fawntastic · 1 year
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Ding dong the queen is dead
Ft. Ocs from @startheskelaton @horsecoded @ceruleanthing et al
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furballfaggot · 3 months
giovannis closet of dumb gay secrets:
- you can access my forum for my friends on your ipod touch 2g
- and other stuff to varying degrees of success
- but the ipod touch 2g is the most functional nonstandard tech ive been able to use for it
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ronycore · 1 year
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THE CONJURING UNIVERSE gifset for @leela-small
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andromerot · 2 years
https://walloftext.co/andromerot -> leave me note. if you would like
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I think Fandoms are Horrible with ace and aromantic. I mean if thay are not romanticly involved with a female thay are assumed to be gay but aro/ace people need representation. That is why i sport ace enjoras. Let people love each other as freands.
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
What's your favourite scene in lmk?? I don't mean like character arcs or episodes or anything, I mean a specific scene that happened. Mine is when Wukong and The monkie kid team are in Sandy's crashed jet, and it's filling up with water and everyone is freaking out but Wukong, and he just says "A little water never hurt anyone- oooh right. *mortality*"
It's so funny to me and genuinely makes me laugh every time I see it
Anyways undercut supremacy wukong. Still so true. It gave me the power to write the first chapter of my fanfic. Now I just gotta edit it lol
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the monk and tang are completly neutral characters for me so the rest of this episode was enjoyable but not a fave, but mei and mk have me feeling such joy, i legit grin all the way through this whole scene every time i see it, i think its honestly my fave
the way they bounce off each other, the tones of voice, the way they immediately resorted to as much violence as possible, the way the monk diagnosed them both with adhd after knowing them for 6 seconds, "ya freands!", i love them
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dunngeons · 3 months
smiling freands awekendes
awakenes something in me
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clearexpertarcade · 2 years
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day after day it was hell this fatboy needed a plan to make his friends think he lost the gut  
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i mean it had been weeks and this fatboy could still see his overhang
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he thought ‘these workouts are doing nothing”
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as he stops going to the gym behind his friend back as he though ‘why workout when i can eat and watch tv’ he really need that plan to hide he fat belly from his best freand 
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cloudthemangaka · 5 months
i have being very stressed so thats why there has not being any content on ether of my blogs. sorry
sorry my freands i just have to recupirate.
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slipping-lately · 4 months
I'm definitely copeing with the fact Im not getting Boothill, I swear I'm fine and not contemplating putting money into the game! This definitely isn't an way to distract myself-
Aaanyways, hear me out. Screwllum/Boothill or Screwllum&Boothill. Rightfully Screwllum would be fascinated by Boothill, until now we haven't seen an humanoid so mixed with inorganics that he might as well be an few steps away from being purely inorganic. Screwllum wants to learn more about him, learn about how that is even possible (the organic aspects of Boothill should be dead, even by Screwllum's knowledge keeping an brain alongside flesh and everything else that makes up the neck and head).
Cut to Screwllum helping Boothill fix his Beacon so he can once again cuss like the true space cowboy he is. It's goodwill between the Screwllumite's and Galaxy rangers, who's to say after all that Screwllum hasn't or has ran into one before and I like to think he hasn't until now. Slowly but surely the two become freands maybe even more but Screwllum is happy just being freands, it's refreshing in such an different way then speaking with Herta or other genius (Nous certified or otherwise).
Give me Screwllum and Boothill dancing, Screwy being nervous due to the usual worry he has from how heavy his body is. He can't hurt Boothill like he could an organic lifeform!
Just- Do you see what I'm seeing? I adore the two of them almost more then Screwllum and Ratio together. Screwllum can just be without the obligation of being an genius, without being the ruler, EVERYTHING! alongside that Boothill doesn't need to worry, he'll always have somewhere to come back to and truly safe place for repairs.
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dimenciongirl · 6 months
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Goodbye ma freand. Good I took the last photo of my record ;v;
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amandajessica7 · 1 year
Can be my girl freand....I can pay Bitcoin
Yes I can be ur love forever
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to my freands: rough mornin.. i talk to u all later
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doodlemxsings · 1 year
((My freands and I joke about Rescue Bot Island: Decepticon Rehab Center and it still stands as one of the funniest au situations ever imho))
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The real obama was the freands we made along the way
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Awww thank you so much !!! This was such a kind respond but dont worry he is an angel i just havent read any info about venus aqua and moon cancer and what they are in to . i just really wanted to be mentally prept i guess and i was afraid that i might turn him off couse ,i saw him at work with really pretty co-workers and then i saw his freands circle and his buddys work with actual models and i got SUPER insecure becouse he himself is handsome ( i mean cancer moon man are just soo dreamy) but anyway thank you and yes im really tryng to learn to love the way i look and not feel like a freak and no i wont just flash him :D i just idk i just really want him to want me to find me pretty thats all , but you are right in order to be seen as beautiful the the most important thing is not him but me feeling beautiful for - me <3 Thank you kind one and my god ,i hope something wonderfull happens to you this month couse you just spred so much love and possitivity anyway imma stop been all teary thank you again for the support <3
no problem i truly hope that things work out between you and this guy. the sad truth about attraction is that it’s purely subjective 🤷🏽‍♀️ but i’ll be keeping my 🤞 that he wakes up and sees how amazing and i’m sure beautiful you are ^^
awwww thank you 🫂 hopefully something awesome does happen 🤭
once again good luck and you must let us know if you guys get together so we can all say congrats 🩵🩷
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