#freelance rikku
zeldamomoe · 10 months
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It's FFX-2's NA anniversary and I just had to go back and count how many X-2 Rikku versions I've cosplayed so far… spoiler alert, it's a LOT lmao
Berserker Rikku (made in 2022) 📸my partner Raph (2022), edits by me
Thief Rikku (made in 2016) 📸my partner Raph (2020), edits by me
Songstress Rikku (made by LucioleS Cosplay) 📸BearPhotoBuffalo (2017)
Festivalist Rikku (made by Mimiku Cosplay) 📸Rabbit in the Moon (2018), edits by me
Freelance Rikku (made in 2014) 📸PialVisions (2014)
Psychic Rikku (made in 2009) 📸high school friend (2009)
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guardiansgalore · 7 months
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I may post braska and jecht today
Or maybe i'll do two tomorrow.......
today i have: yrp if X-3 was real and in my hands and like maybe 2/3 years after X-2
even though i hate X will I think i actually lowkey used Yuna's weird shady personality to make her outfit more... modest and island-y now that she's staying in Besaid again and slightly losing her mind!
Rikku keeps aspects from her other outfits, but there's more browns and dark tones instead of just brights and lights - it's lowkey giving aviator.... i think she'd work on her own airship for whatever nightmare missions she goes on by herself
Paine kinda looks like butch lesbian Squall - but Squall (Leon) in KH. I kept her outfit the most masc but gave her more colours because I love all black and red until.... until i have to make my own outfits . then the colour shows up .
Every outfit is basically mix and match with removable/addable layers - these are the most "full" forms of them, like you can take off jackets or accessories and boom it's like the "freelancer" dressphere but not literally pajamas/underwear !!!
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aberooski · 2 years
Because I think about this far too much:
Yu-Gi-Oh GX characters as Final Fantasy classes in the context of my fic Sons of The Stars.
With explanations that might only actually make sense to me unless you've read the fic and played the FF games akaksk
Jaden - Thief
Fights with daggers/other short swords ninja sword if ur playing FFXII 👀 he doesn't ever actually steal anything except Jesse's heart 😏 but otherwise aligns well with the class imo. He's got the energy yet seriousness a lot of Thief characters in FF have Locke, Yuffie, Rikku, Zidane, etc, he's clever and agile, and he fights mainly for self defense and only if he has to. He tends to try a lot of stealth to get out of having to fight. Sneaky little man.
Alexis - Knight
Standard sword class, similar to Warrior. Fights with a two handed greatsword, and she chose to train herself to fight so that she could defend. That way she would be able to protect Atticus even though she'd left her station as princess of their dimension and was living in hiding on her own. She still cared about her people and wanted her brother to be safe, knowing there were people who wanted the royal family dead and gone. She'd rather protect the crown than be the crown in that sense.
Chazz - Warrior
Standard sword class similar to Knight. Fights with a one handed sword, but he didn't choose. He's been trained to fight to be a soldier for many years because of his family, and is being trained to fight to fight. Unlike Alexis, it was all about the glory for him because there was no other choice. He gained favor with Crowler, chancellor of their dimension, being so young and yet so highly skilled, which only ultimately put more pressure on him by his family to be the greatest warrior in their entire dimension. A feat which he attained by the time of the fic, when the J-Squad was only 17 years old.
Bastion - Black Mage
Not a dedicated Black Mage since he uses spells like Protect and Shell during the fic and even a standard Cure spell, but his main source of defense is his magic. His main elemental type would be water cuz water dragon ofc but he's only seen casting Thundara, Blizzara, and Thundaga during the events of the fic. And obviously as a Black Mage, he carries around a cool wizard staff 😌
Jesse - Summoner
Fairly straightforward, his main source of combat is summoning his Crystal Beasts and providing support to the others on the field.
Hassleberry - Berserker
Again. It's Hassleberry so pretty straightforward. He manages to never lose control in SoTS he loses it in OUAD though but very much has the capacity to. Having suffered for 2 years pre-fic as a military experiment in his and Jim's dimension after the accident with his leg left him with his animalistic side due to the dinosaur bone in his leg, and their scientists attempting to strip him of his humanity in order to weaponize him because they're fucking terrible people. Thx for breaking him outta there Jim 😭 Though he also aligns a little with the Monk class as well since like characters like Yang, Sabin, Tifa, Zell, and Snow, who in tradition FF job systems would fall under that class, his weapon is his fists 😌
Jim - Beastmaster
He'd also potentially fall under FFV's Chemist class since he's a scientist of sorts in the fic, or maybe even Geomancer dipping into his archeology and paleontology guy stuff. But factoring in Shirley, I'd sooner class him as a Beastmaster/Tamer.
Axel - Freelancer
Guy's a mercenary, he can do anything. If he had a weapons specialty, he'd be a Gunner/Machinist he literally gives Jim a gun before the final battle with Yubel, but he's a jack of all trades. He just kinda does whatever he feels like it or whatever is best to get the job done.
Bonus since he's extremely important to the fic but isn't actually a party member:
Syrus - White Mage
Sy actually was originally supposed to be an actual party member since he's my favorite character oh wow, I wonder why he's so important to the plot, like the fate of the entire universe hinges upon his safety 🤔 but it just didn't really end up happening, and considering his position in the fic it unfortunately makes sense to me that he isn't. But whether in the context of this fic or in canon, or literally any context, Sy is the team White Mage. Stereotypically a very weak and squishy, low defense/low attack class which I mean... yeah. But I've always thought he'd have a very strong magic stat which most White Mage's do Rosa, Porom, Aerith, Garnet, Eiko, Yuna (literally the strongest magic stat in FFX), Vanille and if he was able to be a party member he'd the team healer. Who can also tear holes in the space time continuum to open portals to travel through dimensions 😌
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