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l-u-c-i-i-e · 2 years ago
[The Fountains and Elements.] French Folk Traditions.
According to an old and still very widespread belief, acts performed on the very waters of fountains, or in their immediate vicinity, can modify the course of the elements, and especially cause rain and storms. (…) In 1661, [a] historian from Dauphiné, [stated the following]: "When it was excessively hot, the peoples flocked to the edges of a fountain located in the parish of E. ; there, the old men and the matrons chose a young and maiden girl, among all the most virtuous and the purest; then the young girl, stripped of her clothes and naked in her shirt, while the whole people were in prayer, immersed herself in the bosom of the fountain and purified her basin of all the filthy matter which troubled the limpidity of the water until it became crystalline again. Scarcely had the waters begun to reflect the beauty of the azure sky, when the storm rumbled on the horizon, and soon abundant rains came to quench the earth's thirst."
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(in Sebillot, Freshwaters, 'The power of the Fountains'.)
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samimarkart · 2 months ago
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drawing inspired by one of the tanks at the Shedd Aquarium… arapaima my beloved
day and night version because i’m indecisive!
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zoologica42 · 9 months ago
Temperate Lake Dashboard Simulator
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🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow Going to try and eat this weird fish
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♻️🐦‍⬛2xcrested_cormorant Follow wilmdlife hopital
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🐸rana-bufo Follow No one can ever truly understand what BULL4rog's music means to me 😭 this song in particular argrgrgrgrgrg the way he puffs out his vocal sack asdfghjk
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BULL4rog: listen here on spotify ♻️🐸rana-bufo Follow I think I huave chytrid
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🐟ilikeeatingminnowsFollow I just migrated here from finstagram please be nice
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��powerbottomfeeder Follow
I have HAD IT with this lake, it’s the third day in a row we’ve had nitrates above 8 ppm and uug the algae, my allergies I can’t do this
♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow
Lol we regularly get nitrates up to 20 ppm in my lake ♻️🦞crawdaddy Follow uhhh you shouldn't be bragging about that, it's really unsafe ♻️🐟carpy-diem Follow suck it you little oligotrophic bitch
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🐢snappturt Follow Dear Tumblr, am I the Basshole for the way I catch minnows? I was chatting with some of the guys I bask with and they said the way I catch minnows is problematic; What I do is I sit on the bottom of the lake, I hide myself in the mud and I open my mouth. My tongue looks a lot like a little worm so I wiggle it around- and because of that, minnows swim over and check it out. Once they get close enough, then I bite down and eat them. Some of my rockmates have told me that this is manipulative and toxic behavior- but they also eat minnows...I don't know guys...
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🦆tree hole-nester-acorn-eater Follow
is it just me, or is this super homoerotic???
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🐟bigpikexxl Follow liveblogging diving down to the bottom
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow dark
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow big log
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow rock
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow kinda cold
♻️🐟bigpikexxl Follow oh hi @deepwatersculpin!!!
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♻️🐠deepwatersculpin Follow oh hey @bigpikexxl!!!
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never thought i'd seen one of my mutuals irl!!! I didn't even know we lived in the same lake!!!
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🐠Shadlad Follow I'm not sorry, and I'm not afraid to say it, if you're an introduced species, go dry yourself out. You're not welcome to eat up all of our resources and live in my ancestral longs and rock crags. These things are for us to relate to and not for you to squander.
♻️🦞crevice-steve Follow
Can't believe this type of fishcourse is still popular on this site, introduced species didn't choose to be introduced and have as much of a right to live as anyone else. Bigotry against introduced species is still bigotry and that's a hill I will dry on. ♻️🐠Shadlad Follow Go ahead, dry yourself out then ;) ♻️🪷nootnootnewt Follow Hey man, I hate invasive species as much as anyone else but please stop telling people to beach themselves for political reasons- yeah that includes inavsives too ♻️🦐typical_scud Follow Did you legit just use the word Invas*ve to describe introduced species? ♻️🦢flatfootswimmer Follow anyone in this thread eat pondweed?
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♻️🐟largemouthbASS Follow A colab with my mutual @2xcrested_cormorant after they got released from the wildlife hospital. They haven't been on much since the Fish and Wildlife Service released them in the wrong lake and it took them a while to get back to their colony. We hope this guide will help you avoid accidentally eating/engaging with bait!
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fishproblem · 9 months ago
being a god is so hard like I fully understand why they've all abandoned us. yesterday i changed the water in my nano tank and the weather there is pretty much always 80°F and sunny but the replacement water was cool and it had been a couple weeks so it replicated a rainfall after a drought and so then my little civilization of ember tetras all thought it was Time To Fuck but my stocking somehow skews aggressively male so this morning I turned on the sun to see they all had raggedy little tails after beating the shit out of each other over the One Woman on Earth.
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honourablejester · 9 months ago
Oh, I didn’t know that.
I was listening to Gordon Lightfoot’s “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” on youtube, and browsing the comments several people mentioned …
Okay. The song is about the real sinking of the freighter the Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior in 1975. And there’s a line in the song:
“In the Maritime Sailor’s Cathedral,
The Church Bell chimed till it rang twenty nine times,
For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald”
Which references something that the actual Maritime Church in Detroit did in honour of the ship’s crew. And I just found out in those youtube comments for his song that when Gordon Lightfoot died in May last year (2023), the Maritime Church rang those bells again, this time 30 times. Once for every man on the Edmund Fitzgerald, and once more for Gordon Lightfoot.
That’s … That is a memorial I would be proud to have earned. And proud to give. I do like that. A lot.
Apparently, the Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior also lit its beacon in honour of him.
Sorry. I’m having … extremely maritime sort of feelings over here. Songs and memorials, bells and beacons, and the ways we carry memory forward. That’s … that’s a good memorial. I like that.
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foxsnails · 11 months ago
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Drawing rainbow trout in my diary <3
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iwasarob0t · 2 years ago
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troutpaws · 1 year ago
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fishtober day 06:
alabama sturgeon (scaphirhynchus suttkusi)
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marinebioblr · 1 year ago
Close encounters!
My beautiful koi betta Bisby has had a jumping spider neighbor taking advantage of her tank light to hunt bugs under for some time, and recently they met face to face! Very happy to capture each of them acknowledging the other - and Bisby's quick look back at me as if to say "you're seeing this too right?!" 🧡
Edit ✨️ For all those concerned, yes, she does have a lid! I'd just cleaned and was hanging out right there where I filmed from at my office desk. If you are new to fish keeping, please invest in a good lid or when picking setups, favor tank kits that include one!
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williesqued · 24 days ago
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esox lucius, northern pike
photo by michel loup at michelloup.com
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dozydawn · 14 days ago
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l-u-c-i-i-e · 2 years ago
A legend.
According to a legend which was told in time, some said to have seen, at the edge of the river T, " a ghost of a woman who cries, cries and looks at the water : it is the shadow of the city of E., which was once swallowed up. Her dress is woven with mists, her bare feet, torn by brambles, bathe in the mud, her head is soiled with silt. She cries tears of fire. Tomorrow, at daybreak, the child who will play on these shores will amass these frozen tears, pebbles the color of flame, with which he will play without thinking of the cursed one." -
(in Sebillot "Water Spirits" - freshwaters - )
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legendaryorca · 5 months ago
a few days ago, I have found gunshot fish (it would be funny if gunshot fish was its common name since it doesn’t have one yet)
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(it says I visit often)
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this fish 1.2 cm in length can make 140 dB sounds (by striking its own swim bladder with its rib, if I understood correctly)
but due to how sound works and also how water affects sound it would be less louder from a distance
but still loud
they say specialized ribs and muscles allow the fish to not instantly die when it makes the sound, but I haven’t found much detailed explanation on how exactly they help the fish not shock itself to death with the sound
pistol shrimps have these funny organs called orbital hoods that serve as helmets to protect themselves from their own shockwaves made when they snap their claws, preventing brain damage. but I don’t see any possible organs in this fish that could shield itself from its own noise.
maybe it’s unnecessary because the pistol shrimp’s noise is much louder than D. cerebrum’s, at 210 dB but I still think 140 dB is still dangerous enough for a fish smaller than a penny (also this fish is smaller than most pistol shrimps)
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randybutternubber · 6 months ago
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My fish, The Gooch. She’s an elephant Nosed fish, Marcusenius schilthuisiae. She is scared of metal tongs and objects because elephant fish produce electrical pulses, kind of like a sixth sense, and the way it bounces off the metal is very noticeable to them
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Her irl
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rosybetta · 11 months ago
Since people were upset I didn't include the great lakes in my last poll, here's another one
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