#frnkiebby’s FellowWhore Appreciation Day(week)
frnkiebby · 5 months
Frnkiebby’s FellowWhore Appreciation Day(week) Installment Number One:
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(if you have criticism, it’s welcome. but keep it constructive. my life motto is ‘arson is the answer’ for a reason)
You didn’t realize that Frank was no longer at your side until you turned your head to ask him a question.
“I— Frank??”
When you turned to look behind you, you saw him looking into the window of the new shop that had opened the previous week. Smiling to yourself, you walked back to him, scuffing your feet against the cement to catch his attention.
“When did this get here?” he asks, almost offended that he didn’t notice.
“Like….maybe opened a week ago or so?” you made a face and shrugged.
Frank just gapes at you. The look of incredulity on his face breaks any sort of commitment to being serious with him. It’s almost as if once you start laughing you just can’t stop. You’ve never seen a grown man in his 30’s get so miffed over not being told about a new vintage record shop opening up in a town that had at least five other record shops in the vicinity.
“Well you could’ve told me.”
“Is that my job?” you ask. Frank narrows his eyes at you and you have to try even harder to not start laughing again.
“Maybe it fuckin’ should be” he grumbles.
Before you can think of a quip back, he turns and pulls the door, frowning when it doesn’t open. You put your hand over your mouth and just watch the scene unfold. Frank looks to the open sign on the door and back to the handle, pulling again.
“Frankie. Baby. See that sign? ‘push’? You’ve gotta push the door open.”
You make a pushing motion when his head whips around to snark something in response. Likely to tell you that you’re wrong. That is until the door swings open and Frank nearly tumbles into the shop owner.
“Oh! Sorry about that young man! I thought maybe the door was stuck again….you do know this is a push door right? Did I make that sign big enough? I’m so sorry!”
The sound of your hand flying to cover your mouth is loud enough that it causes the older gentleman to look at you in confusion.
“No! No, Sir the sign is perfect, your store is perfect! He was just so excited about looking around that I think he just wasn’t paying attention.”
If looks could kill, you would have been dead seven times over with the one playing across Frank’s face. You simply smiled at him and threaded your fingers with his, holding his hand and smiling innocently up at the store owner.
“Well isn’t that sweet! I love seeing such young people taking an interest in older forms of media! Come in, come in!!”
The old man ushered the two of you in and flapped his hands at the numerous stacks and rows of vinyls before promising not to hover and retreating back to his stool behind the counter.
“he does know we’re in our 30’s….right??” Frank asks, leaning over to whisper while eying the owner with mild concern.
“Frank stop. Let the poor guy be excited about such young people taking an interest in older forms of media” you swatted his hand out of yours and nudged him toward the closest row “now go look for more records to add to your hoard.”
He rolled his eyes at you but it didn’t stop the smile that slowly grew on his face. The afternoon progressed in fits of giggles, bargaining between which record to add to your arms, and a very pleased old man thanking the two of you for an eventful time.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
Frnkiebby’s FellowWhore Appreciation Day(week) Installment Number Two:
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“Are you sure you’re still up for this Frankie?” you ask. Frank was barely recovered from his latest bout of bronchitis and you really wished he would take things easier and just fucking rest.
“For the millionth time. Yes.” he said, his tone edging on exasperation now “We’ve had these tickets for *months* and I’m so fucking sick and tired of rotting on the couch.”
Frank moved to walk around you, placing a hand on your hip as he squeezed past in the narrow hallway of the front door. You let out a heavy sigh and finally took a pair of shoes from the rack in front of you.
“Will you at least wear a mask? We’re gonna be around a lot of people and I really don’t want you catching another bug. Your immune system isn’t back to full strength yet.”
Hearing a thump come from Franks direction caused you to drop your remaining shoe and snap your eyes to him.
“Yes, mother.” he said petulantly, lifting his head back from where he had let it fall against the wall in frustration.
“Frank…I’m sorry, I just worry. You’ve been getting sick a lot more frequently lately…”
Frank looked down and away. He knew that. He knew he’s been sick more often than not this fall, and if he was being honest with both himself and you, he was also worried.
“I know baby,” he replied softly “I’ll wear a mask. I’ll be okay.”
He stood and walked the few steps over to take your face in his hands. Brushing his thumbs across your cheekbones, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against your forehead.
“Let’s get outta here and go see your freaky exhibit already, huh?”
“Yeah, Frank, sounds like a plan.”
Before you got out of your uber you nudged Franks arm and passed him the mask you had shoved in your pocket. With a soft smile thrown at you he held it against his nose and looped the elastics around his ears. After thanking the driver, you both exited the car and started up the crowded steps into the museum.
Frank had teased you mercilessly for wanting to go to the exhibit. Called it gruesome and you a weirdo as if he hadn’t immediately gone into his phone to purchase tickets.
Once inside with pamphlets in hand, Frank was so excited that he was damn near insufferable. Pulling you from one display to another, chattering endlessly about the creepy history of each piece. It was honestly both adorable and a relief that he had so much energy.
“Oh my god, look-look-look!”
When you looked over to him, smile already on your face, you absolutely lost it. The look on Frank’s face combined with the ridiculous pose he struck had you laughing at a volume that resulted in more than a few glares from the other patrons.
“You absolute dork, don’t you dare move a muscle.” You weren’t even sure if he understood you with how much you were laughing.
“Don’t move a muscle, huh?” he teased “Like this guy?”
When you finally got the camera open on your phone, you nearly dropped it. Frank had escalated his pose to an even higher level of ridiculousness. God you fucking loved him.
After snapping more photos than necessary, you turned to show them off to Frank. The two of you broke out into more laughter, gaining even more glares. The night had went better than you expected, even with Frank’s laughter devolving into silent wheezes as he bent over trying to get control of himself.
Even though he would be exhausted for the rest of the night and likely tomorrow, you were glad he held firm and insisted on the exhibit. Every now and then Frank has to be right about something, you figured.
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frnkiebby · 5 months
Okay FellowWhores!
Here are your Appreciation Day details:
Over the next week I will post four of my favorite frimages with a little drabble of how I image the evens of the picture taking place.
They’ll be anywhere between 500-1k words.
With the first one being at 6pm today, i’m hoping it’ll follow an every other day schedule. So today (sunday) being the first, then tuesday at 6pm being the next, and so on until all four have been posted.
Ever your faithful FrankWhore,
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