r-annran · 7 months
roleplay advertisement.
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hello there stumbling user! f, eighteen, novella user here looking for fellow writers to roleplay with. something anime / manga / manwha inspired! and following the pattern, I'm not really looking to use a real life faceclaim. but I'm not very strict about this.
i engage in both fandom and fandomless roleplays with no preference for either. though if we do go for the latter, I do not mind doing AU's. be it something more simpler than the original, or taking existing characters and putting them in a completely different setting / situation.
as for pairings, I can play both male and female: though I do have a preference for playing females. as for your character, I really don't mind whom you play. male, female, both, none, play whomever you'd like!
I'll tag some of the fandoms I can roleplay. and if you're wanting to do a particular fandom roleplay, feel free to mention it my way! no guarantee I'll know it though. I do know, and am willing to roleplay around more series , but since the tag limit is thirty tags — it's a bit stricted. I don't mind sharing it in DMS though! My roleplaying interests are often anime, manga, manwha, light novels, gacha games, and things of the sort. so don't come expecting a real life series lol.
I'm fond of many and all genres, set in an erray of world settings! be it modern highschool stories with fluffy themes. medieval fantasy settings. feudal japanese / chinese eras. victorian based stories. yada yada. I'm not looking for anything historically accurate, or themes involving futuristic or sci-fi themes. and I do not mind both wholesome, fluffy, light-hearted slice of life stories — or anguishing, emotionally conflicting angst ridden with immoral themes.
if interested, please feel free to come to me straight to messages, or sent me a friend request on my discord :
thank you for stopping by! adieu.
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letsgo242 · 7 months
Ubel vs Ubel Fake _ Frienren
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druidquest · 7 months
anyome else horny as fuck when frienren gets stuck in yhe mimuc
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