#free sure soccer predictions
soccer-tips1x2 · 19 days
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kitorin · 1 year
in which, itoshi rin's midnight writing exposes what he's kept concealed from you.
contents. itoshi rin x reader, 2.878 k words, fluff, angst (in the past), itoshi backstory spoilers (mixed with a few headcanons), 1st person rin pov for a bit (journal entry), regular highschool au
a/n. is this my best? no. but is it the best i have for today? yes. happy birthday to rin <3 after assignments are done i'll definitely rewrite this (i gave up on proofreading)
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10 / 09 / 2023 : SUNDAY, 12:04 am - 3:21 am
Solitude has never been a foreigner.
In fact, he's quite a familiar individual, an old companion that never seems to leave.
Even before Nii chan left for Spain, solitude was still there for me. During class I wouldn't utter a word to anyone else unless necessary, and contrariwise for said classmates. People still spoke to me; just not to the extent that they'd know what my favourite foods were, or what I liked to watch in my free time, not even bothering with it. I've never been invited to hang out with anyone after school, or been to someone else's house (not that I particularly cared, I was just sure that I was the only one).
But I was okay with it. I didn't want, or need anyone else when Nii chan bought me ice blocks, giving me the bigger piece as we'd watch the sun's warm hues bleed into the sky; the saccharine iciness contrasting how warm is was to be swallowed by sunlight together. Dad took us fishing a lot, he's always been well acquainted with the sea, taking us to locations well populated by bream; my favourite. On our way home we'd harvest kelp (Nii chan likes it in rice, salted) and take photos together on our yacht, admiring how the sun greets the world farewell, sinking into the aquamarine. Mum makes amazing food, I'm constantly astonished at how she manages to memorise every preference, from my love for ochazuke to being able to pour the perfect amount of tea; the rice never becomes too soggy (even I can't pour the exact amount I like). Solitude was close to me, but my family were closer.
There's a lot I could say about them, they've done more than remember what I love and ensuring I was happy; I'm thankful they've delivered the right for me to be comforted, to have a shoulder to cry on, to be able to freely ramble on about whatever fascinated me.
I've always been happy, even if I'm alone outside of the walls I call home. Because whether I laughed my heart out or sobbed to the point I couldn't form a coherent sentence, I'd always come home running to my family. Nothing can beat dinner; where we all relish mum's food, ask each other about our days' and offer solace or advice when necessary.
I miss that. Terribly, to the point my heart aches.
I knew that Nii chan's departure to Europe (Spain, to be exact) would change a lot. I'd have to score without his guidance, walk home alone and buy my own popsicles. Dinner time would have one less soul to laugh with, and home would have one less to embrace.
I just never expected it to be painful change. I never predicted that his return would result in losing us entirely. I didn't think his homecoming would cause my immortal resentment towards the snow, or how my eyes prickle a bit at the mere thought of an ice block. I'd say it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me, separation from him following it on the list of my worst experiences.
Solitude avoided me at home, but wasn't enough.
One time on the way home, I was overhearing the team's conversations (nothing particularly new really) and it was a discussion about the future. It was honestly surprising to find out only some of us intended to become soccer players; Nagi would rather stream or compete in professional gaming, Kurona wants to study marine biology in uni, and Yukimiya wants to give acting a go along with his modelling career. Even Isagi has a plan for if professional soccer isn't an option. He said he wanted to help others achieve their dreams if he fails to do so himself.
I remained silent as always, but had a lot more thoughts racing through my mind. Retreating to my room immediately that night, my first thought was to lie in bed, to neglect the clips I planned to analyse, to ignore muscle training for today and to slack off a bit. That's when I realized how sad the life I was living. I was sad because I was reminded of my reality.
I'm a mere myriad of distinguished achievements, though a hideous attempt of replicating genius Itoshi Sae. I'm a collection of formidable accomplishments, basking in the spotlight of glory and honour. The trophies and awards adorning my room prove it, standing tall with pride and flaunting my hard work.
That didn't mean anything. I had remained in a constant cycle of training, eating, and sleeping. My teammates were just as ambitious yet still worked hard on other things; Yukimiya enjoys modelling and Reo has a passion for economics, That must've been where I was lacking.
That's how I ended up writing again. It was an attempt to break out of this cyclical torture of constant training and sports.
I don't know how I remembered it, but I found my notebook from primary, all the stories messily scrawled yet legible. Scarlet adorned narratives birthed from child-like imagination, eulogising the prose, even though I almost flinched out of embarrassment.
Flipping through the pages, I had found the paragraph my teacher left me, insisting that I keep writing. Obviously, I never did. After getting into soccer I ignored everything school related, and would've found words on a page foolish anyways.
Many years later, I finally followed that advice.
The end result wasn't pretty. I paused a lot, struggled a lot, and almost gave up, a lot. It may have been hideous, but it was mine. A piece birthed from curiosity and memories from the past turned into another attempt. Another attempt morphed into extensive reading, I wanted to observe what was considered worthwhile or meaningless.
Writing rewove the early nights into late night reading, fully immersed in the author's thoughts translated into prose. Reading was the push to giving academics a go. Academics pulled me out of the endless cycle of soccer, there was more to life than training and diet regulation.
Books I can read. Words I can write. Exams I can study for and sports I can practice. Weights I can lift and competitions I can train for.
But to be loved, is so difficult.
It's not like an exam that you can study for and simply memorise the answers to. Or a match that has the security of a referee and reinforced rules. It's not something that can be guaranteed with a mentor.
People treat Isagi to his favourite whenever he has a bad day (he likes kintsuba). People advocate their favourite novels to Yukimiya and Chigiri, even going as far as memorising their preferences to curate their recommendations flawlessly. It must be nice, for someone to invest that sort of effort in you, even if it's simply remembering a hobby.
As my peers savoured the allure of love, estrangement and desolation constantly haunted me; a pest habituating the sleepless nights where I try to escape with a cup of coffee that's long gone cold.
It's lukewarm, praying for another's attention, care and love, to be hungry for one's time. I pathetically plead whoever manipulating my fate to provide me some sort of human connection. I shouldn't be so hopeful of others, yet I find myself dying of curiosity; what would it be like for someone to remember my birthday? Or tell me about the horror movie they adored?
I despise solitude's clinginess. But I hate how it makes me sob endlessly when no one watches.
I have myself. I have my thoughts which I've transcribed to oeuvre. I have the pile of books resting on my bedside table which sleep alongside with me. I have the trophies and awards I've won, I'll always appreciate my own talent and diligence, even if playing soccer brought me so much pain.
I think I'm somewhat pretty. I find my prominent eyelashes special to me, it's something unique to both me and Nii chan. My physique isn't too bad, either. I like the way my legs look, and my shoulders as I dry my hair.
I've always been proud of myself. I've always been enough and I always will be. Just not for others.
That's why I never expected my bond with solitude to be severed so easily. Especially because of y/n out of all people.
I still don't get how it happened. The oblivion to their presence became a peculiar first impression. An odd first meeting turned into abrupt yet regular greetings amidst hallways. Soon, I was sitting with them in every class, passing notes during tedious lessons and discussing our favourite media on the bus ride home.
Before I knew it, passionate rambles about books turned into watching movies together in my room. Whenever they greeted me their friendly wave was replaced with a tight hug, passing notes in class were accompanied with subtle kisses on the cheek.
Our relationship as friends was reimagined to lovers.
Something must've possessed me to blurt out the stupid crush I had on them, and I thank whatever drove me to do that. As awkward as I was it doesn't compare to the skip of my heartbeat when they accepted my feelings.
It's been almost a year since I met them, yet I still feel hot whenever they hold my hand, and flush red at every compliment they whisper. I still find myself stuttering sometimes whenever they're showing me a new outfit they've styled.
I love the way they smile, the creases of joy that adorn the outer corner of their eyes, and how they squint with glee and the sweet, melodious laughter that accompanies it; how breathless they sound whilst laughing. The expression they wear when deep in thought fascinates me, even if it's midway through an exam or them simply observing a video Bachira sent them. I adore their late night thoughts they text me at 3 am, the fatigue itching my eyes seem to evaporate when I notice their name on the notification. I treasure the notes we've scrawled on spare sheets of paper, they're still in between the pages of my books.
Even now, they're sleeping soundly in my bed, arms wrapped around the plush I bought them; I keep getting distracted by the sight of them so relaxed, chest rising up and down with each breath.
I would die for them. Because now I don't need to pretend to be invested on my phone to look less lonely. Now, I don't need to put my bag on the seat next to me to make it look like I sit alone by choice. I don't have to persuade the teacher to let me do group projects alone, or have to observe others with jealousy. Someone defends me from disparaging comments.
Because now, I'm not alone.
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7:15 am
THE ENTRY COMES TO AN END, AND EMBARASSMENT DUSTS Rin's face a faint tint of pink. His eyes avoid contact with yours— as he waits for your input his latest piece.
"Well? What do you think?"
You're not sure where to start. You've always known about his strained relationship with his older brother, and how his friendship with his teammates wasn't the same in the beginning. But he never explained it in detail; you wouldn't've guessed that he had some sort of chionophobia, or even cried because he felt so secluded from others. The thought of him concealing his tears and pain from the rest of the world made your eyes prickle and sends your heart racing miserably.
"Doesn't matter—" He reaches for the notebook, closing it and tossing it onto his desk. "Forget it, you didn't see anything." He plops backwards again, head hitting the pillow and groaning as he covers his face with his forearm. "It was shit anyways, I'll rip it out and toss it later."
"It wasn't."
Rin stays silent.
You lie down, mimicking his current position and cup his cheeks with your hand. "You'll never be alone again—, I promise you that." Your voice falters ever so slightly, the thought of his pain makes you feel weak in the knees and sick to the stomach. "You're more than enough, you always have and always will be. You don't need anyone's validation to be beautiful, you never did."
Rin sighs, "I'm only like that because of you." Yet something seems to throb in his heart, the small but overpowering part of him that insists he requires another's approval to be important— someone finally proving that wrong.
"That's not true."
"Yes it is, our classmates still loathe me, so do people who barely see or speak to me." There was no lie in that; but it wasn't Rin's fault. "Yoichi and the others only spend time with me because of you."
"I was only the push for them to speak to you, you know they've always cared, they were just too nervous to speak to you. As competitive as he gets, Yoichi really admires you, to the point he gets so heated and ends up rambling about your skills." That's a secret that was supposed to remain in your private messages, but Yoichi doesn't need to know.
Satisfaction momentarily appears on Rin's face at the thought of his rival's great respect, though it doesn't last very long.
"He's my teammate so it's expected... everyone I speak to at school seems to have something against me, even our English teacher." The mistreatment at school is undeniable, it's not exactly bullying but there's no respect or human decency in how people behave towards him.
"Rin, love, you've done nothing wrong, hate isn't always rational. There will always be people who can't stand seeing others more successful, and that's not your fault."
"Really?" His eyes light up; despite having a sophisticated and cold demeanour all the time, he looks like a child again, hope dances in his wide eyes.
"Really." Your fingers take advantage of the opportunity and pinch his cheeks gently. "Don't listen to all those stupid rumours and assumptions, idiot. I'd fight anyone who tries to hurt you and win every time."
When your fingers let go he immediately kisses you, and it leaves you breathless; the way he pulls you in flexes his well toned biceps and his hand supports your head.
"Thank you." Rin whispers, pulling away a bit. "Thank you for appreciating me. Thank you for everything." It's a rare occurrence for him to sound so frail, same goes for the tremble of his bottom lip.
"Of course, I love you more than anything."
"I love you too." It's escorted by a peck on your nose, and a soft expression sculpted on his face.
Before Rin can throw a blanket over the two of you again, you interrupt.
"You shouldn't throw that entry away." You still haven't forgotten his initial intention with it. "I don't get why you think it's shit."
"It's rushed. And it's just me waffling on about my feelings and the past. There's no proofreading, and it's rushed. It's not even complete either."
"That's the whole point of writing, no? It's the expression of our words and thoughts." You reach towards his desk to pick up the notebook. "Not everything has to be written in one sitting, too."
Rin doesn't bother stopping you from looking through the notebook at this point. "It's still stupid. It's just that I had the urge and motivation to write in the dead of night."
"Well. I like it."
Rin's stoic expression crumbles, revealing the bashful side he keeps concealed from the world. "Then that's good enough for me." The red on his cheeks tell you that you've won the argument.
You turn back to the entry page, impressed with his barely legible yet pretty handwriting. "You should've slept instead."
"I don't get tired anyways." He's quickly betrayed by the yawn clawing out of his throat.
"Liar. Why would you stay up writing so late... your sleep is important you know?"
"Because you are love itself. I won't get a wink of sleep if it means I can think and write about you instead." Rin's pulls you in again, tossing his notebook elsewhere as he leans in. "I promise I'll finish that entry, no— I'll write a book about you one day."
"Writing this, writing that, sleep first dumbass." A smile tugs at your lips as you pull Rin back into the position you were cuddling in a few hours ago. Even though you were the one who slept a lot more, fatigue itched your eyes, and a yawn spilled out too.
In response, Rin tosses a blanket over the two of you, whispering good night as you begin to nod off a bit. He should rest too, he has training tomorrow and has to go to the gym as well.
The Itoshi Rin from before would've slept immediately. In fact, he wouldn't've stayed up in the first place, let alone date someone. But the Itoshi Rin now instead stares at you, admiring each and every feature of yours. You're his savior, the luminescent moon irradiating his world, guiding him away from the grasps of solitude and embracing him with love instead.
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Tagging: @yuzurins (yumi you inspired this fic btw lol)
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
Manshine City vs Bastard Munchen Part 2 "Oops I stopped Reading For Two Weeks" Edition
Last time: Nagi stood underneath Reo's window with a boombox and asked him to take him back. Reo, who swore he didn't need Nagi and was going to do this for HIMSELF, flings himself out the window.
I do like that Isagi is trying to master-mind the field 'oooh I can predict your every move!', theoretically Kaiser is doing the exact same thing, and they still fail to account for each other and completely fuck up their Pro Strats. I swear, Kaiser is just if the Isagi That Plays Soccer existed off the field as well as on it.
GOD Reo's inner monologue. "We split up once... we followed different paths..." ONE it's been like a month absolute tops TWO I maintain that Reo and Nagi exist in a totally different genre than the rest of the cast.
(Tbh I'm a little disappointed the Reo-Nagi drama seems to have resolved so easily, though there might still be tension outside of the field. I doubt Nagi's going to try and split up with Reo again at this point. Gotta wrap up these character arcs and move on, save the real meat for Episode Nagi in 4 years. Which is a shame, because given how batshit things were back in Blue Lock Reo absolutely Losing It was one of the things I was looking forward to most. What, he can't be too crazy in the insane soccer manga?)
Kaiser and Isagi, you two are my only hope... I need a murder attempt, c'mon...
I don't know enough about soccer to say if a two-stage volley is an 'insane, godly move' but I think a 5-stage anything has got to be pretty impressive. Who knew Nagi could be bothered to count that high. (I know Nagi didn't actually punt Isagi in the face but it sure looked like it, I was taken aback for a second.)
I love the way Nagi's 'ego' manifests on the pitch too, it's great. Gets really hyped up for a little bit of a game, gets super intense, trashtalks like a champ, I am a GOD routine, scores an absolutely insane fucking goal, goes 'yep that's all I wanted' and powers down mid-game. It's not over yet but he did what he came for! He's just like me forreal
"If not for the simple fact that Nagi doesn't know how to play this game, he would be unstoppable!!!" - Reo Mikage, probably
Agi... Reo... guys... chill
Chris' absolute lack of class is the funniest thing about him. This match is being televised, don't go calling your opponent a slut again.
Isagi "I have every tool I need to beat Kaiser except actually being better at this game than him!" Yoichi
Noa's just watching his team burn around him like "hmm. Excellent."
Chigiri throwing his hat into the 'dumb eye power' ring with a truly outstanding entry.
I know Kunigami is in this game, it just really doesn't feel like Kunigami is in this game. The match is losing track of Chigiri as well, I got a little surprised when he popped back up. I know the lack of synergy is on purpose due to the 'every man's either out for himself or the guy he's mentally ill about' aspect/'build your team around the striker' philosophy, but it does make the teams feel really uneven when the only characters that tend to matter are the Strikers + whoever's supporting them at the moment. It wasn't so bad when they were playing with limited teams, but right now half the teams feel like total space filler.
(The whole 'guaranteed shot' thing feels a bit... insulting to the concept of goalies/defense players too. I don't know much about soccer but it does feel like a major dick move LOL. To be fair, Gagamaru is not a goalie. Does Bastard Munchen not have a goalie better at goal-keeping than 'guy with hard head that doesn't play this role normally'.)
But yeah seriously Kunigami went to an ambiguous soccer torture camp to get his whole personality destroyed and for what. This? He doesn't even get to pretend to be the biggest threat on the field for even one game. Give that man a refund. Or at least some free therapy.
"go... the world's most random shot... even i don't know where it's going!!!" that is NOT impressive that's what i do every time I kick a ball. maybe i should be a pro soccer player. i could beat noel noa
Isagi has some nerve being shocked that Yukimiya is sabotaging him because ~they're on the same team~ yeah okay whatever dude and what was your end-goal here again
man, these matches just keep getting longer and longer despite the fact that they're aiming for way less goals...
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schraubd · 8 months
Turkey Implements the Stefanik Principle
One of the more common refrains I heard by persons who wanted to defend Elise Stefanik's bad faith grandstanding on campus free speech was the supposedly rhetorical question "how hard is it to simply condemn 'calls to genocide'?" The problem -- well, not the problem because that implies there is only one, but a problem -- is "who decides what count as a 'call to genocide'?"  We already knew, for instance, plenty of campus actors characterizing Israel's conduct in Gaza as "genocidal"; and it was not long before South Africa brought its own "genocide" charge against Israel before the ICJ. If, as is not improbable, the ICJ rules that at least some of the genocide claims against Israel are "plausible", one can only imagine the turnabout that will occur by the usual on- and off-line subjects who just witnessed pro-Israel activists claim the skins of several high-profile academic actors on the principle of "zero tolerance for permitting speech 'supporting genocide.'" This turnabout was absolutely predictable and while I'm not sure "deserved" is exactly the right word to use here (given that the persons who will be victimized will almost certainly not be named "Chris Rufo" or "Bill Ackman"), it's hard to deny the karmic significance. But we don't even need to wait that long to see this poisoned tree bear fruit. In Turkey, an Israeli national playing for a Turkish soccer club flashed a signal after scoring a goal meant to represent solidarity with the Israeli hostages who remain in Hamas' captivity. As a result, he's been arrested by the police for "supporting genocide", with threats of further recriminations by the Turkish Justice Minister as well as a promise by his team's president that he'd be kicked off the squad. It's entirely unsurprising that, in the wrong political climate, merely signaling sympathy for Israeli hostages will mark one as a genocidaire (hey, who remembers that essay just days after 10/7 that arguing that even grieving dead Israeli civilians was a means of fueling the Israeli death machine?). Again, all of this was obviously predictable in advance, and while I doubt Turkey is taking its cues from Congress' most craven opportunistic weasel, it still demonstrates the naivete of anyone who thinks that the answer to Stefanik's "genocide" question was "simple". via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/YD0pX95
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bellafarallones2 · 4 months
Tree branches reached out over the edge of the water, and jewel-bright dragonflies sped through the air. The eel-fishing was good here, but now it was late enough in the season that Duck was alone as he stripped and waded out into the water, mud squishing between his toes.
I wrote some NSFW Indruck for Mermay, set in a vague fantasy-medieval-ish world. (There’s no homophobia or references to it, but I do imply that Christianity or something like it exists in this world.)
Duck Newton was kneeling on plush carpet at the king’s feet, sweating through his formal jacket. Could they not crack a window in the throne room? 
“The royal family thanks you for your valiant service,” said the king pompously. “Your actions in the face of mortal peril show that heroes can truly come from anywhere in the kingdom.” 
Duck wondered idly if he was disparaging Kepler, or Duck’s identity as a commoner. It didn’t really matter, in the end. 
“As a reward for your actions, we bestow upon you this medal -” the king lowered the medal around Duck’s neck, the heavy gold chain cool against his skin - “and a reward of one of the king’s finest hogs.”
Now that would be dead useful. Hopefully he could breed it with some of his family’s pigs back home in Kepler, maybe make good money selling half-royal piglets.
“And your fortune.”
A courtier whose title Duck wasn’t sure of explained that by his fortune, the king meant the chance to have his fortune told by the royal seer. Apparently nobles from the world over paid handsomely for the privilege, so Duck should be honored to get it for free.
Every kid in the kingdom knew the story. Their king’s several-greats grandfather had defeated a conquering army on the advice given to him by a talking fish, and ever since, the royal family had the image of a golden fish as their insignia. 
The courtier handed Duck a lantern and a jar of red liquid, dark sediment settled at the bottom. “An offering for the seer. I will take you to him now.” 
Duck took the jar. “Uh, thanks.” In the next town over from Kepler, the innkeeper had a pet fish that was supposed to be able to predict the outcome of soccer games. Duck figured this would be something like that.
The courtier led him deep into the oldest part of the castle, through several locked doors. Finally, she stopped at the end of a hallway, in front of a door painted with silver fish scales. “Just through here. Don’t touch anything except for the railing, but be careful. The stairs are slippery.” 
Duck pushed open the door and found himself at the top of a long staircase leading down. 
Holding the lantern out to see where he was going, Duck took his first careful step down. Condensation dripped down the walls. Some kind of creature with so many legs it made Duck’s skin crawl skittered off the staircase when the lantern light fell on it. Duck took a deep breath and kept climbing downwards. 
At the bottom of the stairs he found himself on flat stone. A beach, of sorts, at the edge of an underground lake. The lake was so large that the other side of it was hidden by darkness, but the surface that he could see was as still as a mirror, reflecting the stalactites hanging above it. 
“Hello, Duck Newton.”
Duck whipped around. The royal seer was not a fish in a tank, but a mer, perched on a rock at the edge of the water, a skinny man’s torso attached to a fish’s tail. His hair, skin, and scales were pale and silvery. All of him was pale, really, except for his eyes, which were red, and had no pupils. Was he blind?
“Uh. Hey.” said Duck. “I have an offering for you?”
“Thank you,” said the seer. He held out his hand and Duck put the jar into it. 
“So are you, like, trapped in here?” said Duck.
“No,” said the seer, simply. “Put your lantern down and give me your hand, Duck Newton, and I will tell you your fortune.” 
Duck put the lantern down on a rock and put his slightly sweaty hand in the seer’s cool, slender one.
“You did not intend to be a hero,” said the seer after a moment.
“Well, when I saw the prince was in trouble I wanted to save him!” said Duck, somewhat indignant.
“Yes. But you did not wake up that morning and seek out an opportunity for glory.” The seer’s tail twitched. “There are futures where you return home tomorrow and never interact with royalty again.”
“So what should I do?”
“The choice is yours, Duck Newton. You will not be… unhappy… either way.”
“I guess that’s good to know. Do you have any… I don’t know… practical advice for me?”
“Your life’s course is yours to choose, Duck Newton.” The seer turned his hand over, to examine the lines in his palm and then his knuckles. “But if you leave without the pig, there is a chance the palace will forget to send it to you.” 
“Damn, really? Thanks for the tip.”
The seer smiled. His teeth were sharp. “I am pleased to be of service.” 
When Duck asked for the hog he’d been promised, the kitchen told him that they were too busy with the preparations for the prince’s wedding to spare one right now, but that they would send one along as soon as they could, or he could collect one himself if he stuck around until after the wedding. Mindful of the seer’s warning, Duck said he’d stick around. 
For the next three days he wandered the palace, trying to stay out of the way of the servants who were frantically cleaning and putting up colorful bunting. 
The palace really was an architectural marvel. The innermost part, the old castle, was made of rough-hewn gray stone blocks, walls three feet thick or more with arrow-slits for windows. It was like the solid pit at the center of a peach: now those arrow-slits looked out into the corridors of the new castle, an expansion that had been built by the current king’s father. The new castle had spacious corridors, white marble staircases, and lots of big windows, including stained-glass ones in the new cathedral, which was where the wedding was happening. 
The most recent addition was a solarium, constructed as a wedding gift for the queen. Duck wasn’t allowed inside, but the roof and outside walls seemed to be made entirely of glass, more glass than Duck had ever seen in his entire life. And through the glass he could see the leaves of trees unlike any he’d ever seen before. 
Once Duck had walked around all the public hallways of the new castle and sat in the balcony that allowed members of the public to watch the king holding court, he ventured into the old castle and was almost immediately startled by a dusty stuffed boar, just like the one that had gotten him into this situation in the first place. 
See, Duck worked sometimes as a hunting guide. When nobles came to Kepler to hunt deer or bear or wild boar, Duck could lead them to their prey, and, potentially even more crucially, lead them back to civilization again when they were finished. 
The prince had gone on a hunting trip with some of his noble friends to celebrate his upcoming wedding. All young men, inexperienced. And they’d decided to hunt a boar. Duck had found them a beautiful one: a male, almost five feet tall at the shoulder, probably three hundred pounds. 
The prince and his friends had shouted in delight, and the boar had looked up and seen them. The prince’s friends scattered as the boar and its tusks and its horrible grunting charged through the clearing towards them. But the prince himself stood frozen, and so Duck shoved him out of the way as the boar disappeared past them into the underbrush. 
Luckily one of the prince’s slightly cooler-headed friends had managed to shoot the boar as it fled, and then helped Duck field-dress it. The meat fed Duck’s family and neighbors for days. And the prince had started bawling about how Duck had saved his life, telling him how he simply must come back to the capital for the king to reward him for his heroism. 
The boar in the hallway here was huge, but dusty, and Duck couldn’t guess who had brought it down. The king, in his youth? Or some royal relative long-dead? 
Continuing into the old castle, Duck came upon the old chapel, which had been turned into a library after the new castle was built. Instead of pews, rows of bookshelves filled the space. Each shelf was protected by a metal grate with a lock, but the titles Duck could see were inscrutable anyway.
The walls of the old chapel were lined with portraits of people in finery, and Duck passed by a few before one of them made him stop and stare. Here was a portrait of the seer. His hair was longer than it had been when Duck saw him in person, but his angular face was unmistakable. In the portrait, he wasn’t in a cave, but some kind of garden, green grass and rosebushes and a pond in the background under a purple evening sky. And there was a gold chain in his hand, like a rosary, but instead of a cross at the end there was an orange crystal. 
“Can I help you find anything?” 
Duck jumped. A man had appeared behind him, dark haired, in a dark suit. “Oh- am I allowed to be in here?” said Duck.
“As long as you don’t break anything.” He smiled, but it still wasn’t entirely clear to Duck whether he was joking. Librarians were a rare breed.
“Do you know who that is?” said Duck, pointing to the painting.
“Oh, that’s the court seer,” said the librarian. “He’s a little odd-looking, isn’t he? Indrid Cold. They say if he touches you he can see your future.”
“Have you met him?”
“Not personally. I’ve seen him from afar. King Garrison, rest his soul, had his fortune told every morning during the campaign against the Saxons.”
Duck turned back to the portrait, to Indrid Cold’s enigmatic smile. “Huh.”
Duck wasn’t invited to the actual wedding ceremony, which was a relief. There was so much food and drink at the banquet afterwards that it didn’t seem real: ten different kinds of bread, roasted potatoes and carrots and other kinds of vegetables, a tsunami’s worth of beer and wine, hundreds of whole cows and hogs roasted and butchered and distributed to the masses in the banquet hall and even outside the castle gate. Duck’s seat in the banquet hall afforded him a view of the happy couple on the dais at the front of the room and easy access to the food and drink.
As Duck ate, a bard who was apparently quite famous sang a long, bawdy song about a siren - many words devoted to her golden hair, luscious lips, and beautiful bare breasts - who lured a sailor off a boat but threw him back when his prick wasn’t big enough for her taste. 
Duck refilled his mug of beer again.
The room was starting to feel uncomfortably warm. The man sitting next to Duck had pulled the woman on his other side into his lap to kiss, noisily. 
After draining his mug, Duck abandoned his empty plate and went out the side door of the palace into the cool evening air. He’d never been out this way before, but now the front door would be blocked with a crowd of peasants. This was the side where the king’s forest was, a vast area of land forbidden for hunting and the river upstream of town forbidden for fishing by anyone but the royal family. 
Duck picked his way down the embankment and sat down on a rock at the edge of the water. He could still hear the noise of the party behind him, faintly. 
Then a silvery head popped out of the water, and Duck was so surprised that he fell forward into the river. 
The water was cold, and Duck was instantly spluttering and wide-awake, but then he could feel strong arms wrapped around him, someone’s bare chest pressed against his side as they hauled him out onto the bank. 
Duck raised himself to all fours and coughed. 
“Are you alright?” said the seer, a hand on Duck’s arm. Duck could see the mark on the bank where the seer’s scaly side had scraped against the soft mud. 
“Fine, fine,” said Duck. “Uh, sorry, Mr. Seer.”
“My name is Indrid Cold.”
“Please call me Indrid.” 
“Alright.” Duck managed to sit down again on the ground. His head was still swimming with beer. “How did you get out here?”
“I swam.”
“Are you hungry? I could probably bring you something from the feast, but I don’t think they had any of that red juice I brought you before.” 
“I am alright, but I appreciate the offer.”
Duck nodded and sat there for a moment. It was getting darker. So dark that Duck could no longer see the individual branches on the trees across the river. The only thing close enough to him to see was Indrid, silver like the moon. 
“Have you ever lured a human into the water to have sex with?” said Duck. 
“Maybe,” said Indrid, and grinned. “Maybe not. I’m not a siren, so if I did I’d have to use my words.” Indrid was resting his arms on the rock Duck was sitting on. “I’d probably have to say all kinds of pretty things to make up for my strange appearance.”
“You don’t look that strange.”
“But as soon as I coaxed them into the water…” A sharp-toothed smile. “You humans are such weak swimmers it’s almost funny. Once they were in the water I could drag them wherever I wanted. Perhaps to a dark corner of my cave? Nobody who came for a fortune would be able to see them, but they’d certainly hear.” 
Duck shivered at the thought of screams echoing through that cave, pressed his thighs together. Then he looked down at the smooth front of Indrid’s tail. ”What would you even do to them? I don’t see a dick anywhere.” 
“Don’t you know, Duck, that mers keep our equipment internal until it’s necessary?” Indrid’s fingers trailed over his tail, and Duck didn’t think he was imagining it when he saw the flesh twitch. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” said Duck. “But if you feel like show and tell, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
“We’ll see,” said Indrid, but he didn’t stop touching himself. “What about you, Duck Newton? Have you lured many humans to your bed?”
“I wouldn’t call it luring,” said Duck. “But there’ve been a few folks I’ve slept with. Mostly I just… I don’t know, tell them I’d like to get to know them better. Maybe find some liquid courage.” He smiled. “But once I get to kissing them, I’m pretty good at convincing them to go further. Once they find out what I can do with my mouth.” 
“And yet this evening you haven’t found anyone to pursue?”
Duck grinned again. He was leaning forward, close enough to see the moonlight glinting off the individual strands of Indrid’s hair. “Haven’t I?” 
Indrid kissed him. His mouth was cool, but not in an unpleasant way. And besides, Duck’s blood felt plenty hot for both of them. 
“Mmm,” said Duck. “Yeah, I looked around that banquet hall in there and saw that nobody was nearly as handsome as you.” 
Indrid kissed him again. “I saw this future.” Another kiss. “Before. I had no idea how it would happen.” Indrid seemed to be in a hurry. Duck had no idea why. “I’m glad it’s worked out.”
“Me too.” 
Duck touched Indrid’s shoulder, deciding whether he should commit to getting back into the water or try to balance like this on the edge. 
Then the noise of the party got louder behind them, and Indrid started pulling away. A few more people had spilled out of the door, and in a moment they’d see Indrid there, shining in the moonlight. 
For a moment Duck grasped Indrid’s hand. “Will I see you again?” It was all he could think of to say, and it sounded silly as soon as he said it. 
“Yes,” said Indrid. “I’ll find you.” 
And then Indrid was gone, and Duck was alone on the dark riverbank. 
Getting home with the hog in tow was a production. Which was why, once he’d gotten it safely penned up at home, Duck decided to treat himself to a swim, and walked a mile outside of Kepler to the lake that fed the river he’d followed all the way home. 
Tree branches reached out over the edge of the water, and jewel-bright dragonflies sped through the air. The eel-fishing was good here, but now it was late enough in the season that Duck was alone as he stripped and waded out into the water, mud squishing between his toes. The cool water felt amazing after the warm, sticky air, and Duck continued until he was submerged up to his neck. 
Movement drew his eye in the reeds near the mouth of the river flowing out of the lake. Maybe a bird? 
And then a silver head popped out of the water. 
Indrid grinned. “Hello, Duck.”
“Holy shit, Indrid, how did you get here?”
“I decided it was time for a vacation,” said the court seer airily. “Lots of nice views along the river. And right now you’re putting on quite a show for anyone under the water.” He reached out a hand, and Duck took it and allowed Indrid to pull him close. 
“So how do mers flirt with each other?” asked Duck.
“Sometimes we play chase.” The sunlight gleamed in his wet hair. “There’s nothing like a good game of chase and then having to wrestle someone into submission to get your body ready to lay eggs.”
“Does that mean you wanna play chase?”
“Duck Newton, I have already spent three weeks chasing you here.”
“Good point.” Duck kissed him. Indrid’s arm twisted around Duck’s back, holding him in place, and his other hand ran down Duck’s side, tentative and first, and then bolder when Duck groaned at the touch. When Indrid squeezed his ass Duck realized that his feet had left the ground; Indrid was supporting him in the water, Indrid’s strong, slick tail up between his legs. 
Duck’s cock, eager and unafraid, bobbed up in the water between them, the fat head flush. Looking down Duck saw, now, the slit in Indrid’s tail opening, releasing a cock that was muscular like a tongue, pink and flexible enough to curl in on itself. “Damn,” whispered Duck. “Can I touch?”
Indrid nodded, and Duck reached down, like he was offering his hand to a cat to sniff. But Indrid’s dick curled eagerly around his fingers, and Indrid sighed.
“I think it likes me,” Duck teased.
“That’s an understatement,” Indrid breathed. Indrid’s fingers fumbled around Duck’s dick and then brought it forward for his own to curl around. 
It was easily the strangest sensation Duck had ever felt in his life. Indrid’s hands were on his arms, holding him close, and Duck’s legs wrapped around Indrid’s tail. Another demanding kiss, and Indrid rested his forehead on Duck’s shoulder. Duck realized suddenly that Indrid seemed overwhelmed by the sensation, too. The tentacle wrapped a little more tightly around Duck’s dick, dragging slick and wet over the shaft. 
As he neared orgasm Duck thrust his hips more urgently, feeling Indrid’s body stiffen in his arms. Indrid’s skin had taken on a slightly purplish tint, and his eyes were glowing so brightly it hurt to look at them. The gill-flaps on Indrid’s neck opened and closed frantically. 
Duck ejaculated into the water, and Indrid followed a moment later, their milky releases mingling. “I don’t see any eggs,” said Duck.
“No,” said Indrid ruefully. “I don’t think your body would be hospitable for them.”
“It wouldn’t be polite of you to knock me up, anyway.”
“That too.” 
They floated side-by-side on their backs, Indrid’s tail loosely curled around Duck’s calf. “Will I see you again?” said Duck.
“I don’t know,” said Indrid. For a moment, he gripped Duck’s hand painfully tight. “Your futures are… numerous.” Duck pictured a school of fish swimming together, reflecting the light, tricking the eye, resisting any attempt to discern one body from another. 
When Indrid spoke again, his voice was a whisper. “But I hope so.”
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aniron48 · 2 years
Fifteen Questions
Thank you @bishybarnaby and @macontheweb for the tag! 💕
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! I'm named after my dad's favorite uncle (my name can traditionally be either a man or woman's name, depending on what part of the world you're in, and I increasingly appreciate the gender expansiveness that helps grant me). (My dad originally wanted to name me Dulcinea, from his favorite book Don Quixote, but my mom shut that down for all the obvious reasons.)
2. When was the last time you cried? I cry basically every day, either because I'm happy, or sad, or think something's funny, or any emotion in between. I'm a big believer in crying as emotional maintenance work. It's like cleaning the gutters. 😂
3. Do you have kids? I do! I always knew I wanted kids, and my wife and I have a son in preschool. He is the biggest source of joy and laughter in my life and I feel so lucky to get to raise him. At the same time, I fully believe that having kids should be a considered choice, and support people who choose otherwise. It's a ton of work and requires a lot of resources (both financially, emotionally, and otherwise) and there are many, many ways to give and receive love in this world, only some of which involve biological families.
4. Do you use sarcasm? Actually I'm not great at sarcasm! I am occasionally passive aggressive, however. I'm working on it.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people? Probably their smiles. I love smiling, smiling's my favorite.
6. What is your eye color? Grey. Grey-blue in certain lights or when I wear blue clothes.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!
8. Any special talents? I don't think so? Does writing count? And I can read tarot cards (not in a "predict the future" sort of way, but in the sense that I think we can ask questions, look at archetypes, and then reflect on what those images bring up for us in interesting ways) and enjoy doing it for others, but not sure if that's a talent or a hobby.
9. Where were you born? The U.S.
10. What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, yoga, hiking. These days I make a lot of spaceships out of cardboard boxes (see answer #3 above). 😁
11. Do you have any pets? We have two gerbils! We got them because we can't have cats or dogs where we live, but they're kind of amazing little guys. They build elaborate tunnels and structures that you can see through their glass tank, and they're pretty tameable--they'll come sit in my hand and munch a treat and climb around.
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I played soccer/football for about 20 years of my life and loved every minute. I was also a runner--cross country, track, 5ks, things like that--but these days walking and hiking are a bit more my speed.
13. How tall are you? 5'2". The first time I heard the Shakespeare quote, "though she be but little, she is fierce," I felt very seen. 😂
14. Favorite subject in school? Literature, hands down. I double majored in English and Spanish literature in college.
15. Dream job? Unless I can some how retcon myself a life of leisure where I get a stipend every year just for being, like, a noble person, I probably have my dream job now? I'm a lawyer, and I specialize in international law and human rights and I feel very lucky to be able to do it. 🍀
Tagging @stinastar, @dude-watchin-with-the-brontes, @aprettyspy, @silverbrume, and @sweetbabyangels (though borrowing bishy's caveat: this one is long and also personal, so feel free to nope out if you'd rather not do this one!)
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healthcareblog12 · 3 months
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support1212 · 3 months
Sure bet prediction today,
Sure bet prediction today,
Sports betting is a thrilling way to engage with your favorite games, offering both excitement and the potential for profit. However, the key to successful betting lies in making informed decisions based on reliable predictions. Today, we bring you a comprehensive guide to sure bet predictions to enhance your betting experience.
What is a Sure Bet? A sure bet, also known as arbitrage betting, is a betting strategy that guarantees a profit regardless of the outcome of an event. This is achieved by placing bets on all possible outcomes with different bookmakers, ensuring that the combined odds always result in a positive return.
Why Sure Bets? Sure bets are considered the holy grail of sports betting for several reasons:
Risk-Free Profit: The primary advantage is the elimination of risk. Since you're covering all possible outcomes, you're assured of a profit. Mathematical Certainty: Unlike traditional betting, where outcomes are uncertain, sure bets rely on mathematical calculations to ensure profit. Consistent Returns: While the profits from sure bets are often smaller, they are consistent, providing steady income over time. How to Find Sure Bet Predictions Finding sure bets requires vigilance and the use of various tools and resources:
Arbitrage Betting Software: There are several online platforms and software tools designed to identify sure bets across multiple bookmakers. Examples include BetBurger, RebelBetting, and OddsMonkey. Manual Search: For those who prefer a hands-on approach, manually comparing odds across different bookmakers can also yield sure bets. This method, however, is time-consuming and requires a keen eye for detail. Monitoring Odds Movements: Bookmakers often adjust their odds based on market conditions. By monitoring these changes, you can spot opportunities for sure bets. Today's Sure Bet Prediction For today's sure bet prediction, we've analyzed several matches across different sports to bring you a reliable betting opportunity.
Match: [Example Team A vs. Example Team B] Sport: Soccer League: Premier League Date: June 11, 2024 Sure Bet Opportunity:
Bet on Team A to Win:
Bookmaker: Bookmaker X Odds: 2.10 Bet on Team B to Win:
Bookmaker: Bookmaker Y Odds: 2.05 Calculation: To ensure a profit, you need to distribute your stakes proportionally based on the odds. Here’s a simple example assuming a total stake of $100:
Bet on Team A: $100 / 2.10 ≈ $47.62 Bet on Team B: $100 / 2.05 ≈ $48.78 Total Stake: $96.40
Potential Returns:
If Team A wins: $47.62 * 2.10 = $100.00 If Team B wins: $48.78 * 2.05 = $100.00 No matter the outcome, you get back $100.00, ensuring a risk-free profit.
Tips for Maximizing Sure Bet Profits Diversify Bookmakers: Spread your bets across multiple bookmakers to avoid detection and ensure you always get the best odds. Stay Updated: Odds change rapidly, so timely action is crucial. Use alerts and notifications from arbitrage betting software to stay ahead. Manage Your Bankroll: Even with sure bets, responsible bankroll management is essential. Allocate only a portion of your funds to sure bets and diversify your betting strategies. Conclusion Sure bets provide a unique and reliable way to profit from sports betting. By leveraging arbitrage opportunities and using the right tools, you can enjoy consistent returns while minimizing risk. Stay informed, act quickly, and manage your bankroll wisely to make the most of today’s sure bet prediction. Happy betting!
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i-am-mr-k · 8 months
Tobin wasn't hesitant at all. She said she'd thought about it and then clarified it was in a like "go back in time way" but that's just clarifying. Then she answered the question.
I think (just about) anyone who listened to either interview can conclude that the subject of children is on the mind of Tobin Heath and Tobin is conflicted. Not sure how Tobin is reacting to that prospect. Has not yet sorted out all the positives and negatives.
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong about Tobin.
Next wild-ass prediction: CP has finally come to terms with the fact that she may prefer avoiding further injury to coming back to professional soccer. She likes being a boss person in an organization she created. Retirement from soccer will be this year.
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kingspredict12 · 9 months
Top Level Soccer Matches Prediction Site in South Africa
When it comes to football-winning goal predictions, there are countless pundits, analysts, and sure football prediction sites who like to give their opinion on who will win or lose a match. The top betting analyst of kingpredict offers the topmost Soccer Match Prediction Site in South Africa. Our team provides 100% accurate algorithm-based research betting tips to dedicated users.
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wafact · 2 years
Juventus vs Nantes live stream: Watch the Game for FREE
After a break for the World Cup, the Europa League is back and sure to excite soccer fans the world over. That includes Juventus vs Nantes which kicks off later today. Predictably, it’s likely to be a good victory for Juventus, but regardless, it’s going to be a match worth watching. If you’re keen to see the game, we’re here to help you find the best way to watch the Juventus vs Nantes live…
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belle-et-inspirante · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
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mantruffles · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
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blissful-moontrip · 2 years
What is Gambling?
What is Gambling?
Betting is usually an interesting interest and can be an exciting way to generate extra money. There are numerous types of betting, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, and even Spread wagering. Here are a few things should know about betting before you get started.
Spread gambling
Spread betting is one of the most popular forms of wagering. This is because celebrate an active market for both equally sides of a binary wager. It is usually an effective device for risk management.
A spread gamble can be a large amount of fun for virtually any bettor. However , there are several circumstances to keep in mind when playing the spread.
In order to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. Also you can visit a selection of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you take wagers before beginning a real bank account.
While point spreads really are a common characteristic in many athletics, they can imply a lot more in high-scoring online games. The point pass on will be altered according to the power of the clubs. For example , a new team that has a strong crime may be matched against a traditionally weaker go defense.
Probably the most important areas of spread playing is control. Using a tiny deposit, you could make a huge earnings when the market moves to your advantage. On the other hand, you are able to lose a lot more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline bets are possibly the most basic. This kind of wager is usually seen as the best bet because of the lower odds and the basic process of choosing a winner.
In order to make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider all of the relevant elements. The key is to utilize a strategy of which combines a thorough research regarding both clubs and their odds.
Before inserting any guess, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, it is important to know the difference between the best moneyline gambling bets.
While you might be tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it might not be well worth the risk. Generally, underdogs don’t have a winning record. However , that is not mean that these are without a likelihood. Underdogs could be softened by team’s house field advantages or a vulnerable opponent.
Contrary to the point distribute, Moneyline wagers offer a choice of a pull. A get is a put – a new player on both facets must be chosen for the guess to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are a good way to make funds while betting on a budget. They provide more prospects for earning, with a larger payout than a single choice. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay gambling bets.
A parlay can be a great option for you in case you have several teams to gamble on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. For instance, you may want to bet on the Dallas Cowboys and the Los Angeles Rams in a activity on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you act like you want to include things like other games, you need to switch to a three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-known. Unlike other styles of parlays, they permit you to adjust typically the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, the payout for same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you have to pick several winners to produce a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you is just not win all the if you give a leg to your parlay. Introducing a gamble on the beloved is a great concept, but you no longer always get yourself a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop bets are a great way to make the most of your current betting encounter. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer added value to fans. Whilst they are usually a lesser amount of popular than other types of bets, they are an important part of the wagering landscape.
Prop bets usually are wagers on an individual gamer or function, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are placed before the start of sporting occasion. Some props are real guesses, although some are based on details or tendencies. Whether occur to be a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can easily increase your odds of winning.
Stage sets can be built on variety of sport, along with the options happen to be nearly countless. Traditionally, they have got focused on gamers and the benefits of video games, but they may also deal with some other aspects of some sort of player’s profession or a team’s performance. These types of bets may range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. rendimientobienesraices.com
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/what-is-gambling-3/
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captainvegas · 2 years
What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
un nuovo post è stato publicato su https://online-wine-shop.com/what-is-playing-3/
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What is Playing?
What is Playing?
Betting is usually an interesting leisure activity and can be an enjoyable way to make some extra money. There are various types of wagering, including Prop bets, Parlay bets, plus Spread bets. Here are a few things you should know about betting prior to this.
Spread betting
Spread bets is one of the most favored forms of sports betting. This is because it creates an active market for both sides of a binary wager. Also, it is an effective tool for risikomanagement.
A spread wager can be a lots of fun for every bettor. Yet , there are several things keep in mind when playing typically the spread.
To be able to get started, you should attempt out a free demo account first. You can even visit a number of online sportsbooks. These websites will help you to take wagers before starting a real account.
While stage spreads can be a common characteristic in many athletics, they can indicate a lot more within high-scoring games. The point distribute will be altered according to the durability of the teams. For example , a team that has a strong crime may be matched against a historically weaker complete defense.
Probably the most important facets of spread gambling is influence. Using a small deposit, you may make a huge profit when the market moves for your benefit. On the other hand, you can lose even more when the marketplace moves towards you.
Moneyline bets
Among the many types of sports betting, Moneyline gambling bets are perhaps the most basic. This kind of wager is often seen as the very best bet due to lower possibilities and the simple process of selecting a winner.
To make the most of the moneyline gambling bets, you should consider every one of the relevant variables. The key is to use a strategy that combines a thorough research involving both teams and their possibilities.
Before positioning any gamble, you should always double-check your wagers. Whether you are playing on a single sport or a long term match, you should know the big difference between the ideal moneyline bets.
While you might end up being tempted to be able to back typically the underdog, it may not be well worth the risk. Normally, underdogs don’t have a winning document. However , that is not mean that they are really without a probability. Underdogs may be softened by the team’s house field benefits or a poor opponent.
Unlike the point spread, Moneyline bets offer an option of a draw. A pull is a tie – a player on both attributes must be chosen for the wager to be a success.
Parlay bets
Parlay bets are an easy way to make cash while betting on a budget. They offer more chances for earning, with a better payout when compared to a single bet. But you will need to know how to pick the best parlay wagers.
A parlay can be a good option for you if you have several clubs to bet on, nonetheless aren’t sure what to do. As an example, you may want to wager on the Dallas Cowboys plus the Los Angeles Rams in a game on Weekend Night Soccer. That’s a two-team parlay, but if you want to include other games, it is advisable to switch to a new three-team parlay.
Same-game parlays are also well-liked. Unlike other forms of parlays, they allow you to adjust the spreads. Yet , they also have a few drawbacks. First, typically the payout regarding same-game parlays can be decreased due to predictability. Also, you need to pick several winners to have a winning parlay.
The other bad thing is that you refuses to win the maximum amount of if you put in a leg in your parlay. Adding a gamble on the preferred is a great idea, but you avoid always obtain a great compensation.
Prop wagers
Prop wagers are a great way to make the most of your betting expertise. Many sportsbooks offer props, which offer additional value in order to fans. Although they are usually significantly less popular than any other types of gambling bets, they are a part of the playing landscape.
Brace bets usually are wagers on an individual person or occasion, rather than the results of a game. Typically, they are positioned before the start of sporting event. Some stage sets are genuine guesses, and some are based on data or tendencies. Whether if you’re a seasoned gambler or a newbie, learning how to benefit from the props can increase your odds of winning.
Props can be manufactured on variety of sport, plus the options are usually nearly countless. Traditionally, they have focused on participants and the final results of games, but they also can deal with some other aspects of a player’s job or a team’s performance. These kinds of bets can range from the amount of points a person scores to the length of their national anthem. www.pkcrealtors.com
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