#free is likely a popular funny blogger
transgaysex · 2 years
23, 24, 30, and 31 for the oc ask meme !
23. I've answered this one already as well but I can give a different example !!! Otto initially was what I'll call an "unfortunate OC" but who's design and story I've revised and changed ! Since Otto was based on a glass deer sculpture I was gifted when I was younger, his first design was him completely paper white / pale pale gray, the only color in his design was his sweater which had a daisy colored on it. His abilities were similar to what he still has, partially inspired by the abilities a character from the book L'Enfaon by Éric Simard had (I read the book as a little little kid and it made me cry and made me so emotional it’s a tiny book and it changed me forever)
24. Hm.. Probably Ryza. I think they'd be fun to talk to around one or several cups of tea :)
30. Ryza again ! I don't think her father would be too amused by the idea of her having stuffed animals, but they're free to do whatever they want, and own however many stuffed animals as they could want !!! (Though they may still have them a bit hidden… Her followers probably know about it still but they indulge her secret. It makes everyone a little happier hehe)
31. Ani's blog would be filled with only reblogs of snake images. His blog probably has a completely black background, no icon, his header is probably just an abstract snake drawing. The blog title would only be a period and his description would say "don’t talk to me I don’t care". Once in a blue moon he'll make a proper post which sounds super concerning or weird like a short 2 second video of the middle of a dark alley at night and you only head a scream that isnt his and you clearly hear him say "shitSHIT SHIT-" almost as if he didn't intend for his phone to be recording or posting. so everyone thinks it’s a shitpost. Its not. You know exactly what hes doing. He doesn’t know how to delete the video so he doesnt
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flashhwing · 7 months
what would u do if you sent and anon and the response was just clowning on you and then that response got 1000 notes also clowning on you
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bowsersex · 3 months
Sorry to bring up old discourse again, but I just remembered how popular bloggers on here brought up the mousegirl discourse again last year and were saying that megapope was right in saying the bartender mousegirl post was horny because the OP is a furry who finds catgirls and mousegirls sexually attractive. And I just think it's strange that these people collectively forgot that you can be sexually horny about a certain thing in some cases, but neutral about it in others.
It's like if you saw someone be horny about boobs in one post, and then in another you see them advocating for freeing the nipple, and then accusing them of being horny in that post too. Or doing the same to someone talking about body hair in similar ways. Or let's say in one post I say "I had crazy gay sex with my boyfriend last night" and then in a different post I say, "so I was watching my boyfriend play Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) and this funny thing happened" like are you gonna accuse of being horny in the second post because I mentioned my boyfriend? It's very silly in that regard.
Like the bartender mousegirl joke didn't have any sexual undertones to it. I think one of the main reasons people were acting like it did is because when it comes to the concept of "sometimes you can view a certain things as sexual in some cases, and not sexual in others" they have hard time applying that concept to furries.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
quick question, what's an era 2 tumblr user? we have eras??
it's sorta something I made up myself. tumblr has gone through various shifts in presentation and tone that dramatically affected how people use the website. honestly idk if anyone besides me actually uses this system, but I'm gonna use it anyway because it's funny
so Era 1 is from the start of tumblr until dashcon. this is where the dashboard had those weird lines on the side of reblogs, was the hight of superwholock, allows editing other people's posts, and was filled the overwhelming prevalence of fandom. back then, tumblr wasn't very mainstream and most people who used it were big nerds (affectionate). so there was a strong sense of community between people who had shared interests.
Era 2 starts after dashcon in summer of 2014. this was a disaster of an event that sorta boosted tumblr's popularity for better or for worse. this is also when I first joined in late 2015 as an undertale blogger originally (my first blog has since been deleted though). this is what I'd call the meme era of tumblr. it's when most of the most popular jokes are from. it's when massive inside jokes and tumblr references started. and it's the time where the most people were active. and it lasted until about late 2018 with the porn ban
Era 3 was kicked off with many users deciding to leave tumblr near the end of 2018 beginning of 2019. tumblr's policy on porn up until then had been "go nuts. show nuts" until it was bought by virison who tried their best to make it "family friendly". the whole thing was handled very poorly ("female presenting nipples") and didn't even get rid of all porn, just porn from sex workers and artists who sold nsfw content to make a living. most of those people left for sites like twitter, and many other sfw artists (and also people who just used tumblr for free porn) left with them. for a while, tumblr was pretty empty. but not entirely. there were still very close knit communities, arguably even closer than Era 1 even. and honestly, this is when tumblr was at its most usable. it was quiet. the only thing that you had to worry about was the occasional porn bot (and staff's growing authoritarianism, but we'll get to that). it's hard to argue when exactly Era 3 ends. I like to say it's when elon musk bought twitter, but I also think it might have started a bit before then. it's more of a slow transition that happened sometime between early and late 2022
Era 4 is the return era. when everyone who went to twitter came crawling back. this was sorta kicked off with staff starting to be more lax with their porn restrictions. but don't think that staff was having a change of heart and suddenly nice. for the longest time, they had been overstepping boundaries and abusing their authority, such as banning mainly Black and leftist users calling them "Russian psyops". it was also around this time that people discovered that there were several terfs on the development team, and that was likely the reason they didn't ban nazis and terfs despite both being in clear violation of the tos. tumblr staff tried to distract from this controversy by adding a bunch of gimmicks. the crabs for April fools, blazing posts, checkmarks, tumblr live. this for some reason actually worked, and a lot of people just forgot or didn't care about staff any more, and it actually brought in a lot of new users. I have no idea how long Era 4 will last. all the Eras have been kicked off with a massive change in how social media operates that becomes more dramic and impactful each time. so short of the us government completely banning tiktok for good, I doubt Era 4 will end any time soon.
sorry this turned mostly into a rant against staff near the end. as you can obviously tell, I'm sorta biased towards Era 2 and 3, as that's when I had the best experiences with tumblr. and a lot of the problems I have with the site today can be traced back to staffs stupid decisions and abuse of power and authority.
but yeah. I hope that makes sense.
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
This is random, sudden, stupid, non-hetalia related question, but how do you feel about with the way communism gets treated/discused on the internet, especially by people who didn't live under communism regime?
I used to not think much about that Buggs Bunny communism meme
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But now when I look back at it, a tiny part of me feels like these whole "OUR [object] memes take the easy way of talking about communism. (That's not to say making jokes is not allowed), but it kinda comes across and potraying communism in a good light - like it's better than capitalism, for example.
Everyone gets treated equally, right? It's not like people died. It's not like there was limited ammount of food for people that people would have to use whatever theh could find at home to eat. It's not like staning out was frowned upon because you were expected to be blend in with others. It's not like owning too much in ussrs eyes would get you be seen as a treat.
And I'm aware I'm not qualified to discuss this. I didn't live through those times and not very knowlegable outside what I recall. I don't want to say the wrong thing, but even so.
So how do you feel about this?
I think the biggest communism fans actually deserve to taste their beloved communism: just some random people coming in your house and stealing everything yours and make it "ours", a government which kills any manifestation of individuality, thousands of concentration camps of free labour. I think they deserve to experience that. For some reason, I don't see many English speaking communism fans wanting to be deported to Belarus or China or North Korea or russia, their beloved communist countries.(although they don't call themselves communist countries, they actually pretty much are).
Ngl, I used to find this meme a bit funny until I realised people are dead serious about it. This trend became popular because of Pewdiepie, the most "popular" and one of the most paid YT bloggers. I would not be surprised if his sponsors were russian or Chinese.
In general, I don't really care about communism fans because 99% of them are just stupid and uneducated, and I don't wanna waste my time on them.
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calebwittebane · 1 year
im not gonna lie, there are people i follow who often make posts that are preddy funny and who often have good opinions, but whom i find unpleasant and annoying and generally unkind, and whom i kind of really hate. its not a hatefollow because i do enjoy many of their posts but i hate them as people and anytime something mildly bad happens to them im like LOL :).
thankfully i am not mutuals with them because if that were the case, the close proximity would cause their body to be affected by that hatred, even if they werent aware of it, or knew but didnt care. but the malice would slowly poison and ruin them, and they would start to become sick. they would feel as though someone had been adding antifreeze to their food and drinks. ethylene glycol and so on and so forth. but they wouldnt make the connection between the illness and the malice of mine that they were being afflicted by. their hair would begin to fall out in clumps, they would experience light-headedness and nausea and increased body stench, they would begin to regularly experience sleep paralysis, they would see mysterious red marks on their skin that would quickly fade away.
unable to think of their condition as anything other than them being infested with demons, and consumed by fear and desperation, they would eventually turn to some real out there pseudoscientific woo Soul And Body Healing bullshit peddled by a guy with a youtube channel and a popular tiktok account. they would purchase tons and tons of his supplements and read all his books, and become invested in the belief system to a shocking degree, still tormented by the disease. all the fans followers friends family and folks at home would have a hard time recognizing them at this point. 'what happened to the goodposter we knew and loved?', they would ask, and ultimately all distance themselves from them one by one.
already holding a new propensity for conspiracy theories, the blogger would take this as a sign that the fools were all simply threatened by their recently mastered forbidden wisdom, and fall deeper into the rabbit hole of fringe internet spirituality. they would eventually become an obscure type of flat earther, believing in an astronomical model so strange that other flat earther would scoff at them and accuse them of making them look unserious.
a viral video would emerge of the blogger approaching some young people in the street, vigorously lecturing them about the mobius strip earth, with the sun being a round hole carved in an enormous egg made of black obsidian that we are all trapped within that shields us from the brilliant divine glow the rest of the universe is bathed in. supposedly, humanity had shattered the egg before, freeing the earth from its prison, however an unhealthy diet (containing dairy and plant oils) causes humans to emit invisible particles that float up into the atmosphere and above, where they solidify into the obsidian shell. many commenters would point out the tshirt the blogger was wearing, depicting an absurdly muscular man breaking out of the obsidian egg, with text above saying "W.H.A.T.: We Hatch Again Together".
humiliated and scorned, the blogger would make the decision to abandon their brethren at least for some time, and retreat into solitude deep in the woods. they would sustain themselves on acorns, the youtube guy supplements, and whatever birds and rodents they managed to find. no longer in close online proximity to me (and no longer online in general), they would quickly start to recover from their illness, and (not incorrectly) attribute that improvement to their hermit lifestyle far away from those poisoned by dairy and plant oils.
one day, a bear would attack them. against all odds, newly full of vigor and powered by years of pent up anger, they would emerge victorious from the encounter. they would skin the bear and start wearing its pelt like a fursuit, giving them the appearance of a somewhat deflated bear with eerily human movements. emboldened by this experience, they would make the decision to return to their preaching, and travel from the wilderness to the nearest populated area.
having arrived in a small town, still wearing their hard-earned fursuit, they would cause widespread panic. not sure how to approach the issue just yet, and weighing the possibility of leaning into the bear thing regardless to add some extra dramatic flair to their sermons, they would walk into a convenience store to get some soda. the cashier would immediately flee and call 911 from a safe distance, reporting a horribly fucked up bear casually strolling into the building, so even if the blogger had any money, they would not be able to pay for the soda, absolving them of this responsibility.
they would take a generous sip of the cold refreshing soda they had so dearly missed during their time in the wilderness. unfortunately, the effervescent sugary drink would unexpectedly interact with the supplements and acorns still in their system, causing a violent chemical reaction. the energy released as the byproduct of said reaction would be so great, it would cause their body to disintegrate in a burst of blinding orange light.
as their body faded away, they would smile serenely, knowing that although they did not manage to convince everyone they had spoken to, they had sown the seeds of knowledge among them, and that even the arrogant nonbelievers would eventually start seeing the signs. there is hope for humanity, that it would one day break out of the obsidian shell, and regain the long-lost enlightenment and magic. they would feel that they have done well.
some time would pass absently--seconds or centuries, one could not tell. to their shock, they would realize that their consciousness has not been extinguished by death. suspended in endless void, they would try to scream, yet their efforts would be in vain.
then, another change would occur--they would begin to experience a tingling sensation, seemingly psychological rather than physical. cell by cell, they would regain a physical form, and their senses would all at once return to them as they awakened. their surroundings would snap into focus. they would be surrounded by otherworldly tall green structures, curved and swaying lightly. their field of view would span 360° on every axis, their eyes situated on flexible stalks. they would then realize--they have been reborn as a slug.
all because they had roamed too close to the powerful confident beautiful gentle unemployed brown-eyed bloggeress whose righteous ire they had earned despite her peaceful nature. all because they did not heed the signs. by then they would have learnt their lesson, but by the time they earned another lifespan as a human, the internet would be no more, replaced by a mass malfunction of amazon brain chips giving those affected constant visions of various ai generated rule34 pictures of the hex maniac that jeff bezos had saved on his hard drive at the time the disaster struck
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jonathanwrotethis · 23 days
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Following the quite predictable implosion and subsequent exodus of users from the hellscape that Twitter became once Elon gave free reign to the toxic horde, I “followed the spiders” across the internet in search of somewhere better to procrastinate.
A part of me asks “why bother”. There will always be somewhere new to discover - the internet never slows down. I'm often caught between the idea of setting up a beach-head for myself - becoming a fool on a hill - or descending into any of the “town squares” - the various popular social networks that seem to rise and fall every few years.
I’ve been writing a public journal - a “blog” - for over twenty years. Along the way I’ve seen countless platforms come and go. In the beginning of course there were no platforms - if you wanted to publish your thoughts it meant signing up for a web hosting account. Everybody was an island, and we would spend time building bridges among the archipelago.
In the same way that Wells' martians gazed jealously towards Earth, so Meta must have looked upon Twitter, given the speed with which they resurrected a long dead social experiment, re-badged it “Threads”, and set out on a spectacularly successful user trawling expedition.
For a while Threads seemed like it might be the future for many - an advertising free micro-blogging platform - a free start initially absent of marketers, advertisers, and trolls. Notice the word “initially”. A tipping point has been reached in recent weeks - a critical mass that has drawn the gaze of the brands, marketers and trolls. Suddenly the small-town feel of Threads has begun to erode - with it’s numerous small communities seeing the arrival of chain coffee shops, restaurants, bill-boards, shopping malls, and the inevitable army of trolls, attention seekers and “influencers” that follow any community where they might command eyeballs, hearts and minds.
We’ve been here before.
Blogger, ICQ, Geocities, LiveJournal, Vox, Posterous, Yahoo 360, Jaiku, Plurk, Tumblr, Wordpress, TypePad, MySpace, MoveableType, Google+, Buzz… I could go on.
While a few of those platforms are still with us, they are a shadow of what they once were. As each platform has taken it’s place in the sun migrations have emptied each of it’s neighbours. In more recent times “the community” came together to “fix” the ever-repeating cycle of silos and ring-fenced communities - giving birth to “the fediverse” - the “federated internet” - where no one company owns or controls either a platform, or your data. The only problem with this lofty ideal? It requires effort on the part of it’s users.
People are lazy. And busy.
Why even think about building your own city, when you can arrive on the doorstep of an already thriving metropolis and immediately set about finding your tribe? It explains why Mastodon, Pixeltube, Peerfed, Friendica, and Writefreely have never gained significant traction against the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.
I didn’t set out to write a monologue. I set out to wonder where might be best to “throw my hat” in the months ahead. Where might be “good enough”. Where I might find a tribe that doesn’t expect too much, but might also appreciate me quietly sitting in a corner and volunteering my tuppence-worth every now and again. Not sharing selfies every day like the attention-whore glitterati that have descended on Threads - more emptying my head into the keyboard about subjects that nobody else was thinking about, or really set out to read about.
You know the funny thing? I may have found my ultimate destination some time ago, but didn’t realise it.
Yes, they’re paying to attract influential writers, and yes, they could do with a small army of user interface and interaction designers, but my word has their trajectory been spectacular. Where else can you find the likes of Patti Smith, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie, Stephen Fry, Chuck Palahniuk, Nick Hornby, Richard Dawkins and Pamela Anderson (yes, that Pamela Anderson) writing personal blogs, alongside a rapidly growing community of old-media journalists, retired columnists, and plain-old-garden-bloggers such as myself?
Of course this is me though, and rather than switch platforms yet again, I’m trying to be everywhere, for everybody, all at once (isn’t that a movie title?). I’m cross-posting to Wordpress, Tumblr, Medium, and Substack.
Now and again the urge to find out what other’s think of each platform overtakes me, and a quick search uncovers an entire universe of commercial bloggers espousing Wordpress rule over the internet universe, and how you can buy their get-rich-quick series of posts, videos, and podcasts about how you too can live happily ever after while holed up in a perfect cabin with a laptop somewhere.
It strikes me that the same writers that destroyed Wordpress - turning it into a publishing rather than a blogging platform - arrive at any sufficiently popular platform and mansplain to the masses what to write, how to write, when to write it, and so on - you know, instead of telling anybody how their day went - unless of course that doesn’t preclude carefully posed, heavily photoshopped gym-flex photos of themselves inbetween yoga and boutique coffee shop visits.
I’m not ranting. In the words of the Dowager Countess of Grantham, “I’m explaining”. And certainly not mansplaining - more muttering to myself while the rest of the world gets on with it’s day, oblivious to the unfolding idiocy that doesn’t seem to matter to anybody else.
This post doesn’t really have a point. It’s just me - emptying my head - and wondering how many plates I can continue to spin until they all come crashing down.
Perhaps I do have a point though.
The famous writers that have begun to gather at Substack seem to be mostly independent - devoid of any sort of agenda or mission to prove the validity of what they might share. They are without publishers, agents, or marketers filtering, shaping, or writing their words for them. It’s refreshing, and brings about an authenticity that a lot of the “social internet” has been missing for a long time.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Lol I swear, rwby stans spend more time in ur asks and other rwde blogger’s asks than they do consuming rwby content, official or fanmade. It’s kinda hilarious
Like goddamn, y’all really just living rent free in their heads. It’s funny
that's the reason rwby practically becomes non existant in fandom metrics or on twitter until there's something "big" like the current mermay. otherwise they can't pull up enough steam on their own & it's sad.
like if their show is so popular & well liked, go enjoy it in those spaces instead of bothering people who are having fun being haters lol. it reeks of insecurity.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
@brbnightmares it's especially bad with fiction and YA. It echoes the whiny complaints of how any depiction of a fat person is "glorifying obesity." I have definitely seen some anti-soc stuff represented in a way I don't like, but depicting it in a narrative is not an endorsement. I am not an anti content warning person at all, but people who call out for actual handholding in the narrative is ridiculous. very disappointing to see so many readers like this especially.
I'm gonna stop torturing people by reblogging my own post now, but I do want to liberate this stuff from the comments, so: Yes, you're absolutely right. Like considering the whole political history of gatekeeping around education and printed matter and everything, reading has become almost synonymous with personal liberation--I always think about John Waters saying, "If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck'em!" And yet we still get young people who seem to love to read and write, but they crave to be regulated and censored; is it some kind of submission kink? That might be the nicest thing I can think about it.
Tangentially: When I was a kid my intellectual hippie parents were EXTREMELY anxious about my horror obsession. They were concerned about the grimy content of what I was interested in, and they were also concerned about the brain-rotting powers of screen entertainment. But, they would let me read anything I wanted, I think because they understood that reading is a good thing pretty much no matter what, and probably they also couldn't stand to imagine themselves censoring the written word. The funny thing is that since the word is free from the expense and complication of building special effects and getting past the MPAA, I read WAY more fucked up shit in pulp paperbacks than I could ever have encountered in 99% of all movies. But of course, it didn't turn me against my own moral sense vis-a-vis the real world, nobody's pets started disappearing in our neighborhood after I began spending hours at the library. What I remember about the experience is feeling things, not to be so corny; like fear, loathing, existential dread, and ambivalence may not be desirable real-world experiences, but books that challenge you emotionally make you grow. They literally change your mind for the better, even the bad ones can. And now it feels like there's this thing going on where people don't want to be challenged, they see adversity and unease as something contaminating and unfair, like we're all entitled to a frictionless, idealized existence even in the nonsense world of social media. Which I think wouldn't even be good for you.
It feels like we've gone from the dubious thing of people coveting the valor that is supposedly conveyed by victimhood and oppression, to people literally just wanting to be babies, and to be treated like babies. And I don't know, not to like waaaaay over-hyperbolize everything, but people need to remember that the reason fascism takes root so quickly and easily is that being told what to do, what to read, what to think, and to have every possibility of your life dogmatically restricted--to have all of your personal responsibility taken away from you and placed in someone else's hands--can be incredibly comforting.
PS I worry about trigger warnings re: *gestures vaguely* all of this. I will tag for types of real-life trauma and violence that I don't think are fair to spontaneously foist on unsuspecting followers, BUT: I often think of a time when this popular true crime blogger answered an ask where the person was asking her to tag her posts for needles. And like, I'm pretty sure the context was that she had posted the famous x-ray of sadomasochistic child murderer Albert Fish's colon with like twenty pins jammed up it. So the blogger very judiciously responded with something like, you know, "I'm sorry to have bothered you, but I'm not going to tag images of pins and needles. My blog is de facto full of disturbing and violent content, and the items you are describing are things that you might encounter in ordinary, benign situations in real life. If your aversion to them is so powerful that you can't even look at them, then frankly, that's something you're going to have to deal with privately, and you might want to avoid this blog in general." I loved her for that.
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buttercuparry · 9 months
In these past few months I came across a few popular blogs which have been very vocal about Palestine and to be very honest I got to learn so much information from these bloggers and it is through them, that I came across Palestinian voices on tumblr as well...so I am very grateful for that.
Now having said that I have a concern here. i am not sure, but i think there is something suspect in their allyship. Somehow I feel like they cannot go beyond their american identity. And I know this sounds weird because of course someone's american identity would matter- seeing as how USA is being a bitch about ceasefire and in its unfailing support of Israel- but I am not talking about that. I am talking about centering the vileness of America and therefore centering America in every conversation. And what happens when you center America in your conversations regarding politics of another country, regarding land back movements, resistance etc every single time, is that, you form an ideology and become so committed to it that you don't see anything else. And by this I mean your despair and anger over the wrong doings of your country takes precedence over people facing subjugation and oppression in another corner of the world. And I have seen a funny thing happen when American treachery becomes the centre of gravity of all conversations- those who are victims of this treachery are given a voice, while those who might be victims of powers that compete with America, are dismissed.
I don't think this is how you build a better world. Listen I know nothing about nothing and have countless prejudices which I am slowly recognizing ( and trying to leave behind), but one thing I believe in, at least for now, is- your ideology shouldn't blind you to oppression. Your faithfulness to a political movement shouldn't get precedence over human lives. We, who are in the global south, aren't pieces in your fantasy of revolution. To use people from the global south to stoke the fire of revolution within yourself, to use us as show pieces in your fantasy of taking down the capitalist West, when it suits your narrative and then turn away from us when it doesn't, shouldn't be a thing. I mean how can you in the same breathe say-free Palestine and then say that the Uyghur genocide is a myth? Do you hear yourself?
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jimkolakos · 2 years
How to Grow Your Instagram Following Fast
If you want to grow your Instagram following fast, there are some things you need to consider before you take the leap. You’ll need to come up with an angle or niche, come up with a killer marketing strategy, and use the right tools to put it all into action. Take a look at these three tips on how to grow your Instagram following fast and see if you can apply them to your strategy.
Use Relevant Hashtags
A great way to grow your following on instagram is by using relevant hashtags. It is important to find a niche hashtag that you can use in order for your posts to be found more easily. If you are an interior designer, try using #interior_designer, #interior_decorating, and #apartmentliving. If you are a fashion blogger, try #fashionista and #mystyle. To make it easier to find relevant hashtags, type the word hashtag in the search bar at the top of the app, which will bring up all of the most popular hashtags related to that topic. Keep posting: Once you have grown your account with good photos and relevant tags, keep posting! The more often you post, the better chance there is of gaining followers.
Post Engaging Content You want people to engage with your content, so you should post engaging content. What is engaging? Well, it’s something that makes the reader want to interact with it. Engaging posts can be funny, intriguing, or shocking. It doesn’t have to be any of these things, but anything that will make someone stop scrolling and react will work. The more often you get engagement, the more likely it’ll happen again in the future. Promote Yourself:
Follow Other Accounts One of the easiest ways to grow on Instagram is by following other accounts. As you follow more accounts, they’ll follow you back and your account will grow exponentially. You can also like and comment on their photos, which will help your account be seen by their followers and vice versa. Another way to grow is by asking for a follow from someone’s account that has a lot of followers. For example, let’s say you want to get in contact with Ariana Grande. You could message her and ask her if she would follow you back. If she accepts then her follower base will see your account and might follow as well! Don’t forget to make sure your account is set up correctly so people know who you are and what you’re about. I suggest using one or two hashtags related to your content (#girlboss) for best results. If you don’t have anyone famous or with a large following on Instagram, don’t worry- there are plenty of apps out there that will send you followers or likes without having to spend any money! My favorite app is called Instagram Automation because it gives me both followers and likes, all at the same time. It takes a little while before you start getting new followers, but once it starts working it really works! The only downside is that you have to pay for this type of service, but most good things require an investment. It’s worth every penny when you see how much your account grows. Just keep going — sometimes it takes weeks or even months for an app like this to show its full potential!
Use Stories Stories are a great way to grow your following. They offer a unique, behind-the-scenes look at who you are and what you do. Plus, it’s easy for followers to engage with the content because they can like or comment on stories without having to leave the app. Make sure that you post frequently — and be consistent. If you want to share your latest blog post with all of your followers, make sure that it shows up in both Instagram Stories as well as in your feed! For example, if you’re running a promotion on your website where visitors can download your e-book for free by using an exclusive coupon code , make sure that it appears in both places.
Run Giveaways One of the best ways to grow your following on Instagram is by running contests and giveaways. If you have a product that people want, this is a great way to get them interested in it without having to spend money. Contests are also a great way to build a sense of community within your followers. You can use this opportunity to ask for feedback on what they like about your products or what kind of posts they would like to see more of. The downside is that these contests take time and effort, but if done well they can be worth it!
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margret-jons-blog · 2 months
How To Make Money without Charging a Dime: Tips for Accepting Donations Online
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While there are many ways to make money online, the vast majority involve selling a product – be it yours or someone else's. But have you ever considered offering great content or software for free, and then allowing your visitors and fans to reward your good work through giving you donations? It's simple - you provide your visitors with the opportunity to say “thank you” through either monetary donations or buying you things that you want. This might not be the method to use if you're looking to make huge money, but it can be a lucrative source of extra income. And perhaps best of all, you don't need to feel you're pushing anything on your customers or asking them to buy more stuff they don't need or want. Visitors reward you when they choose to, and because they don't feel pressured, they can sometimes be even more generous than if you were trying to sell them the latest greatest product. Here are 8 tips on how to make the donation business model work for your website... 1. Offer quality content that truly helps your readers. This is true on any website, but especially important if you're going to ask for donations. The more your content helps your readers, the more likely they are to want to send you a monetary 'thank you.' 2. If your content doesn't provide helpful information, then it should entertain. Perhaps you're especially funny, or you're up on the latest news in your niche. You've got to offer your visitors some type of real value to get donations. 3. Don't be afraid to ask. “Did you find this information helpful? Then please help us to continue providing this great info in the future by supporting us. Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated.” 4. Make a wish list on Amazon and post a link to your wish list on your website. “Have I helped you? If you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to buy me a book.” 5. Don't be afraid to place expensive items on your wish list. Optimally you want to choose items from a couple of dollars all the way to a hundred dollars or more, because you never know who will be buying you a 'thank you.' It could be a rich person whom you've just given a stellar idea that will make him/her thousands of dollars, and they might be the one to buy you that expensive $599.00 espresso machine you've been thirsting for. 6. You don't have to confine yourself to Amazon: More and more online companies are offering wish lists. For example, thinkgeek.com, barnesandnoble.com, dickblick.com and containerstore.com all offer wish lists, as do hundreds of other retail websites. 7. Instead of wish lists, let them send you money. For example, “Buy me a cup of coffee” is a popular way of asking for donations. You then give them Paypal options of buying you anything from a single cup of coffee ($3-$5) to a case of beer, or dinner for two. You choose the options offered and the donation for each. And you can also create an option where they choose the amount to send to you. “Was this post helpful to you? Then please buy me a cup of coffee.” 8. Don't get pushy. You're providing them the chance to be nice and return some of the benefits you've offered to them on your website. You're not trying to “sell” them on sending you money or gifts. Selling products online is certainly the most direct path to earning profits, but there are a growing number of high profile websites, and everyday bloggers who are making a pretty penny through donations. If you are creating quality content, give your visitors the option to reward you in this way, and you may be surprised at how much money you were leaving on the table before trying this out. Read the full article
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wonderfuldeath · 2 months
.o| Seasonal Calendar |o.
• July 13 •
Warnings : Fluff, angst, injury, blood
Please, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi ! ♥
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The bouquet was there, in front of the entrance, waiting for someone to find it, proudly placed on the landing.
It was a magnificent bouquet, red, pink and blue, and he didn't even want to know how much it had cost. Inside a little card, the paper red, the writing black, it was a store not far from their apartments, Taehyung knew it, he remembered better than anyone what he'd asked Jungkook for, a bouquet from this adorable little store, just once. He knew they weren't rolling in dough, Jungkook had opened his clandestine tattoo store, in a basement rented from a friend of theirs, Kim Namjoon, it was free, in exchange for tattoos for anyone Namjoon brought in, so his partner. Taehyung, on the other hand, was a journalist, more of a blogger, who struggled more than Jungkook to make a name for himself on the Internet. So Jungkook paid for almost everything in their little studios without complaint, even if Taehyung felt a little bad about throwing a tantrum just for a bouquet, delighted to have won, feeling a little guilty, he read the card, pursing his lower lip.
“My love for you is eternal.”
Adorable is the first thing that pops into his head, and he hurries to retrieve a vase, the poor flowers needed water, so Taehyung puts it prominently, right on the living room coffee table, pinning the card against the fridge proudly, rereading it over and over again. He returns to work on his computer in the small bedroom, his headphones in his ears, sniffing a popular tune, so he doesn't hear when Jungkook returns. He jolts slightly when fresh lips, proving he'd certainly drunk the water in the fridge, press against his neck and cheek. Taehyung removes his headphones to look into Jungkook's eyes, turning to kiss him lovingly, wrapping his body in the embrace he always missed when Jungkook worked.
“- Whose flowers are in the vase in the living room?
- Mine.
- Oh. Oh. Right. Do you like them?
- Of course, they're beautiful!”
Taehyung laughed lightly, and let himself go for a more frank hug, without going completely into passion, anyway he looked far too tired to do anything, so Taehyung just stayed in the moment of tenderness, nothing could ever spoil this incredible day. They kiss again and time passes, a full week passes without incident, their lives progressing naturally, before the doorbell rings ringing in the apartment, Taehyung comes face to face again with a new bouquet, this time red peonies, purple roses, the faint scent of mint from the candle sends a shiver down his spine and once again, a small card stuck in the petals.
“Eternally yours. For even in death, I'd want only you.”
Taehyung blushes with pleasure, changes the roses, replaces the water to hold the new bouquet, before hanging the card with the other. This time, he wanted to please her in return: one bouquet was nice, but two bouquets was even better. He pinches his lower lip, preparing something to eat to thank him for all this attention, preparing Jungkook's favorite meal, well, second favorite meal. He's rather pleased to hear the studio door open, turning around in delight, seeing the look on Jungkook's face as he looks at the bouquet in a funny way.
“Another bouquet.
- Yes? Is there a problem?
- No, they're pretty. No, they're pretty, do you like them?
- Of course.”
Jungkook nodded gently, coming to embrace Taehyung by the hips, kissing his throat, kissing his nose, resting his gaze on the fridge where the new card was proudly displayed and this made the man sigh, making Taehyung wrinkle his nose, looking at him with all the curiosity of a lost child, he came to embrace Jungkook, kissing him lovingly, seeking to meet his gaze, to stop him looking at the card.
“Do you know that I love you?
- Of course, I love you too.
- So what's wrong?
- Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired.”
Jungkook seemed distant throughout the meal and Taehyung frowned a little at himself, understanding that he wasn't just tired and that something was wrong. He may have been a bit childish, but he wasn't a complete fool either, so he decided to sulk in his corner, arms crossed, eyes resting on his book. Taehyung hadn't read a single page yet, as Jungkook stepped out of the shower, still scowling, silence reigned in the room as the older man looked at his lover, glared at him, before finally, theatrically slamming the book shut.
“- That's enough. What's the problem?
- I told you, I'm tired, nothing more.
- Oh so, you've got that disappointed kid's pout, but you're just tired? Lie to me a third time and I'll sleep on the couch. With the flowers.”
The last words hitting home, Jungkook clicked his tongue, turning a dark look towards Taehyung, realizing he was right. His lover had something against the bouquets he'd received and he wrinkled his nose, this time a little less defensive.
“Didn't you give me the flowers? Or the cards?
- No, I didn't. I only put aside the money to do it, but obviously, someone decided to do it before your own boyfriend.
- Jealous?
- No, not jealous. Just frustrated I can't do it.”
Taehyung smiles softly, pulling him gently towards him, kissing him lovingly to help him relax, gently stroking his back, while Jungkook sighs, responds and rolls over on top of him, taking out his frustration on his favorite activity: sex. Once again, a week passes in the blink of an eye, and the doorbell rings again, indicating that the bouquet had arrived. Without much conviction this time, Taehyung went to open the door, surprised to see Jungkook, his face bloody, his fists battered, a superb bouquet of sunflowers in his hands, having surely seen better days.
“- Jungkook.
- Bouquet delivery.
- Come on, we've got to take care of this.”
He takes the bouquet delicately, before pulling Jungkook into the bathroom to help him disinfect his wounds, remaining silent for a long time, eyebrows furrowed, while Jungkook's eyes never leave him. When Taehyung finishes nursing him, his lover reaches out to kiss his face, mixing forgiveness and gentleness in the embrace, so that he stops wrinkling his nose so much.
“Are you angry with me for giving you flowers?
- No, I'm not mad. I'm mad at you because you got into a fight. And you promised me you wouldn't fight anymore.
- I couldn't help it, that bastard was there, in front of the store, saying he was going to give you your favorite flowers and that you were going to leave me for him. I saw red.
- Leave you for a bunch of flowers? Seriously?
- As far as I know, you're not with me for my way of thinking.”
Finally, Taehyung smiled, reassuring his lover, as he came to kiss him back, caressing his arms and thighs, deepening the embrace more and more before finally stopping it all, pulling his head back under Jungkook's growl, frustrated and in incomprehension.
“- But that doesn't mean I forgive you so easily.
- You don't?
- Hu-hu. It also means, no sex, for two days.
- Two days?! You can't do this to me!
- I can, but don't make yourself beautiful, I wouldn't be too cruel, I'll have pants this time.”
Taehyung bursts out laughing at the frustrated growl that passes Jungkook's lips, as he joins the bunch of sunflowers to help them survive a little longer, pursued by a companion who obviously won't let himself be punished so easily.
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apkfanda · 1 year
Likee - Short Video Community
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Likee is a free original short video making and sharing platform worldwide with excellent live streams. Likee brings short videos, video effects and live streams into one easy-to-use application. With the powerful personalized feed and video effects, you can easily find viral videos, capture flawless videos, watch and go live stream. It’s time to express yourself, show your talents in live broadcasts, explore and connect with the content you love on Likee. We have over 100 million users all around the world. More and more people choose Likee for fun, self-expression and friends making. Download and join Likee to discover a bigger world! Why Likee? A Popular Special Effects Short Video Maker and Editor Various video effects, face filters and editing tools on Likee to help you make cool videos with little effort. - SuperMix: enhance videos with cool special effects like Face Morph, Astral Travel, Face Cut and MV and more! A photo is all you need to make professional and fantastic videos. - Stickers & Music Magic: Customize your videos with various funny stickers, greetings, quotes, colorful hairs and cute emoji. - Beauty Camera &Video Filter: Change video backgrounds with video filters. Unlock bunch of video effects like sketch, glitch, vintage, montage and much more! Try different makeups styles in seconds with beauty camera! A Global Live Stream and Friends Making Community Millions of talented bloggers, vloggers and video creators like you have already joined Likee! Follow the creators you like, let's chat and make friends. In Likee, you can say hello to strangers by voice chat and video chat. Likee can be a chatting app. • Go Live, Receive Gifts and Gain Fans Go Live on Likee to express yourself to the world. Live stream your life and engage with your audience. Show your talents, boost your fan base and receive gifts. You might just be Likee's next Internet Sensation! • Watch Live Stream Anytime and Anywhere Discover countless talented hosts from around the world. Watch Live streams, chat with hosts, and support your favorite hosts by sending gifts. Special features such as LIVE PK, fan club and tournament of Likee Live await you! Viral Videos and Creative Contents all around the World Choose from a great variety of videos, including music, dance, makeup, drawing, DIY, news, movies and everything in between! Powered by the personalized feed based on what you watch, like and share, Likee will offer more of those you like and less of those you don’t. Those videos are like the snacks of daily life. You can also select hot songs for your videos, such as tik tik, tik tak, tiki tiki in our online music base, or even your local music like tik tok. An easy-to-use live wallpaper maker Official wallpaper feature launched on Likee. Discover types of videos you like, set Likee videos as wallpaper in the most convenient way: 1. Download Likee Wallpaper 2. Find any video you like in Likee 3.Quickly set the video as wallpaper for your phone for free 4. HD wallpaper video effective immediately! Customized your screen background now, explore extensive catalog of quality live wallpapers for all tastes on Likee! On Likee, you can quickly grow your knowledge, get life hacks, laugh with other Likers and keep up with the trend! All Likers are real, creative and full of passion just like you. Every day, millions of Likee users, including many world celebrities, Internet stars from YouTube, TikTok and instagram, spend their live broadcasts here, publish videos with music and play games such as pubg, ff,ml and so on. Connect us Instagram : likee_official_global facebook : @likeeappofficial Read the full article
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The reason why this blog is not updated often is that your Illustrious unknown blogger is a slave of the system, and when she doesn't work, she is busy fixing the fastidious hassles mentioned below. Like now, for example. Where do you think I am??? At the mechanic, of course. It's very funny what people write in their presentations, like: in my spare time you can find me reading a book in a nice coffee shop Downtwon, or in my lovely garden or whatever whatever. Well, in the case of your unknown blogger, when I'm not working my ass off on some highway, rest assured that I am at the mechanic. And this was it even before the Uber era. This was it since I bought my first car in Charleston. At this point, I really do believe that the notorious southern hospitality is such that their unwillingness to include foreigners is what esoterically creates issues of all kind to discourage people to stay. And they're popular for the hospitality! Imagine if they were for their unhospitality! You were better make the sign of the cross before stepping outside in the morning... Something that reminds me somehow when the Addam family members received guests. Like, the bear-carpet roared, and other mirabilia happened, while the guests couldn't wait to shut the damned front door at their back.
The funniest part of my morning episode is that I had to fix an hassle while I was going to fix two hassles: heading downtown to secure me a parking spot, and heading to the accountant for something else, imagine how fun. So my hassles are getting exponential, or matrioska-like, or they are spiraling. I hope that the god or entity or whomever is who gets on my way with these bs all the times is having a lot of fun, because I'm having none!
Besides, I'm well aware that in this country the practice of complaining is considered socially inappropriate, since people have been brainwashed by the revolting philosophy of positive thinking into eating the shit and smiling, or getting your teeth hit by a stick and never give up, which is also the reason why Barbara Ehrenreich' s "Smile or Die" is the next book on my list. But, guess what??? Here, complainers and free thinkers are welcomed. The others: wake the fuck up.
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I really liked your DCLA Character Pitches:
So I decided to share some of my characters. They aren’t exactly meant for DCLA.
A passionate young artist with an unpredictable personality. Calliope is smart, charismatic and creative, she expresses herself through her art and loves all forms of it, from drawing to painting and sketching. She is moody and a bit sarcastic.
An awkward nail artist, who is often very emotional. Enzo is excitable, artistic and enthusiastic, but he is also bloodthirsty, sensitive and irritable. He is always seeking approval from his peers, but his nail designs are rising in popularity.
An aspiring fashion designer, who runs a popular fashion blog and makes her own clothes. Bijou is fashionable, sweet, mischievous and creative. She loves to design outfits for her friends and people admire her Incredible fashion sense.
An optimistic jokester, who has the tendency to be a bit sarcastic. Alan is funny, humorous and mischievous, but he can also be very serious and mature, when the situation calls for it. He has a great sense of responsibility.
A spoiled girl, who is constantly chewing bubble gum. Tiffany loves to be the center of attention and a lot of people think she is a mean girl, but in reality she’s actually a very friendly, sweet and altruistic person, she is deeply insecure.
A highly intelligent girl who prioritizes logic over emotions. Genevieve loves science, mathematics and chemistry, she spends her free time with puzzle solving and is very blunt. She is deeply afraid of falling in love.
A trendsetter Artist and It Girl, who loves to attend exclusive events and visit exotic places. Prudence is very capricious, sophisticated and dramatic, but she is also highly intelligent and always discovers and sets new trends.
A young stylist who loves to create eye catching looks. Delilah is stylish, bold and critical, she always makes comments about other people’s looks. She loves jazz music and french fries, but she hates boring people and the color grey.
Lemon is a blogger, who has a large following. Her content consists of reviews of movies, tv shows, music and interviews with influencers and celebrities. Lemon is charismatic, funny and intelligent, she is an incredibly dedicated journalist.
Tyler loves photography, he always carries a vintage camera and loves to shoot black and white pictures, because they match his aesthetic. Tyler is introverted, artistic and creative, he is always looking for the perfect motive.
Mona is a trendsetter and singer, she is intelligent, analytical and logical. Mona doesn’t let herself be guided emotions and she can be judgmental and hypercritical. She has published several popular songs and is often very aloof and serious.
Ginger is romantic and artistic, she is very creative and has a great imagination, but unfortunately it can often cause her to be detached from reality. She is dreamy, sweet and intuitive, but she is also absentminded and very careless.
Ophelia is optimistic, talkative and extroverted, she can talk for hours and loves to meet new people. Ophelia has an incredibly positive attitude, which is incredibly infectious to her peers, but she can also be impatient and insecure.
Elodie is a very protective person, she enjoys knitting in her free time and she is very affectionate and nurturing. She has the tendency to be pessimistic and evasive, but she is very caring and kindhearted.
Posie is a talented interior designer, she is spontaneous, optimistic and funny. Posie is always filled with ideas, she is very creative and passionate. She loves to do the decorations for parties and other events, sometimes she can be stubborn.
Jameson is a melancholic writer, with a cynical world view, she is incredibly ambitious, driven and demanding. Jameson is often sharing her her opinions about her peers on her blog, which can often be unpleasant, but she is still very sincere.
Luna loves to ride her skateboard, she is very curious and loves to discover new things. Luna is intelligent, expressive and charming, but also incredibly indecisive. She often crashes into things and has a disdain for repetitions and routines.
Phoebe is a party girl, who loves to cheer her friends up. She is excitable, optimistic and extroverted. Phoebe is very empathetic and always knows how to help people feel better about themselves. Her positive attitude hides her insecurities
Esme is a straight A student, who loves to dance. Her favorite style is ballet and she’s been taking professional classes since she was 6 years old. Esme is introvert, intelligent, honest and rational, she only dances because she loves it.
Eloise is a talented song writer, who suffers from severe stage fright. She is creative, melancholic, sensitive and introvert. Eloise spends her free time with composing the songs that she wrote. She expresses her feelings through her song lyrics.
Leona loves to take care of her flowers. She is a very nice person, but she is also incredibly blunt and always speaks her mind. She seems to be insensitive, but she is actually just honest. She loves to spend her free time at the Greenhouse.
Fiona is a sarcastic hipster with a fondness for vintage things. She is intelligent, dry and stoic, but also compassionate and sensitive. She hides her insecurities behind a hard facade. She often makes snide comments, but she is always helpful.
Zaria is a an overarchiver, who seems confident and brave, but is actually insecure and awkward. She hopes to step out of the shadows of her sisters Kendra and Jessica, who are both extremely talented in their respective fields.
Alexis is a rational and intelligent perfectionist, who is afraid of being vulnerable, which is why she shows her true feelings only to her closest friends. Alexis and Roxy are best friends, but their personalities are very contrasting.
Kendra is a top athlete and the older sister of Jessica and Zaria. Kendra seems to a tough tomboy, but in reality she is sensitive, sweet and romantic. Kendra loves cutesy romantic comedies and cheesy romance novels.
Roxy is Alexis’s best friend. She is impulsive, free spirit and a bit crazy. Unlike Alexis Roxy is a very spontaneous person, who openly share her feelings with the world, she is confident, but shy and nervous about talking to boys about her age.
Jessica is the middle sister between Kendra and Zaria. She is a young genius who teaches college students, despite being much younger than them. She is very mature for her age, but she also has a strong childlike side.
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