#from engineers to assisstants crossing their fingers and clapping their hands and mumbling a quick prayer to bewd?
kisaraslover · 8 months
i just thought of something i think Mokuba would have a "girl help" phase where he randomly cries out to some "girl" entity about petty stuff or to complain about his brother like "girl help my brother is going to be late to his only brothers graduation cuz he gotta look at laptop screen some more" "mokuba its crucial for our next launch-" "girl help hes not even dressed yet" and then it quickly turns into an inside joke to pray to the BEWD like "Blue Eyes White Dragon Help I Cant Lose This Bet i have NO MONEY" "NO Blue Eyes White Dragon Help ME I told him not to blow all his money on stupid collectibles"
all that culminating in real moment of KC employees witnessing their CEO pinch the bridge of his nose at a failed trial, expecting him to start grilling them but he lets out an exasperated "Blue Eyes White Dragon Help" and goes back to the control panel and theyre all like ?????????? we do that now????????
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