “Is that a promise? ‘Cause you can have front row tickets to your own show if you really want, Mr Joestar.” You cooed, dropping a formal title as though you weren’t suggesting something incredibly personal at all. At least it got a good reaction out of him, seeing as he paused his efforts to get you moving to stare at you with surprise. This then made you laugh, a gloved finger then moving to gently press his nose to pull him out of his dazed state. “Just kidding, pervert.”
- After that, you started to walk off ahead of him as he tried to collect his thoughts, his final reaction leaving him grumbling over what a damn tease you are and that there was no way he’d settle for the treatment you had just given him.
Mohammed Avdol
- Neither of you were too panicked by the situation thankfully, but there was still an awkwardness between you. Luckily, neither of you were the type to get too handsy and experimental with your comrade’s body so there was a strong bond of trust.  
- “Doesn’t all this clothing get uncomfortable in the heat?” You questioned while on your search for the stand user, making a gesture to his body which was your’s for the time being. It was insanely hot and though you were sure you had a little bit of his endurance, the heat was agonising. “Even your stand uses fire! Doesn’t it bother you at all?”
- Avdol chuckled in response to that, his laugh not being nearly as satisfying and fun to hear as it sounded more like you than the man himself. Shaking his head, he answered casually, “I don’t mind much at all. I was raised in the heat and when you are brought up like that, you grow accustomed to it. Magician’s Red’s ability doesn’t affect me at all either, seeing as he is my stand.” He enjoyed answering your many questions you always seemed to have for him, it made him feel wise and secretly savoured every second the two of you spent alone together. Not only were you good company, but you were deeply treasured in his heart. That was something for another day however.
- “Really?” You were surprised that he could stand this at all. It was already becoming bothersome for you. Instinctively, you took a hold of the bottom of his shirt and pulled it forwards and backwards to make some air flow across your stomach and chest. While doing so, you looked down for a split second to really take in the fact that you were in a whole other person’s body and your breath hitched at the short glimpse you had of his chest. You knew this man was healthy but you had no idea he was that fit. Wasn’t he like a semi-pacifist sorta guy?!
- Your sudden silence had concerned Avdol, leading him to questioning you. “Are you alright, [First Name]?” He was too much of a sweetheart to be real. You forced a smile and nodded, humming a happy reply. The best you could do really when you were too ashamed and surprised that you had seen the body of a god. 
- “Yeah I’m alright! Just checking out the hot body I mean weather! It’s like… really hot. So let’s find the stand user soon so I can feel cool again, haha!” Totally played it off well. Avdol seemed skeptical but he moved on, nodding in agreement with a determined look. You two really did have a goal to complete and fast.
- Even so, he knew what you had done and found it incredibly adorable how worked up it had got you.
Jean Pierre Polnareff
- The moment the shock of your minds switching bodies had subsided, Polanreff’s prioritises had gotten a little jumbled. His arms wrapped around his body, which really meant your’s, caressing each curve and swayed side to side with a dreamy expression. In fairness, he did feel like he was in a dream. He was in your body! It was so soft and perfect and whooo, did he mention soft? This chest was made for loving and supporting a head, and Polnareff was seriously looking for a pillow.
- “Ma cherie, you’re just so gorgeous! You’re so wicked to have kept this from me all this time,” he exaggeratedly complained while his hands still roamed his new, greatly admired body. You on the other hand, were a blushing mess who was trying to get him to stop.
- “Polnareff, please! We need to get going,” you insisted, trying to pull his arms away as you shut your eyes tight to avoid seeing his actions. One pro side of being in his body was adopting his incredible strength. 
- “Ah, oui, we shall go! But please, I need to let you know there is no way I can pass up on admiring this.” Oh please someone stop him now. “I mean, have you seen this rump?” Almost screeching, you slapped a hand over his lips and shook your head quickly with a stressed look. You were going to die of shame before any of Dio’s henchmen or women would even get to your first.
- He stared up at you with confusion before finally letting it sink in just how crude he was being. It wasn’t like he whole heartedly meant to! He just really appreciated your appearance. “Sorry cherie, I suppose I went to far, hm? I just couldn’t help myself.”
- You, unable to stay mad at the french man for longer than even a day, sighed and waved it off, knowing he meant no real harm. “It’s alright but please, we really should try and find a way to revert to our original bodies.”
- “Of course!” He enthusiastically agreed, taking a hold of your hand before starting to march off to whatever direction he so needed to go to - meaning, a random one he picked and prayed for the best. “There’s no way I can truly engross myself with your perfections from a first person’s perspective! As soon as we’re in our bodies, you’ll be showing me everything, cherie!”
- Honestly, you were a little excited by that.
- “AAAAAH.” “woof.” “AAAAH” “wOOF?!” “AAAAAA-” “WOOOOO-”
- mother fucker you are a dOG.
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fangirlovestuff · 5 years ago
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x reader
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a/n- Hey lovely people! the movie in this is completely made up with excessive use of random plot/name generators lol. also, the Melissa I mention is Melissa Fumero who I love and plays Amy on Brooklyn 99, and Anthony is Mackie who we all know and love. Enjoy! <3
Summary: You’re a director and you finally got to direct your husband chris in a movie. Now you just need to get through the press tour...
Word Count: ~1,780
Warnings: none that i’m aware of
You stepped out onto the stage when the interviewer called your name, waving at the crowd which was cheering and clapping.
"And without further ado, let's give a round of applause to Captain America himself, Chris Evans!"
Chris lightly stepped onto the stage, waving at the screaming fans as he took his place next to you. He reached out and squeezed your hand in his, and you returned a squeeze. You both tended to get nervous at these press panels and interviews, even if this one was one you were lucky enough to do together.
"It's so great to have you all here today! The entire cast of the hit movie The Invisible Lights!" the interviewer started and the crowd applauded once more. "First off, I want to start with a question for Chris," she said. He smiled and nodded at her to continue. "Your character in this movie, William Brown, is a sorcerer, but in a casual way, that's like his thing. For you, who, I believe, have never played a character with outright magic powers before, how hard was it to find a window and relate to him?"
"Yeah, it was actually kinda easy, even easier than some other characters I've played, because—"
"He's a wizard guys, it's not that complicated," you cut in and Chris laughed.
"Almost," he says and smiles, "but what I was gonna say before my lovely wife here interrupted me," you made a kissy face at him and he chuckled once more, "was that Will is actually just a nice guy, he experiences everything with the same compassion and excitement and fears just like us normal human beings do, and magic is just a cool bonus to that. So no, I wouldn't say relating to him was any more challenging than to any other character." 
"Thank you, Chris, that was a great answer," the interviewer smiled. "Now Melissa, I actually have a question for you too," she turned to her, "we all know and love you as Amy Santiago, who is a very comedic character, so what drove you towards this part of Nancy, who's just a normal person who's trying to do her job and doesn't get to make as many jokes in this movie as other characters do?"
"Well, I think Amy and Nancy are similar in a lot of ways, you know, they're both very dedicated to their job and are very rational women, but what drew me to this was actually the differences between them. Nancy is less type A, she's a bit more unsure of herself and is more of a "normal person" whereas Amy is more the "nerd" type. Getting to play someone like that just appealed to me a lot."
The interviewer asked you a question next. "So how was directing this movie for you? What's it like directing your husband in a movie?" the audience cheers a little at that. 
"Well, I gotta say it's one of the most fun sets I've been on, and not only because Chris was there," you smiled. "I was obviously a huge fan of Melissa and I was stoked she could do this movie with us, and really the whole set was very upbeat and just fun, especially the scenes we shot with the kids, who were lovely. The lead actor was… a bit much honestly. He's just…" you shook your head, sighing, and Chris laughed. "He's just too handsome for his own good. It's terrible really," you laughed. 
"No, but honestly, working with him was so much fun. I've always known the talent he has, but being able to really witness it firsthand and going through the whole process of making a character and a movie with him was wonderful. "
The crowd "awwww" ed at that and the interviewer continued. "Would you say directing him was harder or easier than someone else, someone you don't necessarily know?"
 "Listen, directing Chris… well, it's not that different than what I do every day," you shrugged and turned to Chris, "you do need a lot of chaperoning babe," you smiled. He laughed and reached for his chest like he always does. The crowd laughed as well and you gave a little giggle as well. 
"It's true," Chris smiles and says, "she's always like, 'Chris do the dishes,' and 'Isn't it your turn to walk Dodge today?'"
"That is not true Christopher!" you put your hand to your chest as if offended. "Besides, that was a terrible impression of me, I can't believe you do this for a living!" you threw your hands up and shook your head in disbelief and you all laughed.
"Um, but to give a more serious answer," you turned to the interviewer once more, "I think in every movie you direct, you get to form a connection with the people you direct. The fact that Chris and I already have that connection is both a blessing and a curse because on the one hand, we're more comfortable trying new things and taking risks, but on the other hand that means it's easier for us to get off track and just kinda goof around instead of doing our jobs," you chuckled. "But I do think we handled it pretty well," you smiled.
"Well that leads me to my next question, which is for the rest of the cast who aren't you and Chris," the interviewer smiled, "how did they do with keeping it professional on set?"
Everyone laughed and you and Chris smiled at each other. 
"Terrible," said Anthony, who played David, a police officer in the movie who was good friends with Chris' character. "Well, no, when we were shooting the actual scenes, they were fine, but every single break we had, these two-" he looked over at Chris and you, "look at them! They're making heart eyes at each other right now!" he rolled his eyes. 
You and Chris looked away from each other and smiled while the crowd cheered a little. 
"I think we were totally fine," said Chris while he took your hand in his. 
"Well, I guess they weren't that bad," Melissa said.
"I have one more question for you guys and then we're gonna take some fan questions. So, what was it like working with the kids on set?"
"They were really cute," Melissa said, "so I had a lot of fun working with them," she shrugs and smiles. 
"Speak for yourself," you said. "Well, okay, they were very cute and it really was a blast having them on set. We basically said for people who have relatives who were about the age we looked for that they should bring them because we needed a whole class. So my niece was there, Chris' niece and nephew, Mel's kid… we had a lot of fun, but in terms of production time, kids are kind of difficult. Not to say it's the kids who were there, because they were truly lovely and it's like that with all kids. So yeah, working with them was a really good time but also cost quite a bit of time and we already were short on time, so it was definitely a challenge." 
You all took some questions from the audience and then the interviewer said, "Alright guys, we have time for one last question, who's next?"
A girl who was a bit younger than you came up to the microphone. "Hi! First of all, can I just say I'm such a big fan of all of you guys," she seemed nervous and you all smiled at her. "So, my question is a spin on an earlier question and it's for Chris – You've spoken a lot in the past about the importance of a strong-willed director to really bring in the movie nicely, so how was it having your wife direct you in a movie?"
"Wow, you're really setting me up to fail here, aren't you?" he laughed and you turned to look at him, an interested look in your eyes. 
"Sure, well, I really can't say enough good things about her. Both as a director and just as a person, she's got a real talent of making people feel very comfortable and that definitely comes in handy on a movie set. She knows really well when she wants to listen and get ideas from us and when she needs to steer the ship herself a bit more, and I think I'm speaking for everyone here when I say that with her, the vibe on set is always a good one. She's very attentive to things that I would've never thought about that really make the movie what it is and she's very capable of standing at the helm of a movie and saying 'okay, this is what needs to happen and this is how we're gonna do it.' If I already thought the world of her before making a movie with her, I can't really tell you how much I admire her now. It's an embarrassment of riches really," he smiled at you and you returned it.
The audience "awwww"s once more. "Anything else you'll be making soon?" someone shouts suddenly. Everyone on stage laughs, but the interviewer starts talking so you don't have to answer the question.  
"Sadly, that's all the time we've got, so give it up for the cast of The Invisible Lights! It was a pleasure having you here today, thank you so much!"
You all got up and waved at the audience before walking off stage. 
When you left the stage, Chris came up behind you, circling his arms around you and splaying his palms on your belly. 
"That was a close call," he said softly in your ear. 
You hummed and leaned back into him. "Yeah, we're lucky the bump isn't visible yet," you smiled and craned your neck in order to kiss him properly. 
"You know if it gets too hard, we can cut the press tour short right?" Chris says, looking at you with a worried gaze.
"If you keep saying that after every interview I'm gonna start thinking you don't want to be here," you laughed. "It's fine, really," you reassured him.
"Okay," he smiles and leans down to kiss you once more.
"Hey lovebirds! Didn't we just agree you were professional? Don't ruin that image!" Anthony yelled at you. The rest of the group has already continued, leaving you a little behind.
"Coming!" you both yelled and laughed.
"Can you believe in seven months we're gonna have the most perfect kid on this planet?" Chris asked while he moved to stand next to you and take your hand.
You simply beamed and squeezed his hand in yours. You couldn't wait.
Chris Taglist: @swatson06 @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @phoebe-21-99 @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​ @wanessalopesueiros @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @darkwitchfromthesouth
if you wanna join / be removed from the taglist, comment/message me! this is a taglist for Chris and his characters. much love <3
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artificialqueens · 4 years ago
Tension (Rajila) - Kiyo
A/N - My first submission so, I hope this goes well, this pretty much comedic with of course, a lot of tension and a questionable friendship and usage of the word platonic.
Author blog: @nilaluzon
"What kind of person does that to a kid-" Alexis asked in shock to what Manila had just told her. "I have no idea but he did, he yelled at him and basically made him cry because he didn't get 90% when the poor guy had like, 83% if I remember correctly."
Alexis and Manila had been having this discussion for a bit now, simply talking about stories from their childhoods, it was always fun to know what kind of stupid things they had done back then...or stupid things people in their surroundings did.
"Honey, I'm sorry but, your school was fucking crazy, these kid's parents sound like kids themselves." Alexis shook her head, all these anecdotes had been quiet crazy on Manila's end and she just didn't get it, how did people do these things and why would they? Sometimes Alexis wondered how some people did not have the blessing of common sense and it was pretty sad because other people had to endure the consequences of their stupidity.
"Girl, you haven't heard this one." Manila chuckled. "There was this other time where that same kid stole a pencil from me, so, as a 9 year old, I was pretty upset about it, so I waited for him outside the school entrance and he was with his dad." Manila explained whilst Alexis nodded, finishing her glass of wine, keeping her eyes on her friend as she spoke.
"So, I came up to them and I said. 'Hey, can you give me my pencil back, you've had it for 3 days, I want it back.' And I'm not making this up but his dad looked at him and slapped this poor kid's soul out of him over a pencil- I was so shocked, he was so freaking angry." Manila giggled, thinking back on it.
"So then, he looked at me, still very angry and all that jazz then said with the creepiest fucking angry voice to exist. 'You'll have your pencil tomorrow.' That's all he said before storming off with his kid, literally dragging him down the street." Manila chuckled. "I was just out of it the rest of that day, I thought he might have killed his kid when they got home, I felt so bad."
"Girl, Honey, Nila- What the fuck was wrong with your hometown." Alexis asked with genuine concern in her voice, making Manila laugh. "I have no idea but that was the period in my life where I felt like the only normal person because, my classmates parents either we're super strict and borderline beated their kids or they let them do whatever they wanted all the time. Meanwhile, I was at the middle ground." Manila explained, she couldn't stop chuckling, the expression on Alexis's face was absolutely hilarious.
Her expression was a mix of concern, disgust and confusion. "Ma'am, I hope you got therapy for all that trauma." Alexis sat back in her chair with her arms crossed. "I didn't-" Manila laughed again yet Alexis stayed serious.
"I can tell." Alexis chuckled and Manila gave her a mocked-offended look. "Excuse me, I'm not that bad, do I look that mentally ill to you-?"
"You wore a pineapple dress."
"That is hot couture, glamorous and unique, I don't get how that reflects my mental status whatsoever." Manila responded. "And look, atleast I was gorgeous wearing it." She shrugged.
"I'm even more concerned about you now- first of all, your friend got beat by his dad over a pencil, then you had another friend who tried smoking a cigarette at 9 years old and then someone from your class set a trash can on fire and to top it all off, you dress up as food." Alexis sighed, facepalming.
"Hey, it isn't that bad, I didn't tell you about that time where-"
"I don't wanna know Manila, no thank you. Do not project your trauma onto me, I've went through enough already." Alexis giggled, seeing Manila start to sulk because of Alexis's response.
"Do not look at me like that-" Alexis laughed, making Manila laugh as well. "You can't even take yourself seriously." Alexis chuckled. "Yes I can!" Manila said defensively with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, trying to look serious again.
The conversation could have went on with Alexis teasing her younger friend but that was interrupted by Raja who sat inbetween the two, out of nowhere, visibly irritating Alexis.
"Hope I'm not interrupting you two." Raja smiling proudly as she saw her friends look at her with annoyed expressions, well, the annoyed expression came from Alexis, Manila on the other hand looked pretty happy and excited to see the older queen.
"No, you're not, we we're actually getting impatient of waiting for you." Manila explained with a small smile on her face.
"Well, I'm old, I walk slowly so bare with me." Raja joked. "But you have long legs." Manila responded, there was no excuse- "You got me there-" Raja sighed.
"Am I thirdwheeling now or what?" Alexis raised a brow, Raja's back was turned to her, basically excluding her from the conversation with Manila. "I mean, only if you want to." Raja shrugged, glancing back at Alexis who rolled her eyes, getting up and leaving the pair to talk alone. Yara wanted to hang with Alexis anyways, so it wasn't a big deal, she definitely wasn't going to spend her night alone, like Farrah.
"You won't believe me." Alexis complained as soon as she approached Yara. "You thirdwheeled?" Yara raised a brow, already knowing the answer. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Alexis looked at her with a puzzled expression, sitting next to her friend.
"You only say that to me after Raja pushed you out of a conversation you we're having with Manila, so it was quiet obvious that this was the reason." Yara shrugged as if this was casual by now.
"I've been thinking about those two, they always try and make the convo only them, well, atleast Raja does that." Yara explained, basically talking to herself since Alexis pulled out her phone. "And Raja is always like 'Manila this, Manila that.' It's weird and annoying, don't you think- are you even listening to me?" Yara sighed.
"I agree." Alexis lazily answered. "I just don't have the energy to talk about those two, they get on my nerves honestly." She sighed. "Why?" Yara raised a brow, putting her drink down on the table.
"Like you said, with Raja, it's always about Manila and meanwhile, Manila never says shit to get Raja to stop isolating her away from us, I don't even think she noticed that Raja always tried to keep her to herself." Alexis responded, thinking about the many times Raja interrupted a group dicussion by just snatching Manila away from the group, pretty weird if you ask her.
"Yeah, I mean, it's pretty obvious that she likes Nila." Yara shrugged. "Why tho?" Alexis asked in disgust, making Yara wheeze- "Do you no like Nila?"
"Well, she's fucking annoying most of the time, she can be nice but she's so noisy and never stops talking, I don't get why Raja would want that as a girlfriend, if that's even what she wants."
"That's a bit hypocritical of you to say after you've been complaining about Raja never letting anyone speak with Manila." Yara teased her friend who rolled her eyes at her. "That's why Manila is so noisy now, she barley has an opportunity to talk to us."
"You're exaggerating." Yara responded, chuckling.
"What are you guy's talking about?" The infamous and lonely Farrah Moan approached the pair. "Just about how much Manila annoys Alexis." Yara told Farrah, patting the space beside her to invite the younger queen to sit down with them.
"Hm, speaking of Manila, don't you think her and Raja are crushing on each other?" Farrah suggested before sitting beside Yara. "Exactly! That's what I was saying." Alexis responded enthusiastically at the fact someone shared her opinion. "They're both so fucking obvious." Alexis huffed.
"Like, Raja has her fucking hand on her thigh and Manila is basically eye-fucking that corpse." Alexis just wanted them to fuck already, like, stop acting as if nothing is up, just do it, no one cares. "You seem very passionate about those two for somebody who dislikes them." Farrah giggled.
"I'm not, I just find it annoying that they don't just do it already." Alexis quickly responded, it's true, Manila and Raja had never done shit about that tension between them as far as Alexis knew and it irritated everybody.
"Do what-?" Yara hadn't been following this rant Alexis started. "Fuck." Alexis sighed. "The sexual tension kills everyone, like, we'd be at a restaurant and they're just eyefucking each other and cuddling-"
"It's definitely getting frustrating to watch, I gotta agree." Farrah said. "Because they're always so close to actually doing something but then they never do it, which is kinda like you're about to climax but you don't."
"Exacta-fucking-ly." Alexis finally somebody who voiced what they thought about that duo, She basically said what everyone was thinking and Farrah confirmed her theory.
"Look, look, look, look, look." Alexis pointed at the couple. "They're so fucking close- like her hand- look at her hand!"
The two weren't even talking, just staring at each other, Manila had a stupid smile on her face whilst Raja had a simple grin with her hand rested on Manila's upper thigh, rubbing circles with her thump on Manila's exposed skin.
"FUCK EACH OTHER!" Yara yelled at them, breaking whatever moment they we're having and making them visibly embarrassed as some of their friends stared at them, glancing back and forth from Yara to Raja and Manila.
"Give me a second." Manila quickly whispered to Raja them speed walked over to the trio who we're intensly looking at her. "What was that about Yara!?" Manila snapped at her friend. "Nothingggg-" Yara smiled awkwardly.
"We just want you two to stop your flirting game and just fuck already." Alexis shrugged, seeing the confused expression on Manila's face annoyed her right away. "Flirting? We're not flirting."
"Please-" Farrah laughed at Manila. "She was staring deep in your soul and feeling your thigh, that isn't flirting?" Farrah was questioning what Manila even considered flirting anymore or maybe Farrah was just wrong about the definition, who knows?
"No, she wasn't even touching me." Manila huffed.
"Girl." Alexis gave her the really queen? Stare.
"Miss thing-" Farrah looked at her as if she we're the dumbest person alive.
"Oh my god." Yara facepalmed.
"What? She wasn't." Manila stood her ground, crossing her arms. "Babygirl, yes she was." Alexis sighed.
"Whatever." Yara shook her head and made a motion for Manila to go away. "Just go home, you're obviously too drunk to know whats going on."
"I drank one glass, I'm not drunk." Manila whined but Alexis was not about to deal with a Manila tantrum right now. "Take an IQ test girl." Farrah giggled before Alexis stood up and grabbed Manila's hand. "Look, darling, consider therapy, I really recommend it." She said, seriously, making Manila roll her eyes before storming off.
"Well, I hope she takes my advice." Farrah giggled and received a slap on the arm from Yara. "You're stupider than her bitch, shut the fuck up with you IQ test looking ass." She laughed. "It wasn't a bad idea." Alexis shrugged, sitting back down.
Manila stormed out the club, feeling upset, she had no idea why she was but she felt betrayed in some odd way. Why would they say that and why Yara yell thay infront of everybody? Manila felt embrassed, her and Raja we're just friend, they'd never done anything together...that was complete delusion on her part to think that because Manila recalled moment's they had but it was after a long nights of drinking and excuses to so things but she barely remembered snippets of encounters.
But even if it did happen, Alexis anf Yara had no right to say something like they had ---
"Nila-" Raja snatched Manila by the wrist, making her abruptly stop in her path. "What!?" Manila snapped but turned to see Raja. "Oh, Raja...my bad." Manila sighed, relaxing a little yet still having a tense feeling in her chest. "Where are you going?" Raja frowned, letting go of Manila's wrist, noticing the red mark she'd left on her skin from grabbing her that harshly.
Fuck... Raja thought to herself before looking back at her short friend. "I was going home." Manila responded, crossing her arms. "Why? Weren't we suppose to have fun till 3 am or something? It's barely 11 pm...and you said you'dcome back to talk to me." Raja said with a worried tone in her voice, mumbling the last part butal she could think of was if there had been something that happened to Manila to make her upset her this much?
"I know, I just, I got angry, they kept saying we we're acting weird or something and I guess that it made me really upset but now that I think about it... it was really dumb to storm off, sorry." Manila took a deep breath, not being able to hold eye contact with Raja. "That's fine, they won't know anyway.." Raja responded, taking a step closer to Manila, looking down at her. "Are you calming down?"
"I think so.." Manila shrugged. "Look at me." Raja sighed. "Are you still upset?"
Raja cupped Manila's face, making her look up at her, here came the tension once more, just like earlier, Manila felt her heart beat out of her chest as Raja looked at her, she could no longer look away, she didn't want to. "Are you upset?" Raja asked once again.
"Yeah, I don't know why...they'd..say that." Manila could barely focus, she knew she was staring but so was Raja. "I see." Raja sighed. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Raja raised a brow and tilted her head slightly.
"I want you to stay with me..." Manila mumbled, hugging Raja and resting her head against her chest, hearing the taller woman's heartbeat.
"You want to stay here, outside?" Raja asked again, wanting clear answers from Manila, it was quiet cute how shy she was being but it didn't help them carry this conversation.
"Whatever you want, i just want to stay with you." Manila answered, clearly not wanting to carry on talking. "Alright." Raja sighed, now she needed to find away to break the hug without it being awkward...
"I love how clingy you are but I need to just..." Raja started her sentence, slightly bending down and passing one of her arms under Manila's knees, picking her up bridal style. "...Pick you up and get you home."
"Can we go to your place instead..?" Manila asked, somehow not bothered by the gesture.
Manila didn't want Raja to just get her home then leave her, tonight she didn't want to be left alone.. "Of course." Raja giggled softly.
Manila and Raja's friendship was odd to say the least, well, to other people it was weird but this was normal for the both of them, they'd always been quiet clingy but people thought they we're dating but always ended up disappointed when they found out that they we're just close friends.
Raja started walking, thanking the lord that Manila had made that request because she couldn't see herself carry Manila to that house, it was pretty far away, meanwhile, Raja's apartment was really close to the club they'd been at.
Raja started walking pretty quickly because people seeing her carry an upset and tired girl who looked far younger than her probably wasn't a good look at all-
After finally getting to the front door of her apartment, Raja carefully put down Manila who immediately hugged her arm, sticking to the older woman like glue. Raja could tell that her friend was in a very clingy mood if it wasn't obvious enough.
After finding the keys to her appartement, Raja opened the door, walking in with Manila then quickly closing the door and to her surprise, Manila pushed Raja against the wall, not hard at all but damn was she needy, being cuddly with Raja right away.
"Nila, I adore you but, don't want you wanna cuddle on the couch or in bed? The wall isn't exactly comfortable" Raja giggled, seeing Manila take a step back and crossing her arms with her annoyed expression that Raja knew all too well.
"Aw, come on, don't look at me like that, this really makes me believe you're a light weight because the only logical reason to why you'd do this is, is because you're drunk but you only drank one glass." Raja chuckled, grabbing Manila's hand and then leading the way to her bedroom.
"Make yourself at home, I mean, pretend it's not like you already sleep here 3 nights a week with me." Raja chuckled and got hit in the shoulder playfully by Manila. "I'm tired, let's sle-" Manila got cut off by the door bell ringing and Raja was visibly annoyed like Manila, huffing before making her way to the front door, leaving Manila in her bedroom to sit on Raja's bed.
Raja opened the door to see Bob of all people, which wasn't too pleasant of a surprise right now.
"May I ask why you're at my door step at midnight?" Raja sighed, Bob had this smile on her face, Raja would say she looked stupid but she was going to keep that thought to herself.
"Well, I know you're pretty lonely most of the time so, I was wondering if we could hang out since Monet is busy tonight." Bob suggested but got caught off guard when she saw Manila walk towards them, hugging Raja's arm and resting her head on her shoulder. "What's up?" Manila asked, not bothering to look at Bob as she kept her eye's on Raja.
"Oh- Nothing much." Bob chuckled awkwardly, she must've been interrupting something and she clearly felt tension build between her and Manila and it wasn't exactly positive.
"Babe, you didn't tell me Bob was going to come around." Manila looked at Raja, clearly annoyed by Bob's presence. "She just dropped by to ask me to hang out-"
"-You're gonna leave me here? You promised you'd stay with me, I love your apartment but I love it make when you're with me." Manila whined, hugging Raja tighter. "Of course not, I was gonna tell her that I'm-"
"-We're busy." Manila finished Raja's sentence then eyed Bob who was clearly regretting every life choice that led her up to this moment. "Okay, well, I'll be on my way-" Bob chuckled awkwardly then quickly walked away, borderline running, not waiting for Raja to close the door.
Raja locked the door then looked at Manila with an intrigued look. "Are we busy...babe?" She asked teasingly. "Mhm." Manila smiled. "You really are a handful, you scared that small bean away." Raja giggled.
"My plan worked, now we won't be bother by anybody, it'll be just us and that weird Madonna poster you have in your living room." Manila giggled. "I don't know if I'm offended or amused." Raja sighed and shook her head. "I don't have the energy to defend that fabulous poster right now so, I'll just agree with you." Raja chuckled.
"Can we go sleep now?" Manila whined. "With that attitude, we're not sleeping." Raja grinned. "Aren't we?" Manila giggled at what Raja was suggesting. "Are you that tired?" Raja sighed. "Not anymore." Manila smirked.
"Good because..." Raja smiled and cupped Manila's face. "I want to make you my babe tonight." She kissed her softly. "All platonically of course...as always." Raja chuckled. "All platonic." Manila giggled.
There was absolutely nothing platonic about their relationship but no one knew that nor did they have to know. Having their friends push them together when in fact they already we're together most of the time in many sense was quiet funny to say the least but, tonight there was no laughing about who and what somebody said...tonight they'd be beating up the word platonic.
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