#free armpit content LMAO
scuddish · 2 years
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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Giggles for Lixie pt 3
A part 3 you want, a part you’ll get 😊
Pairings: Lee!Felix Ler!Seungmin 🐤 🐶
Genre: fluff ❤️
It was another day of SKZ filming content for their variety show. The time had come for them to find out who they were rooming with. Seungmin made his way to his assigned room and smiled up at the security camera. When he opened the door, he walked into an empty room, assuming he was the first one. He was wrong. So so wrong. When he set his bag down on the bed, his fellow September brother pushed his way through the curtains and yelled out. Seungmin jumped not long before screaming
Felix threw his head back and smacked the bed laughing to his heart's content. Seungmin tried to steady his heartbeat as he looked at Felix in complete shock.
“I knew Seungmin would come!” Felix said happily as he got on the bed to go hug Seungmin.
“I’m sorry,” Felix laughed as Seungmin gripped his neck.
“That’s the first time I ever screamed like this,” Seungmin laughed as the Aussie dissolved into another fit of laughter. After the two settled down, they went about their day shooting with the rest of the group. When it was time for bed, the duo retreated to their respective room. When Felix was getting under the covers, Seungmin pounced on top of him and straddled his waist. Felix yelped in his strong Aussie accent before dissolving into giggles when the slightly younger September brother started squeezing his sides.
“Minniehehehehe what are you doiheheheheng,” Felix giggled as he tried to grab the hands that were squeezing his sides mercilessly.
“This is for scaring me half to death earlier,” Seungmin explained with that shit eating grin of his. Felix shook his head as the giggles continued to flow.
“You’re so bahahahahad,” he squeaked as Seungmin went higher up on his ribs.
“I’m bad?! I could’ve lost my voice and the world would’ve imploaded!” Seungmin exclaimed dramatically, but he couldn’t help but laugh. He loved hearing Felix’s giggles. Felix was growing weaker trying to grab Seungmin’s hands. He rolled all over the bed trying to get away from all the tickles but Seungmin was too quick.
“Minniehehehehe,” Lix giggles as Seungmin manages to grab a hold of both of Felix’s wrists. Felix’s eyes widened.
“Woah how are you so strAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA SEUNGMIN!” Felix screeched as the younger’s free hand went under Felix’s shirt and started squeezing his armpit. Seungmin laughed along with Felix as he squeezed and poked Felix’s underarm.
“MINNIE IT TICKLES” he screeched as he curled up as much as he could, shoving half of his face into the pillow.
“Well duh I’d be shocked if it didn’t,” Seungmin said sarcastically, giggling along with the happy Ray of sunshine under him.
“GEHEHET OUT OF MY PIT MINNIEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE” Felix screeched, not having the energy to fight.
“I would but my hand is kind of trapped under your arm Bbogie,” Seungmin shrugged as his fingers wiggled effortlessly. Felix gave up and let his body go limp, his eyes squeezed shut as the tickles took over his body. The torture went on for who knows how long until Felix finally screamed
“MINNIE I GIHIHIHIHIVE!” Seungmin slowed down his tickles and got off of Felix.
“You’re a menace, Minnie,” Felix giggles as he rolls over to lay on top of Seungmin.
“A second ago you were trying to get away from me and now you’re on top of me?” Seungmin laughed. Felix giggled and hid his face in Seungmin’s chest.
“Cuddles,” Felix demanded. Seungmin laughed as he threaded his fingers through Felix’s blonde locks.
“Agh so cute,” Seungmin sighed happily as the Aussie’s eyes fluttered shut.
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aitarose · 4 years
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sokka x reader [fem]
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PLOT: Three kids and a flying lemur stranded in the desert with nothing but the bags on their backs, not to mention the boy that’s high on cactus juice.
A/N: i love boyfriend!sokka but lmao how does suki deal with this?? also this is my favorite thing i’ve ever written, sokka on crack is high quality stuff
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“You look gross.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped in annoyance at her boyfriend’s remarks. She, Sokka, and the rest of the Gaang had been trekking through the desert for hours without any clear path ahead.
With Aang and Appa missing, they had no direction or any idea of what surrounded them. Their only objective was to find someone, anyone who knew the way out of the sand filled hills.
“I’m sorry..what was that you just said to me, Sokka?” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the warrior.
He stared at her with wide eyes while he watched his beloved girlfriend wipe beads of sweat off of her forehead. She was covered in sand, they all were—but Y/N was in a bit of a worse condition than everyone else.
Grains of sand fell from her hair with every step she took. Her clothes were stained with a thick layer of dusk. Dirt gathered beneath her fingernails and was smeared across her cheeks.
“Oh nothing, Y/N.” Sokka laughed sheepishly, cowering slightly from the harsh glare the girl was sending his way.
He slung his wrapped arm over her shoulder, pulling her close whilst the dust migrated to his own body. “The dirt really captures your personality, brings out your character.”
Y/N jokingly pushed Sokka away as she heard sparse giggles from Toph and Katara. Even Aang let out a curt laugh at the couples’ playful antics. It had been a really tough day. It was nice to have some sort of positivity after the incident at the library.
As the group of misfit teens carried on, it was becoming apparent that they wouldn’t be able to go all day without any source of water. The sun was beaming directly above the group, tiring them to near exhaustion and dehydration.
Sokka felt that it had become almost unbearable, to the point where he was using Momo as a sun hat to cover both him and Y/N. 
“C’mon guys,” Katara sighed from up ahead. She was trying to keep everyone motivated and optimistic, something she had to do far too often. “We’ve gotta stick together.”
Y/N stifled a laugh as Sokka peeled himself out of their lazy embrace. 
“If I sweat anymore,” he sarcastically replied, “I don’t think sticking together will be a problem.”
The group was beginning to become restless, specifically Sokka. He needed some sort of liquid to calm his nerves.
“Look!” He cried, using Y/N’s finger to point to a tower of cacti. Surprised by the strength of his pull, Y/N fell to the ground, sand filling her entire mouth.
“Some boyfriend you are!” She huffed, spitting the tiny morsels into the air as Sokka made his way to the cacti in a trance. “You could’ve at least helped me up!”
Sokka waved his hand dismissively at the girl, “Not now, my little dirt queen. Sokka needs water.”
Everyone watched as he brought his sword down on the plant, making a clean slice. He held the makeshift cup above his head before he chugged the strange juice, not letting any drop go to waste.
Y/N grimaced at the thought of drinking the pale liquid. “Are you sure that’s safe?”
“Y/N’s right, Sokka.” Katara said, agreeing with her brother’s girlfriend. “You shouldn’t be drinking from strange plants.” 
Sokka shrugged whilst he split open yet another cacti. “But there’s water inside these plants!”
He looked up at Y/N as he held up a freshly cut cactus for her to drink out of. She smiled sweetly at the boy before pushing his hand away, knocking over the cup in the process.
“No thanks,” she blatantly said to him. Y/N was thirsty, but not thirsty enough to drink out of something that could give her a disease. “It’s all yours.”
“Suit yourself!” Sokka exclaimed, liquid dripping down his chin onto Momo’s head. “It’s very thirst-quenching, though!”
Not even a moment later, Y/N’s face dropped to see Sokka’s eyes wide and dilated. He seemed frozen in place, holding his cactus while he stared into space. 
“Drink cactus juice.” He said, twirling his fingers around the drink. “It’ll quench you. Nothing’s quenchier!”
Y/N stood up, still picking sand out of her teeth. She cautiously made her way over to her boyfriend and placed both hands on his shoulders. 
“Sokka.” She could feel him shaking with anticipation, but anticipation for what? “Are you alright? You don’t look so—”
Y/N screamed in surprise at Sokka’s outburst. His nose touching hers as he surged forwards offering her another drink. She stood completely still, making uncomfortable eye contact with the water tribe boy.
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough.” Katara’s eyes narrowed as she emptied his drink. 
Sokka completely ignored her, using Y/N’s finger yet again, this time pointing at Toph.
“Who lit Toph on fire?”
“How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean?”
“Why am I dating a sand monster?”
Sokka’s questions were relentless. The cactus juice made his usual nonsense sound even more delirious. He was bouncing off the walls with energy. Constantly relaying between the three girls.
After the first five minutes, Toph was over Sokka’s antics. She continued walking, pretending the boy didn’t exist while Katara made her best attempts to control his outbursts. 
The only girl enjoying the insanity of the situation was Y/N, but then again she was his girlfriend. She enjoyed anything and everything Sokka did.
“Y/N!” Sokka exclaimed excitedly, pulling her along with him as he ran in circles. “I’m making a tornado! Who’s the airbender now, Aang?”
Y/N burst out laughing while she was yanked in each direction. Her hair whipped in her face, dust flying everywhere. She and Sokka looked like two flying lemurs during a hurricane. It was truly a sight to see.
Her feet stumbled over each other as Sokka sprinted in front of the others. He continued screaming absolute nonsense to the clouds, not noticing Y/N struggling to keep up.
“Sokka!” She yelped, tripping over her own footsteps. She was beginning to think she had had enough of her boyfriend’s chaos. “I think we should slow down now!”
The boy whipped his head around to look at her. His gaze intense, not with lust or romance, but with a frenzied craze. 
His abrupt movement shocked Y/N, who was still in motion.
As she went flying forwards, Katara screamed, watching her friend fall down the massive sand hill. Sokka rolled down after her, somersaulting in unison with her tumbles. Toph stood still not knowing what was happening. 
“Sokka!” Y/N shouted between faceplants, “I am so breaking up with you after this!”
The free falling girl came to a halt at the bottom of the hill. Once again sand filled her mouth, but this time that wasn’t it's only hiding place. It was lodged in her ears, her armpits, and her clothing. 
Y/N cradled her neck in pain as she heard muffled footsteps nearing her. She looked up to find Sokka. Her vision flared. Anger being the only emotion on her mind.
“You idiot!” Y/N slapped Sokka’s knees from her seat, feeling satisfied as she watched him crumble to the ground. “I could’ve gotten hurt! I could’ve broken my neck! You could’ve broken your neck! If I fall down on something tall—you don’t jump after me!”
While Y/N scolded Sokka with worry laced in her voice, he moved to hold her tightly. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist and he nestled his face in her neck. 
Y/N’s rant ceased. She maneuvered herself so that they were in a more comfortable position. She sighed contently as Sokka ran his hands up and down her back.
“I’m sorry for getting upset.” She mumbled in his ear. “It wasn’t really your fault.”
Sokka pulled back slightly, a soft smile gracing his face. He pushed the loose strands of hair away from his girl’s forehead, holding her cheeks in his palms. 
Y/N blushed as he surged forward, much like the last time but also much different. Now he was gentle, the rowdy mood long gone, as he pressed a soft kiss to her chapped lips. 
Sokka didn’t need to use his words to apologize, the kiss speaking for him. 
As he slowly let go, Y/N grinned at the boy. She was glad that his insanity had finally passed.
“Let’s get back to Katara and Toph,” he said whilst helping her stand, his hands finding their rightful place in her’s. 
“They need to see that my girlfriend looks even grosser than before.”
With that comment, Sokka received a hard smack on the head.
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ticklishfiend · 4 years
Spoiled Afternoon
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki, Kaidou, Kuboyasu
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a/n: alrighty here’s my saiki k fic i promised LMAO it’s not great as i wrote it kinda quickly but maybe it’ll hold me off until i get bored and maybe make another hehe. anyways!! hope you enjoy! :)
. . .
School days like today felt like absolute bliss to Saiki. It was possibly the most boring day imaginable when it comes to PK High, and he was on top of the world. At this point, the only thing that made him feel even more excited was the prospect of being able to go home alone and have an even more boring afternoon. It was a heavenly thought, really. 
“Nendo, you’re not even gonna ask to go get ramen?” Kaidou asked the taller boy next to him as they all strolled home together. “I mean, you ask that like every day, is something wrong?”
“Did I not tell you two? I finally got another job!” Nendo exclaimed, smiling brightly at the boys, Kaidou being beside him and Saiki right behind. “I’m actually headed there right now, guess it just slipped my mind to let my best buds know hehe.”
Yeah, that’s not gonna last very long, Saiki thought. I won’t be surprised if he gets fired before he even arrives. 
“That’s great man! Where are you working?” Kaidou asked, before Nendo stopped walking and pointed down a road they don’t usually walk.
“Just some rinky-dink stop-n-go shop down that way. I could show you guys the place if you want!” Nendo smiled widely, his hand gesturing towards a shop down the road that looked...less than friendly. Thugs were gathered outside the door, a fog gathering around the entrance that upon further inspection seems to actually be cigarette smoke.
Kaidou’s face turned sour, his brows furrowing awkwardly as his eyes never left the scary store’s front. “Uhm...I’d love to Nendo, really, but I...I have to study! Yeah, so much homework tonight it’s kinda overwhelming!” Kaidou laughed nervously, a hand scratching the back of his head.
Kaidou, we all have the same classes, surely you don’t think Nendo won’t realize-
“Oh, I understand buddy! Well, you’re free to stop by anytime! My hours are from 3 to 8!” Nendo waved as he started making his way down the road opposite to the other boys. “Bye buddies!”
Oh right. How could I forget Nendo’s raging idiocy?
“Jeez, that was a close one,” Kaidou spoke as the two boys began making their way as far from that road as possible. “I hope Nendo will be okay over there, it seems really rough.”
Nendo’s a pretty big guy, he can fight his own battles if he needs to. Honestly, his surprising athleticism might be the only thing that could help him keep that job, Saiki thought. Thanks to Nendo, I don’t even have to worry about getting food with these morons, I can just go straight home with no distractions or obstacles in my w-
“Oh hey, Kuboyasu!” Kaidou shouted happily, waving his hands toward the purple-haired teen in front of them. What a pain, just another thing to slow me down from my goal. “What are you doing in this alley, I thought your house was down the other way?” 
“I was actually looking for you guys. Speaking of which, where’s Nendo?” Kuboyasu asked, looking around the other two boys as if Nendo’s huge frame could be hiding behind them somewhere.
“He got himself a job down that creepy road over there, some scary-looking shop surrounded by a bunch of thugs,” Kaidou shivered just thinking about it. Kuboyasu’s eyes widened like he knew the exact place he was talking about. Saiki read his thoughts only to find out he witnessed some crazy shit there once during his bad-boy phase. Yikes. “Anyways, why were you looking for us?”
Kuboyasu was suddenly transported out of his thoughts and back into the real world. “O-Oh, right!” He reached into his backpack and pulled out a game cartridge. “I bought this game a while back and I heard it’s much more fun if you play multiplayer. It only goes up to three people, but now that Nendo’s at work all three of us could totally play together!”
Great. Why today of all days did Nendo have to start a new job?
Kuboyasu handed the game over to Kaidou for him to look at, the blue-haired boy’s eyes going wide with excitement. “Wait, I’ve heard of this game! Oh my god, we have to play this, it was one of the top rated games last year!” 
I’ve heard of this one too. It’s some fighting style game much akin to Mortal Kombat. Why would Kuboyasu even buy this kind of game if he didn’t have anyone to play with? Everyone knows fighting computers is never as fun. Still, I’m not going. I’d much rather sleep the afternoon away.
“My mom doesn’t really let me play many games so I didn’t get to buy it when it came out, so this would be the perfect opportunity for me to play!” Kaidou continued.
Oh, so now you’re gonna pull the mean-mom card to try and get me to play with you guys? Well it’s not gonna work, I’ve been looking forward to this afternoon all day and I’m not gonna let some-
“I’ve got snacks at my house too so you guys won’t go hungry while playing. Oh, Saiki, isn’t your favorite coffee jelly? I’ve got plenty of that in my fridge, you’re free to as much of it as you like!” Kuboyasu smiled in Saiki’s direction.
Wow, this coffee jelly is really amazing, who knew Kuboyasu’s mom knew how to make it homemade?!
Saiki smiled contently to himself as he happily ate his first coffee jelly of the day. He was sat on the floor in front of Kuboyasu’s bedroom TV, Kaidou on his right with Kuboyasu on Kaidou’s right. 
“That’s such a bummer that your mom doesn’t let you play video games,” Kuboyasu remarked, his hands behind him on the floor to prop himself up.
“Well she does let me play some games, she just likes to make sure it won’t interfere with my grades. Basically I’m only allowed to play anything if my grades are good which...they’re rarely anything great,” Kaidou’s face blushed softly, an embarrassed hand coming up to scratch at his shoulder.
“She won’t get mad at you for being at my house, right?”
“Nah, doubt it, as long as I study when I get home I’ll be good,” Kaidou responded sheepishly.
Kuboyasu smiled, reaching his body forward and grabbing the game from off the ground in front of him. “In that case, you guys ready?”
Kaidou nodded excitedly. Jesus, Kaidou, you look like a little kid on Christmas, calm down.
Kuboyasu pushed his glasses upward before placing the game into the console, grabbing the three controllers on his TV stand and handing two of them to the other boys.
What a pain. I’m only here for the coffee jelly, do I really have to play this game with these two? Saiki thought while sitting down his empty bowl beside him on the floor, reaching out to grab the gaming controller offered to him. I guess I might as well. I don't want to be rude and ask for another bowl.
The game loaded up, each of the boys picking their characters (Kaidou picking his with extreme excitement and enthusiasm as if he’d never played a video game in his life).
Saiki decided to go easy on the boys, especially Kaidou. I could win this game with extreme ease if I wanted to, I basically know all the insides and outs of it at this point. But, Kaidou seems really excited about it. I should let him have this.
Saiki died within the first few minutes of the first match at the hands of Kaidou, Kuboyasu dying mere moments later, leaving Kaidou the winner of that round. The blue-haired teen’s hands shot straight in the air at this, an excited “HA!” leaving his lips. Maybe that stroked his ego a bit too much. Kaidou’s arms remained in the air with pride as the next round began to load up. Kuboyasu just rolled his eyes and jabbed two fingers into the boy’s ribs, making him jolt back in surprise with a yelp. Kuboyasu grinned.
Once their new round finally loaded up completely, one of Kuboyasu���s thoughts caught Saiki’s attention. “I know exactly how I’m gonna win this one. Sure, it’s a dirty way to play, but at least I’m not hurting him.” 
Again, Saiki decided to die close to the beginning of the match (again at the hands of Kaidou), but this time with different intent. I’m honestly a little intrigued to see how this plays out, but I don’t want to be caught in the middle of it. As long as I die first, they can hash it out between the two of them, leaving me out of it.
Kaidou’s face was contorted in concentration, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of him as determination to win took over. Saiki noticed Kuboyasu’s eyes slowly beginning to glance at Kuboyasu, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Finally, Kuboyasu shot out his left hand to Kaidou’s right side, squeezing with intent as his right hand continued to use the controller, now beating Kaidou. Kaidou nearly jumped out of his skin before letting out a loud laugh.
“Wahahait! Stohohop! That’s not fahahair! This is cheheheating!” Kaidou cackled, his right arm shooting down to protect his side while he continued trying to play the game. It was really no use, though, as his eyes were squeezed shut so he couldn’t even see the screen.
“You got a little too cocky last match, it was annoying. Plus, I’ve played this game dozens of times, so this is wayyy more fun for me,” Kuboyasu grinned, his character on screen finally beating Kaidou’s. He didn’t let up, though, now sitting down his controller to tickle both of Kaidou’s sides.
“Nohoho mohohore! I gihihive! I’m sohohorry!” Kaidou howled, flopping his body completely down on the floor and rolling over on his side. Kuboyasu began moving one hand upwards towards Kaidou’s armpit, and the laughing boy underneath him began kicking his legs out. “Nohoho! Not thehere! Plehehease!”
Can it really be this bad? I mean, I know I’ve never been tickled before but Jesus, Kaidou sounds like he’s being murdered, Saiki thought to himself, his eyes not being able to leave the heaping pile of giggles on the floor before him. It’s true, Saiki had never been tickled before. Sure, his parents definitely tried to when he was little, but he would always just teleport away before they got the chance. Plus, he had never really had friends growing up to tickle him, so he was just completely in confusion at how it could really be that bad that it had his classmate on the floor begging for it to stop like that.
Finally, Kuboyasu let up, backing away from the giggling boy to give him some air. The purple-haired teen had a smirk on his face that wouldn’t disappear, a look of almost endearment plastered on.
“That was so unfair, you totally could’ve killed me!” Kaidou whined, finally sitting up but not moving his arms from his abdomen like he was scared it would all happen again if he moved them.
“Relax, I just tickled you, you big baby,” Kuboyasu rolled his eyes with a grin. “Not my fault you’re so ticklish.” 
Kaidou was blushing furiously, his arms crossed and face contorted in a childlike pout. Suddenly, Kuboyasu looked up at Saiki curiously, his head cocked to the side.
“Yknow, Saiki, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh before,” he said with a smirk, his gaze wandering down to meet with Kaidou’s.
Saiki’s eyes went wide, a feeling of dread he’d never felt before pooling in his stomach.
No. No no no, no way this is happening. I have to get out of here. I have to do SOMETHING-
Before Saiki had time to come up with an escape plan, Kaidou pounced on top of him, knocking him down to the floor on his back. Kuboyasu scrambled over to where Saiki’s head was lying, looking in his eyes upside-down.
“Kaidou, don’t,” Saiki telepathically warned the grinning boy propped up on his waist. Kaidou’s fingers were already scribbling in the air above Saiki’s torso, and for once the psychic really didn’t know what to do. Kuboyasu very suddenly grabbed onto Saiki’s wrists, pulling them above his head. I don’t want to use my super strength against them, there’s no way this is the way they find out about my abilities. I’ll just let them have their fun. Who knows? Maybe I’m not even ticklish-
Without warning, ten fingers uickly came down onto Saiki’s sides, pinching up and down the torso like it was nothing. Saiki could felt in instantly, and it was one of the most confusing sensations he had ever felt.
His body started to squirm without him even realizing, twisting from side to side like he was trying to get away. He clamped his mouth shut, not wanting to let real laughs out.
“Cmon, Saiki, you know you wanna laugh~” Kaidou teased, his right hand continuing to pinch his side while his left began lightly scritching at his lower stomach through his unfortunately thin school uniform in the most unbearable way. 
Giggles were bouncing around in Saiki’s ribcage, but he still tried so hard not laugh. But, once he felt two new hands begin scratching at his underarms, it was all over. Apparently, while Saiki was too focused on Kaidou, Kuboyasu had pinned Saiki’s hands under his knees, now having full access to Saiki’s recently discovered ticklish body.
“NAHAHAHA! STOHOHOHOP!” Saiki pleaded, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, an unfamiliar large smile contorting his face. His head swung from side to side as his legs kicked out from underneath Kaidou, the blue-haired teen absolutely relishing in his friend’s torment.
“Who knew all this time all we had to do to get you to smile was tickle you?” Kuboyasu teased, his fingers trailing down to Saiki’s ribs. Saiki thrashed at the new spot, his pleas getting more desperate.
“Right? I didn’t expect him to be this ticklish either, it’s honestly a real shock,” Kaidou smiled, pinching Saiki’s hips and making the psychic buck underneath him.
After another moment, the two boys relented, climbing off of Saiki’s heaving body and allowing him a breather.
That was insane. I feel bad for judging Kaidou earlier, that was seriously intense. How is that not used as common torture?!
“You good, Saiki? We didn’t go to far, right?” Kuboyasu asked, looking at Saiki who was now sat slightly up, his head down between his knees so his classmates wouldn’t see his unfortunate blush.
Saiki just gave a thumbs up, making the other two boys chuckle.
“Just so you know, I’m totally gonna use this against you when you’re being grumpy,” Kaidou smiled, his hands coming up to form wiggly claws as a threat. Then the boy let out a sudden yelp, twisting away from Kuboyasu who was sat right behind him. “Hey! You already got to tickle me, no more!”
“What?! Kaidou, I didn’t tickle you,” Kuboyasu said seriously.
“Dude, I literally felt it! You can’t say I didn’t feel something I felt!” Kaidou yelled, yet again pouting like a child.
That’s what you get, Kaidou Saiki thought to himself. Tickle me again and it’ll be much worse.
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a/n: ahh! ok that was definitely not my best but i hope you enjoyed anyways! pls like/rb if you enjoyed it lmao, i know im not gonna get many notes from this cause this isn’t a fandom in demand but any feedback would be lovely :))
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If your taking any more requests for the t-word could you do Royality? If not it’s fine! I hope you have an amazing day!
- ✨anon
of course i can!! and awww thank you! that’s so sweet! i hope you are, too 🥺💗
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
by the breadth of a hair, it’s got to be patty-cakes 🥺 he just sounds like he’s having such a good time!! watching him laugh is like watching a baby smile- you can’t help but smile back. it’s so happy and joyful and his giggles are absolutely precious and it’s so so so sweet how much he loves it, he gets so excited and couldn't disguise it if he tried... SAYING THAT, roman’s laughter is also wonderful. loud and happy and unapologetic, but in a dorky kind of way that makes him a lil bit embarrassed but also he’s having too much fun to care
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
honestly, i don’t think they’re super ticklish in any unusual places! but the insides of patton’s thighs are really sensitive, and roman loves to lay on top of his legs, wrap an arm around his knees, and go to town with his free hand squeezing up and down and trying to get to the slightly chubbier part on the inside because it makes patton wheeze with giggles agshgdsfhh. naturally, he has to seek revenge by enlisting the others’ help to hold princey’s arms above his head whilst he goes through all of the silly tickle games (counting his ribs, singing nursery rhymes, etc. etc.) 🤷‍♀️
EDIT: I FORGOT THAT I SAID PATTON HAS TICKLISH ANKLES! another spot roman loves to exploit ahsjghfhgh but this is way more gentle, sometimes patton will crash on the couch for a little mid-afternoon snooze and roman will pull his feet onto his lap and skitter his fingers around his ankles and up the hem of his pants and make him snuffle and squeak and giggle in the half-sleepy state where he’s awake but too tired to really move or bat him away 😭
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
roman! he can reeeeally throw a tantrum when he wants to lmao, but usually it’s only over something trivial because he’s the resident ✨drama queen✨, so patton takes it upon himself to put a smile back on the grumpy prince’s face by wrapping his arms around him and cuddling/tickling/babbling nonsense into his ear until he can’t help but burst into cackles wahhhhhh
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
they are both CONSTANTLY doing this to each other omg their playful energy is seriously the best i love it so much ahshghfghh. roman’s worst spot is his armpits, and patton’s belly is a close second to his thighs, so how could either of them possibly walk by without taking advantage? i can imagine patton being all mischievous and teasy like ‘kiddo, if you wanted me to tickle you, you should have just asked!’ and before roman can even begin to think about defending himself patton has started scribbling under both arms and he’s folded in half with a screech LMAO but then roman won’t even say a word, he’ll just shake a hand against the fleshy part of his stomach and patton will shriek and roman will be like ‘whaaat? it’s so cute! i’m just giving it the attention it deserves!’ and leaves him with a poke to the bellybutton 🥺
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
as dad of the mind palace, it’s patton duty and honour to know everybody’s tickle spots and which to go for in any given situation. i feel like he has a sixth sense for guessing where everybody’s worst spots will be, and it’s yet to fail him ahshshfghh he just knows lmao but also!! i feel like maybe for he and roman specifically, he would invite himself to the imagination one day and see that roman was working on fencing technique (as all proper princes should), and patton can tell he needs a break and so is like ‘wanna duel with me for a little while, kiddo?’ and roman is kinda confused but hey, why not? so he agrees and patton snaps his fingers and suddenly his sword is gone and the ground is covered in pillows and blankets and patton tackles him to the ground and roman realises that he never clarified what kind of duel patton meant, but can barely squeeze a word in edgeways as he tickles him within an inch of his life. then, they cuddle, and THEN, it’s patton’s turn, and they’re left a breathless pile of giggles by the end of it all hehe 😌
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
PATTONNNN they make him squeal like nothing else, and roman loves it. it’s especially amusing, because he isn’t all that ticklish around his neck/ears, only enough to make him chuckle a little bit, so being able to get patton somewhere he knows he can’t get him back is really satisfying. but he shouldn’t hold his breath, because patton will probably surprise him one day and pin him down and do the same to his ribs and launch him out of orbit with how bad it tickles ahshgdhfjgh 😭😭
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
this could go either way: roman could burst into patton’s room and bounce on his bed and squeeze any bit of skin he can get at under the covers, begging him to come and do something with him, OR patton could slide into roman’s room and settle on the edge of his bed and gently run fingers through his hair and down his back and sides, creeping them slooowly up his ribs before suddenly going superfast like he’s heading for his armpits but stopping just before and making roman scream ‘I’M UP, I’M UP!’
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
lmaoooo neither of these two have much of a tolerance built up, they’re usually the ones tormenting poor logan and virgil, but roman’s is MARGINALLY better than patton’s- plus he’s super strong- so he’s often able to turn things around and hold patton down and get a really good spot that has him crying for mercy (which is a feat in itself, since he loves it so much ahshdgh). but generally it’s a 60:40 split- patton can give just as good as he gets and knows exactly how to make roman squeal 👀
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
patton is quite content to just lay there and be tickled without causing that much fuss ahshdjfjgh but roman is deeefinitely a kicker unless you pin him lmao he’s so squirmy!! he’ll twist and wriggle and try to go for the other person’s spots as much as he can because he just can’t. sit. STILL
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
i feel like patton catches onto when roman wants tickles pretty quickly and so will generally give them to him if he wants it (unless he wants to be a teasy nightmare and make him ask for it hehe), which usually results in roman getting him back which is great!! but also sometimes the tickle monster wants tickies too and so patton will occasionally ‘make himself available to be tickled’ (very different to asking for it /s) by stretching his arms up or shoving his feet into roman’s lap or giggling a little too hard at a funny joke/line on a show so roman will give him what he wants ahshdjfjgh (which he always does, because his efforts are genuinely adorable and he couldn’t just NOT reward him) 🥺💗
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sugarfics · 6 years
A/N: here’s my first Umbrella Academy fic! I got so many good prompts in my inbox and decided to write this fic featuring a stubborn Five and two mischievous older brothers. I also gave Five a new nickname; “Fiver”. Idk, I just liked it. I have another UA fic in the works, so stay tuned!
I used these prompts: “no hard feeling if u don’t write this but maybe a fic with lee!five being stubborn and insisting he’s “not even that ticklish” so klaus dares him to like try to keep his arms up or not laugh and bc he’s got a big ego he can’t turn down the challenge lmao?? ilysm x” from @ticklishraspberries and
“Could you write Klaus and Diego finding out that Five’s ticklish and just. Using the opportunity to wreck him and tease the hell out of him because “oh my god super tough angry Five is TICKLISH that’s adorable”??” from a lovely anon!
Boredom and curiosity was a deadly combo for Klaus. It always ended with getting him in trouble in some way, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
He wandered through the house trying to find a sibling to pester when he came across Five sitting on the couch in the den, reading a book. Although he looked content and peaceful, Klaus was about to ruin that. He crept up behind Five and poked both of sides, eliciting a shriek of surprise from his normally stoic older-younger brother.
“Oh-ho! What is this? I forgot how ticklish you are.” Klaus mused while continuing to squeeze his sibling’s sides. Five squirmed in his seat and spun around to grab Klaus’s hands.
“That’s enough. I’m not ticklish.”
That caught Klaus by surprise.
“Oh really?”
“Yes, really.” Five deadpanned, returning to his book. “I’m not a child.”
“Shut up.”
A moment of silence. “Okay, if you’re so tough and definitely not ticklish, I wanna give you a challenge. If you can keep your arms above your head for 15 seconds while I tickle you, I’ll buy you a drink.”
Five paused. “Klaus don’t be stupid.”
“C’mon, Five! You refusing to take this challenge just makes me think that you’re too ticklish to handle it.”
“Oh fuck you, fine. I’ll fuckin do it.”
Five marked his page and set his book on the side table, and laid down on his back on the couch. Klaus didn’t hesitate in straddling his legs, a predatory grin on his face. A small tremor of nerves fluttered in Five’s chest, but he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. He was not about to let Klaus have the satisfaction of being right.
“Arms up, Fiver.”
Five rolled his eyes as he put his arms up over his head. “This is childish.”
Klaus couldn’t help but smile at his stubborn brother. “Okay ready? One-“ and before even saying two, Klaus dug his fingers under Five’s arms, scribbling away. Five squealed and both of his arms shot down immediately. Klaus burst out into laughter of his own. “Oh this is too good! You didn’t even last one second!”
Due to Klaus’s hands still being trapped in his armpits, Five was stuck still giggling. “Yohou bahastard! I wasn’t reheady!” Klaus withdrew his hands and Five took a deep breath.
“So...you’re telling me that if I really count to 3 and give you time to brace yourself, that you’ll be able to keep your arms up?”
Five stood strong. “Absolutely.”
“Alright, you said it. Arms up.”
Five put his arms up more hesitantly than the first time, but nevertheless did so with a smug smirk on his face. As Klaus began his countdown, he inched his claw-shaped hands closer to Five’s body. As he followed Klaus’s fingers with his eyes, Five’s smirk melted into a nervous smile.
“Three...two..” and before he even touched Five he burst into giggles and slammed his arms down. Klaus huffed, both amused and slightly frustrated.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!”
Five took a shaky breath and said “Wait wait wahait, let me try again.” He started to put his arms up a third time, but couldn’t keep himself from giggling every time he started to lift his arms further, until ultimately he brought them down again. This stubborn battle probably would have gone on longer, had Diego not waltzed into the room and seen the scenario playing out on the couch.
“Uhhh what are you guys doing?” He questioned, tentatively.
Klaus smirked. “Five here is currently losing a bet I made him. He seems to be having trouble keeping his arms up while I tickle him, why don’t you help him keep them up Diego?”
A predatory gleam of older brother mischief lit up Diego’s eyes, and he walked over to a now thrashing and begging Five on the couch. “Anything for my dear brother.” He said with a grin.
Diego pulled both of Five arms up over his head and sat on his forearms. With Diego pinning his arms and Klaus sitting on his legs, he was truly fucked.
“Guys I swear to god don’t you fucking dare, this is chIHIHILDIHIHISH!!!” In the middle of Five’s complaining, both brothers went to work demolishing him. Klaus skittered his painted nails across Five’s lower tummy, while Diego scratched at his neck and ears. Five squeaked and burst into a fit of bubbly boyish giggling. He felt his face heating up from hearing himself laugh like that, but he couldn’t put too much thought into it since his mind was scrambling with the sensation of four devilish hands on him.
Diego laughed. “Still just as ticklish as when we were kids.” Five was squirming like mad, and both brothers had to struggle to keep him pinned down.
“Damn Five, stop floundering like a fish! Just relax!”
“You still wanna tell me you’re not ticklish?” Klaus teased.
Klaus skittered his nails down Five’s schoolboy shorts-clad legs, while musing aloud. “Hmm, I wonder if your ticklish spot is still the same. Riiiiiight...” and he squeezed the space right above Five’s knee eliciting a desperate shriek. He grinned. “Here.”
Five’s thrashing became even more desperate, his heels drumming against the couch in an attempt to escape the torturous fingers scribbling over his knees. Diego moved his hands down to tickle under his arms again, and now Five was really in hell.
Klaus grinned. “Yknow Five, you really shouldn’t wear shorts all the time. It makes your ticklish spot so accessible.”
Five squealed and shook his head wildly. “STOHOHOP IHIHIT!!!!”
A string of giggly threats was hurled at both of his brothers, cursing their existence and promising deadly things in their sleep. But they couldn’t help but smile. They hadn’t heard Five laugh like this in years. He used to be the main subject of Hargreeves family tickle fights, due to his small stature and amazing laugh. But since the siblings had drifted apart and since found each other again, it had been a long time since they just did things annoy their younger brother just because they could.
Klaus and Diego shared a familiar smile, knowing where this part ended.
“And the begging begins!” Klaus announced. He momentarily paused his torment on Five’s legs to push up his shirt. This caused Five’s laughter-laced begging to grow even more frantic.
“Klahaus, plehehehese!! Plehehese don’t!”
“Don’t what?” He asked innocently.
“Yohou fuhuhucker!! You know whahat!”
“Yeah, I do. But I’m gonna do it anyway.” Klaus pressed his lips to Five’s bare stomach and blew a long raspberry onto his skin. Five squealed and kicked his legs more, trying go throw him off. Diego let out a loud laugh at the noise that came out of Five’s mouth, and strengthened his hold on his arms. Klaus blew raspberry after raspberry on different areas of his stomach.
“AAAAAAHAHA!!! The beheheard makes it soho much woHORSE!!”
Klaus paused for a moment and laughed.
“Yeah I didn’t have that when we were kids.”
He rubbed his face into Five’s soft skin, relishing in the peal of laughter it brought. Five arched his back and tried to wrench his hands free from Diego’s iron grip.
“PLEHEHEASE!!!!” He squealed, shaking his head frantically. Diego looked down at Five; his face was bright red and eyes were squeezed shut, a helpless smile on his face. His hair was wild from his squirming, and when he opened his eyes they were sparkly and brimming with tears of laughter. Despite Diego’s surly exterior, his heart melted at the sight. It was nice to see Five so happy, considering that he was robbed of most of his childhood.
“As much as I’m enjoying this,” Diego said with another pinch to his rib cage, “I think we better give him a breather.” Klaus reluctantly withdrew his hands, and he and Diego got off of their brother. Five curled up on his side, still overcome with residual giggles from the tingly feeling still ghosting over his skin.
“Yohohou suck.” He muttered, still smiling.
“Yeah yeah, we know.” Diego said with a grin as he ruffled Five’s already-messy hair.
“Even though you didn’t win our bet, I’ll still buy you that drink cause I’m such a good brother. Cmon lets go.” Klaus added.
As Five dragged himself off the couch, Diego and Klaus both slung an arm around him and the three brothers headed out the door.
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Why Stay?
Act II, Part One
Twenty-Seven   {Masterlist}   Part Two
Chapter Word Count: 1,652
Trigger Warnings: Anxiety mentioned, yelling, talk about bones breaking, insults
Please tell me if I need to tag anything else :)
*Also, I’m planning on having this story as a slow burn, so please be prepared :)
Prompts: “Do I look like I give a fuck?”, “I don’t know what I’m feeling, but I’m feeling a lot of  it.”, and “Not to dictate your life, but drop your shitty friends.”
A/N: It’s been a bit, but I’m glad I have a system for this stuff now! Lmao this story is gonna have you guys dying, but I hope you like it nonetheless. 
Happy reading! (Also, feel free to comment your thoughts! I love reading comments :))
Also, if you’d like to be added to the tags list, please let me know! :D
You woke up on Saturday morning, a headache forming as you tried to remember what you’d dreamed.
“Whatever,” you mumbled, getting up and stumbling around in the dark until you got into the dark hallway.
Jesus, what time is it? You wondered, looking around at how dark it was. You looked at your smartwatch (something Katie had left in your room for Christmas), sighing as it read 1:22 am because you knew there was no chance you would be able to go back to sleep now.
Okay… you took a deep breath, I guess today is just going to be a lot longer than planned.
And indeed it would.
Now, you didn’t really think the day was long…. Until Micheal called a “family meeting”, which really just meant y’all had to sit in a room and listen to him before discussing a topic he’d introduced. (The last topic you’d witnessed was furries and kinks because he wanted to see Steven die a little on the inside. (You all know he’s a kinky bastard at heart))
You sighed, wondering how long this one would take because you’d been getting ready to try and sleep again. However, you were intrigued to find he was holding a meeting in one of the kitchen rooms, which was just a room with a huge ass table that could fit the whole family. (So this would be the equivalent to a normal family’s kitchen table.)
You sighed and made your way up there, making sure to be the last person in the room so you could sit next to Micheal, letting Maverick take the right side, while you sat on his left.
“Okay, so I know it hasn’t been that long since Y/n’s been back,” Micheal gave a little eye roll, “Buut, I also don’t care.” he shrugged, holding a hand around his torso in a way you found particularly interesting.
“So, due to my inability to give a shit, and my abundant need to call family meetings, I decided to quell my raging curiosity,” Micheal smirked a little, clearing his throat and demolishing all visible joy as quickly as it came. He then proceeded to open his jacket, extract a familiar folder from under his shirt, and toss it far onto the table, where it flew open and spread its’ contents out for everyone to see.
“So,” Micheal looked at you, his contact lenses red because he was into that, “Care to tell me what this is?”
You had no doubt in your mind that he had already read it, and been furious about it. This told you he already knows everything in that folder by heart, and he was ready to both defend you, and rip the team a new one, which was something you actually found refreshing.
“It’s a file of the information I gathered to quell my own curiosity, actually.” You mused, sitting back and letting your feet sit up on the table. Your chair tipped a bit, but you didn’t mind it much.
Clint was doing the same things, actually. You had a small leaning competition as the conversation continued.
“What were you curious about?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
You smirked, taking a break from you small competition as you sat upright again, “I thought you had powers, actually, and no one gave me the answers I needed to make a proper conclusion.” You shrugged, “So I looked into it myself and got kicked out of the Teen Titans.”
Steve glared at you, “Nobody kicked you out, Y/n. You left because you didn’t want to face the consequences of your actions.”
You chuckled, “Sorry, I didn’t know getting my jaw broken by your shield in a world I made just for you was an invitation to stay and continue to be an Avenger…” You looked up quizzically, “Come to think of it, accusing me of killing people behind your back because I’m an apparent rage monster also didn’t seem like a part of the welcome wagon-- wow, Steve, if you’re so good with etiquette and I’m so bad with it, you should probably teach me-- oh wait, you did, didn’t you? After I’d just gotten here? I’m sorry I failed as a student. It’s just so--”
“Y/n, that’s enough.” Rhodey deadpanned, glaring at you from next to an already peeved Tony. Guess they didn’t get much sleep either. “We’re all happy to have you back, trust me.”
Clint laughed, “Wow, Rhodey, that’s rich!” he sat up, arms softly landing at the table as he looked at the Iron Patriot, “You really wanna go down that route? The whole: yeah, we’re happy to see you again, even though we literally accused you of being a psycho killer last time we talked, but hey! It’s all good now, right? Cause Jesus Christ dude!” Clint laughed, “She literally ran around the fucking w o r l d so she could get a break from our fugly mugs. So I say we give her one. There’s no need to drag this on, Steve.  Little girls wouldn’t be leaving Christmas presents in her room if she was a horrible person.” Clint rolled his eyes, already done with the conversation that’d just started.
“Barton, we’re trying to--” Vision started
“Don’t give me that logical bullshit cause that’s not happening right now. You, Vision, can logic your way into and out of this, but them? Yeah, no. They don’t have the goals you do, and it’s fucking time you realize how biased they are.”
“Okay, but my husband was literally the Winter Soldier.” Steve deadpanned.
Clint gave him the weirdest smile, “And he had a type of microsurgery done on him that was very painful and unsafe to get HYDRA out of his head.” his smile dropped, “We fucking been knowing about your husband, Steve. The thing is, no one cares anymore because he took care of that problem as a consenting adult.”
“I don't need a surgery.” You gave the people at the table a weird look, wondering if the kids should’ve been invited to this conversation. You felt a small finger tap your lower shoulder. You flinched, but calmed down when you saw Katie.
She motioned for you to come closer, so you leaned down to her level.
“Can I sit in your lap?” She whispered, lifting her arms up so you could lift her.
You chuckled, “Of course, my smol bean.” you replied, gently grabbing her under her armpits and lifting her into your lap, where you’d crossed your legs so she’d be comfortable. You looked over to see Chloe itching at her arms. She’s getting anxious.
“Okay but guys,” Micheal’s voice somehow transpiring over everyone else’s with great intensity. “You’re failing to answer my question.” He looked down at you, as if knowing something you should know too. (Really you thought of it as only half of “sharing a knowing look”)
You just shake your head, nothing coming to mind for now. He also shook his head, disappointed in you for some reason.
Micheal turned to the rest of the adults, looking peeved as per usual.
“Why. Didn’t. You. Tell. Me?” He asked, changing the question to better their ability to answer.
Everyone was quiet. The less everyone spoke, the more upset you got with their inability to take responsibility for their forgivable mistakes. You understood the fact that it was a hard thing to do sometimes, but this was getting fucking ridiculous.
“Okay, I get that this is hard for you but honestly grow the fuck up.” you snapped, your eyes rolling as you moved Katie over a little bit. It’s not like you needed to be screaming in her ear-- she didn’t do anything wrong and was too cute for that anyway.
“Y/n there’s more to this than--” Stephen started, but the excuses were honestly too annoying to listen to again.
“That I obviously know about cause I’m a stupid teenager.” You angrily sighed, “So I’ve heard. However, I’ll also say that we can’t do shit about the other things at hand if you’ve never bothered to-- I dunno-- talk about them?” You huffed, your knee bouncing as you try to maintain your composure. Katie is looking more anxious by the minute.
“Y/n, will you be okay?” Katie asked.
You gave her a sorrowful look. You were almost mad at Micheal for bringing her and Chloe into this.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay sweet pea,” you assure her, sounding sweeter than honey on top of Turkish delight.
Your gaze returned to the conversation at hand, which had actually gotten really heated within the couple of seconds you’d left for. Okay then.
“I don’t have to explain myself to an overgrown lab rat.” Stephen snapped, pointing at Pietro from his place at the table.
You stood up, Katie in your arms for only a moment before you quickly set her down. “Stephen, we don’t need to turn this into a fight.” You cautioned, your eyes starring the Master of The Mystic Arts with a flash of anger.
“She’s right, Stephen.” Tony was also standing, looking at Strange with quite the opposite look. You hadn’t seen Tony look that concerned for someone in a while.
The air was tense. Having so many emotions in one room was bound to create trouble, but the type of trouble was a mystery to everyone, causing a subtle fear that only stirred the pot more.
“Stephen, what kind of trouble are you talking about?” Steve jumped in, also standing.
You were surprised by his random aid to your side of the argument, but you decided that it was the least of your worries right now. Your hand gently squeezed Katie’s, momentarily reassuring her after hearing her softly whimper.
Stephen glared at Steve, as if wondering if he should answer him honestly, or tell him to shut the fuck up because he’s been nothing but unhelpful this entire time.
Well, you were screwed.  
Taglist: @introvertedsin @galacticalstarcat @acidrain707
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shewolfofficial · 6 years
Maybe a short story where levi gets eaten alive by a titan? The reader kills the titan and cuts it open saving him?
This is inspired by the first time Eren came out of his titan and Mikasa cried >,
I accidentally uploaded this when I was still working on it lmao my finger slipped
Warning: None
It had happened so fast, too fast.
You and Levi were fighting an abnormal, you didn’t even have enough time to react and save Levi when the titan lunged and caught Levi in it’s mouth in one swift motion.
Levi had just been eaten whole, right in front of your eyes. Eyes widening as tears stung begging to be free you gripped the handles of your blades as you looked at the abnormal in agony and shock.
“I’m gonna….”
“I’m gonna..”
Screaming you bulleted towards it, violently slicing off both its hands in a couple of seconds before you sliced along the nape of the titan. Luckily it fell onto its back as you landed on the blood-soaked grass.
Your once white pants were now bloodstained as you ran over to the stomach of the titan, panicking you began to tear away at its stomach with ragged breaths and choked sobs hoping Levi was still hanging onto the last threads of life.
Finally cutting through the tissue, acidic substances poured out along the grass beneath you as you spotted Levi unconscious in it all. Reaching out to the raven-haired male you got a grip of his Scouting Cape as it floated along the leftover stomach acid that didn’t spill. Hauling Levi over to you-you anxiously bit your lower lip as you tumbled out onto the grass next to the titan corpse.
Levi laying on your lap, heart thumping rapidly in your chest you sat up abruptly pulling him up to his knees as his head hung back, hair dripping from the sloppy substance as his chest laid against your own.
“Levi? Levi?” you mumbled hoping he’d hear, wrapping your arms underneath his armpit to support him. Blinking back tears you moved your arms down as you leaned down resting your head against his chest where his heart would be.
Thump, thump
Thump, thump
Thump, thump
Your vision was now clouded, tears streaked freely down your cheeks as you let out pained sobs. The sobs soon turned to loud and desperate cries as you both sat there, him unconsciously leaning against you like a ragdoll as you clung to him crying loudly like you’d never see your lover again.
Horses were heard from a distance, arms wrapped around Levi you sobbed and sniffled uncontrollably, soon enough the familiar clip-clop if a horses hooves were heard. “Y/N- Wait what happened?!” Hanji shrieked seeing your tear stained face as you held Levi in your arms “h-he almost d-died! H-he’s unconscious!” you replied as Hanji jumped off her horse and stood next to you where she rested a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “He’s breathing right?” she asked as you nodded.
“Come on, let's go then Y/N” Hanji soothed as you nodded, she brought a spare horse and helped you on as you held onto Levi.
// Time Skip \
Laying your head back against the chair you sat on you glimpsed at Levi’s peaceful face as he remained unconscious.
Being eaten alive must have done a number on his energy, so you decided to stay by his side in case he woke up and needed anything. Picking up the book you were reading earlier you continued on reading with it since you had just recently hit halfway in the story.
Some time passed and you heard shuffling come from the bed in front of you, flicking your gaze to the man in front of you-you watched Levi tiredly open his eyes revealing those mysterious gunmetal orbs that reeled you in anytime you looked at them. Groaning softly Levi’s gaze waltzed around the private medical room until it landed on you.
“How the fuck… Am I- Here..?” Levi’s voice was hoarse as you gave him a soft looking expression “I was eaten- Now I’m alive?” he continued looking over his limbs. Smiling you nod and lace your hand in his own “yes, you’re alive you literally made me have a panic attack as I cut open the titans stomach to save you” you explain as Levi’s eyebrows furrow in guilt. “I’m sorry you had to do that..” he murmured as you shook your head at him.
“Don’t even dare apologize Levi, you don’t need to, you may be Humanities Strongest but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to save you like the amazing girlfriend I am~” a smirk tugs at the corner of your lips as Levi clicks his tongue. “Whatever makes you happy Y/N” he said looking out the window of the room, content with having you in his life.
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n7soldiered · 6 years
CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE note:  I'm crazy busy these days and am getting zero sleep.  Worked on this for the past couple of days but my clarity has been fluctuating.  I'm sorry if some of this makes little sense or contradicts.  I promise I’ll go back to fix this later.  I'm just really tired/stressed working overtime.  Also, please note that much of this is dictated by interaction, too.  It’s obvious who John is closest to.
NAME:  John ‘Anderson’ Shepard. ALIAS(ES):  n/a AGE:  29 — PLACE OF BIRTH:   Shepard was born somewhere on earth.     I haven’t worked out the circumstances yet.  As far as I’m concerned, he grew up somewhere in Canada because he speaks with a hint of Canadian dialect.  I mean, Meer is Canadian, so it makes sense, y’know?  I was thinking about following Vanderloo’s origins, have him hail from the Western Netherlands just to shake things up, but, I don’t think it matches as well as having him come from Canada.  The accent is just too important a detail to ignore.  If I remember correctly, canon states Shepard is from Canada?
SPOKEN LANGUAGES:   It actually took an extensive amount of research for me to work this out.  I’ve learned that I know nothing about Canada and wow, there are a lot of languages spoken there.  According to many statistical charts, I’d found online, John’s accent isn’t strong enough for me to assume he’s from eastern Canada.  He probably grew up somewhere in the heart of Canada ( just like Meer’s birthplace ), toward the west coast but not too far out.  
So, Shepard is fluent in English, Canadian French, and struggles only slightly with metropolitan ( modern ) French, mainly in correcting his inflection and intonation.  Sometimes he forgets how informal he is with his speech, but he’s quick to adjust.  He’s also thoroughly acquainted with slang-speech.  He learned most, if not all, of his French while growing up on the streets.
I also have this little developing headcanon about John and other alien languages.  If there’s a chance he can vocalize the tones required, he’ll want to learn a few words.  Maybe even ditch the translator sometimes if he gets good enough, just for the hell of it.  Shepard loves a good challenge and he likes to learn about other cultures.  He’s rather open-minded and adventurous in that sense.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  John is a demiromantic pansexual, borderline demisexual, if not demisexual, in his adult years.  However, that isn’t to say he didn’t have his fair share of flings.  By the time he hit the academy, and subsequently, ICT, romance just wasn’t something he had time for.  And that served to develop demisexual traits. OCCUPATION:  Alliance soldier, Commander, Spectre.
EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. HEIGHT:  6’2″. SCARS:  While I’ve always thought the renegade scars are a cool aesthetic to have, it’s never made any sense to me that the scars are completely limited to their face ( in-game )? John had never put forth the resources to completely heal his facial scarring.  You shouldn’t have to squint to see them.  If you look, they’re there.  Not prominent, but there.  When experiencing high emotions or anger, his scars glow orange ‘neath the skin.
Also, please note that the location of John’s scarring correlates with the game’s canon cinematic ( yes, I examined the cinematic for way too long lmao ).  The worst of his scarring is located on his chest, midsection, left back, and around and under the armpit.  They’d operated around there the most, with the goal of preserving his heart.  His right collarbone was completely removed, as well as the bones in his right wrist and shoulder.  Scars rope his right arm, starting from the wrist to the upper shoulder.  After having been obliterated upon surface impact, his left knee had received a prosthetic.  Both femur bones, one right finger, and three left fingers are prosthetics.  ... He has a lot of prosthetics.  I’m still working on this one, though.  Post-reaper war, his prosthesis fuck up his gait.  After investing much time in physiotherapy, he discards the wheelchair and adopts a walking cane.
            Wow.   I haven’t thought about any of this before so please, bear with me as we get through this.   Though I doubt I’ll be changing much, some of these headcanons are subject to change as I develop John.
COLOR:   Blue—light blues.   Baby blue.  Pastel pinks.   Pastels(???).  I don’t think he cares for extremely dark colors or anything neon.  The aesthetic of neon lights reminds him of his childhood, ‘home’, but there’s no fondness tied to the remembrance. HAIR COLOR:  Disregarding personal attraction entirely, he thinks blond hair is pretty.   Pure. EYE COLOR:  I don’t know why this detail amuses me so much but—blue.  I suppose there’s a bit of narcissistic bias on his part in that, but, if there’s one thing John likes about himself, it’s his blue eyes.  Since that seemed kinda predictable, I’ll point out that aside from blue, hazel eyes fascinate him.  Jane and Jyn’s bright green eyes are beautiful to him, and when the light catches just right, Kaidan’s eyes shine an amber gold.   And that, my friends, blows the dude’s fuckin’ mind, I swear.  Having blue eyes for all his life, it’s enthralling for John to see a weave of green and brown in someone’s gaze.   It’s the little things, y’know?
ENTERTAINMENT:   This is a ridiculously broad question.    When condensed into a measure of a few days, or even a few hours, shore leave doesn’t often provide John enough unfettered time to seek a means of entertainment.   He’s kind of a workaholic.  However, if there is time on his hands, it’s spent catching up with friends.  Maintaining relationships is an absolute priority for John.  Regardless of the era, without his companions and loved ones, he wouldn’t have made it this far in life.  He feels like he owes it to them to visit and put in some quality time, hanging out and just chatting.  I’d imagine they’d go out and eat, go see the latest action vid or whatever. PASTIME:   What annoys me the most about this question is that no matter how I explain what Shepard enjoys doing in his free time, he’ll still seem like a complete square.  … Like I said, he doesn’t get enough free time as it is.  If he isn’t working on reports and whatever paperwork the alliance swamped him with, he’s working out, eating, or getting some goddamned sleep for once.
FOOD:   GOD.  THIS IS THE HARDEST QUESTION IN THE UNIVERSE WTF.   Okay, after dropping another day into thinking about this—and I know I’m going a bit off tangent—I’ve come to the conclusion that John is a Fool.
As awful as it sounds, he prefers eating ration bars, and he eats them way too often.  I'm not saying he likes them, I’m saying he prefers them.   Although they’re mostly kept for when they’re on the front lines, ration bars aren‘t thirst provoking and they’re nutrient dense, which pass them as ideal for his backward-stupid mindset.
With approximately 4,000 calories packed into a block, he can just shove that in his face and go straight back to work.
It’s also imperative to understand that good tasting food will be eaten too fast; they recommend bad tasting emergency food as it will be eaten only when necessary.  John ‘prefers’ to eat bars of chalk, apparently.
When it comes to normal food, John relishes any chance to eat meat.  He loves comfort foods such as ribs, steak, mac and cheese, bacon, ham, mashed potatoes, chicken-anything etc.  High-calorie count dishes don’t faze him.  He could clean out someone’s fridge in one go.  On the sweet spectrum ...  While he isn’t big on sweets like ice-cream and decadent cakes, that doesn’t mean he’ll turn them down.   John didn’t get to have those things as a kid.
He also likes dessert pastries.  They’re tiny and delicate and he has trouble bringing himself to eat carefully decorated ones.  Has a soft spot for sweet cinnamon and custard-anything.   Likes cinnamon rolls and pecan pie.  A lover of brown sugar.  Still doesn’t know what ‘the hell a macaroon is.   Someone buy him a macaroon.
DRINK:   I don’t see John as someone who drinks soda regularly.   His go-to drinks are water, fruit juices, and tea.  As someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, therefore cannot contribute much firsthand knowledge to this headcanon aside from providing detailed descriptions of the taste from various sources, I believe John appreciates good whiskey.  Bourbons, if you want to get specific.  Ryes on a good day, and rums, on the nights he knows he can kick back without worrying about the next morning.  Gin and vodka, on the undoubtedly bad nights.  
Still, I don’t really see him as someone who gets absolutely hammered on purpose.  Although whiskey will lead to a much worse hangover, even if ingested carefully, something tells me he just doesn’t care for much else?  If he drinks, he’d rather the drink taste good.
BOOKS:  [ answered ]  you mean the concept of shepard, having enough free time on his hands to read a book?  sorry, but you’ve got the wrong shepard.  i’ll be frank, i doubt he cares much for reading books, less if it’s fiction.  unless there’s intel to gain that will aid in his current objective, even biographies don’t make the cut.  john reads news reports and mission debriefings … sometimes, if he’s feeling up to it.  once again, content relevance and long-term value are what sways shepard’s interest in engagement.  besides, he enjoys vids way more than books.  less quiet.  less boring.
PASSED UNIVERSITY:  no. HAD SEX:  … yes. HAD SEX IN PUBLIC:  no. GOTTEN SOMEONE PREGNANT:  no. KISSED A MAN:  yes. KISSED A WOMAN:  yes. GOTTEN TATTOOS:  I’m still thinking about this one.  perhaps, from jack. GOTTEN PIERCINGS:  He’s thought about it as a young, reckless teen, but no.   In a normal modern verse, he’s pierced his ears. HAD A BROKEN HEART:    Uh.   The closest thing John’s had to a ‘broken heart’ is when Kaidan had spurned his offer to join the Normandy SR-2 on Horizon.  However, the sentiment had been a direct contradiction to his beliefs at the time.  Despite John’s reliable sense of optimism, he had been certain he would die destroying the collector base.  The fact that Kaidan decided against joining had eased as much as it had crushed his spirit.
Also can’t forget his reunion with Liara.  When she’d kissed him upon reuniting but chose to follow her work instead of leaving with him, he’d felt bitter inside.   While he realized she had more important things to handle at the time, John was butthurt.  You kinda can’t blame him.
BEEN IN LOVE:   Yes.  But only after he’d met his ‘canon romance’.  John only knew of ‘puppy-love’ before then. STAYED UP FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS:  definitely.
A VIRGIN:   Why would you ask this when, in just the previous section, you inquired if he’s ever had sex?  Omg this meme.  I suppose I could delve into this, then.  Oh, let me just mention, John is ... really, terribly oblivious sometimes.  Given his background and his comparatively early admittance into the alliance military, he simply hadn’t garnered enough experience with the normality of intimacy in relationships, be it casual or not.  I bet a lot of the social cues flew right over his head.  
When individuals came on to him, which did happen a handful of times while in ICT, it was painfully obvious what they wanted, but John was never convinced until they’d slapped down an outright offer.  I have a good feeling he lost his virginity around this time of his life.  These experiences were more like one-night stands.  Extremely cut and dry affairs since most were more focused on getting off rather than expecting something out of it. A CUDDLER:  Yes.   The little spoon, too haha  p: A KISSER:  I mean.  Does he have lips??  Of course, he likes to kiss.  I dunno if he’s much of any good at it...  But John’s good at everything he does so. A SMOKER:  In his youth, yes. SCARED EASILY:   Goddamn right, Shepard gets scared easily.  And his fear manifests in a remarkably strange manner if you ask me.   But first, I must address what constitutes as ‘scary’.  What Shepard faces on a regular basis is life-threatening so, we’ll be disregarding trivial things like horror movies etc ...   Fear, for John, evolves into driving factors for him, motivation—for lack of better wording.  If anyone—or anything—happens to threaten his loved ones, especially, while he isn’t there to do something about it, himself, Shepard is prone to all manners of violence and extreme behavior.  In short, John gets fucking pissed when he’s truly scared.
JEALOUS EASILY:   John is.  ... Possessive.   And I say that with a measure of self-conflict as well, because I don’t think he’s possessive either.  It might just be too soon to know.  From what I’ve gleaned off his temperament, and his intermittent displays of headstrong aggression, he demonstrates jealousy and possessiveness only when driven too far.
John is a patient man, but he’s far from a saint.
Let’s just say, for example, his lover decides to chat up another individual.  Just an amicable discussion.  However, that individual seems to inch closer and closer to his lover.  Combine that with some not-so-friendly-touches and his lover, made uncomfortable by that, and you will have John seeing red.  God, forbid the situation ever flips the other way around.  I don’t imagine he’d take infidelity well...    Trust is everything to John. TRUSTWORTHY:   You won’t find a more loyal, reliable, and honest man. DOMINANT:   Oh, god.   This is one I’ve been experiencing trouble figuring out.   John is ‘dominant’ for reasons that are obvious.  He’s a ranking officer; a commander; a spectre, a captain, and above all, a leader.  No matter how you crop it, John is a dominant force to be reckoned with.  Hmmm.  However, when loved ones are involved, and the situation is domestic and not dangerous, John is rendered useless lmao.   Around the right people, he’s softhearted and ridiculously malleable.  If they asked, he’d bend over backward for them.  But only for them, y’know? SUBMISSIVE:   I —  o h.   ...  This is awkward.   I only just now realized there might be a sexual theme to ‘dominant’ and ‘submissive’.   Wow.  Okay, well, I’m not gonna get too into that.  John is malleable around loved ones.  That’s really all there is to it.  So far, Jane, Kaidan, and Ryan have him wrapped around their fingers. SINGLE:  ( verse dependent ).
WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:  yes. ACTUALLY KILLED SOMEONE:   the count is steeper than he’d like. RIDDEN A BEAST:  … Yes?  I bet he asked Wrex to piggyback him once.  Probably got headbutted instead.   And I have no doubt that grunt had to piggyback him when injured. HAVE/HAD A JOB:   yes. HAVE ANY FEARS:   lkfkjlsflkd.   For now, I will list a couple of things because, once again, these are things I’ve only vaguely speculated rather than fully explored.
1.  failure. 2.  here, have one he reveals himself: ❝ I’M  NOT  AFRAID  TO  DIE. ❞           shepard held their eyes, aware they could see straight into the shadows at the bottom of his gaze, and all the harshly controlled thoughts and fears that burned there.   he felt the rush of cool air brush against his cheek, and the shift of reality began to decline like the tides of  VIRMIRE,  falling back from every nerve.   john plunged himself into it, down uncertain contours of dislodged sentiments and reverent possibilities on the rise, moving in a disorganized flurry, windswept within his mind.
another distant look in the commander’s eyes.  perhaps, fighting one of the many battles that never showed.   ❝ i’m afraid of SURVIVING.   getting to the end of this fucking war, only to find out i’m ALONE.   that everyone I knew and cared for is GONE       ! ❞
SIBLING(s):  Jane Shepard, Ryan Shepard.   ( twins | verse dependent ). canon:  none PARENTS:  David Anderson.   ( adoptive father | verse dependent ) canon:  none CHILDREN:  none.  ( verse dependent? ) canon: none PETS:  I will be featuring his pets in a completely different post. TAGGED BY: @risenspectre  Thank you! TAGGING:  @littleredrenegade​ @sentinelmade​ @therevcnant​ @kyberborne​
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trololous · 8 years
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cmfr  was fun, it was really crowded i almost drowned in a stinky sea of armpit sweats.
when i walked around to buy merch, i barely could move. too many people who walked. too many people who stopped. just too many people.
i found many krtk merchs too so i was glad =w= met old and new people, and it’s good that they were doing well.
when i bought a file folder, i saw the merchant had more krtk so i bought them all, and they asked “are you a krtk hardliner?” lmao then i showed the shirt i was wearing that day, me in the embarrassing krtk shirt in all its glory. the merchant gave me a free print. thank you krtk!!
also… this will be kind long, but it’s how i see what happened irl.
this is a bit jarring, but when i was walking around and selling merchs, i saw types of people. the difference in mental maturity between krtk shippers and shippers of the… other more default ships, ahem.
like the **** shippers when they saw their ship, they screamed to the merchant and got in so excited, “eeeeek kyaaaa ****!!!!! omg omg” which was fine. but in the end they left without buying, they just liked to point out that yes that was their ship.
i felt bad for newly starting artists who thought they could sell by making popular default ships. bc the shippers were mostly very young and they weren’t very mature or willing to spend money. i’m not shaming people who don’t buy anything. there’s nothing wrong with not buying but if you want your ships to grow, you have to support your ships’ content creators, you know? i know that your ship is bigger and there is abundance in creators to choose, but don’t take those creators for granted.
when content creators feel appreciated, they would certainly make more of that content. and the opposite works too, if they are not appreciated enough they will find another place where they can be appreciated. and thus many of those creators have jumped fandoms.
i’m not saying krtk shippers are the best, but when i walked around wanting to buy krtk merchs, many have been sold out. I was disappointed not getting them but i was also glad because the fans appreciate the content creators enough to actually spend money to support them. my sales were also good. there were also several kids too who wanted to buy krtk who looked like they were similar age with the **** shippers. when they ran out of money, or couldn’t afford my merch, they asked about if i would sell the merchs online so they could buy later. even if they couldn’t buy my merchs at that time, i felt more appreciated because they seemed to want to support.
and that means more to me than just… idk, screaming to my face eeek kyaa kyaa?? because in the end the numbers matter. screaming about ship just shows that you like the ship. only the ship. but not willing to support people who make that ship. however you liking my stuff enough to be willing to spend money for it is an honour and i really appreciate it.
so i want to thank you people who support content creators. and to krtk community who is very tight knit in supporting each other even when there is not many stuff and so much attackers. we know how it feels to sail a ship in barren wasteland lmao so we are thirsty and take in everything that we could. so i'm very glad that we're such a supportive community. thank you so much, people, thank you.
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