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A Royal Master of England duties and responsibilities are like Fremasonry in England
We are sorry that international Masons and Freemasons cannot proceed in England any more due to negligence of England traditional value
A Royal must is self contented using English resources found convinient
Due to big changes conducted by Royal Muster reserves the rights to choose what to do with whom and where exactly depending what is needed to be done
Removing excess international relationships political and economical and social
Improving environment for Englanders of origin
I am I and do not appear on TV because of the programme to promote male in politics as leaders
England had enough females incapacitated to lead
Knowledge is power
I improve communication with hyerarchy
I introduced remov of immigrants by Home Office NCA Royal Navy from employment sent home islamists Hindus Africans Asians EU Europeans and all agreed not to get prosecuted for theft and harm whilst in England
Politically I am qualified for all departments in Parliament of England
Restraining immigrants who wouldn't obey departing from England will be prosecuted and taken off of public service abuse
Thank you for your cooperation
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Hoe you like #music references! Great piece from Mike Arce today!
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#Q ANON#conspiracy#new world order#illuminati#saudi arabia#vegas shooting#false flags#Donald Trump#Clinton Foundation#wikileaks#pizzagate#pedogate#military industrial complex#area 51#secret societies#human traficking#fremasonry#child sacrifice#satanic elite#jeffrey epstein island#organ harvesting#Haiti#assassinations#PUTIN#China#forbidden city#the alliance#the cabal#david wilcock#david seaman
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The stronghold of Phar’aoh must become even for YOU men a reason for shame...
“They carry their wealth on the backs of donkeys and their treasures on the humps of camels, to a people of no profit to them. Egypt’s help is vain and empty; therefore I have called her, ‘Ra’hab Who Just Sits Still.’”
-Isaiah 30:6, BSB
RA - Ancient Egypt Online
#Jehovah#God#Isaiah#Bible#Scripture#Prophecy#Freemason#Fremasonry#Shriners#Esoteric#Esoterica#Camel#Donkey#Royal Arch#Ra
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💠 Sebuah Catatan Kritis Tentang Keyakinan Kartini
✍🏻 Oleh Ustadz Abu Abd rahman bin Muhammad Suud Al-Atsary hafizhahullah
Allahu Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman:
تلك امة قد حلت ، لها ما كسبت و لكم ما كسبتم
"Mereka itu ummat terdahulu, bagi mereka amalan mereka, bagimu amalanmu". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 141)
Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879 - 1904) sesungguhnya tidaklah di kenal kontribusinya dalam sejarah kecuali sebagai korespondensi yang menghasilkan surat menyurat dengan teman-temannya di Eropa alumni 'Europa Lagere Scool' ELS, juga sebagai anak ningrat yang dekat dengan Belanda di Jepara - Rembang, di banding sebagian pejuang wanita muslimah lain, peran Kartini tidak ada, sekolah Kartini di dirikan setelah meninggalnya, lalu kenapa Kartini yang di tonjolkan ? Tidak lain untuk mengecilkan peran ummat Islam (distorsi) di pentas perjuangan.
Kartini memulai korespondensi sejak umur 20, dari tulisan Kartini kita bisa melihat "keyakinan" yang dianutnya.
Kartini Dan Pluralisme Serta Penghinaannya Pada Islam
"Ya Tuhan, adakalanya aku berharap alangkah baiknya tidak ada agama itu, karena berlainan tempat menyeru Tuhan, berdirilah tembok yang membatasi hati, benarkah agama itu sebagai restu bagi manusia ? Tanyaku pada diri sendiri dengan bimbang hati". (Surat 6 Nov 1899)
Kartini Dengan Mistisme
"Mengenai spiritisme yang di anut tuan Van kol dengan setia, saya senang sekali di ajarkan kepercayaan itu, bukan memangil rohnya, tapi mengenal indahnya ajaran itu, ajaran yang mendamaikan banyak hal, bahwa kegagalan kita sekarang adalah penebus dosa dari kehidupan sebelumnya melalui spiritisme kita memperoleh banyak nasihat dari dunia arwah". (Surat 15 Jul 1902)
Kartini Tidak Tahu Ajaran Islam
"Apabila nyonya Abendanon bertemu teman nyonya, tuan snouck Hurgronje mohon tanyakan tentang hukum Aqil baligh di dalam undang-undang mereka, kami sendiri (orang Islam) tidak tau tentang hal itu".
Kartini Dan Ajaran Teosofi (Kebatinan Yahudi)
"Orang bilang, bahwa tanpa saya sadari sendiri telah menjadi penganut teosofi". (Surat 24 Agustus 1902)
Apakah agama Kartini Islam ?
"Sepanjang hemat kami, agama paling indah dan paling suci adalah agama kasih sayang, dan haruskah seorang untuk berbudi untuk memeluk Budha, Brahma, Kristen atau Islam ? Bahkan orang kafir dapat hidup dengan kasih sayang yang murni". (Surat 14 Des 1902)
"Agama sesungguhnya adalah kebatinan, bisa di peluk baik Kristen atau Islam". (Surat 31 Jan 1902)
"Kalau mau ajarkan agama pada orang Jawa, ajarkan kepada mereka Tuhan satu satunya bapa pengasih, tuhan semua ummat, baik Islam, Kristen, Budha, yahudi". (Surat 31 Jan 1903)
"Tidak peduli agama apa yang di peluk orang dan bangsa, jiwa mulia akan mulia". (Surat 5 Jun 1903)
Kartini Tidak Percaya Akhirat Dan Surga Serta Neraka
"Tuhan kami adalah nurani, Surga dan Neraka kami adalah nurani, bila melakukan kejahatan nuranilah yang menghukum kami, bila melakukan kebaikan, nurani yang memberi karunia kami". (Surat 15 Agust 1902)
Istilah "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang" Bukan Dari Al-Qur'an Tapi Ajaran Kelompok Cahaya, Fremasonry.
Habis gelap terbitlah terang, Door Duisternis tot Licht adalah kalimat baiat kelompok cahaya Iluminati dan Freemasonry.
Kami tidak menghujat seorang yang telah mati, karena mereka telah bertemu amalnya, namun menerangkan dengan sebenarnya keyakinan Kartini selama hidup yang jarang di ketahui orang dan tidak ada petunjuk tertulis bahwa Kartini telah mengoreksi/merevisi pemahamannya, meski menjelang wafat di umur 29 tahun belajar dan bertemu seorang kyai, bernama kyai Soleh Darat. Dan hendaknya menjadi koreksi untuk para orang tua dan guru yang akan mengijinkan putra-putri dan anak didiknya untuk merayakan hari Kartini.
Wabillahi Taufiq
Sumber :
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💠 Kartini, Sebuah Distorsi Sejarah (Studi Kritis Tentang Keyakinan Kartini)
Telegram: http://t.me/Manhaj_salaf1
Youtube: http://youtube.com/ittibarasul1
✍🏻 Oleh Ustadz Abu Abd rahman bin Muhammad Suud Al-Atsary hafizhahullah
Allahu Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman:
تلك امة قد حلت ، لها ما كسبت و لكم ما كسبتم
"Mereka itu ummat terdahulu, bagi mereka amalan mereka, bagimu amalanmu". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 141)
Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879 - 1904) sesungguhnya tidaklah di kenal kontribusinya dalam sejarah kecuali sebagai korespondensi yang menghasilkan surat menyurat dengan teman-temannya di Eropa alumni 'Europa Lagere Scool' ELS, juga sebagai anak ningrat yang dekat dengan Belanda di Jepara - Rembang, di banding sebagian pejuang wanita muslimah lain, peran Kartini tidak ada, sekolah Kartini di dirikan setelah meninggalnya, lalu kenapa Kartini yang di tonjolkan ? Tidak lain untuk mengecilkan peran ummat Islam (distorsi) di pentas perjuangan.
Kartini memulai korespondensi sejak umur 20, dari tulisan Kartini kita bisa melihat "keyakinan" yang dianutnya.
Kartini Dan Pluralisme Serta Penghinaannya Pada Islam
"Ya Tuhan, adakalanya aku berharap alangkah baiknya tidak ada agama itu, karena berlainan tempat menyeru Tuhan, berdirilah tembok yang membatasi hati, benarkah agama itu sebagai restu bagi manusia ? Tanyaku pada diri sendiri dengan bimbang hati". (Surat 6 Nov 1899)
Kartini Dengan Mistisme
"Mengenai spiritisme yang di anut tuan Van kol dengan setia, saya senang sekali di ajarkan kepercayaan itu, bukan memangil rohnya, tapi mengenal indahnya ajaran itu, ajaran yang mendamaikan banyak hal, bahwa kegagalan kita sekarang adalah penebus dosa dari kehidupan sebelumnya melalui spiritisme kita memperoleh banyak nasihat dari dunia arwah". (Surat 15 Jul 1902)
Kartini Tidak Tau Ajaran Islam
"Apabila nyonya Abendanon bertemu teman nyonya, tuan snouck Hurgronje mohon tanyakan tentang hukum Aqil baligh di dalam undang-undang mereka, kami sendiri (orang Islam) tidak tau tentang hal itu".
Kartini Dan Ajaran Teosofi (Kebatinan Yahudi)
"Orang bilang, bahwa tanpa saya sadari sendiri telah menjadi penganut teosofi". (Surat 24 Agustus 1902)
Agama Kartini Islam ?
"Sepanjang hemat kami, agama paling indah dan paling suci adalah agama kasih sayang, dan haruskah seorang untuk berbudi untuk memeluk Budha, Brahma, Kristen atau Islam ? Bahkan orang kafir dapat hidup dengan kasih sayang yang murni". (Surat 14 Des 1902)
"Agama sesungguhnya adalah kebatinan, bisa di peluk baik Kristen atau Islam". (Surat 31 Jan 1902)
"Kalau mau ajarkan agama pada orang Jawa, ajarkan kepada mereka Tuhan satu satunya bapa pengasih, tuhan semua ummat, baik Islam, Kristen, Budha, yahudi". (Surat 31 Jan 1903)
"Tidak peduli agama apa yang di peluk orang dan bangsa, jiwa mulia akan mulia". (Surat 5 Jun 1903)
Kartini Tidak Percaya Akhirat Dan Surga Serta Neraka
"Tuhan kami adalah nurani, Surga dan Neraka kami adalah nurani, bila melakukan kejahatan nuranilah yang menghukum kami, bila melakukan kebaikan, nurani yang memberi karunia kami". (Surat 15 Agust 1902)
Istilah "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang" Bukan Dari Al-Qur'an Tapi Ajaran Kelompok Cahaya, Fremasonry.
Habis gelap terbitlah terang, Door Duisternis tot Licht adalah kalimat baiat kelompok cahaya Iluminati dan Fremasonry.
Kami tidak menghujat seorang yang telah mati, karena mereka telah bertemu amalnya, namun menerangkan dengan sebenarnya keyakinan Kartini selama hidup yang jarang di ketahui orang dan tidak ada petunjuk tertulis bahwa Kartini telah mengoreksi/merevisi pemahamannya, meski menjelang wafat di umur 29 tahun belajar dan bertemu seorang kyai, bernama kyai Soleh Darat. Dan hendaknya menjadi koreksi untuk para orang tua dan guru yang akan mengijinkan putra dan anak didiknya untuk merayakan hari Kartini. Wabillahi Taufiq
Mau dapat Ilmu?
Mari bergabung bersama GROUP MANHAJ SALAF
📱 Group WhatsApp: wa.me/62895383230460
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Happy holidays everybody!!!🤪😂🤣🤫 #Fremasonry #Freemason #Happyholidays #brandonnotch #brandongaricnotch #SMIB https://www.instagram.com/p/Br81lZhFQie/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uuk986bydas8
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#EraMuslim Digest #Islamic Thematic Handbook . "GENESIS OF ZIONISM" . Jejak Berdarah Yahudi Sepanjang Sejarah 1: . #BrotherhoodOfSnake #Harran Mountain King of #Namrud Kitab hitam #Talmud #Crusade & #Templar . Jejak Berdarah Yahudi Sepanjang Sejarah 2: #Fremasonry #Illuminati & #RevolusiPerancis #MafiaSicilia #AlbertPike: Program Perang Dunia #Nazi: #Zion Connection
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Can IHow to Join Fremasonry in Calgary? - Freemasonry Calgary
If you have concerns about and are perhaps interested in joining Freemasonry in Calgary, then this brief video is for you. I will deal with the most commonly asked questions about freemasonry in this video and if you have any additional concerns, I welcome you to submit them in a form we have actually provided for you on this website. The Mission of Freemasonry - To promote a way of life that binds similar males in a worldwide brotherhood that surpasses all religious, ethnic, cultural, educational and social differences; by teaching the fantastic principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth: and by the outdoors expression of these through its fellowship, its compassion and its issue, to discover methods which to serve God, family, nation, neighbours and self. Our Mission - The Mission of Glenbow Lodge 184 is to be an area leader through charity and greater knowledge. We enjoy the enthusiasm of our brethren through constant enhancement owned by the essential tenets of Freemasonry which are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Statement on Freemasonry and Religion Requirement Principles. Freemasonry is not a faith, nor is it a replacement for religious faith. Although it needs of its members a belief in God as part of the commitment of every responsible grownup, it promotes no specific sectarian faith or practice. Masonic events include prayers, both standard and off-the-cuff, to declare everyone's reliance on God and to search for magnificent guidance. Freemasonry is open to guys of any faith, however religions, together with political ones, are not be discussed at Masonic meetings. Masons believe that there is one God and that people use numerous various ways to look for and to reveal what they understand of our Creator. In this approach, individuals of different faiths may come together in prayer, focusing on God, instead of differences amoungst themselves. Volume of the Sacred Law. An open volume of exactly what is otherwise referred to as the Sacred Law, "the rule and guide of life," is an essential part of every Masonic meeting. The Volume of the Sacred Law in the Judeo/Christian custom is the Bible. To Freemasons of other faiths, it is whatever book held Holy by them. The Oath of Freemasonry. These are the promises any man at any level of Freemasonry makes to follow the concepts of Freemasonry and to keep personal a Freemason's methods of recommendation of each other. Freemasonry Compared with Religion. Freemasonry does not have the basic aspects of faith: 1. It has no dogma or theology, nor desire to enforce and even recommend a religious orthodoxy 2. It has no sacraments 3. It does not offer to 'conserve your soul' by any secret knowledge or rituals as religious beliefs does Freemasonry Supports Religion. Freemasonry is far from indifferent to faith. Without interfering in his spiritual practice, it anticipates each member to follow his own faith and to put his Duty to God above all other tasks. Freemasonry's ethical mentors are acceptable to all spiritual beliefs. Freemasonry and Secrecy Many individuals think that Freemasonry is a secret society. In the broad sense of the word, it may be considered secret ... but no more so than if you were to sign up with any club varying from quilt making to martial arts to saving the world to learn the methods or techniques-- or 'tricks'-- they have. Any social group or club is "secret" in the sense that its meetings or lessons may be open simply to its members. In Freemasonry, the subscription is similarly a private matter and its members are bound to not discuss with non-members specific parts of the ceremonies connected with the organization. Freemasonry does have particular handshakes and passwords, personalized and included into their meetings, and are kept personal. They are methods of acknowledging each other-- needed in an organization which spans the whole world and that includes many languages. The custom of utilizing handshakes and passwords was very common in the Middle Ages, when the capability to recognize oneself as coming from a masonry trade guild normally made the distinction in getting a job or in acquiring help for you or your household. Today, this custom is maintained by Freemasons to make the extremely exact same pledge to every member that he will be offered help if he or his household ever demands it. Simply put ... Freemasonry is not a 'secret society' but rather a 'society with secrets'. Maybe the concern originates from that freemasonry is ancient and ancient knowledge is somehow strange and effective. Freemasonry can't be called a "secret society" in an actual sense. Masonic lodges are kept in mind in public phonebook, Masonic structures are clearly marked and in lots of locations of the nation Masonic lodges location signs on the streets leading into town, along with civic organizations, revealing the time and place of conferences. In regards to exactly what it does, exactly what it teaches, who belongs, where it satisfies, there are no secrets in Freemasonry! It is a personal fraternal association of males who contribute much toward public quality, while taking pleasure in the advantages of the brotherhood of a fraternity. You can discover publications and information, both precise and unreliable, about all the 'secrets' in Freemasonry on the internet. Commonly Asked Questions and Their Answers 1) Where can I get more information about the Freemasons... You can also see this video at our wonderful Calgary Freemasonry website
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#Q ANON#conspiracy#new world order#illuminati#saudi arabia#vegas shooting#false flags#Donald Trump#Clinton Foundation#wikileaks#pizzagate#pedogate#military industrial complex#area 51#secret societies#human traficking#fremasonry#child sacrifice#satanic elite#jeffrey epstein island#organ harvesting#Haiti#assassinations#PUTIN#China#forbidden city#the alliance#the cabal#david wilcock#david seaman
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Happy holidays everybody!!! 😊 #Fremasonry #Freemason #Happyholidays https://www.instagram.com/p/BryNkg7lhKt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14sqkd3n7g6ql
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by Michael H. Shirley
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Linking Zionism/Occult/Fremasonry
Should you be Christian, Jewish, Muslim or Atheist, this is something you should know of Zionism It’s not like the Zionists hide it either
That is if you actually look…
November 17, 1907, is the birthdate of Israel Regardie, practitioner and explainer of the occult, who early in his career served as personal secretary to the charismatic and outrageous British “Master of Darkness” Aleister…
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Prince Hall Freemasons attending a Funeral
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