#frat boy!tom x oc
axelsagewrites · 9 months
Heyyy! Ok so hear me out..can I request a Modern AU! Aegon x Fem! OC fic. The OC is neighbors with Aegon, Helena, Aemond, and Daeron. She’s always had a bit of a crush on Aegon but he’s always too busy drinking, smoking, having sex ( the OC’s and Aegon’s windows are directly across so the OC can see everything going on in Aegons room and even sees him fucking a girl), etc. to notice. So, the OC gravitates towards Helena and becomes Helena’s best friend. There’s also one rule the OC can never date or have sexual relations with any of Helena’s brothers. Years later (cut to Tom Glynn-Carney’s Aegon), the OC and Helena are still best friends but the OC goes to a frat party and sees Aegon, obviously oblivious to her because he sees her as his little sisters weird friend/neighbor but he accidentally OD’s. The OC manages to save him by rushing to him and getting him to a hospital. Aegon wakes up and is majorly thankful. Aegon and the OC start to become friends and then very quickly secretly date. Things get out of hand and the OC gets pregnant, and she has to tell Aegon. Aegon starts freaking out not wanting the responsibility and basically tells her to literally get rid of it. Helena finds out about the pregnancy and starts freaking out and gets super mad at the OC and leaves her. The OC tells Alicent but Alicent is way more forgiving and is shoot to have her first grandchild, and tells the OC that she is always welcome to stay if she wants. The OC feels abandoned and scared, etc. That’s all I have for this idea, it sort of just poured right out of my head lol. If you think of an ending or anything extra for the story please feel free add it, I sort of lost momentum of inspiration behind the idea towards the end ( ass you can see lol).
Aegon Targaryen*Neighbour
Pairing: modern!aegon x f!reader
Word count: 2785
Warnings: sad aegon, drunk aegon, high aegon, substance abuse, addiction, over dose, hospitals, flirty aegon, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy, fighting parents (nothing graphic or descriptive), one bed trope, angst
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Your stomach tied itself in knots as your parents’ car stopped behind the moving truck. “Ready to see our new home?” your mum asked but your six-year-old legs were already flinging you out of the car to run up to your new front porch.
“Its huge!” You yelled as you barrelled up to the front door, your dad not far behind with keys in hand so you could run inside to go place dibs on your room.
“I pick the back room!” you called as you ran back down the stairs however your mouth quickly tightened closed when you saw the woman in the doorway. You made your way behind your dad’s leg as he laughed, placing his hand on your head.
“This is our neighbour Alicent sweetheart,”
“Hiya, its nice to meet you,” she smiled before glancing behind her and sighing, “Come inside Aegon. Show our new neighbours what we brought,” You grabbed onto your father tighter however your grip relaxed as the nine-year-old blonde boy walked in with a plate of cookies. “Why don’t you give them to the girl?”
Aegon outstretched the plate to you, and you gladly accepted the wrapped-up treats, “Thank you,” you grinned a toothy smile at the older boy who looked like he was itching to get back to the ball he’d been forced to leave behind to come say hello.
Aegon was your first crush however as you grew up you realised how wrong that was. When you were 12 and he 15 you became a little bit obsessed with him however you also experienced your first heart break. Your window was directly opposite from Aegon’s and one night while doing homework you looked up to see him kissing another girl. Sure, you were 12 and he barely knew you apart from you being his little sister’s best friend however you were heart broken still.
It didn’t help that the older you got the dumber he seemed to get. You were privy to all his dirty little secrets because he never remembered to close his blinds when him and his friends all shared three beers or when they passed around their first joint. It got a bit better when he went to college however the summer, he came back you had to race to close your blinds nearly every night when he’d bring a girl over.
By 18 you were completely over your crush and desperate to go to college and get away from Aegon. However, the summer before your first and Aegon’s last year of college you spent a lot of time with Heleana at her house.
Alicent had finally convinced Viserys to add a pool in during the spring and it was nice and ready the day summer break rolled around. In preparation you and Heleana had went swimsuit shopping and had even picked up pool games to play with Daeron who was now 7.
Aemond, who was 19, returned the day before Aegon and greeted you with a warm hug and an offer to fetch you a shirt, “That thing barely covers you,” he rolled his eyes as all four of you tested out the pool.
“Perv much?” you joked as you relaxed into the water as Heleana cannonballed in for the seventh time.
“Stay back Aem,” Heleana said as she swam to your side, flinging her arm over your shoulder, “She’s mine,”
You laughed at her joke, even playing into it as you always did, but Aemond scoff, “Don’t worry about me. Its Aegon your gonna have to worry about,”
“Yeah right,” you scoffed back, “he barely knows I exist,”
Heleana rolled her eyes at both of you, “Yeah right. Besides I already told her that if she gets with either of you, I will murder you both,”
You laughed at her, but Aemond decided to swim up to your side to annoy her more, “But what if she’s my one true love?” he dramatically swooned back but you decided to take it a step further and push him back into the water. Aemond came floundering back to the surface with a scowl as you both cackled, “I take it back. You can keep her,”
However, what you didn’t realise was Aegon decided to come home a day early and as you and Aemond were sat at the side of the pool, exhausted and wet, watching Daeron to make sure he didn’t drown Aegon was watching you through the kitchen window.
“Holy fuck,” he murmured when he saw you in your bikini, something he didn’t think you even owned. Then again, he also didn’t know that you had a figure apparently cause right now all he could think was oh damn and to make a mental note to burn all your sweatshirts.
However, Heleana had just decided to go to the kitchen for juice when she saw her brothers’ stares. “Oh, hell no,” she snapped, swatting at her brother’s shoulder.
“Hey! The fuck?”
“You are not fucking my friend- “
“I wasn’t going to- “
“Uhuh, keep it that way,” she scowled as she grabbed the jug of juice Alicent had prepared for you all, “I swear to god Aegon if you even try anything I will kill you. kill you dead.”
That summer was a newfound torture for Aegon. Seeing you at his house near every day in a bathing suit was a sick twisted punishment from god. Especially since even when you weren’t there you were lounging in your room in a tank top and shorts with the window cracked open. In a way it was payback it was just a shame you never caught his stares.
When college rolled around, he thought he was saved but that was until he saw you around campus. Yep, just both of your luck. While you did your best to look the other way anytime you saw him the longer, he saw you around campus the harder it was for him not to stare. Glow up didn’t even describe the change you had. He was mesmerised. So, in typical Aegon fashion he decided to dive into a bottle blondes’ bed and close his eyes pretending it was you on their knees in front of him.
One night you decided to kick back and relax. you had just handed in your last assignment before winter break and thought your first frat party would be a great way to celebrate. You and Sansa, your roommate, got all dolled up and headed to her older brother’s frat, Sansa figured it meant at least this way you knew you were both safe since Robb would be there.
The music was already blaring, the drinks flowing like waterfalls, and the dancing was questionable at best. You and Sansa had met up with a couple friends and were half dancing half talking when you felt a strong arm sling its way over your shoulder, “Look who it is!” Aegon slurred in your ear. “My favourite little neighbour,” he said, his drunken hand moving to squish your cheeks.
You pushed him off of you as you turned round while your friends shared a concerned look. Youd never told them you knew the best tight end of the football team after all. “Hey Aegon. You all good?” you asked, eyes squinting when you saw how bloodshot his were.
“Yeah totally,” he said, his eyes searching the room at a million miles an hour, “Hey I was thinking you should- “he started to say, putting his arm around your shoulder again when Robb came over, “Hey man!” he said, leaving your side to bear hug Robb.
“Hey buddy,” Robb said as he pushed Aegon to arms distance, “You are doing, okay?”
“Never better,” Aegon said, his body now swaying. Robb pulled him in, whispering something in his ear with a stern face before helping him to walk towards the stairs.
Sansa looked to you with a disgusted face, “What a riot,” she said, all the girls agreeing with her, “Can’t believe you need to deal with him,”
“Yeah. He’s a good guy though. Deep down I think,” you said, remembering all the time Heleana told you about their parents screaming matches where Aegon would take them into the basement to have a movie night. Or how his father locked him outside after he failed an exam. Hell, you’d seen the sleeping around and drinking get worse ever since Viserys had died five years ago.
Your friends laughing snapped you out of your thoughts. “Ill be back guys,” you said, heading to the stairs to try find him.
As you searched the corridors you knocked on each door and received a “occupied,” called back at you. that was till you got to this door. you knocked but no one replied. Something didn’t feel right though so you knocked again, “Aegon?” you called but there was no response. Something inside you wouldn’t let you leave so you took a deep breath and tried the door handle.
The door slowly crept open, and you felt your skin flush cold, “Aegon!”
You weren’t sure why you got in the back of the ambulance or why you stayed at the hospital while the doctors took him back, but you almost cried in relief when they said you could see him. He looked as white as a ghost, his lips dried and cracked, dark red rings around his eyes, as he laid in the hospital bed.
“Aegon?” you whispered, half wondering if he was dead since he defiantly did not look alive.
“Where am I?” he murmured, his eyes struggling to open, “What happened?”
“Careful,” you said, moving to stop him from sitting up. Aegon’s eyes finally opened, and he stared up at you in shock as you sat on the side of his hospital bed, “You’re in the hospital. You had an overdose,” you told him, figuring it was best to tell him sooner than later.
A million thoughts looked like they were buzzing behind his eyes, but he only asked one thing, “Did they call my mom?”
Aegon begged you not to tell his family. apparently, he’d deliberately changed his emergency contact to his father’s number when he fell into a coma so that no one would ever receive a call. This of course made you press on how many times things like this happened and you never seen him look so ashamed.
“Let me help you,” you begged, “We can get you into therapy and- “
“I don’t need it- “
“Damn it Aegon!” you snapped, “You’re lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of you and you don’t think there’s a fucking problem?” his head dropped, his eyes welling with tears, and you felt your heart drop. You sighed, your own tears building, “I’m sorry Aegon I just-I just worry about you. I want you to be happy and healthy and just- I want you to get better,” you said, reaching for his hand.
Aegon took yours, squeezing it gently but you knew it took way more strength than you could imagine, “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and threatening to break, “for coming to find me. If I was you, I wouldn’t have,”
“It’s a good thing you’re not me then,” you joked, and you saw a tiny smile crack onto his lips, “but the only way I won’t tell your family is if you do something about it. otherwise, you’re gonna leave me no choice,”
Aegon took your words to heart and with a little push from you and help from the hospital he had a therapist within a couple of weeks. Turns out when he’s not out drinking and whoring, he’s actually a pretty chill guy. You began to hang out and even when you went back home for winter break, he kept texting you nonstop. While Heleana found it weird her brother was suddenly so close with you, she was also just relieved to see him sober.
Still, you tried to take a step back, but you found yourself weirdly missing him. You ended up going back to college together in his car to save your parents the trip and took turns driving. The whole way you were both scream singing Taylor swift or giving dramatic renditions of Lana del ray songs. Then you realised the sun was setting.
“There’s a motel 3 miles up. Do you want to just stop? I hate driving at night,” you said and Aegon agreed before turning cruel summer back up to full blast.
You both grabbed a couple things out the car before heading into the classic movie run down looking hotel. The receptionist was halfway through her cigarette and the whole room screamed the 60s with faded orange polka dot walls. “Hey, can we get two rooms?” Aegon asked as he fished out his credit card.
She tapped her long red nails at the ‘cash only’ sign before turning to the computer as you know both pulled out whatever cash you had. “Sorry Hun we only half one room,”
You felt your cheeks tinge as Aegon awkwardly cleared his throat, “Is it a twin?”
“Nope it’s a double,” she said as she peered over her glasses at you both, “Is that gonna be a problem?”
Aegon glanced at you but the idea of driving any further as your eyes were barely staying open made you grab his cash and slam it on the counter, “We’ll make it work,”
The room was as nice as you could expect. Though you did make Aegon triple check it for murderers as you guarded the door. “All safe. So…” he said, words trailing off as he looked at the bed.
You sighed as you dumped your stuff on the ground, “So,” you said as you plopped on the bed.
“I could sleep in the car- “
“Just get in the bed Aegon,” you sighed as you pulled off your trainers, “I mean we’ve known each other for years,”
He nodded but paused for another moment before asking once more, “Are you sure? Cause I get if you want me to sleep on the floor,”
You laughed a little at his words as you finally kicked off your shoes. “Its fine. Promise. I trust you,” you began to take off your jumper when you realised, he hadn’t said anything, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said as if snapping out of a daze, “Just can’t think of a time someone said that” he said it like a joke, but you could see in his eyes it wasn’t.
As tempting as it was to make a joke to try lightening the mood you just gave him the best smile you could before excusing yourself to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Aegon went in after you and as he was sorting himself out you took off your bra and jeans and slipped under the sheets in just your shirt.
Aegon came back a couple minutes later as you scrolled your phone. Silently he took off his shirt and you did your best not to stare or even look but it was near impossible. Him slipping under the covers however snapped you out your daze when you felt his almost bare, bar his boxers, legs brush against yours.
You glanced over at him and saw his cheeks tinged a bright pink as he cleared his throat, “You tired?” he asked, staring at the ceiling.
You smiled a little at him. After all it had been you acting like that for years without him ever noticing. “A bit. You?” he just hummed in response. You sighed before rolling onto your side facing him, “Aegon?”
“Yeah?” he replied as he turned to face you, his nose accidentally brushing yours in the process. You could feel his breath fanning your face as his eyes bore into yours. up close you could really see the lilac in them.
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but you felt his soft lips press against yours as his hands trailed up your sides. Your hands found his white, blonde hair, admiring how soft it was as your mouths mixed. You knew your best friend would kill you if she ever found out but suddenly that didn’t feel important.
Dating your best friend’s brother in secret at a university across state was wrong. You knew it, Aegon knew it, if Heleana knew about it, she’d scream it, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Suddenly every waking moment was spent with Aegon. Everything was going perfectly bar the little white lie you kept from Heleana.
That was until the two pink lines showed up in the bathroom.
Part two here
General taglist: @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-josie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @justtilly @jjkjbhj @clairacassidy @valeskafics
HOTD taglist @jmii722 @hypocritic-trash-baby @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Cuddling with frat-tom instead of going to a party? And Tom telling his girl "better stay here in the warmth, what do you think princess?"
You smile at the sight of your frat boy in your tiny dorm room bed. You glance over your shoulder at the frat house, looming over the other buildings on campus, a strobe light out front, reflecting different colors off of the house itself. 
When you turn back, Tom glances up, eyes sparkling in wonder at what you’re doing. His head cocks slightly, hand still buried in the popcorn bowl. He presses the spacebar on your laptop, pausing the movie playing on it,
“What?” You shake your head,
“Nothing… you just look… very domesticated. It’s nice.” You tell him, drawing your curtain, cutting out the sight of toxicity just the other side of campus. He hums, shoving his handful of popcorn into his mouth. His eyes drop to the screen again as you near him, slithering between you and the laptop, head coming to rest over his bicep. He sighs, kissing the back of your head and wrapping his free arm around your body. He hums,
“It is nice. I don’t have a splitting headache from the music and I don’t smell like alcohol and I can go to bed at a decent time if I so like to.” He explains to you. You smile, kissing his wrist, snuggling down into him as you watch the opening credits persist,
“Oh yeah? Your priorities are so in line.” 
“Hey… at least I’m not the one wearing a skimpy dress in below freezing weather. Rather stay in here where it's warm, watch these movies and cuddle with you.” He murmurs in your ear. You smile, titling your head back to look at him. He smiles, leaning in to kiss his nose, 
“That’s really sweet T.” You tell him. His smile widens before his lips are on yours. You kiss him back, and before you know it, he’s sitting up a little straighter, your body perched between his legs, back to his chest. He drags popcorn from the bowl between your legs, reaching over his head to flip the lightswitch off. You rest your head against his shoulder, holding your bowl up before you’re dragging the blanket across the two of you,
“Why are you in the frat if you hate it so much?” You ask him softly. He hums,
“It didn’t used to be so bad. The older brothers when I joined a year and a half ago weren’t terrible like they are now.” 
“You think you’ll leave?” You ask, glancing up at him when he doesn’t respond. He sighs,
“No… I’m gonna tough it out. Greek life looks good on resumes. I’m just gonna keep my head down and go to all the fundraising events and such… but I’ll avoid the parties, the toxic shit. And in another two years or so… it won’t matter. I won’t have to talk to these guys anymore.” He defends. You nod, 
“I’ll be glad when that day is here.”
“You just hate frat boys.” He jokes. You smile, glancing up at him again,
“Despise them.” You bite back. He chuckles before he’s kissing you again, 
“Such a little hater.” He whispers, brushing his nose against yours. You smile, holding the back of his neck and dragging him in for another kiss. He hums, 
“I’d always rather be here with you than there.” He admits softly. Staring up at him, you play with his hair, 
“Me too.” Relaxing back against him, you watch the movie unfold before you, Tom’s lips pressed in your hair, his arms wrapped around you tightly, and comfort seeps in. 
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erule · 3 years
Want you entirely | t.h.
Pairing: Frat boy!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your friend asks you out on a date, but Tom is jealous.  
Warnings: frat boy Tom, jealous Tom, suggestive, slightly smut (not really smut, it’s mostly implied), angst and fluff if you squeeze, OC Oliver
Word count: 480ish
A/N: Hello hello! I’m a sucker for frat boy and jealous Tom, what else can I say? I know that I pretty much disappeared, but it’s just that I’m busy and I have no inspiration. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Idea comes from some videos I saw on TikTok.
If you wanna be tagged in my Tom Holland/Peter Parker fics, just let me know in my ask box! You can also find me on AO3 and Wattpad. Feedback is always appreciated by a writer!
Taglist Tom/Peter stories: @imawhoreforu​
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Tom Holland Masterlist
Peter Parker Masterlist
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There was something in his eyes. You couldn’t tell exactly what, but it seemed a spark. Jealousy, perhaps? When you made eye contact with him, his chest was firm, but his jaw was clenched. Fire would burn less.
“Y/N? Do you wanna go on a date with me?” Your college friend, Oliver, repeated. You glanced at him for a second, then you looked again at Tom, but he was still sitting on the couch of the library without saying a word. He was just observing the two of you. Everybody knew that you two had broken up a while ago, but since Tom was kinda famous, no one dared to ask you out. It was like you still belonged to him, somehow.
You looked directly into his eyes, licking your lips. You didn’t belong to anybody and if Tom thought you did, he would have found out soon enough how wrong he was.
“It would be my pleasure, Oliver,” you said and he smiled at you.
“I’m gonna pick you up at eight,” he said, then he left.
He left you alone with Tom, except for the part that he wasn’t there anymore. You wondered why he went away, but then you decided that you didn’t really care so you got up from the chair in order to leave the library. One moment later, someone grabbed your arm and brought you into the book’s closet.
“If you think that you can get away with it, you’re wrong, darling,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver. It was so dark, you could barely see his shape.
“Are you trying to scare me, Tom?” You asked, playfully. You didn’t even know what you were doing, but Hell, you were enjoying every minute of it.
His fingertips caressed your thighs under your skirt, going up your legs as if they were two highways. You stopped him, squeezing his hand. You felt his eyes on your face, waiting for you to say something. A wolf who was too hungry, but still willing to listen. That was Tom. And you loved him too much to push him away, honestly.
“I want everything, Tom,” you said, firmly. Your whole heart was aching for him. “Every part of you. Not like the last time. You mean too much to me,” you almost felt out of breath. It was hard for you to reveal your feelings to people, but you had to play that card with Tom. You wanted him and wanting somebody is the most powerful thing in the world.
He wiped a tear on your cheek with his thumb, his breath close to your forehead. When he spoke, his lips were brushing your skin: “I promise you, Y/N: this time, you’re gonna have me entirely,” he said.
Another second later, he was kissing your neck and you lost yourself into his embrace.
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beyblaiddyd · 4 years
You should tell us about your favorite OC right now! Or whatever tabletop games you're in (sorry haha just saw your description and had to ask)
I’m in way too many tabletop games right now!!! I can list them all 
The Institute - A MOTW game DM’d by @fethesacredstones where I play CORBY my child my baby. They’re The Spooky and they went and obtained a cursed book they were emailed about and ended up possessed by Lucifer. They have Fear Powers and intense depression. They’re a very parent-friend character but they’re also very rude and Will just walk away from conversations if they get sick of them. They’re alarmingly prideful and will literally just backtalk to archangels. 
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Look at every single one of their outfits. 
The Frat Brats- Another MOTW game that I DM. It’s about a group of frat boys who go to Magmell University and are suddenly tasked with SAVING THE WORLD as part of a centennial cycle of apocalypse-beating. All my players are great. Here’s a random side character. 
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SOUP- A SCUP game DM’d by @seafucker where I play Thistle, advisor to the Emperor, Rex. Thistle comes from outside the country because they’re trying to track down a bunch of other politicians who screwed them over and left them for dead a while back. They’re a little shit who stirs trouble for fun, LOVES gossip and testing occupational boundaries, and is duplicitous as all hell. They’re a little rat. 
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Wet Swirled- A custom-PBTA game DM’d by @montparnasse where most of us are playing robots in West World. I play Judge Holiday, an ex-thief turned actor who lives in the attic above the Tom Thumb bar. He betrayed his old pals, stole all their money, and left them to get caught by the cops before making off to make his own life. Now, every day, as part of his loop, his old friends come back to extract revenge... He’s built to die over and over again, every night. 
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UNTIL DAWN- A MOTW-Hack game built for Until Dawn that was DM’d by @fethesacredstones. It’s set a few years after the events of the game. A supernatural tour company bought the mountain when the Washingtons decided they didn’t want anything to do with it anymore. But when odd occurrences keep happening, and people are going missing, the company faces bankruptcy and shuts the tours down. 
But there’s One More Tour, and our characters are going on it! 
...I play(ed) Drew, the tour guide, who was secretly planning on trapping everyone on the mountain in hopes of spotting a ghost. This one is technically already over and Drew survived! Many others didn’t. ): We’re planning on doing a New Game+ eventually.  
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Good Grief- A MASKS!! (Kind Of) game DM’d by my good friend Seamus and set in an x-men esque universe. I play Castor, a mutant with the ability to teleport and cast illusions. They grew up in a mutant fighting ring and were rescued by a group who then delivered them to Charlemagne Academy. They have many emotional disorders and are still coping with adjusting to regular life.
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White Rabbit- A Dread game DM’d by Seamus and set in the SCP universe. I play Mason Pierce, a D-class who has been given a special + designation that allows him to go on missions to investigate anomalous events. The secret behind him being that he isn’t a criminal at all, but he was witness to a Anomalous Event at a wedding he was ministering and when they tried to give him amnestics they didn’t work, so they locked him up. He’s now tasked with wrangling And trying to protect dangerous criminals. He also almost died once and now has completely solid black eyes but he’s coping with it. 
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Hannah // th x fem!oc college AU
Summary: Hannah meets a boy at a college party, she’s expecting one thing to happen but the night turns in a completely different direction.
Part of my Drive North series, read the rest here. Listen to the song Hannah by the SWMRs, as it was the inspiration for the fic.
warnings: drinking, mentions of Bipolar Disorder (the way I write this is based off my own personal experience as well as what I’ve learned in over three years of psychology classes, if you have any comments or concerns of my portrayal, feel free to send me an ask).
Like, reblog, comment, and follow for more content! 
Word count:3k
“What’s your name darling?”
“Hannah!” She shouts over the loud music in the frat house.
“Mine’s Tom,” he says, raising his red cup in greeting.
“What’s a kid like you doing at a party like this?” She asks, giggling as she eyes his red dress weird striped pants, boxy framed glasses to boot.
“What do you mean?”
“Just don’t look like the type of person if run into here, much less the type of person trying to take me home.”
“What, I’m not, pssh,” Tom says, feeling blush creep up his cheeks.
“It’s alright,” she laughs, hand resting on his shoulder, “Wanna get out of here?”
“What?” Tom laughs, trying to comprehend what was happening.
“Do you,” Hannah gestures to him, “want to get out of here?”
His eyes widen, understanding her offer a little better.
“Hannah! Hey!” A girl says, interrupting them.
“Allie, hi,” Hannah says through gritted teeth, “can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?”
“Who’s this?” Allie asks, turning towards Tom.
“Ted, or Tim, or something,” Hannah mumbles, looking between the two.
“Tom,” He says, taking another sip of his drink.
“Tom,” Hannah repeats, nodding her head.
“Hannah can I talk to you?” Allie says, not really giving her a choice while tugging her away and into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” Allie asks.
“What’s it look like?”
“It looks like you’re going to try to hook up with that boy.”
“Hannah, you know this, we’ve been through this, you can’t do reckless shit while you’re manic.”
“I’m not manic,” Hannah frowns, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Seriously? You only try to hook up with guys at these parties when you’re manic. You only ever go to these parties when you’re manic. You know you’re manic right now, so don’t pull this shit.”
“Yeah but-,”
“No buts, you don’t take your meds because ‘they make you feel nothing and that’s worse than the highs and the lows’ and you made me promise you that if you get too out of control during a manic episode that I’ll help you.”
“Allie, come on, I just wanna have a good time is all, haven’t smoked or had anything to drink all night, I’m totally sober, this is my choice.”
“Not when you’re manic it’s not, come on, why don’t we go back to the dorm and watch a movie?”
“You’re no fun,” Hannah whines, crossing her arms.
“Why don’t you invite Tom back? Supervised movie watching.”
“You’re the most boring person I know.”
“Yeah but you love me, come on,” Allie says, dragging her out of the bathroom and back to the hallway. To both of their surprises Tom was still standing right where they left him, taking small sips of his drink, wondering what the odd girl and her friend were talking about.
“Sorry to steal her away from you Tom,” Allie says as Hannah puts on a smile.
“All good,” he smiles back, genuine.
“So Tom, Allie and I were gonna ditch this place and go watch a movie back in our dorm, wanna join?” Hannah asks, nodding towards the front door.
“Oh, I, is, uhh,” Tom sputters out, hand rubbing his neck as he blushes.
“What? You don’t have to, you can stay here and get drunk with the rest of these losers,” Hannah says starting to leave.
“No, I, is watching movies like code for something?”
“Ew no what the fuck?” Allie asks, looking at him disgusted.
“No, god, I didn’t want it to be code for something, I just wasn’t sure.”
“No, we’re probably just gonna watch some lame movie, it was stupid to invite you,” Hannah says, waving her hand.
“No, I, uh, I’d love to ditch this thing, not very fun and I really hate alcohol.”
“Sweet, let’s blow this popsicle stand,” Hannah says, grabbing Tom’s hand and dragging him out of the house as Allie follows behind them.
“Which dorm do you two live in?”
“Oh cool I’m an RA in Mason.”
“Wait you’re an RA?”
“Fuck guess we gotta hid all of our dorm violations,” Hannah laughs and Allie shoots her a look.
“No, it’s fine really, I do it for the free room and board. And it’s not like I’m doing room inspections so I don’t care.”
“So Tom, what’s a clean cut RA like yourself going to a tri delta party?”
“Well my little brother, he goes to this school too, just joined the frat earlier this year, invited me to the party. Haven’t been to one before and it’s my second to last year here so I thought I should at least experience a little bit of college life. Why did you go to the party?”
“Because I felt like it,” Hannah said, sticking her tongue out playfully.
“And I had to supervise her,” Allie rolls her eyes as they swipe into their dorm building.
“Wait why’s she gotta supervise you?” Tom asks, looking back and forth between the two girls.
“Shut the fuck up Allie,” Hannah says, glaring at the other girl as they make their way up the stairs.
“because Hannah likes to make bad decisions sometimes.”
“Well I’m glad she’s got a friend like you to help her then.”
Who the fuck is this guy? Why’s he acting so fucking nice? When Hannah went to parties, the boys were only trying to hook up with her, never gave a shit about stuff like this.
“What’s your deal?” Hannah says, stopping them in front of her dorm.
“My deal?” Tom asks, confusion riddling his features.
“Yeah, why did you ditch your first college frat party to come hang out with us to see a fucking movie? Knowing you aren’t gonna get some?” Hannah was very straight to the point, especially when she’s manic.
“I, uh, to be honest, wasn’t really enjoying the party, not a fan of loud noises and crowded places, and you gave me the opportunity to leave without looking like a loser for leaving an hour in.”
“Well then why even go in the first place if you didn’t like loud noises or crowded spaces? Like even if you’ve never experienced a frat party before you’ve gotta know by know how they’d be, like you seem smart enough to understand that,” Hannah rambles on before Allie cuts her off, pushing her to the side to unlock their door.
“Hannah, can you let the boy breathe for a minute?”
“Fuck off Allie,” Hannah groans as they enter her room, dragging Tom inside with them. She doesn’t even realize her hand is still holding his until he squeezes it, making her drop it and step away from him.
“Okay, what movie should we watch?” Allie says, grabbing her laptop off her desk.
Their room was super neat, aside from the candles lining their window and extension cord running from one end of the room to the other there weren’t any violations.
“Your rooms not too bad you know, sometimes during room inspections I’ll walk in and students will just have empty alcohol containers lying around.”
“Yeah, Hannah likes to clean like a lot.”
“Keeps me focused on something, stay in the moment,” Hannah shrugs, flopping down on the futon underneath her bunk bed.
“Okay, I suggest we watch the Breakfast Club,” Allie says, placing her laptop on her bed facing them.
“Works for me,” Tom says, staring at the futon which would only fit one other person.
“Don’t know why that’s your favorite movie, it’s like okay at best,” Hannah shrugs.
“You usually love the Breakfast Club so fuck off,” Allie says, playing her copy of the Breakfast Club.
“You gonna stare at the seat or sit in it?” Hannah asks, patting the seat next to her and staring at Tom.
“Oh no, Allie, you can sit there I’ll sit on the floor,” he says, stepping away from the futon so Allie could sit down.
“No you’re fine, I’ll sit over here,” Allie says, dropping down to sit on the ground on Hannah’s side of the futon.
Tom frowns but agreed, sitting on the futon next to Hannah.
Allie situated herself on the ground next to Hannah as the movie played.
Hannah let her head rest on Tom’s shoulder as the movie played, his arm resting on the back of the couch behind her head.
They lay and watch the movie, Hannah paying more attention to the rise and fall of Tom’s chest than what was on the screen.
Allie excused herself to go to the bathroom, giving Hannah a look before leaving.
“So, why’s she all controlling? Of you I mean,” Tom asks, voice quiet, almost like he didn’t want to know.
“Just being a good friend,” Hannah shrugs.
“So, what are you studying here?”
“English, you?”
“Chemical engineering.”
“Damn, so a genius?”
He laughs, “not really, just smart.”
“Way smarter than me.”
“Not true, just a different kind of smart.”
“Math class kills me though, and I’m in basic college algebra.”
“Well if you ever need a tutor, I can help.”
“Really? Thank you!” Hannah squeals, hugging Tom.
Allie walks in as Hannah is pulling away.
“Fuck’s going on here? I leave for three minutes.”
“We were just hugging,” Hannah insists and Tom nods.
“You’re not my mom,” Hannah whines.
“You wouldn’t want me to be your mom,” Allie scolds, sitting back down.
The three of them watch the movie, Allie speaking up during her favorite parts, Tom laughing during a few parts. Hannah’s head was buzzing, she didn’t want to fucking sit still. She didn’t want to sit and watch a movie, she wanted to fuck Tom, she wanted to run for miles, she wanted to give a million TED talks.
She's tapping her leg against the ground, fingers picking at a patch of dry skin on her arm, anything to keep her mind moving.
Tom notices her movements, eyes watching them rather than the movie. Allie can feel the sofa shake with the vibrations of Hannah’s movement, she ignored it, knowing that it was just her way of coping with her manic episode.
She wanted so desperately to help Hannah, to get her on meds, stabilize her mood, but Hannah refused and it was her choice so Allie was helpless.
The movie finishes and Hannah stands up, “I’m going for a run.”
“It’s 1am,” Tom says, standing up.
“Okay?” Hannah asks, moving to her dresser.
“Why are you jogging at 1am?” He asks.
“Because she can’t do whatever else she wants to do right now,” Allie pipes up, standing up and closing her laptop.
“What’s that?”
“Not important,” Hannah says, staring down Allie until she shrugged, rolling her eyes.
“I’m gonna get ready for bed, nice to meet you Tom,” Allie says, grabbing her clothes and small bag and leaving.
“So you gonna tell me why you’re going jogging at 1am?”
“Nope, what dorm are you in?”
“Told you already, Mason, right across the green.”
“Meet me there in 45 minutes.”
“Gonna go for a run, clear my head, if you want to see me again, meet me at the front door of Mason in 45 minutes.”
“Will you tell me why you’re going jogging?”
“If I feel like you deserve it, now get lost,” Hannah says, waiting until Tom left to change into a tank top and running shorts.
“Just going to jog, come back in two hours okay? Even if I’m asleep, I’m setting an alarm.”
“Allie, come on, you know I’m not gonna be able to sleep.”
“Yeah and I don’t want you going out every single night this week. Please try to be back on time tonight so I don’t have to stay up this entire week making sure you get back home in time.”
“Don’t know why you’re so fucking annoying, always wanting to know where I am. Know who I’m with, what I’m doing. Wish you’d leave me the fuck alone,” Hannah says, crossing her arms.
“You don’t mean that and when you’re out of the episode you’ll feel bad so I’m not gonna say anything, goodnight Hannah.”
“Glad you understand me,” Hannah says, leaving the room. She just needed to fucking run, to get her energy out, to concentrate on one thing and one thing alone. The gym was closed, so she knew her only option was to run around campus. She’s done it plenty of times before, a huge circle from her dorm, around the academic buildings, around the dorms on the other side, and back again.
She took off, jogging, her mind racing. She knew Tom, realistically was different than the other boys she’s met at these parties. When she propositioned him before Allie interrupted them, it looked like he was going to reject her. Any other time this would’ve hurt, would’ve pissed her off, but that made her all the more interested. Because he seemed to be interested in her. She knew that this might have just been her manic mind creating this ideal man in her head but she wanted to get to know him more. She thought about him as she ran, wondering if he knew what bipolar disorder was, wondering how he would react if she told him when she met him.
She came back around to her dorm room, wiping the sweat from her forehead, taking a deep breath and slowing down to a walk before speeding back up again to make another round. She clouds her mind with a fake conversation between her and Tom, running through worse case scenarios as she ran.
“I’m bipolar, it’s something I’ve dealt with since I was younger, I used to be on meds but I’m not anymore that’s why I’m running, why I wanted to take you back to my dorm, why I was fidgeting during the movie, I’m manic right now, I’ve come to learn when I am going through these highs and lows.”
“So you’re like mental? Crazy?”
“No, I mean sort of but I’ve mostly got it under control.”
“You should leave.”
Hannah’s been called crazy before, psycho usually when she’s manic, it used to bother her but she’s gotten used to it.
She came back around towards her dorm room, jogging across the green towards Mason hall. She noticed Tom was leaning up against the wall of the building, changed out of his nerdy clothes into sweats and a T-shirt. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she jogged up to him.
“Hey,” He says as she stands in front of him, “Wanna go sit?” He gestures to a bench on the edge of the green and she nods.
They sit on the bench, Hannah’s leg bouncing, already needing to move again, the running did close to nothing.
“You okay?” He asks, eyes trained on her leg.
“Yes, great, just gonna, I’m gonna do some sit ups, yeah, you sit and I’ll do sit ups,” she says, getting off the bench and laying on the ground.
“So, I’m guessing there’s a reason you’re working out at 2 in the morning?”
“Yeah, you know, just getting my energy out.”
“Okay, that’s all it is?”
Hannah pauses, looking up at him.
“I’m cuckoo, bananas.”
“Shit, if I tell you, you promise not to be a little asshole about it?”
“Why would I be an asshole? I’m just trying to understand you.”
“I want to understand you, Hannah, I wanna get to know you.”
“What? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, no it’s just, no boy has ever really done that before.”
“Done what?”
“Try to get to know me or whatever.”
“Because, oh my god I’m gonna sound like such a slut,” Hannah groans, going back to doing sit ups.
“What why?”
“Because I don’t really give them a chance to get to know me, I usually just sleep with them.”
They’re silent for a little bit, only the sound of Hannah’s breathing as she moves a little faster is heard. It’s quiet on the green, despite it being a Friday night, nobody is really out and about at 2:30 in the morning.
“That’s your choice though,” Tom says.
“Do you want to do that?”
“Sleep around?”
“I don’t know. I’m bipolar. Means I’ve got some days when I’m-,”
“I know what bipolar disorder is.”
“Yeah, I’m a psych minor.”
“So when I’m manic I uh, need to concentrate on something, get really hyper I guess you could call it, and that usually ends up being exercise or sex. Allie’s walked in on me and guys too many times so she’s trying to cut me off, of sex.”
“So uh, don’t wanna sound like an asshole or nothing but are you on medication? Like anything that might help stabilize your mood?”
“It just ends up making me feel nothing so I’d rather go through the highs and lows. Doctor doesn’t like it, Allie doesn’t like it, but it’s my decision.”
“Yeah,” Tom didn’t want to push the subject further.
“So I get really fidgeting and need to constantly be doing things, then I do nothing at all, just a cycle. Some days are worse than others,” she shrugs, slowing her movements.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why’re you sorry? Got nothing to be sorry for. Unless you’re gonna be like every other jerk who finds out what’s wrong with me and ditches me after a good time.”
“No, not at all, I’m just sorry you gotta go through this.”
“I’m alive. For now, that’s enough.”
“You know, if you ever have restless nights, when I’m on duty I’ve got to stay up all night and make rounds, you could always hang out with me.”
“You’d do that?”
“I dunno what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Thank you,” Hannah says, standing up.
Tom stands up as well and it’s silent, before he realizes he’s doing it he’s hugging Hannah, his arms wrapped tight around her, he almost pulls away, feeling like a fucking weirdo since her arms are just hanging by her sides until she wraps her arms around his neck, face tight against his neck.
In this moment, for once, Hannah’s head isn’t racing with a million thoughts, she doesn’t feel restless or on top of the world, she’s just existing. She’s calm, her heartbeat slowing as they hold each other. And for right now, although the feeling probably won’t last very long, she’s okay.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [Alternative Scene]
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Warnings: angstyyy, mentions of babies, mentions of basically alcoholism, Tom's a sad sap, a sexual innuendo
Word Count: 2,556
Author's Note: So, this is supposed to be an alternative to if reader had stayed in New York following the main climactic drama. It is super angsty and there won't be a follow up because it was just a little scene I thought up while I was originally writing MMLY. But for those of you that enjoy angst, this one's for you ;)
Series Masterlist || My Masterlist 
He can't believe it's you. Cole finally gave him something to work with. With just a small Google search, Tom had found out where Keaton had you held. Cole knew he'd given him just what he needed because he'd added, "don't expect to just go back to how it was Holland. Things are different." Tom had just nodded, but of course nothing could've prepared him for this. 
He's watching you giggle as you lean up on your toes and kiss a brunette that leans into you, wide smile on his lips. It's crazy how your taste is all across the radar. Tom lives in jeans, t-shirts, and sweats. This guy is in a sweater vest, a button up underneath, slacks, fancy shoes, and a nice jacket. His hair is slicked back and he's spectacularly clean shaven. It's crazy watching you, someone Tom has been so infatuated with for over a year now, kissing and showing someone else the love he's swore has always been for him. He has to take a deep breath before he dives in headfirst, looking you up and down as he tries to calm his heart. 
Even you look much fancier than you used to. You're in a jacket similar to the man you're with, a sweater dress and tights holding you together. And Tom genuinely can't believe his eyes at the belly that protrudes from your jacket. It's swollen and he can't believe he's never put the pieces together from what Cole's said about being an uncle. You're the reason he's going to be an uncle. As if Tom needed something else to further shatter his heart, 
"Hey... Y/N." Tom calls finally, drawing not only your eyes to him, but the man before you, who holds your hands in his as you turn in shock, 
"Tom..." His eyes trail your body for a moment, pausing on your belly again before his eyes shoot back up to yours. You can see the pain, glancing back at the man with you, who places a hand at your lower back, 
"What are you doing here?" Your new boyfriend follows as you move forward, towards your old flame who still makes your heart race just a little bit faster, 
"I uhh... I was gonna head home for the holidays and thought... why not stop here, see if I could find you, see how you're doing." He tells you. You nod, glancing back up at your brunette, 
"Yeah, I'm good. This is Keaton. Keaton, this is Tom." Tom watches a lightbulb go off in the taller man's head. He can't help but think that the bastard is putting the pieces together, realizing that the only reason he has you is because Tom fucked up. Envy courses through your ex, 
"What's up man?" Tom gives a tight-lipped smile before he looks back to you, 
"And you... you're..." 
"Pregnant, yeah, about seven and a half months. We're having a boy." You tell him, placing a hand on your belly. Tom nods, swallowing, eyes finding your bump again, 
"Well you look great. Cole mentioned being an uncle but... shit... I never..." He trails off and you nod, 
"Yeah, Keaton and I didn't really mess around with this. Well... I guess we did, we have a son on the way but-" 
"So are you guys like..." 
"Engaged? No. I didn't want people thinking we got engaged or married because I got pregnant so... we're gonna wait and he's going to surprise me." You explain. Tom nods, chewing the inside of his cheek. He's quiet and it scares you. Things didn't particularly go well. You know he's been single, you know he's been depressed. You've heard about him drinking himself into a stupor numerous times, back to his old ways of sleeping around. The girls have told you. Of course you hate it, but you and Keaton have something different. You have no doubt in your mind that someone can have more than one soulmate, but you just so happen to have found Keaton's love for you more endearing. He's never hurt you like Tom has. You turn to your boyfriend, 
"Ke... why don't you go get us some hot chocolate. I'm gonna... catch up okay?" You pose. His blue eyes search yours before he's nodding, glancing at the man before you, 
"It was nice to meet you Tom." Tom nods, 
"You too." He murmurs before Keaton is spinning, allowing you to loop your arm in Tom's, his hands in his pockets as he walks you further down the walkway. You sigh, 
"How have you been?" You ask. He glances down at you, his eyes searching yours until you look away, 
"I've been fucking miserable and it seems to just be getting worse." He admits, 
"Don't say that." 
"It has. I had everything with you. I was happy, I finally loved a girl that walked into my life and then I made a mistake and I chased you right into the arms of another guy. And now... now you're pregnant. There's no coming back from this." He explains. You stare straight ahead, chewing the inside of your lip. Just like always, your baby boy kicks out to make himself known. Keaton has always said he's going to be a handful and you think he's one of the only people able to keep up with it. You glance up at Tom's profile again, 
"We've been talking about coming back to Seattle." You admit, watching Tom glance down at you again, "Keaton has a friend out there he could get on with and I... I kinda... dropped out of school. I was... going to NYU and then I got pregnant and... I've been so sick. This is like the first time I actually have been able to leave the house because I've just been vomiting. So... I wanna get back into the swing of things. Go back to school. And NYU is so preppy. I hate it. I want to go back to U of W." You admit. You can see his eyes lighten a little hearing you might be coming back. Of course, he's a ladies man. He has thoughts racing through his mind about how to get you back. Even if you do have a son are you and Keaton so serious? You giggle, placing a hand over your belly, 
"We talked so much about kids, I always thought it'd be you I was with, doing this with, but Keaton is... he means everything to me right now. He means the world to me and this little squishy thing." You tell Tom who nods, 
"You do look beautiful." 
"God... I don't know how he does it. I literally have to have him help me in the shower because of how big this belly is and he just... he's still so enamored." You admit, 
"I would be too." Tom says, turning to face you. Your arm slips from his, "I'd do it because you mean everything to me and-" 
"Tom please..." His eyes meet yours again and he can see how glassy yours are, "please don't do this. I- I can't think about you and what happens for any amount of time before I just break down-" 
"And that doesn't tell you something? Y/N, we were in love. I'm still madly in love with you-" 
"We were in love. You're the one that fucked that up. You hurt me and I had to come back here and start over and how long did it take you to find me? It's been over a year." 
"You think I wasn't trying? I've been working my ass off, I've been bugging your brother. He punched me in the face Y/N. I fucking... drink myself to death on a regular basis just to forget about what happened and how I'll never get you back because look at you. Your dad is probably so proud of you for returning to your roots, with a little rich lover you don't have to lift a finger." 
"Don't... don't you dare. You know it was never like that. I loved you so fucking much and you're the one that hurt me. I didn't get to choose." 
"It was a kiss Y/N. I know that's cheating, I know I fucked up but you flew halfway across the world to escape me over a kiss. Have you ever thought about that? About how dramatic it was? You could've gone to Cole's and I would've never known. Your brother cares more about you than your dad does and you hurt him too. Given... he'd blame me but... you left him too. And you left the girls and now you're here and you're a mum and you'll be a wife before you know it and it's not with me like we always talked about. Here I am... letting a woman break me again. I let you in and now I'm just... back to square one, having to pick up the pieces and pretend like it doesn't affect me." He says, taking a deep breath as tears run down his cheeks. Tears have started to run down yours too as you stare up at him, 
"That's not fair." 
"You're right. Its not. Not for me and not for you. Even if you were to come back to Seattle, I'd never have you again. This is how your life will be and... this is how mine'll be." 
"That isn't true-" 
"Isn't it? How can I ever get over you? How could I ever stop thinking about you, about what we could've been if I'd've just fucking... stopped." He tells you, hanging his head. You reach out, placing a cold hand on his cheek, 
"Its not a competition. Part of the reason I've even thought about coming back was you and the girls and Harrison and Cole. I can't stay away from you guys. I miss you guys like crazy. I don't want to lose you as friends. I don't want to lose you Tom." You tell him, taking his hand in your free one. He sighs and nods, sniffling, 
"And... you and Phoebe could-" 
"Oh come on Y/N. I couldn't do that. She'd know it was just out of convenience and that I'm not over her best friend and I'd know she always felt bad for me. Besides... she'd never date me knowing what I do to girls." 
"Hey, who knows, maybe she'd be the one to get your ass in check." You tell him. You both laugh, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. He sighs, 
"I guess this is just... my punishment. I didn't learn with Delilah, you're my punishment." Moving forward, you press your forehead to his, 
"Don't do that. You are worth more than you'll ever know. Whoever gets you is so fucking lucky Tom Holland." He sniffles again, reaching up to brush tears away, 
"I'll always wish it was with you though." He murmurs, squeezing your hand. You smile, 
"I know. But hey... if I move back, you'll have a little one just like me to help raise." You reason. Jealousy is fraught in his veins, driving him crazy. He nods, reaching his free hand up, glancing up into your eyes and asking permission silently. Once you nod, he places his hand over your belly, 
"Do you have a name for him yet?" He ask as he rubs softly, remembering the way your bare skin felt under his hand. Your smile widens and Tom can't believe that you really just forgot about all you and Tom have had together, 
"We're thinking Nicholas. Nicholas Oakley. That's Keaton's middle name." Tom nods, 
"Cute." You nod in return, turning and walking him back up the bridge. You can see Keaton standing at the end, two cups held in his hands. He sighs, 
"You picked a real winner." 
"He's actually really great. I think once we get back there you guys are really gonna enjoy him. He's funny." Tom knows it isn't true. Regardless of how good of a guy Keaton is, Tom will always wish he was in his place. He'll always be jealous of what Keaton has with you, 
"Just tell me you're happy." He says, glancing down at you, 
"I'm happy. I have an amazing boyfriend, a beautiful little boy on the way, and I have you guys, my best friends. My son is going to be so lucky to have you guys." You tell him. He nods, squeezing your now warm hand in his. Keaton glances up as you near, eyes cast down to your clasped hands. He smiles when he meets your eyes, 
"Nice little walk since you normally don't leave the apartment." 
"I know, that's what I was just telling Tom. I'm hoping he isn't as big of a nightmare once he's born as he was when I was pregnant." The three of you share a laugh before Tom turns to you, 
"I'd love if you came back but... I don't know that I'll ever love someone the way I do you." He tells you. You smile, reaching up again to caress his cheek, 
"I'll always love you too T." Leaning in, he kisses your cheek, his lips lingering and when he pulls back, you see fresh trails of tears down his cheeks, 
"I'll see ya Y/N." He passes, fresh tears bombarding your eyes as he passes Keaton and tells your boyfriend, 
"Please just take care of her." Keaton nods before Tom is continuing down the bridge, disappearing into the night and you fight to not start sobbing. Keaton sighs as he walks up behind you leaning in to kiss your cheek. You sigh, clearing tears away, turning to take a cup from him and cradle it in your cold hands. Keaton's baby blue find yours, 
"You alright?" You nod, clearing more tears away, 
"Course. It's just hard when I was so in love with him and then he... hurt me, ya know? I never got my heart mended. I kinda just... drug you into it." 
"You didn't drag me into it babe. I helped myself to it very happily." Smiling up at him, he leans in to kiss you softly. You sigh, 
"I'm fully aware. I'm seven months pregnant dummy." He chuckles softly, 
"And still so fucking hot. My own little milf." 
"Oh my god..." You reach up and swat his cheek as he cackles, "Absolutely asinine. I'm done. I'm going to that dinner reservation by myself." You tell him. His laughter turns into a hum as he wraps his arms around you, hands placed over your belly. 
Of course your heart aches. You've always loved Tom. You still love Tom. But the cards weren't in your favor. You have something special with Keaton and you and him are beginning a beautiful life together. You've often thought about Tom and your heart felt absolutely decimated, but with Keaton around, its a little easier. Of course you'll strive to move back to Seattle. You want him in your life. You miss him. You miss your girls and your brother. But it won't ever be the same. Rather than being that dad he always saw himself as with you, at best, he'd be an uncle. And you know that'll kill him. You know that just won't be good enough.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Ok hear me out! Richkid!frat!tom going with his family to this boring wedding and when he's smoking a cigar with some of his relatives the fwb!reader who's at this wedding too tells him to go fucking upstairs🥺🥺
Welcome back to me mass posting blurb requests lol. Keep an eye out for more posted today and tomorrow 😁
Tom hated weddings. Seeing so many people happy when he couldn't have you was the worst thing ever. He was offered a cigar by his uncle and he, Harrison, his uncle, Harry, Sam, and his dad stood in a circle in a cloud of pungent smoke.
He'd seen you around the event, a tight dress that left nothing to the imagination and some wedges he'd seen you wear previously on another night he just so happened to end up inside of you. He'd lost sight of you though and just accepted it, allowing himself to wallow in self pity before hands slip up over his eyes. He jerks back, listening to you giggle before he turns,
"Hey stranger." You purr. He swallows, 
"Hi beautiful." He murmurs. You lean in and kiss both cheeks, watching him take a drag of his cigar again before you find his eyes again, 
"Enjoy your cousin's wedding?" You ask him. He hums, 
"I kinda hate weddings if I'm honest." He admits. You giggle again,
"I figured that'd be your answer." You tell him. He nods, exhaling a wisp of smoke. Your smile widens, 
"Hey, listen, I've got an issue and I could use your help. Would you mind meeting me upstairs in five minutes?" You ask softly, his family carrying on the conversation without him. He swallows,
"Uhh… yeah, sure." You nod, turning and heading for the stairs,
"Wait, which room?"
"You'll figure it out." You reply with a smile before climbing the marble steps. He continues to check his watch until five minutes tick by and he excuses himself, taking the steps two at a time. He checks each room precariously before he finally pushes the door to a large guest room open. You sit at the end of the bed, your previously tied up hair billowing down past your shoulders. He closes the door behind him, swallowing,
"Hey." He murmurs. You smile and stand, 
"Hi." You near him and he swallows, 
"You enjoying yourself?" You shrug, 
"For the most part. I masturbated last night thinking about seeing you here. That dildo I bought. The realistic one, I used it. Came so hard with your face in my mind, hovering over me as you pound into me." You explain to him. He swallows nervously again before he glances down to watch you unbutton his shirt,
"Yeah?" You nod, 
"So fucking hot. And then you show up looking like this." You smooth your hands across the exposed chest you reveal, leaning in to kiss over his heart. He reaches up to press a hand to the back of his head, 
"You look so gorgeous. Been watching you all day." He tells you. You smile before leaning up to kiss him softly. Before you can even fathom it, your back hits the bed as he moves you to it and kneels between your legs. Your fingers reach down and you brush your dress up, Tom groaning as you reveal no panties beneath, 
"Knew you weren't fucking wearing anything." He murmurs, drawing the neckline down to kiss between your breasts. You giggle once more, threading your fingers through his hair as he kisses your skin. You hum,
"Should've rented us a room in that castle place down the way. Spent the rest of the weekend in the room." You tell him,
"It's not too late. For the right price, that lady'll let me book." He replies,drawing his phone from his pocket. You giggle and nod, 
"How bout you do it later stud." Dragging him down, he kisses you softly, sliding his hands up over your hips, 
"Congrats. You've just talked me into giving you dick the rest of the weekend." He murmurs. You giggle before he's undressing you with quick haste.
201 notes · View notes
mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [epilogue]
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Warnings: sexual comments, pregnancy and children, marriage and weddings, just cuteness, mentions of IVF, mentions of parental issues, language, mentions of marital issues, mentions of fuckboy!Tommo
Word Count: 7,996
Author's Note: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for those that have stuck with me through all of this. It's been a journey and I'm so grateful for those that stayed for the whole thing. This series has been such an important part of my life and writing and I don't know how I'll function without it, but I'm grateful to have finished it and gotten it out there for others to enjoy. 💖
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                                          Welcome to Our Forever
                                               Thomas & Y/F/N 
                                                August 5, 2023 
White roses and eucalyptus line the wooden board announcing your wedding to the man of your dreams. Maybe not the best decision to have a summer wedding, but Harrison and Ivey had only wed some three months before, and you refused to take away her shine. As it was, when she sat beside you in her auburn colored dress to have her hair and makeup done, she was glowing, reminiscing on her big day with a brand new wedding band to go with her engagement/wedding ring, and a new ID showcasing the Ivey Eleanor Osterfield namesake. 
It wasn't necessarily the first time you four girls had been together since graduation, but the time that you spent together had dwindled since going out into the real world. Phoebe was making bank as an emergency room nurse at UW Emergency just off campus and she and Keaton had started living together in University District. Cole had moved Scarlett into his apartment once Keaton had moved out and she's been working as a financial analyst the past two years. He'd mentioned proposing to her, but hadn't officially done so yet. Ivey and Harrison were living in an apartment not far from you and Tom, Harrison working at the Seattle Art Museum, and not too far from him, Ivey was working as an editor in downtown Seattle. Still, after two years, the four of you were meeting up for date night often, you and Ivey mostly discussing wedding plans and crazy stories from your day, while the boys talked sports and alcohol. 
Since graduation, you and Tom had adopted a little gray pitbull from a local shelter, similar to Tessa, whom you named Rosir. With the help of your dad and the first few paychecks from your therapy office, you were able to purchase a car, a Subaru Crosstrek, which you and Tom used for weekend getaways and vacations. He'd even taken the time to revisit the same house he and the group stayed in in Oregon two springs ago with you. 
"You remember how you told me you wanted something like Ivey and Harrison that night shit went to hell?" He had asked you as you lay in bed one night, bare chests pressed together and Rosie laying just off to your side on the floor, squeaking her toy. You had hummed and nodded, leaning on his chest, 
"I regret that." 
"Don't say that. I just hope that it's been better than what they have. I've tried to make you happy." You smiled up at him and nodded, 
"I've never been happier than I am now." You had reassured him. He'd smiled and leaned in to kiss you. You'd discussed the shitshow that was the last two years of your relationship and how now, you couldn't see being with anyone else and you were convinced that your kids wouldn't have what you did, with a fractured family. Most of Tom's wounds had healed and he was focused on you, his career path, and your future. You were putting everything that had happened in the past behind you for the better now, focusing on your wedding, your marriage, the future. 
"You nervous?" Phoebe asks as an artist drags a brush with eyeshadow across her lids. You shrug as you're drawn from your haze, 
"Less nervous about marrying him than I am about graduation." You admit. She smiles, 
"I'm in love with you two. He's fucking lucky to have you." She murmurs, closing her eyes again. Ivey sighs, 
"I think you've beaten me out at being the most gorgeous on your wedding day." 
"No, don't say that. You were absolutely stunning." 
"Yeah, but are you seeing yourself? Tom is going to lose his shit." She explains. You smile, staring at yourself in the mirror as your makeup artist brushes blush along your cheeks. You giggle, 
"Okay, fine, I do look hot." You murmur. The three of you laugh along before Scarlett sighs and moves into the room, 
"Your dad and Cole are fighting again." You roll your eyes, 
"I almost just wish they hadn't tried to reconcile." You tell her. She smiles, 
"I mean... at least they're trying for you and all of our future kids." She reasons. You sigh, 
"Yeah, I guess." She sits behind the three of you, waiting until you're all finished before she helps you slide into the a-line dress you'd chosen, the girls gasping, 
"Oh Y/N, you look gorgeous." Ivey says. Phoebe and Scarlett agree and when Nikki enters the room, she gasps and covers her mouth, tears springing into her eyes, 
"Oh Y/N darling..." She mumbles. You smile, taking her hands when she approaches, 
"Do you think he'll like it?" You ask her about her son. She nods, sniffling softly, 
"Oh I think you could wear a burlap bag and he'd think you were exquisite, but this..." She nods, "he'll absolutely love you in this." She assures. You smile, 
"Great. You look amazing yourself." You tell her, looking her over in her maroon colored mother-in-law dress, 
"Well thank you sweetheart." She murmurs, a dusting of red coating her cheeks. She clears her throat, 
"I uhm, I have something for you." She says. It's only then that you notice the worn black box in her hands. You follow her to the small couch, sitting just beside her before she opens the box and reveals an old pearl necklace, "My grandmother got this as a gift and it's been passed down through our family. My mother wore it on her wedding day, I wore it on my wedding day. If you'd like... I want you to have it, wear it today and any day in the future as my first daughter-in-law." She tells you. You stare at it, mouth agape, 
"Oh gosh... Nikki... are you sure?" She nods immediately, 
"Of course. They're to be passed down. Hopefully you get a daughter to do the same to and the tradition can continue in our family." She tells you. You dab at your eyes with a tissue, 
"Thank you so much. It's beautiful." You tell her, moving forward to hug her. She hugs you back, kissing your cheek softly. She helps you latch it around your neck and by then, the girls are completely ready, 
"It's time Y/N/N." Ivey tells you with a cock of her head. You take a deep breath, 
"Gosh... really?" She shoots you a sympathetic smile and nods, 
"Fortunately." She tells you. You allow Nikki to fasten your veil into your hair and hand you your bouquet, the girls each collecting theirs before you stand before the full length mirror, staring at yourself. You take a deep breath, 
"The next time I step foot into this room, I will be Mrs. Tom Holland." You murmur more to yourself more than anyone. You watch Ivey smile in the mirror before you turn to them and nod, 
"Okay, I think I'm ready." You tell them. They each nod before leading you from the room, walking the short distance to where the boys are waiting at the end of the hall. Tom had more groomsmen than you had bridesmaids, but you didn't really care. Three of his seven groomsmen were walking alone, his brothers leading the pack down the aisle together. You honestly thought it was cute. Cole maneuvered his way over to you to kiss your cheek as your father appeared, 
"You look beautiful." He tells you. You smile, glancing up at your dad, 
"Thanks Cole." 
"You know mom would be more than proud of you." He reminds you. You nod, indicating to the veil, 
"And she's with me." When your dad had offered up the diamond encrusted lacy material your mother had bought for her own special day, you sobbed and agreed without a second thought. It was such a simple yet meaningful gesture, especially coming from your dad and you haven't thought twice about it since. Cole's eyes are glistening as he nods and Scarlett slips her hand in his bicep. 
Sam, Harry, and Paddy are the first down the aisle together, Tom's smile wide when he sees them. Ivey and Harrison are the first couple down the aisle with her as your matron of honor. Scarlett and Cole are next with her being your maid of honor, but you told Phoebe she was also your maid of honor. You weren't letting her feel left out in this situation. Gil was last down the aisle, helping your flower girl and ring bearer, both younger cousins of yours, down to their respective sides. You take a deep breath as you watch Tom stand at the head of the aisle, nervously swaying side to side, hands clasped in front of him. Your father flexes his bicep to imitate a squeeze, 
"Don't pass out on me. At least let me get you to him." He jokes. You smile, 
"Course not. But... this is the last time your little girl will be a Y/L/N." You tell him. He hums, glancing down at you when you look up, 
"You'll always be a Y/L/N, but I'm okay with you being a Holland. Tom is a good man." He reminds you. You smile and nod, 
"I agree." You murmur before "Canon In D" starts, giving you your cue. You take another deep breath before your father starts the walk, and all of your guests stand. Your dad reaches out and pats your hand as you walk out into the sunlight, your videographer (thank you dad) crouching beside your fiancè to capture his reaction which is quite honestly, the sweetest, most heart touching thing you've ever seen. He reaches up to brush his tears away, pivoting from foot to foot quicker as he takes a deep breath and blinks away the flood of tears that threaten to spill. You smile up at him, walking steadily with your father until you're standing just before him. He takes a deep breath as your minister asks who gives you away. Your father replies and hands you to Tom who helps you onto the small pedestal across from him. He sniffles softly, staring down at you with so much love in his eyes. 
The ceremony progresses quickly and before you know it, you're announced as Mrs. Tom Holland. Tom smiles wide before he's wrapping an arm around your waist, the other curled up your back as he dips you, sealing your deal with a final kiss. You hold him to you, staring up into his eyes when he stands you straight before he pivots on his feet, smile as wide as it can get as you're announced as husband and wife. He gives your hand a squeeze and waves it in the air as your guests cheer and clap. 
You scurry off, holding onto Tom as he kisses you over and over again and continuously tells you how beautiful you look while your wedding party makes their way back down the aisle, your bridesmaids and his groomsmen all crowding around you with congratulations thrown your way. You flaunt the ring, and before the guests pour from your venue and towards the large brick building for the reception, Tom's family and your dad and Heidi follow your wedding party to the designated picture area. 
The pictures, you can tell, are going to be absolutely gorgeous. Harry and Nikki were both more than happy to be the wedding photographers, and absolutely denied being paid for the work. But you'd seen sneak peeks of some of the shots they'd snapped of your wedding party and you were in love. You'd finally sobbed, and Tom had let you when Nikki flashed you a photo of yours and Tom's foreheads pressed together, his hand brushing along your cheek, wedding band shown off blatantly. It hadn't hit you, how serious getting married was and now it was. 
You'd been the last to depart the area where your professional photos were taken, Nikki and Harry leaving you for a private moment to yourselves, the first in nearly two days since the boys stole him and the girls had stolen you. You'd stood in silence for a moment, admiring the scenery of the woods around you before he'd untucked a hand from his pocket and reached out for yours. You'd threaded your fingers together, 
"Has this been the wedding of your dreams so far?" He asks softly. You smile, nodding, 
"Since I was a little girl I dreamed of marrying a prince. Now I have him, and this," You gesture around you, "This is more than I could ever ask for. It's been beautiful so far and merging our families has been a dream." You tell him, taking a step closer to him. His smile widens, 
"Good." He murmurs. Standing on your toes, you lean in and kiss him. He hums, 
"Can't believe I married the girl of my dreams." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"It is all very surreal. All of the times we talked about marriage and kids and now we're here, doing it." 
"Hell yeah, I don't fuck around." He jokes. You roll your eyes, 
"But... now that we have a moment... what do you think of the dress? Your mom said I could wear a bag and you'd still think I look stunning." 
"Oh definitely, but... yes... this is absolutely gorgeous. You look stunning darling. More so than ever." He tells you, holding you at arms length to look you over. You twirl for him, the bodice of your dress flourishing around you and Tom smiles, 
"So beautiful." Dragging you back in, he leans in to kiss you, arms bound around your waist, your hands rested on his shoulders, smoothing down them. He hums, 
"We should sneak off and have married sex now." You giggle, tipping your head back which draws him in to trailing kisses down your throat, 
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try and do a quickie in this dress. You'll get lost in it." You tell him. He chuckles, 
"I believe you. You've got a lot of tulle goin on here." Nodding, your rest your hands atop his shoulders, staring up at him, 
"You've made me so happy the past four years... I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." You tell him. He smiles, 
"The feeling is so fucking mutual." He tells you, hands curled around your back. He presses his forehead to yours and sighs, 
"I promise to make you happy every day of my life. You mean the world to me." He tells you. You sway him softly, holding his waist, 
"I promise to do the same." 
"And after tonight, we'll go to Fiji and have a good time, just the two of us, and then we'll come back and try for a baby." He starts. You giggle again, 
"You have our whole lives planned out then huh?" You ask. He nods, 
"Definitely. Won't be long now before we're house hunting and moving a sweet little babe in." He murmurs in your ear. You sigh, 
"Is it bad that I kinda wanna stay in the apartment for a little while after having a baby?" You ask. His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, 
"No, not really. We... did talk about turning that spare into a nursery for her. We could go through with it." 
"And we're still stuck on them being a her huh? You do know I'll kill you if we have a boy first and you even think about being disappointed." You tell him. He hums, eyebrows knitting together again, 
"No, of course not, I would never. Any baby that comes from you is loved by me darling. You don't have to worry about it." He confirms. You nod, letting the silence permeate between you for a moment before you sigh, 
"We should probably be heading back. No one can do anything without us." You tell him. He chews the inside of his lip for a moment before sighing himself and nodding, 
"Yeah... let's go get a beer." Smiling, you hold your hand out for his again, lacing your fingers with his. He smiles as the prongs of your ring scrape against the pad of his finger and you give a tug of his hand to lead him up the trodden path towards your reception. Once on the concrete, leading up to the building, Tom squeezes your hand, glancing at the sign announcing you as husband and wife, 
"I cannot believe I am Mrs. Thomas Stanley Holland." You say. He chuckles again, 
"Sounds so fucking amazing." He tells you. You smile, 
"It does. I get to change my nameplate at work. Mrs. Y/N Holland. So exciting." He smiles before you round a corner and your wedding party is there, beers in hand and cheering directed your way. Tom waves his hand, cheeks flushing red and chuckles leaving his lips, 
"Stop, stop-" 
"You're a married man now Tommo!" Haz starts, 
"Yeah, what happened to the forever bachelor thing? Who are you and what have you done with our Tom?" Gil jokes. Tom rolls his eyes, 
"A beautiful girl crashed the party and roped my ass in." He admits. You smile and accept a beer from Cole, another handed to Tom, 
"Well congrats. You two make a beautiful couple. And... now you're my brother." He tells Tom, dragging him in for a hug. You smile, watching your husband and brother hug before Cole turns to you, 
"And you look beautiful Y/N/N. Mom is so so so fucking proud of you. I just know it." He tells you again. He leans in and kisses your cheek. Ivey pops up from inside the venue, 
"Alright guys. We're headed inside. Back into formation." You smile, looping your arm through Tom's. You'd chosen to have your DJ announce your wedding party, the group dancing in and once you make your way inside, it leads into your first dance. The other Holland boys lead, both sides of the families laughing at their antics. Ivey and Harrison follow, then Scarlett and Cole, and Keaton and Phoebe, finishing with Gil. Tom squeezes your hand in his arm as the DJ speaks again, 
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland!" He cheers, the roaring from your guests loud as Tom escorts you in the door, twirling you and showing you off to your family. Your cheeks hurt from the smile you carry and Tom let's out an airy laugh as you hand your bouquet off to Ivey and he wraps you in his arms, holding your body close as the first notes of your first dance song play through the speakers, all eyes on you. But none of it matters. All that matters are the chocolate colored eyes you know every inch of. The ones you've come to love and the ones you get to stare into for the rest of your life. He's yours, and you're his, and this is what forever feels like. 
You giggle and cling to Tom as he carries you across the threshold of your suite. He gently sets you on the bed, watching you lay out beneath him, 
"So stunning." He murmurs. You roll your eyes and sit up a little to pull your veil off, 
"I see the cheesiness hasn't dissipated." 
"Well no. It'll only get worse from here. Instead of taking it as my girlfriend or fiancèe, you're taking it as my wife. Now you for sure aren't going anywhere. It's so much worse." He tells you. You giggle, kicking your heels off. He sighs, raking a hand through his hair, 
"Is it bad if I say I'm glad that part is over?" He asks with a cock of his head. You shake your own head, 
"No... it's stressful. Especially for me when there was so much for me to trip over." You tell him. He hums, 
"You did great. You looked amazing all night and you were such the little party host." 
"I'm the bride, I have to be." He sits on the bed beside you, clearing his throat, 
"Yeah, I guess." Sighing, you roll so your body is pressed into his side. He leans back on the bed on his elbow, loosening his tie, 
"It was a pretty good night. You did good on the planning love." He chides. You smile, 
"Thanks babe. I put my heart, soul, and money into this perfect day." He nods, raising his eyebrows, 
"That's for damn sure." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"I couldn't imagine any other wedding being more perfect than ours. It was really fucking beautiful." 
"To be fair, your dad paid for a lot and my parents contributed too." He reasons with a shrug, staring up at the ceiling when he moves to lay back on the bed fully. You smile, leaning in on his chest. He sighs, 
"I loved every minute of it." 
"That's all that matters. You only get one wedding and it should be perfect." 
"It was. I love you." He smiles and leans up to kiss you, 
"Love you too darling." You sit in silence for a moment before you sit up and take his hand, 
"Unzip me, I have a surprise for you." You tell him. He hums, sliding the zipper down your back and moving to lean on his elbows again as he watches you slip from the wedding dress, revealing a beautiful set of ivory colored lingerie, an intricate piece that draws Tom's eyebrows up again, 
"Well that's one hell of a surprise." 
"I had every intention of wearing blue but this is a wedding night set and I couldn't pass it up." 
"Yeah, no, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to test out different lingerie. Heaven forbid you pass up this opportunity for wedding night lingerie." He murmurs. You smile, stepping from the puddle of tulle, lace, and satin at your feet and leaning in on his knees, 
"So I assume you like it." You coo. He snorts, 
"When have I ever not liked lingerie on this sweet little body?" He asks. You giggle, 
"Exactly." Moving his hands onto your hips, he drags you into his lap, your lips covering his. He hums into the kiss, moving his hands up your back. Your fingers move down to unbutton his shirt. You smooth over his stomach, his hands traveling down to hold onto your hips, 
"Shall we try and figure out what's so different about married sex?" You ask him. He smiles, pulling back to look into your eyes, 
"I think that'd be quite great actually." He murmurs. You smile down at him, 
"Just think... you don't have to worry about getting me pregnant now because we're already married." He chuckles, watching you reach behind you and unclip your bra, tossing it aside. He licks his lips, 
"I'd love to know what these'll look like when you end up pregnant." He murmurs, moving to massage your breasts into his hands. You tip your head back, holding his shoulders. You slide your hands beneath his button up brushing it from his shoulders. He sighs, 
"So perfect." 
"So yours." You murmur. He chuckles, 
"You're damn right." You giggle before he's leaning back, pulling you with him. You lean on the bed over his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him, 
"I love you husband." He smiles wide, 
"I love you, wife. More than you'll ever know." You lean back in to kiss his throat, his hands skirting down to your hips until the cold metal of his wedding ring is pressing into your lower back. 
The next night, after landing in Fiji and checking into your bungalow, Tom slides down into the sand beside you. He sighs, squinting in the setting sun and holding a beer out to you. You take it, thanking him softly and sipping from it. He does the same as you look him over. He looks calm for the first time in months. His hair is flat and he's wearing a tee and a pair of cotton shorts, no shoes on. You smile when he looks at you and his eyebrows furrow, 
"What?" He asks through a laugh. You shake your head, 
"Nothing, I just love you. You look good right now." You move to lay your head over his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, laying his head over yours and reaching out to squeeze your knee, 
"Happy first night of forever." He mumbles. You squeeze his body against yours, 
"So far, so good." You tell him. He hums, 
"Can't go wrong with me." Giggling, you sip from your beer again, leaning your arm on his knee, 
"I will admit, seeing "Mr. and Mrs. Holland" on the door was a really surreal thing for me." You tell him. He smiles, moving his hand up into the light to look at the ring on his finger, 
"I've always been called Mr. Holland in a professional sense but... hearing Mrs. Holland and knowing that it's in reference to my wife and that you're finally, fully mine is like... insane." He admits in return. You nod, 
"I agree." You murmur. Nudging the neckline of his top down, you brush a finger across the hickey you'd left the night before. He smiles, 
"The markings of a spoiled little wife." 
"I really don't think I'll ever be over the whole wife thing. Like... hearing you say it blows my mind. I definitely thought I'd be your girlfriend for the rest of my life and you'd never be ready to marry me." 
"I was ready to marry you the second you came back from New York after Spring Break." 
"I did. I never wanted to let you go again. I had fucked up and never wanted to risk losing you again." He explains. You smile, looping your arms under his and leaning your head on his shoulder, 
"That's truly adorable. You've still had your moments but... I have no doubt that all the growth you've done since that whole mess has helped you. Really." He nods, 
"I feel a lot better, that's for sure." He tells you, sighing. You hum, 
"I'm glad. You know... we both have to be in a good mindset to have a baby." 
"Speaking of, you are okay with having a baby like... soonish right?" He asks. You shrug, 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
"I just obviously wanna make sure you're comfortable and we're on the same page." He tells you as you move to lounge between his legs. You scoff, 
"Bitch I just married you. There isn't a thing you could do to make me uncomfortable. We're one now." He chuckles, laying his hands over your stomach, 
"But you would tell me if something is out of your comfort zone right?" He asks. You nod, eyebrows knitting together, 
"Good." Leaning your head back against his chest, you sigh, closing your eyes. He presses his lips to your temple and leaves them there, breathing you in. The setting sun provides a nice warmth, 
"I say we just never go back to America. We just run away and become permanent travelers." Tom chuckles, 
"And abandon my very expensive diploma, I think that's a dumb idea love." He tells you. You hum, 
"You could very well get a big break in Europe without the degree." You reason. He hums, 
"That'd be great to take you back to my home." 
"Well since we'll be traveling, you very well could give me a better tour of your little hometown." You confirm. He nods, 
"That sounds really good." A silence settles over you, the sound of the waves crashing being the only noise around. He reaches up and rubs over your shoulders, 
"I'm glad we're here." 
"Me too." You tell him quickly. He smiles, 
"I'm really glad you agreed to marry me." He says. You giggle, 
"Me too." His smile widens. He leans in and kisses you softly when you rise to your knees and turn to face him, 
"I think we should revisit the newlywed sex." He implies with a raise of his eyebrow. You hum, 
"Me too. Definitely." He chuckles softly before he's standing and taking your hands, leading you back through the sand to your bungalow, pushing you on the bed softly once he slides the door closed. 
                                           *Seven Years Later*
"Mia darling, please don't do that." Tom calls to your oldest child, hoisting Harper, your current youngest into his lap with her holding his fingers and climbing his chair. He focuses on the two year old, her hair falling down her back and her legs tangled up in her dress. He rubs her back once she snuggles into him, kissing her forehead. 
Not long after your wedding, you were pregnant with Mia. The second Tom found out she was a girl, he couldn't drop the smile, convinced that the talk of having a girl first all throughout college was just divine intervention. Seeing your husband as a father that first time was unlike anything else. He couldn't put his baby girl down. You were his girl, and he followed you around like a lost puppy, but the second you gave birth to little Mia Faye, he was hooked. And the process continued with your first son three years later, Wyatt James was held in Mia's lap, who was always in Tom's lap. And then again with his second baby girl, Harper Monroe. And now here you are, pregnant with your final baby, another sweet boy who Tom talks to daily, first thing in the morning before he wakes your three older kiddos to bring to bed and see you and at night, right before you go to bed, wishing your little wiggly bean goodnight. He already has a name, Oliver Ethan, and you're excited to have a complete family, four kids to grow up together and travel with, something you and Tom have loved doing since being out of college. 
Cole sighs as he sits beside Keaton who holds his and Phoebe's daughter, Emma's tiny purse, glancing up at his ex-roommate, 
"'S the matter? Being the father of the birthday boy is tiring?" He teases. Cole rolls his eyes, 
"Not only that, but when his papa decides it's time to spoil him and he wonders why mommy and daddy don't do the same, it can get interesting." Cole explains. You smile, rubbing the baby bump over your dress. Tom watches you, 
"I'm just glad that he has a papa. You and dad have gotten along pretty well since he's moved out here." You tell him, reaching up to stroke through Tom's hair to soothe you both. Cole crosses his arms watching his daughter, Daisy, follow Scarlett around, Logan and Ashton, Ivey and Harrison's older boys by her side like they always are when the group is together, 
"I guess so, yeah, it's been... weird. He avoids bringing up mom which makes it awkward but... he's a good enough grandfather. The kids like him and if Scarlett needs help and I'm not available, he's been there." He explains. You nod, leaning into Tom's side. Harper twirls your hair around her finger sleepily, Tom leaning in to kiss her pudgy cheek, 
"Regardless, you guys are talking and actually acting like father and son. Now we have like an actual family again." He nods, 
"Yeah..." Keaton yawns, 
"And what about you Ke? Now that dad's back here and starting that branch of his company here and you're working for him again, how's it been?" He glances up as Phoebe slides into the chair beside him, 
"Yeah, it's good. Back to better payment, being the assistant. It's pretty nice." 
"And no such luck with the baby making?" You ask. He smiles, looking to Phoebe, 
"We're getting there. It's been a hard process but... IVF has been going pretty well." 
"I'm trying to calm the fuck down." Phoebe starts, dragging her fingers through her hair, "I know that going through all of this, the IVF'll fail and then I'll get pregnant naturally." She says with a roll of her eyes. Keaton smiles, 
"The embryo we transfer next month is a girl. Our little Sophia so... hopefully. Fingers crossed." He says. You smile and nod, 
"All our fingers are crossed." You tell them. Keaton smiles, glancing up as Wyatt runs up to you, 
"Yes my love?" You ask of him as he leans in on your legs, 
"Can I go with Mason to his room to see his toys?" He asks you. You brush his hair from his eyes, 
"Did you ask Auntie Scarlett or Uncle Cole if you could?" You ask him. He glances around, 
"Mason asked auntie." 
"If she tells him yes, you can go with him but- hey, Wyatt... but if you go in his room, you need to be careful and don't do anything bad okay? Pick up after yourself like we tell you to do at home." You tell him. He nods before running off to find his cousin. Tom is smiling when you look to him again, 
"What?" You ask. He shakes his head, 
"You're just a really great mum is all." He mumbles, helping Harper slide from his lap again, "Where are you headed love?" He asks, but she ignores him and runs off towards the jumper. You giggle at the pout on his lips, glancing up when Ivey sighs behind you. Her and Harrison slide in between you and Keaton and Phoebe, the little green blanket she left with half an hour ago to quiet the crying cradled in her arms again, 
"He okay?" You ask. She nods and rolls her eyes, 
"He's had a little bit of colic so... he's just cranky but... he's fed and asleep. He should be good for a little while now. Logan and Ashton been good?" 
"Yup, only pulled Daisy's pigtails once." You joke. She huffs, 
"I believe you. Ashton, if you don't tend to him in time, pulls your hair to get up on your chair or whatever he wants. I swear... sometimes if Harrison doesn't collect them while I'm feeding or something, he's sleeping on the couch." Harrison snorts, 
"Yeah, we've had to take up stock in ice cream to keep the boys away from mum." He murmurs. You giggle, watching Ivey roll her eyes before she reaches an arm out and rubs over your belly, 
"How's this little one? You're about in your eighth month huh?" She poses. You nod, pressing a hand to the base of your belly, 
"Yeah... he's doing good. He was super rambunctious last night. We were up all night last night watching him swim and kick. He's gonna be our biggest baby I think." You tell her. You carry a huge smile and taking a glance at Tom, you see he does too. He's so proud of this family you've created. He loves you and all three, almost four kids you have, 
"And Rosie is back to being her protective little self with new little man?" Harrison asks. You nod, 
"Soooooo much. She's normally with the kids but if I sit down, she's right in my lap, head laid over the bump." You tell him. He smiles, 
"She's been pretty great eh?" 
"Oh and her and Tessa get along so damn well when my parents bring Tess down." Tom pitches in. You smile, 
"They've both been great. We were blessed in a lot of ways." 
"That is so good. She's been such a great girl for you." 
"She really has, and Y/N never had animals growing up so she's been a great little companion for Y/N's first time." Tom explains. Ivey nods, glancing up at you, 
"And she's grown up with the kids technically." You pose. Ivey smiles, 
"That Christmas card... so damn cute. You guys with the matching kids and Rose. I can't believe how tall Wyatt is getting. I bet he'll be taller than Tom before we know it." She winks as Tom rolls his eyes, 
"Ha ha. Very funny." She smiles, 
"You know I'm kidding. He's so cute though. All those freckles. He looks just like you Tommy." 
"Well he's lucky then." Your husband murmurs, smiling when you swat at him. He leans over and kisses your cheek, 
"He's hooked on his mumma though. Doesn't ask me for shit. Goes straight to her." 
"Well you've got two baby girls that go to you. So... I'll keep him." You defend. Tom chuckles 
"Who is that? Is that Auntie Y/N/N?" You glance up just in time to see a tan little boy move into your line of sight, giggling. You smile up at him, 
"My little Hunter!" Gil chuckles as you take his little boy, laying him in your lap to tickle him. Tom laughs along as the little boy squeals and Gil leans in to kiss your cheek and then Ivey's, 
"Bout time you showed." 
"Mmm, Minah kept changing his outfit." He mumbles. You hug Hunter into you, smiling as Tom ruffles his hair, 
"Why didn't she come?" Harrison asks. Gil rolls his eyes, 
"Uhm, her mom's in town. But... I don't think she would've come anyways." He tells him. Ivey cocks her head sympathetically, 
"Still having problems?" 
"Yes, and she wants another baby like that'll magically save our relationship." He remarks. You smile up at him, 
"Well I dunno about you but I think this little one is great." You tease, tickling Hunter again. Gil's smile returns when Hunter giggles, 
"He's the only thing that keeps me sane." He tells you. Tom nods, 
"That's how it works." Reaching out again, Tom brushes long strands of hair from Hunter's eyes, 
"I think Wyatt and Mason went to Mason's room. You wanna go see?" You ask him. He nods, squirming from your arms and running off. Scarlett catches him in the doorway, standing on her toes and pressing a hand to his head. She smiles before walking to the table you all sit at, 
"Are we having fun? I see there's only one kiddo here right now. Hi sweet boy." 
"He's not so sweet right now." Ivey mumbles as Scarlett leans over her shoulder and coos into the blanket in her lap. Surprisingly, the little one smiles a toothless smile up at his aunt, the smile growing wider when she reaches down and pokes his nose, 
"Not feelin good baby?" Ivey shakes her head, 
"Colic still." 
"The gripe water didn't work?" Scarlett asks, 
"Very briefly." Ivey confirms. Scarlett clicks her tongue, 
"Damn. Poor thing." Ivey nods, rocking the bundle. When both girls look up, they find you smiling at them. Ivey giggles, 
"What?" You shake your head, blinking tears away, 
"Nothing... just wondering how we got here. What happened to the girls I was introduced to eleven or so years ago? We were so young and carefree and look at us now. We're all moms. We're all wives and killing it all." Tom hums, reaching out to brush the stray tear that falls away. Ivey clicks her tongue, blinking rapidly, 
"Oh babes. You pregnant and me coming down from postpartum doesn't help this shit." She moves in, laying her head over your shoulder. Scarlett whines before she's brushing Tom aside and wrapping her arms around you and Ivey. Phoebe's heeled boots click as she rushes in to join the group hug, Owen, in Ivey's arms cooing up at her too. She smiles, 
"I know I was quite the party girl but... these little ones are the best things we could ever do. Ten... almost eleven, twelve when I get a clear head, these are our greatest accomplishments." She tells the three of you. You nod, pressing her hand over your belly, 
"Definitely." Your baby boy kicks out against her hand in agreement, making the four of you giggle. Tom smiles too, watching you and the girls hug before you part and you take his hand, squeezing and pressing it to your belly. He hums as he rubs the bump, 
"He's gonna be a rambunctious little thing. Reckon we'll be exhausted after chasing just him around." He says, scooting closer to you. You smile, reaching up to drape your arm over the back of his chair, trailing up his back, 
"Well you're the one that had the years of experience of chasing girls around so I think you're suited for the job daddy." His smile widens, 
"Please never mention that in front of the kids. I don't need my little girls knowing and my little boys thinking it's okay that their dad was a womanizer in this very gender equalizing, accepting time." He murmurs. Leaning into him, you kiss his cheek, 
"I promise not to." 
"Thank you." Scarlett, who had previously walked away, starts back towards you, wide smile on her face, 
"I have another tiny slice of cake. I know you and baby boy want it Y/N." You gasp, holding your hands out, 
"Oh my God yes, you're a lifesaver!" You squeal. Tom watches, chuckling softly as you snatch the thin slice of chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting from your sister-in-law. You offer some to him, but he shakes his head. He glances up at the bouncy house, clearing his throat after a moment, 
"Uh oh. The sugar monster's coming. You made a grave mistake accepting cake behind her back like that." You glance up, watching Harper trot towards you, climbing back into her father's lap. He holds her steady moving his legs closer to you to allow her to chomp the piece of cake from your fork. He tucks hair behind her ear, 
"That's good huh lovey? You are never getting to bed tonight little one." You giggle, watching a sparkle flash through Harper's vibrant brown eyes, 
"But with her daddy's puppy dog eyes, no one can resist her." You reason. He nods and leans in to kiss her cheek, 
"Well that's for sure." He murmurs. Once you've finished the cake, Tom holds Harper close, the little one allowing her daddy to love on her. He glances at you and raises an eyebrow and you know exactly what he's asking. The second she saw the cookies upon entrance, it's all she was stuck on for a while. She's such a daddy's girl because he spoils her and you just know he's asking if he can give her a cookie because she's been so good with no tantrums. You chew the inside of your lip, 
"Just one." 
"That's all I'm asking for anyways." He confirms. You nod, 
"Fine then. Nothing more though." He nods, pulling her from his shoulder, 
"Harp, I have a surprise for you, you wanna know what it is?" He asks her. She nods, standing on his thighs, holding onto his hands. He smiles, "You want a cookie? I know you wanted one earlier." Her eyes light up and she nods, bouncing on his legs gently. He chuckles, 
"Alright sweet girl, let's get you one then, yeah?" She nods again, clinging to him as he stands and your heart flutters. To believe that the same man that fought you on a relationship and constantly pushed you away, is now holding your two year old daughter to his hip at a kid's birthday party is beyond imagination, and it is the most beautiful thing ever. 
You smile as Tom grabs your wrist, pulling you flush to his body, 
"I know you're exhausted love, and I'll go get you some ice cream after the kids are in bed but... I missed seeing you with all of our friends. You looked stunning all glowing and pregnant out there." He tells you, pressing a hand to your belly. You smile, reaching up to stroke his cheek, 
"You're the sweetest." His smile widens before he leans down to kiss you, 
"I've spent a long ass time loving you and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Especially when you're pregnant with my baby. You and those three... almost four in there, I'd kill for." He reminds you. You sigh, 
"I really lucked out in the husband department then huh?" You ask. He chuckles softly, 
"Guess so, yeah." Popping open the passenger side door, Tom waits until you climb inside to close you in. He climbs in beside you quickly, turning the car on before Mia speaks up, 
"Yes love?" He asks, turning in his seat to face her, 
"Can we listen to Frozen?" 
"No," Wyatt speaks up, "put on Cars." 
"How about we meet in the middle and settle for some Brother Bear or... Lion King?" Tom poses, settling the argument your kids'll inevitably have. And it works. Tom finds the soundtrack for Brother Bear in his phone, quickly shuffling it and stuffing the device in the cup holder. His Spotify has slowly become Disney movie playlists since he's become a dad and he loves every second of it. Harper swings her feet, staring out her window as she hums along to a song, Tom watching her in the rear view mirror with a smile plastered on his lips. You reach up and stroke over the back of his neck, leaning over to kiss his cheek, 
"You are so perfect Tom Holland." You tell him. He draws his eyes off the road for just a moment to look at you, 
"Well that makes two of us Y/N Holland." He says, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles. Squeezing his fingers in yours, you sigh and twist in your seat to look at your babies. 
Wyatt resembles his daddy the most. He has the same signature curls and eyes and you can already see he's starting to inherit the same nose Sam has and those Holland freckles have emerged. He's definitely a little mama's boy and with the way the girls favor Tom, you hope Oliver will follow in his big brother's footsteps. Mia has Tom's eyes too, but her features resemble you a little bit more. She has your hair type and color, and your nose and eye shape. Tom loves that about her. Harper has more of your features as well, but she's a near perfect combination of the both of you, a gorgeous little girl that Tom coddles the most because she'll let him. He's been in love with all of your babies since the day they were conceived, the most amazing father and husband, getting up at ungodly hours to let you sleep in and him take care of the kids. He's always been an early riser because of golf and now, being a dad, he has the skill to master it like he was never sure he'd be able to. His true calling in life, the cure for his anxiety, has been you and his babies. 
Dragging his hand back up to your lips, you kiss it, 
"I love you so much Tom Holland." You whisper. He smiles, taking his eyes off the road for just a second to look at you, 
"And I love you. More than you'll ever know." He replies, dragging your hand up to kiss it. Tears spring into your eyes again as you stare into his eyes and recognize that boy you met nearly eleven years ago, the one that only wanted to be with you sexually and wanted to avoid you emotionally. You recognize the boy that tore apart your relationship again and again, but always chose to get better for you. And now he's the most perfect husband and father. And that's all that matters to you. 
Yes, you were nervous moving to Seattle, starting new, but your friends, Tom, they've made it easier to live. They've changed your life for the better. They’ve given you immense amounts of love and Tom, himself, has given you a love like no other that created four beautiful babies. And you wouldn't change a thing. Moving from Beverly Hills to Seattle, has proved worth it.
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mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
Cuddling with frat!tom after an exam?
You groan as you flop on Tom's bed, listening to him chuckle as he sits beside you. He unclips your bra, lathering his hands in lotion and smoothing it across your back, 
"My back has been itching for the past… four hours. Fuckkkk that's good." You groan. He presses his thumbs into your shoulders, smoothing more lotion down as he massages into your back. His smile stays as you groan before he moves back, rubbing his hands together to smooth the rest of the lotion into his own skin before he pulls his own t-shirt off, tossing it on the floor before he climbs over you and lays with his chest to your back. He sighs, obsessed with the feeling of your skin moving along his, 
"Thank you." You hum. He nods, 
"Course. Anything for my girl." He grumbles as he wraps an arm around you, snuggling into your back. The coolness of the room has hardened his nipples which scrape against your back as you smile. Turning in his arms, you hum and snuggle into his chest, 
"I like hearing you call me your girl. It makes me feel like the only one."
"Ahh get outta here with that shit, you are the only one." You giggle, pressing your nose to the base of his throat. You listen to him breathe, watching his chest thump with his heart beat. Leaning in to kiss where it does, he kisses the top of your head in return, 
"I love you, ya know that?" He asks. You nod, 
"Yeah. You keep me warm, you kiss me, you put lotion on my itchy back, give me massages and flowers you pick from campus, braid my hair, help me write papers, bring me dinner and coffee… the list goes on. I know you love me." Tom hums, 
"I do so much for you. God… I'm great." You giggle again, nuzzling in his chest again. It rattles as he laughs and tightens his arms around you, 
"No… you're just as perfect baby. The things you do for me are just as appreciated. Thats why we're compatible." He tells you as you keep your face pressed into the grove of his chest, pressing kisses to the space each time his heart beats, 
"Yeah… my parents would take you over me any day." You remind. He laughs again before his hands slip into the back of your jeans and you squeal, 
"Those are cold." 
"Why do you think I'm stickin em there?" He asks with another half hearted giggle. You press your chest to his now, kissing his lips softly, 
"I do appreciate you. You do a lot and I didn't know you had it in you." He smiles and nods, 
"I know. I like proving you wrong." He murmurs before kissing you again, deepening it. You lay there for a while, kissing as he holds you before he draws back, 
"Speaking of proving people wrong… uhm, aren't you here for comfort after a test?" He asks. You nod, kissing his chin, 
"Aaaaand I got an A!" You cheer. Tom's smile grows,
"Babyyyyy!" He resorts to tickling you, giggling as you squeal and laugh, writhing in his bed. You press your hands over his, "Why didn't you start with that information?" He asks. You shrug, 
"I dunno, my back itched." You state. He chuckles again, 
"Ass. I'm proud of you though." 
"Yeah, all that cockblocking you so I could study really paid off." You joke. He snorts and shakes his head, 
"You're a big ass." 
"But I'm your ass." You chide, rolling onto his chest, and in turn, widening his smile. 
290 notes · View notes
mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
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Make Me Love You: A Frat Boy!Tom Holland x Student!Reader Fanfic
Preface: Making the move from LA to Seattle is tough, but a certain British frat boy and avid golfer is there to comfort you. And maybe do a little more.
Fic Warnings: Language, frat parties, smut, sexual innuendos, alcohol consumption, fighting, angst, blood, mentions of therapy & medication, cheesy love, mentions of marriage + babies
♡ indicates the chapter has smut
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four // Chapter Five // Chapter Six // ♡Chapter Seven // ♡Chapter Eight // Chapter Nine // ♡Chapter Ten // Chapter Eleven // ♡Chapter Twelve // Chapter Thirteen  // Chapter Fourteen // Chapter Fifteen // Chapter Sixteen // Chapter Seventeen // ♡Chapter Eighteen // Chapter Nineteen // ♡Chapter Twenty // ♡Chapter Twenty-One // Chapter Twenty-Two // Chapter Twenty-Three // ♡Chapter Twenty-Four // ♡Chapter Twenty-Five // ♡Chapter Twenty-Six // Chapter Twenty-Seven // Chapter Twenty-Eight // ♡Chapter Twenty-Nine // Chapter Thirty // Chapter Thirty-One // Chapter Thirty-Two // ♡Part Thirty-Three // ♡Part Thirty-Four // Part Thirty-Five // Part Thirty-Six // Part Thirty-Seven // Epilogue
Alternative New York Scene
Character Face Claims
Fake Instagram Posts by @illicitparker​​
Major Character Astrological Signs
Moodboard by @softholand​
Wedding Pinterest Boards 
3K notes · View notes
mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [seventeen]
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Warnings: language, the casual sex jokes, reunions, fluff, talk of angst
Word Count: 7,413
Author's Note: It's been long awaited but here it is! I think the reunion is adorable and I hope you guys enjoy too. Lemme know what you think! :)
Series Masterlist | Add yourself to one of my taglists
Tom was anxious as he stood, waiting in the middle of the airport. No matter how many times your friends told him to sit, he couldn't. Especially with the amount of coffee he had had. You were on a plane, coming back to him and every time he looked up at that screen, every time he read your flight name, his heart skipped again. Cole found himself staring up at your boyfriend as Tom watched the people around them, hoping one of them would be you soon. 
You had glanced over at Keaton sleeping beside you every once in a while, smiling as you read and check your phone off and on. You glance out over the city as the plane falls below the clouds, dreary Seattle coming into view. Your heart skips a beat as you pull an earphone from your ear to shake Keaton's shoulder. He wakes somewhat jolty, 
"What? Yeah?" You giggle, 
"We're landing Ke." You inform, watching him rub the sleep from his eyes and nod, 
"Cool, awesome." He mutters watching as the plane descends further onto the runway. When you're fully landed, you're patient waiting to get off the plane and after a few minutes, you and Keaton are headed towards baggage claim where you stand for a few more minutes,
"So... approximately how many people do I actually have to meet?" He asks, standing beside you with one of his hands in his pocket, the other holding his bag over his shoulder. You glance up at the ceiling, chewing the inside of your cheek as you count in your head, 
"About seven. That's how many people actually matter to me here." You inform, a smile rising to your lips. He smiles back, chuckling after a moment as he collects his suitcase from the belt, watching you claim your own suitcase and walking towards the exit. As you walk, Keaton laughs along with you, cracking jokes and telling you a story before you pause, those signature curls and soft brown eyes catching your eye. You stare at him for a moment, heart stopping momentarily before it pounds again, hard, almost making you pass out. Keaton pauses, glancing back at you before he follows your sight to Tom, but your boyfriend's eyes don't leave you. Keaton turns back to you, 
"Is that him?" He asks. You nod, Keaton watching your chest heave, your eyes never leaving Tom. There's a moment of silence before he juts his chin over his shoulder, 
"Go on, I got your suitcase. Go get your boy." He says, taking the handle of your suitcase from your hand before you look up finally. He nods with a soft, reassuring smile. You swallow, starting towards Tom. After another moment, he moves forward, tears rising to your eyes as you pick up pace in just a few moments. He blinks a few times and you know it's to clear his own tears as the rest of the group behind him stands. In just a few seconds you're barreling into him, one of his arms wrapping around your waist and the other around your shoulders, hand holding the back of your neck into his. You let the tears flow, sobs raking your body as your arms wrap around his middle, hands clutching the back of his sweater. He holds you, letting you sob and letting tears of his own fall, 
"I'm sorry darling. I'm so sorry and I'll never chase you away again. I love you so so much." He mutters into your hair, your heart pounding out to meet his. You nod, drawing back after a moment. He grasps your face in both hands, staring down at you, 
"Fuck Y/N, I'm so sorry." You nod, leaning in to peck his lips. Those same sparks you get every time you kiss him electrify your body and he feels it too, leaning in to kiss you again now that he knows you're okay with it. Your arms stay wrapped around his waist as you stare up into his eyes, his forehead coming to rest against yours as he fluffs your hair softly, 
"I missed you so much." He mutters, stroking your cheek. You turn into his palm, leaning in for one last kiss before you reach up, 
"I'm gonna slap you for doing what you did." You warn. He smiles before nodding and closing his eyes as you gently pull back and swat his cheek. But it makes him laugh as he nods, 
"I deserve it harder than that and you know it." 
"That's okay though. I forgive you, I swear." You tell him. He nods before you look over, catching Cole's eye. You pull from Tom's grasp, walking forward to pull him into your arms. He nuzzles his face in your neck, arms tight around you as if when he let's you go you'll disappear,
"I'm sorry." You whimper into him, feeling him shake his head, squeezing your shoulder as you let more of your tears slip from your eyes. He pulls back rather quickly, brushing them away, 
"I'm just glad you're back." He says, sniffling. You turn to the three girls standing beside you, Ivey reaching out. You're collected into three pairs of arms, Ivey kissing your cheek, 
"Us too. We're glad you're back babes." She whispers to you as you sniffle again, laying your head against Phoebe's. She squeezes you, kissing your temple after a moment as you reach out and squeeze Scarlett's hand, giving her a reassuring smile. She returns it before you pull apart and Harrison wraps an arm around your shoulders in a half hug,
"Welcome back. Maybe now your little boy toy will get some sleep." He says. You hug him back, 
"Thanks Haz. I'll try and get him back to normal."
"Ya know, it's actually freaky how much you've changed him." Ivey piped up. You shrug, 
"Dunno what it is about me he's obsessed with." You admit. The small group laughs before Phoebe licks her lips, 
"So uhh, who's blondie?" She asks softly. You turn and look past Tom at Keaton who stands awkwardly in the middle of the airport,
"Oh, guys... uhm, this is Keaton," the girls all chatter amongst themselves understandingly while Cole, Tom, Gil, and Harrison looking around, lost, "my dad's assistant. He uhm, he's here to check out Seattle." You explain. Keaton gives a somewhat shy smile and a wave, the group welcoming him before Tom steps up before you, holding out the small gold plated necklace you had gotten used to wearing everyday and sometimes even instinctively would reach up and touch the place it sat when you were back in New York, 
"Can I uhm, can I put it back on you?" He asks somewhat shyly. You smile and nod, letting him clasp the necklace around your neck. He let's it rest on his fingertips for a moment before letting it fall back against your skin. You reach up, running your fingers over it for a moment before he smiles, placing his hand on your hip. You swallow and reach up to touch his cheek, his face turning into your palm. He closes his eyes, turning his head softly to kiss the heel of your hand. You smile before turning to face Keaton, 
"Come here." You tell him, Tom watching the blonde approach. He smiles as he nears you, 
"Keaton, this is Tom, Tom, Keaton." You introduce with a soft smile. Keaton holds his hand out, Tom taking it after a moment and shaking, 
"Hey man, I've heard a lot about you." Keaton says to Tom, Tom giving a tight lipped smile, 
"Yeah, I've heard a little bit about you too. But uhm... thank you... for... taking care of her." Tom replies, looking to you for a moment. Keaton smiles back, 
"Yeah, of course, she was great company." Keaton admits, standing straight again. You smile, arm wrapped around Tom's waist, 
"Keaton was great company too." You tell Tom who's own arm wraps around your body. He nods as he looks down at you again. Keaton clears his throat, 
"So uhh, which- which of the girls is the one you said I needed to look out for?" Keaton mutters to you, Tom's eyes darting between the two of you as you glance over at your small group of friends, pointing to Phoebe secretly. Keaton follows your finger, listening to you explain what she's wearing. His eyebrows raise as Tom's do and he snorts, 
"You told him to watch out for Phoebe?" 
"Well I told him that if he was looking for a one night stand, she was quite the little minx." Tom chews the inside of his cheek before he shrugs and looks to Keaton, 
"Alright that's fair." The three of you laugh lightly before Keaton looks to Phoebe and licks his lips, 
"She uhh, she is pretty cute." He admits. Tom chuckles as you let out another laugh, 
"Well she kinda... seems to be interested so you could always... talk her up." You propose. He nods, looking between you and Tom for a moment before it hits him, 
"Aah. I uhh, I gotcha." He mutters before he starts to walk towards the small group of girls. Tom looks down, 
"Y/N..." Tom calls. Your eyes find his and he reaches out, holding your fingers in his, 
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, you know that?" You nod, squeezing his fingers. He drags you in again, arms bound around your middle as your arms bind around his shoulders, one of your hands threading the fingers through his hair, 
"I won't leave you again. It hurts me too and... we should be working through this. Not splitting up and trying to hurt each other more." You draw back, arms falling to wrap around his torso. His cross yours, hands placed at your lower back,
"Those other girls, Delilah, they gave up on you but I won't because," tears fill your eyes and your throat burns as you collect his face in your hands, "ever since I met you I've loved you Thomas Holland. And nothing will ever change that. No distance, no fight, no kiss, you're mine and I'm yours and I don't care how much you try and push me away, I won't let you." You lecture him, wiping his tears away. He nods, sniffling as you collect his face in your hands. His eyes meet yours, 
"When we get back to school I'm gonna... start going to therapy. I need you too much to Chase you away again and I'd love to get over this feeling of my bitching being too much for you but… I think the only way to do that is professional help." He admits with a sigh, glancing down for a moment as if he's ashamed. You take a breath, 
"I think it'll seriously help too." You tell him softly. He nods and smiles, 
"I'd do anything to keep you here." He says. Your smile widens before you lean in, arms wrapped tighter around him. He does the same and you sigh,
"Yeah?" He asks after a silent moment, drawing his head back from yours to see your eyes. You smile,
"Take me home." You remark. Tom chuckles and nods, sliding your backpack from your shoulders and onto his own back. Finding the handle of your suitcase, he wheels it towards the front door of the airport, jutting his chin over his shoulder to signal you're leaving to the rest of the group. You giggle as you pass Phoebe, Scarlett, and Keaton, Phoebe batting her lashes up at your new blonde friend. Tom threads his fingers through yours, leading you out of the airport and into the drizzly, cold Seattle weather. He leads you to his car, smiling as you close your eyes and take a breath, head tipping back to take in the cool Washington air, 
"Did you get any of this in New York?" 
"Not even close. It was warm until yesterday. I hated it." You admit. He chuckles, opening your door before opening the hatch and putting your bags in the back. He leaves it open, turning to Keaton who looks to you, 
"I uhh, I guess your dad got me a room at one of the hotels for a few days." He informs, 
"Ya know, I have an extra room at my place. If you wanted, we do like a roommate thing. I mean... if you're gonna stay of course." Cole remarks, tucking his hands in his pockets. You shrug as Keaton looks at you again, 
"Could be good if you like it. Cole's a great roommate." You tell Keaton. Your brother snorts, 
"Before this mess Y/N was either at the frat house or in her dorm. She doesn't even stay with me." He informs Keaton who laughs before you lean in to playfully punch Cole in the stomach, 
"But I'll visit more if two of my favorite men are living together." You pose as Cole wraps his arms around you, hugging you into him and kissing your hair, 
"So endearing. But yeah Keaton, if you stay and you wannna be roommates, we totally could. You know how to get in touch with me and all." Keaton nods, 
"Yeah, that sounds great. Uhh, so... what do you say? You guys drop me off at my hotel and then... we can meet up later for like dinner or something?" He asks. Tom shrugs and nods, looking to you, 
"Don't see why not." 
"We're making a welcome home dinner for Y/N/N at the dorms, but you're more than welcome to join. You too Cole." Phoebe implies suddenly. He nods, 
"Alright, nice." 
"Yeah uhh, I'll come... get you before I head over there." Tom tell Keaton who nods, 
"Thanks." Tom nods in return before letting Keaton put his bags in the hatch and closing it inside. He rounds the car and climbs inside, shoving his key into the ignition, 
"So which hotel is it?" Keaton hums as he pulls up his phone, 
"Uhhh, Silver Cloud in University District." 
"Ahh that's not bad. That's like ten minutes from campus." Tom says, pulling from the parking lot and onto the street. You glance over at him before reaching across the center console and taking his hand in yours. He smiles as he looks in the mirror and checks his blindspot. He squeezes your fingers and when he knows it's safe, he looks to you, smiling. He draws your hand up to kiss the back of it, holding your hand tight in his, 
"Love you." He mutters against the skin. You smile and glance out of the window, 
"Prove it Holland." He chuckles, kissing the back of your hand again, 
"I'll spend the rest of my life doing just that." He admits. You smile, releasing his hand to reach up further and thread your fingers through his hair. And that's how he drives, eyes somewhat hooded as he continues past campus to Keaton's hotel, 
"You want us to go in with you Ke?" You ask, turning to look at him as he climbs from the car, 
"Nah, you guys deserve your time alone. I'm a big boy, I can do it by myself." He says, smiling at you. You return it before glancing at Tom as he pops his door open, 
"Here." He hops from the car, walking around to open the hatch and helps Keaton remove his suitcases from the back. Keaton thanks him before throwing his duffel bag over his shoulder and walking to your door, the window rolled down, 
"I'll see you later then?" You nod as Tom climbs back in beside you, smiling up at Keaton, 
"Of course. You have my number so you can reach out whenever. If you wanna talk or you need directions or a good food place or somethin. I mean... I'm not very good at that but... I've got my people that know somewhat what's good around here." You tell him with a laugh. He chuckles, 
"Yeah, I get you. But uhh, I'll see you guys tonight. Have fun." He says with a smile before you nod, 
"Bye Ke." He waves to you and Tom as he walks up to the doors, brushing inside as you roll your window up. Being alone with Tom makes you feel a number of things. Nervous, awkward, excited. Turning to look at him, you frown, 
"What are you doing?" 
"There's a really good takeout place on the way back home and I'm ordering some for lunch. I figure we could... ya know, hang out, catch up." He says, cheeks going red as he looks up from his phone. You smile and nod, 
"Sounds good to me." He nods, diverting his eyes to his phone again. He finishes the order, setting his phone aside and glancing up at the door again before he pulls from the curb. He sighs, 
"He uhh, he's nice. That's- that's who you were... with all the time back there?" He asks rather nervously. You nod, 
"Yeah. He was there the first day I was. My dad introduced me to him the second I walked in the door." You tell Tom, smiling as you stare out of the windshield. He glances over at you, smiling to himself, 
"I like him. Anyone that is that into you is crazy." He remarks. You glance up at him, 
"So what's your excuse Holland?" He stares into your eyes for a moment,
"I've got daddy issues. I'm fucking insane. That's why I love you more than anything in this world." He says, tears stinging your eyes after a moment, 
"And that's why you promise to spend the rest of your life proving it to me?" You ask. He's looked out at the road by now, but your eyes are locked on him. He blinks through half hooded eyes, swallowing before he nods and looks to you again, 
He leaves you sitting in his car as he runs into the Chinese restaurant, returning with a styrofoam cup and a bag, handing you the drink and climbing back inside. He sighs,
"Figured we could share the drink but if you don't want to you can have it." He mutters as he checks the boxes in the bag, glancing up to watch you sip from the straw and shake your head, 
"We can share." He nods before he leans over the center console to kiss your cheek. You smile, focusing your view back out over the city you've come to love. It's like a breath of fresh air to be back, to be in your city with your people. In just a few short minutes, Tom is pulling into the dorm parking lot, handing you the bag of food, 
"I'll carry your bags. You can carry this." You smile, opening your door and climbing out, staring up at the hall that you came to with Cole eight months ago. Tom nudges your arm, drawing you from your nostalgia, 
"Come on you." He mutters, leading you in the hall and up to your floor. He sighs as he waits for you to unlock the front door to your dorm. Phoebe gasps before pulling you into her arms. You hold her, Ivey reaching up to brush hair behind your ear and nod at Tom when he announces he's taking your bags to your room. Phoebe pulls back and kisses your cheek, 
"First off, I'm glad you're back, I missed your cute face and I'm glad I'm done having to put up with moping Tom. Second off, your Keaton friend is hot and I'm gonna apologize in advance for fucking the shit out of him." She remarks. You giggle, laying your head against Ivey's,
"I'm glad to be back too. And hey, maybe you'll be able to something for Keaton I couldn't." Phoebe glances up over your shoulder when Tom re-enters the room, 
"And you you little shit. Now that she's back if you do what you did again, I'll cut your dick off." She warns, a smile crossing Tom's face as the two other girls in the room snicker. You click your tongue, 
"He's okay. I'll do it for you but... I don't think he'll do it again." You reassure, meeting Tom's eyes. He nods with his same smile, 
"Never. I'm a one girl typa guy now." He remarks. Phoebe cocks her head, 
"Remember that next time you try and make her jealous you asshat." 
"I got it, it won't happen again mum." He sighs, leaning against the doorway. You giggle, 
"We're gonna go eat lunch in my room." You tell the girls who all nod and there's a collective murmur before Tom is following you down the hall with the bag in his hand, the drink in yours. He sighs, closing your door behind him as you sit at the edge of your bed. You glance down at the sheets, a crumpled mess from your abrupt departure. You hold the blanket in your fingers as Tom sits across from you, leaning against your desk chair, 
"You alright?" He asks, sipping from the drink you'd set down. You nod, heart clenching and eyes watering as you avoid his eyes, 
"Yeah... the last time I was in this room you were sleeping in my bed and I was getting ready for that party." You inform, glancing up at him. The tears in your eyes hurt his heart. He sighs, holding his hand out which you take before he drags you down beside him, popping a box of the Chinese food open. Your mouth instantly waters despite the thoughts that run rampant. He finds a fork, an arm wrapping around your body, 
"A classic. Orange chicken. This place is fucking good. Sometimes when I study I go get some of this." He admits, feeding you a good size piece. He quickly spears another piece, eating it and glancing down at you, 
"It's good right?" You nod, resting your arm across his leg as you chew. He hums, brushing hair from your face and feeding you another piece before he kisses your temple, 
"What's happened in the past should stay in the past Y/N/N. I know I fucked up and unless it's coming from your mouth, I don't need everyone to tell me that I fucked up. I've already told you I'm going to therapy but I'm over it. I'm done trying to hurt you and hurting you and no matter what, I'm not gonna do what I did again. I'm yours and I promise to talk to you and give you a love like Harrison and Ivey. I promise, okay?" You nod, laying your head back against his shoulder. He hums as he pulls boxes from the bag, opening them to find spring rolls, sweet and sour chicken and chow mein. You've shifted to sitting across from him, cross legged as you dig into the boxes, 
"So," Tom shifts to cross his legs, "you didn't like New York?" He asks, lifting chopsticks with chow mein between them to his lips. You shrug, chewing on the end of a spring roll,
"I mean it's nice... like land wise but... it's too fast paced. There's something about it I don't like. I dunno, it's not where I wanna be." You admit. You find his eyes as he's nodding, 
"I told you that from the beginning. New York is great if you're into it but... unless you're visiting for a few days, maybe a few weeks or so, it's too much." He explains with a shake of his head. You nod, 
"I agree. Vacation worthy, but not living worthy." You conclude. He chuckles, 
"Definitely. We could visit someday. Like for a week or a weekend." He poses. You shrug again, 
"I'm sure we could find somewhere better to visit. Like the beaches of Florida or California-"
"I could take you to Oregon. It was pretty nice. Not the same without you but... it was nice." He says, tongue poking into his cheek. You nod,
"I could go for that. Just the two of us." You say with a sigh. He smiles, reaching out to rub your leg. He nods, 
"That would be nice." He says softly. You agree, fishing a piece of sweet and sour chicken from the container. You sigh, chewing as Tom's eyes are glued to your face, 
"Speaking of which..." He starts, waiting until your eyes find his face. He smiles, "speaking of being together," he continues. You smile, 
"Yeah?" He nods, licking his lips as he draws his phone from his pocket, 
"I uhh, now hear me out okay? I... was looking at apartments around here and I found some really nice ones," he hands you his phone, letting you scroll through, "I know that... it's super presumptuous cause you just got back and you have to get settled and everything and I get that but... maybe we could look and do some tours and see how we feel? I just... before you left we had talked about moving in together and then everything stopped but I still want it. I still want just you and me somewhere. Ya know, our own place, our own life, sitting at a kitchen table studying together." He rants, watching you scroll through the images of the apartments he'd been looking at. You smile, 
"These are beautiful Tom. I really like this second one. It's really really nice." You admit. He lets out a breathy laugh and you watch a blush creep up his throat, 
"Funny you say that actually, that's the one I really like too." He adds softly. You nod, 
"The bedroom is perfect, the kitchen is adorable, the living room is everything-" 
"And the shower is of decent size." He pipes up. You glance up at him and his smile fades slightly, 
"Oh... well... like ya know... when we get back into that part of our lives it uhh, i-it's big enough." He stutters, a smile creeping to your lips, 
"Like we need something big for that." You remark, Tom's mouth hanging open as he processes what you've said. It wasn't that you were telling him you weren't having sex anytime soon, you were telling him that you didn't need a lot of space to do it in a shower. He scoffs, 
"Oh... well... we'll have to be those people and get adhesives and then try and explain ourselves when someone uses the bathroom but yeah, yeah I guess we don't need a lot of room huh?" 
"We've done it in this cot right here just fine and it's the size of a postage stamp." You tell Tom, clicking through the pictures left of the apartments. He chuckles, 
"Yeah huh?" You nod, 
"Yeah." You hand his phone back, watching him scroll through some of it before he locks it and sets it beside him, 
"Alright let's hear it. What do you think? I can take it." He mutters. You smile, scooping up more chow mein. You chew it for a moment while Tom finds a suitable piece of orange chicken, eyes locked on you. You sigh, 
"Okay... I love the idea. I love the thought of getting an apartment and getting out of these dorms-"
"And the frat house-"
"Yeah, and the frat house and living together and just doing our own thing. But, I don't know that we're exactly ready. I mean... yeah, we've been together ya know, almost a year, but I don't know that I'm ready to leave here. I mean, the girls would have to find a new roommate and I know they don't want that cause I've only been here like less than a year. And before they had Delilah and I just... I dunno... I don't think now is a good time but I swear to you, after college or sometime next year, we will." You explain. He nods along, understanding etched across his face, 
"I respect that." He mutters. You sigh, 
"No, I'm serious, I get it. It makes perfect sense and you're 100% right. The girls would kill me if I took you from them. And besides, I'd be ditching you some nights for the frat house anyways. We're supposed to be there a certain number of nights a month and I just... you're right. In the future though, definitely." He says with a soft, understanding smile. You sigh, 
"See," Tom sits up a little straighter as you pull yourself to your knees, crawling towards him, "this is why I couldn't stay away from you." He chuckles, dragging you into his lap, his hands slipping up to your cheeks, to brush his lips against yours. You sigh into his lips, his hands sliding down to rest at your lower back. He presses his forehead to yours after a moment, your hands rubbing up his arms, 
"I'm glad I'm that irresistible to you. I don't know what I'd do without you." He mumbles, your nose nudging his as you lean in to lay your head against his shoulder. He rubs up and down your back, listening to you let out deep breaths at the comfort he provides. You hold the back of his arms, melting into him, 
"I missed you so fucking much love. You're everything to me." He mutters, lips pressed into your hair. You press your own lips to his shoulder, listening to him breathe and smelling his natural scent. He wraps his arms around your waist, 
"I love you." He says. Pulling back, you stare down into his eyes, 
"I love you too. I can't even express how much it hurt to think about you when I was in New York." You admit. He smiles, 
"Well at least I'm that irresistible. Imagine if you could live without me." He jokes. You smile and nod, laying your forehead against his, 
"Yeah you're in luck huh?" He nods,
"So much luck." Humming, you kiss him again before sighing and standing from his lap, 
"I suppose I should regroup with the girls." You pose. Tom chuckles, 
"You're kicking me out now?" He asks. You smile, 
"Well you do have to go home and get dolled up for me for dinner tonight. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder my love." He grumbles, 
"I was away from you for three weeks so what about that distance?" 
"Well you're still snotty so apparently it wasn't enough." You quickly imply as he packs away the trash from lunch, tying the bag and leaving it sitting on the floor as he stands. He nears you, hands placed on your hips when he finally pauses to stand before you, 
"It was too long. Lost my goddamn mind without you." 
"I think you lost that long before I came around." You say, binding your arms around his neck. He clicks his tongue, hands slipping to your lower back, 
"So mean." He mutters, tilting his head to kiss you again. You hum, pressing your hands to his chest after a moment,
"I promise to spend more time with you tonight but... there are other people in my life I need to get reacquainted with." You tell Tom who stares down at you for a moment before he purses his lips and nods, backing away from you, 
"Fine, I know when I'm not wanted." 
"Oh shut up. You're such a drama queen." He tsks, 
"You're pushing it ya know. I just might not come tonight if you keep this up little Miss. I just might stay home." Grabbing his sides, you smile up at him, 
"Don't threaten me with a good time Mr. I'm sure Keaton and Cole would love to take your place as the main priority in my life. Hell, Cole would probably kill you for that role." You threaten. He glances up at your closet door and shrugs,
"You're probably right. That man is crazy." He mutters. When you snort, he smiles, 
"A lifetime of dealing with bullshit from people like you Holland. The man is a godsend." He chuckles, nodding and picking up the bag of trash, 
"Yeah. He's an odd one. The night you left I swore he was gonna snap. He was cool as a cucumber when we showed up at his place and it was the scariest fucking thing on this planet. But he just stood there and he scolded me and he just casually broke up with Scarlett-"
"Wait he did?" You pose, staring up at the brunette before you. He nods after a moment, 
"Yeah. He said he couldn't be with someone who defended a cheater like me. So he just broke up with her and closed his door in our faces." Tom reflects, cocking his head to still see your face when you bow your head. You sigh, 
"I didn't know that." You mutter. He leans in to kiss the tip of your nose, 
"No biggie." He says before opening your bedroom door and starting down the hallway with you in tow. He sighs as he pauses in the doorway, 
"Get dolled up for me too?" He asks, holding your hand in his. You shrug, 
"Maybe. Depends how I feel later." You tease, watching his lips turn up. He leans in and kisses your cheek, 
"Love you darling." You place your hands between his shoulder blades, rubbing and feeling your heart flutter at the pure contact resuming between you and your boy, 
"Love you too." You tell him, watching him wish the girls goodbye for now before shooting you one last loving glance and leaving the dorm. You stare at the door for a moment before sighing and turning to your friends who look up at your sudden movement, 
"So... where were we?" You pose with a smile that's shared by the three other girls in the room. 
There are only a few hours and a handful of desperate text messages from Tom before your dorm is warm and the girls have gotten into a bustling chatter as they finish dinner and get dressed up just for fun. Just as you're finishing up a little bit of makeup, there's a knock at the door and more chatter as the boys are let into the house. Finishing up, you stare at yourself in the mirror for a moment, admiring the curls and gentle makeup that accentuate your lace crop and long sparkly black skirt with a long slit. Ivey had loaned it to you reassuring you that it'd blow Tom away. Packing away your makeup you stand and fluff the curls before finding your way down the hallway, towards the noise. You enter the kitchen, Tom instantly looking up from his place at the stove with Phoebe, his eyes widening, 
"Wow." He mutters, each pair of eyes landing on you. Ivey gasps before she steps forward to twirl you. You giggle,
"Stop. I look no better than the three of you." 
"Right but... Tom's eyes haven't popped out of his head or his dick tented his pants because of the three of us. That's all you babe." Phoebe jokes, the room breaking out into laughter before Tom points to her, 
"Hey, I don't have a boner yet." He defends before he reaches behind him and grabs a dozen red roses and walks towards you. His features soften as he approaches, 
"You look beautiful darling. These are for you." He hands the roses over, watching you sniff them with a cheesy smile. You giggle again, holding them at your side as your free arm wraps around his shoulders. He hugs you into him, your nose pressed into his neck. Pulling back, your hand rests at his shoulder, eyes roaming his body, 
"Wow." You mutter just as he had and Tom feels small. A tan and white striped shirt clings to his biceps, rolled up to the elbows and the top two buttons are unbuttoned to show a great deal of his chest. Black jeans and his regular tennis shoes accentuate the look, pulled together with his usual watch, usual necklace, and gelled back curls. He licks his lips, breaking you from your thoughts,
"Well?" You nod, 
"You look good. I like it." You tell him, watching him nod and place his hand at your hip, sliding it around to your lower back and kissing your cheek when he draws you in, 
"I like the way you look too baby." He mumbles in your ear, following you back to where he was leaned so you can find something to put your roses in. He watches you fill the vase and set them off to the side. He leans back against the counter, you just beside him, staring up at Keaton who's preoccupied with helping Scarlett and Phoebe get something out of the oven. You find Cole's eyes, his eyebrows raising before you near him, dragging him into the living room by his wrist, Tom following close behind. You sit Cole in an armchair, Tom sitting on the couch and accepting you in his lap, 
"Why didn't you tell me you broke up with Scarlett?" You ask him softly, Tom's arm binding around your waist, his other hand rested on your thigh, through the slit on your skirt. Cole's eyes dart to Tom for a moment before looking back up at you,
"I thought you knew. I told you I wasn't texting her." 
"I wasn't texting Tom and we hadn't broken up. She's crazy about you Cole." 
"And? And you two are adorable, Tom was the one to blame for what happened and she just provided a little bit of her opinion and you broke up with her for it. She didn't do anything wrong. Do you... not like her anymore?" You rant. His eyes have left yours, locked on the TV against the farthest wall. He looks up at your question, 
"No. I still like her. Are you kidding? I'm obsessed with that girl. But I'm not going to let my sister get her heart broken and listen to her tell me that my own girlfriend defended the kid that broke her heart and just sit by and watch and resent her because of it." He defends. His eyes sparkle and your heart skips a beat, 
"Alright, the first part of that statement was adorable. Cole... I'm fine. I would've been fine if you continued your relationship. She didn't do anything to me. And I don't see how if she did, that would affect you and her. You weren't there." 
"But you're all I have left Y/N. I've known her less than a year, I've known you my whole life and no matter what, I'd stand with you. No matter how bad what she did was or wasn't." He admits. The tears that sparkle in his eyes and the crack in his voice draws Tom's eyes to him and cause his hand to stop moving across the skin of your thigh. You stare at your brother for a moment before standing and letting him scoot to the end of his chair. His arms wrap around his waist as you fight your own tears, your hands rubbing between his shoulders, 
"I love you more than anything. You and I are inseparable and you know that but... what happened to me not getting involved in your bullshit and you not getting involved in mine. You can separate your life from mine Cole, you know I would never hate you." 
"I know." He mumbles into your stomach. You sigh, 
"Talk to her. If I can come back to the shitshow that is my own relationship you can get back to yours no problem. I mean, she's crazy about you and you two are like... adorable in every way and I'm obsessed with seeing one of my best friend's making my brother happy and vice versa. You mean the world to me and I don't want to see either of you upset because of a decision out of your control." You tell him, Tom's heart skipping a beat at the way you console your brother. It's the same way you've consoled him for months and he destroyed the best thing for him overnight. But he'll never do it again. You bring his chin up in your fingers, 
"Talk to her. Please." You tell Cole who stares up at you with curious eyes. He huffs, eyes averted after a moment before he nods, 
"Fine mom, I'll talk to her." He mumbles, eyes darting up to your own. His lips turn up and he snorts, 
"Get off me." He says, brushing your hand away from his face and standing. He drags you in, arms around your body, 
"I am glad you're back. I missed you." He says, Tom staring up at you both. You smile, squeezing your brother's body into yours. You draw back, 
"I missed you too Coleslaw." He rolls his eyes, 
"Just for that, I have to tell you my sex life was tanking and I'm glad you want me back with your friend." Your nose turns up and you swat at his chest, 
"Seriously, I went from like twice maybe three times a week to none at all for three weeks-"
"Cole!" You squeal, walking towards Tom who snorts, sitting back against the couch to accept you in his lap again. Cole chuckles, 
"I digress." He mutters, heading for the kitchen. Tom holds you in his lap, his face nuzzled in your neck, 
"Two, three times a week, wow." He mutters in your ear. You giggle,
"So intriguing. Considering we do it every… two weeks? Interesting to know what it's like to do it every week, more than once a week." You tell Tom. He chuckles, nuzzling deeper into your hair, arms wrapped tighter around you,
"You're such a little peacemaker, I can't get enough of you." You giggle, 
"Guess I do balance out your chaotic ass huh?" He nods, 
"Absolutely. Hey, speaking of talking to her, I planned a series of actual dates I wanna take you on if you'll let me." He poses. You smile, hands placed over his arms,
"Of course. Will you tell me any of them?" 
"Nope. It's a surprise." He mutters, kissing your cheek. You giggle as he tickles you before he glances up, the group entering the living room, 
"The kitchen is definitely not big enough for all of us so fuck it. We're eating in the living room. But we all have to sit on the floor. That's the catch." Phoebe states as she sets a tray of cheesy garlic bread on the coffee table. You giggle, letting Tom's hands wander to your hips as Keaton sets the pot of spaghetti beside it, Scarlett, Cole, Ivey and Harrison carrying drinks. Harrison offers Tom a beer but he shakes his head, finding your eyes when you furrow your brows at him, 
"Since when do you deny a beer?" You ask him, sliding onto the floor. He clears his throat as he slides down beside you and accepts a plate, 
"Since I got drunk and cheated on my girlfriend." He mutters, holding his plate out for Phoebe to place spaghetti on, 
"Wait to say grace fucker." She mumbled, filling everyone's plate before sitting between Keaton and Ivey, 
"Alright. Uhm, so should I say grace then?" She asks. There's a collective murmur before she sighs, 
"Alright. So we are grateful for Y/N more than anything. She's been an amazing roommate, friend, drinking buddy, girlfriend, and sister and I speak for everyone when I say we're glad she's back. We feel complete now." She starts, holding her drink up. You smile, tears welling in your eyes, 
"And now may we never be without her or each other. Everyone in this room matters most and I'm grateful for our health and our friendship and our relationships and everything that makes us happy. So... to Y/N, and to us." She adds, watching everyone hold up their varying drinks, 
"To us." You all mumble, leaning in to clink your bottles together. You all drink, your eyes finding Tom's as you swallow, 
"To us." He mutters as you lean on his thigh, kissing your nose. You smile, 
"Forever and always Holland." 
"Hell yeah, no more fuckups." You smile and kiss him softly, 
"No more fuckups. Ever." He holds his pinky out jokingly before you loop yours with his, kissing his fingers. He sighs as you lay your head over his shoulder sipping more of your beer and praying he's right.
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362 notes · View notes
mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [twelve]
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Warnings: Smut (18+), male & female receiving oral, Valentine’s Day sex ya know, I guess minor bdsm??, tying up, dom!Tom themes, blindfolding, toy use, alcohol & its use ;) , talk of sex with the roomies, teasing of Harrison & Cole if you blink, language, minor mentions of family issues, more fantasizing of family life
Word Count: 5,977
Author’s Note: Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope you enjoy. Just let me say that the next few parts may or may not hurt, but I ask you to stay with me cause it is needed haha. Lemme know what you think though. :)
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"Happy Valentine's Day to my absolute favorite women." Phoebe remarks, setting different colored sparkly heart shaped baskets in front of you, Ivey, and Scarlett at the kitchen table. Ivey gasps as you smile and Scarlett coos,
"Aww Phoebs these are so cute." Scarlett remarks. You nod, glancing up at her,
"They are, they're really adorable." You tell her. She smiles,
"Only the best for my loves." She remarks, leaning against your chair with a shrug. You smile, leaning into her. She sighs,
"Any idea what the boys got you girls?" She asks in general to the group. There's a collective shake of the head as you, Ivey, and Scarlett look between each other to see if anyone knows. You smile,
"Tom did demand I buy him new roses if anything ‘cause his died."
"You should try buying him carnations. Those last a lot longer." Ivey pipes up. You shrug, looking over the contents of Phoebe's basket,
"Any idea what we're all doing tonight?" Phoebe poses instead. Scarlett hums,
"Cole's making dinner and dessert and then we're gonna watch cheesy rom coms and make fun of them." She says with a smile. You giggle, looking to Ivey who shrugs,
"The only thing I know is Harrison and I are going to dinner." She remarks. The three of you nod before all eyes land on you. Your cheeks burn, eyes downcast,
"Uhm, I- Tom didn't really... give me much. He just told me to wear... something nice." You mutter,
"He'll probably just take you to dinner-"
"No not... not that kind of nice, uhm, he told me to wear a nice bra and panty set." You add. There's a silent a gasp,
"Ooh shit." Phoebe mumbles. Scarlett snorts,
"Look at you exploring that fuckin typical sex fiend Tom. How has it been?" She asks. You shrug,
"I don't really have much to base him off of. I was with like one guy before him and we were both in high school." You admit, picking at a string on your sweater. She hums,
"But... can he make you cum without touching you? Like, just sex, no clit rubbing?" You nod,
"Yeah, depends on what position he puts me in. He's really good in doggystyle."
"Must be nice. Sometimes Harrison just... forgets." Ivey speaks up. You smile, listening to Scarlett scoff and jokingly brush her hair over her shoulder,
"That's what you get for dating a boy Ivey. At least mine's a man." She boasts. You snort,
"Yeah, your man wore Spongebob boxers until he was nineteen." You tell her. The room breaks out into laughter, Scarlett leaning back in her chair,
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with liking Spongebob into your twenties. That's when you understand most of the jokes anyways." She defends. You giggle as she purses her lips, trying to contain her laughter,
"Besides, he is so fucking good. God that boy is so fucking sexy. His voice afterwards when he knows I still can't breathe-"
"Ew, ew, ew, that's alright, we don't have to. I'm related to that and I do not need to know." You tell her, shivering and moving your hands between you. She laughs, eyes casting up to Phoebe who holds her fingers out at a measurable distance. Scarlett reads her, holding her fingers up with a little added length,
"Balls too."
"Scarlett!" You squeal, your friends bursting out into laughter again. She holds her hands up,
"What?! How is that fair that you can talk your sex life but I can't talk mine?"
"Because yours happens to occur with my older brother and I do not need grimy details about an idiot I grew up with." You screech over the laughter. Once the laughing subsides, Scarlett sighs,
"He is good though." She mutters. You roll your eyes as a knock on the door sounds through the room. You silently thank the gods for whoever is on the other side, face brightening further when the three boys in question walk through the door. Tom rounds the corner in sweats and a tee, hat on backwards as he beelines straight for you, hands shoved in his pockets. You smile, laying your head back against his stomach as he leans in to kiss your cheek,
"Happy first Valentine's babe." He whispers to you. You smile, kissing his cheek back,
"Happy Valentine's Day love." You mutter. He glances up, watching his best friend and Cole retreat to their respective girlfriends. Phoebe drapes her arms around his shoulders,
"So I heard you requested that our sweet Y/N wear her best undies." She tells Tom who smiles, glancing down at you,
"Good thing I don't tell you my secrets darling." He jokes. You giggle and shrug,
"We're a family here. I tell them everything." You tell him. He hums, looking back up to Phoebe,
"Yeah, I got somethin good planned for her. Should be great." Is all he comes up with. Laying your head back against his arm, he nods at her. She nods in return as he purses his lips,
"But uhh, what are you doin?" He asks her. She shrugs,
"Probably sitting around here. Maybe I'll look for a hookup, who knows." She says with a shrug. You giggle as Tom smiles at her,
"Well shit, when you put it like that, there's room on my bed for the both of you." You gasp, reaching up to swat at his chest,
"Tom!" You screech. He chuckles,
"What? She's gonna spend Valentine's Day alone looking for a hookup. I could take you both on." He remarks. You pout as he stares down at you with a cheesy smile. He clicks his tongue,
"I'm kidding love. Damn I thought you'd put up more of a fight." He jokes. Phoebe smiles down at you,
"It's fine Y/N, wouldn't wanna steal your picture perfect moment." She remarks. Tom wraps his arms around you, lifting you and sitting in your spot. He pulls you into his lap, his arms wrapped tight around your waist.  He sighs, leaning into your ear,
"Just for that though, you'll have to be punished." He jokes. You smile, leaning your back against his chest, hands placed over his arms.
Each of your steps are accentuated by the clicks of the heels you wear as Tom walks you up the stairs to the frat house,
"Ya know, I really, really want our own place so we can do whatever we want." He reminds you. You smile and nod, holding his hand tight,
"Well it's not like I'm quiet if there's people around. At your friend's house back in London I was pretty loud and Cole's friend definitely has neighbors and I wasn't exactly quiet." You remind. He gives a cocky smirk as he glances back at you,
“I like that about you. You don’t hide it like some girls try to.” He tells you. You hum, releasing his hand as he shoulders the front door open. It’s nearly empty, just a few of the boys standing spread through the house. Some greet you, others continue what they’re doing like you aren’t there. Tom leads you through the kitchen first, grabbing some alcohol before he leads you up the stairs and into his room. He sighs as he closes the door and you settle on the bed, laying back and kicking your heels off. You cross your hands over your stomach, watching as Tom walks forward to run the tip of his finger over the hill of one of your breasts,
“I like this dress. It shows off your goodies perfectly.” You smile,
“Thought you just cared what was underneath tonight.” He hums, not answering you at first as he pours some of the bourbon he’d brought into a glass and handing it to you. You sip from it, cringing softly. Tom smiles,
“Well I do, but ‘m just sayin, you’re pretty fuckin sexy in this little dress.” He remarks. You nod, allowing him to crawl over you. You hum as he brushes your hands up above your head, leaning in to kiss your throat,
“You know what though, I think it’ll look better on my floor.” He whispers, reaching up to slide the strap of your dress down your arm, repeating the process with the other as he slides it down your body. When your bra is exposed to him, he lets out another hum, continuing the trail down past your underwear which he blinks down at, dropping your dress on the floor beside him,
"This set was just bought for this occasion." You tell him with a smile. He eyes the frilly red lace set,
"Its beautiful baby girl. You really know how to spoil me then huh?" He teases. You giggle and nod, eyes following his hand as he reaches for the bottle of bourbon, turning it upside down to drizzle some down the valley of your breasts, quickly leaning in to lap it up as it begins to run. You smile, watching him stand, kicking his shoes off and shimmying from his socks. He sheds his top and pants, watching as you sit up and lean in to kiss across his abdomen. He reaches up to run his fingers through your hair. He gives a sharp tug after a moment, bringing a choked whimper from your throat. He smiled down at you,
"I've got something for you. But you have to be a good girl for me to see it." He purrs. You smile up at him, body coursing in excitement at his tone. He wants to be domineering and you'll let him. You nod, chewing your bottom lip. He gives one curt nod, releasing your hair and walking to his closet. He pulls out a shoebox, placing it on the bed beside you and opening it. Your eyes widen at the contents: silk ties, handcuffs, a few varieties of dildos and vibrators, and nipple clamps,
"The craziest thing in this box is the clamps. But most of it's pretty mild. I just figured I mentioned toys and you didn't say no so maybe I could've bought some and then I had a little extra money. So I kinda went all out. We can try all of them in time but... I only got like three dildos cause I don't really want to use them on you when I've got a perfectly good dick in my pants but... figured maybe we'd see. But if you'd like, we could sample out a vibrator of your choice. And these are definitely being used." He rambles, dragging the ties out. You meet eyes and he gives you a cocky smirk. You cock your head and click your tongue,
"See that's not fair. I wore this for you to dominate me?" You pose, gesturing to the lingerie set you wear. Tom shrugs, looking you over, but he strokes the ties smooth as he does so,
"You did date night a few weeks ago. It's my turn to actually spoil you."
"But I wanna be on top. You always do the work." You pout, shoulders slouching. Tom presses his lips together, staring up at you without blinking for a moment,
"Fine. But I've got conditions. You're to let me tie you up to eat you out and when I'm done I'll let you do the same. But we need to establish a safe word. We aren't gonna be too crazy but," he grabs your hips and leans in to kiss your stomach, "I want us to be safe. If something doesn't feel right, we can use it and we'll stop." You nod, hands rested on his shoulders,
"What about... ooh, what about curtain call?" You pose. One of his eyebrows arches and you purse your lips,
"Ya know... at the end of a performance. Y-you were talking about stage directions the other day. I do listen." You murmur, seeming somewhat embarrassed. Tom chuckles,
"I know you do, I'm just... surprised. Yeah, curtain call is good." He tells you through a chuckle, squeezing your hips. You nod, letting him guide you back to lay on the bed, dragging you up to have you hold the posts of his headboard before he binds a silk tie around your wrists and the post. You watch, leaning up to kiss his stomach again, which moves as he laughs,
"Gonna be a good girl for me darling?" He purrs again, leaning in to kiss along your jaw. You nod,
"Yes sir."
"Now that's just wrong. You don't want me to dominate you, but you're gonna call me sir. Naughty girl." You giggle as he lifts your bottom half from the bed, pulling your panties down and swatting your butt in one sitting. You press your eyes closed for a moment, opening them as he spread your thighs to kneel between. He drags another piece of silk from the nightstand, showing it to you before leaning in to fasten it around your eyes. You gasp,
"Oh come on. That's not fair."
"You blindfolded me the other night. It's my turn. Besides... your orgasm'll be better if you're compromised." He mutters, kissing down your body. He disappears from the bed, his weight around you nonexistent anymore as he toys with your remaining senses. You gasp again, tugging at your restraints when something brushes over your stomach. Tom cackles,
"Those were my boxers by the way. And your body liked that." He purrs once more, leaning in to kiss around your belly button which draws a guttural whine from your throat,
"Tommy... please do something." You cry out. He chuckles again, humming to himself as he rounds the end of the bed, running his hands up your legs from ankle to thigh to spread them,
"What do we say pretty girl? Repeat it."
"Please." You pant, holding the wooden headboard post,
"Good girl." He gently mumbles. Closing your eyes tight, you give a shaky breath, feeling his breath across your hips before he leans in, instantly sucking your clit into his mouth. You cry out arching your back as his hands find purchase on your thighs, holding them apart while he works on you. He hums, your toes curling and you're on the verge of tears with how good it feels. Tom always makes it feel good. Sex is always the best, but the way he uses his mouth- which he hasn't since the night at the club because all of your sex has been too rushed for foreplay- is exceptional. You grasp the restraints, moaning and whimpering as you focus on the tingling and straight pleasure Tom provides, tracing his tongue around your clit and lapping at you in figure eights. You whine as he pulls up,
"Tommy... Tommy, please..." He chuckles,
"Tell me what you want baby girl." He demands. You arch your back,
"Please just don't stop. Want your tongue." You whine. He chuckles again,
"Good thing I hadn't intended on stopping then huh?" He poses, your senses dialed to eleven as he leans in, sucking your clit into his mouth and pumping his fingers inside of you once he slips them inside. Your nails claw at the bedpost, eyes squeezed shut tight beneath your blindfold,
"Fuck Tom." You gasp. He chuckles darkly,
"You like that pretty girl. So wet for me." He mutters, kissing your thigh. You can feel him shift, but think nothing of it as you focus on getting to your first high of the night. Your body craves it, wanting to feel that molten lava take over your body. You hum, gasping and shuddering as a strong vibrating sound rings through the air and cool metal is pressed to your clit. Your body lurches, tugging against the restraints at the new, overwhelming, foreign feeling and the milliseconds of uncertainty as to what it is nearly has you calling out your safe word.. He chuckles again,
"You like that darling?" You nod, panting as you seek out more pleasure from not only his fingers pumping in and out of you, but the bullet vibrator pressed firmly to your clit. You move your hips down into him, letting him slip his fingers out of you and replace it with his tongue. Your back arches again, head buried in the pillows,
"Fuck me Tommy. That feels so good." You moan, feeling your high build further and further,
"Can tell... you're soaked darling." He mutters back. You grasp the ties, toes curling and eyes squeezing shut,
"Fuck, fuck, fuck I'm gonna cum." You squeal. Tom hums, his tongue leaving you before he takes hold of your hips and flips you over onto your knees, twisting your wrists in the ties snugly, but not uncomfortably. He presses his fingers back inside of you, thrusting them quickly as he holds the overpowering vibrator firm to your clit. You whine, leaning down to bury your face in his sultry smelling pillow as he fights to bring you to climax,
"Come on love, cum for me." He directs into your ear. You let out a moan, back arching into his chest as he leans over you, stiff cock jabbing you in the side. Your body convulses after a few more seconds and you squeal, toes curled as you cum finally. You let out a whimper as he works your through it, turning the vibrator off as he draws his fingers out and licks them clean. You hold the post above you tight in your hands,
"Are you... are you gonna untie me?" You ask. He chuckles,
"Eager are we? I don't think I will just yet love. I like you like this." You whimper again as he lays you on your back, pulling the tie on your blindfold lose and tossing it aside,
"I will do that though. You look beautiful all flushed like this." He says with a smile. You return it, leaning your head up to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue as he slides it into your mouth. You hum,
"I do quite like the dominating stature you take. It's pretty sexy." He smiles, running his hands up the inside of your thighs,
"That's good. That's kinda... my style of stuff. I like dominating my girls." He admits. You crane your head to watch him sort through the things in front of him. His smile widens,
"You sure liked that vibrator." He remarks. You click your tongue,
"That's like telling me that starving me will result in me wanting to eat. No shit Sherlock." You chide. He chuckles,
"Didn't you though? I mean obviously your body involuntarily likes it but... it's good huh?" You nod, relaxing back against the bed,
"It was good. Intense. I've never used toys before." You admit. He returns your nod, reaching for a condom as he removes the lube in the box and walks to the closet to deposit it back. He hums as he returns, standing beside you with his hands on his hips,
"I'm not ready to untie you love." He remarks. You lick your lips, raising your head,
"Come closer then loser." You bite, watching him walk forward before you lean in to take his cock into your mouth. He hums. You smile around him, shifting until you're laying on your side, bobbing your head softly. You hum as he reaches up to untie you, pulling your legs off the bed and putting you on your knees,
"Hands behind your back darling." You do as you're told, letting him tie your hands behind your back, gathering your hair in his hand,
"You're beautiful baby girl." He purrs. You glance up at him through your lashes, his lips pressing in a tight line as he stares down at you. You hum, moving forward until you're gagging. Tom curses under his breath, holding you far too lightly. You pull back,
"What?" He asks, eyes softening at your whine. You pout,
"We established a safe word and we aren't even gonna get our worth out of it." His eyes twinkle as he stares down at you,
"I don't follow darling." He remarks with a lopsided smirk. You click your tongue,
"You wanna be dominating, you gotta gag me." His smile widens as he comes to the realization,
"You want my cock down your throat darling?" He poses softly. You smile and nod, winking up at him,
"You've got me all tied up, why not play with me?" You purr. He chuckles darkly,
"Oh darling, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." He mutters as you take him back into your mouth. He hums, watching you and running his fingers up the side of your face before he gives a solid tug on your neck and you gag. He hisses,
"Fuck darling. You're very good with that pretty little mouth." You hollow your cheeks as he speaks, giggling around him as his knees threaten to give out. He tugs on you harder, hand wrapping in your hair again before he presses, gagging you effectively over and over again. After another moment, he tugs you off of him, breathing hard,
"Alright... fuck... that's enough." He pants, bringing you to your feet and turning you around. Pressing a hand to your back, he bends you over the bed, swatting at your bottom. You squeal, giggling after as he picks at the knots at your back, untying the ties and letting you lay back on the bed, rolling onto your back. He stands between your knees,
"Wanna tie me up now?" He poses. You smile and nod, taking the tie from him and sitting up. He lays back on the bed, letting you move his hands until they're grasping the same post you were. He watches you clamber over him to tie the silk around his wrists, leaning up to kiss your tummy. He hums as you crawl back down, sitting just above his bobbing cock,
"You ever not used a condom with a girl?" You ask him, raising an eyebrow. He smiles, shrugging,
"Maybe one or two." He admits. You click your tongue,
"Such a whore you are Mr. Holland." He chuckles as you lean in to kiss across his chest, rolling your tongue around his nipples. He closes his eyes, grasping at his restraints as you creep down his body. Crouching between his legs, you find the condom and lube amongst the sheets. He sighs as he waits for you to add lube to the tip of the condom after you've opened it and slide it down over him,
"I actually can't wait for the day you let me not use a condom." He remarks. You smile,
"Shoulda said something before I put it on." He raises his head, staring up at you,
"Well fuck then, take it off, what’s one condom?" He practically squeals. You giggle, shaking your head at him,
"Too late." Climbing over him, he watches you turn the lube upside down and drip it over him, setting the bottle aside and settle above him. You reach down, guiding him with two fingers to your entrance before you slide down onto him. He hums, holding the ties in his hands,
"Fuck... that's good." He mutters, eyes closing again as you settle yourself above him, hands on his chest. He presses his lips in a line, raising his head to glance down where you're connected. He sighs,
"Fuck you're good." He adds. You smile, rubbing your hands across his chest before slowly raising your hips and dropping them down again. He hums, holding the restraints around his wrists in a bruising grip. You slowly bounce on top of him, trying to stretch yourself out as he licks his lips and curses under his breath. He watches you reach down once you start to pick up speed, stroking your clit in quick circles, your body quivering from the previous orgasm you'd had. Tom gives a somewhat feminine whine,
"Fuck darling." He tugs at the restraints around his wrist. You tut,
"Don't tell me I'm gonna have to blindfold you for being a bad boy." You tease. He stares up at you with wide, lust blown eyes, laying his head back against his pillow with his eyes never leaving you,
"You're mean." He mutters. You smile down at him, back arching softly as you rub yourself, bursts of pleasure bursting throughout you. You hum, coming down harder around him. After another moment of dull pleasure from Tom, you press a foot to his bed, leaning back on his thighs to bounce softly. He watches, eyes widening again,
"Baby, untie me." He desperately begs. You giggle, pausing as you stare down at him,
"You're such a pussy. I was tied up for like five minutes and you can't even last two." He groans,
"But this is different. I can give you more, come on, untie me." You shake your head, continuing to bounce atop him,
"No way. You stay tied up until I can make you cum." He rotates his wrist in a circle,
"Then c'mon. Hurry it along then darling, I can feel it." He rushes, laying his head back against the pillow below him with a small grunt as you pick up speed. His toes curl, eyes closing as his back arches,
"Fuck..." He groans, holding his ties, focusing on you instead of the bed creaking. He desperately wants to bring his knees up to give him some leverage to thrust up into you, but he can't. You're leaning back on his legs so he just has to enjoy the ride for now. One of your hands comes down between your own legs, rubbing your clit and releasing quiet but high pitched moans. Tom chews his lip, watching you as he chases his high, loving the way your body looks. He whines, tugging at his restraints and he wants nothing more than to reach up and play with your perfect, full, beautiful breasts. His eyes are locked on them, he's captivated by your sheer beauty as your head falls back,
"Fuck Tom... that feels so good." You moan, digging your nails into his thigh. He chuckles,
"Gonna cum before me?" You hum,
"You're hitting the right spot perfectly." You tell him, heart pounding from your chest. Your head falls back again, lips pressed in a tight line as you process the pleasure coursing through your veins. Its molten lava, burning your body. You bite your lip, Tom's eyes wandering up your body. He's nearly there,
"Fuck babe. God I'm so close." He growls. A thought strikes you, a wicked smirk which Tom doesn't catch crossing your face, his eyes closed. But they pop open and he gasps as he feels your hand that's drifted down between his legs to fondle his balls. You laugh wickedly as the headboard jolts and Tom tugs his restraints,
"Babe... ah fuck darling." He spits out, starting to squirm after a moment,
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He curses, his hips involuntarily bucking up into yours as he struggles to contain himself. He lets out a loud groan as he cums, wrists red and burning as he tugs against his confines,
"Fuck." He grunts, giving one more thrust before he relaxes. You giggle, leaning over him and kissing him softly,
"Good baby?" He nods rather tiredly, glancing up as he feels you picking at the knots in his ties,
"No changing position." You demand. He nods, hands instantly rising to press over your breasts. You lean up just a little, finding the perfect spot to work back against. His hands slide down to your hips and then one slides down between them, pressing on your clit. You gasp, back arching as he circles the bud,
"That's it baby. Cum for me." He mutters, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders as you lay chest to chest against him, goosebumps erupting across your skin as the new angle allows him to press into that pleasure button. As you pick up speed, his fingers circle your clit faster, pushing you closer and closer to your high.
Each move of your hips draws a dull cry from your lips pressed to Tom's shoulder before he presses his feet to the bed, thrusting up into you. You squeal, biting into his shoulder which draws a growl from his own lips. He kisses your cheek, coaxing you along until you shudder, nuzzling your face in his chest and give a lighthearted scream as you cum for the second time. You pause, kissing his chest as his arms bind around you, legs sliding like butter down amongst the sheets as he struggles to breath below you. You hum as you rise slowly, brain clouded in a blissful haze, Tom's hands resting on your thighs as he waits for you to climb from him. You're panting as you do so, collapsing at his side, draping yourself over his arm. You pull the comforter up across your body, holding it in the crooks of your arms while Tom, just as out of breath, peels the condom from himself and tosses it into the bin beside his bed. He hums, placing his hand over your arm as he drapes the blanket across his waist, turning his head to look at you,
"Well shit." He pants out with a cheesy smile. You nod, letting out a small, breathless laugh, snuggling up into him. He runs his fingertips up your arm, tucking his other arm behind his head. You sigh, placing your hand over his chest,
"I think that was our best yet." You in part joke. He nods,
"I feel that." He mutters. Reaching up, he closed his eyes as you brush through his slightly sweat dampened hair. You lean in to kiss the corner of his mouth as his hand rests on your back, smiling and leaning in to kiss him farther after a moment. Your eyes drift to the top of his dresser where half dead roses lie,
“Wow, you weren’t kidding about your roses.” He glances up and chuckles,
“What, you think I’d lie to you about something so serious?” He jokes. You share a giggle as you lay your head against his shoulder, staring up at them for a moment longer. You raise your head again to look down into his face, heart fluttering,
"I love you. You're my everything." You tell him. He smiles, not opening his eyes for a moment. When he does open them, you watch the brown swirl, a golden speck dancing in them,
"I love you too. You're more than anything. I dunno where I'd be without you." He admits. Tracing his collarbone, he twirls a strand of your hair around his finger. Leaning back, you lay across his arm,
"Let's fantasize more. About our future. About us." You request. He hums, staring up at the ceiling as he thinks. You watch his lashes flutter,
"'Right, I want our house to be like... like warm but not like heater or natural heat warm. I want like... oven warm and I want it to smell like baked goods. And I'm," he looks at you then, eyes widening gently in worry, "I'm not like... saying I want you to sit at home and bake. I just want it to smell like baked goods just in general." You nod, staring up at him. He nods in return, glancing up at the ceiling. You hum,
"I always revert back to you with kids. I’ve always wanted to be a mom." He glances down at you again,
"You'd be a real good one, I know that much." He remarks. You smile up at him,
"Is it creepy that I always imagine you as the father of my kids? We've been together like... six months and I’ve already like… planned out their names and thought about what they’ll look like." You tell him. He chuckles and shrugs,
"I don't find it creepy, I think it's cute. You're like the only girl I've ever actually wanted to fantasize about it with." He admits. You hum, rubbing his chest,
"Fine, then I'll tell you what I think of. I think of you coming home from work and being bombarded with like... well I don't know how many but I see you being bombarded by our babies and then you sit at the table with the boys and help them with their homework as your daughter is questioning me about every little thing associated with dinner and helping me do that. She's too young to go to school of course so... she has to be distracted somehow." He nods with a smile,
"And then you teach them how to clean. Like how to do laundry and dishes and vacuum. But our baby girl will be scared of the vacuum for a few years and everytime you're trying to teach them you have to hold her." You add. He chuckles as your eyes sting in unshed tears,
“Very active imagination. That’s cute, I like it.” He remarks, unaware for a moment until he glances down. After another moment, he glances down,
"Hey. What's the matter?" He asks at the look of you, worriedly moving to brush your tears away. You shake your head and sniffle a little,
"Nothing I just... I just didn't get that growing up. I don't want what I had for our kids. This whole split family shit that I went through. I want more for them." You admit. He hums,
"And you'll get there. You're gonna be an amazing mum and hopefully I'm the dad to watch you be that. You're perfect and I couldn't ask for anything better. Our kids are going to be so fucking loved because the love I have for their mum is unreal." He rambles. You smile and nod, pressing your hand over his on your cheek,
"I know. I just... I feel like my parents said the same thing and then they fell out of love and shit. I just don't wanna go through any of that." You mutter. He nods, letting you lay your head over his shoulder,
"What do you dream about when it comes to kids?" You ask, trying to change the subject. He hums,
"Dunno. Uhm, how many kids are we talkin here?" He poses. You shrug,
"I guess if we're being serious, like... three or four." You tell him. He nods,
"I like the idea of being bombarded by little babies. I dunno if I could hold all of them though. But... I like the idea of you being pregnant and giving birth to babies that have your eyes." He jokes, leaning in to poke your nose. You smile,
"I like your eyes though." You murmur. He hums again,
"Well we'll see who our kids side with on that one." You click your tongue,
"Guess so. I like the idea of having little boys that look like me and little girls that look like you though." He purses his lips,
"Little mumma's boys and little daddy's girls. I could fuck with that." He mumbles. You smile, relaxing against him. He runs his fingers up along your spine, your brain going fuzzy as you close your eyes. You sigh, binding your arms around him. He returns the sigh,
"Why don't you get some sleep and dream some more fantasies up for me." You smile, snuggling down into his side,
"I love you." You tell him. He runs his fingers through your hair,
"Love you too darling. Get some rest." With his fingers in your hair and across your back, it isn't hard to fall asleep, your chest pressed to his. Tom glances down at you when he hears your breathing shallow, smiling down at you and pressing a kiss to your forehead,
"And happy first Valentine's my love." He whispers, kissing your temple before his own eyes close and like always with you around, he falls asleep faster than ever. Peacefully.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [thirteen]
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Warnings: drinking, sexual mentions, language, more parental issues, and without giving too much away: hurt, tread lightly for angst throughout
Word Count: 5,430
Author's Note: WELCOME TO ANGSTVILLE! I don't do well with angst but I cried writing it so it'll probably hurt no matter what. Please, I beg of you, the next THREE chapters will be the three weeks of Spring Break and I feel like they'll be the hardest to read, but please stay with me because afterwards I've got a boatload more to get to. Lemme know what you think :)
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School seemed to pick up after Valentine's Day. So much so that there seemed to be a growing gap between you and Tom despite the escapades and sworn love. But you both were in love, there was no denying that and you truly believed that no matter how crazy life got, you seriously couldn't grow too distant. Spring Break was approaching quickly, three weeks of pure bliss to be spent down in Oregon amongst your friends in a warmer part of the country. You often dreamed what you were going to do with Tom who only half listened and agreed to anything and everything, completely missing the frown that covered your face each time. He always had his nose in a book trying to study and he'd only acknowledge your presence when you reached up to run your fingers through his hair.
There was less time to be lovey dovey with midterms around and Tom found himself actually denying you to come around the frat house while he figured out his studying schedules. But once midterms were through, it'd be easy sailing. A frat party to celebrate and Oregon starting Sunday. You couldn't be more excited and Tom couldn't shut up about seeing you in a bikini. The final day of Midterms, you brush open the door of the classroom, allowing Phoebe, Ivey, and Scarlett to walk out before you follow. You clutch the class's textbook to your chest, groaning at the few missed questions on the multiple choice portion before a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and lift you off your feet. You squeal as Tom grunts in your ear, setting you down after a moment. You turn to him, watching him scrunch his nose,
"Hiya. How was your Midterm?" He poses. You shrug, walking backwards and leaning in to kiss him,
"Sounds like I coulda done better but what's done is done, no going back." He purses his lips and nods,
"I like that response." He mutters. You giggle and nod, turning your back to him and letting him drape his arm over your shoulders, looking to Scarlett when she speaks again,
"Okay but forty four was all of the above right." There's a row of nods and mutters as you all collectively agree. Tom blinks down at the pavement when you lean in to kiss his cheek,
"So the party-"
"Yeah. We... we don't have to go. I mean, we could just stay in and like... watch a movie or something." He says. You click your tongue,
"What? You've been excited for it, why would you not wanna go?" You ask him, lacing your fingers with his over your shoulder. He shrugs, glancing down. You clear your throat,
"Something you wanna talk to me about?" He doesn't make any moves and you slow down, Ivey nodding at you when she glances back and sees the look in your eye. You take Tom's arm from around your shoulders, lacing your fingers with his and walking hand in hand,
"Talk to me. What's going on?" He shakes his head,
"Nothing, it's just my dad again. My mum, I guess is trying to get him to fund me again and it isn't going so well." He says. You sigh,
"Your grades have gotten better. That's good. Like... ya know, before your grades sucked and you needed a lot of my help but now that you're doing your own thing, you're doing good. And whether he sees it or not, that's how it is and I'm proud of you if he isn't." You lecture. He nods, squeezing your hand. You reach up to squeeze his bicep,
"And besides, fuck him. Next week we'll be in Oregon, living it up and I'll wear the hell out of that bathing suit for you."
"It'll only be good if I can peel it off of you every night." He jokes, smiling as you giggle,
"I'll give you all the opportunities in the world to take it off me." You reassure, laying your head against his arm. He leans in to kiss the top of your head. He sighs,
"Think I just need a nap in your bed." He says. You smile and nod,
"I'll let you take a nap babe." He hums, continuing to walk you at your slow pace just for your alone time.
Tom lays in your bed, watching you sort through your outfits for the night, humming as you turn to show him your favorites. His eyes are hooded and he looks sleepy, but his hour and a half nap seemed to do him good. He stands once the clock strikes three thirty,
"Should get the hell out of here. Let you do your thing. I'll see you later." He says, leaning in to kiss you. Your hand lingers around his wrist, pulling him back to you. He smiles, wrapping his arms around you as he leans in to press a more firm kiss to your lips,
"I mean... I don't have to go. I could easily stay and... give you a little preview of Oregon." He mutters, hands sliding down to mold your bottom in his hands. You hum, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leans in to nip and suck at your throat,
"God I can't wait. I'm ready to just chill with you and our little group." You tell him. He hums,
"You're in for it young lady." He mutters. You giggle, pressing your hands to his shoulders,
"Okay... lets not. Maybe it's good to stop here, now." You tell him. He stands straight and huffs,
"You're a cock block. Now I've gotta go home and rub one out." You snort, shoving his shoulders,
"Whatever. Think of Oregon." You tell him. He hums and nods,
"I'm already dreaming of you and Oregon darling." He mutters as he starts from the room,
"Love you!" You call.
"Love you too!" He yells back before the front door closes and Ivey appears,
"You two are adorable. I think that soon enough we'll be attending a beautiful wedding for the two of you." She remarks. You click your tongue,
"Don't get ahead of yourself Ivey. You're first." You tell her, hanging some of your options for the night back up. She leans against the doorframe,
"Really? You'd save that for me?" You nod, glancing up,
"Of course. Heaven forbid I marry a guy after like less than a year and it not work out." You tell her. She nods, looking you over,
"You really do love him too huh?" Sitting at the edge of the bed, you sigh and nod,
"I've never felt this way about anyone but him. I don't know what it is but he and I are just... he's everything right now." You tell her. She smiles,
"Well you two are perfect. I love it and I can't wait to see where the two of you end up in the future." You smile,
"You know what the best part is? We talk about our future family a lot. Like... getting married and having kids. It's something that we dream about when we're alone." You tell her. Her face softens,
"Awwwww, that's so cute! I love that. So have you guys established how many kids you want?" You shrug,
"We've said three or four but you can't always be sure. It'll depend. But yeah... we talk about it a lot." She smiles,
"Adorable. Sometimes Harrison and I do the same. Two little ones. Boys. But anyways, just make sure you at least keep me around forever so I can see those sweet little babies." She remarks. You giggle,
"Deal. Can I borrow those black strappy heels you have?" You ask. She nods, disappearing for a moment before she returns and tosses them at your feet,
"Have fun." She sing-songs as she exits the room again, leaving you to get ready in silence.
When you meet your three roommates in the living room later, Phoebe lets out a wolf whistle as she looks you over,
"Look at you showin off all that leg. I could see you being pinned up against a door later tonight with how sexy you look." You giggle, looking down,
"I think I might upset Tom. I think I'm a few inches taller than he is."
"Ehh, he'll get over it." Scarlett mutters as she grabs a jacket,
"Lets get going." Ivey says, checking her phone as she looks up. Soon enough you're filing out into Ivey's car and headed to the frat house. Your excitement bubbles over as you walk up the stairs to the house, brushing inside with the girls in tow. Music already thumps around you and there's a small crowd forming but not the true turnout of the night. Walking further into the living room, Gil greets you with a smile,
"Hey hey hey. You girls look pretty" He chimes. You smile as he leans in for a light hug,
"Hi Gil, thanks." He hums, jutting his chin over his shoulder,
"Lover boy is in the den playing beer pong. There was yelling coming from his room earlier. I think it's his dad again." He tells you in a hushed tone. You give him a tight lipped smile, walking towards the den, leaning against the doorway to watch your dark features boy concentrate on the game in front of him with a furrowed brow. When his opponent makes a direct hit into his cup, he gives a long sigh, picking the ball out and raising the solo cup to his lips. His eyes finally meet yours as he tips the cup back, lingering as he downs the beer in it, setting it back on the table. He picks up the ping pong ball, seemingly ignoring you as he shoots his own shot,
"Hey Y/N." Harrison chimes as he breaks you from your thoughts. You smile down at him,
"Hi Harrison. How's it goin?" He shrugs, glancing back at Tom,
"I'm alright. I've been tryin to calm down Tom. His dad called and they got into an argument and he... he doesn't really talk about it, doesn't want to, but he's tense." He tells you. You give him a sympathetic smile,
"Got it. I need vodka before I throw myself to that wolf." You reply. He smiles, following you into the kitchen and he beelines straight for Ivey. There's a pang of jealousy towards the way he curls himself around her with ease, not a worry in the world about their personal lives, no parental issues. You down a shot of vodka, eyes locked on the two of them as he kisses her cheek, whispering something to her that makes her laugh. You grit your teeth at the burn, downing another before a hand is placed on your hip, making you jump,
"I won at least." Tom says in a raspy voice, sliding the hand around to your lower back. You glance up at him, looking all over his perfect face as he glances around the room at the group of people. You place your hand over his on the counter, rubbing your thumb across his knuckles. It seems to deflate the tension, but not nearly enough. He glances down at you and you smile,
"You okay baby? The boys are worried about yo-" You stop when he holds up a hand, eyes closing,
"Just... I don't wanna talk about it. I'm trying to fucking drink it away." He hisses. You nod, pursing your lips as he pours himself a shot and downs it.  He turns to you, sighing. His eyes follow your face from your own eyes to your lips, leaning in to kiss you softly. You reach up to run your fingers over his cheek, kissing him back. He hums, placating himself behind you when you break apart. He places both hands over your hips and his chest against your back,
"I like your dress though. I'll tell you that much." He admits. You smile and turn your cheek into his,
"Thank you. I wore it for you." You remark. He curls his arms around your waist, your hands coming to rest on the soft skin, rubbing across as he lays his chin over your shoulder,
"Don't quite care for the heels but... I can't be picky." He remarks. You giggle, leaning against the counter. Taking a deep breath, you continue to rub across his arms,
"Maybe later we can sneak away." You tell him. He nods,
"Hopefully." He mutters, squeezing your body. You hum, swaying him softly before he huffs and unwraps himself from around you. He finds a bottle of hard liquor, pouring it into a shot glass and hovering over a second. You glance up, shrugging and watching him pour your shot. You pick it up and down it, cringing softly as he sets the glass down. You reach up, pressing your palm to his cheek and rubbing your thumb across his cheekbone,
"I know you hate talking about it but I wish you would. I don't like seeing you so upset." You admit to him. He scoffs, shaking his head,
"Yeah, you can thank my dad for that one." He mutters downing another shot.
All you want to do is help him but his unwant for comfort if he has to speak about it draws him away. Draws him away from you. He's fading and it scares you. It makes your heart hurt because you love him so much you don't want the heartbreak to take over. All you can do is stare at him, hoping that like every other time he'll snap back to you, he'll talk to you about it and you'll go back to normal. But something inside you, deep down tells you you won't be so lucky. No matter how good things were earlier.
He glances up again, eyes wandering your body. His eyes linger on your face, wander the worry etched into your features and even if you aren't looking at him, he knows it's about him. He reaches out to give a gentle tug at the dress bunched at your ribcage,
"I gotta go take a piss. Come with?" After a moment of staring up into those mysterious, dark eyes, you nod, holding his hand when he takes it and following him up the stairs to the bathroom across from his room. He closes the door behind you, letting you hop up onto the counter as he tends to himself. You play with the hem of your skirt, glancing up when he flushes the toilet and steps in front of you. He washes his hands quickly before he comes to stand between your legs. He rests his hands on your thighs, sliding them up until his fingers rest under the material, a sigh leaving his lips,
"I hate when you look so upset because of me."
"Its not like that Tom. I just... wish you were more apt to talk to me the minute something bothers you. I'm only here to help." You tell him as he nods, letting you finish, but clearly irritated with the idea. He closes his eyes,
"I know, I know. I just... I really just don't want to. Not this close to Spring Break and with this party. I just want to enjoy myself and be done with it." He defends. You nod, rubbing his shoulders,
"I know. I just want you to be completely open with me. I just want..."
"You want what Y/N?" He suddenly asks, venom laced in his words as he straightens himself out his hands leaving your legs. He scoffs,
"What do you want? You want me to lay everything out? Want me to... tell you everything I haven't yet?"
"What do you want Y/N?"
"What do you want?!"
"I want something like Harrison and Ivey have!" You yell suddenly. He stares at you, your heart pounding as tears come to your eyes. Your skin burns,
"I want... for us to lean all over each other like we're the only people in the world. I want for you to not have these little depressive bouts hanging over you every time your dad comes around again. I want," tears roll down your cheeks, "I want to be able to have some sort of stability in my life because god knows that I have my own parental issues and I just... I want... stability." You lose your train of thought, staring at the boy across from you who looks angry. He doesn't look sympathetic or affected, just mad. He scoffs again, running his tongue along the point of his teeth, glancing away from you,
"You want what Ivey and Harrison have huh?" He clicks the lock on the door open, cracking the door just a small bit. He grits his teeth, "So why don't you go find a guy that can give you that then eh?" He spits. More tears run down your cheeks,
"Tom-" He yanks the door open, walking a few steps to place himself in the hallway before something seems to strike him and he turns, pointing at you,
"I was wrong about you. You are like every other girl. And I expect that by tomorrow my name'll be drug through the mud so why don't you go do what you girls do best." He adds, further breaking your heart before he walks away, leaving you to stew.
You know that it's the alcohol. Everything happened so fast and arguing with someone under the influence doesn't help anything. If you give him room maybe it'll get better.
By the time you've figured your way back downstairs, your makeup is a mess and your eyes are red but you stand your ground. Your roommates each have a wide eyed look to them as you enter the kitchen, pulling you into a circle and comforting you the best way they can and reassuring you that space will be needed. You silently agree, letting Phoebe make you a screwdriver to calm the churning of your stomach and the nerves that course through you when it comes to what's next in your relationship. Your seemingly perfect relationship that was uprooted with a little parental guidance and some alcohol.
You watch him over the bar connecting the kitchen to the living room, playing pool with some of the boys. Each time he glances up, you look away just in time and he sips his beer. You've lost count of how many he's had and the number from before you arrived is still a mystery which seems to settle your nerves about a full breakup just a little weirdly. The girls distract you with stories and jokes and Phoebe always has her one liners which keep you in a cloud of laughter as you sip from drinks, ignoring the way Harrison has his arm wrapped around Ivey and they make it look so effortless. So perfect.
Another hour and a half ticks by before you steal a peek up, your heart stops with your laughter as your eyes lock on Tom's figure which most definitely isn't alone. His arms are bound tight around a brunette's waist, shoulders bowed to be her height. It would be fine if they weren't smiling at each other like they were the ones together for almost seven months. You can hear Ivey and Phoebe mumble curses to themselves just as he leans in and kisses her so softly it shatters your heart. Tears come to your eyes but you aren't sure if you're heartbroken or angry.
Ivey calls out your name as you storm forward, drink forgotten as you pace towards your... boyfriend? and his new concubine. You shove his shoulders, careening him away from her in his half drunk state, his eyebrows furrowing as he stumbles,
"What the fuck?"
"I could ask you the same thing asshole, what the fuck are you doing?" You holler over the music. He blinks at you,
"What the hell are you on about? I'm just having some fun."
"Yeah, with someone that's most definitely not your girlfriend." You spit back. He scoffs,
"YOU hardly are either. After that shit you pulled in the bathroom our relationship seems like it's on the rocks no? Oh but don't worry darling, if I'm serious I'll make it back to you at some point." He chides, trying to brush past you to get back to her. Your heart literally snaps in your chest at his brush it all off attitude. You smack his shoulder, setting him off his feet again,
"Do you really wanna do this Tom?"
"Y/N, babe, come on, let's go cool off." Phoebe says nonchalantly in an attempt to get you to calm down. You brush her off,
"Do you wanna do this?" You ask again. There's a crowd forming around you now, some friendly faces you recognize but your body is on fire. He jabs a finger in your face, eyes wild and you know in part that it's the alcohol,
"Oy, get the fuck off my back or we're done. I've got a lot going on right now and you know that and right now you're making it worse. So step the fuck off." He growls. You stare up at him, dumbfounded as tears run down your cheeks. You grit your teeth,
"Fine. Fucking fine, we're done." You tell him, tugging on the chain around your neck hard enough to break and tossing it in his face. It falls to the floor at his feet as you storm away from him, the three girls hot on his heels. Harrison turns to look at Tom once he stands straight from picking up your necklace, disappointment etched across every feature as he shakes his head at his best friend and follows you and the girls outside. The air outside is less stuffy but it freezes your cheeks, freezes the tears still clinging to them. Ivey rubs up your arms,
"He's such an ass. How the fuck did I know something like this was going to happen? We should have kept you away from him." She rambles. You lean your head against Phoebe's as she wraps her arms as best she can around you and Ivey. You sniffle as Scarlett steps up before you, arms crossing and Harrison steps up just beside her, hands on his hips,
"He's a div Y/N. I'll kill him when he's sober." Harrison tells you. Just then, that signature blonde hair with those soft green eyes of Gil appears,
"Hey babe, you okay?" You shake your head, tears starting to fall. How could you be so stupid? People had warned that the second he was between your legs it was game over but he seemed so in love with you just hours before. He clicks his tongue, tossing his arm over your shoulder and pulling your head into his chest,
"I'm sorry." He mutters. You heave as he holds you, grimacing at the sound of your cries,
"It's not like we didn't warn you." Scarlett suddenly says. Five pairs of eyes land on hers and you frown,
"Are you... are you defending him?" You ask. She shrugs,
"We told you about Delilah. You knew he wasn't exactly boyfriend material Y/N." She remarks,
"Scarlett," Phoebe mumbled, waiting until she looks up, "seriously not the time."
"What?! I'm just saying that you shouldn't have expected anything more of him! You knew he wasn't all that Y/N. Besides, it's not like kissing is-"
"Do not finish that sentence! If Cole fucking kissed another girl it is most definitely cheating and we'd most definitely kill him." Ivey squawks, eyes wild as Harrison stares at Scarlett with a furrowed brow, looking to you when you let out a whine and practically collapse into Gil's arms,
"I'm not doing this, I wanna go home."
"Yeah, lets go." Ivey says. You shake your head,
"No, I wanna go home." You say. She locks eyes with you before nodding, glancing up what Gil when he speaks,
"I'll take her, just to get her the fuck out of this fucked up situation." He says, digging in his pocket for his keys. He presses a hand to your lower back, walking you towards his car and leaving your normally lively group to talk amongst themselves,
"I'm gonna fucking kill him now." Phoebe finally mutters, starting back into the house, Ivey, Harrison, and Scarlett (no matter how slow) following close behind until she's shoving the small brunette in front of Tom to get the right angle and smack the taste from his mouth. His mouth hangs open as his eyes find hers,
"What the fuck-"
"You just lost the best thing that's ever happened to you asshole." She yells over the music. He looks her over,
"What? She's calming down outside. She'll get over it and we'll be fine." He remarks matter of factly,
"No, she's going back home." She tells him. He purses his lips,
"So... let her." He mutters with a shrug. Phoebe scoffs,
"You just don't get it. With Delilah it was different. She went back home and you were fine because you were her first but you and Y/N are different. She's been there for you. The two of you fucking visited your parents and you love her.  You actually say that to her and mean it. Your family fucking loves her. You're gonna let that go for what? A girl that you can toss aside? A girl that won't make you fucking happy the same way Y/N does? Are you fucking crazy?"
"Apparently." Tom remarks over the music. Phoebe crosses her arms again,
"I don't want to have to apply for another fucking roommate because of you Tom, I really like Y/N and I'll make sure you never fucking see the light of day if you fuck this up." She tells him, her dark brown eyes seemingly darker as she stares at him. He swallows. It never occurred to him what he'd go through if you left. His parents, his family, his friends, they all loved you. They had lives that revolved around you, that involved you. He sighs as he glances down at his feet, guilt coursing through his body immediately. He was extremely rude and he jumped too far, too fast,
"You said she went home?" He asks, pulling  his phone from his pocket. Phoebe places her hands on her hips, nodding,
"Gil took her back to Cole's." She says lowly. He types up a quick message, only to press send and receive the regular "this number is no longer available" message. He quickly looks up, eyes wide in realization and it's as if he's instantly sobered up,
"She blocked my number." He informs. Harrison scoffs,
"Well when you mack on whores I dunno what you expect her to do Thomas."
"She's done Tom. You fucked up. So now you get the necklace, and your quasi happy existence being a douchebag bachelor. Congrats." Phoebe spits, starting to turn. He captures her wrist, turning her back to him,
"I- I... I dunno what I was thinking. You're right and I can't- I can't lose her. Like seriously. With Delilah it was different but this... Phoebe, you aren't the only one that can't lose her. You're fucking right and I'm an idiot." He tells her. She stares up at him,
"Sounds personal. You shoulda thought about that."
"Phoebe I'm serious. Take me to her."
"Uh uh, you are not gonna fuck this up even more." He grits his teeth,
"Please. One night without her will be like torture, I just need to... I just need to try and fix this before she hates me." He practically begs. Phoebe doesn't shut him down instantly, turning to look at the group behind her, more so Ivey and Harrison who both shrug and then Ivey speaks up,
"Who knows what it could do. Maybe... maybe she needs it." She says. Phoebe points at Scarlett when she opens her mouth,
"You don't get a vote for the shit you just pulled." She tells her. Tom frowns,
"What? What happened?"
"Dumbass tried to defend you for cheating. Tried to tell Y/N that we warned her about you." Phoebe tells Tom who looks at Scarlett, staring her down for a moment, but he can't say anything. Phoebe nods,
"Fine. But I'll push you down a flight of stairs if it gets even more fucked." She tells Tom, waving a finger in his face. He nods, following the group of four out to Ivey's car, watching Ivey turn to look between Phoebe and Harrison. Tom stares down at the text he'd sent, remembering everything he'd said to you. All of the things you'd done for him. And with the snap of a finger, he'd gone and fucked it up.
The drive is silent, lonely for Tom. He seriously doesn't think he's been without you for longer than twenty minutes between being together, texting, or on a call. He runs his thumb over the plate with his name inscribed, broken chain still clinging to it and it holds so much love but now it just reminds him of you pulling it off and throwing it at him with that look in your eye. He sighs loudly as he climbs from the car and stares up at Cole's building. The building that now holds a different feeling if he can't get you back. He tucks his hands in his pockets, following the group up into the elevator. Ivey knocks on the door once they're down the hall, Cole opening the door in a few short beats. The look on his face is replaced with such unreadable ones it scares Tom as he looks through the group, those same eyes that you have boring into him,
"Oh... hey guys." He says coolly but it holds a mysterious undertone that sends a chill down Tom's spine,
"Is Y/N here?" Ivey asks. Cole leans against the door, arms crossed as he looks down and Tom's heart stops,
"No she uhh... she packed some of her stuff while I bought her a ticket for New York. She said... she didn't wanna be here." He tells them. Shock courses through the group as he moves to tuck his hands in his pockets and glance down at his feet,
"So... yeah, there's that." He adds. He glances back up as Ivey speaks,
"So what does that mean? I mean... is she like-"
"Well she said she'll be out there for spring break at least but... if she likes it she'll probably stay and just have me send all of her stuff up there." He elaborates, eyes glancing between Harrison, Phoebe and Ivey to keep his cool. There's a collective heartbreak at the thought of you staying in New York. But then Cole's eyes suddenly land on Tom,
"So thanks for that Tom, really appreciate it. I get my sister here finally and it's like I can breathe and after seven months you're chasing her off again." He spits. Tom swallows, glancing up as Scarlett opens her mouth to speak,
"Oh and you, yeah... we're done."
"What?" She squeaks. Cole nods as Scarlett stares at him wide eyed,
"You defended him and I don't put up with defending blatant cheaters. If that's how you're gonna be then I don't have any time for you anymore." He concludes. He nods as Tom steps forward,
"Where in New York is she going?"
"No, you're not following her out there to fuck it up more. Do you not understand she wants away from you?" Cole bellows, eyes crazier than usual. Tom stares up at him, Cole standing straight,
"If she comes back and she wants to talk, she'll find you, but until then, leave her the fuck alone Tom. You've done enough." He remarks, turning and closing the door in the group's faces. There's silence before Phoebe scoffs and turns to start down the hall, Ivey and Harrison following in the same distraught and slightly angry state leaving Tom and Scarlett to trail after like dogs with their tails between their legs. And all Tom can think about as his heart breaks and he stares down at the necklace in his hand again is how he fucked up royally. And would do anything to get you back. No matter how far and no matter what you force him to do. He'll do it all if it means getting you back. And he'll never let you go again.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [seven]
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Warnings: language, more drinking & partying, skimpy dress descriptions, dancing with Scarlett, mentions of an erection, aaaaaaaaaand smut haha, 18+, female receiving oral- whoops
Word Count: 5,605
Author's Note: Don't come for me when you read this chapter, I couldn't help myself. But surpriseeeeee. Also, gif credits to the original owner and lemme know what you think. :)
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Tom's heartbeat pounds in his ears and he swears you can hear it, but yours is just as loud and that's all you can hear. Both of you are panting just a little as you mutually undress, eyes seeming to never wander despite the want to. Tom desperately wants to look down at your naked body. He dreamt about it for Christ's sake. But he follows you into the shower, watching as you turn to wet your hair, the strands of it clinging to your skin. He allows himself that moment to glance across your body, eyes lingering on your breasts that he's primarily seen in his backseat. But the real killer is your thighs. He doesn't know why, but the way they're pressed together as you rinse your hair of the day's grime has him captivated. Soft, beautiful skin, unmared and asking to be kissed, spread, held. You open your eyes, smiling at him, 
"Perv." He shrugs,
"You said I couldn't touch, you didn't say anything about looking." He reminds. You nod,
"And I'm not covering myself because of it, because I kinda feel guilty." You admit quietly, but Tom can hear you even if a train drove by. His girl shouldn't feel guilty about anything. He frowns, 
"Why?" You scoff as you lather your hair in the sweet smelling shampoo that Tom knows from nuzzling his face in your hair,
"You're like... notorious for sleeping around and you're not getting any from me." You tell him. He clicks his tongue, finding your soap and beginning to wash himself, 
"Aaaand, I'm not your usual American frat boy into peer pressure and date rape and shit so... you don't have to give it up to me."
"Yeah but-"
"Our deal was you make me love you and that doesn't include sex. That's deception." He jokes, smiling as you, mid rinse of your hair, open your eyes to frown at him, 
"I'm serious Tom."
"So am I! For once in my goddamn life, I don't feel the need to have sex with a girl to stay the fuck around." He admits, rolling his eyes. Your heart swells as you stare at him, eyes never straying lower than his stomach just in shyness. You near him, his eyes downcast to yours, beautiful curls now sticking dark to his skin, 
"How did I get so lucky with you?" You ask, eyes twinkling as they dart between his. He smiles, 
"I ask myself that every day when it comes to you darling." He replies. You smile, standing on your toes to kiss him, hands rested on his slippery body. You hum, his hands drifting down to your hips where they rest lightly, as if he's scared you'll yell at him for the contact. You smile, reaching up to thread your fingers through his hair, bodies pressed together as you deepen the kiss, steam encasing you. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close to him as you kiss, letting you draw back and stare up at him, 
"Let's... finish up, yeah?" He nods, eyes darkened in lust as you both hurriedly finish washing up. You shut the water off, slipping out onto the tile and binding a towel around your body, Tom doing the same before he scoops you up, carrying you back to your bedroom. He lays you back on your bed, unravelling the towel from your body and ditching his own, kneeling between your legs. You hum as he bows his head to kiss you, your arms wrapping around his beautiful, lean figure. He moans into you, teeth clashing and his tongue slipping into your mouth. You gasp, sliding your hands down his sides and arching your back as his lips trail down your neck, small marks being bit, sucked, and licked into the skin. You hold him there, arching your knees up around him until he raises his head to stare down into your eyes. Its then that the uncertainty and the fear associated with giving yourself up to him at this point and time kicks in, but so does the guilt. A few water droplets dot your skin from his half dried hair as he stares down at you. You lick your lips and shake your head, reaching up to brush your own hair behind your ears,
"We can't do this. Tom... fuck, I'm sorry but we can't-"
"Hey, hey, hey, you're alright, I want you to be comfortable with this and you're not. I'm okay with that." He reassures again. You sigh, placing your hands on his shoulders, 
"But you... y-you're hard, I can feel it, and it's not fair that you don't get to get off." You whine. He chuckles, eyebrows raising on his forehead, 
"Darling, I get hard coming out of my room in the morning. It happens. And beside, dream you has given me much more than I probably need. I've gotten off." He informs, watching a blush rise to your cheeks with an airy laugh before he rolls off of you. He sits at the edge of your bed, letting you wrap your arms around his shoulders. He hums, pressing the side of his face to yours, closing his eyes as you kiss his cheek, peppering kisses across the skin. Reaching for his towel, you dry his hair off the rest of the way, laying him back in bed and climbing over his legs. You hum as you kiss his chest like a few nights ago, a hum slipping from his lips as you look up at him, eyes twinkling again. You press a kiss to his stomach, 
"I'll prioritize and blow you." You mumble but Tom clicks his tongue and drags you up to lay beside him, pulling your leg up around his waist, 
"Tom it's not fair to you!" 
"I'll be fine." He growls, arm wrapped around your waist and hand placed on your hip. You hum, pressing your hand over his heart and your cheek to his shoulder. You sigh, letting him kiss your forehead, raising your own head after a moment, 
"I do love you Tom. Even if you're not ready to say it." He smiles, knowing in his heart that he's ready but with all the surprises you've thrown his way, he wants to have one too. So he'll wait because he knows whether or not he says it won't break your heart. You lay your head back against his shoulder, sighing. He rubs his thumb over your skin, letting you melt into him as he closes his eyes, letting sleep consume him the same way it does you. 
"Alright nerds, what're you doing tonight?" Ivey poses as she sits across from you and Tom at the table in the library. Tom doesn't look up as you cross your leg under you, clothed arm nudging his as he scribbles away at his English study guide. You look to him,
"Uhm, we were probably just gonna stay in and study for finals." You tell her. She hums as Harrison slides into the seat beside her, sipping his steaming tea. She looks to him,
"Well... kinda last minute, but Phoebe, Scarlett, Cole, and us were all going out to a club in downtown Seattle and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come." Tom grumbles beside you, but you nod anyways, looking to him, 
"I think I could use a night out." His eyes find yours after a moment, hand pressed under his chin still. You raise an eyebrow and he shrugs, eyelashes fluttering,
"You know I go where you go. Guess I'll be there too." He diverts his attention to Ivey who smiles,
"Great! You have to go with Harrison though so the girls and I can make Y/N very whore couture for you." She jokes, Tom snorting and rolling his eyes as he returns his attention back to his study guide on the table. You smile, nudging his arm, 
"We'll both be there." You reassure your best friend who nods and stands, wishing you both goodbyes before she leads Harrison back towards the dorms,
"What, does she have a tracker on you or something? How the hell did she know you were here?" He asks as you watch them leave, eyes lingering on the other students around you both, 
"No... I'm supposed to tell the girls where I am even if I'm with you. Just in case." You inform. He nods, letting you lean your arm against him, lips pressed to his shoulder. His eyes glance between your study guide and his own, finishing up the last few words in his chicken scratch writing before he sets his pencil down and sighs, looking over at you, 
"You're really making me go?" 
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to sweet cheeks, but I'm going. So if you want to be a sorry sap who stays home and watches Netflix without his loving girlfriend, you do so." You inform him, grasping his face in your hand. He hums, leaning in to gently press his lips to yours, 
"So you're making me go." You giggle, 
"Sure. Whatever you wanna claim Mr. I-play-the-victim." You joke. He smiles, letting out a soft chuckle, 
"So accusing." He mutters. You shrug, laying your head against his arm, looking over the filled in papers in front of you. He flexes his bicep to give you a more sturdy resting place. You huff, 
"What to wear, what to wear." Tom hums, 
"How bout nothing and we stay home." 
"I'm jokinggggg." He says with a chuckle. You hum, laying your head back against his arm, 
"I think I know what to wear. What are you gonna wear?" You ask. He stares ahead, twiddling his pencil in his fingers, 
"Probably jeans and a sweater. You want somethin special?" You shake your head, 
"No, I don't want you to upsell me." You joke. He smiles, looking down at you as you start to stuff your notebook into your bag, standing beside him. He follows suit, letting you lazily hold his hand as you leave the library, 
"So I'll see you later." You state rather than ask, pausing at the top of the stairs. His eyebrows knit together, 
"You're not gonna let me walk you home?" 
"No, it's fine, the library is the same length from the house and the dorms, I got it." You reassure, standing on your toes to kiss him softly. He pouts, features never changing as you giggle, 
"Tom I'll be fine. And I'll see you later." You say with a giggle, kissing his cheek once before you take a step back, eyes lingering on him. You cock your head before turning and walking down the stairs, glancing over your shoulder at Tom once before you tuck hair behind your ear and continue down the path towards the dorms, Tom watching you go with a bruised ego and worry laced in his blood despite knowing nothing will happen to you. 
That night, Tom is fidgety, wanting to get the show on the road as Harrison gets dressed, seemingly as slow as he possibly can just to torment Tom. It allows him to think about how odd it is to want to see you so bad despite having seen you earlier. He's surprised by how odd it is to practically grieve when you're apart and be as antsy as he is now to see you again. 
Harrison breaks him from his thoughts as he sighs and turns to him, outfit and hair in place perfectly, 
"Done, ready you fucking div?" He asks. Tom nods before he practically rushes down the stairs and out to his car, Harrison following close behind, but still trailing, 
"Ya know… I think you bullied me for the same shit all those years ago with Ivey." Harrison remarks, closing himself inside Tom's already running car. Tom half sighs, half growls,
"It's been two years and this isn't the same thing. Most times I wasn't even dressed. You forced me out of the house like three hours early for no damn reason just to try and see her. I have a reason and its…" he pauses to check out the clock in his dashboard, "half an hour before we're supposed to meet up." Tom explains to Harrison who waves him off. They drive in silence, sitting at the curb of the club waiting for Ivey's car to make an appearance. And when it does, both boys climb from Tom's car and cross the street to meet the four of you. 
Tom steps up on the curb, breath dissolving into a mist as it meets the cool air and you climb from the car, effectively taking Tom's breath as he looks you over, a white, plunging neckline dress billowing from your body, a black velvet choker wrapped around your throat, and white and tan wedges successfully making you just Tom's height, if not a little taller. You smile, the streetlights catching the glitter dotted over the smokey eye you sport clouded by the messy, thick curls in your hair,
"Hey." You croon, closing the door of the car behind you, glancing down to step up on the curb, 
"H-hey. You look uhh… you look beautiful." He chokes out around his tongue. You smile, holding his hand that he holds out to balance yourself on the uneven sidewalk,
"Thanks babe. I told you I didn't want you to upsell me." He nods, smiling down at you as you smile, gloss glistening in the low lighting. You follow the girls and Harrison to the door, leaning back into Tom's chest as the bouncer IDs everyone. He wraps his arms around you, resting his cheek to yours now that you're too tall for him to rest his head over yours. Heading inside, he watches you turn when Cole comes running up in a black button up with rolled up sleeves and jeans, quickly joining your group once he's presented ID. He quickly kisses Scarlett before hugging you and bro hugging Tom, greeting the others before you all retreat to a table. You sit at the end of the bench, Tom standing just before you, 
"Want me to get you a drink baby?" 
"I'll go with, let's find out what everyone wants." Before you can fully stand and collect yourself, Tom has sorted out drink orders and Cole is accompanying you both to the bar, ordering, leaning against the countertop and glancing out at the dancefloor and then between you and Tom, 
"So am I gonna have to kill you for puttin your hands all over my sister?" Cole jokes. Tom smiles, looking to you and shaking his head as you bind your arms around his torso,
"I'm always being told to keep my hands to myself so... I think we'll be okay." He replies jokingly. You smile, leaning into him, 
"Don't worry Cole, anything that happens between us will be consensual. Tom is the perfect gentleman." You reassure your older brother who smiles and nods,
"I know. Tom is a good guy." Cole remarks before he stands up straight as the array of alcohol is set in front of you. Tom carries three of the four beers for your group while Cole carries his own beer and Scarlett's drink as you carry your own drink and Ivey's drink. Once back at the table, you distribute alcohol, Tom sitting at the very edge of the booth beside you as you all sip your drinks, just trying to loosen up enough to get out to the dancefloor. 
Once the group heads that way, Tom takes your hand, having finished his beer in record time, 
"I think I'm gonna fetch another one, do you want something else?" You nod, following close behind him. He follows you once you have your second drink in hand, taking your free one to not lose you in the crowd as you find your friends on the flashing colored dancefloor. Scarlett is already in Cole's arms, back pressed to his chest as Ivey and Harrison dance facing each other, her arms around his neck. Tom hums as he wraps his arms around you, your hips moving the same as your friends. You’re facing Scarlett and Cole, your older brother laughing as he watches you and Scarlett sing to each other. Soon enough, she steps forward and takes your hand, spinning you and allowing you to bend just the smallest bit, her hand on your shoulder as you grind against each other, Tom laughing as he watches. Cole, having stepped up beside him, mutters back and forth with your boyfriend who has a hungry look swimming in his eyes. But his eyes don't stay locked on you; they wander over both you and Scarlett. He likes the way you look with her, likes the way the both of you look as your dress rides up against her body. She's wearing a dress that's just as skimpy and he loves how sexy the whole situation is, but you miss the look he gives completely, lost playfully in her. 
Scarlett releases you, dragging Cole back into her by his arm as Tom's hands find purchase over your hips again. You wrap your arms around his neck, watching him sip his drink with a small smile. He licks his lips, looking you over with a dark look in his eyes, 
"I lied to you." He remarks. You hum, cocking your head with your eyebrows furrowing,
"What do you mean baby?"  You ask so innocently, it nearly makes Tom want to carry you out to his car and have his way with you any, and everywhere. He glances down, watching the way the deep cut in your dress reveals the ample flesh he loves covered in the same glitter that you and your three roommates are drenched in. He reaches up, one of your hands slipping to his waist, 
"I told you you looked beautiful but... I lied. You actually look really sexy." He rasps out. His accent has you weak in the knees, your fingers threading through the hair at the base of his neck. You search his eyes as he smiles, one corner of his mouth raised. You let out an airy laugh, 
"Oh yeah? What, did I not look this good at all those frat parties?" 
"No you definitely do. You're always sexy, but right now, I'm definitely having dirty thoughts about you." He admits. You giggle, letting his hands wander to your lower back, your hands pressed to his chest. You hum, running your hands across his muscular pecs, 
"If you can play nice for a little while longer, maybe I'll reward you." He lets out a dark chuckle, holding you close, 
"Promise?" You nod, 
"Promise." He nods, sipping more beer before he lets you turn, grinding back against him similarly to when you were with Scarlett. He holds your hips, laughing the same as he had earlier as you, Ivey, and Scarlett all sing to each other and act in the same manner as you do at all the frat parties. It sends a surge of nostalgia through Tom. That first time he met you, that first time you teased him and he knew that you were perfect for him. You were sweet, but you were sassy and he loved it. He wanted all of it for the rest of his life, he still does too. 
There's only about a half an hour that goes by before the girls want refills of their own. You follow just for the hell of it, Tom just behind you so he isn't abandoned by the group. As you stand at the bar, he clears hair off to the side, over your shoulder and out of his way to kiss your neck as you talk to Phoebe and Ivey. His eyes cut up to them for a moment before he tucks hair behind your ear, 
"Let's do shots baby." He mutters. You turn your head just the slightest, eyes searching his before they wander down to his lips and you nod. He orders two shots of vodka, lifting one to his freshly wetted lips, eyes rising to yours. You hold the small shot glass out, clinking it with Tom's and giggling when it spills just the slightest. He smiles before he throws it back, the same as you and slaps the glass onto the countertop. He watches you shiver with a smile, letting you lean into him, a giggle slipping from your lips as you lean on your toes to kiss him softly. He shakes his head, 
"You're crazy." 
"But I'm your crazy." You remark. He nods, shrugging softly, 
"Guess so huh?" You nod, smiling up at him, 
"Buy me another?" You ask. He raises an eyebrow, 
"You tryna get me wasted?" You giggle again, ordering two more shots before you turn to him, 
"It'll be better when you're wasted." You pose. He hums, lifting the shot glass to his lips with baited breath as he watches you throw your own shot back. He gently sets the shot glass down, 
"Ya know, drunk sex is a great way to get pregnant." 
"Who said anything about sex?" You quickly imply, sparkling Y/E/C eyes glancing up at him with a mischievous glint. He purses his lips as you press yourself to him, 
"Besides, I'm on birth control. I promise not to have your baby." You joke. He smiles, 
"Not yet at least." 
"Ooh, you planning our future together or something Holland?" You ask. He smiles and shrugs, 
"Never know. I like the way we sound and look together, ya know, Tom and Y/N, and I want kids someday. But I'd much appreciate if we graduate before we try to do that." You nod, sipping the beer in your hand. You hum as Tom plays with his own beer bottle, watching your group of friends all act accordingly with their partners. He licks his lips, 
"So uhh, w-what's my reward if I'm good?" He asks. You sip from your drink, eyebrows raising just a small bit, 
"Dunno, what do you want?" You ask him. He raises the unruly eyebrow, 
"Are you telling me that I've been good? And what, I get to pick my reward?" He teases softly. You snort, setting your beer bottle aside, 
"There's no reason not to give you the option. And... if we can dance a little more and maybe you can give all the right moves, I'll let you do something." You tell him, playing with the collar of his shirt with a sultry cock of your head. He nods, leaning down to kiss the soft, clammy skin of your neck before you take his hand and follow the girls to the dancefloor again. His hands instantly wander, your head drifting back to his shoulder. He kisses your neck again, hands placed over your ribs where they finally rest, a vice grip on your body as you rock back against him, your butt pressed to his crotch. You can hear him curse every once in a while, his hands slipping down to your hips, to hold you back against him. He refrains from reaching up to hold your breasts, desperately wanting to but not wanting to embarass you, wanting to keep his respect to Cole. You reach up to thread your fingers through his hair, 
"Baby," he poses in your ear, listening to you hum in response, "how much longer until I get my reward. I wanna taste you so, so bad." He admits, your heart leaping into your throat. You swallow, head turning further up to look at him. He stares down at you, letting you turn in his arms and drape your own over his shoulders, 
"Really?" He nods, glancing down at your lips, 
"Yeah, I wanna fucking ravish you." He admits huskily, leaning in to kiss your feverishly. You hold the back of his head, heart pounding in your chest. You can't say no to him. Not only is it is reward, you don't want to say no. You know you've made him wait long enough and he can swear up and down that he doesn't need the sex to stay with you, but you want to give him something. He's been good. When he pulls back, he stares down into your wide eyes before you nod and his eyebrows raise again, 
"Yeah?" You nod again, clutching his arms as he glances towards a semi lit hallway, 
"You want the formalities or is the bathroom good enough?" 
"It's good enough." You quickly pipe up. He nods before his hand slips into yours and he nearly pulls your shoulder from the socket as he drags you behind him towards the women's bathroom, pushing the door open to find it surprisingly empty. He hums in approval before he turns to you, releasing your hand to cup your face in both of his own hands. He leans in to kiss you, pressing your back against the wall, your hands holding his sweater tight at his hips as he kisses you with raw passion. 
Turning your body just slightly, he backs you into the handicap stall. Its moderately clean for a club, but neither of you pay it mind as he closes and locks the door behind you, his hand slipping to the groove of your knee to lift to his hip. You whimper into his mouth and he smiles, holding you tight to him before he grows impatient and his hands slip beneath the material of your dress, dragging your underwear down your legs, 
"If I were about to fuck you I'd have you bent chest first against this wall, underwear around your knees. It's so fucking sexy when your clothes don't come off." He admits, starting to crouch between your legs before you grab a handful of the sweater on his shoulder. His eyes meet yours and for a moment he sees your eyes swimming in uncertainty. He nods, rubbing up across your thighs, 
"I'll be gentle with you baby, you can trust me." He reassures. You lick your lips, nodding after a moment as you tuck your hands behind you. He smiles, rubbing up your legs as he tucks your panties in his pocket, taking a wedged foot into his hand and dragging it up over his shoulder. Your heart pounds, visible as it beats from your chest and he bows to kiss the inside of your knee. His mouth waters as he smells your arousal, kissing closer to your center, his hand slides along your skin leaving a trail of scorched skin in his wake. His dark eyes flicker up to yours as you raise your dress over your hips, needing to see all of him once he reaches his destination. His eyes are significantly darker, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of him. He hums, drawing back for just a minute and licking his lips again before he reaches up, sliding a finger through your folds. The feeling of him touching you is intoxicating and he hums once more in satisfaction,
"So wet darling. God, what do you let me do to you?" He teases, dragging the tip of his finger over your clit before his hand drops into his lap and he leans in, wrapping his lips around your clit, tongue darting out to tease your opening. Your head falls back against the wall, eyes closing tight and teeth coming out to bite your lip. The hand not covered in your juices and resting at your knee to steady you, is placed over your ass, holding you against his mouth. You reach up, covering your own, letting out a whimper after a moment which Tom appreciates. He moans, pressing you further into the wall. The way his mouth feels, the way liquid courage in vodka form pumps through your veins has you suddenly not caring, letting out loud moans and whimpers, one of your hands holding your dress in a tight grip against your thigh, the other raveling in his hair. You give good tugs every once in a while, Tom letting out moans each time, cock hardening further in his jeans as he stares up at your blissed out face. 
He slides his hand up your skin again, slipping two fingers into your heat which draws a cry from your lips. Tom is pleased as the leg you stand on threatens to give out, his grip on you tightening. He groans as you give another sharp tug of his hair, drawing his mouth away from you as his fingers pump up into you in quick tandem, 
"Such a good girl for me. Fuck you taste so good darling, so wet, you like that?" He coos up at you. You nod, the hand previously occupied in his hair slipping up to palm your breast over the fabric of your dress,
"Fuck yes Tommy, you feel so good." You moan. He licks his lips of what's left of you, staring up into your beautiful features. He curls his fingers, smiling as you cry out again, 
"Fuck I would've loved to be your first, but all of this is fuckin amazing." He remarks, nudging his fingers along your sweet spot which sends a jolt through your body each time and brings moans and whimpers from your lips, 
"Tommy... please make me cum. I wanna cum." You beg. He nods, 
"I've got you baby, cum for me." He tells you, leaning back in to suck your clit back into his mouth after a moment. He runs his tongue over it, circling it with the tip of his tongue. You whine, knees trying to give out again as Tom's fingers speed up just the smallest bit inside of you, audibly colliding with your slick as he brings you closer and closer to the edge, your heart and head pounding with each move he makes. Your hips involuntarily move against his face, his chin effectively being soaked in your juices as he watches you. You moan, head falling back against the wall again as you near your high, every nerve ending in your body set on fire. He pulls back after a moment, 
"That's my girl, cum for me sweet thing." He tells you, driving his fingers faster inside of you. He leans in to lap at your clit some more, humming as your thighs quake and you bite the back of your hand to stifle a scream, 
"Good girl baby." He purrs, collecting all that you have to offer as you cum, hand grasping his shoulder tight. He bites his lip, watching you ride out your orgasm against his fingers. He draws them from inside of you, dragging his tongue across your folds once over before he sucks his fingers into his mouth, cleaning them of your juices and slipping your panties from his pocket to slide them up your thighs. He gives your ass a quick swat, molding the flesh in his hand as he kisses and gently nibbles the inside of your thigh before he stands, pressing you to the wall again and collecting your face in his hands, 
"So fucking perfect baby girl. God you're so sexy." He tells you, pressing his hips to yours as he leans in to kiss you, your hands grabbing onto his sweater. You taste yourself on him, tangy and sweet and Tom slides his tongue into your mouth. When he draws back, he lets you careen him back against the opposite wall, hands sliding up under his sweater to rub across his stomach, a part of his body he knows you love to feel up. You bite your lip as you grab hold of the hem of his jeans, your eyes dark, sparkling in mischief, 
"Want a blow?" He doesn't respond and you giggle as his lips turn up, 
"You're fuckin adorable. No, I don't want a blow, I'm okay." He says, leaning in to kiss you again. You hum, running your hands up and down across his stomach, 
"You're sure?" You ask. He nods, smiling down at you,
"Yeah, I'm alright. You looked fucking gorgeous though baby. You look fucking gorgeous." He tells you, watching you sort yourself out. You smile up at him before he follows you out to the sink, watching you fix your dress and hair as he washes his hands. You hum, leaning in to kiss his cheek as he scrubs, 
"How bout this, you do good in the game on Sunday, I'll blow you." You say softly in his ear. He smiles as he looks up at you, glancing down at your lips before you kiss him, 
"When do we get to the fucking?" He teases. You giggle again, standing back to let him dry his hands off, 
"The second you say you love me pretty boy." You toss back. He chuckles, tossing his paper towels into the trash can before he wraps his arms around you, your hands rested on his arms as he backs you from the bathroom, 
"Cheeky little thing." You nod, smiling wide, 
"But I'm your cheeky little thing." You reply. He smiles and nods, kissing you one last time before you sigh and take his hand, leading him towards your friends, 
"I'll let you take me home and we can get undressed and all." You present, watching Tom nod as he runs his hand through his hair, 
"That sounds amazing. It's about fucking time." You smile, leading him towards the front door, a cocky smirk on his face as he reached out to swat your butt once more for all to see. 
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [eight]
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Warnings: smut in the beginning (18+), male receiving oral not crucial to the story, lil praise kink, language, cuteness, a little bit if good old parental fighting but its light hearted, talk of previous relationships
Word Count: 6,164
Author's Note: So this chapter doesn't involve actual Christmas, and I think I'll just kinda brief over it in nine, but I do enjoy this chapter and I hope you guys do too. Lemme know and add yourself to my taglist if you enjoy :) 
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Everything played out in Tom's favor Sunday morning when it came to his golf match. Not only did Ivey get you out of bed as promised to both you and Tom, but she punctuated it with coffee and drove to the golf course. Tom caught your eye a few times on the sideline as he waited for the other players to make their shots. Just like that day you watched his first match, it was dreary, cold and drizzly and you honestly, couldn't wait to get in someone's car to warm up. What's different and breaks the deja vu feeling is that rather than Harrison winning Medalist, its Tom, the usual round of golf claps going around the small crowd, congratulations thrown his way from all directions as he walks the line towards you.
You both remember what you told him you'd do if he did good in the match and he held up his end of the bargain, it's only fair you do the same. He smiles as he stands just before you,
"Hey." You smile back up at him, nudging his chest with your shoulder,
"Hey stud. Good job." He chuckles cockily as you launch yourself into his arms, your own bound around his neck as you lean in to kiss him and he holds you around the waist,
"I'm so goddamn proud of you baby." You tell him, peppering his face and throat in kisses. His chest rumbles, arms setting you back on your feet as Ivey and Harrison approach. Harrison bro hugs him as Ivey congratulates him and he suavely thanks her, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Your roommate diverts her attention to you,
"So are you guys joining us for breakfast at the diner?" She poses expectantly. You glance up as Tom clicks his tongue, his eyebrows raised as he looks down at you before he bites his lip,
"Think Y/N has another breakfast plan in mind." He jokes, laughing and rubbing his pec after you punch him, a whine slipping from his lips as you turn your attention back to your royally confused, yet amused friends, a heat creeping from deep within your body as you attempt to explain to him,
"He and I... w-when THAT happened at the club the other night... I promised him a uhh, a victory blowjob if he did good during the match today." Your cheeks burn bright red, Tom's bottom lip drawn between his teeth as he smiles down at your flushed self and Harrison and Ivey somewhat awkwardly confirm the information. She smiles,
"Well... good luck. I see that you're starting to adapt to the whole, dating a British frat boy and all like I have. If you guys... get done or whatever, you know where to find us." Before the situation gets any more awkward, she turns and leads Harrison to her car as you sigh and walk from under Tom's arm, listening to your childish boyfriend's laughter as he follows you towards the notorious SUV he dons,
"Was I wrong?"
"No, but you didn't have to say it like that. It's embarrassing, admitting I'm blowing my boyfriend for the first time no matter how comfortable I am with the person." You lecture, Tom's body suddenly the smallest bit heavy as he realizes you're actually upset. He jumps to take your hand, pulling you back into him as the guilt weighs heavy,
"M'sorry, I didn't know you were so upset about it. I really am sorry, I-I didn't mean to... embarrass you or anything. I thought it'd be funny to crack the joke." He admits, genuineness set in the coffee colored eyes that dart between your own. You nod after a moment of staring up at him, licking your lips as you lean against his car,
"Its okay." You mutter softly, pulling open your door when he unlocks it. His eyes are trained on the road as he drives, letting you stroke up and down his bare arm, one of the first times you're seeing his arms not covered by a sweater or long sleeve shirt. He enjoys the contact and so do you, driving along the one lane road until he pulls into the usual dirt lot, previous tire tracks from his car prevalent in the path. He leaves the car running, turning to look at you,
"You know you don't have to right? I mean... this is your choice but I don't want you to feel pressured because I ate you out the other night." He reasons. You smile and nod,
"I know, I want to though." You reassure. He nods in return before watching you clamber into the backseat again, sitting off to the side as he reaches across and slides the passenger seat all the way forward, climbing into the backseat with you and doing the same to the driver's side seat, allowing for more room for the both of you. You smile down at him as he climbs back into the bench seating, swallowing as you climb into his lap, your crotch rested over his as you lean in to kiss him. Your fingers thread through his hair like they always do, Tom sighing at the feeling as he wraps his arms around you. You run your hands down his arms, slipping your hands between you to tug at the hem of his polo. He allows you to pull it off and over his head, his hands pulling at the hem of your own shirt to tug it off, Your hands rest on his bare shoulders for a moment as you move back against his growing erection, his hands riding to your lower back, his lashes fluttering as he stares up at you,
"Shh." You quiet, holding the back of his neck as you kiss him again, hand slipping down into the waistband of his pants and boxers. He hisses, his breath caught in his throat as you stroke him, his skin soft despite the throbbing of his length,
"Fuck... darling..." He spits out, hands rested over your butt as you stroke him, your tongue caught between your teeth as you smile,
"So hard baby boy, do you get this hard just looking at me?"
"God you are so cocky, what happened to you? Give you just a taste of sex and you go fucking crazy with it you little vixen." He growls, reaching out to swat your butt sharply. You narrow your eyes,
"But you love it. You're fucking throbbing in my hand Thomas, tell me you don't like me calling you baby boy and jerking you off, I dare you."
"Fuck that, I fucking love it." He pants, trying to hold onto you before you slip down to your knees between his legs, letting him push his pants and boxers down, cock springing free in all of its glory. You hum, having ditched your own jeans just for the hell of it and lean in on his thighs, hands roaming up across his hips. You trace the delicate v-line he sports with your finger until your hand wraps around his thick shaft, pumping it just like you did before, watching his skin wrinkle and straighten out, His tip leaks pre-cum out across the skin of your hand before you lean in to lap it up, Tom sucking in a deep breath as you run your tongue over his tip, humming to yourself at the velvety feel of him and the taste, salty yet sweet. He drapes his arm over the back of the seats his hand placed over his thigh as he watches you lick up the underside of his shaft, your eyes sparkling up at him.
He hums, tilting his head to watch you, lips pursed as you run your hands across his chest and stomach, mouth dipping around his cock. The warmth sends goosebumps across his body, his head tipping back over the back of the seats. He groans, cock twitching in your mouth as you gently bob your head, one of your hands now resting on his thigh, rubbing across the cream colored skin,
"Fuck darling, it's been forever since I've gotten a blowjob and your mouth ... feels... fucking fantastic." He groans, reaching down after a moment to gather your hair in his hand. You hum around him, hollowing your cheeks as you pick up the pace just the smallest bit, a loud, pleased noise leaving his throat. You smile, letting him press on the back of your head, the tip of his cock reaching the back of your throat. You gag, a grunt slipping from Tom's lips as his hips involuntarily buck up into your face. You gag again, hand pressed to his hip as your nose nudges his pubic bone.
He's set to apologize, releasing the hard grip in your hair before you grab hold of his thigh, tugging on it as if to urge him on to do it again. His eyebrows furrow as you pull up, taking a breath and you raise your own eyebrow,
"Did you... did you like that?" He poses, amusement present in his voice. Your eyebrow rises again,
"What, having your dick forced down my throat? Course I do. Its sexy as fuck and... I'm fucking in love with all of you hot stuff." You purr, stroking him as you stand just the smallest bit to kiss him. He smiles into you, holding the back of your neck, even as you draw back and stare up at him, his nose nudging along yours,
"The hell are you doin to me woman?" He asks softly, listening to you giggle as you kneel between his legs again, licking your lips before shrugging,
"Nothing you don't enjoy." You mutter before taking him back into your mouth. He lays his head back against the seats again, reaching down to guide you along with a much more gentle push on the back of your head. He watches you, raising his hips a few more times to watch you gag, your eyes diverting up to him, innocence laced in them that drives Tom insane. He grunts, gathering your hair up to guide you along, your tongue stuck out around him as he forces your head down, saliva dribbling down around him. You reach up as he releases you, fondling his balls as you raise your head to catch your breath, lapping up your own saliva just to clean him up a little,
"Look at you baby. Such a good girl." He coos, watching your face change. He knows the look too, he's the same way, loving the praise from a partner. And he can tell that even though you've never talked about a bad relationship, the praise he gives is something you want, something you crave and of course he plans to keep doing it. Your lashes flutter as you suck at his tip,
"Gonna cum for me?" You ask softly. He nods,
"Course. And if you want, I'll cum down that pretty little throat." You smile, nodding and letting hair fall into your face,
"I want you to. That'd be so sexy." You reply, having never looked more beautiful to Tom than in this moment. As you take him back into your mouth, hands placed over his thighs, he reaches behind you to unclip your bra, dragging it down your arms and tossing it aside to feel your breasts. He rolls a nipple between his fingers, a small moan slipping from between your lips as he watches you, guiding you with one hand and palming your breast in the other,
"You're doing so good baby. That feels real fuckin good. Bet you're soaked too huh?" You hum, nodding and staring up at him as you suck more and more of him into your mouth. You bob your head rather quickly, Tom scooting forward, gagging you with each movement before he takes hold of your hair, jolting his hips forward. Your lower back presses to the base of the center console, your hands pressed to his thighs as you gag and slurp around him, his tip poking into the back of your throat. He loves the noises that come from you as the coil in his belly grows nearer and nearer to snapping as you let him fuck your face. He groans,
"Fuck darling, m'gonna cum. You want me to cum?" You manage to nod around him, eyes locked in his as he continues before his back arches just the smallest bit, his head falling back as he spills into your mouth with a long winded moan. You swallow a few strands of it before he draws back, watching you close your mouth, his tongue caught between his teeth,
"Gonna swallow all that for me pretty girl?" He purrs. You nod before you give one last swallow and Tom hums,
"God you're gorgeous. C'mere pretty girl." You crawl into his lap, his lips meeting yours in an instant as you straddle him. He holds one of your cheeks, your chest pressed to his as you kiss. He reaches up, stroking your hair down against the sides of your face, your fingers threaded through his hair after a moment. When he pulls back, he smiles, letting you lay your head against his shoulder with a sigh,
"Good, now I feel less bad about you not getting any sex from me. You did." He chuckles and nods,
"That I did. Like I said, I didn't need it but I am glad that I got it. That was good." He tells you, tucking hair behind your ear. He smiles, pecking your lips once more before he sighs and wraps his arms around you, laying his head against yours as your eyes close. His fingers trail up your back, body slack beneath you,
"Can't wait for my girls to finally meet." He mutters. You smile, kissing his neck,
"What, me and your mom?"
"You to meet my mum and my puppy. If my dog likes you, you stay." He cracks. You giggle along with him, snuggling down into him,
"Oh really?" He nods,
"Hell yeah." You share another laugh as Tom fishes a blanket from his hatch area, wrapping it around the both of you so you can sit comfortably for a little while.
Approximately nine hours and twenty minutes in an airplane could be a good idea. That is of course if the airplane is only populated by you and Tom and not screaming, crying children who kick the back of your seats and thoroughly make Tom rethink his claims about having kids someday. Of course, his tight grip on your hand that, over time gets tighter until he realizes he's breaking it and let's up just a little bit and his gentle kisses when he wants to pay you some attention after you haven't talked or such in a while and his head against your shoulder or yours against his when you take one of the few naps, interrupted by said children that make Tom want to give himself a vasectomy, is nice. The only thing that changes his mind just the smallest bit about babies is the way his heart melts when he sees a woman, only a few years older than the both of you, cradling a small boy to her in an attempt to get him to sleep, wild brown curls atop his head and piercing blue eyes similar to Harrison's staring up at him sleepily as he suckles at a pacifier. He's clad in a blue and orange planet footed onesie and once he realizes he has Tom's full, undivided attention as he heads back to you from the bathroom, a small, pudgy hand reaches out to grasp the air in a wave and Tom's knees nearly give out. He and the mother share a kind, loving smile as he passes, whispering a soft greeting to the her and the baby boy before he slides into his seat beside you, his hand sliding into yours and he squeezes. You giggle,
"What?" He shakes his head,
"Nothing I just, I saw a cute baby coming back from the bathroom and for the first time during this whole flight it didn't make me wanna chop my balls off." He jokes. You snicker again quietly for the sake of those asleep around you on the plane, especially now that most of the screaming monsters have worn themselves out and you really don't want to poke the bear. You rub your thumb over his knuckles, eyes closing again and with how peaceful and warm the cab is as you fly over New York, lights twinkling far below, he knows that you're asleep in seconds, letting you rest your head against his shoulder and trying his best to lean in and kiss your temple when he starts to miss you again. And be that as it may, he's actually more than happy to shake awake when the plane lands. He smiles and mutters good morning and how much he missed you before you sleepily trudge through the airport with him.
It's pretty cold, Tom knowing exactly where to go and excitement buzzes off of him as he pulls your bags off of the conveyor belt, carrying the bigger ones. When Tom sets his bags down you look up at him, confused, but he has the biggest smile on his face, even more so than when he looks at you. And before you can question it, he kneels and there's a flash of grey before Tom is laughing and holding something back. It's a little medium size grey puppy, lapping at Tom's face as her tail whips wildly through the air. You giggle, a few people approaching as you watch Tom and his dealbreaker dog reconvene on the floor,
"You must be Y/N." A sweet voice is omitted from a beautiful, redheaded woman in a similar accent to Tom's. You smile and nod,
"Hopefully if you've heard of me it's been all good things." You half joke, something you've learned from her son before her smile widens and she pulls you into a hug, rubbing up your back,
"Tom wouldn't have brought you home if he didn't think you were worth it." Your heart swells as she says it, moving aside to gesture to the man beside her,
"This is his dad, Dom, and his youngest brother, Paddy." She introduces, both men beside her greeting you kindly before Tom tugs at the bottom of your sweater, bottom lip caught between his teeth as you crouch beside him and the dog is stunned on her back, Tom's hands roaming up her sides,
"This is Tess." He states. You smile as he lets her up, watching her stand and shake, trying to climb into Tom's lap before he forces a paw out for you to hold,
"Tessa, this is Y/N. You're the determinant as to if she stays around or not." He tells her and your group of five share a laugh as you peak her interest and she clambers towards you bulkily, tail slowed down, but still thunking away at Tom's chest now,
"Hi. You're a pretty girl-"
"Don't give into the sweet talk Tess, that's how she gets ya. You can't be biased." Tom jokes again, Nikki now standing behind him and swatting at his head,
"Our dog is not going to be the deciding factor on if a girl you could spend the rest of your life with, stays." She lightly scolds. But of course Tom knows that. Tessa has never not liked a girl Tom brought home, she's a friendly dog and he knows she'll love you. And even if she didn't, he'd probably still keep you around because you at least make him happy. But Tessa seems to love you. She nuzzles against you and flops in your lap, lapping at the underside of your chin as you giggle and try to tame the beast. Tom smiles, watching you and his parents don't say anything but the look in his eyes shows that he's happier being with you than all the other girls he's been with. His old girlfriends disappointed and discouraged him from looking at them with such love by asking him what he was looking at while you're preoccupied and you'd love to catch him looking at you the way he is. You look up into his beautiful eyes,
"She's adorable. My dad never wanted a dog so we never had one and I love her." You tell him. His smile widens,
"I think she loves you too. She's crazy right now." He tells you before he stands, taking hold of her leash,
"You can get on my bed with Y/N when we get home Tess, let's get outta here." He mutters, tugging on the leash as his dad and Paddy take the bags he'd been carrying. You follow the small group out to an SUV, Tom holding the door open for Paddy to climb into the very back and you and him to move into the middle seats, you sitting in the middle and Tom sitting at the edge, holding your hand in his lap. Tessa curls around you in the other outer seat, laying her head over your thigh. You lay your hand over her back, head against Tom's shoulder,
"Tired babe?" He asks softly. You shrug,
"I feel good right now. This is somewhere I've never been so my body is alert so I can take it all in." He smiles, kissing your temple,
"Well you'll see a lot more of it. I'll give you a full tour, promise." He whispers into your hair, smiling as you nod. He hums, leg bouncing softly as you drive through his hometown, your head turned up to watch the old buildings pass. The weather outside is gloomy and cloudy, the occasional fat raindrops striking the windows. Tom points out some of the shops he used to go to as a kid, restaurants he loves and plans to take you into. When you turn onto his block, he straightens up a little,
"So are you making her stay in the guest room or can she stay in my room?" He asks his mom who smiles as she glances back at the both of you,
"Is your bed big enough?" He shrugs,
"We sleep in those college dorm cots just fine. Think my bed's the same size if not a little bigger." He remarks as his dad turns up the driveway, putting the car in park. The conversation haults as you climb from the car, helping haul the bags inside and following close behind Tom to an off white colored room, Tessa jumping on the bed before you. You smile at her, sitting at the edge to pet her. Her tail rustles the blanket below you both as you lay back on the bed, letting her upper body rest over you so you can pet her head,
"What do you say you and me take the bed and force him into the guest bedroom?" You joke. Tom clicks his tongue, coming to stand beside the bed,
"Oh ha ha, I'd like to... actually no, you both could kick me out, you know what, fine, see if I ever kiss you again though." He jokes before you jump up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and dragging him down to peck his lips,
"I'd never kick you out. Who else would protect me and lo- a...dore me?" You sputter out. He chuckles, hands placed over your hips,
"I lo- adore you, huh? You sure?" You shake your head and he presses his lips together, not liking the uncertainty and slight sadness in your eyes. He wraps his arms around you, humming at the warmth of your hands on his biceps,
"I do adore you. I've never told a girl I loved her this early. Hell, most the time I say it, they get snippy and up and leave." He admits with a sadness of his own his eyes. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair,
"I'm not pressuring you Holland. You'll say it when you're ready but... in case you hadn't noticed, I can't go anywhere." You tell him. He smiles and nods,
"I know. And like I keep saying, you're different and that's what I love. But... I wanna catch you off guard when I say it." He says. You smile as he collects your face in his hands, leaning in to kiss you once, twice, three times before Nikki knocks on the wall just outside his door,
"Hey you two, we were uhh, talking about dinner. Wanna get some Nando's? Give her a full English welcome?" She poses with a smile. Tom strokes up your back and nods,
"Definitely. God, I could go for Nando's." He groans, letting you press your hand to his stomach as you smile up at him. Nikki nods,
"And when we get back, we can decorate. I got Y/N just a little something in a stocking. Tom can hang it so you don't know what it all is." She directs to you. You smile,
"That's sweet, you really didn't have to."
"Ahh, nonsense, any girl the boys bring home gets something." She waves you off. Your smile widens as you nod,
"That's sweet, thank you." She returns the smile before turning and heading down the hallway again. Tom hums,
"God, that's the one thing I hate about west coast America, no Nando's. I think it's better than sex." He tells you. You giggle, letting him wrap his arm around your shoulders and lead you towards the stairs, Tessa trailing behind. You stand at the bottom of the stairs, Tom rubbing his thumb over your shoulder as the three other people argue amongst themselves. Tom kisses the top of your head,
"This is such a great English welcome. Arguing ten minutes in." You giggle again,
"My parents did the same. They would've been arguing when we met up with them at the airport." You tell him. He smiles before walking to sit in an armchair and pulling your body into his lap. You wrap an arm around his neck as Tessa jumps up to lay on his other leg, Tom grunting softly under the weight of you both. You press your lips to his temple with a sigh, eyes closing as jet lag starts to kick in, your hand laid over his shoulder. He sighs,
"I'm glad you came with me. This is like... the life. You, my family, my dog, my hometown-"
"And Nando's?" You jokingly interrupt. He looks up, eyes on your lips,
"I hate to break it to you darling, but I'd give up Nando's if it meant having you for the rest of my life." He admits. You hum,
"Aren't you sweet." You tell him. He smiles and allows you to kiss him, index finger tucked under his chin. He hums, hand placed over your hip. He gives a gentle squeeze before Dom clears his throat, the both of you looking up,
"Sam and Harry should be in in just a few minutes. Then we can get you guys fed and back here to chill out for the rest of the night." He informs. You smile and nod, laying your head against Tom's shoulder,
"Are they those type of parents that want to buy me dinner while I'm here?" Tom smiles and nods,
"Basically. You should be that type of girlfriend that just accepts it. Don't fight it." He mutters in return, listening to you grumble,
"How the fuck else am I supposed to spend daddy's money?" You mutter. Tom chuckles before the front door opens and two boys, similar looking to Tom but scrawnier and younger walk in. The shorter, more curly haired boy looks you over,
"How much is he paying you? There is no way a girl as hot as this is with someone like you without being paid." He jokes. You smile as Tom grumbles,
"Asshole here is Harry. The quieter, more pleasant one is Sam." He introduces. You smile, nodding to the two boys, Harry of which smiles cheekily at you in a similar way to Tom’s. He holds his hand out,
“Tom told us he was bringing his girlfriend home but… I didn’t realize your standards were so low you’d take pity on my brother.” He continues to joke. Tom grumbles,
“Harry, shut the hell up.” You giggle,
“I’m Y/N, your brother is currently my favorite person.” You say sweetly, Tom smiling up at you. You smile back before Tom scoffs,
“Yeah, not for long.” Harry mutters before Tom lurches from beneath you leaving you and Tessa displaced as your boyfriend grabs his brother and pulls him into a headlock,
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, you're a great guy and she's lucky to have you." Harry squeals, you giggling as Tom releases him, staring after the boy who backs away. He fixes his sweater around his waist, leaning down to kiss Tessa's head, leaning on his hands on the arms of your chair,
"Hungry?" You shrug and nod,
"Yeah. What exactly is Nando's?"
"This amazing South African restaurant. You get chicken with some sides and maybe some dessert. Of course you can get a salad or a wrap but... fuck babe, this place is so good and America only has it on the East coast. Which, speaking of America not having, there is so much I want you to try. Greg's, jaffa cakes, my mum's shepard's pie-"
"Is there anything not food related you want me to try?" You crack. Tom pauses, mouth hanging open before he shrugs,
"We'll probably go golfing and maybe bowling. Ooh, pub quiz is pretty good. Could do that."
"I don't know what that is-"
"S'alright, I'll teach you, get ya real drunk and bed ya." He mumbles with a wink. You hum,
"Yeah, keep tryin stud." You mutter back, leaning up to kiss him. He smiles before Harry speaks up again,
"Can we get food? I'm starving." The family agrees, collectively filtering out into the chilly air and welcoming you in like an old friend.
"Got it?"
"Mhmm." Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you pin Tom's stocking to the wall along the staircase. He places his hands over your hips as you back into him. He sighs, watching Harry and Sam hang theirs and glancing over his shoulder at his parents and Paddy decorating the tree. He smiles,
"Wanna help me with the tree topper?"
"Tom, I don't wanna impede."
"Oh come on, I hang it every year. I want you to help me." He tells you, wrapping his arms around you and walking you to the tree. Nikki smiles, holding the angel out to you,
"My grandmother originally had this. She's passed it down and... hopefully, my oldest and his wife will get it to give to their own kids someday." She explains with a smile. The look in her eye, the way she elaborates to you her hopes makes it seem like she's hoping she'll pass it down to you and Tom. Tom kisses your temple,
"Need the step ladder?" Glancing back at him as you hold the antique tree topper in your hand, you nod, letting his warmth leave you as he fetches the small step stool, setting it up beside the tree. With a reassuring hand at your waist, Tom places a foot on the bottom step, watching you as carefully as you can place the angel as straight as possible on top of the tree. He smiles as you turn to look at him, his arms binding around your waist again as you step down, Dom moving the step stool,
"'S odd, I don't think I've ever seen Tom this lovey with a girl." He says, Tom sitting in the same armchair as earlier. He sighs as you sit in the arm,
"No, not at all. Y/N is definitely something different. It's nice though." Nikki replies, smiling at you. You lean back into Tom, running your fingers through his hair,
"I don't know if I should be flattered or scared." You joke, Sam and Harry sharing a laugh. Tom clicks his tongue,
"See, if this is how being back here for Christmas with my family is gonna go, I'm sendin you back to Seattle in a box." You squeal as Tom drags you back into his lap, tickling you. You squeal and squirm, trying to hold his hands from your body. You giggle, trying to catch your breath as he finally let's up, small chatter erupting amongst the house before Paddy calls out to you. You stand and follow the waving hand, assisting him in wrapping the last few lights on the strand in his hand around the railing up the stairs. He seems to be the one to have taken to you the fastest out of Tom's brothers. He laughs as you both walk down the stairs, Nikki stands up straight from over by the couch, camera in hand,
"Tom, come stand against this wall with Y/N. I want a picture of you two." She tells your boyfriend who stands, ruffling his hair before he sighs, steps up beside you, and wraps his arm around your shoulders, your own arm wrapping around his waist. He squeezes your shoulder,
"Are you having fun yet?" You glance up at him, smiling and nodding,
"Yeah. With you, always." You reassure, Tom smiling down at you. There's a quick flash before Tom glances up,
"Tom, don't start, that was adorable." You giggle, pressing your opposite hand not clutching his side, to his stomach, smiling at her. Tom follows suit, tucking his free hand in his pocket. She clicks a few pictures before Tom's name is whispered. You both glance up, Paddy smiling ear to ear as he holds a single strand of mistletoe above your head. Tom chuckles, glancing back down at you,
"I'm afraid we've been tricked darling." He mutters to you. You smile and shrug,
"I'm okay with it."
"So am I." He mumbles before leaning in to press his lips to yours. You giggle as another flash goes off, Tom's hand sliding down to your shoulder blade. His opposite hand comes up to cradle your chin. He pecks your lips one more time, glancing up at his mom,
"Got it?" She nods, proud smile on her face. Tom nods, placing his hands over your shoulders as you turn to wrap your hands around his waist,
"You gotta get her to print two sets of those pictures, one for you, one for me, so when we have a nasty breakup, you can burn them and I can tear them up.” You joke. He chuckles,
“And then when I beg to have you back because I can’t sleep at night and my mum misses you and I might miss you, you can tape the pieces back together.” He jokes back. You giggle and nod,
“You gotta remind me to keep them so if it's like… a year or so later, I haven’t thrown the pieces away.” You tell him, watching his face turn up in a laugh again. Laying your head over his chest, he sighs and rubs up your arms, wrapping his arms around you. He rubs up your back as your eyes close. His heart seems to skip a beat, picking up in pace. You frown, but ignore it, relishing in the warmth and comfort Tom exudes. But you’re convinced your own heart stops when he says what he says, and for a moment you wonder if you heard him correctly.
“I love you darling.” Your eyes go wide as you glance up, Tom leaning back to look down at your face,
“What?” You ask breathlessly, tears collecting in your eyes. He clicks his tongue, reaching up to swipe your tears away with his thumb,
“Its three words Y/N, it's not that big of a deal.”
“It is to me. T-this has been the agreement in our relationship since the beginning. Did you- di- say it again.” You tell him. He scoffs,
“Once is enough baby.” He runs his hand down across the expanse of your neck with his fingertips, brushing your hair aside, starting to lean in to kiss you. You draw back,
“Alright, alright… I… I love you Y/N.” He says, rolling his eyes and smiling as you smile,
“I love you too.” You say. He nods, leaning in to kiss you finally. He hums, nudging his nose against yours, squeezing you as his arms wrap around your waist,
“I love you.” He mutters again. You smile,
“Well Merry Christmas to me then huh.”
“And a Happy New Year darling.” He coos, rubbing across your back with a warm smile, your whole body buzzing in excitement and love, relieved and excited that he finally admitted he loves you.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [one]
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Pairing: Frat Boy!Tom x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex that almost aren't mentions of sex, fuckboy Tom, mentions of domestic issues, a small confrontation
Word Count: 7,299
Author's Note: The teaser did really well for it being a teaser and I am SO glad. If you enjoy, lemme know what you think of it! 
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There are drastic differences between Los Angeles and Seattle like the weather, traffic, even the population, but there are also many similarities that make a transition from one city to the next, just the smallest bit easier. They always say that finding friends in Seattle is harder because the non-stop gloom, for a record breaking five months straight makes the locals reclusive. Of course, the heat in LA makes people just as reclusive, but the chance of meeting someone with your interests and mentality in the nearly 4 million population is more likely and easier to obtain compared to Seattle's 742,000. That is of course if you don't have ties already in one of the cities already.
One of the easiest transitioning factors for you, transferring from a community college in Los Angeles to a four year college up north in Seattle was your older brother Cole, who'd seemingly abandoned the half assed family you claimed and the muggy city the both of you had grown up in. It was nothing personal against you and you knew that, but the new person your father had become after the death of your mother shifted the feeling of your once love filled, perfect family, home to hostile and toxic. Your father and Cole hadn't gotten along the few months leading up to Cole leaving for Seattle and as you neared the transfer period for college, it was either tagging along with your dad and his new girlfriend to busy New York, or reunite with Cole after two long years and live in chilly Seattle. Not that either were a bad idea, but it came down to which of the men you grew up around was more tolerable and which school was best for you and your major. The end choice was Cole and Seattle, both of which seemed to invite you with open arms.
The plane ride saw a lot of rain and landing in a cold and dreary Seattle airport to be met with the soft, kind features of your older brother was something that excited and comforted you. His muscular arms encircled you and you squealed as he sighed, holding your body extremely close with a kiss to your temple. After gathering the rest of your belongings that hadn't already been shipped to Cole's house, he leads you out to the same car he drove up in, driving you to the small house you'd only seen in pictures and showing you to what would be your room when you stayed with him and not in your dorm with the roommates you'd already started conversing with. Despite being very protective and loving, Cole was willing to let you take the reigns on your own life and make all the adult decisions needed to get you your degree, whilst also supporting you and providing you the necessities to live if need be. Because he knew what it was like to be pressured and he made damn sure that you would never feel that with him. Which is part of the reason you chose him and Seattle over your father and Manhattan.
"So you said you've already talked to these girls like via text? They're cool? Because-"
"I have your place if I need it and I can always transfer to a different university if I feel pressured. I know Coleslaw." You complete your older brother's statement, his eyebrows knitting in a line at the nickname as you glance over your shoulder at him. You smile and bump his shoulder as you carry a box up towards your dorm room, navigating the endless, tan hallways of a place you'll be calling a second home for the next two years.
"Yes Cole, I'm in a group chat with the three of them. We're already good friends and I haven't even moved in yet." You explain to him as he hauls two more boxes after you, pausing to bring his knee up and get a more firm grip on the boxes in his hands. Dark curls fall onto his forehead, escapees from the mop atop his head that you've been begging him to cut for two months,
"What are their names? I-I can only remember Scarlett." He asks, hazel eyes trained on the bobbing lid of the top box he holds. You nod,
"Scarlett, Phoebe, and Ivey. Supposedly one of them has a boyfri- oh my god I'm so sorry!" You squeal, bouncing back into your brother who has the wind knocked out of him as you run into the front of a tall, dirty blonde boy, stunning crystalline eyes darting between you and Cole,
"S'alright love, no harm done. To me at least." The boy speaks up in a thick British accent, punctuating the statement with a chuckle as he watches Cole lean your boxes against a wall, supporting them on a knee again. He gives a tight lipped smile to the other boy as you glance between them,
"Sorry... I should really watch where I'm going." You reply through a small laugh. The blonde shakes his head as he looks down, chuckling softly, playfully,
"I'm alright. Came around the corner a little fast. You're all good." You nod and smile, brushing past him. You turn to each other, flashing one more kind smile before he passes Cole with a small greeting and heads down the hall you just came up. Cole nods at the boy before sighing and rolling his eyes,
"If that was your first introduction to college, I'd hate to see what the rest of it consists of." He mumbles. Narrowing your eyes, you cock you head and gesture to the boxes now bowing at his weight,
"I knew I shoulda stacked a third on there for you." You joke. He cocks his head, mockingly laughing along with you before he gestures down the hall and starts to follow again, watching you pause and check a small piece of paper in your hand before knocking at a grey door. It swings open with almost no time in between and a girl about your height with ombre hair that goes from an almost black to auburn and blonde at the tips and down the front of her shoulders, smiles,
"Y/N?" She asks as you set the box you carry on the floor and nod, her smile widening before she steps out into the hallway and pulls you into a hug, rocking you back and forth and squealing,
"Its about time you showed up." She says. Leaning back, she glances over your shoulder at Cole,
"Come on in you guys, your room's the first room on the right." She says as you step aside for Cole and follow him in once you pick up your own abandoned box. He sets the two he carries on the tan carpet, placing his hands on his hips with a sigh,
"Its nice. It's real open." He says as you set your own box beside his. You nod and smile, turning to your roommates as they crowd in the room. The two other girls share their hugs with you as Phoebe introduces herself to Cole now that she's already met you both at the front door. Ivey's skin is tan and the dark brown hair that's cut to rest at her shoulders, frames a beautiful, caked face that sparkles with every move. Scarlett's dark skin is just as shiny and beautiful as Ivey's and her hair is tied up with a bandana wrapped around the crown of her head. They stand back, one of Scarlett's hands in yours, one of Ivey's hands rested on your arm as you have your first, in person interaction with them. The small group shifts to Phoebe and Cole, Ivey and Scarlett introducing themselves to the taller boy. You stand in a small, comfortable circle before Scarlett sighs,
"Well... you're getting your first taste of peer pressure. We're taking you to a frat party tonight. It's like their little intro party before club rush and initiation and all that. This party sort of shows guys what its like before they make the pledge." She explains, watching you nod. Cole scoffs,
"Like she'll need the peer pressure. Can she pledge? She could be there keg king." He jokes, making the other girls in the room laugh as you look at him and mockingly laugh,
"Oh ha ha, wonder where I learned that shit? Got it from my party animal big brother." You say, watching Cole stick his tongue out as you playfully punch his ribs. He chuckles and runs the area before heading for the door,
"Why don't you guys finish getting acquainted and get Y/N comfortable while I get the two other boxes." He says. You nod, as do the other girls before he leaves the room and the three of them turn back to you,
"Are you excited? Finally living on campus and getting into that college life. Its cool right?" Ivey asks. You nod,
"Yeah, it's a little scary being... away from home, but LA isn't even where my dad is living anymore so, home is technically here now. Mostly with Cole but... here too, with the three of you." You nervously explain. They all smile at you as you look between them, already warm and inviting. Phoebe holds her hand out and you take it, letting her pull you through your door and further down the hall. She points to a closed door on the left at the very end of the hallway,
"My room," She says as she opens it to show off an already decorated and beautiful white room, fairy lights lining the roof, "this is where we have movie nights cause I have a projector." She says, her nose crinkling. You nod and smile, spinning on your heels to follow her as she opens the door across from her own,
"Scarlett's room. This is where you'll most likely find hair or makeup products you need. Maybe your own, who knows." She jokes, smiling wider as Scarlett scoffs and you look around the room, nodding at the organized vanity and makeup selection set up strategically in a corner of the room. Leaving that door open as well, Phoebe brushes past you to open the second door down,
"Bathroom. Nothing too special. We kinda all share body washes and toothpastes and stuff. It's a community." Phoebe says with a shrug, closing the door before walking to the room just across from yours,
"And here," She says in a sigh, "is Ivey's room. She's got a boyfriend so... we have to warn you in advance that any howling or screaming you hear isn't a virgin being sacrificed, it's just Ivey and her thing. Also, we have to warn that anything you find that might be disturbing is... grounds for therapy so, we're here for you." She jokes yet again, laying a hand over your shoulder. You giggle as Ivey swipes a hand over her face, mumbling explicits and disgraced words. She crosses her arms with a flat expression,
"We very rarely do anything here and there is nothing that we do that will get us caught by any of you. In the two years we've lived together, I have never been caught." She explains. You, Scarlett, and Phoebe smile and giggle at her before she swallows,
"We haven't been caught here at least. But to be fair, his brothers are nosey and don't knock." She justifies as the other two girls giggle and snicker. You frown,
"Brothers?" You quiz. Ivey nods, moving back and forth from her toes to her heels,
"He's in a frat. The frat party we're going to tonight, it's his frat." She explains. You nod and turn to Scarlett as she starts to speak,
"His brothers are pretty hot but goddamn they're like little boys. Some of them have that whole douchebag thing goin, but for the most part they're all pretty hot." She says with a wink. You nod again as she looks you over, glancing up when Cole returns with two more boxes,
"You don't happen to have a smashing dress to wear in those boxes, do you?" Scarlett asks. You shrug, glancing back at Cole when he emerges from your room before you turn back the the group with a shake of your head,
"Guess not. I have some cute clothes but I don't know if they're frat boy impressing worthy." You say. The girls smile as Cole sighs behind you,
"We're already looking for frat boys to impress?" He asks, somewhat breathless. You shrug,
"Ivey's boyfriend is part of the frat that's throwing the party tonight and the girls all say his brothers are pretty good looking." You explain. He nods, looking between the four of you. Scarlett cocks her head,
“You’re so much more willing and open-minded than most older brothers who hear this kinda stuff talked about with their younger sisters.” She says. His eyes linger on her for a moment before he shrugs,
“I’m living my own life. I don’t have time to live vicariously through her too.” He says. You smile, binding your arms around his waist. He kisses your temple,
“BUT… I will kill someone that hurts her. I will kill a frat guy.” He adds making the girls smile. You glance up at him, crinkling your nose. There’s a moment of silence before Phoebe sighs,
"Well, going back to the outfit thing, if you wanna borrow some of our clothes to piece together a rockin outfit, you're more than welcome. We can take you shopping soon." She says. You smile and nod, thanking the group collectively before Cole reaches up to rub your shoulders,
"Wanna come get your bag from my car, walk me out?" He asks. You nod, turning with him and following him down the same hallways as before until you're standing at the curb, closing the passenger side door after retrieving your duffel and regular backpack. Cole sighs, hands tucked in his pockets,
"So when do I get custody?" He jokes. You smile, playfully leaning in to punch his stomach this time,
"I'll uhh... I'll come back Sunday maybe. I dunno yet. Depends on how I cope with all this new life stuff." You say with a shrug. He nods, chewing the inside of his cheek. He looks up, searching your face for a moment as you think,
"Just have fun tonight if you go. Let loose and make new friends, ya know? Don't think that college is strictly academic. But... just be careful. Don't set your drink down anywhere, anything like that. Ya never know who you're dealin with." He warns. You nod along to him, rolling your eyes,
"Common sense Cole." You say. He nods, pulling you into him, arms wrapped around your shoulders,
"I know, I know, but if you're drugged the first day you're here with me, dad'll most definitely force you up there in New York." He tells you. Holding him with your arms wrapped around his waist, you sigh,
"I'm not gettin drugged. I'll be careful." You reason. He nods again, kissing your temple before he releases you,
"Just do me a favor and text me when you go places if you can remember. Try to remember to text me like... at least five times a day so I know you're alive." You smile up at your mother hen like older brother who holds your hand, dragging out the last few moments you have together, today. You purse your lips,
"Yeah Cole, I will. When dad texts me asking if I'm alive every twenty minutes I'll make sure to shoot you a text." He chuckles softly,
"Alright, good. I love you." You stand on your toes to kiss his cheek,
"Love you too. I'll maybe see you Sunday." You remind. He nods as he let's go of your hand and starts to round the car,
"Maybe Sunday." He repeats before climbing into his car and starting it, driving off as you stand at the curb. Despite the short distance from his house to the college, your heart aches a little. Not just because he's leaving you after only having you in his home for a day and a half, but because after he left California, you two practically never talked. He texted you and called you every once in a while but that older brother that you talked about was all a myth once he came to Seattle and you were fearful of the same thing happening this time around.
Not dwelling on it to long, you make your trip back up to your dorm room with ease, nudging the door open with your shoulder. As you kick the front door closed and head down the hall, Ivey peeks her head out of her room, smiling at you. The rest of her body appears and she sighs,
"We're all just gonna be in our rooms. When you're ready you can come raid our closets. Something cute that shows you're available but still shows that you... mean business." She explains with a shrug. You nod and set your bags just inside the door,
"Cool. Thanks. I uhm... I'm gonna do some unpacking you say, suddenly nervous now that Cole's comfort and protection isn't there. She smiles again, nodding back,
"We're leavin here at six thirty, just be ready, okay?" You give a silent okay back before heading into your own room and unpacking what you can before they bombard you with twenty questions on what you're wearing. Settling on an oversized jean jacket and white tube top from Ivey and an army green suede skirt from Scarlett, the four of you are taking mirror selfies and heading out to Scarlett's car in record time, your heart thumping loudly in pure nerves as you head into the unknown. The second you pull up in front of the Psi Sigma Tau frat house, you seem to get lightheaded as your nerves amp up. Climbing from the car, Ivey rubs your shoulders,
"The boys are gonna love you. And trust us... none of them are... too bad of assholes. Tom is probably the worse but he won't fuck with new blood." Ivey informs. You nod, following Scarlett and Phoebe up to the open front door, watching Scarlett open the screen door and walk inside, the three of them never leaving you as they lead you to the kitchen. A group of boys turn, one of them, the same you and Cole ran into earlier. He smiles as Ivey approaches him, wrapping her in his arms. They share a kiss before he looks up, eyebrows furrowing as he spots you,
"You ran into me earlier." He reminds you, watching a smile cover your face as Ivey looks to you and he chuckles,
"You did?" She asks. You nod, tucking your hands in the pockets of the jean jacket you wear,
"Uhh, yeah, I did. Cole and I were coming around a corner, the same time he was and I bumped into him." You reminisce, your cheeks burning at the thought of always seeing him now that you know one of your roommates is dating him when you made a complete ass of yourself. He chuckles again, draping his arm around Ivey's shoulders as she wraps her arms around his lean torso,
"'S alright. I told you that already. No harm, no foul." He says, smirk never leaving his lips as his frost colored eyes linger on you. You smile and nod as Ivey sighs, reaching up to proudly place her hand over his stomach,
"This is my boyfriend, Harrison. He and his best friend Tom came here together from London." She explains, looking up at him. His eyes pull away from you to look down at her. He purses his lips as he hums, satisfied,
"Got watched by this one in English so I snatched her up. Left Tom as eligible bachelor. He was pretty pissed about that one but," he glances up at you again, "he's a little bit of a ladies man. Decent enough to be the douchebag one night stand guy." He says. You nod to show that you've been listening before Harrison looks you over,
"And… not that he has a particular type or anything, but you fit the curriculum for someone he'd be into." He adds. You shake your head,
"I'm not a one night stand type of girl. If anything, I want a boyfriend. So," you look around the kitchen and living room, "which one is Tom so I know to steer clear?" You ask, letting Phoebe turn you and point through the small crowd that's already started to form in the dark, strobe lit living room. Through it, you can see a perky blonde in a tight dress leaned against a wall, talking to a striking young brunette, tight fitted tee and jeans clinging to every muscular limb that he has to offer, a black cap hanging off his head, backwards, his cute yet prominent ears poking up past the hat. You swallow your tongue at the sight of him. He's gorgeous and you can already tell that it's easier said than done with that one when it comes to steering clear of him. As if he can hear your thoughts, he glances up, spotting you and Phoebe. Your heart stops as a smile crosses his lips and he waves softly, excusing himself from the blonde to head your way. Phoebe hums before releasing you and stepping forward to hug him when he steps into the kitchen. He sets his drink down on the counter, pressing his free hand to her lower back, the two of them talking back and forth, too quiet for you to hear over the music. All you can do is stare at his beautiful face in the new light.
He truly is stunning, cream colored face stealing your breath straight from your lungs. His skin, specifically his somewhat crooked nose and full cheeks are littered with cocoa colored freckles. He practically lacks an upper lip, but his bottom lip is somewhat plump and berry colored, kissable if need be. His nose is perfect despite the bend and cute, but his eyes are what really set you off. He has beautiful dark brown eyes that are accentuated through long, angelic lashes that flutter every few words uttered from his lips or to him from Phoebe's and they almost meet his thick, trimmed eyebrows, the end of one of them tapering up wildly. His forehead is nearly covered by the dark brown hair that is voluminous and fluffy and looks completely inviting despite the snapback he wears.
His eyes cut to you suddenly like he can feel yours on him, a soft, almost demonic, hungry smile crossing his face as his tongue comes out to wet his lips. The shift in focus to you has Phoebe turning to face you, eyes still locked on Tom to gauge his reactions to you. His adam's apple bobs as he swallows, looking you over, the piercing dark eyes he's blessed with making you feel small in that one moment. And then he speaks in a somewhat deep voice enriched with a similar, tranquilizing European accent to Harrison's that makes your knees weak,
"And who do we have here?" You're broken from your thoughts by him. Phoebe turns to you,
"This is Y/N, Tom. It's the roommate Scar, Ivey, and I were talking about coming in today. She's at her first frat party ever." She replies, sultrily as Tom's eyebrows raising,
"Wow, look at you darling. Little daredevil like your roomies. Well... welcome. Your girls are some of the best here, I suppose you won't be any different." He directs to you. You swallow and smile, watching Phoebe cock her head,
"He doesn't bite Y/N." She says, her hand pressed to his stomach similar to the way Ivey did to Harrison. Tom closes his mouth to give a tight lipped smile,
"Unless you want me to." He jokes making Phoebe giggle. You nod and reach up to tuck hair behind your ear,
"Sorry... uhm... yeah, I wasn't gonna not come. I actually... think I need a drink." You say, suddenly flushed. Tom hums, looking over your shoulder,
"Why don't we slam some shots then, yeah?" He poses, pressing his hand to your lower back when you nod and follow, watching him and Phoebe pour out a row of shots. The three of you, Harrison, Scarlett, Ivey and a few other boys raise them. Phoebe sighs,
"To our ever growing group of friends." She says. You all say cheers before clinking the glasses and downing your shots. Most of the group shivers and retches at the sting, but you and Tom are primarily the only ones that don't and you don't catch it, but Tom watches you, his heart skipping a beat when all you do is set the shot glass down and lick your lips to ensure you got all of the alcohol your glass contained. You sigh before looking up wide eyed at Tom when he snaps at you,
"You're my kinda girl, get your pretty little ass over here and let's do a shot together." He demands. You glance around the group that's starting to break out into laughter before snorting,
"What?" The group laughs along with you, Tom's own face turning up into a smile,
"You didn't even flinch when you took that. Most people do. I like when a girl doesn't overreact. So let's take another shot together." He elaborates. After another moment, you nod, switching spots with Phoebe and watching Tom pour two more shots before he hands you one. You take it, only to have him lock arms with you, raising his eyebrows before the both of you throw your shots back, only hissing as it burns your chests. He steps back, tongue darting out to wet his lips before he looks at you again,
"Where the fuck have you been all my life?" He asks. You giggle, taking an opened beer from Scarlett and raising it to your lips,
"California, little British boy." You reply back snarkily, raising your eyebrows as he does, letting him watch you take a swig from the bottle you hold. A beer is offered to Tom, but he shakes his head,
"Nah, I got a game Sunday morning. With my luck I'll still be hungover for it,  won't be able to focus." He explains, his attention shifting to the party in full swing out in the living room. You walk to lean back against the counter beside Ivey, the both of you leaning so she can be the only one to hear you whisper.
"Game? So he's the stereotypical douchebag frat boy that plays football or something?" You pose. She giggles, shaking her head,
"No, he's actually pretty cool, really. He and Haz play golf so they a game Sunday. I should force you to come so we can support them." She replies with a knowing smile. You hum, sipping more from your beer bottle as Phoebe and Scarlett talk Tom up, allowing you to get a better view of him without him knowing you're staring. You swallow, Ivey giggling again as she watches you watch him. You glance at her, searching her face,
"What?" You ask. She shakes her head,
"Nothin. Need a distraction from a cute little British boy?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod quickly, Ivey moving from under Harrison's arm, tugging him after her and headed straight for Scarlett and Phoebe,
"Girl dilemma ladies, its dance time." She informs the two other girls, both of their eyes landing on you before they nod and the group is excused from Tom to the middle of the living room where you find your rhythm with your roommates and Harrison, you holding Scarlett's arms around you as the two of you start to dance together.
Unbeknownst to you, Tom never strayed far. After the group abandoned him, he wandered to lean against the kitchen's doorway, eyes glued to your figure, lost in the music and your roommates. You've forgotten about him temporarily, but his mind is still fixed on you. He can't believe that the one girl that he wants more than anything just based off the concoction of sheer beauty, intelligence, boldness and valor, has just almost brushed him off. Most girls throw themselves at him and he doesn't have to ask for it, but you're different. And that's what attracts Tom the most. You're independent, tenacious and confident. You know what you want and he knows that you're the type to get it, thanks to your dad's own stubbornness you seemed to have inherited. If you were any other girl, he could've had his quick fix and been onto the next, but the way you entice him without even meaning to is what draws him in and keeps him in your clutches.
"Its impolite to stare." Another frat brother, Jeremiah jokes, bumping Tom's shoulder and effectively breaking him from his thoughts. His eyes don't leave you, but he licks his lips, Jeremiah following his eyes to your figure. Jeremiah hums,
"Who's the new girl?"
"Her name's Y/N." Tom replies almost immediately. Jeremiah blinks in surprise at the suddenness, looking Tom over. His eyes sparkle in the rainbow strobe lights that light the living room up as he watches you dance with your roommates. Jeremiah chuckles, Tom finally looking at him,
"What?" He asks. Jeremiah shrugs,
"You're the type to seduce a girl, take her to bed for one night and never talk to her again and here you are starin at this one like a fuckin tiger watchin a gazelle. What's so special about her?" Jeremiah asks. Tom shrugs, crossing his arms,
"She didn't even... care about me. Did two shots together and she didn't even care about how I started to come onto her." He mutters. Jeremiah hums, sipping the concoction in his cup, eyes crinkling at the sting,
"So she's smart. She stays away from you, she doesn't have to deal with the shit." Tom clicks his tongue, frowning as he looks at Jeremiah again,
"I'm not that bad."
"You made Delilah Rhodes cry like a middle schooler two weeks ago because you didn't call her back and she'd given you everything, including her virginity. You told her that you'd always be there for her just to get into her pants and the second you did, you dropped her." Jeremiah recalls, eyes finding you the same Tom's do. You're prettier than some of the girls Tom chooses. But he knows Tom. The second he gets you into his bed, he'll get over you. But it's about getting you there that Tom's obsessed with. Seducing you, knowing he's good enough to get any girl he wants and if he can't have you, his ego is gonna suffer a severe beating. Tom nods after a moment,
"I know, I remember." He replies nonchalantly. Jeremiah scoffs,
"What makes her different than Delilah then? Why couldn'tyou have stayed with her?" He asks. Tom's eyes linger on you for a few moments more before he looks to Jeremiah, eyes sparkling in mischief as he clears his throat,
"She doesn't want me right now like all the other girls, including Delilah did. You get that girl a little tipsy and she's out." He informs. Jeremiah looks his friend over, watching his attention divert to you again before he looks that way, sighing to himself,
"Poor girl isn't gonna know what hit her when you're done." He mutters, finishing off the drink in his hand before turning to the array of bottles behind him to make a new one. Tom is still entranced by you, unable to pull his eyes from your figure in the almost half an hour. A number of his brothers approach him and leave him to his stalking, and eventually Ivey is the first to spot him staring, leaning back to whisper in Harrison's ear. Gis hands wandering her body as he looks at his best friend, giving you a quick look over before he gives a soft chuckle and let's her lean forward into you, Scarlett, and Phoebe,
"Don't all look at once but... there's a creep watching you, Y/N, at your three o'clock." She informs. Glancing to your right, you catch Tom's eye, watching him lick his lips and purse them before looking away, almost as if he's embarassed that he's been caught. Scarlett clears hair from your shoulder,
"So what's the plan here babes? Are you giving him a show or inviting him?" She asks in your ear. You're panting, breathless from dancing. You let Phoebe slip your jacket from your shoulders, letting it hang in your elbows, her eyes locked in yours. The corners of her lips quirk,
"Fuck him... let him gawk." She says. You nod, holding her hands and feeling Scarlett's hands wander your hips. Your heart beats a little faster and you can't tell if it's because of the fact you're being watched by someone like Tom or because of the way you've been dancing since you got out here. One thing is for certain, you need another drink. Pulling Phoebe's hands, you tell her, watching her nod and hold your hand, leading you in Tom's direction. If he'd claimed that his heart didn't skip a beat when you and Phoebe beelined for him, he'd definitely be lying and he was convinced it showed in his face. Phoebe raised an eyebrow as you passed him, Tom's body turning with you, watching you sort through the alcohol on the counter and pour a drink of your choice in your cup. She leans across the counter across from him, crossing her arms and looking him over as he watches you again.
"Its creepy to stare Tom. Especially if it's a girl that doesn't know how you operate. How do you know she wants to be stared at?"
"There's nothing wrong with looking at her." Tom defends himself, eyes cutting back to her and then to you again when you shift to see the both of them. You look between them before throwing back the alcohol in the bottom of your cup before filling it with more and walking forward,
“So what, I’m like another target for you? New concubine because I don’t know who you are?” You ask. His eyebrows knit together before he scoffs and pushes himself off of the cupboard behind him, turning to face you and Phoebe,
"Did I say that? Just cause I'm looking, doesn't mean I wanna fuck you."
"So if I asked you to take me upstairs to your room, you wouldn't and then tomorrow morning, after I leave, you wouldn't completely ditch me?" You ask, standing against the counter full of alcohol. He looks between you before shaking his head softly,
“What makes you think you're my type to take you upstairs in the first place?"
"Oh please, you'd fuck a hole in a wall Holland." Phoebe chastises. Tom scoffs again, crossing his arms defensively,
"You know what, fuck you both.” He bites back before pushing through the crowd and heading upstairs, disappearing down the hall. You and Phoebe look to each other, your roommate giggling softly before she shakes her head in unsaid words. You feel instant remorse, concluding something about a man you’d just met. You were just following the lead of your girls, but it wasn’t right to be teasing him so early on. Especially when you didn’t know what he actually thought of you. Phoebe waits until you set your cup down to reach out,
“Come on. Forget about it, he’ll get over it.” She says, seeming to read your mind. You’re weary, but you take her hand and follow her back out to the dance floor, finding Scarlett, Ivey, and Harrison immediately,
“What was said?” Ivey asks worriedly, gesturing up the stairs. Harrison is just as interested and as you look between them, Phoebe catches on and steps in front of them, dragging your hands up to her shoulders,
“Drop it. He’s a sensitive little pussy and just like everything else, he’ll get over it.” She replies, eyes locked in yours. You focus back on her and Scarlett as she holds your hips again. And for another hour, you’re lost in the fun of a frat party with your new friends. There’s a dozen songs and a dozen drinks that your small group goes through. Phoebe, presenting herself now as the Tom of your small group discovers a guy that seems to take a liking to her, ditching you and Scarlett, not far, for him. Ivey and Harrison whisper back and forth a few times before they sneak off and its the three of you, plus one, tiredness starting to sink in not long after. You, Scarlett, and Phoebe find solace on a couch, sweaty and panting, Phoebe’s dancing partner long gone. She sighs, checking her phone,
“Should go find Ivey and get out of here.” She says, looking to you and Scarlett. You nod, standing,
“I’ll do it. I have to pee anyways.” You mutter, finding your way to the staircase and to a bathroom. Afterwards, you look between the two closed doors that line the hallway. Choosing the closest to the stairs, it clicks open and you push through it just slightly to peek in. Tom sits at a desk, small side lamp on. He looks up at the disturbance, frowning as you stand there, mouth slightly ajar. He surprised that seeing your face doesn't bother him considering your last interaction. But considering the number of fights he and Phoebe have had and they're still friends, he's not too surprised.
“Oh… uhm… sorry, I was looking for Harrison and Ivey.” You start. He hums and nods in understanding. He gestures over his shoulder with his chin,
“Next door. But uhm… I don’t recommend barging in like that. His headboard’s bumped the wall a few times already and trust me... walking in on them is terrifying. It's not like in the movies. They don't hide it.” He informs. You giggle, nodding, hand tightening around the doorknob as you anticipate what to say next as he focuses back at the work before him for a moment. He glances back up when you don’t move from the room. Swiveling in his chair, he faces you with furrowed brows,
“Was there something else?” He asks. Not wanting to push your boundaries too far, you straighten your body out, closing the door a small bit behind you for more privacy from the drunks in the hallway,
“Yeah. Uhm… I wanted to apologize for earlier. I-I thought it’d just be a joke, what I said, but… it was insensitive. I don’t know you and I’m sorry for joking with you and making it so personal.” You smooth out. He leans forward slightly, clasping his hands together. He gives a gentle nod,
“‘S alright. I shouldn’t have been staring. I was bein a creep.”
“No… no, I don’t mind. It’s kind of endearing and I just… I slandered you. My brother would’ve smacked the shit out of me for that one. So… I’m sorry. Hopefully we can… start over and get off on the right foot.” You clarify. He smiles softly, standing and starting towards you as you lean against the wall at your back. He sighs, pausing a few steps away,
“I appreciate it and I accept your apology. I think you and I will be A okay love. Just gotta get a little more socializing behind us.” He says, somewhat quietly. You smile and nod, pivoting on your feet,
“I like the way that sounds. You seem really cool.” You say. You share a smile, standing staring at each other for a moment. He tucks his hands in his pockets, shoulders tensing as he looks at his feet,
"I do want to officially apologize to you and I want you to accept my apology. It was creepy of me to stare and I shouldn't have been. So I'm sorry for that. I promise not to be a creep in our future endeavors." He swears. You smile and nod, reaching up to tuck hair behind your ear,
"Of course I accept your apology. We're starting over." You reassure, letting silence permeate for a few moments after Tom chuckles and nods  before you sigh,
“Well… I’ll uhh… I’ll see you around then. I gotta… get Ivey.” You remind, watching him nod before you turn and open the door, closing it behind you and heading further down the hall. Knocking at the other closed door, you wait a few minutes until Harrison pulls it open, somewhat breathless and shirtless, skin flushed,
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“Hey, uhm… I’m looking for Ivey. The other girls are ready to go home so… I just thought I’d come and see if she was uhh… ready or anything?” You explain, face reddening at how stupid the explaination sounds considering you know what your roommate and her boyfriend are up to and he knows you know. He smiles, glancing over his shoulder, behind the door,
“Uhm… yeah, I think I’ll bring her home later. We’re kinda busy at the moment.” He responds with a soft chuckle. You swallow and nod, cheeks burning in embarrassment,
"Right, yeah, sorry. Uhm... just... tell her I'll see her later and uhh... goodnight to you." You reply kindly, Harrison nodding and coolly reassuring you he will before he closes the door and leaves you to head back into the crowds downstairs, finding Phoebe and Scarlett, jackets back on and leaned against cabinets, waiting for you. When you approach, they both stand up straight,
"So what's up? Did you join them or something? You were gone a while." Phoebe chastises. You click your tongue, shooting her an unamused look as Scarlett giggles softly,
"No, I ran into Tom before I found them. He and I... cleared things up. We're starting over and giving a friendship another go." You say proudly, both girls nodding, impressed,
"Nice. He's a good friend to have but uhh... you better put your hormones back in their box. You end up as more than friends, he could break your heart." Scarlett warns. You nod, pivoting on your feet and soaking the information in. She sighs to break the silence between the three of you,
"Anyways, let's get home. We're takin you shopping tomorrow once Prince Charming drops Ivey off." She says, headed for the door with you and Phoebe in tow.
It was fun letting loose for the night before classes start. Your welcome party was successful and less drunk and destructive as the movies make it out. Though somewhat dramatic with Tom, you enjoyed meeting new people and establishing relationships you wouldn't have if you'd been a hermit. But Scarlett's words weigh on you somewhat. No matter what, you and Tom would have some sort of relationship. Whether you took the bait or not and spiraled into a love affair with the beautiful curly haired boy would change your life completely. It scared you, but the idea of getting in some trouble excites you and who knows, maybe you could establish a friends with benefits type of relationship with him for a little bit of fun without the stress of a strings attached relationship. To focus on school and all of the other life changing things that were being thrusted your way, maybe it would be nice to have someone to fool around with and rant to if need be. And why not make it the pretty little British boy that you know has his eyes on you? There wouldn't be any harm in that, right?
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