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French Travel Tips - from the French Cycling Gourmet
Like ex-employers who insist “your cheque is in the mail”, I’ve always been suspicious of the proclamation: “Statistics don’t lie.”They are ,after all, the mathematical creations of Statisticians. The Human kind. Who have been known to”misspeak”themselves. And even, on occasion(shock horror)lie! Thus,it is a minor(personal)miracle I have no such qualms with the statistic that French Travel tops the “Travel Hit Parade” for North Americians.
My own humble(but authentic)experience confirms whatever the appropriate numbers are. Virtually every third person I meet, (especially during “The Season”) is a non- Froggie.
The attractions are the same ones the locals enjoy. Achingly beautiful nature. Food. Wine. Art. History. And culture with a capital”C.” The reasons the majority of the French holiday in their own country. They really do have it all! As they will inform you,without hesitation. And, since the classic “all-the-French-on-holiday”month is August, this is, bien sur, the perfect time to NOT be travelling in Europe’s premier playground.
How do you travel? – Let us count the ways:
Mr. Ford’s great little invention is great for getting from point A to point B, with a maximum of comfort and a minimum of inconvenience. Not withstanding occasional Summer maladies such as overheating, no garage open, and the number of other travellers who have decided(without consulting you!)to travel the same road to adventure.
2. Country Roads(work)
Another potential grain ‘o sand in yer gears, is roadwork.For reasons that defy North American logic, all seeing/all knowing French bureaucracy has decreed that Summer is the best time to make those highway”improvements.” Nationwide. In cities. Towns. And,sigh,yes, that perfect little village you’re trying to head to.
3. Something Hairy This Way Comes
But wait – there’s more! There’s something that could put a “crimp” in both yer holiday and yer car at the same time! It’s a uniquely French “speed bump.” Unique because – it’s alive!
“Sanglier”(-pro –”sang-glee-yah) is the French wild boar.(Think large hairy pig with dinosaur tusks) They sleep during the day. And hunt for grub at night. And, in hunting for said grub,cross roads running through the woods. You’re getting my drift,are you not,dear reader?
4.Camping Car
More comfort than the car. And, because of that, more”challenges.” The principal one being finding a place to hunker down for the night. With precious few exceptions, if you’re not in a designated/dedicated/definitive area – you’re up the creek without a paddle. Ok – you might, in this totally unfamiliar countryside, find a secluded spot. But, as “Dirty Harry” might say in this situation : “The question you gotta ask yourself is….Do you feel lucky tonight?…….Camper!!!?
more skill testin’ stuff…
Then there’s stove gas, water, sewage disposal, lack ‘o privacy/seclusion, plus all the same “blue meanies” that apply to cars.
Although(To use my Mother’s favourite phrase)in your “secret heart” you know this – DA BG (Froggie hipster to da world) is reminding you that anyone even remotely considering trying to enter a major French city in “The Season” in any type of four wheeled motor vechile, is not just a sick puppy, but a sick puppy with a death wish!
After football,the greatest source of French National pride is it’s rail system. Particularly the train known as the “TGV.” (“Tres Grande Vitesse” – very great speed) Clocking in on some routes at 500 plus kms per hour. This is the premier national service of SNCF, the French rail authority. And, bien sur, you pay accordingly. Basically 20% more than the regional trains.
More good news…
All trains, TGV and TER are 99% on time. And, I’ve found the “trainpersons”(with very few exceptions) to be extremely helpful and courteous. In major stations, someone(maybe even some two)will speak English. Otherwise, someone may speak “a leetle eeeglish.”
6. Bus
In three words – “Don’t go there.” There is no French “Greyhound.” No regular, National bus service. Regional bus options are severly limited, to say the least. With schedules as variable as the weather in Paris.
What ya got…
The most consistent bus services are from “the burbs” into the big smoke. Short hops ‘o 10 to 20kms. Most train stations in large/medium sized cities will have a bus depot attached, or nearby. “Gare”(rhymes with Car) Routier” is the unpredictable adventure sign to look for.
7. Bicycle
Yes,I have saved the best for the last! And, yes, I am prejudicied. But rightly so.
Made in the shade…
On two(non motorized wheels) no worries with motors overheating, garages, traffic, propane, camping spots, sewage/electrical hookup. Not to mention – fuel.For the cyclist, that’s fruit water and granola bars.(Plus all the home made goodies the locals load ya up with!)
Yes, you could conceivably run into a Sanglier. But not likely, since you’re in the same environment. Not removed from it, in a metal box encased in glass.
Goin’ through a major city? Piece ‘o cake. If the roads are blocked – use the sidewalk.(a 360 euro fine in paris. So, jus’ speak English and smile.You’re a tourist right?….whaddya know?) Everywhere else, I’ve never had a problem.
Emergency Option
If it’s too hot/cold/wet/long/boring, or any/all of the preceding – there is the train. Bikes are free on the TER. Although there is not always a dedicted “velo wagon.” Meaning that if you don’t see a bicycle “logo” on any cars as the train screeches to a stop – you have two scant minutes to(attempt to) scramble aboard and find spot that does’nt block an aisle or a toilet. Best bet in this situation is the front of the car immediately behind the engine. Usually no toilet there.
The fun’s not over…
On older TER trains(the majority)you enter via two high metal steps,leading to a heavy metal door that doesn’t fully open, and is a bitch to open even without a bike! So if yer bike n’ gear can’t be finessed through in one swell foop, be ready to set a new train boarding record in the breaking down and loading category.
Don’t put away yer wallet yet…
Because Monsieur et Madame TGV will want(at this writing) 10 euro for the exalted priviledge of allowing yer two wheeled pal aboard…….IF the TGV you need even has a “velo wagon.” If not, you is travellin’ solo, or makin’ a very long ride!
There’s one in every barrel
Also have yer radar up for the occasional “rotten apple” TGV conductor. Who, although you have paid, will not allow you on because yer (loaded) touring bike is not in a bag! Viva la France!
It’s not over yet…
But wait – there’s more! Four to be exact .(by my count.) Only four elevators in the entire French rail system. So if you’re “physically disadvantaged”, got a too heavy to lift bike, more suitcases than sense, or a potted palm from yer cousin in Florida – “Tant Pis!” (“Too Bad”)
More Bicycle Bennies…
In this cycle-crazed nation(“Tour de France, etc) there are cycle paths/routes in most(but not all)regions. Alsace is especially “cyclified.”With free maps specifically for the two wheeled crowd that take you deep into very cool and quiet spots. (And are’nt those the best kind?)
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