#fringey chaps for literal vibes hes just a pretty princess
arson-09 · 1 month
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And everybody said
Save a horse, ride a cowboy!
Cowboy Tamlin Design!!! I don’t want to talk about how long this took me (and how im still meh about the results but im determined to post this) close ups down below with my notes
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Full body | Napping with Eilionoir Muir (his horse) (note: I hate drawing hats) | Tamlin awoken by the ranch dogs barking (Note: woke up cause the dogs were barking something fierce) (note: not as built as my acotar design)
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Belt Buckle and Fiddle design (Note: fiddle he definitely didn’t get from the devil) | Bound journal (Note: He writes in a mix of languages to keep it extra secure. English, Gaelic, Spanish, indigenous languages) | His boots
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