vnmof · 6 months
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( yes this is the oc in the other sky art i did )
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secretlykoishi · 1 year
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Lunessa real
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randomnameless · 2 years
Funny enough the worst(best?) implication of what Seidr has said has lead a lot of people to think Gullveig is said baby.
It's the perfect 4th wall breaking character : Gullveig exists because of the player's peepee.
Doylist wise, it's because sex sells, and Watsonian wise, it's because she's the player's baby!
More seriously,
It reminds me of the tasteless Melisandre reveal in GOT, where she was akshually an old woman for, uh, reasons, and some people felt bad for, uh, being happy, when she kept on flashing her boobs a few seasons earlier.
Why was this done? To "surprise" the fan in some sort of post-nut shame? idk.
To be honest, I'm half wondering is this particular "plot point" wasn't designed after the CYL results, to make Gullveig a character since they have to write a "story" for her to take part in - maybe the CYL thematic story will be "parental issues", in a world where Soren gives a fuck about his biofam (and I don't know how IS would actually deal with the "story behind Soren's birth" without royally fucking it in FeH), Corn and Robin felt bad bcs their daddies are the reason why the plot happens and Gullveig... will now have something to share with them all.
For me, the only dialogues of interest Feh has are the forging bonds, the rest is pure accessory, sometimes fluff like the Macedon Royals, Manu for Christmas or the interesting dragon-weens, but other times it's so worthless that I read it on "auto-mode" and only gaf about the music used in the maps, and the orbs.
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dsmppinup · 11 months
The Calendar Is Ready!
The mods and artists of the DSMP Pinup Project are happy to announce that our project is now ready to go. 18 months of wonderful art.
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You can buy a printed copy of it here, which should be able to ship to many countries.
If you wish to print your own copy, for price reasons or if lulu.com does not ship to you, you can find the print-ready files here.
Go forth! Enjoy! Tell the artists what an amazing job they did!
We would like to thank the wonderful team who helped us make this project a reality. They are:
amusingghost | @amusingghost | twitter | instagram
chrysalizzm | @chrysalizzm | Ao3
Err | @errs-other-other-blog
Fish | @copepods
Frelia | @frelia45
GeeVy | @thegeevy
galaxy-lilies | @galaxy-lilies | twitter
Kerbe (p-ogman) | Instagram
Litchi | @llitchilitchi | twitter
Melamoryblack | @melscrate | twitter
Paragal | @paragal
TD | @paradoxalriven
TY_helene | @manmadesunshine
Voidpidgeon | @voidpidgeon
xav xavalav | @xavalav
Emmy | @astronomeridian
Grace | @regicidal-optimism
Medusa | @antimony-medusa
This project has been a blast, thank you all for your wonderful work and your patience as we've fought the printing process. Enjoy the calendar!
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lukasthelucario · 2 months
If I see 1 more person say that Eirika didn’t have a character or character development in Sacred Stones, I WILL bite them. I hate the flanderized character that Eirika has been portrayed as in recent years, and a large part is due to her FEH mischaracterization that has carried over to even mainline titles (Engage). I feel like even a few years earlier in Warriors she would’ve been portrayed right which says a lot about recent times…
Eirika is 1 of my favorite Lords and even in general characters in the franchise. It’s disappointing and rly sad whenever I see ppl downplay her arc in FE8 out of sheer ignorance of not playing it or FEH’s dominant mischaracterization spreading to even diehards of the GBA games. I feel like it’s especially notable now doe cause she just got another Ephraim based alt in FEH. Brave was fine, but seriously??? She couldn’t even steal from Tana’s wardrobe?????? Like that girl did not travel to Frelia constantly as a child just to see Innes and Tana just for spinoff material to downplay the Frelia’s siblings importance to both Renais twins.
It’s just frustrating even doe I should expect it at this point. A major character point for Eirika in FE8 was not being stuck behind Ephraim’s shadow and seen as the “weak naïve princess”. But here we are over a decade later with IS flanderizing Eirika to be just that.
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jadesnapart · 2 years
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"My name is Tana, and I'm a pegasus knight. Oh, and I'm also the princess of Frelia. I hope you won't let that get in the way of us being friends, though!" 🦄
Commission of Tana from FE8 for @Pie__F! Thank you so much!
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mirensiart · 2 years
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happy frelia friday everyone!
don’t forget to kiss your local frelian today!
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naaami · 5 months
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princess tana of frelia
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pangtasias-atelier · 10 months
Innes' Growing Viewpoint
Had like 200 words and then just had extreme lack of motivation so then just didn't touch this wip until I forced myself and well I guess that works lol so here's this and hopefully there's more eventually instead of waiting 2 months for a new story.
Really craved more Sac/red St/ones since been playing it so have my favorite character who I legit like never use lmao. Hope you enjoy some mind warping and hopefully it came out decent.
Warning: This is a fetish story!
Flapping pegasus wings sound off in the distance, the customary noise hard to frighten the chirping of Frelia’s scattered birds in the safety of the sparse trees amongst the grunts of the training soldiers in the courtyard. The sun manages to hold off on torturing everyone in its rays with the day rather cloudy. Frelia’s gray atmosphere perfectly matches its King.
“I’m a fool to allow this,” Innes adjusts the final portion of his outfit, the miniscule wrinkle in his cuffs irritating him much like the small bit of belly fat he now sports—the additional pale sliver of pudge had not been there the day before, but his hard work ethic has him immediately blaming himself—and even presses against the silky fabric of his clothes. Innes’ grip on his door handle slips upon the sound of shock and surprise coming from the courtyard. A quick trip to his balcony, and an even quicker glance outside shows him the cause for the commotion.
Despite the distance, the mop of cerulean blue hair is all too hard to miss. Along with the wide silhouette. The wave from Renais’ King and their slightly hurried pace as he enters the castle is also hard for Innes to miss, decorum hard to follow between the two grown men when having known each other for far too long. 
“Tch, he’s still allowing himself to be an utter slob,” Huffing in disapproval of Ephraim’s size, able to see he’s gained some weight despite the large distance, he can’t help but grumble as he glances down at his own bit of pudge. With nothing to be done at this exact moment, he igores his current state of affairs and takes a seat on his ornate couch, the slender curves of each leg along with its armrests indicative of Innes’ highbrow tastes. As he awaits his visitor, the small bit of pudge on his figure slowly bulges out; the leather strap of fabric meant to hold his coat together ever so slightly begins to strain further, more and more of Innes fat ending up pressed against the material. His thighs slowly widen, two barely pudgy legs thickening outward and taking up more space on the furniture. Fattening up, Innes pays no attention to any of it, even as his weight begins to wind down and crest at a noticeable 300 pounds. 
Instead, Innes waits patiently. As patiently as he can while his stomach grumbles, his early waking hours usually filled with some level of hunger. Glancing down, the small frown that frames his pudgy face is only alleviated by the faint smirk of satisfaction that crosses his mind when all alone. He gives his portly belly a small few pats; the pale flabby stomach jiggles, the slightly snug fabric meant to show off his curves following every slight yet noticeable bounce of his heft. The gesture only eggs his stomach on, the grumbling noise only intensifying. 
“Hmmph,” Innes waits all alone in his lavish room. The only accompaniment he has is his grumbling belly, a feature he’s grown accustomed to from always having such a stocky figure—a fact that comes so naturally for him to recall despite the ever so slight fuzz he feels in the back of his mind. His still growing stomach interrupts that minor train of thought; his impatience gets the better of him as his rising weight only worsens his morning hunger. “To think I held off breakfast for Ephraim. When he gets here I’ll…” With a quick tsk, Innes stands up from his spot.
But not before he reaches for the belt that digs into his aching, wobbling gut like the harsh scales from the few times he’s ridden a wyvern—all with complete expertise over the mount despite the initial irritation from having such a hefty rider. Innes’ thick fingers, still firm and sturdy from all his years of archery, barely brush against the leathery adornment before they graze nothing besides the silky fabric of his clothes. His outfit changing before his very eyes, he pays no attention to it, even as his thighs widen and fatten up, each thickened limb becoming much more cumbersome to maneuver with each slow, meticulous step. Innes’ belly blossoms into a mound of a gut; the empty tank’s incessant grumbling only grows more uproarious as it sags further down his obese figure. Slowly, the flabby roll of fat descends past Innes’ fattened crotch and fat pad. His gut slaps against his fattened thighs as his gait turns even more awkward and cumbersome. His clothes change little in their appearance despite his growing size—and the widening state of his clothes—larger and larger amounts of expensive fabric needed to accommodate all of his girth. Innes’ decadent tastes remain the same even as he grows fatter. His arms grow more rotund, the two plump arms becoming much less likely to pull back on his string than to lift up a fork and stuff himself. His breasts fill out, the two moobs swiftly turning into full blown breasts as more plush lard gets slapped onto his ever growing body. 
Innes’ waddling that only continues to come ever closer to a crawl ends up finally put on halt with a massive hand outstretched against the wall. Furiously red, the crimson hue on his face is only half from hunger. The other half from exhaustion, all too clearly displayed by the beads of sweat that stream down his porcine cheeks that bulge out and jiggle with each heaping gulp of air he breathes, Innes' massive body forces him to stop his fruitless waddling. Innes pays little attention as to why or even how he stood up, the massively fat royal always needing assistance to get up everyday now before being fed his daily feast for breakfast. 
“Haah, I’ll get you for this Ephraim,” Innes mutters under his breath in between his heavy, tired wheezes. His still growing body presses further against the wall. Always so damn jealous of how much bigger I am. Innes thinks. The previous memories of his entire existence are fully altered to match his corpulent state. 
Ephraim’s finesse to battle equally matched by his appetite, the azure haired royal stood out from his twin by his stocky figure. A figure that only grew as Innes gave extra treats and passive aggressive remarks, the slightly older male—who had also been rail then back then—unable to properly hide his fascination with Ephraim’s plumper than above average body. A bet from Ephraim had been all it took for Innes to start indulging himself. The excess calories that left him always so satiated and content, the constant gorging that helped his swelling waistline, Ephraim’s firm, demanding attitude that could all too easily goad Innes into stuffing more food down his throat all mingled with his own unabashed enjoyment of his increasing size, plus his naivety in believing that he truly was besting Ephraim at his own game, led to Innes ever growing heftiness that now leaves him teetering on immobility. 
As Innes tries his best to regain his stamina, his bulging body that resembles more of a mattress continues to ache with hunger. 
Fortunately for Innes, Ephraim finally makes his way to his room.
Ephraim rather portly as well, the obese man fills out his attire all too generously. His clothes seem painted on, fabric and buttons just loose enough to come close enough to where they strain but with still enough room to not immediately be in danger of tearing. Ephraim’s large, portly gut bounces with each heavy step he takes. His large stomach is outlined by his tight clothes, the beast of a gut well past his crotch. His breasts follow a similar motion, the upper portion of his torso straining his clothes with his engorged nipples visibly pressing against the material. His doughy arms are strangled by his sleeves; fat bulges out the sides. Ephraim’s lower half isn’t as well endowed as the rest of him, leaving him with a rather noticeable apple shaped figure. But his ass still has some heft to it, the two hefty cheeks for a rear wobbling while he waddles up to Innes. 
Despite his own heavy breathing, Ephraim’s size and exhaustion only a fraction of Innes’, Ephraim supports himself with a cart of food. Ephraim’s rounded out fat appears even rounder with the addition of stubble. “You should be in bed, lardass,” Tucked in between his large, fat biceps and his breasts is a tome—not that Innes pays attention to it with food now near him.
“I hnnghh…” Already out of breath, Innes still growing ever larger and fatter, Innes has no response with his brain muddied by his impossible logistics of getting up by himself with his newfound reality at such an immense size.
Ephraim spares no delicacy as he manhandles and fondles Innes’ enormity. “Let’s make this quick, we don’t have much time left,”
Innes doesn’t bother asking what he means, food and comfort much more pressing.
“A pig like you really just can’t help but stuff himself,” Ephraim pushes into Innes to get him moving, lard sloshing against lard. He practically humps Innes to get him moving, the nearly immobile man’s pathetic movements still managing to slow further down. Ephraim thankfully manages to get him onto his bed, what used to be a canopy is now reduced to nothing but a massive mattress. 
“Haaahhh… you’re jusshht hnnggh jeahloussh…” Innes weakly retorts even while Ephraim gets him comfortable and perched up by a multitude of pillows that still end up squashed underneath his titanic girth. His speech grows more difficult as he ends up even fatter, more and more of the mattress obscured by his immensity.
“Sure thing. I mean, it is impressive that just one of your tits alone is bigger than my gut. And I’m already fat as hell,” Ephraim hefts himself up atop Innes’ gut. Making himself comfortable, he parks his fat ass right atop Innes’ dining table of a gut. “All you do is gorge the entire day away. How are you going to make people respect you when you’re on your way to being fatter than a manakete?” Ephraim holds back his snickering the best that he can, gleefully grinning down at Innes while grabbing the first of many plates from the cart. 
Innes’ eyes never stray from the plate of food Ephraim holds. Even as his memories focus on Ephraim’s words the best that they can, the words Ephraim tells him Innes’ very own the last time the two had seen each other—before Ephraim had cast his spell on the unwitting Innes. “Whaaht?” Is all Innes asks before Ephraim shovels rich, buttery lobster pasta down his mouth. 
“If you want more, you’re going to have to ask for it. Unless you want me to catch up and pass you? Not that I’d ever become such a useless slob such as yourself,” Clearly enjoying himself, Ephraim leans closer to Innes, the tome holding the incantation that caused this left right beside it lest it get lost somewhere in between Iness’ numerous rolls of lard. He has Innes still growing, the gargantuanly obese man still managing to fatten up.
Innes lacks any semblance of shape to his enormity. Immense all around, the immobile man resembles a pile of lard more than the slim sniper and strategician he used to be. His massive stomach envelops everything around it, the pool of lard for a gut spreading out further. His ass cheeks that rival couches rest far behind him, the shapeless ass cheeks constantly jiggling with each deep breath he takes. His arms and legs are sunken into his enormity; the once slender limbs lack anything remotely near flexibility with hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fat crammed onto them. Innes can’t even move his digits with how fat he is. All he can do is eat and moan, the sudden changes forced onto him clearly enjoyed. 
And despite all his pride, the immobile blob’s starving hunger wins out, that and his eagerness to grow even larger, to upstage Ephraim even further in the two’s nonexistent bet that he believes. “Pleeasshee…. Ihh’m… urrrp… sshtarhvin’ hhnnnggg…”
“You got it, pig. I’ll make sure you never be left wanting more,” Before going to feed the moaning Innes more, Ephraim reaches a portly hand for his tome. But he stops himself, making Innes smother the mattress in its entirety and watch as furniture disappears from his room to accommodate his even larger, more absurd size. “And since your fatass is enjoying how much of a blob you are, I guess I’ll keep us both nice and happy,”
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fawbelle · 7 months
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cutes names with F ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )♡
floera / flora / flaviah / fleur / flor / fernanda
ferny / forestal / fredy / fabricioh / frelia
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saijspellhart · 1 month
for the kissing prompt- 100, ephraim and innes :3
100. Hateful kisses; all teeth, bruising, hair tugging, being pinned against the wall, low groans, heavy breathing, knees separating thighs — but both of them need more. (Ephraim x Innes)
-WARNING: Spicy-
Ephraim finally broke away from the party, slipping out during a toast and a speech proposed by Princess L’Arachel. Her personality was…aggressive enough to draw any and all attention, creating a perfect opening for him to slip behind a heavy curtain and out onto one of the balconies of Castle Frelia.
The crisp night air greeted him, a chilled kiss against his cheeks. An audible sigh, all the tension in his body releasing, he approached the balustrade. He crossed his arms to lean on the railing, gazing off into the valley below.
A little shimmering river, reflecting the light of the moon, cut the fields and forests in the distance. It looked looked like a vein of silver in an otherwise inky black and blue landscape.
In one of the inky fields there was a herd of ghostly white dots. A herd of Frelian pegasi grazing on the pastures. Their snow white coats glowing under the moonlit night sky.
Ephraim pondered the ramifications of commandeering a Pegasus and flying back to Renais.
Not that he could fly one. He still struggled with riding a horse, despite a myriad of lessons with Kyle and Forde. The animals didn’t respond well to his brash recklessness. He doubted a flighty Pegasus would fair any better.
Ephraim, in a fit of irritation, dug at the constricting collar of his tunic. A button popped off in his hand, and he hurled it over the side of the balcony. It disappeared into the night.
“Feel better?”
Ephraim shot a glance over his shoulder. Innes, crown Prince of Frelia, strode out onto the balcony. His silver and storm blue finery, dazzled in the moonlight as he approached the King of Renais. The Prince was always stunning, in a painfully aggravating way. Even when he was caked in blood and worn from the despair of battle.
Innes joined him at the balustrade, a glass of wine in one hand. He took a sip, and eyed the rumpled and undone collar of Ephraim’s tunic. The King could feel the Prince’s sharp eyes as they traced the line of his throat down to the barest tease of a collar bone. Ephraim shivered, hoping Innes assumed it was due to the chill night.
Those sharp steel eyes cut back to Ephraim’s face, pinning him with a stare. “Should I leave you? So you may continue disrobing on our balcony?”
“Shove off,” Ephraim returned to leaning on the railing. “The ball was stuffy, and I hate this frivolous formal attire. I felt like I couldn’t breath.”
“Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so stuffy if you didn’t spend so much of it indulging my sister and her inane friends.”
“I wasn’t indulging her,” Ephraim seethed, reminded of the reason he escaped to this balcony to begin with. “I couldn’t get away from her.”
Innes scoffed, waving his glass in Ephraim’s direction. “It’s not as if you tried very hard. Prancing around the dance floor like a stallion in rut. Always the center of attention, the ladies fawning over you like swooning mares.”
Ephraim angrily swatted the glass of wine from Innes’ hand, and sent it crashing into the balustrade and over the edge.
“How very barbaric of you,” Innes shook his accosted hand and stared down the King of Renais.
“By the Stones, you insensitive prick! Innes, would it kill you to be humane for five minutes?” Ephraim threw his gloved hand in the general direction of the party. “King Hayden approached me to arrange a marriage.”
The haughty contempt finally melted, and Innes’ eyes narrowed. “Whose?”
“Whom do you think? Your sister to me.”
Even in the low light Ephraim could detect the hint of panic that welled behind Innes’ eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t even like her.”
“I don’t think it matters what I like. Your father wants to maintain strong relations between our Kingdoms, the Renais council has been hounding me to marry since I took the throne, and it’s not like I have any better proposals on the table.”
“You sniveling coward.”
Ephraim recoiled, “Excuse me!?”
Innes stepped forward, jabbing two fingers into Ephraim’s chest. “Did Fomortiis castrate you in the final battle? Since when did Ephraim de Renais submit and roll over to the whims of lesser nobles?
“Your father…” Ephraim stepped back and his lower back hit the balustrade railing.
“My father has no power over you,” Innes closed the distance between them, getting right up in Ephraim’s face. “Tell him no.”
“And what?” Ephraim placed a hand on the rail for stability. “Risk crumbling relations between our Kingdoms? What of my people, Innes?”
“Father wouldn’t dare go to war with you and I am crown Prince!” Innes hissed. They were so close that the discrepancy in their heights had become apparent. If not for the Prince’s ungodly high heels he would have been on his tip toes trying to crowd Ephraim. He still had to tilt his head just a bit to look up at him.
“You being heir to the Frelian throne instills no comfort in me!”
“Why?” Innes cocked his head, sneering. “Scared? Does the thought of me make you quake in your boots, your majesty?”
Gods, could Innes get under his skin in the worst way. The man was fire and steel, cutting Ephraim with a tongue that set his blood alight. “All you’ve ever done is pick fights with me! I’d swear you hate me, the way you act.”
Innes took a fistful of Ephraim’s rumpled collar, demanding the taller man’s attention. “Sometimes…I do hate you, Ephraim. Every time I see you, I’m overcome with the primitive desire to destroy you, to bring you to your knees and make you quiver beneath my heel.”
Ephraim’s breath caught in his throat, heartbeat thundering in his ears. He seized Prince Innes’ wrist pushing against his hold. “Exactly my point! At least if I married your sister it would muzzle your raging ego enough to prevent the collapse of our alliance.”
“You will not marry, Tana.”
“Why?” Ephraim sneered back. “Why is this so important to you?! Is it so detestable to see your sister wed your rival?” He wanted to get under Innes’ skin the way the man crawled under his.
“You,” Innes snarled, “are my rival.” The “my” made Ephraim’s stomach clench. Innes buried his other fist in Ephraim’s mantle, using the fabric to drag the King closer to his level, nearly nose to nose. His gaze as piercing as the arrows he fired from his bow. Those steel eyes tore through Ephraim with ease, sinking past his defenses to render him useless. “She. cannot. have. you.”
Then he surged up on his toes and pressed his lips to Ephraim’s.
Ephraim made a choking noise, his heart striking his ribcage painfully. His weight shifted back against the balustrade again, and he had to put a hand back to steady himself. His other hand tightened its grip on Innes’ wrist.
To push him away? …Or to keep him close?
The kiss was as forceful and abrasive as Innes was. Ephraim swore his lips would bruise the way the prince assaulted his mouth.
Innes, honest to gods, growled against Ephraim’s mouth. He nudged Ephraim’s already buckling knees apart, forcing himself between his thighs as the King of Renais shuddered against the stone railing. It was a miracle Ephraim didn’t melt and topple over the side.
Innes’ lips dragged over Ephraim’s as he whispered into his wanting mouth. “Concede.”
Concede. A dazed Ephraim assessed the Prince beneath hooded eyes.
It was one word spoken between them many many times, but never in this sort of context. It was a taunt, an expression of superiority and triumph. Both of them spouting the word whenever they dominated the other in competition.
Concede. He could feel Innes’ breath against his bottom lip.
An ember of indignation swelled to an inferno within his chest.
Ephraim drew himself up, so Innes was no longer towering above him. His hand left the railing, seized a fistful of the Prince’s celadon hair and crushed their lips together again. The kiss was no less bruising, but this time it was all teeth.
Innes made a noise somewhere between a keen and a hiss, and Ephraim swallowed it.
Ephraim tilted his head, slotting his mouth against the Prince’s, nipping tender lips until their teeth clacked. His other hand released Innes’ wrist to curl around his neck instead. Gloved fingers cradling the back, while his thumb put pressure on his throat.
This time it was a ragged breath that escaped the man, blowing through his nose.
Innes clawed at Ephraim’s chest, nails popping another button off his tunic, only to rake savagely over the King’s collar bone. The slight pain sent electrified pleasure straight to Ephraim’s groin.
The brief upper hand was short lived, as Innes was fighting him again. The Frelian Prince pressed into the kiss with equal fervor, mouth parting to bite Ephraim’s intrusive tongue.
Ephraim had to swallow a yip when Innes’ oddly sharp canine drew blood.
Innes, already pressed between the King’s thighs, jerked his hips into Ephraim’s hardening arousal. The friction pulled a throaty groan from Ephraim and he panted against Innes’ lips.
The railing dug into his lower back again, a show of support as much as it was a mark of weakness. The King tightened his grip on Innes’ throat, his other hand releasing his hair to trail over his shoulders and down his back.
Ephraim took hold of Innes’ backside hard enough to elicit a moan, which he swallowed along with the Prince’s tongue. He tasted of copper and heat. Heady and sharp in a way that drove Ephraim feral. He clutched Innes against him, hips rocking forward, dragging the shorter man onto his toes.
Innes clawed even harder at the King’s front and neck. No doubt marring his skin with ugly red lines. He tore the front of Ephraim’s shirt apart, exposing his chest.
The cold night air bit Ephraim’s exposed skin in perfect contrast to Innes’ burning touch.
Both men broke their kissing to pant raggedly against the other’s jaw.
Ephraim wasn’t sure what prompted him to look up, past the Prince’s shoulder. Had it been a footfall? The rustle of heavy fabric? A soft gasp?
His cerulean eyes met the dark eyes of the Frelian Princess as she backed against the heavy drapes covering the balcony’s entrance. Tana reached blindly for the heavy drapery, an expression of shock and betrayal drawing her usually sweet features.
Any words—excuses—Ephraim might have mustered died in his throat when Innes—oblivious to the situation—reached up and sucked the King’s ear between his lips and teeth.
“H-aah…” Ephraim whimpered. His hold on the Prince involuntarily tightened, and he screwed his eyes shut against the look of Tana’s face.
When next he opened them, she was gone.
Please let me know if you liked! I tried my very hardest to make this hot and spicy. I really wanted to capture the intensity between these two.
Thanks for the kiss prompt!!
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winged-void · 8 months
I love frelia's sacred twins mid hog and beat off near
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chromaji · 2 years
ash’s new career in sports commentary
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rozyrne · 1 year
            001.  /  elusian wyvern biology
so bren was like " are elusian wyverns somehow cold-resistant? " and i thought to myself oh yeah huh they are cold-blooded aren't they...... and realized that elusia is actually unique among fe continents with wyverns being exclusively associated with a frigid northern country. the others we have to look at are:
macedon , southern peninsula
thracia , southern peninsula, opposite end of silesse
bern , southern landmass, opposite end of ilia
grado , southern landmass, opposite end of frelia
daein , northernmost nation of tellius, but i'd argue a misleading case because tellius in itself looks to be a southwestern peninsula with a lot more of the main continental landmass to the northeast, so i would argue that it's more of a europe situation where none of tellius as we see it in the games is actually very far above a hypothetical equator. this seems to be supported by daein being rocky / mountainous, but not necessarily known for being snowy / icy / cold as tits in the same way as more traditional " fe northern nations "
awakening is unclear; cherche is from valm, not ylisse, from the dukedom of rosanne. while rosanne's exact location isn't given, the description of "fertile lands" seems to lean more zofia-area than former rigel
fódlan is also shrug, but generally not faerghus
so what's the deal! here's the deal.
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there are three major species of elusian wyvern that are generally brought up due to being the most common and having distinct differences from each other.
the southern woodland wyvern, as the name suggests, is naturally occurring in elusia's forested south. when one thinks of "elusia", it's the north that comes to mind — where the palace is, as well as destinea cathedral and most major houses of worship, and the bulk of elusia's civilization. the south, due to being difficult to navigate, with most of the land consisting of narrow rocky passes and steep forested inclines ( and the shadowy moor taking up almost all of the land that is flat and more geographically traversable ), is largely wilderness and uninhabitable. don't let the ample greenery fool you — the land isn't any more arable than the north due to the soil composition and the forestation taking up most of the ground nutrients, further contributing to its abandonment.
similarly, the south woodland wyverns are the last things people think of when they they of elusian wyverns, but they are actually greater in number than the northern species. these wyverns are much smaller than their northern counterparts, about the size of a velociraptor, with shorter, rounded wings more suited for gliding or short flight. they have larger eyes, fewer distinctive "wyvern features" like plated scales and horned ridges, boasting an overall sleeker appearance and superior camouflaging. many of their behaviors are also notably more bird-like than reptilian, though they are still cold-blooded. they tend to live in treetops and seldom come down to the forest floor, from which it's difficult to take off again due to the density of the underbrush, and tend to be reclusive. they are also excellent climbers.
due to their size and tendency to hide or run over fighting, they sometimes make for exotic pets among collectors, though this is considered illegal and all wyverns in this situation have been trafficked. this is unfortunately a fairly lucrative business in elusia's south however where they're far from the heartland and have fewer means of livelihood.
the elusian coastal wyvern. now you're starting to get more to what "wyverns" are imagined to look like. though subspecies of the coastal wyvern can be found throughout elusia's longitude, they are more common — and more commonly thought-of — as belonging to the north. coastal wyverns possess many of the wyvern's distinctive traits, hardier scales, and larger size, though they are still sleeker and smaller than the wyverns elusia primarily deals in. the main distinction of coastal wyverns is their wings, the membranes of which are much thinner than those of their inland cousins.
the northern inland wyvern. "the elusian wyvern" typically starts and ends here. these wyverns, most common throughout elusia's northern landscape, are large compared to the other species, easily large enough for a person to ride. however, they are notably smaller than classic wyverns from most other continents, an evolutionary trait of adapting to the cold. they have adjusted to be large enough for survival in their habitat, and small enough that excess energy is not wasted
multiple layers of thick scaly hide, in the same way that sharks have multiple layers of teeth. they grow these layers starting early autumn and start to shed them in late winter ( an unfortunate-looking process for anyone unfamiliar as it can involve shedding anything from big scales to whole sloughs of hide ). these layers provide some insulation, as well as protection against the harsher topography of elusia's mountains
naturally dark in color. elusia spends most of the year in darkness, and the color of elusia's wyverns matches accordingly. this makes it easier to hunt in a landscape where there are fewer natural ways to conceal yourself from prey once you're airborne. northern inland wyverns are naturally crepuscular, most active at dawn and dusk — they are too easily visible by prey during the day, and the night is too cold. during spring and summer however, their active hours can span further into the night, with some subspecies becoming seasonally nocturnal.
the coastal wyverns lean more carnivorous, but both northern inland wyverns and southern woodland wyverns are full omnivores. supplementing their diet with rough barks and fibrous plants helps the inland species to create their signature multi-layered hides, and it's been found that in the wild, this actually becomes a larger portion of their diet than meat during the summer months
wing membranes are much thicker than those of their coastal counterparts to better facilitate thicker blood vessels and better circulation while flying for long periods of time. inland wyvern wings are awfully veiny, but also less delicate than other species'
generally, the further inland you go, the larger the inland wyvern. bigger size is needed to survive where access to water is more limited and the landscape becomes more treacherous.
due to size, temperament, and natural defenses ( their hides make them hardier and sturdier ), it is the inland wyvern that is primarily used and bred for elusia's military.
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despite their natural habitant, elusian wyverns — and the inland species — are still cold-blooded. so how do they survive?
evolution has done two things:
1) elusian wyverns migrate. to some extent. the coastal variant has the longest migratory route spanning up and down the border of elusia. the woodland species can sometimes be found as far south as northern solm in the winter months, though not yet into the desert, where it is too dry and there is too little cover for them to survive. the inland species tends to migrate further south in the fall and north again in the spring. it is said that the two points of elusia's castle and destinea cathedral were built at the two ends of the inland wyvern's natural migratory route. due to their similarity in appearance to dragons, the migration of wyverns took on a religious light when the fell faith first gained traction in elusia, with their migration to the areas close to destinea in the autumn seen as symbolic of sombron's arrival. there's probably some religious holiday for it around that time that i haven't thought about yet.
2) supercooling. however, the majority of the elusian wyvern's adaptation to the cold comes in the form of their ability to supercool, far beyond the same capability found in other similar cold-dwelling reptiles and amphibians.
supercooling: a process by which liquids in the [reptile's] body drop to well below their normal freezing points without actually freezing. they do this by storing extremely high concentrations of glucose and other cryoprotectants (compounds that protect tissue from freezing conditions) between the cells within their bodies. (source)
elusian wyverns — the inland species in particular — have noticeably larger livers as a percent of their body mass compared to others, and it is primarily for the production of the glucose and additional proteins that come into contact with the water in their bodies, interacting with the molecules to lower the freezing point. the inland wyvern has been observed capable of supercooling to -48F before flash-freezing occurs, which, coupled with migration, is often enough to ensure the wyverns' continued normal function throughout the winter months.
due to their size and the proteins created in this process, the elusian wyverns are additionally resistant to the flash-freezing that would ordinarily occur in smaller reptiles when they come into contact with external ice nuclei in this supercooled state, that would essentially seed the crystallization process upon contact and cause a chain freezing reaction from the outside-in. this allows them to still remain unfrozen even while contacting the ice crystals in the air and on the ground during the short periods needed to hunt and forage, though they are essentially racing against the clock. greater concentrations of ice exposure, however, especially all at once ( such as being hit with ice magic while supercooled ) would greatly expedite the process.
even if they were to freeze upon contact with external ice, however, the wyverns can often survive thanks again to the properties of the glucose that allows them to supercool:
the same glucose that helps the turtles supercool also protects their tissues from damage caused by the freezing process. high concentrations of glucose between the cells draws water into the extracellular spaces so when freezing does occur, it occurs outside of the cells and the ice does not rupture the cells as it expands (source)
in this state, all but the liver and other vital organs freeze solid, and the wyverns can remain like this for entire weeks on end without sustaining harm. wilderness-goers in elusia know it is best not to disturb a wyvern that looks frozen, even if you may want to help it — not only are wild inland wyverns dangerous while active, but artificially thawing a frozen wyvern, if done incorrectly, will often do more harm than good.
as a final additional note, hatchlings are also capable of the same supercooling as adults, though eggs are laid to overwinter as far belowground as possible in caves or natural pits to help insulate from the lower surface temperatures as well as to protect from flash freezing. because of this reason, and because few predators and egg-eaters are active during this season ( elusian wyverns do not nest or guard their eggs; like turtles, the young never know their parents and are self-sufficient to forage upon hatching ), the elusian wyvern breeding season takes place uniquely in the late fall to early winter, with eggs hatching in early to mid spring as the weather warms.
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dsmppinup · 11 months
Calendar Teaser #10
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And today, a teaser from Frelia, who drew us DreamXD! You can check out more of their work on his blog at @frelia45!
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colossal-niamh-va · 9 months
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones FANDUB - Chapter1 - Escape! Hey look it’s a thing I’m in! I play King Hayden of Frelia. Huge thanks to SyreneFaroreVA for casting me and to the rest of the cast for putting on a great first episode!
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