arati12345-blog · 5 years
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pinkdesk.org is the most trusted women's blogging and shoping website and the Largest Community Platform of women's in India. To make a part of PinkDesk, make a free account today! Visit : www.pinkdesk.org
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sangramvc-blog · 5 years
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About Pinkdesk | Powered by professional people MS.Swati Rawat , CS.Abhishek Kumar
At pinkdesk.org , our goal is to help bloggers create and grow powerful, meaningful blogs about whatever topic is most important to them.For more details do visit: www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
“The Must Read Book for Everyone as a Life Coach”
Life is very unpredictable. You have to be ready to face the unexpected twists that come in your way. You need someone to be your mentor or coach to guide you on the path of life. He teaches you or motivates you to face the obstacles fearlessly and confidently. Everyone has a different life and hence a different way of living. 
 I also have my own battles to fight, my own inferiorities to be conquered, my desires to fulfil, and my dreams to accomplish.  When I look at my life, I realize that my journey was full of ups and downs. There were many good and bad moments. I had to struggle a lot to get what I wanted. I met some people who cheated on me or ditched me. But I also met the people who loved me and became my close friends who supported me to bring out the best in me. My family stood by me in every obstacle.  
Apart from these people, books also have been my stress buster. These books are like my true friends who have given me the courage and strength to face life. One of my most favourite books is “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This book has actually been my life coach. Rhonda Byrne has really revealed the secret of living a full life that you deserve.  It is one of its kind for uplifting your soul.  Your perspective towards life changes. You learn to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. 
When I first came to know about “The Secret” I was going through a tough situation in my life. I was passed out as a computer engineer and was hunting for a job that time. Due to the slack period and being a fresher, I was being rejected at many interviews. I was very frustrated.
But after reading the book I was thrilled by the content. I started looking at the positive side of every situation. I began to implement every technique that is described in the book. But after reading the book, I developed a habit to thank everything in my life. Every morning after waking up I just started telling myself, “Today is my day.  I am called for an interview and it is going to be fantastic. I am selected. Thank you!” Then I actually felt like being selected with a smile on my face. 
Just within one month after starting this practice I got a call for an interview in a renowned company. I was so excited! I prepared for the interview by studying a lot and by getting the tips to crack the interview. I continued saying affirmative messages also. And to my surprise, I was selected among all the candidates and I got that job with a very good package! I was so much overwhelmed that my eyes were filled with tears of joy. I actually had experienced the secret! My belief in “The Secret” increased forever. 
After getting a job, my next dream was to buy a car. I used the visualization technique to manifest my car. I would just imagine driving a maroon coloured car. It was great fun. Within a few months, I booked a car of the same colour and then joined a car driving class.  Till the time I finished the car driving class, my car arrived. I struggled to drive the car on my own but then within six months I was confident in driving the car!
Now the first thing I do in the morning after waking up is saying “Thank you” and expressing gratitude towards health, wealth, relationships, and everything in my life. It lifts my mood. I am all set to face anything that happens during the day. 
In this way, I have been manifesting all my smaller to bigger dreams and desires. Maybe from a cup of coffee, a parking place to even owning a home! I have started believing in miracles. 
“The Secret” is really a life coach for you to manifest your dreams, your health, wealth, relationships and every area of your life the way you want. Just Ask, Believe and Receive what you want. As Rhonda says, “You deserve to live a full life!”
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kishorvcme-blog · 5 years
How I created my identity from a Housewife to a Blogger
I grew up in a middle-class family where a girl or woman was presumed to live on adjustments, making sacrifices for the family.  I too had imbibed these thoughts in my mind. After marriage, I was a housewife by choice and I was very happy spending quality time with my family. My family was my only world.  I enjoyed doing all the household chores for them thinking that as my duty. But as time passed by, my children grew up and got engaged in their stuff; I began to feel some kind of emptiness in my life and I was unable to cope with the free time.  Consequently, I started feeling low and sad without any reason.  My husband got worried about why this was happening to me all of a sudden. He advised me to join some yoga class.
I joined Yoga class although I was not very enthusiastic. It occupied me for one or two hours of my day. However, that was not enough to remove my vacuum which was created in my mind.  I started joining my friends on one-day picnics or for shopping or even meditation programs. But I still yearned for something more.  I was feeling lonely in the crowd.  My husband asked me if I would like to do a job. But I was not very confident of doing a job as I thought I won’t be able to balance the work life and home.
One day, out of the blue, I thought of writing my feelings in a diary. I just went on writing without thinking much and then I felt relieved to a great extent. That was the ‘aha’ moment when it clicked me. I had forgotten that my writing skills were appreciated by everyone in my school and college days. That time I used to write a lot of articles and essays. My teachers and friends also said that I would become a very good writer. But after completing my education, it was somehow left aside. When I shared this with my husband, he suggested me to write blogs on the internet. I was not very much techno-savvy but still, I learned to browse on the internet and then I realized how tremendously it has captured the world!
Soon I learned how to do blogging and started my own blog. I shared it only with my near and dear ones. My feeling of emptiness now vanished completely.  I had found a way to express myself through writing. However, as I started to receive appreciation from my family, I wanted to spread it to more and more people. After all, the reader’s appreciation is the most important motivation for a writer, right? So I then started to share my blog on Facebook and Whatsapp. But there also it was mostly unnoticed.
I had never thought of earning any money through blogging until I came across PinkDesk who claimed to be a platform meant for empowering women. I found that they had some kind of performance measurement system for generating scores for your blogs and according to your score, you can even earn money. I was fascinated by this idea. So I started blogging there.  Soon I received good applause that motivated me. Moreover, I also earned the PD Score which in turn gave me PD Cash that I could use to buy any products from the nearby stores that were available on PinkDesk.
I am now mostly occupied with writing, socializing, learning new things and so on and so welcome this change. At this moment when I look back, I see a complete transformation of myself from a depressed housewife to a successful blogger.
Looking back at myself, I realize that there is so much more to us, so much that often remains dormant and so many women don’t even get an opportunity to realize their true potential. But, there is a little voice inside which does call you out, which lets you know when your true self is craving for something more. Listen to it and start exploring, who knows when and where you find your calling! 
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akshada1chavan-blog · 5 years
Women Are Earning Money and Recognition on This Amazing Platform!
Being a woman is wonderful but what makes us wonderful is the same thing that often leaves us
unsatisfied with our lives. Being a mother or a wife or a Daughter In Law is more than a full time job in
itself and yet at the end of the day, we often feel less rewarded and yearn for an identity which got lost
somewhere while we were busy holding the canavas for others to paint on. What about the dreams we
held? Choosing one is not easy and not even worth. But why choose when you can have it all?
India is slowly opening up to flexible work opportunties for women but we still lack opportunities which
are more than just making some money! How about building an identity and a brand for yourself?
Something that will live with you through your expertise?
This is the ideology that gave birth to PinkDesk – A platform where women can connect, share ideas,
display their interests and hold discussions on various issues. It's place for women to learn, grow and even
earn. Their focus is to empower Indian women's individualistic identity. Its ambition is to be the largest
digital platform for women. Your personal growth is what matters on PinkDesk. You will be able to tap
into your capabilities and skills to spread your wings and contribute to the best of your potential. With a
flexible work schedule, you can acquire the recognition that you truly deserve. There is a multitude of
opportunities for you to channel your superpowers on this platform. And the best part? It doesn't matter
which background you're from, we welcome each and every one of you with open arms. You just have to
be someone who shares our ideology and wants to support the career and identity status of women.
(Image source: https://images.dawn.com/news/1180224 )
You'll definitely be rewarded for your earnest contributions. One way your efforts will be
rewarded is through PD Cash. It is a form of money that you can use to buy products in the “Mandi”. The
money that you'll receive will be based on the performance of your original content in the form of
Blogs/Vlogs or even Answers on the Forum. Let me do the math for you,
1 PD Cash = Re. 1
Make authentic submission, receive recognition and be rewarded for your performance. You can even
encash it but the best way to use it would be in the PinkDesk Bazaar. PD Cash is not just a currency but a
symbol of support and belief of one woman in other which would be expressed by supporting each other’s
You can also earn regular bucks by displaying your products or services in the “Mandi”. These
are the gateways to sell your products or services.
(Image source: https://www.google.com/search?
Here's how exactly you can earn money and recognition on PinkDesk:
Publishing Blog Posts on Blogger’s Park: You can impart your knowledge on topics and issues
belonging to various genres. For example, relationships, self management, education, finance, life style
etc. Don't worry, you don't necessarily have to be an all-rounder on any particular issue. But you can use
this platform to display your knowledge and provide information which would be helpful for other women
out there. Blogger’s park gives you voice and you can effectively use it for your and women’s benefits. If
you are already blogging on other platforms or got your own page then PinkDesk might be the right
platform for you which clearly measures the performance and pays you accordingly. Your content would
earn throughout it’s lifetime!
(Image source: https://www.vinayakinfosoft.com/blog-posting-services.htm )
Start Vlogging: Not into writing? No problem, PinkDesk will help you express yourself through video
format as well. Press play, record the content you will cover for each video post and submit it on the
platform. You could show off your cooking, make up, fashion, hair-do skills through visual content.
Vlogging will not only give you the opportunity to earn PD Cash, but also give you the spotlight to acquire
cool audiences.
(Image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq_cT8PU2uM )
 Post Your Product or Services on Mandi: So, you don’t blog or Vlog! This is not where it all ends. We
have got local marketplaces in Mandi. Separate Mandis will be displayed based on localities. So if you're
intended to sell your handmade goodies and crafts or provide services to women or kids, this is a grand
opportunity for you to reach success. Women have got a lot to offer but finding clients and establishing a
brand is a bottleneck indeed . Create a store in Mandi and be assured of a digital presence, reaching out to
target customers based on interest and locality. On PinkDesk, you will be served with the right target
audience and PD cash shall only boost your sales further.
(Image source: https://www.code-brew.com/12/2017/17/online-grocery-marketplaces-empowering-small-businesses/ )
Best Efforts are Crowned: No, you don't need to belong to a royal bloodline to be 'Crowned' on this
emerging unique platform. It all comes down to how much effort you're giving in to be tagged as a
'Featured Expert'. Featured Experts are taken much more seriously than a regular user. Let me break it
down from the very scratch to clear the way out for you to claim royal fame on PinkDesk. First, create
your profile. Second, fill up the required information. Third, select the category of your expertise. Fourth,
post original and informative content in the form of Blog/Vlog/Answers based on the chosen category. Walk through the above mentioned four steps and the rest will follow. While you dedicate yourself on
sharing knowledge, your performance would be tracked through PD score system. Once you reach the
desired score target, you will receive the honour of being a 'Featured Expert' in your chosen category on
(Image source: http://theconversation.com/trust-me-im-an-expert-a-new-podcast-from-the-conversation-84703 )
PinkDesk is a social commerce platform carving its way towards contributing empowerment and
connection amongst the rising women population. Ultimately functioning as a great support for the women
of India to gain momentum in their passion. Given the benefits of flexible working hours, women in our
country can easily stitch their passion along with their profession and recognition because of PinkDesk.
This is the place where you work from the comfort of your home while achieving fruitful results.
Invest your time on the right platform, Invest in YOU!
0 notes
arati12345-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
pinkdesk.org is the most trusted women's blogging and shoping website and the Largest Community Platform of women's in India. To make a part of PinkDesk, make a free account today! Visit : www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
arati12345-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
pinkdesk.org is the most trusted women's blogging and shoping website and the Largest Community Platform of women's in India. To make a part of PinkDesk, make a free account today! Visit : www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
arati12345-blog · 5 years
0 notes
arati12345-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
pinkdesk.org is the most trusted women's blogging and shoping website and the Largest Community Platform of women's in India. To make a part of PinkDesk, make a free account today! Visit : www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
sangramvc-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
About Pinkdesk | Powered by professional people MS.Swati Rawat , CS.Abhishek Kumar
At pinkdesk.org , our goal is to help bloggers create and grow powerful, meaningful blogs about whatever topic is most important to them.For more details do visit: www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
sangramvc-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
About Pinkdesk | Powered by professional people MS.Swati Rawat , CS.Abhishek Kumar
At pinkdesk.org , our goal is to help bloggers create and grow powerful, meaningful blogs about whatever topic is most important to them.For more details do visit: www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
sangramvc-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
About Pinkdesk | Powered by professional people MS.Swati Rawat , CS.Abhishek Kumar
At pinkdesk.org , our goal is to help bloggers create and grow powerful, meaningful blogs about whatever topic is most important to them.For more details do visit: www.pinkdesk.org
0 notes
Grab the Opportunity at the Right Time and Right Place!
“What do you want in life?” Sheetal asked.
“A Lavish lifestyle and a lot of money?” I pondered.
“But, only if it brings me happiness! Which money may or may not bring. It might end up bringing more problems” I muttered.
“Why do you always complicate things!” Sheetal argued
“I want to feel complete! Yes, I guess I have been a good wife, a good mother, a good friend and a good employee too. But is that enough for living life? Where is my own identity as a woman?” I blurted and immediately realized the source of my irritable behavior.
 I was doing a job in the IT industry and my folks were really proud of me because of the associated glamor, foreign trips and a fancy payscale. However, behind this seemingly perfect job, I struggled with uncertainty, workload and stringent deadlines. After a decade in the corporate field, I had reached the point of saturation and couldn’t maintain the perfect image (of leading a perfect life) I was carrying. Finally, I left my job with the intention of doing something different.
 With my husband’s support, I entered into a small business of selling ladies garments that were hand-stitched by the women from rural areas of Rajasthan which also happens to be my maternal hometown. I have always been an Art lover and vouch for Indian traditional art forms. I remembered being admired by my colleagues for my attire and they always asked where do I buy my stuff from? I decided to start selling these garments which would also provide me an opportunity to help women from rural areas earn money through their art. As I am a shopping lover, I thought I know the main nerve of the ladies and I can make them buy the garments from me.  However, getting customers was not so easy. Even my relatives and friends would prefer buying from malls rather than buying from me. I distributed flyers; published ads in newspapers. I also created the Facebook page, posted photos on Instagram. But it was not giving me any tangible results. The marketing efforts were getting time consuming and expensive as well. I was getting frustrated as I was unable to reach the right customers.
 I was actually on the verge of taking the decision to close my business though I did not want to. But some good things are destined to happen if you desire something from the bottom of your heart. The same thing happened to me as well!  One of my friends doing business of selling imitation jewellery told me about PinkDesk which is a social platform exclusively designed for women. She showed me her store created on it and how she acquired her customers from nearby localities.  She suggested me to register on it and create a store for my business of ladies garments sale. After trying all the other things, I thought of giving it a try as it would not cost any money. So I registered on Pink Desk and created a store for my business in ‘Mandi’, the local marketplace. I was just regularly uploading photos with descriptions and didn’t have high hopes.
 Soon after some days, I did begin to receive inquiries on my products and customers actually did visit my store (which is nothing but a corner of our garage). I have been honest about my intention to help women and equally dedicated to my work which brings me immense satisfaction. I think this vibe did get across and thankfully my business is doing well and expecting a good growth. I am really hopeful of expanding my business in other areas too. I am grateful to Pink Desk for facilitating small businesses by women. They have very intelligently crafted PD cash and PD score system to facilitate transactions and I feel it does help women like us get some sales.
 Moreover, a feeling of satisfaction that I am helping needy women from Rajasthan and forming a bridge from rural to an urban area cannot be explained in words! The journey for me as an Entrepreneur is ongoing and considering that most of the businesses die within the first year, I think I have survived.
So if you are having that burning desire inside you to create your own identity, just grab the right opportunity at the right time and right place!
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kishorvcme-blog · 5 years
Grab the Opportunity at the Right Time and Right Place!
“What do you want in life?” Sheetal asked.
“A Lavish lifestyle and a lot of money?” I pondered.  
“But, only if it brings me happiness! Which money may or may not bring. It might end up bringing more problems” I muttered.
“Why do you always complicate things!” Sheetal argued
“I want to feel complete! Yes, I guess I have been a good wife, a good mother, a good friend and a good employee too. But is that enough for living life? Where is my own identity as a woman?” I blurted and immediately realized the source of my irritable behavior.
I was doing a job in the IT industry and my folks were really proud of me because of the associated glamor, foreign trips and a fancy payscale. However, behind this seemingly perfect job, I struggled with uncertainty, workload and stringent deadlines. After a decade in the corporate field, I had reached the point of saturation and couldn’t maintain the perfect image (of leading a perfect life) I was carrying. Finally, I left my job with the intention of doing something different.
With my husband’s support, I entered into a small business of selling ladies garments that were hand-stitched by the women from rural areas of Rajasthan which also happens to be my maternal hometown. I have always been an Art lover and vouch for Indian traditional art forms. I remembered being admired by my colleagues for my attire and they always asked where do I buy my stuff from? I decided to start selling these garments which would also provide me an opportunity to help women from rural areas earn money through their art. As I am a shopping lover, I thought I know the main nerve of the ladies and I can make them buy the garments from me.  However, getting customers was not so easy. Even my relatives and friends would prefer buying from malls rather than buying from me. I distributed flyers; published ads in newspapers. I also created the Facebook page, posted photos on Instagram. But it was not giving me any tangible results. The marketing efforts were getting time consuming and expensive as well. I was getting frustrated as I was unable to reach the right customers.
I was actually on the verge of taking the decision to close my business though I did not want to. But some good things are destined to happen if you desire something from the bottom of your heart. The same thing happened to me as well!  One of my friends doing business of selling imitation jewellery told me about PinkDesk which is a social platform exclusively designed for women. She showed me her store created on it and how she acquired her customers from nearby localities.  She suggested me to register on it and create a store for my business of ladies garments sale. After trying all the other things, I thought of giving it a try as it would not cost any money. So I registered on PinkDesk and created a store for my business in ‘Mandi’, the local marketplace. I was just regularly uploading photos with descriptions and didn’t have high hopes.
Soon after some days, I did begin to receive inquiries on my products and customers actually did visit my store (which is nothing but a corner of our garage). I have been honest about my intention to help women and equally dedicated to my work which brings me immense satisfaction. I think this vibe did get across and thankfully my business is doing well and expecting a good growth. I am really hopeful of expanding my business in other areas too. I am grateful to PinkDesk for facilitating small businesses by women. They have very intelligently crafted PD cash and PD score system to facilitate transactions and I feel it does help women like us get some sales.
 Moreover, a feeling of satisfaction that I am helping needy women from Rajasthan and forming a bridge from rural to an urban area cannot be explained in words! The journey for me as an Entrepreneur is ongoing and considering that most of the businesses die within the first year, I think I have survived.
So if you are having that burning desire inside you to create your own identity, just grab the right opportunity at the right time and right place!
0 notes
arati12345-blog · 5 years
Where there is a will, there is a way!
“Neha, your body is not responding to the pregnancy very well. You could end up losing your baby if you do not take precautions” I still remember those words from the Gynaecologist very clearly.
Everything in my life has been so perfect, I was doing very well in my job and was stepping up the corporate ladder quickly. A top performer and a lucky wife, I couldn’t ask for more.  
My life partner who also happened to be my close friend always supported me through thick and thins and I got married to him at the age of 30. 
We decided to get into parenthood after two years and it all began. My pregnancy was complicated My doctor advised me strict bed rest and I had no option but to resign. I had to take a break in my career.  I was not mentally prepared for it.  All of a sudden it felt like the end of my career. I was very much in despair with this thought. My husband consoled me. He said it is a short phase and will pass. But I was not ready to accept. After resigning, I stayed at home just sleeping on the bed.  We hired a maid for doing all household work.
But sitting at home taking rest doing nothing was a tough situation for me. Just playing with the mobile, listening to songs, watching T.V. and sleeping was my daily routine. Soon my life became stagnant resulting in my mood swings. My husband got worried. After consulting with a counsellor he suggested me to look for work from home options. I also agreed with him. I wanted to come out of stagnancy. So I started browsing for any work from home opportunities to relieve the boredom of life.
I came across PinkDesk which is established only for women with the mission of women’s growth and empowerment. They are helping women to share their ideas, knowledge in the field of their interest. I found it interesting and registered there. Soon I started blogging about my interests like beauty, fashion, and travel. In a few days, I started getting a good response too. It was like exploring and finding ‘me’ within that was missing for a long time . It has made my pregnancy bearable and I am mostly too occupied to think of the complications and problems that might arise. I am even sharing my experience with other women who might be going through similar phase and soon plan to form a close knit community to deal with pregnancy related complications. 
 Sometimes there comes an unexpected turn in life and you don’t have any other option but to face it and find a path through it. If you have a positive attitude of looking at the problems as opportunities in disguise, you can definitely find a solution. Now I feel like I am doing much more than just earning for myself and I am building an identity beyond the walls of a corporate office.  Afterall Where there is a will, there is a way!
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arati12345-blog · 5 years
The Must Read Book for Everyone as a Life Coach
Life is very unpredictable. You have to be ready to face the unexpected twists that come in your
way. You need someone to be your mentor or coach to guide you on the path of life. He teaches you
or motivates you to face the obstacles fearlessly and confidently. Everyone has a different life and hence a different way of living.
I also have my own battles to fight, my own inferiorities to be conquered, my desires to fulfil, and
my dreams to accomplish. When I look at my life, I realize that my journey was full of ups and
downs. There were many good and bad moments. I had to struggle a lot to get what I wanted. I met
some people who cheated on me or ditched me. But I also met the people who loved me and
became my close friends who supported me to bring out the best in me. My family stood by me in every obstacle.
Apart from these people, books also have been my stress buster. These books are like my true
friends who have given me the courage and strength to face life. One of my most favourite books is
“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This book has actually been my life coach. Rhonda Byrne has really
revealed the secret of living a full life that you deserve. It is one of its kind for uplifting your soul.
Your perspective towards life changes. You learn to take responsibility for everything that happens in
your life.
When I first came to know about “The Secret” I was going through a tough situation in my life. I was
passed out as a computer engineer and was hunting for a job that time. Due to the slack period and
being a fresher, I was being rejected at many interviews. I was very frustrated.
But after reading the book I was thrilled by the content. I started looking at the positive side of every
situation. I began to implement every technique that is described in the book. But after reading the
book, I developed a habit to thank everything in my life. Every morning after waking up I just started
telling myself, “Today is my day. I am called for an interview and it is going to be fantastic. I am
selected. Thank you!” Then I actually felt like being selected with a smile on my face.
Just within one month after starting this practice I got a call for an interview in a renowned
company. I was so excited! I prepared for the interview by studying a lot and by getting the tips to
crack the interview. I continued saying affirmative messages also. And to my surprise, I was selected
among all the candidates and I got that job with a very good package! I was so much overwhelmed
that my eyes were filled with tears of joy. I actually had experienced the secret! My belief in “The
Secret” increased forever.
After getting a job, my next dream was to buy a car. I used the visualization technique to manifest
my car. I would just imagine driving a maroon coloured car. It was great fun. Within a few months, I
booked a car of the same colour and then joined a car driving class. Till the time I finished the car
driving class, my car arrived. I struggled to drive the car on my own but then within six months I was
confident in driving the car!
Now the first thing I do in the morning after waking up is saying “Thank you” and expressing
gratitude towards health, wealth, relationships, and everything in my life. It lifts my mood. I am all
set to face anything that happens during the day.
 In this way, I have been manifesting all my smaller to bigger dreams and desires. Maybe from a cup
of coffee, a parking place to even owning a home! I have started believing in miracles.
“The Secret” is really a life coach for you to manifest your dreams, your health, wealth, relationships
and every area of your life the way you want. Just Ask, Believe and Receive what you want. As
Rhonda says, “You deserve to live a full life!”
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