#friendship with rps ended. now rebelle is my best friend
rad-roche · 1 month
Study of a delicious pomegranate because I want one very badly but there isn't one to hand so all I can do is paint lustfully. The oil pastel tools in this are very good.
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Meet Taka!
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Name Takahiro Moriuchi
Alias Taka and Takahiro Morita
Birthday April 17, 1988
Height 165cm (5'5”)
Place of Birth Tokyo (Japan)
Location Tokyo but has a house in LA too.
Sexual Orientation Bi
*Relationship Status Main Verse Married [4th June 2017] (Jun)
Relationship Status Verse 2: Single
Children Main Verse Joruri
Father Shinichi Moriuchi
Mother Masako Morita
Siblings Tomohiro and Hiroki
Zodiac Aries / Dragon
Nationality Japanese
Occupations Singer, lyricist, composer
Band ONE OK ROCK (Vocals)
Former bands Chivalry of Music (2004), NEWS (2003)
*Currently people can only interact with him in the second verse.
If someone asked me to describe Taka with a few words the ones that pop up in my mind are a free spirit with a burning passion for music, striving to see the whole world without standing still. He was born and raised in Tokyo as the eldest son of two well-known musicians, feeling his heart yearn from music from a very young age. He didn’t have the easiest childhood with the eyes of the media being on him and learning to deal with his always busy parents. Taka often felt lonely and so did his two younger brothers which helped them bond.
When he became a teen he joined Johnny’s becoming a part of News. But training to become an idol was tough for him even though he loved standing on stage and singing his heart out. School became harder and harder and at the same time he discovered that maybe being an idol wasn’t his thing. A so called scandal and his rebellious side taking over brought him to leaving News and dropping out of school. The relationship with his dad was on its low since he was disappointed in his son. He kicked him out of the house around the time he and Taka’s mom decided to get a divorce.
His parent’s separation got pretty ugly and having the media’s attention on how he was dealing with it all resulted in the teen having a ‘fuck you’-attitude towards everything. His mom arranged for him to leave his grandmother for the time being since the young Taka couldn’t afford to live on its own. He had a part-time job at a restaurant and joined a band more determined than ever to make the world hear his voice. But since this band did mostly covers and he struggled to make a living for himself he became more shy and withdrawn, always looking on his feet while singing.
Then something unexpected happened as Toru, the leader of his current band, heard him sing during one of their concerts. He came straight up to Taka and asked him to join his band which ended with him declining the offer. The young male simply couldn’t believe the others words, but Toru didn’t give up and he pretty much stalked him for a few days. He even followed Taka to his job in the restaurant, simply sitting there and watching him till he finally agreed to come to the bands next rehearsal. And since Taka was pretty moody back then their first meeting wasn’t ideal, but there still was a certain click between the guys and he joined ONE OK ROCK!
Their friendship kept growing and with all the encouragement they gave each other they slowly starting to make a name for themselves. There were ups and downs on their road with fearing for the surviving of the band after the scandal with Alex. But since the remaining four of them all shared the same passion and the same dream their rise to the top couldn’t be stopped. And as they grew as people they grew as musicians with their sound always changing. In the beginning of their career their songs had a different rang to them since Taka and the others still kind of rebelled against the world. But the songs always had a meaning to them and more and more they tried to be the voice for people that couldn’t speak up.
Taka was always a whirlwind, always up to no good and never afraid of taking a risk. He is a fighter even though he has a soft side to him, the worries he has bringing him down, but so far he always managed to stand up again. The male has a deep bond with their fans and he never turns a fan down whenever they ask to take a pic with him or sign their merch. He sees his bandmates as his second family and all of them appreciate the fans because without them they wouldn’t be able to live their dream. Taka has a positive outlook on live, but from time to time he can be moody and people might think he isn’t easy to get along with.
Also he loves to show his affection by teasing and bullying people, what especially his bandmate Tomoya experienced firsthand. Taka is impulsive and temperamental and always up for a new challenge. The only thing he really hates is liars and people that use people. But despite his moods now and then he is an open-minded young man that makes friends easily. And once he is friends with someone he would do everything for them and they would do everything for him in return. He’s always willing to support those who have a dream as well. And since his music was always influenced by foreign bands he keeps looking for people to work with outside of Japan.
Taka loves traveling around the world with the band while setting new goals for them as they go. He feels their journey isn’t over yet and the best part has yet to come. He has closed the door to his past, not wanting to look back, but having learned from his past mistakes. He is still close with his mom and grandma while being supportive of his two younger brothers. Taka knows he’s far from being perfect, but he will always do his past to have a positive impact on the world. He will always be a child at heart that isn’t afraid to show his true colour while looking curiously at the world.
The passion for music is still burning inside of him and he will always be happy while standing on stage and conveying his feelings to his fans through a song. He will never stop chasing a dream and now that he has found the love of his life and starting a family with him there are more and more dreams to follow for him. Life is an adventure and tsundere Taka will always take it straight on.
Getting to know him will be full of surprise so you better be ready for it.
Likes: Drinking, fooling around, making music, listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing games, shopping, surfing, going for a run and drawing.
Hates: Things to be discovered.
[[ Disc: This blog is 18+ and an RP blog. I claim no affiliation with Taka nor with One Ok Rock. All pictures contained herein are not mine.| このブログはただのロールプレーブログです。実在のTakaではありません。ご理解ありがとうございます。]]
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kaceyrps · 5 years
Since I think I might finally have some more time, I’d love to start some new plots under the cut are a few I really want rn, but I’m always open to plotting something else out. If you like anything, just hum or hit the heart!
can someone pls give me a ‘you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me’ plot pls
I really want to do a 1x1 where Muse A and Muse B, met at a bar one night and ended up having a deep conversation that culminated in a make-out session. Muse A promised to call Muse B, but never did and Muse B didn’t have Muse A’s phone number. A couple of months passed with Muse B thinking about their night with Muse A - not being able to find that connection with someone else. Then Muse B finally meets Muse A again, only to find Muse A is dating their best friend. Despite both parties trying to push aside their feelings after meeting again, things get complicated. (They could either decide to keep things friendly or it would lead to a relationship, depending on how the rp goes).
we absolutely hate each other but we’re the romantic leads so i guess we have to make this work
i’m the stage manager and you’re the self-absorbed diva, so naturally we despise each other
i’m the understudy for your character’s love interest and since he’s not here today you asked me to help you run the kissing scene and i’m really attracted to you
A plot based on cutting edge
consider this: classic “one of the boys” girl who hangs out with the frat bros accidentally falling in love with an elle woods-esque sorority girl that she meets at a party??? muse a comes from a family w like a million older brothers so ofc she makes a beeline for the frats when she gets to college bc she feels most comfortable around boys. the only thing is, she dreads their mixers with the sorority girls bc she hates the “prissy glitter bitches” and wants to vomit whenever she sees lilly pulitzer lmao. so when muse b comes up to her at one of these mixers and introduces herself, muse a is like lol ok w/e. but to her surprise, muse b is actually like…. interesting and smart and yes definitely ridiculous but she’s still shocked that she actually has a personality. and when muse b keeps seeking her out at the mixers, muse a suddenly finds herself more and more flustered as she realizes that she has a GIANT ASS CRUSH on this girl. honestly pls just give me cute college girls in love with frat bros cheering for them in a non-gross manner
give me a couple that met through youtube ( maybe one of them mentioned the other on their channel, through mutual friends, at an event/meet-up ? how they actually connected is up to you ! oh – and they could have polar opposite channels or similar channels ! ) who started off as friends doing trendy collab videos, but everyone fell in love with their dynamic and pointed out how natural their chemistry was or how one looked at the other and vice versa ––- the little things ! what the viewers didn’t know was that muse a was crushing hard on muse b and muse b was crushing equally hard on muse a, but obviously neither one of them were going to risk ruining their great friendship. soon enough, the two spilled their woes and became an item, however they kept it a secret for a few months. finally, after much debate they decided to go public and their subscribers went wild some saying ‘they knew all along’ or ‘they’re so happy’ while others said it ’wouldn’t last’ or ‘they’re doing it for the views’. fast forward to a few years later: now they’re living together in ( california, england, anywhere ! ), documenting their daily shenanigans for their shared vlogging channel, attending events, and keeping their separate channels fresh and exciting with occasional or frequent collabs ! 
13 going on 30 plot where they were really close when they were younger, and then they both went there separate ways. and then they meet up later on, and they just start spending a lot of time together and start becoming best friends and then they slowly start to fall in love with each other (✿◠‿◠) liKE PLEASE I NEED THIS!!
wild child: muse a is sent to a horrific private boarding school. no phone, no laptop. it’s like being back in the 17th century. muse a is a wild child, always has been, and they refused to be disciplined. they need a way out of this school and fast- and no better solution comes then muse b.. the principals child that comes to visit on weekends and is loved by all, and extremely good looking. the plan is easy, get muse b’s attention, make them fall for muse a and get caught by the principal and get out of this school. but then those pesky real feelings start to get in the way, and what started as a way to leave, has started to turn into a reason to stay.
the duff: muse a has never been conventionally attractive, and that has never bothered them before. until one day at a party when muse b asks muse a where their friends are. when muse a states it’s not their job to disclose information on their friends, muse b calls them something they’ll never forget. duff. designated. ugly. fat. friend. a mean word, sure, but then slowly… muse a starts to see it. their friends are incredible, good looking, everybody knows them. and muse a is a no one. forced to be paired together in a school assignment together, muse a can’t stand muse b and their cocky, arrogant attitude. muse b continues to call muse a ‘duffy’, thinking it’s funny and gets on their nerves. in a moment of blind anger- muse a finds themselves slamming muse b into a wall. and then proceeding to angrily make out with them. kissing turns into removal of clothes, and before they know it muse a and muse b have slept together. muse a swears it will never happen again, and muse b loves taunting muse a. but they just tick each other off in the wrong way, and end up having angry, hot, rushed sex more and more. it’s just physical anger relief for muse a, but muse b starts to genuinely fall for muse a. when they reveal it though- muse a blows up and demands to know why anybody would want to be with the duff, let alone muse b. suddenly, muse b realises the nickname was more then just a joke and a way to get under muse a’s skin and that they’ve really truly hurt the one person they love.
muse a and muse b had lived in the same town their entire lives. on the first day of kindergarten, they sat across from each other on the bus and muse b offered muse a one of his animal crackers. from then on, they were attached at the hip. they remained inseparable through elementary school, and by the time middle school came around, muse a found puberty working in her favor. muse a was outgoing, funny, and beautiful, and everyone wanted to be her friend. muse b, on the other hand, was awkward and shy, and the only attention he got was negative. despite their differences, muse a and muse b remained close friends, and muse a often found herself having to defend muse b against the bullying. in the middle of 8th grade, muse b disappeared from school and moved halfway across the country with his family. muse a tried to stay in touch, but it seemed like every time she reached out to him, she was brushed off. eventually the two lost connection and moved on.fast forward to high school. muse a finds herself caught up in the wrong crowd, and after a string of pregnancy rumors, she loses most of her close friends and becomes virtually invisible. muse a pours herself into her love of poetry and writing to try and entertain her loneliness. that is, until she walks into school to find an extremely attractive boy leaned up against her locker. muse b is back, and despite all of his new found attention from girls, he only has eyes for muse a.
i need a plot where muse a and muse b recently broke up and then muse a gets in some kind of accident and suffers temporary amnesia and forGETS they were ever broken up and its SO awkward for muse b but hes still in love with muse a and too afraid to tell the truth so he’s just waiting for muse a to remember and !!! fake relationships ! secrets ! pining ! fluff ! angst ! everything goodb y e
someone give me a “i’m the legacy of the prim and proper stereotypical sorority on campus and i’m expected to rush, live, and breathe it throughout my time here and it’s the night before rush and i got invited to this party at the rival, party girl sorority and that girl over there is really pretty and keeps smiling at me and now her mouth is on mine and i’m a little more than drunk and in bed with her and i wake up the next morning and she’s gone, i don’t even know her name. and now it’s rush night and - holy shit…there she is, and she’s the president of the rival, party girl sorority.” plot,,1!!!!!!!
Muse A just had their heart broken and decided to shy away from relationships, so their friends dragged them out for a night to get them out of the house. Enter muse B. Someone who spends the night flirting with muse A, but gets nowhere. Muse B gives muse A their number, saying if they change their mind to call. Muse A, after some prompting from friends, calls muse B and they go out on a date – one they both enjoy. But just as muse A comes around to the idea of a new relationship, muse B finds out that muse A’s ex, is muse B’s sibling. Muse A and muse B had the perfect marriage. They were happy, just bought their first house and had a baby. Until muse B tragically died – or at least that’s what muse A thought. Muse B had witnessed a crime, and had to be put in witness protection. Not wanting to risk the life of muse A and their child, muse B let them believe that they were dead. When the trial is finally over with, and the threat is locked away, muse B is left to go back to their old life but has no idea how to tell muse A about what happened.
Muse A is seen as the town’s rebel and isn’t exactly well known for following the rules. Muse B is the new principle’s child, and wanting to get back at their parent for moving them without asking, muse B decides they want to date muse A. It’s just unfortunate timing, since muse A decided to try and clean up their act - something muse B is determined not to let happen.
Things I want plots based on
The candy jar
Disney’s zombies
Lizzie McGuire
Hocus Pocus
Chrismas Inheritance 
Prince & Me
Gilmore Girls
Harry Potter
Secret Circle 
Parent Trap
10 things I hate about you
Drive me crazy
Ships I’d like
Peter Parker/MJ
Mumu ideas
summer camp counselors: between the ages of 18 ad 21, volunteers from colleges around the country (BONUS: around the entire world) flock here to guide children through the summer of their lives, coincidentally also making this the best summer of their own lives.
co-ed college dorms:  Simply a group of students living in one building, trying to get along and figure themselves out in the process.
tour: There’s a band on the rise to fame and they’ve brought along two opening acts and entire crew that helps make the entire process that much smoother. Heads will clash, too many personalities together for too many months on end.
sleepy beach town: Every summer there are quite a few families that spend their summers unwinding in a town far from home. There are families that have become quite close due to the three months spent out of every month in this small town. There are also those families that are spending their first year here. This could test friendships and even relationships that have already developed.
kids of famous people: over the years, it’s been no secret that the celebrities we’ve known to love and care for from afar have grown to have families of their own. Now, it’s their children’s turn to make something of their lives. Do they follow in their parents footsteps or do they do something entirely different? Are they snotty self absorbed or do they give back every chance they get? There are millions of possibilities.
apartment complex: A bunch of diverse people all living in one building together. There’s this small family type bond between them but they still aren’t afraid to start crap when it’s necessary. At the end of the day, they will always have each others back when it’s needed
gossip girl: it’s been 25 years since Dam Humphry came out as Gossip Girl. There have been plenty of fakes trying to capture the things he’d been able to for all those years but no one could ever live up to the greatness that was the true Gossip Girl. Until now. There’s a new gossip site online that’s got their eye on everything happening around the New York elite. Rumors spread that Dan’s back in the game after all these years but there’s someone greater wreaking havoc on these young adults lives. (Could be the kids of the former group and their friends or an entirely different crew of elite)
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tink-bell · 6 years
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Tink Bell (closed rip), Rita Saluki-Sykes, Duchess LaBlanc, DeSoto Sykes, Adam Best, Soleil (closed rip)
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now? 
Tink Bell: These three years have been one hell of a roller coaster for Tink. It seems like just yesterday I was writing my town alcoholic hell-bent on having a good time even though inside she was a mess. When we first saw Tink, she was your typical punk-rock rebel without a cause. Her idea of a good time was a good lay, a bottle of tequila, and whatever drugs she could find. She was an absolute mess. And as the years progressed we saw Tink sort of lose herself. She got lost in the bottle and the drugs and the dark spiral that was her mind. She lost some good friends (Simba) in the process and made some unexpected ones (Copper, I’m talkin’ about you). But like a phoenix she rose from the ashes and repaired herself and those friendships she lost. She got an amazing girlfriend who literally went through hell and back with her (pun intended). And now as the year closes, so does this chapter of Tink’s life. Her life of adventure with Sophie is starting and it’s the ending I always wanted for Tink. Cue girl walking into the sunset with a bag slung over her shoulder ready to take on the world.
Adam Best: My babe I’ve had the second longest, not counting the time I dropped him for personal reasons. He’s also a character that has been through a lot. We’ve seen Adam be the surly young man who only wants to punish himself for all the death and destruction he’d caused. He was grappling with the loss of his parents and the loss of his first serious girlfriend. That’s a lot for a dude. He made mistakes, hurt people he grew to care about. Then he got himself a best friend and then a boyfriend and things were looking up for our dear Adam. Then Jaby had an existential life crisis and all that went to shit. Adam found a journal that said you could get rid of the curse by killing the wolf that killed you and guess what? Adam went to Greece and got his ass kicked. But it was a brand new starting point for me and my boy. It allowed me to delve into Adam’s need for a normal human life and try to figure out a way to reconcile it with the fact he will never have that. I expected Adam to remain very surly when I picked him back up and to an extent he has. But he’s also moved away from that. He’s no longer filled with the same angst. Instead it’s changed and evolved into something so much more. He’s no longer mourning his parents and Jennifer but instead mourning the life he’ll never get to have. It’s something I never expected from him and I’m honestly very excited to see where it takes us.
Pick another character and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year? 
DeSoto Sykes: Ugh man, I have so much planned for DeSoto. Lauren and I have actually talked out a lot with these brothers and where we want them to end up. I know he’s going to stay a big presence in Swynlake. I’d love for him to become one of the big kingpins in town. It would be hilarious because that’s what his father was back in New York and it’s what he’s been running from for nearly three years. I want him to grow and realize that having people you care about isn’t necessarily a weakness. Des has a long long way to go and his story is far from over.
Rita Saluki-Sykes: It’s no secret that Rita has become my loudest muse, slowly taking the place of Tink if I’m honest. I’ve only had her for a year or so but she’s already been put through the ringer. Her marriage went from one of necessity to one that was almost over to finally something that resembles what she’s always wanted. Even more so now that she’s got her own little kiddo on the way. I’d like to see Rita settle into that mother role. From what we’ve seen she enjoys the night life, partying and eating up all the attention she can get. But with her little one all that is going to change and she’s going to have to become that mother figure. And she’s going to have to balance care and attention for Ollie with the new baby. It’ll be interesting to see how she juggles being a businesswoman, wife, and mother.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it.  
UHM HELLO INTO THE FOREST. Two years ago I did one of these and said how I wanted Soleil to tap into her powers and channel her rage and this is the result of that. This plot was hands down my favorite plot I’ve ever done. It gave me a chance to break Soleil down to her darkest depths, fueled by the loss of Zero and then the fact KNIGHTS or whatever were hurting things in her forest. It was a slow burn plot and one that took a lot of work from everyone involved and it culminated into the best thing I’ve ever witnessed.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Voice. I still think voice is something that I have a good grasp on when it comes to my characters. From Rita’s and DeSoto’s New York accents to Duchess’ French lilt and prim and proper upbringing, I think it’s something that shows distinctly in my writing.
Villains. I love my villains, I love devling into their minds and figuring out what makes them tick. And I’m tooting my own horn when I say that I’m pretty damn good at it. From Taka to Oogie (however brief he may have been), I’ve brought some pretty interesting villains to BDRP and I hope to continue to do so. I’ve got a few character ideas at the ready that I am more than eager to bring to life.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
Plotting! I am the absolute worst when it comes to coming up and approaching people with plots. And I think a big part of that is because I really love for things to develop organically. I’m not one to nudge my characters into something I’m not sure of. I need to break out of that so that I can actually accomplish some of the things I want to for my characters.
Direction. It’s easy for me to lose direction when writing. A reply will start off as one thing and then before I know it it’s shifted to something else entirely. It makes writing an arduous process and often irritating. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. (For example, if I picked Apollo, reading “Akata Witch,” “Children of Blood and Bone,” “Trials of Apollo” series, and Homer’s Iliad might provide inspiration for different reasons– the former two for Nigerian culture and magic and the latter two for a deeper look at Greek Mythology. No, you don’t have to have read these books– maybe you just want to read them!)
Okay so picking Soleil’s forest takedown these are the things I’d look into:
Batman comics featuring Poison Ivy - Mainly because Poison Ivy is one of the few female baddies that have the same sort of magic that Soleil has. And she’s gone down Soleil’s path of wanting to take over the world with plants. It’d be a way to get inside of angry Soleil’s mind.
BtVS s6ep22 “Grave” - This is actually the episode of Buffy that sparked this desire to have Soleil go down that path of evil. It was a possible ending for Soleil in which she didn’t turn into a tree and feed her magic to Enchantra as a way to make amends. This episode showed the power of true love (even if that love is platonic) and how it can stop evil. And it was something that I had wanted to experiment with in Soleil.
The Master Book of Herbalism - Okay this book would give insight to what Soleil did. How, even before she was the spring sprite, she had a vast knowledge of plants and how to use them. 
And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! (i.e. a good ol’ fashion forbidden romance, maybe you want to dig deep into racial identity etc) This doesn’t have to necessarily be attached to any characters or stories you have now– it’s just meant to help you see for yourself what kind of stories call to your heart.
F O R B I D D E N RO M A N C E- like please guys, you don’t know how badly I want one of these. What’s more drama filled than two people who should not be together at all? C’moooooooooooon Drugs- I have always always been involved in the drug scene in Swynlake. Taka, Lock, Tink, and now Des. I love fucking people up with drugs and exploring those motivations. Coffee shop au type romance/bromance Slow burn, something that starts as nothing and then sooooo slowly turns to something more Friendships Frenemies
OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
I RP because it’s still my escape. I enjoy it more than I enjoy most things. It gives me an outlet to channel whatever it is I’m feeling and don’t we all need that. Not to mention Mk and Lauryl own my soul at this point and there is no hopes of me ever actually leaving this place.
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irritert · 7 years
plots based off of lorde’s melodrama
green light ; i’m waiting for it, that green light, i want it.
MUSE A and MUSE B were in a happy relationship for some time, until MUSE B was caught cheating, not ready to be in a committed relationship. now MUSE A is heartbroken and going out every night in hopes of forgetting MUSE B. meanwhile, MUSE B is regretting their actions and letting MUSE A go. but can they really be forgiven and are they ready — ready to give each other that green light ?
sober ; we pretend that we just don’t care but we care.
MUSE A and MUSE B aren’t supposed to be together for whatever reason: maybe one is in a relationship, maybe they had a deal, maybe it’s something that goes deeper. but one intoxicated night out leads to several touches and secretive kisses in the dark that tastes a lot like treason. and no matter how much they say it’s nothing serious, there might be more there than they’re willing to admit.
homemade dynamite ; i’ll give you my best side, tell you all my best lies.
known for being rebels without cause, MUSE A and MUSE B are synonymous to their fast cars, nights out beneath the stars, empty bottles of alcohol, and loud music. they meet by chance one night and immediately click, and embark on a careless adventure after it despite not knowing each other. it’s them against the world: after all, what could go wrong ?
the louvre ; blow all my friendships to sit in hell with you.
MUSE A and MUSE B have just hit the honeymoon stage of their relationship and everything seems to be perfect. late nights out, lots of pda, dream dates every day — they’re so caught up in each other that the entire world seems to lose significance. but everything that comes up must come down, even with their heads in the clouds.
liability ; you’re all gonna watch me disappear into the sun.
all of MUSE A’s relationships seem to fall apart before they even begin. they’re used to being used, but if anything it has only made MUSE A love themselves more as armour around their breaking heart. MUSE B comes along and recognizes that MUSE A is a bit of a handful with their high demands and closed off demeanor, but are they willing to try anyway ?
hard feelings ; let’s give it a minute before we admit that we’re through.
after a long and happy relationship, both MUSE A and MUSE B know they’re coming to an end. they’ve simply fallen out of love, but after having been each others homes for so long, giving each other up doesn’t seem to be an option, and so they hold on with all they’ve got.
loveless ; all fuckin’ with our lovers’ heads.
both MUSE A and MUSE B don’t really do committed relationships and have quite the list of hearts they have broken. one night out they spot each other and think the other, beautiful as they are, will be another easy target. little do they know they’re playing the same game with someone’s who’s just as good as them.
sober ii ( melodrama ) ; how we kiss and kill each other.
MUSE A and MUSE B’s relationship is built up on dim lit rooms and a bit too much alcohol flowing through their veins, and somehow they have made it work. but a defining moment makes them realize that they can’t live like this forever, without properly knowing the other, and at some point the lights must come on again — and maybe secrets will be exposed that makes their story a lot less beautiful than they initially thought.
writer in the dark ; did my best to exist just for you.
MUSE B walked out on MUSE A after a long relationship together. MUSE A had given their all in the relationship and standing without it now is making them realize just how lost they feel and that they need to move on in order to be happy. but there’s a part of them that’s still hoping MUSE B will return, and though MUSE B is with someone else now, they too might feel the undeniable pull back.
supercut ; i’m someone you maybe might love.
both MUSE A and MUSE B can tell something is wrong with their relationship. they argue about everything and can’t seem to ever get along or even talk about their problems. yet, there are the occasional sweet moments that seem to make it all worth it, and at the end of the day they’re ready to endure all the fighting and pain just to keep each other close.
liability ( reprise ) ; but you’re not what you thought you were.
MUSE A has always lived with the belief that they’ll never find happiness and that no one can ever love them. they’re convinced no one will ever want to make sense of all that they are and have grown used to giving themselves away without never receiving anything in return. MUSE B is seeing everything about MUSE A that they can’t see themselves, and they intend to make them see just how wonderful they are.
perfect places ; what the fuck are perfect places anyway ?
a group of friends ( perfect for a mumu or a small group rp ) are all looking for something, but they’re not quite sure what yet — maybe just an escape from their tough reality. they’re young and they intend to live as if every night is their last. drugs, sex, and alcohol might feel like perfect places, and the parties drown out the loneliness, but they’ll soon realize that there is no such thing as a perfect place.
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kcrbyn-blog · 7 years
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hiya babies ! my name is emma, i’m 19, i’m from the est timezone, and if kesha doesn’t stop all this releasing new music without any kind of warning business, i’m going to have a heart attack. this is my lovechild, korbyn el-amin — works at musicology by day, is the lead singer/guitarist of saturdaze whenever she’s not working (occasionally at night). i have been itching to plot with all of you and your beautiful muses already, so pretty please swing through my ims or just like this post for me to magically appear in yours! prepare for rambles beneath the cut.
so, a little info on k:
ever since she could remember, it’s always just been her and her father; the backstory on her mother has always been hazy since she could never get much out of her dad about her, other than that she was no longer in the picture. korbyn knows she’s alive and that is as far as her knowledge goes, she’s not looking to expand it any time soon, either. she’s content with it just being her and her dad — they got along well, settled into a nice little routine that worked well for them, all that jazz 
she’s always been incredibly independent mostly because she’s used to being alone and it’s never really bothered her?? her dad worked his ass off when she was a kid, working for an internet marketing company that demanded he travel quite a bit, so while it’s just the two of them, once work called it dwindled down to just korbyn. she never was one to follow a crowd or try to fit in, she did her own thing and didn’t really give a fuck who liked/approved of it or not?
was also totally the new kid, she didn’t move into newcastle until she was thirteen after her dad quit his marketing job because he was tired of constantly traveling and this didn’t faze her any; she didn’t necessarily enjoy the sleepy atmosphere of newcastle but she wasn’t packing her bags and running back to upstate new york, either
probably came off as rather terrifying/broody but she’s not, really?? like...she’s actually pretty outgoing and charming but she doesn’t take fucking shit, and isn’t about to go chasing after something she’s not really all that interested in anyways
music was the first real, true love of her life; her dad was a huge classic rock junkie and brought her up on it, and the older she got the more and more obsessed with the concept of music just in general?? she listens to just about any genre ( her least favorite is country ) and she started growing quite the vinyl collection after her dad got her a record player for her twelfth birthday. korbyn loves to take apart music and analyze it, from the instrumentals to the lyrics to the production value, all of it, it was her biggest hobby. 
when she was younger, she’d sneak into her dad’s room whenever he wasn’t home and would get his guitar out and teach herself as best she could, and he promised that when they moved, he’d set her up some real lessons (hello musicology)
the cosmogyral has always been one of my favorite labels and i haven’t put it to use in a really long time (thank god for this rp giving me the opportunity to tbh) the definition of the word cosmogyral is ‘whirling around the universe’ and that’s certainly korbyn to a t. she’s never content with stagnancy, she likes to constantly be thinking and doing and moving and striving to be all the things, essentially. korbyn’s a very strategic, take no prisoners kinda girl who acts first and asks the questions later; opinionated, pretty fiery, and often doesn’t have a filter, but she’s also a huge dreamer with a big heart that often gets shadowed by all her steel. she tends to live in her head quite a bit, which comes at its costs. the big part that i usually read into with the cosmogyral is that they are incredibly volatile, they’re easy to flip or turn in their moods and are pretty fickle. korbyn is the type of person who will change her mind a lot about something and she’ll be hella stubborn about it. she sticks to her guns, this one, even if she’s constantly changing them up 
is a highkey rebel, does whatever she wants, says whatever she wants, has probably got into quite a bit of trouble for this but doesn’t really care, she’s your girl if you’re looking to cause some trouble
has evaded the law more than she cares to admit, i’m sure, but she’s hella smart and she’s a charmer
bisexual as fuck, total softie when it comes to romance...like, expect for her to write a fucking song about u
entj, that’s her basically
perfectionist as fuck, it will either be endearing or irritating. a lot of time it dictates how she acts, and she can kinda drive herself over the edge and get so frustrated with herself she’ll just.....riot
also probably smokes a LOT because she’s great at stressing herself out
saturdaze is the fucking love of her life at the moment and the only one she needs, truthfully; she pours every little ounce of herself into the band because it’s what she’s passionate about and the music they play makes her feel so fucking good and happy and it’s not something she wants to let go any time soon
also pretty supportive of all the other bands in town?? she’ll go check them out on nights she doesn’t have practice/work/a gig/plans, girl likes good music and doesn’t care where it comes from
korbyn’s in her last few years of school and she fucking loathes her major now, it was a basic one she just decided on and never changed it and doesn’t really want to do anything with it, and school is driving her off the edge, to the point where she’s on the verge of dropping out and just playing her little local gigs w saturdaze and working the ropes at musicology forever so she doesn’t have to make a decision
this however, is not an option, because her dad is the one paying her way through school and she knows giving a big fuck you to that is a one-way ticket to a conflict she doesn’t want (after years of not having any conflict w her dad, it’s bound to arrive at some point and korbyn believes this will be it) but she just so desperately wants to be happy and live her life the way she wants to that she’s pretty much pulling herself apart at the seams, fun times!!
wanted plots !
these are all just ideas that i’d love to see for k, we obviously can flesh these out as our hearts desire or do spins on them or do something entirely different, i’m open to literally everything but these are pretty much a starting block
ride or die (1/1) — korbyn would literally do anything for this person; she probs gets into all kinds of trouble with them, but they are her Best Friend and she’d trust them with her life if it ever came down to it
awkward ex (0/1) — the two of them dated a little while ago, and the relationship lasted longer than they’d anticipated, and for whatever reason, they decided to go their separate ways. awkward bc korbyn is a fan of their band and still goes to shows when she can and therefore, they see each other quite a bit
skinny love (0/1) — at some point, korbyn realized their friendship was more than just friendship-like feelings on her end but she’ll be damned if she’s the reason she loses this person, so she tries her best to act normal around them but it probably...doesn’t work lmao
enemy she fuckin on the low (0/1) — lmao now THIS person, they get on korbyn’s last fucking nerve and she really can’t tolerate them, but one night they fell into bed together and decided y’know....angry sex really is the best, so while they’re pretty open about their disdain for one another in public, they be hooking up on the down low
sworn to secrecy (1/?) — korbyn enjoys doing stupid shit that attracts trouble, and she and i’m thinkin like maybe two or three other people?? yeah they all did something one night that was FUCKED, and they’d be fucked if anybody ever found out about it so they’re all incredibly close mostly because they share this dirty lil secret
sexual tension (0/?) — they’re all musicians, ok. there’s BOUND to be some sexual tension, whether it’s acted on or not is up to us but korbyn turns on the charm when she sees them at shows (theirs and her own, so someone from a diff band works swell for this), they probably flirt a lot in public...such fun
bad influence (0/2) — korbyn can be a lot to swallow sometimes lmao, and yet this person doesn’t really fucking care, they’re who she can go out and get into fucking trouble with and they encourage her to do shit or! korbyn’s basically corrupting your muse and is bringing them outta their shell 
good influence (0/1) — this person balances out korbyn very well, keeps her outta trouble and tones her down when she gets fired up as best they can, is essentially the little tiny angel sitting on her shoulder
i’m really open to whatever okay just throw it by me if you have a different idea, i’ll probably say yes
i have this queued to drop as soon as we open so i may be off eating dinner, but please don’t hesitate to come message me? like i said, i am dying to write korbyn and get to know you all in the process so please, love me, i beg of you. i’m so fucking excited about this roleplay, guys, i can’t wait to get started x
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monstrousthingsrp · 7 years
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Welcome to Monstrous Things, Mille!
“Sometimes Harry has to explain away the fact that there is a rapid fluttering of his pulse, the thundering beat of his heart, a spark at the base of his spine that propels him forward into dangerous situations. It makes him feel alive, and that’s not something he can explain to his superiors, or his friends.”
We are excited to accept your application for Harry Potter and, of course, can’t deny our own excitement for seeing the path Harry takes in moving from good government stooge to raging against authority! We look forward to seeing both how familiar, and how unfamiliar, he will become and look forward to little touches like that “lightning bolt joke” making us all smirk!
Your FC change to Avan Jogia has also been accepted.
OOC Details
Name: Millie
Pronouns: She/they
Activity Level: Worse than what I’d usually offer :| but I’m generally on the computer everyday to work on my thesis, so when I’ve done a bit of that I’ll get on to check things.
Other: If spiders could get tagged, that would be great (:
General IC Details
Name: Harry James Potter
Age: 24
Gender/Pronouns: Male and he/him
Desired Changes: I’m wondering if you guys would mind Avan Jogia for fc? His father is British Indian and his mother is English, which is how I’d like to play Harry. I love the poetics of him being mixed in both senses (:
Please describe the character’s education experience:
As a poster child for the Ministry, and a racially mixed child to boot, Harry didn’t always have an easy time making friends. It wasn’t until attending TRAUE that he made friends who would stick around long enough to see past the Ministry hype. Harry was good at sitting still and being quiet, a trait learned while living with his state-issued guardians, but it was at school that he discovered his impulsive love of magic. This attitude was not well-suited to a theory-based education and he quickly became bored with book learning.
Harry, used to being alone and taking initiative, decided to take some of  the theoretical learning and practice it in a more… active way. This was how he discovered that he was particularly good at combat spell work, and it was this that he focused on in his later years at school. He graduated with passes in all of his classes, though the subjects that focused more on quick and instinctive spell work were the subjects that he exceeded in. He keeps his hair long to cover the stars at the corner of his eyes, having added two stars after his graduation and another after his acceptance to the Ministry. (They’re placed so that a connecting line would form a lightning bolt; a joke about lightning never striking twice). Well, he keeps them covered most of the time. Sometimes it’s fun to see who squirms.
Like a good poster boy, grown into a good poster man, Harry works as an agent for the Ministry. Most of his work is done out in the field, integrating himself into the general populace and observing people in their natural environments. He gets teased by the other agents about this; they say he’s got it easy because he gets to hang out in London all day, but really they know he’s hard at work. Whether he’s tailing a suspected unregistered wix, or observing areas known for unlawful wix activity, Harry takes his job seriously and his colleagues know that. There are days spent doing paperwork back at his desk though, which are the kind of days that make him antsy, especially if paperwork days turn into paperwork weeks. He most enjoys being in the streets, or out on a chase.
Character Traits:
Observant - Harry has a sixth sense for danger; that’s what people have often said about him. Whether that has come from years of training and honing his skills, or a natural inclination from his childhood and his upbringing, Harry couldn’t tell you. All he knows is that he notices the [little] details details that no one else does, whether he’s using his cloak or not. It’s the small things about a situation or a person that tip him off and sometimes the best way to observe that is while invisible, but sometimes there are things that can only be observed when directly engaging with someone. He couldn’t tell you who at the office was dating but when it comes to people that might pose a threat, Harry’s instincts kick in and he’s in observation mode before he realises it.
Impulsive - The one danger to Harry’s observant nature (and by extension, his job) is a tendency to act before completely thinking out a situation. Sometimes it looks like he leaped in to save someone from trouble, which means that’s what he puts on the paperwork, but sometimes there’s no easy excuse. Sometimes Harry has to explain away the fact that there is a rapid fluttering of his pulse, the thundering beat of his heart, a spark at the base of his spine that propels him forward into dangerous situations. It makes him feel alive, and that’s not something he can explain to his superiors, or his friends.
Selfless - Harry really will charge into danger for the good of others, especially those he considers friends. Growing up as a state of the ward taught him what isolation and not having anyone to depend on felt like, which is something he doesn’t want others to feel. This, coupled with his impulsive and often reckless nature, means that in order to protect someone, Harry is more likely to jump in front of a spell than he is to block it. You could say he’s developed a little bit of a hero complex over time, which can sometimes feel a little misplaced when he’s chasing down unregistered wix.
Proud - Though he doesn’t like public attention, Harry does have a stubborn pride streak that can cost him at times. He avoids asking for help with tasks that are beyond him, even if failing will negatively effect him. This stems from his need to be independent and self-sufficient as a child which has culminated in a belief that not only must he prove that he can do things alone, he can actually only rely on himself to get the job done.
Compassionate - There are a few ways a kid in Harry’s situation can go, one of them being angry and a little sociopathic. Thankfully, despite the occasional mood swing, Harry grew up with a heart full of compassion. He truly hates to see others suffering and won’t stand by if there’s something he can do to help. This capacity for caring has been the basis for all of his friendships; whether it was sharing his food with a red-haired boy on the first day of school, or striking up a conversation with someone who was sitting alone.
Moody - Blame it on his youth but Harry can be a little moody. Some people will tell you that he has a tendency to sulk, and others will tell you that he can just get a little ramped up on occasion. Harry will happily admit that he can get more than a little grumpy when someone pisses him off. He can often bite out unkind remarks, even to his friends, but will always come around in the end and apologise. This moodiness will get worse whenever he is under pressure or stressed, making him an acquired taste on both missions and vacations. He can even be quite intimidating when pushed to anger.
OOC Question List three aspects of the character or world that that caught your interest.
i. As a character, Harry has always been more loyal to people than to institutions so I was immediately interested in the fact that he’s working as muggle defence. It’s a different world of course, and Harry has been raised by the institute that he serves, but I think we all know that Harry’s true self will eventually shine through. Who knows what he’ll do when he finds out what Neville is really doing, or if he ever discovers who that dog is.
ii. Before the bio came out, I genuinely thought it was going to be something along the lines of “Harry had an accent when he was younger and now he flickers out of vision” because I completely forgot about the bloody cloak! I love Harry as an observer though, because he’s so damn oblivious to anything personal but is so alert to danger. It very much speaks to his upbringing and the irony just makes me laugh.
iii. Monsters!! I love love monsters and I love love aus. There’s such a wide range of creatures in this rp and I think it’s hilarious that not only is Harry not the “chosen one” and sans scar in this au, but he’s surrounded by wix with various bizarre gifts (not to mention, violent tendencies) and I honestly just think the overarching theme is so much fun!
What is your dream plot?
Obviously it’s for Harry to hook up with the Caravan rebels and to find out what his parents were really up to. Harry’s got a great capacity for compassion and he likes people more than he likes authority so I don’t think it’ll take too much to convince him to at least give the Caravan folks a chance. I would want his worldview to be challenged by what his friends are doing (Ginny’s mood swings, Neville’s shop) and by the discovery of his parent’s friends (Remus, Sirius - if he’s still alive). Basically, I’d love for his “loyalty” to be challenged and his worldview shaken. Let Harry rage against authority!!!!
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thecrossovergames · 7 years
Accepted: Adrian Ivashkov
ava dared me
Name: meg
Age: 20
Preferred Pronouns: queen, your highness
Activity Level: remember when we used to rate this out of 10
Timezone: time isn’t real
Limits/Triggers: megarine
Previous Roleplay Accounts: what’s roleplay
Additional Characters: i can’t say, it’s a surprise
Character Name: Adrian Ivashkov
Character Age/Birthday: 27/August 3rd
Character Species*: Wizard
Character Faceclaim: Max Irons
District of Origin: District One
- Charismatic: Blessed with a conventionally attractive face and raised with the need to lie to get attention, Adrian is sensitive to the personalities of others and can manipulate their weaknesses to get what he wants from them. Though he’s never felt the need to use his charm for malicious means, he knows he has this trick safely tucked in his belt for safe keeping if the need should ever arise.
- Compassionate: Though it may be hard to get through Adrian’s careless and often emotionally disinterested exterior, the man has a heart that often leads him into trouble. While he may be flirty and laid back in first encounters, once he actually cares about someone, Adrian cares with his entire being. He would go to great lengths to keep the ones he loves happy and alive, even if that meant giving up his own life.
- Wizardry: Being the only safe haven he had ever had away from his home life (excluding his aunt), Adrian had excelled at Hogwarts and mastering his magic in general. Being a pureblood had offered opportunities that perhaps some of his peers had lacked, and Adrian had taken advantage of each and every one thrown his way. His O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s hadn’t had the best of scores, as standardized testing had never been his forte, but his proficiency in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms had been promising, and he’d been allowed to advance in his studies to graduation at seventeen.
- Bravery: Adrian hadn’t followed the footsteps of many in his district, and his parents had never forced him down the path of the Careers. This left him less than physically capable in fights. But his physical limitations had never stopped Adrian from, maybe a little recklessly sometimes, jumping into any situation to do what he believed was right. It is still one of his defining characteristics to this day, even if the people he’s being brave for don’t necessarily want him to be.
- Mentally Ill: While he’s never been properly diagnosed, Adrian suffers from severe depression and issues of self-loathing. On good days, he can see the beauty in the world and can find it in himself to believe those that say they love him. On his worst days, it’s hard to be alive. Hallucinations, however brief, are not uncommon during these bad episodes, and sometimes he can flip from good to bad like a switch.
- Addiction: Medication and counseling for said diseases had never been considered by Adrian. Having only ever seen his mother’s method for dealing with the madness, he began self-medicating with alcohol and, specifically, clove cigarettes, at a very young age. While they often only really brought numbness to his mind and no real relief from the onslaught of pain, the break from feeling anything at all was still a worthy trade-off, no matter how often he’d get in trouble at Hogwarts or at home. Living under Paylor’s strict rules is difficult, and without his ‘medication’, Adrian finds himself relapsing and having violent episodes often.
- Physical Weakness: Adrian may be well-versed in the abilities of magic and its usefulness in battle, but it’s very easy to catch him without his wand. Having had no Career training like many of his counterparts in the Nut, and no basic combat training period, Adrian would be dead in the water in any real fight. While this may not have caused him so much trouble in his youth, having come from a wealthy family in a wealthy district, the world they live in now calls for a much different set of skills. One that Adrian, unfortunately, does not possess. Not that he’d ever admit that.
- Empathy: Maybe due to his illnesses, or the lack of said weakness he was shown in his childhood, Adrian has a sense of empathy that is hyper sensitive. He feels everything, from everyone, whether he wants to or not. His ability to relate to people goes beyond just compassion – it’s as if he’s living the exact events they are, experiencing the same emotions as those he’d try to comfort. In the end, it’s often him that’s being comforted, instead of the other way around. And, eventually, those feelings too get shoved behind a wall of numbness brought on by several drinks and, occasionally, a nice woman.
Adrian Ivashkov had grown up in what many would consider a cushy life. Having never had to fear starvation or homelessness left Adrian with a distinct advantage over many of his peers, and he’d never taken it for granted. However, this headstart on life hadn’t meant that his had been easy. Adrian had learned the hard way that not all parents were loving, and that the people meant to care about you the most often would be happier with you gone.
Nathan and Daniella Ivashkov had gotten married too young, and had made one too many mistakes along the way. Their biggest, perhaps, had been their only son. They’d made no attempt to hide their regret over his life, and the only love that had ever come Adrian’s way as a child had been from his great-aunt. She had been the only one he’d striven to please, and subsequently, for all intents and purposes, it had been Tatiana that had raised the boy. Adrian may have lived with his mother and father for the duration of his childhood, but it had been his Aunt Tatiana that had attended extracurricular activities, birthdays, and, when his Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived, purchased his supplies and saw him off on the train. She had been the only one he’d miss away at school, and she was the only one that ever cared enough about his studies to praise him when he did well – despite their whole family being pureblood.
Adrian’s first few years at Hogwarts had been pleasant. Easy, even, for a child that picked up on new subjects relatively quickly. Gryffindor had been the house he’d been sorted into, and he’d quickly charmed his way into the hearts of most of his professors. As classes picked up after his third year, however, he began slacking. Adrian became lazy, often dozing in the middle of classes or ditching them altogether, assuming that he’d be able to ride by on physical skill alone for the rest of his academic career. This, of course, was not the case, and despite his proficiency in the actual act of casting spells, his written grades suffered. Enough teachers had taken pity on him to allow him to proceed on to graduation, but many were frustrated with his lack of commitment and refused to recommend the man for any job opportunities beyond the school. But Adrian had already known what he was going to do with his life after Hogwarts, and the impact of said professors had little effect.
Leaving the place that had given him a home away from his parents had been difficult for him. But with his family’s wealth, and a new sense of living independently, Adrian had rushed directly from his graduation to the Capitol to live closer to the only other thing that had ever made him feel remotely worthwhile – his aunt. He knew of her going-ons in the Capitol, knew what her purpose serving under Voldemort was. He knew of the tortures and of his great-aunt’s involvement. But growing up with only her love had left this deep attachment to her that Adrian couldn’t quite shake, and he lived peacefully knowing that for every life she’d taken, or had a hand in taking, she’d helped him heal his own and had stayed with him through all of the mood swings and emotional upheaval his parents had caused in him. Eventually, years later, when she passed and Voldemort had been brought down, this too would be his undoing.
Adrian had ended up in the second arena, alongside all of Coin’s ‘trusted followers’, as one of Voldemort’s supporters. While at first this had been chaotic, he’d formed a few friendships among those trapped and had earned their trust through their mutual hatred for President Coin. This allowed him safe passage out of the arena with the others during their escape, and he’d quietly stayed with them through all of their moves since, knowing that he and his family were now seen as pariahs in the world outside of this group of rebels. The only real friend he’d kept in contact with (or, pestered, as she’d put it), Rose Hathaway, was now in the Capitol and unable to reach back to their base. Knowing she’d be the only person that would vouch for him on his bad days, Adrian mostly keeps to himself to keep from being seen as a threat when he feels his moods becoming unstable.
Comments/Changes: i bumped his age from my original app bc in the books he’s 5 years older than rose annnnd if i kept his original age now he’d be younger than rose in the rp so… lel
HE’S ALSO A WIZARD NOW NOT VAMP just to keep it closer to like.. VA’s original idea
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B R O K E N   P I E C E S ~#14
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A/N: Ok, this takes place a few days after the funeral and the northern rebel attack that happened with Aliya ages ago. This fic mostly centers around Haiden and Aileen’s friendship, but there’s mild Colleen at the end. Thanks @haidenschreave for the rp. Ft. Haiden, Cole, and mild mention of Naomi. I hope it makes sense lol. Cass, watch out for the pun, it’s good.
After visiting Naomi at the hospital—screaming with her for an hour about ‘how long has this been a thing’—I decided it was time to tell Haiden about me and Cole as well. And so I found myself knocking on his door repeatedly. I’m just gonna say it.
The door opened a few seconds later. “Haiden I—”
He gave me a puzzled look when I paused, but I was too focused on the way he carelessly leaned on the doorway and the exhaustion written all over his face. He smelled like alcohol.
I remained silent for a while, the words I’d been planning to say sticking on my throat. I knew he was still getting over everything that had happened in the last two weeks and it had been worse after the funeral—the sadness in his eyes could be seen by anyone after it—but I was hoping it wouldn’t get worse. Suddenly I remembered why I’d been waiting to give him the good news. Wouldn’t it be insensitive of me? What if he thought I was rubbing it in on his face?
I settled with embracing him in a hug and it took him a moment to react with a groan. “You've been gone for a week. You can't possibly miss me already.”
That didn’t make me let go. “I couldn't talk to you at the funeral; I just wanted to check up on you. And I can totally miss you if I please.”
He pulled me into his room and slumped onto his chair, pressing his fingers on his temples. “Agh, don't talk so quickly.”
I tilted my head at his oversensitivity and asked, “How many?” as I sat on the carpet.
He shrugged. “I... don't know. It sort of blurred.”
Staring at the ground I scolded myself for not checking up on him before, especially after what I’d found in Cole’s room—the one thing in Cole’s room that wasn’t his. I thought he needed some space but… I sighed looking back at him. “Do you want me to get you something for the headache?”
“No, let me suffer.”
“You're a lot more dramatic when you're drunk.”
“I'm not drunk anymore. Just hungover and sad. Will you grab that bottle of vodka from my armoire?”
Sure, will. I stood up and went for it, but instead of offering him a glass I headed for the bathroom to throw it in the sink.
He watched as vodka slowly poured out of the nozzle. “That physically hurts me.”
“You need a break from it, sorry.”
“Come on, give me my fun.”
I wanted to yell at him that he’d probably been having fun with it for a whole week, but I knew that wouldn’t help, so I just kept on pouring it on the sink. “Haiden, this won't fix things.”
“Maybe not, but it makes me feel better.”
“Really?” I raised an eyebrow at the way he hazily sat on the chair—it seemed like he would slip off of it any second now. “You feel better right now?”
“Better than I felt last night.”
I wished I knew what to say. “Look, I won't pretend I know how you feel right now, but I don't think this is the best way to deal with it.” I walked back to him with the empty bottle. “We can talk about it if you want…or we can go to the roof, I know you like it there.”
“I don't really want to do anything.” He admitted with a shrug.
Maybe he doesn’t want you here either. I looked down at the bottle. “Do you... Do you want me to leave? Or is it okay if I stay?”
“No, stay.”
I nodded and walked over to his bed before sitting on the edge. “I'm sorry if I'm not being helpful.”
He shook his head. “It's not your fault... Uh, what did you need?”
“Oh, um…” I analyzed the craftsmanship of his bedposts in an attempt to hide my lie. “It was nothing really. Just wanted to see how you were doing.”
He didn’t buy it. “No, tell me. You're my best friend, Aileen.”
I smiled at his last sentence. Sometimes I wondered why he mentioned it so often, but it was nice to hear. “You're mine too...but it might not be the right moment.”
“Is it good?”
I failed to hide my grin. “I'd say so.”
“Then tell me, please.” He seemed eager to hear some good news. Okay, maybe it’s not a bad idea.
“We kissed.” I blurted out and he sat up correctly.
“We? Yeah, I know that.”
“No, no…” I shook my head, but then stopped. “I mean... yes, we did, but that's not what I'm talking about right now.” Nice going, Aileen, making a lot of sense. “Cole. And me. We kissed.”
Haiden blinked. “Oh. Oh! Uh... great?”
I reached for a pillow and threw it at him. He shrunk when it made contact, and then the pillow fell harmlessly to the floor. “Thanks for the enthusiasm.”
“I'm sorry, it just surprised me. I didn't think Cole had the guts to do it.”
I laughed, but then came to a halt when I realized something. “Wait...now that I think about it I never told Cole I wasn't actually competing in the Selection, yet he kissed me anyway...” Cole had known I wasn’t participating when he’d kissed me. I was sure of it. He knew there was a possibility I liked him back. Smirking at Haiden I asked, “Did you tell him?”
“Technically...” he admitted, begrudgingly, but then, “I didn't think he'd remember.”
“Why wouldn't he remember?”
“He was sort of dying.”
“Oh... You pick some lousy moments to talk about important things.”
“Better late than never.” He tapped his fingers on his knee. “So, uh, how was it?” He royally sucked at showing excitement for the news, but I took what I got with a smile as I let my back fall to the bed.
“Good. He told me how he felt about me, and we were both kind of cheesy around the whole situation” I laughed thinking of Cole’s lie detector “but it ended with a kiss...” And now we see each other all the time.
“Good, good. I'm... happy for you.”
I reached for a pillow to cover my face and groaned, the pillow making it a strange muffled sound. “I really like him. Why didn't I realize it before?”
“Because you're stupid.” Haiden replied with nonchalance.
“You're stupid.” My muffled voice countered.
“I know.”
I sighed and took the pillow off my face, using my elbows as support to raise my head from the bed. He seemed a bit better. More like himself.
“You doing okay?” he asked after my staring.
“You once said you would tell me who you were going to pick beforehand, to see what I thought of her, so I'll extend the same courtesy.” His judgment was usually confusing, but I trusted it when it came to things that really mattered. “What do you think of him? Not personally, but....you know...for me. What do you think of him as a person?”
“Obviously he and I aren't... friends. But we're family and maybe he's not so bad. If you like him, then that's all that matters. He's a good guy.”
“You think you'll manage not to kill each other?”
“We've managed for twenty years. I think we can manage twenty more.”
I raised an eyebrow with amusement. “Just twenty more?”
“Maybe twenty-one.”
“So... you'll kill each other when you reach your forties?”
“We'll both be old and crippled, we won't get that far.”
“My parents are on their forties.”
“So are mine. We can't have everything.”
“My mother would be highly offended.”
He gave an annoyed glance. “Well, you're not going to tell her.”
“What makes you so sure I won't?” I teased.
“Then you'll never date Cole.”
Is that the best threat drunk-Haiden can come up with? “I don't see how those two things collide with each other.”
“They do, shush.”
“Bad comeback, Haiden.”
“I never said I was gifted in the art of comebacks.”
“Pity.” I crossed my legs on the bed. “Anyway, what about you? How are things going with the girls? I know you'll pick the last four soon.”
“It's... tense, but easier.”
“Define tense.”
“I don't know. It's just... tense.” Haiden, clearly you’ve never read a dictionary.
“Hasn't it always been like that?”
“Yeah, but it's different.”
“In a bad sense?”
“Not exactly.”
“You said you thought you liked someone, is that person still on the...” I tried to think of the right term. “Uh, top of the list?”
“Wouldn't you like to know.”
“Oh, come on. I'm not even asking for a name.”
“Okay, fine.” He slumped on the chair again. “She is.”
“Does she like you back?”
“I mean, I hope so.”
“You hope so?” I repeated with a laugh.
“You know I can't read hints.”
“Have you kissed?”
“Did she seem to...” I made hand gestures “you know… like it?”
He threw his arms in the air. “I don't know!”
“Goodness, Haiden. Girls aren't as hard to read!”
“Yes they are!”
“Nuh uh!” We sounded like children, but didn’t care. “Guys, are a lot more complicated.”
“No, guys are not complicated.”
“Well, girls aren't complicated either.” I pointed at him accusingly. “I remember lots of girls thought of you as a complete enigma when this started.” That finally got a laugh out of him and I smiled at my small victory before going on. “They thought you were too distant and shy. You can imagine my confusion.”
“Maybe I am distant and shy.”
“I never thought of you as shy.”
“Really? Then again, our first date was actually interesting.”
I snorted. “Yeah, we stole bread and you pretended to be Rose from Titanic. Shyness wasn't the first impression I got.”
“Hey, at least we can say our ship sunk, am I right?”
He winked and I burst out laughing, my back falling to the bed again. “YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT.”
“Oh, I did.”
I tried to contain my laugh. Aliya would be proud of that pun. “I hate you.”
“I know.”
“Do you hate me back? I am trying to establish the deepness of our friendship here.”
“Of course I hate you. You are my best friend, after all.”
“Hmm, very well… Oh!” I did an awkward backflip on the bed to be on a sitting position again, a question popping into my head. “Have you brought anyone new into your room?”
He frowned. “What kind of question is that?”
I rolled my eyes with a grunt at his double meaning thinking, but then jokingly gestured at the bed to tease him. “Oh, you know what I mean.”
“Uh-huh, right.”
“Seriously though, I just mean your room in general. And don't pretend it's not a relevant question. Being comfortable enough to bring them into your room is very important.”
“Okay, maybe one or two.”
“Good, good. Let's see what else I can get out of you....you know who your last four will be?”
After that he admitted he wasn’t planning on a final four. Instead he would pick the last three and then choose ‘the One.’
“Really?” I was surprised he’d narrowed it down so easily after all. “Well, that's nice.”
He nodded, and then silence took over the room again as he placed his elbows on his knees to stare at the floor. “Aileen?”
“I'm scared.”
He gave me a worried glance and I stood up from the bed to make my way to him. “That's ok... but you don't have to be. Things will work out.”
His jaw clenched. “Everyone keeps saying that, but...”
“But?” I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“What if she says no?”
Giving him a sympathetic smile I pushed him off of the chair so I could sit on the floor with him. Always pushing limits. “Why would she say no?”
He groaned at my question. “I don't know. Maybe she's in love with a guard or something…Or maybe my cousin. Oh wait, someone already did that.”
I stuck my tongue out at him after his last statement. “Don't be bitter. We both knew we were just friends.” Then coming back to him and the remaining girls I added, “And I'm pretty sure if you pick someone it'll be because you know she loves you back… Also, I haven't heard rumors of anyone being secretly in love with guards, so there's that.” Not any of the remaining girls at least.
“Well, I am an awful judge in character. Makes sense since you're my best friend.”
I gasped, bringing a hand to my chest, playing the offended part. “You know, I can just leave right now. Then you can sulk by yourself. I bet it'll be fun.”
“I'll just find my other stash of vodka.”
I narrowed my eyes at him and started standing up. “Fine then. I'll leave.”
He reached for my wrist and made me sit down again. “I was kiddingggg.”
I grabbed the pillow that had remained on the floor after I threw it at him earlier and hit him with it again. “I feel like you call me your best friend all the time so I don't forget it's true.”
“No. It's for myself.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “What?”
He looked the other way. “It's so that I... never forget that I'm not alone.”
“Haiden…” I felt the air escape my lungs, his words leaving me speechless as tears blurred my vision. It was like something inside me broke—that piece that belonged to him.
“You're not.” I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He squeezed my shoulders, crying softly into my hair. I could only hug him tighter as I tried to keep my own tears at bay. He rarely showed such vulnerability, but when he did it hurt me too. “You're not alone, Haiden. You hear me? You're not alone.”
“I know I'm not and that's the scariest part.”
“What do you mean?”
“For once in my life I have people that don't have to care about me but do. I keep wondering what I've done to deserve it.”
I finished the hug to look at him. “Haiden, you're incredibly kind with a lot of people. You're funny in your own way, you try to help when you can, and—whether you think you show it or not—you care about people. Why would they not care back for you? Sometimes one can earn things without realizing it.”
“It just feels like the universe hates me, you know?”
Seems like we both think inanimate objects hate us. I wiped away the tears that had formed in my eyes before taking his head between my hands to make him look at me. “The universe isn't a being, therefore it can't hate you, got it? You say you feel like you haven't earned these things...and yes, sometimes it's like that...but in those cases all you can do is enjoy what you've been given and try to make yourself worthy of it all. Try your best. Sometimes I don't think I've done enough to be deemed such a good friend by you...yet here I am.”
He shook his head at my last words. “But you are.”
“Exactly,” I nudged him lightly “and so are you. We all have our quirks Haiden, that doesn't mean we don't deserve the care of others.”
“I don't know. Maybe I don't.” He mumbled, and I contemplated hitting him again.
“Why would I hang with you if you didn't?”
“Because you're stupid.” He stated for the second time that day, giving me a weak smile before I hit him with the pillow. “You wound me so.”
“They do say love hurts.” I said, attempting a joke.
“Mmhm, Cole would know.”
“Are you saying I'll make him suffer?”
“Most definitely.”
I clicked my tongue. “I will not.”  Just the thought of hurting him made me feel horrible.
Haiden was determined on his point though. “That's what love is, isn't it? Pain.”
I shook my head. “No, love is trust and hope. It's caring and protecting the people you hold dearest...but it's also something you have to fight for sometimes in the world we live in.”
“Everyone must be doing it wrong then.”
“Sadly humans don't get it right half the time…I like to do my best though. I won't stop trying just because others fail. People say it's painful because it's hard.” I thought of Sam and how hard it was to be with him sometimes. We were better now, but not quite there just yet. Sometimes it was painful because it was a hard to forget what had happened.
“Maybe it's painful because you love them in the first place.”
“It does require sacrifice sometimes.” I thought of how my mother decided to leave her caste to marry my father—at the time not knowing her family would accept the decision one day—then my thought drifted to Sam once more. No matter how mad I’d been at him when he’d left, I missed him constantly. “It might also be painful when you're not with them.”
“Is that how you know?”
“If you love them?” I looked up at the ceiling. “I don't know... I believe love can be a lot of things. Blissful, consuming, crazy, sometimes complicated when we make it complicated...but I don't think it should be painful.”
I tried to think of a more specific answer. “You know because you want to spend time with them. Not only because you have fun with them but because it feels right. Because you want to know everything about them. You want to be part of their everyday.” I wanted to be a part of Cole’s every day. “You want to be the reason behind that smile.” That curious tilt before his laugh came. “And it's a love you’re willing to fight for even when it gets rough—because it does get rough. No matter how much you love someone, nothing is ever perfect.”
“You say it like you know.”
A grin slowly appeared on my face. “I like to believe I do. And I don't say it only because of Cole… though there's nothing like his stupid grin...” I cleared my throat “but because of my family and friends too.”
He nodded, absently staring at the carpet, so I elbowed him lightly. “Haiden…”
“That includes you as well.”
“I know…it’s just weird.”
“What is weird? Love?”
“Love. Life. Everything.”
I nudged him again with a wary smile. “Well, it's a good thing you're not alone on it, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.” He mumbled, still not very cheery.
I stared at the carpet beneath us. “If you ever need anything you can call me...or get Cole.”
He nodded slowly. “I know.”
“And don't you dare give me the 'I didn't want to bother you' excuse. Ever.”
“But what if I don't?”
“No Haiden. I don't care. Whatever it is it can't be as bad as finding out you did something stupid because of it.”
“Chill, Aileen, I'm not suicidal or anything.”
His reply made me clench my jaw and I avoided his gaze as I looked the other way. “I'm not saying you are....I just...I talked with Cole.”
He stared at me for a moment before sighing and putting his head in his hands. “He told you.”
I sighed too, remembering Cole’s words. He would never trust me with anything else if I told people about this, don’t you get it? We’d agreed I wouldn’t bring it up with Haiden, but there was no going back now. The orange bottle with the word Xanax written over it came to mind. “He didn't mean to tell me, I just found them in his room by accident and he had to explain.”
“I-It's... not important.”
“Do you think he has a problem?” I’d asked Cole as I stared at the bottle.
He’d hesitated only for a second before saying, “There’s a possibility.”
“Haiden, come on...”
“Aileen, r-really, don't worry about it.”
“You promised you wouldn't lie to me anymore.” I stared right at him. “Look me in the eye and tell me I don't have to worry about this.” A lump formed in my throat. “I dare you.”
“What would you do to me if I did?”
“You mean, if you're lying?”
I wasn’t sure what I would do if he dared to lie. “I wouldn't risk lying if I were you.”
“Then I won't say anything.”
I pursed my lips, disappointment gnawing at me as I stood up. “If you can't admit there's a problem I can't help you.”
“You don't need to help me. I'm handling it.”
“Are you?”
I crouched down in front of him. “Then look me in the eye and tell me I don't have to worry about this.”
He clenched his jaw. “I can't do that.”
“You're contradicting yourself.”
Frowning, he finally looked me in the eye. “I can't look you in the eye because I know you'll think I'm lying because I'm sweaty and clammy and my pupils are dilated, but that's only because I'm going through withdrawal and in reality I don't have a handle on it and I don't want to admit that to myself, let alone you. Is that a good enough explanation? Huh?”
“Yes.” I stood up again and headed to his desk to pour him some water. “That's good enough.”
When I handed him the glass he took it but only to drop it onto the floor. Now he was the only one acting like a child. I stared at the water and scooted away from its path. “Is that supposed to make me feel bad?”
He shrugged, staring the other way. I let out a “hmm” before pouring another glass, but instead of offering it to him like the first time, I let the water fall on his head. He only flinched as the water made contact with his hair, but didn’t move away. When the glass was empty he sighed, letting his gaze fall.
“I suppose I deserved that.”
I patted his head. “You needed to cool down one way or the other.”
He shrugged off his suit coat to wipe his face with it and I headed to the bathroom, grabbing one of his towels to throw on his face. “Accepting it is a good start, Haiden. I'm not trying to be pushy here, it's just necessary.”
“You were never supposed to know.” He mumbled and I smacked him lightly on the head.
“Well, too bad. And don't dare to blame this on Cole. He only told me because I threatened him.”
“Right.” He rolled his eyes and I scoffed.
“You don't believe me?”
“What do you mean whatever?”
“You probably should go.”
I frowned down at him. “Are you being serious?”
“I-I need to be alone. Before I say something I regret.”
I remembered when he’d said something he shouldn’t to Elaine. Apparently it had been bad enough to make her avoid him for weeks. “Haiden...”
“Aileen. Please.”
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, accepting I should go. I might pretend to handle mean words well… but if they came from someone I cared about I was never unharmed. “Fine.” I made my way to the door, but turned around before opening it, unsure of what to say. I couldn’t just leave him like this.
He wiped the forming tears from his eyes and said, “Say hello to Cole for me,” yet I couldn’t tell if it was him being nice or him giving me some sort of jealous reproach. I just closed my mouth and looked at the ground.
“Sure...” I clenched my fists in anticipation. “I'll see you later...?”
“Yeah... maybe.”
I quickly turned my eyes to the door again, the use of the word ‘maybe’ hitting me harder than I would have liked. What have I done? “Right.” I didn’t leave in time. Opening the door I looked over my shoulder at him on last time, something inside my chest constricting. “Goodnight, Haiden.”
“Goodbye, Aileen” was all he mumbled back, and somehow the change of that simple word, made the pain in my chest worse.
I closed the door behind me and tears inexplicably appeared at the corner of my eyes. What have I done? Walking without thinking I headed to Cole’s room—half of me screaming I shouldn’t have brought the pills up and the other half telling me Haiden needed to acknowledge the problem himself—even if it made things hard for me, it was the right thing to do. Because that’s what friends do. They care for you even when things get rough.
I opened the door and found Aileen with glassy eyes. Instinctively, I reached for her face and asked what had happened—after all the stupid rebel attacks I even felt compelled to check if she wasn’t hurt. I could tell she’d been trying not to cry.
“I talked with Haiden…” she mumbled, her sight dropping to the ground. 
She always talked with Haiden, and usually she came back with a smile and some story to tell, so it took me a while to understand she’d talked with him. She’d brought up the pills I’d been keeping in my room for him.
“Was it really bad?” If he said something to her I swear…
“No. He asked me to leave before it got there…but still…two words…” her arms were around my torso before she could finish the sentence. “He’s mad at me. He’s never been mad at me.”
Her arm had grazed my wound. It wasn’t too bad anymore but after our encounter with that other rebel after Aunt Alize’s funeral I still had to hold in a grunt at the touch. For her. “He’ll come around.”
“Hey, he’s stupid sometimes but he’s not an idiot.” Usually. “Just give it a few days.”
She nodded and I wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes. Then I kissed her nose, and her cheeks, and her forehead, and her cheekbones, until she started giggling.
“Stop that.” She smiled warily as she tried to pull away, but I’d linked my hands behind her lower back.
“Why?” I kissed the spot between her eyebrows. “I have to do something to stop you’re crying.” I kissed her nose again and she finally let out a small laugh. Nose kisses were her weakness.
“You’re hopeless, you know?”
“Anything to get a smile on your face, Firework.”
A grin spread across her face after that.
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Meet Taka!
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Name Takahiro Moriuchi
Alias Taka and Takahiro Morita
Birthday April 17, 1988
Height 165cm (5'5”)
Place of Birth Tokyo (Japan)
Location Tokyo but has a house in LA too.
Sexual Orientation Bi
Relationship Status Main Verse Married [4th June 2017] (Jun)
Relationship Status Verse 2: Single
Children Main Verse Joruri
Father Shinichi Moriuchi
Mother Masako Morita
Siblings Tomohiro and Hiroki
Zodiac Aries / Dragon
Nationality Japanese
Occupations Singer, lyricist, composer
Band ONE OK ROCK (Vocals)
Former bands Chivalry of Music (2004), NEWS (2003)
If someone asked me to describe Taka with a few words the ones that pop up in my mind are a free spirit with a burning passion for music, striving to see the whole world without standing still. He was born and raised in Tokyo as the eldest son of two well-known musicians, feeling his heart yearn from music from a very young age. He didn’t have the easiest childhood with the eyes of the media being on him and learning to deal with his always busy parents. Taka often felt lonely and so did his two younger brothers which helped them bond.
When he became a teen he joined Johnny’s becoming a part of News. But training to become an idol was tough for him even though he loved standing on stage and singing his heart out. School became harder and harder and at the same time he discovered that maybe being an idol wasn’t his thing. A so called scandal and his rebellious side taking over brought him to leaving News and dropping out of school. The relationship with his dad was on its low since he was disappointed in his son. He kicked him out of the house around the time he and Taka’s mom decided to get a divorce.
His parent’s separation got pretty ugly and having the media’s attention on how he was dealing with it all resulted in the teen having a ‘fuck you’-attitude towards everything. His mom arranged for him to leave his grandmother for the time being since the young Taka couldn’t afford to live on its own. He had a part-time job at a restaurant and joined a band more determined than ever to make the world hear his voice. But since this band did mostly covers and he struggled to make a living for himself he became more shy and withdrawn, always looking on his feet while singing.
Then something unexpected happened as Toru, the leader of his current band, heard him sing during one of their concerts. He came straight up to Taka and asked him to join his band which ended with him declining the offer. The young male simply couldn’t believe the others words, but Toru didn’t give up and he pretty much stalked him for a few days. He even followed Taka to his job in the restaurant, simply sitting there and watching him till he finally agreed to come to the bands next rehearsal. And since Taka was pretty moody back then their first meeting wasn’t ideal, but there still was a certain click between the guys and he joined ONE OK ROCK!
Their friendship kept growing and with all the encouragement they gave each other they slowly starting to make a name for themselves. There were ups and downs on their road with fearing for the surviving of the band after the scandal with Alex. But since the remaining four of them all shared the same passion and the same dream their rise to the top couldn’t be stopped. And as they grew as people they grew as musicians with their sound always changing. In the beginning of their career their songs had a different rang to them since Taka and the others still kind of rebelled against the world. But the songs always had a meaning to them and more and more they tried to be the voice for people that couldn’t speak up.
Taka was always a whirlwind, always up to no good and never afraid of taking a risk. He is a fighter even though he has a soft side to him, the worries he has bringing him down, but so far he always managed to stand up again. The male has a deep bond with their fans and he never turns a fan down whenever they ask to take a pic with him or sign their merch. He sees his bandmates as his second family and all of them appreciate the fans because without them they wouldn’t be able to live their dream. Taka has a positive outlook on live, but from time to time he can be moody and people might think he isn’t easy to get along with.
Also he loves to show his affection by teasing and bullying people, what especially his bandmate Tomoya experienced firsthand. Taka is impulsive and temperamental and always up for a new challenge. The only thing he really hates is liars and people that use people. But despite his moods now and then he is an open-minded young man that makes friends easily. And once he is friends with someone he would do everything for them and they would do everything for him in return. He’s always willing to support those who have a dream as well. And since his music was always influenced by foreign bands he keeps looking for people to work with outside of Japan.
Taka loves travelling around the world with the band while setting new goals for them as they go. He feels their journey isn’t over yet and the best part has yet to come. He has closed the door to his past, not wanting to look back, but having learned from his past mistakes. He is still close with his mom and grandma while being supportive of his two younger brothers. Taka knows he’s far from being perfect, but he will always do his past to have a positive impact on the world. He will always be a child at heart that isn’t afraid to show his true colour while looking curiously at the world.
The passion for music is still burning inside of him and he will always be happy while standing on stage and conveying his feelings to his fans through a song. He will never stop chasing a dream and now that he has found the love of his life and starting a family with him there are more and more dreams to follow for him. Life is an adventure and tsundere Taka will always take it straight on.
Getting to know him will be full of surprise so you better be ready for it.
Likes: Drinking, fooling around, making music, listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing games, shopping, surfing, going for a run and drawing.
Hates: Things to be discovered.
[[ Disc: This blog is 18+ and an RP blog. I claim no affiliation with Taka nor with One Ok Rock. All pictures contained herein are not mine.| このブログはただのロールプレーブログです。実在のTakaではありません。ご理解ありがとうございます。]]
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kaceyrps · 5 years
can someone pls give me a ‘you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me’ plot pls
I really want to do a 1x1 where Muse A and Muse B, met at a bar one night and ended up having a deep conversation that culminated in a make-out session. Muse A promised to call Muse B, but never did and Muse B didn’t have Muse A’s phone number. A couple of months passed with Muse B thinking about their night with Muse A - not being able to find that connection with someone else. Then Muse B finally meets Muse A again, only to find Muse A is dating their best friend. Despite both parties trying to push aside their feelings after meeting again, things get complicated. (They could either decide to keep things friendly or it would lead to a relationship, depending on how the rp goes).
we absolutely hate each other but we’re the romantic leads so i guess we have to make this work
i’m the stage manager and you’re the self-absorbed diva, so naturally we despise each other
i’m the understudy for your character’s love interest and since he’s not here today you asked me to help you run the kissing scene and i’m really attracted to you
A plot based on cutting edge
consider this: classic “one of the boys” girl who hangs out with the frat bros accidentally falling in love with an elle woods-esque sorority girl that she meets at a party??? muse a comes from a family w like a million older brothers so ofc she makes a beeline for the frats when she gets to college bc she feels most comfortable around boys. the only thing is, she dreads their mixers with the sorority girls bc she hates the “prissy glitter bitches” and wants to vomit whenever she sees lilly pulitzer lmao. so when muse b comes up to her at one of these mixers and introduces herself, muse a is like lol ok w/e. but to her surprise, muse b is actually like…. interesting and smart and yes definitely ridiculous but she’s still shocked that she actually has a personality. and when muse b keeps seeking her out at the mixers, muse a suddenly finds herself more and more flustered as she realizes that she has a GIANT ASS CRUSH on this girl. honestly pls just give me cute college girls in love with frat bros cheering for them in a non-gross manner
13 going on 30 plot where they were really close when they were younger, and then they both went there separate ways. and then they meet up later on, and they just start spending a lot of time together and start becoming best friends and then they slowly start to fall in love with each other (✿◠‿◠) liKE PLEASE I NEED THIS!!
wild child: muse a is sent to a horrific private boarding school. no phone, no laptop. it’s like being back in the 17th century. muse a is a wild child, always has been, and they refused to be disciplined. they need a way out of this school and fast- and no better solution comes then muse b.. the principals child that comes to visit on weekends and is loved by all, and extremely good looking. the plan is easy, get muse b’s attention, make them fall for muse a and get caught by the principal and get out of this school. but then those pesky real feelings start to get in the way, and what started as a way to leave, has started to turn into a reason to stay.
Muse A just had their heart broken and decided to shy away from relationships, so their friends dragged them out for a night to get them out of the house. Enter muse B. Someone who spends the night flirting with muse A, but gets nowhere. Muse B gives muse A their number, saying if they change their mind to call. Muse A, after some prompting from friends, calls muse B and they go out on a date – one they both enjoy. But just as muse A comes around to the idea of a new relationship, muse B finds out that muse A’s ex, is muse B’s sibling. Muse A and muse B had the perfect marriage. They were happy, just bought their first house and had a baby. Until muse B tragically died – or at least that’s what muse A thought. Muse B had witnessed a crime, and had to be put in witness protection. Not wanting to risk the life of muse A and their child, muse B let them believe that they were dead. When the trial is finally over with, and the threat is locked away, muse B is left to go back to their old life but has no idea how to tell muse A about what happened.
Muse A is seen as the town’s rebel and isn’t exactly well known for following the rules. Muse B is the new principle’s child, and wanting to get back at their parent for moving them without asking, muse B decides they want to date muse A. It’s just unfortunate timing, since muse A decided to try and clean up their act - something muse B is determined not to let happen.
Things I want plots based on
The candy jar
Disney’s zombies
Lizzie McGuire
Hocus Pocus
Chrismas Inheritance
Prince & Me
Gilmore Girls
Harry Potter
Secret Circle
Parent Trap
10 things I hate about you
Drive me crazy
Mumu ideas
summer camp counselors: between the ages of 18 ad 21, volunteers from colleges around the country (BONUS: around the entire world) flock here to guide children through the summer of their lives, coincidentally also making this the best summer of their own lives.
co-ed college dorms:  Simply a group of students living in one building, trying to get along and figure themselves out in the process.
tour: There’s a band on the rise to fame and they’ve brought along two opening acts and entire crew that helps make the entire process that much smoother. Heads will clash, too many personalities together for too many months on end.
sleepy beach town: Every summer there are quite a few families that spend their summers unwinding in a town far from home. There are families that have become quite close due to the three months spent out of every month in this small town. There are also those families that are spending their first year here. This could test friendships and even relationships that have already developed.
kids of famous people: over the years, it’s been no secret that the celebrities we’ve known to love and care for from afar have grown to have families of their own. Now, it’s their children’s turn to make something of their lives. Do they follow in their parents footsteps or do they do something entirely different? Are they snotty self absorbed or do they give back every chance they get? There are millions of possibilities.
apartment complex: A bunch of diverse people all living in one building together. There’s this small family type bond between them but they still aren’t afraid to start crap when it’s necessary. At the end of the day, they will always have each others back when it’s needed
gossip girl: it’s been 25 years since Dam Humphry came out as Gossip Girl. There have been plenty of fakes trying to capture the things he’d been able to for all those years but no one could ever live up to the greatness that was the true Gossip Girl. Until now. There’s a new gossip site online that’s got their eye on everything happening around the New York elite. Rumors spread that Dan’s back in the game after all these years but there’s someone greater wreaking havoc on these young adults lives. (Could be the kids of the former group and their friends or an entirely different crew of elite)
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