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Deputies in a Dark Reign
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Little bit more blurry, and this time by m-o-u-r-i
Again, this is NOT to scale of one another.
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--Hoot, Snow, and Rosebranch are she-cats, Goldengaze and Frogstreak are toms.
--Aside from Hoot, all designs are taken from @ambitiousauthor who wrote their descriptions in Gorsedaisy's Nightmare (also seen in Rainstar's Burden). Rose was listed as a calico, so I decided to be creative with it. I also added a scar to Snowpad.
--Snowpad had to stay in the medicine den for a long time after she received her injury, and many were skeptical that she would have survived. She has problems with memory and concentration, though thankfully is better at planning (which can also be affected if injured in the area that she was).
After her injury, Snowpad's personality changed. She became more impulsive, and less able to hold back bursts of emotion. In spite of this, she proved herself and became the deputy, later leader. Her own deputy was a friend and former apprentice of hers that helped her figure out methods to aid her memory and concentration.
Gatherings are tough for her due to the impulsivity and bursts of emotions bit, but with effort and hard work, she works around it--it is not completely gone, she cannot magically make it go away when she needs it to, but she can better direct it in a way that is not as harmful as it could be.
It's kind of hard to see, but Snowpad is all white with lighter paws!
--After Rainstar, Rosebranch was the first to become leader.
--Frogstreak was leader for seven moons before he passed. He was still young and wanted to prove himself, so when senior warriors and elders voiced their doubts, he lead the Clan into battle (likely for Sunningrocks, as it was the old territories).
What if the senior warriors and/or elders that talked badly about Frogstar's leadership were friends of his late father and he wanted to impress them, wanted to make them proud, and in doing so it got him killed
There were injuries, but nothing beyond scars. That is, until the fourth fight in, when Frogstreak's throat was slashed in a wound too big to come back from.
--Goldengaze is very serious all the time. A huge buzzkill.
--Hoot :3
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@starfalcon555 @wills-woodland-warriors @frightnightindustries
@elementaldeityoffood @umbranoxs
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Name: Feathergaze
Nicknames/aliases: Feather, Feathers
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: heterosexual
Romanticism: heteroromantic
Parents: Twistedshine (mother), Frogstreak (father)
Siblings: Frogkit, Ashkit (younger brothers
Mate: n/a
Kit(s): n/a
Other relatives: Bramblefish (uncle)
Mentor: Pineflight
Apprentice(s): N/a
Former ranks: kit, apprentice
Rank: warrior
Clan: Riverclan
Fur color: black+silver spotted tabby
Eye color: dark green
Nose/pawpad color: dark grey
Fur length: long
Personality: sweet, reserved, a little awkward around toms
Residence after death: Starclan
@elementaldeityoffood, @liberhoe, @wills-woodland-warriors, @residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555
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Are there names for the deputies at the time?
There are and I was just considering doing them next (and maybe medicine cats after that)
Alderstar's deputy = Hootpetal
Vinestar's deputy = Snowpad
Hailstar's deputy = Goldengaze (it was previously Flamespark, but she had died)
Hushstar's deputy = Frogstreak
Rabbitstar's deputy = Rosebranch
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Fun additional fact about Frogstreak He was actually the mentor of Pigeonfang!!!
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Dark Forest Resident: Pigeonfang 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Pidge, Darling, Daddy, Papa 
Gender: tom 
Sexuality: polysexual, pan-demiromantic 
Family: Mousestar (mother), Eelfoot (father), Katniss (mate), Swankit, Magpiekit (daughters), Grousemane, Egretkit, Starlingkit, Buzzardkit (sons) 
Other Relations: Frogstreak (mentor) 
Clan: RiverClan (formerly)
Rank: warrior, loner 
Characteristics: lovable, loyal, goofy, caring, a devoted family man 
Number of Victims: 5 (accidently)
Number of Murders: 5 (accidently)
Murder Method: crushing, suffocation 
Known Victims: Egretkit, Swankit, Magpiekit, Starlingkit, Buzzardkit 
Victim Profile: his kits 
Cause of Death: starvation
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Anyone who knew Pigeonfang would tell you that he was a lover, not a fighter.
Even as a kit and an apprentice, he was more preoccupied with finding "the one" than becoming the best warrior ever. Other cats whispered that it was the result of his parents' influence--as the only kit of the leader and medicine cat of Riverclan, they were bound to place bad ideas in his head. But Pigeonfang didn't care--that's just how he was.
It wasn't a surprise to anyone when Pigeonfang fell in love with a loner named Katniss, who had taken refuge in Riverclan to heal after losing her tail to a monster, and left the Clan to live as a loner with her. 
He missed his parents, but he was much happier as a loner, wandering freely with the love of his life at his side. Not much time had passed before Katniss became pregnant, and soon she had given birth to six wonderful kits, who Pigeonfang adored with every fiber of his being. 
He gave them Clan names. Grousekit, Magpiekit, Buzzardkit, Starlingkit, Egretkit, and Swankit, so they would always have a piece of their Clan heritage with them.
The next few moons of Pigeonfang's life were the happiest he had ever been. But then Leaf-bare came around, and the blizzard hit. Snow blanketed the ground as far as the eye could see, and the chill seeped into the stone of their cave home. But he had to at least try and hunt. Otherwise his precious kits would starve!
The hunt was long and arduous, but Pigeonfang was eventually able to catch a squirrel, which would at least be enough to feed the kits. By the time he had gotten back to the den, night had long since fallen, his bones were aching, and he was just so tired. 
He set the squirrel down and immediately flopped down to sleep. 
He could have sworn he heard a crunching noise, but he was so tired, he decided not to deal with it until the morning. That was exactly what happened when, come sunrise. a shriek of horror echoed in his ears, and he looked up to see Katniss staring at him in horror and Grousekit hiding behind his mother's legs, staring in confusion.
Pigeonfang mumbled sleepily, asking Katniss what the big deal was. But as his body shifted, he heard a strange noise. Like crunching leaves, but not quite. He stood up and looked down, and his world immediately shattered. 
The bodies of the rest of his kits were lying in a crumpled pile, fur matted with blood. Immediately the dots connected. Pigeonfang tried to tell Katniss that it was an accident, but she wouldn't believe him, and honestly, Pigeonfang knew in his heart that she was right. 
With one last hiss to stay away from Grousekit, she grabbed Pigeonfang's last precious kit by the scruff of his neck and whirled away into the snow. Pigeonfang chased after them, crying out for Katniss to stop, but he lost sight of them almost immediately.
That didn't stop him from trying to find Grousekit again, though. He kept on searching, and searching, and searching, but he never could. The older he got, the more determined he became, neglected to groom himself or even eat. He became skinnier and skinnier, but still he persisted.
Finally, many moons later, the scent he had been searching for for so long finally reached him. But it was intermingled with other scents too. Pigeonfang tried to leap at the rogues, but his muscles, weak from a lack of nutrients, buckled beneath him. 
All he could do was stare in horror as he watched the rogues leap at his last surviving kit's throat, and the death would be all his fault again... 
But then two more cats leaped out, Shadowcan cats, one reddish-brown and one golden, and they drove back the rogues without effort.
Pigeonfang watched as Grouse talked to the ShadowClan cats--Myrtlewing and Aldereyes--and listened to Grouse agree to join Shadowclan. As he watched the trio walk away, he let his body go limp and smiled. His son would be with the Clans now, safe and sound. As long as his son was safe, he could die happily. 
And die happily he did.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @starfalcon555​
--Yes, Grousemane's siblings all having bird prefixes was intentional! The whole family has a bird theme, with Katniss being named after Katniss Everdeen, who has her own bird symbolism :3.
--Grousemane wasn't with his siblings that fateful night because he had a nightmare and went to his mom for comfort. Had he not had that nightmare or woken up a few minutes later, he would be dead.
--The kits were probably all around two moons old when they died and Katniss and Grouse left Pigeonfang, so Grousemane probably forgot about Pigeonfang over time.
--Had the rest of the kits survived, [Star] thinks they all would have become Clan cats, with Buzzardkit and Starlingkit joining Grousemane in ShadowClan, Magpiekit going to either ThunderClan or SkyClan, and Egretkit and Swankit reuniting their grandparents in RiverClan. Their warrior names would have been Buzzardblaze, Starlingstrike, Magpieshade, Egretfeather, and Swanstream :3
--This makes the upcoming scene of Grouse meeting them in Myrtle and Alder more interesting..
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This just in: I forgot to specify mentors:
Deadheart- mentors Beechpaw
Flippelt- Mentors Gravelpaw
Stoutleg- mentors Stormpaw
Frogstreak- mentors Breampaw
Troutfeather- mentors Pitchpaw
Olivetail- mentors Minnowpaw
Coldwater- mentors Houndpaw
Lambfreckle- mentors Tiercelpaw
Beechhiss- mentors Meadowpaw
Turkeytail- mentors Cedarpaw
Bramblestep- mentors Nightpaw
got them!
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Next Riverclan med cat some time after Rainwater and Dawnflower was Minnowberry (the one who caught Blackdawn). 
Next leader some time after Hushstar and Frogstreak (assuming he doesn’t die as deputy) is Heronstar. Puddlefrost is his deputy. Hushstar ruled when Rainstar of Shadowclan was starting his leadership (after Alder).
Other cats  during this time are:
--Badgercloud (Blackdawn’s mate)
--Lilykit (Black and Badger’s kit)
--Slateshade (Blackdawn’s mother)
--Flashspot (Cloverfox’s son)
--Prickleroot (Cloverfox’s son)
--Grasslight (Blackdawn’s father)
--Whitetail (Clover’s son)
--Reedpool (Clover’s daughter)
And in Cloverfox’s story, which occurs shortly before this (she has kits at the same time as Slateshade):
--Scorchheart (Thunderclan)
--Bouncestep (Thunderclan)
and for bonus thing that I mentioned before, leader after Rainstar is canon Snowstar, to give this a better time frame.
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