#freaky crayon eater .
loxleyo7 · 2 months
stupid gif for my smelly friends pk .
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ink was more focused on the fact that paints feet was discolored at first . get a load of this guy
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The neighborhood is half suburbia, half forest, which is maybe why when he screams no one comes looking. 
One hand is occupied by a ring of keys trying to unlock the old car door; the other arm is full of wailing, wriggling four-year old. She hasn't yet noticed the beast on the other side of the street. Gabriel is frozen.
“Mona,” he croaks, eyes locked away from her on the danger. “Love. Shhhhhhh.”
“Tumby!” she wails
“We brought Tumby back to his family. In the woods, remember? The stream?” Gabe keeps his voice low, steady, soothing. The glossy crayon woman on the cover of his wife's favorite parenting book would be proud of his control, given the circumstances.
Mona wails louder.
“Hush,” he tries again, sharper, jiggling her more fiercely. “Shhhhh, sh-shhh,” The keys he fumbles awkwardly in his hand, cold metal biting into his paper cut from church craft time this morning, clanking against his wedding band. He winces at the sound. Mona grabs his ear and tries to kick her way to freedom. He squeezes her tighter but doesn't dare drop the keys. “Mona baby, I'm sorry. I know you miss Tumby. But I need you to be quiet right now. Papa's trying to think.”
There. The keys settle in his hand, jutting out from between his knuckles. Their car is a classic, gorgeous steel low rider from the sixties that's also prone to deciding not to move any part of it at unpredictable times. Today it has decided to jam it's doors. Getting in and driving into the beast heroically is, unfortunately, off the table.
Equally unfortunately, he left his cell phone inside. He can picture it exactly, nestled lopsided in the mesh of the yellow polka-dot lunch bag Maria bought him as a joke right after his promotion, before he left to take care of Mona; he uses it as an emergency kit. Normally he keeps it in the diaper bag. But the batteries needed replacing and medicines' expiration dates needed to be checked.  It's in the front hall buried under a jumble of hurriedly discarded hangers from their earlier walk to the park. Gabe dropped it right inside the front door while wrestling Mona into her shoes. Which are goners themselves now, at least a hundred feet away, right by the street and nearly on top of the beast's horribly dripping tail.
If he can get to the kit, he can call a ride.
The beast occupies the forest; the houses on this side of the road make up suburbia, linked by dead wooden hands all the way across the valley without a single break. The homeowners’ association takes appearances seriously. Normally, Gabe chafes at the caged simulation. Today it means he'll either need to bring Mona with him past the beast or set her down and leave her alone behind.
She sure wants to get down. Even without shoes her kicking feet are pounding his chest into a mosaic of tender bruises. Gabe's ear, the one Mona's tugging at with all the weight of her little body, is ringing and hot. Despite his dedication to the panic of the moment, he spares a few brain cells to miss the gentle way Mona was when she was three.
It's Tumby's fault, Mona's new voice. That damn lizard.
Maria and he agreed when Mona was born they would be the sort of parents who didn't freak over the small stuff. Who let their little girl get just as dirty as their boy and didn't fuss over things like lizards brought home in muddy pockets. Who kept more encyclopedia's on hand than pink or blue toys. Which is why, although Gabe thought the lizard's purple coloring was freaky and possibly poisonous from the start, he smiled at the kids indulgently and grabbed an empty butter box.
“Who's going to catch it bugs to eat?” he joked, holding out the lid so David could punch holes in the box lid with a screwdriver.
“Mona,” said David.
She nodded, her fists stuffed with brown grass and her chest puffed with the important gravity of being the chosen one during play time. Gabe held out the box so she could drop it into the bottom to make the lizard a bed. Then she dropped the lizard in, rather clumsily, on its head, which was the second sign something was weird. At work he'd always known lizards to be agile bastards.
Mona named it Tumby because it's stomach was a little light blue oval and was bottomless - the lizard liked to eat, and eat until all the bugs on their street disappeared for self-preservation. It outgrew the butter box in a day. It outgrew the shoe box in a week. By ten days, it was the size of a small yappy chihuahua and weighed twice as much. And it learned to climb. Mona forgot to bring it bugs that morning before her play date, and it scurried onto the kitchen counter and fell asleep in the bowl of the scale for most of the afternoon. Gabe found it with its nostrils poking over the edge of half-melted plastic like eyes and he nearly threw the knife in his hand out of fright. He told Maria that night it had to go.
“You're telling the kids,” she said, glasses tipped sideways on her face sensibly. It was such an extremely Maria moment, Gabe kissed her.
Mona thought the whole trip to the stream a great adventure, splashing about in her duck-print boots and tumbling about with David until both of their curls were littered with crunchy leaves. The trip back, she splashed less but chattered more, all about the adventures Tumby would have in the woods. It wasn't until Gabe was putting her to bed that night that the tantrum came as she realized Tumby's adventure was not a temporary one. She howled all night, and for a month straight anytime they took her outside.
Of course she's howling again now. Gabe starts to give in and set her down on habit to send her away to play before he looks up and remembers, right. The beast. Purple and probably a people eater. Most of its body is hidden in the shadows of the trees, so whether or not it can fly is still to be determined. It definitely has at least one horn; short for its size but still at least as big as Gabe's forearm. 
“Mona,” he says, giving in to gravity and setting her on the ground. He keeps his hands looped over her shoulders, so she won't turn around and startle. She sniffles, but quiets. “Papa needs you to listen very, very carefully. Can you do that?”
Her lower lip trembles and there are watery beads stuck in the baby hairs around her face. She's looking everywhere except at him. Still, eventually she sniffles, wipes her little hand across her eyes, and nods.
“Thank you, Mona. Papa forgot his phone and needs to go back inside. But there's a...” How much to say, how to say it without setting her off again? “There's a snake on the path and it's camouflaged, so I am going to carry you so you don't accidentally step on it. Understand?”
“There's a...snake?”
“What color?”
Gabe smooths her flyaway hair and plants a kiss at her temple. “Brown. It blends in with the sidewalk.”
She clings to him so he can't pull away from her. “I wanna see.”
Kids. Was David this circular when he was Mona's age? Gabe can't remember, and it's only been three years. The eternal enemy of parents everywhere, time. “I'll point it out as we walk past, if it's still there.”
“Okay,” says Mona. And just like that she's calm again, nearly her pre-lizard self.
Gabe hoists her up again so she's tucked neatly against his shoulder and as sturdy as he can manage with one arm. He peeks his head out around the edge of the garage, gauging the distance. The dragon's body doesn't move. Its green eye - the same size as their Mercedes's hubcap - is closed, although thin smoke trails from its nostrils. Shudders threaten Gabe's grip. He blinks, long and slow, makes his panic a game for Mona and counts with her to ten. They take one step out, and then -
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the neighbor's front door open.
Bernadette is the sort of woman Gabe and his friends would have called a wicked witch and meant something mean by it, when they were children. She wears frayed, mismatched skirts, sending patchouli thick thorough the air with every step; she has flyaway hair, has the best garden on the block, and is older than everyone else in nearly the whole damn city, too. Her eyesight left her about the same time as her late husband, fifteen or so years ago. Her hearing lingers on halfway. Mona is still against his shoulder, but Gabe feels his heart rate pick up again.
“Bernadette,” he calls, loud as he dares. She doesn't look up. She doesn't look across the street, either.
There's a pebble near his shoe from the gravel driveway, dragged in by some forgotten romp. He nudges it sideways until he can lean down without dropping Mona, then tosses it at Bernadette's porch. It misses and clangs against the drain pipe on the other side.
“David, what sort of trouble are you up to today?” She's turned away the wrong direction, but her voice is the strongest part of her, and it carries. Too many years as an actress followed by too few years with anyone interesting to talk to but boisterous kids. 
Gabe finds another pebble, dances it to his side, throws it. This time it hits her wooden stairs. He calls again, “Bernadette!”
“I moved the keys to the garage, David, you won't be able to find them before I find you,” she says to the wrong house beside her.
“David's in school, Bernadette. It's Gabe and Mona.”
“Bullshit. David is far too naughty not to be suspended.”
“Bernadette, I'm sorry but now is really not the time. There's a -”
“No time for me, huh? He gets it from his father.”
Gabe sucks in a deep whistling breath through his front teeth. “Mona and I are stuck out here in the garage. I don't have my phone. Can you call - no!” She has finally turned around the right way and is starting down her steps. ”Don't come out further, it's dangerous -”
“It's only mud.”
“There's a -” Well, that is the question isn't it. “There's an animal.” You think. You guess. “Across the road. It's been watching us, but we can't get in the car and we can't get inside. Bernadette I need you to call someone.”
“You want me to call the police?” Bernadette doesn't trust the police, and says it again loud as she can every time Maria's brother comes to visit to rub it in. If he needed Bernadette to call the police, he wouldn't even bother to ask.
But animal control won't have anything for this beast, either. “Try the fire department. Tell them, uh -” Gabe eyes the trees across the road, the way the beast's head blends flat against the treetops. “Tell them they'll need extra ladders.”
“What kinda animal are they after, anyway?” Bernadette grumbles. “A monkey?”
Mona wriggles warningly, and yells, “Snake!”
Gabe bites down on the inside of his cheek. “Just call them,” he whispers towards Bernadette like he's on a stage.
“Suit yourself,” Bernadette says to the nearby flower box, and goes back inside. The screen door bangs shut behind her.
Gabe and Mona both jump. She nestles deeper into his shoulder, resuming her kicking with half-hearted attention. Behind the car in the corner of the garage is a tidy, tiny workstation with a short stool the kids like to swivel around on while he works on the car's problem of the week. It's cozy, and good for getting energy out, and most importantly out of sight. The beast - dragon, probably, although thinking its name feels akin to blasphemy, surreal and scary and brave all at once - flicks its tail and takes out two young trees. Gabe sinks back into the garage and sets Mona firmly on the stool. She looks at him with narrowed eyes, confused.
“Papa is going to go watch out for the snake. It's poisonous, and Miss Bernadette is calling for help. I want you to sit here and be safe until I come back, okay?”
Mona considers this. She stands on the stool and uses her leverage on Gabe's shoulders to see past him to the front yard; whatever she sees, she's sits back down again with a satisfying thump, and nods. The creak of the stool spinning around and around follows Gabe back to the entrance. It keeps him grounded. He has to stand at the furthest edge of the garage, away from and out of Mona's sight, to see the road and wave down the help. It's probably an unnecessary gesture. Anyone with functioning eyes should be able to see what the call was about. But Gabe still doesn't quite believe his own. He tries to blink one eye at a time because if he closes both eyes at once, he'll open them to find the dragon is gone, and spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. 
Bernadette's screen door slams open again against the peeling slats. When she steps back out, she hasn't got her phone. Instead, she's toting a rifle tall as she is, and holding it like she means business. She leans it tottering on the steps' railing and turns the long way around to face Gabe. “What did she say this animal is? Snake?”
“Did you call the fire department?” Gabe is going to have to schedule his annual doctor's appointment sooner rather than later. There's got to be some sort of lasting damage from adrenaline this high, this long. “Bernadette, please tell me you called.”
“What's those firemen going to do about a snake? You may never have done a day in the country in your life, but used to we took care of these things with a shovel.” She's reached the bottom of the steps, shaking the railing so the gun tips down after her. Across the road the dragon's unblinking eye rotates sideways until it's laser focused on Bernadette. The smoke coming from its nostrils is flecked with blue and purple embers. Where each one brushes against a leaf, a tree branch catches fire.
Gabe is halfway across the yard in pursuit of Bernadette before he stops. Arms too empty, shoulders too light. Mona. He turns around and runs back to the garage.
It's silent, and dim. He reaches the stool - no Mona. He looks under the car, and then panics, because the garage is too small and there's nowhere else to hide. He should know better, it's parenting 101, never leave your child unattended or they could get hurt. They could die. (“All those sharp tools!” chides his mother in his brain. “All those sharp talons!”)
Back to the yard, squinting against the sudden glare of day and patchwork fires. Looking at the shadows of the grass, the steps, the road, looking for a splash of purple color. There - Mona, waddling alongside Bernadette, leading her in a mostly straight path towards the dragon with her mouth spread wide, baring every crooked baby tooth. A look of pure glee on her face.
Gabe blacks out. He comes to with Mona cradled tight and kicking in his arms, Bernadette behind him ignoring every tenant of gun safety and trying to use the gun to force her way around. Gabe looks up. The dragon looks down. They're both standing nose to nose, breathing in the glowing smoke.
“Mona,” Gabe hisses. “Bernadette. Don't. Move.”
Something about his tone makes them both pause for the first time all day, or maybe the smoke has made him sound harsher than he intends. They both look up, following his gaze.
And let out twin gasps as they both finally see the dragon up close. Not entirely, because it was too large and too camouflaged even from the other side of the street, but in uncanny detail - eyes slitted like a cat's, scales the size of roofing tiles and so black they look purple in the light of the fires. Fine white streams of smoke are permanently etched around the dragon's jaw like whiskers. Well, at least Gabe can cross hallucinations off his list of symptoms he'll be bringing to the doctor if he survives this day.
Bang! A gunshot rings out, flat and startling. Mona screams. Then she bites down on Gabe's arm so hard she draws blood. Gabe's blood mingles with something dark and sticky, the same color of the dragon's scales - the dragon's blood? - and he has to press his hand up in his shirt to stop the flow. And he has to drop Mona. She immediately takes off.
“Mona!” he yells after her.
She runs towards the beast, arms outstretched, ignoring Gabe, still screaming.
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exo-yeol · 6 years
Ask Game!
I was tagged by the beautiful @baekscrazylady cause she knows just how bored I truly am! Also! Fun fact! I was half way through this and my laptop crashed so that was fun!:))))))))))))))))))))
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Nope! ...I do have one on each hand but I don’t think that counts! :P 
(3) Can You Whistle?
Yes! In and out! (oml that sounds so weird!)
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Super Junior D&E - I Love It!
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
(6) Relationship Status.
Sexy, Free and Single! I’m ready to bingo! ;P ....jk bout the bingo part!
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
18° C
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yes! I was woken up at an ungodly hour by by little brother. Not. Fun.
(9) How Many Followers?
I have no clue! I never think of checking that for tumblr! But really not that many! 
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
Oh god, too many! 
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
YES! What is that point in showering if you don’t make use of the amazing acoustics?? 
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
Uhhmm again, too many! The most recent one I read some of was Carrie Hope Fletcher’s The Other Side
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay “you are developing insight and understanding that will set you free.”
(16) Favourite Anime?
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!! Brotherhood or the original anime idagf! They are both SO GOOD! And the characters are my everything! I would die for them! Can I marry Ed? Can I marry Mustang? Can I be best friends with Winry?? Can I do alchemy pls? And the storyline is so interesting and complex and the characters are really well rounded and the back stories oomf I fucking love it soooo much! I’m gonna copy @baekscrazylady and put in a gif here because I miss looking at their faces! 
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AAAAH! How fucking COOL is Ed? I love them so much!
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Does myself count? Yesterday I cried in front of the mirror! But if it has to be another person then my mother! 
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Teddies, Tamagotchis, Kpop albums/merch, books, EMOTIONAL WOUNDS! 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap!
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Uhm I guess? Its not something I get a chance to do often but if the opportunity presents itself then sure! But also I hate being a distraction to the driver so like keep it on the minimum peeps!
(21) Favourite Animal?
WOLVES AND FOXES AND CANINES IN GENERAL! My room and house in general is covered in some variation of canine! Including two living ones (soon to be three!) 
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Yas! Track, Badminton, Trampolining and Diving are my faves!
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
Lately somewhere between 11 and 12! 
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
Yes! I’m wearing bright pink eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick!
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
I don’t really have a preference cause I can’t really swim, but I like to mess around and play in both! 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@baekscrazylady is always a winner for all your multifandom needs! Plus shes my bestie! But thats just a bonus :P 
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled tastes nicer but I have no problems drinking from the tap! 
(28) What Makes You Happy?
I’m not sure any more! :/
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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I’m sleepy! I think I’m gonna finish this in the morning! 
Okay! I’m back after 7 hours of sleep! 
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Dogs! I’m not too fond of cats and I think my dogs would have a problem if I brought one home!
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
PlayStation! I’ve spent a lifetime playing Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 and my loyalties run deep!
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
The Ocean! I just feel like theres bound to be monsters in a lake!
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Of course! <3
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Yellow! But last night when I started this I was wearing a green vest!
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
I surely can!
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Plenty! Teddies, books, a suitcase, kpop albums, my bedsheet is pink!
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Well K-pop is an ongoing obsession! But recently something specific I’ve been OBSESSED with is Seungri’s 123! THIS IS THE BEST SONG! I have to listen to it everyday or I can’t function! Its soooo good! And the MV is really fun and theres cute lil bloopers at the end! I love it!! 
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Hehe! Look at him go!! 
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Yes! My brother actually attracts them! They land on him all the time! Its kinda cute kinda freaky!
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
I think it depends on the person and the thing I’m being influenced about, but I’m quite a stubborn/headstrong person so I would say that I lean more towards no...but still a lil bit yes!
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Uhm yes, a lot! 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
I’m not scared of flying and I don’t mind it, but its not my favourite thing!
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
The Green Mile, this movie broke me and now I actually cannot watch sad movies...also two days ago I cried at The Breakup so woo go me for being a mess!
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
Sunflower seeds! I could eat a whole bag!
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
EXO! In all their OT9 glory!!! I need this to happen so that I can die happy! ...I would say BTS as well since they’re my ults too but I ALREADY HAVE TICKETS TO SEE THEM!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!! MY ARMY HEART IS DYING! 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really! I have a list of stuff I don’t eat but I’ll eat it if its put in front of me cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers!
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
I sleep like a corpse.
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I love it! My whole family are those freaks who’ll stupidly run to the window or outside and be like “waaaahhh!”
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes! I do both everyday! 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Wrap presents! Bitch I’m a PRO! 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hyuna - Run & Run (MY QUEEN!)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Autumn months wise, but we’re still getting Summer weather!
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
More sleep!
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Nah...not arsed, but the post I last saw was a gifset of Mark and JB being stoopid!
(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
No! Its the Summer holidays! 
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Mainly straight, but aren’t we all a little gay? I’m about 70/30! Or maybe even 60/40!
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Most days, but my bed is really annoying to make and takes a good ten mins so sometimes I don’t do it till like 5 o’clock in the day when I want to sit on it!
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
Eevee! Ninetails! All water Pokemon! Pikachu! Togapee! 
(64) Favourite Social Media?
I don’t know! I get bored of them quickly and hop around! RN I’d say instagram maybe?
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I love watching them!
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
Yep! I think everyone does a little or at times! But I’ve never been like actual homesick where you get sick and everything!
(67) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
Tea-tree shampoo and a conditioner thats specifically for curly hair but I can’t remember the name! 
(68) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Motel! I know that they’re haunted and I’m gonna be stabbed in the shower but listen, I am not sleeping in a fricking car, ESPECIALLY not on my own!!
(69) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Yes, unfortunately! ,,,jk about the unfortunately...or am I? :P 
(70)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I’m going to see the Teen Titans Movie! CAN’T WAIT!! I watched the show all the time when I was a kid! Also I really want to see Wreck-It Ralph 2 and so many others!
(71) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
I don’t have a favourite quote atm! Sorry!
(72) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
People? Find? Specific? Eye? Colours? Sexy?
(73) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
YEs and YEs! I would be that kid swinging far too high and then jumping off! Me and my friend used to challenge each other to do specific poses and stuff while we were jumping off or when we’d land!
(74) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
A chicken goujon!
(75) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
I have one rhythm game, and a few language games!  
(76) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
I don’t think so because I’m not that confident in my CPR giving skills so I’d probably ask someone else to help! But if worst comes to worst then I probably would!
(77) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Today? No! In my life? Yes!
(78) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
All the time!
(79) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(80) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Every now and then! But I just woke up so I haven’t put any on today!
(81) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! But if I’m sharing with my brothers then I can sleep with them open! 
(82) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I peed, I reset my password on a website and I’ve listened to Seungri’s 123!
(83) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Big tshirts or night dresses! And in the Winter I wear matching pjs!
(84) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
Like including makeup? Or just skincare? I use too much makeup to list! And for skincare everything I use has some sort of coconut oil in it!
(85) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(86) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
(87) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
Hmmmmmmmmm which to choose! I recently had a dream about 2 weeks ago where I was in a bar and Chanyeol and Sehun were having a dance off while I was singing karaoke and I kept getting angry at them for distracting me! And Seungcheol, who was my boyfriend in this particular dream universe, was chasing his manager around with a pair of false eyelashes trying to put them on him!  
(88) Favourite Soda Drink?
Mainstream: Nothing better than an ice cold coke! Don’t @ me! 
Hippie dippy: Elderflower!
(89) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Rain, my Gran calling my name, chuckling, little children/babies laughing, my Grandpa singing, Chanyeol singing, waves ( i always fall asleep to waves!), idk so many others its too early and my brain is mush rn!
(90) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats
I wear both quite equally!
(91) How Do You Look Right Now?
I just woke up and I have mascara under my eyes, honestly I think I still look asleep!
(92) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Washing my face! I feel so calm and pampered! Its the simple things :P
(93) What Tattoo Do You Want?
TOO MANY!!! I want a Golden Snitch, and a fairy and a flower and so many! I can’t wait to start getting tattooed!
(94) Favourite YouTuber?
Rn Shane Dawson is my number one, but I do love Jenna Marbles, Dan and Phil, Safiya Nygaard, Grav3yardgirl, Jamie Jo and then a hand full of beauty gurus that I semi-keep up with!
(95) Do you smoke?
No. Its really gross and reminds me of my Dad. No thank you.
(96) How tall are you?
5′ 2″!! Or maybe 5′ 3″! I’m 160cm! 
(97) What career did you want as a child
A singer! I still lowkey do! But thats a very squashed dream at this point! I also wanted to be an actress! Honestly I just wanted to make people happy and entertain them! And when I was a child I was always the center of attention because my mam had me when she was waaay young and no one else her age had a child so I guess from an early age I’ve just loved watching people laugh or be happy because of me! Thats probably why I’m attracted to film and have a YouTube channel cause I want people to have fun while enjoying the things that I create or am a part of! I hope this doesn’t sound conceited oml! 
(98) Do you care about your weight?
Yes! But I don’t know what I weigh tho cause my mam doesn’t believe in weighing scales, and shes right! But I am conscious of my weight! ...most times I’m self conscious of it lol! 
(99) Ever kissed a stranger?
Yes! Many a time! 
(100) Favorite season?
I don’t think I have a favourite season! Now that I’m older I can appreciate each season as it comes and I have certain things that I love about each! Rn I can’t wait to start wearing cute sweaters and boots again, but at the end of Spring I was dying for shorts and vests! 
Woo! I’m finished! Now I’m going back to sleep for a quick nap! And then off to the cinema! YAY! 
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