#franky rogan fanfiction
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Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
For @narcosfandomdiscord Book of Negative Spaces: Fanwork using a line from a diff show/movie as a prompt (i used: "let it rip" from The Bear)
Part of the Not My Brothers’ Keeper Universe
Warnings: 18+, language, light angst
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: i missed them! i just want them to chitty chat forever. i want franky rogan to be pining always.
Franky hadn’t had it in him to stop by her shop since their last run in. The days had gone by so quickly and yet now that he was sitting in the driver’s seat of his patrol car with the engine still running, every single one of the seconds that had passed since he last spoke to her seemed to cascade over him like a mountainous wave.
Reaching over, he grabbed the folder that was sitting on the passenger seat. He was busy enough as it was when he didn’t have favors looming over his head. This particular favor, though, and the person who was asking for it, made him keep a little busier than usual. He could’ve still tried to make the time to stop by, but it would’ve been hard to look her in the eyes when he didn’t have anything in the ways of answers or explanations. She was kind, and she would’ve given him that look that asked all the questions so she wouldn’t have to say them out loud. But they were questions that he still wouldn’t have answered, and then all the look in her eyes would convey was sadness. And he couldn’t be the reason for that again.
He had the answers now, though. Or, at least, he had answers that would get them to the next set of questions. He had no idea what any of it meant. As he flipped through the papers, he wondered if Ezekiel was even going to know what any of it meant. Franky knew that the right thing to do probably would’ve been to show EZ what he’d found since EZ was the one who had sent him looking for it in the first place. That would’ve been the right thing to do, but what Franky was doing now felt a hell of a lot better than being right and he was willing to settle for that. EZ wouldn’t even have to know.
Looking out the passenger window, Franky saw Evangeline’s car parked in the driveway—she always took Tuesday’s off. Or, at least, if she was doing work she was doing it from the comfort of her living room. He stayed seated as he gazed out across her lawn, across the deck that branched off from her house. He remembered when they’d bought the house. It had always seemed exactly like the kind of place that she would settle down in.
Before he thought about it too much more, he cut the ignition and pushed the door open with the ball of his foot. The walk up the driveway was a short one, and Franky easily jogged up the few steps onto her porch. Taking a breath, and skimming through the papers in his folder one last time, he reached forward and gave a few firm knocks on her door.
Despite knowing that she wouldn’t just instantaneously appear, each second that passed while he waited there had him looking around, trying to find ways to fill the time like it was hours he spent there instead of seconds. He was gearing up to knock again when he heard her voice coming from the other side of the door. She wasn’t speaking to him, but sheer force of habit had Franky leaning in to try and see how much he could hear of whatever conversation she was having without him.
“It was good to hear from you,” she said as she undid the locks on her front door. “Don’t be a stranger, alright?”
Franky couldn’t hear whoever was on the other end of the line, but he did see a few moments later when Evangeline briefly peeked from behind the thin curtains that covered the glass panels on her door. He did his best to offer a smile, one that at concealed at least some of his nerves in a convincing manner. He pretended not to see the shift in her expression when she saw him, the small smile that had been on her face taking on the weight of worry.
Pulling the door open, she stood in the space that she’d created. Leaning against the side of the door, she gave him a purposeful once-over. “Hey, Franky.”
It felt good to hear her say it. Felt good in that silly, almost stupid way it felt good when she would give him a smile and a wave when they were back in school, when she was just being nice to him because he was Ezekiel’s friend. The why of it all hadn’t mattered to him back then, seems like it didn’t matter a hell of a lot more to him now.
“Evangeline, hey,” he responded, relief in his voice that wouldn’t have made sense to anyone else but her. He glanced over his shoulder out of habit before focusing on her again. “You got a minute?”
She pinched her brows together, trying to figure out what he was there for without having to tread into the waters of that conversation with him. “It’s my only real day off, you know.”
He managed a weak smile. “I know. Wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t think I needed to.”
Part of her knew that she could drag it out if she wanted to. She could’ve kept him standing right there on her porch sweating it out for the rest of her day off if that’s what she felt like doing, and he would’ve let her with no real complaints. But she didn’t like how things had been since their last conversation anymore than he had, so she pulled the door open wider and motioned for him to step inside.
“Next time I’m going to make sure you have a warrant,” she said, a little bit of the levity back in her voice.
“Only thing I’m looking for here is you.” Franky should’ve wiped the smirk off his face when he said it but he didn’t have a chance in hell at that.
Walking deeper into the house, she motioned for him to sit at the table, one that would’ve been big enough for family dinners if her family had been into that sort of thing. It was in the perfect spot, catching all the sunshine that came in through the sliding glass doors that lead out into the rest of the porch. Franky watched as she went into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of glasses from the cupboard before getting the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge. He sat down, placing the folder on the table while somehow feeling like he should’ve been hiding it away even though it was half the reason he was there to see her.
“So,” she said as she filled both their glasses, “what’s going on?”
He knew the question was coming and yet he still felt flustered when she’d asked. All the words that he wanted to string together were jumbled in his head as he sat and watched her. Even when she was home, even on her days off when she didn’t think that anyone but her own reflection was going to get a look at her, she still looked beautiful. Denim shorts that were frayed along the bottom, an old t-shirt that she’d pulled apart and stitched back together to make something new out of it, a ponytail high enough up on her head that it swished with each step she took. Even if he’d come in with a clear and concise story to start with, she would’ve knocked him off-kilter anyway.
It was the sound of her setting the glasses down on the table in front of him that got him to snap back to attention. He blinked a couple times, dialing back in. Evangeline sat down in the chair next to him, studying him as she took a sip of her drink. She knew him well enough to know that she was going to have to ask again. There was comfort in those small consistencies.
“Are you getting someone into trouble or out of it?” she asked.
That got him to smile, even if there was a little bit of uncertainty in it. “I’m…not sure. Was hoping you might be able to help me figure it out.”
She nodded towards the folder. “State secrets in there or something?”
Franky knew that maybe it wasn’t the time for humor, but the two of them had a hard time escaping that. He allowed himself a small smile as he said, “Somethin’ like that.”
Reaching out, she pressed her fingertips onto the folder but didn’t try to pull it towards her. “This have anything to do with what EZ was talking to you about before?”
He nodded, not quite ready to let her take it from him yet. “Yeah. I’ve got…I don’t know, Evangeline. Doesn’t make any sense to me.”
She hummed in thought. “And you think it’s going to make sense to me? This very secret business that neither you nor my brother wanted to tell me about?”
He drummed his fingers on the folder. “This isn’t my busi—” he started and stopped, trying to figure out what exactly it was that he wanted to say. “Whatever this is doesn’t have anything to do with me. I just went digging. That’s,” he shook his head, “that’s all EZ asked me to do.”
She tilted her head. “He doesn’t know you’re here, does he?”
“Hell no,” he replied, laughing for the first time in what felt like a while.
She returned the favor with a genuine smile. Despite all of the mess and the tension, there was something about that that felt familiar, almost comforting. “Alright then, Officer Rogan.” She pulled her hand away, leaning back in her chair like she was giving him space for his next big trick. “Let it rip. I wanna see what kind of classified documents you’re bringing into my house.”
Franky had a smirk on his face as he shook his head, but he still pushed the folder in her direction to open. Once she pulled it the rest of the way towards her, he finally reached for the glass that she’d set in front of him. He took a sip, glancing around her house as he did. He could count on one hand with fingers left over how many times he’d actually been inside her house, past the threshold of the doorway. There usually wasn’t much of a reason for him to be. It felt warm, comfortable. It seemed like everything she touched was like that.
But when Franky looked back over at Evangeline’s face while she was flipping through the pages he’d brought, all the warmth was gone, her face almost pale as her eyes racing across every line that was typed out in front of her. He’d shown up hoping that, at the very least, it would ease some of the tension that had been lingering between them since he last saw her. Best case scenario, she’d tell him that this was all some wild goose chase on EZ’s part, or club things that she didn’t know anything about and wanted to keep it that way. Now, though, seeing the look in her eyes, he was wondering if he was creating a whole new slew of problems between them.
“Wh-why,” she cleared her throat, taking a sip of her drink before looking at Franky and trying again, “Why’d Ezekiel want you looking into this guy?”
“You know him?” Franky asked, dodging her question, feeling more like a cop than he usually did when he was sitting next to her.
She started to nod, and it dissolved into a shrug. “I don’t know him. I, I met him once.” She couldn’t peel her eyes away from the photograph in front of her. “Why was my brother asking you to look this guy up, Franky?”
He shook his head. “Didn’t say.”
“You didn’t ask?” The words came out sharper than she’d meant for them to. She caught it immediately, her expression softening as she shook her head. “Sorry. I just,” she held up the slip of paper that had Happy’s mugshot on it, “I sat next to this guy and had a beer with him.”
He was better at hiding his surprise with other people, but his eyes always said it all with her. “Jesus—”
“Is all this true?” she asked, shaking the seemingly endless list of crimes on his rap sheet. Evangeline was many things, but naïve had never been one of them. She knew that the types of men who found their way to clubs like the Mayans, or the Sons of Anarchy, had all done things. They had done things the same way EZ had done things that landed him in prison for all those years. She knew that, it weighed heavier on her chest than she ever liked to admit. But knowing it and having it all spelled out in black and white in front of her were two completely different things.
He wished that he could give her the answer that she wanted while also not telling her a lie. Knowing that those two things couldn’t coexist in that moment, he nodded. “Yeah. If anything they probably…” he trailed off, instantly wishing he hadn’t started expanding on his point, but he wasn’t going to be able to backpedal now, “probably missed a few things along the way.”
She set the paper back down, staring at it for a few seconds longer before shutting the folder. Even though there was nothing but a blank manila cover staring back at her, she was still picturing it all in her head. She tried to peel it all apart in her head, reorganize it in some way that would make sense to her. For a brief moment she wished that she could think the way that EZ always seemed to, not just with his flawless recall but the way that he could treat things like jigsaw puzzles, finding out how to perfectly fit them together to create just the picture that he was looking for. Franky had just given her someone’s entire life story and she had no idea what she was supposed to do with any of the information that she was now privy to.
Franky watched her, wishing not for the first time that he could read her mind. He could see the worry on her face, and the confusion. There was a tightness in her jaw that wasn’t usually there, her brows pinched together harshly, not in the focused way they would be when she was working. He was regretting that what had started off as a show of good faith was now turning into something else entirely.
He wanted to reach out and take her hand in his but he stopped himself. He kept his hands busy instead with taking the folder back, getting the feeling that it wasn’t something she had any interest in keeping even if he’d offered it to her.
“I ruined your day off, didn’t I?” he asked, just enough humor in his voice for her to know that he was doing his best with what he had.
It got her to smile, got her to look him in the eyes. “You? No, you didn’t. Your folder full of classified information? Maybe a little, yeah.” She slumped back in her chair. “I have no problem blaming my brother for that if you don’t, though.”
Franky chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Works for me.”
Reaching forward, Evangeline reached and grabbed her glass of iced tea. Taking a long drink from it, for a moment she wished that she had spiked it with something stronger. Cupping the glass in her two hands, she stared down into it for a moment before looking at Franky again.
“Talk to me about something else.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “What?”
“You came and played bad cop with all of that,” she motioned to the folder in front of him. “So now you need to play good cop and tell me something else.”
He laughed. “I don’t think that’s how good cop, bad cop works.”
She took another sip of her drink before setting the glass back on the table. Leaning forward, she propped her elbows on the tabletop and rested her chin in her hands. “Give me some good news anyway, Rookie.”
The answer was always going to be yes, or as close as he could get to it whenever she asked him for anything. Whatever she wanted to hear, he’d tell her. He’d always do that for her, but after he’d seen the look on her face just a few short minutes before, he was willing to say damn near anything.
“Lizzie asked about you the other day,” he said, smiling as he looked out the glass doors and then back at Evangeline again.
Her expression instantly warmed at the mention of her. “Yeah? How’d my name come up? Talking to your niece about me now?”
Franky laughed and shook his head, lying to himself that he didn’t feel warmth creeping up his neck towards his face. “Nah, alright, calm down with all that. She was the one asking.”
Her smile grew a little wider. “What was she asking about?”
“She’s got her quince comin’ up.”
Evangeline laughed, partially because she couldn’t believe how old his niece was already, but also because she knew how much of a to-do it was all going to be if Lizzie’s mother had any say in it at all. “Your brother must be so excited.”
Franky smiled and nodded. “He’s trying to pretend that it’s all her mom but,” he shot Evangeline a knowing look, “he’s not foolin’ me.” The two of them shared a laugh at that before he continued. “She’s gotta get her dress soon, and she was wondering if you’d do all the, you know,” he made a motion with his hands, like he was gesturing to a gown that wasn’t there.
Evangeline was almost doubled over with laughter. “Alterations?”
He laughed and nodded. “That, yeah.”
She playfully swatted at him. “Franky Rogan, how long have we been friends and you couldn’t remember the word for alterations? That’s,” she gestured around like she was at her store instead of her house, “that’s half my job!”
He held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. That’s my bad.”
Her laughter quieted into a hum of amusement. “The answer is yes, though. I’d be happy to work on her dress once she picks one out.”
He nodded. “I’ll make sure to pass along the good news.”
The conversation tapered off into comfortable silence as the two of them continued to sit at her table. Franky was vaguely aware of the fact that he should probably leave, but he had no real desire to. It also didn’t seem like Evangeline was in any big rush to send him away. He was fine enjoying a good thing while it lasted.
Evangeline could feel Franky looking at her as she looked out the sliding glass door. She could see her porch, her lawn, Franky’s patrol car parked alongside the road at the edge of her yard. Her grass was longer than it should’ve been—if Felipe came over at any point within the next week he would get the lawn mover out of the shed and take care of it himself, chastising her the entire time he did. The mental image of it made her smile. Then she brought herself back inside to the reality she was in, with Franky Rogan sitting at her kitchen table with her.
She wished that she could sit there and pretend that this was just a social call, like all those other times when Franky would pop by the shop under the thinnest veils of excuses she’d ever heard. She enjoyed those, even though she liked to give him a bit of a hard time about it in the process. It almost felt like those times, but the folder on Happy Lowman was still resting on her table.
Franky could feel it, too, the little bit of tension left looming in the air. Different than how it’d felt last time he saw her, different even from how it’d felt when he had first shown up. This was the kind of tension that he couldn’t just make dissipate by apologizing—that would’ve been so much easier.
She walked him back to the door, not looking at the documents that were tucked underneath his arm. As she pulled the door open, she asked, “Are you gonna tell EZ that you stopped by here first?”
He stepped out onto the deck before turning around to face her again. He studied her expression for a moment. “You want me to?” When she shook her head in response, he asked, “You gonna talk to him about any of this?”
She nodded, pressing her forehead against the side of the door. “Eventually.”
He frowned. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “It’s…it is what it is, Franky.” She saw the way that he was going to try and apologize again, or try to come up with explanations that neither of them could really put too much stock in, so she beat him to the punch. “Call me when Lizzie wants to come by, alright? I’ll make sure my schedule is clear for her.”
He smiled. “Thank you.”
“Should be thanking you,” she joked as he started to backpedal away from her doorway, “since you’re out there talking me up and drumming up business.”
He laughed and shook his head as he turned around to continue walking away. “Bye, Evangeline!”
She was grinning in a way that he could hear in her words as she said, “Stay safe out there, Officer!”
(divider by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💞)
Mayans MC Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists!): @darqchilddaydreamz @garbinge @justreblogginfics @withmyteeth @cositapreciosa
@narcolini @hausofmamadas @artemiseamoon @proceduralpassion @fanfic-n-tabulous
#narcovember#book of negative spaces#mayans mc#mayansmc#mayans fx#mayans mc fanfiction#franky rogan#franky rogan fanfiction#oc evangeline#oc evangeline reyes#franky rogan x oc#my writing#fanfiction#drabblesmc#officer rogan
16 notes
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Not My Brothers' Keeper
Angel Reyes & OC Evangeline Reyes & Ezekiel Reyes OC Evangeline Reyes x Franky Rogan
Fic list for the series under the cut!
- Interruptions
- Crunch Time
- Party Tricks
- Plausible Deniability
- Confidential
#mayans mc#mayans mc fanfiction#mayansmc#mayans fx#angel reyes#ez reyes#ezekiel reyes#franky rogan#officer rogan#angel reyes fanfiction#ez reyes fanfiction#franky rogan fanfiction#oc evangeline reyes#my writing#fanfiction#drabblesmc#masterlist
19 notes
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Angel Reyes & OC Evangeline Reyes & Ezekiel Reyes Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
Warnings: 18+, pining, language, this really is just a fluffy little something
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: For my next trick! I will pull out of my bag of wonders a character that the show-runners seemed to have forgotten about but I sure didn't! 😂 Shout-out to Franky Rogan- I hope he's doing okay lmao. I'm not really planning on turning this into a multi-chap per se, but I do plan on just writing some snippets/one-shots that all exist in this universe. This is our first look into this au, but definitely not the last if I have anything to say about it 😂 Enjoy! xo
As far as Evangeline was concerned, there was no real reason for Angel and EZ to be in her shop. She’d told them as much about five minutes after they’d walked in and started causing more ruckus than she wanted to be dealing with. She tried to shoo them away, tried to get them to pop one more door down to go and bother their father instead, but they weren’t budging.
Angel was sitting on one of the chairs by the dressing room and EZ was standing off to the side of the sewing machine that she was currently using. Angel was gawking around at everything as though he didn’t stop by every week, and EZ was studying over her shoulder like he was thinking of becoming the next family seamstress. If the shop had belonged to anyone else, the two of them never would have bothered to set foot inside. Not to mention if the shop had belonged to anyone else, they would’ve barred the two of them from entry ages ago.
“I can feel your breath on my neck,” she said, sounding annoyed for a split second before she started laughing.
EZ chuckled, stepping back and instead starting to pace around the shop. “Sorry.”
“Vete—go be sorry somewhere else. You’re gonna scare people off before they even set foot in here.”
Angel shook his head dismissively. “C’mon, Eva. Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like…we’re like protection, you know?”
Head still angled down at the pantleg she was hemming, her eyes lifted just enough to look over at her brother. “What, you two in the mob now too? MC wasn’t enough?” She shook her head and looked back down at the garment draped over the machine. “Protection,” she mocked. “Who you guys gonna protect me from, anyway? The high school girls coming in for me to tailor their prom dresses?”
EZ laughed as he watched his two older siblings go back and forth. “I don’t know,” he chimed in. “Think those girls might have Angel out-gunned.”
He sucked his teeth. “Fuck both you guys.”
She finally leaned back in her chair, taking her foot completely off the sewing machine pedal. “If you’d left when I told you to, you wouldn’t have to be going through this.”
Angel was finally laughing with her and EZ. “Nah, you know if we never stopped by you’d—” He stopped mid-sentence and stood up from his chair when he saw a police patrol car pull up to the curb right in front of Evangeline’s shop. “What the fuck is this?”
Evangeline mirrored his actions, standing up and carefully draping the pants she’d been working on back over the hanger she’d took them off before she had company. The tailoring job for them was a quick one, or at least it would be once her brothers left and she could actually do her job. She ran her hands over the fabric of her own pants, smoothing them out before looking out the window to see whatever it was that had elicited that reaction from Angel.
She laughed when she saw the cop car parked out front. “Oh, good. Maybe someone will finally be able to make you leave. You think if I ask real nice they’ll give me a couple pairs of cuffs specifically for you two?”
EZ was smiling and shaking his head at his sister, but then when he saw that Franky was the officer getting out of the car, both he and Angel became way more amused than they were annoyed at the cops being there. “Oh,” EZ said with a nod, “yeah I’m pretty sure he’ll give you whatever you want.”
Angel was on the brink of cackling as he nudged his sister’s shoulder. “He’ll give you a pair of cuffs as long as you promise to use them on him just once.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t stand either of you sometimes. I hope he knocks your bikes over,” Evangeline muttered with a tiny smile as she moved away from her little brother and went back behind the desk where the cash register was.
There were only a couple seconds between Franky shutting the door to the patrol car and him walking into the small boutique that Evangeline owned, but it was long enough. Angel was sitting back down again, this time just in a different chair that was towards the front of the store. He was leaning back, practically sinking into the soft cushions of it. His legs were spread farther apart than necessary, one hand on one knee, his other on the arm of the chair that he was sitting in. Meanwhile EZ was standing behind his brother’s seat, hands holding onto the edges of his kutte—his default these days.
Evangeline was looking at both of them with a mildly amused look on her face. It looked like they were pulled right out of a movie or a cartoon—stereotypical goons trying to look tough and not quite hitting the mark but they didn’t realize it yet. Her attention shifted off them when the soft chimes above her door signaled Franky’s entry.
He stepped inside, immediately looking around and greeting her with a casual, “Hey, Evangeline,” as he did. He looked at Angel and EZ, seeing the image they were trying to put off and also not being overly convinced by it. When it was just the two of them separate from the rest of the club, they weren’t nearly as intimidating. It was hard to be scared of the same boys he went to school with. He’d known them long enough to know that whatever macho act they were putting on, really was just an act. They had the same look in their eyes that they did back then when they were about to cause trouble after school.
It didn’t take long at all for his gaze to land on Evangeline, the real and only reason he’d even pulled up to the shop at all. She was standing behind the counter, leaning forward onto it so that her elbows were propped onto the wood and her chin rested on top of her interlocked fingers. Her hair was pulled back out of her face, a convenience style when she was using the sewing machine, but there was one unruly lock that had managed to escape and it was hanging just enough to the side so that her face wasn’t obscured at all. She smiled at him, head tilting slightly as it rested in her hands.
He'd known Angel and EZ for most of his life, and it made it hard to find them intimidating these days. In the same vein, he’d known Evangeline for almost his whole life too. Only instead of that fact making her less intimidating, it almost made her more intimidating—it was a different kind of intimidating than her brothers were aiming for, but still. Sure, it’d been so long since high school, and they were all such different people now in a lot of ways, but sometimes when she was looking at him like that Franky still felt like he was the dorky kid in class who was a little in love with his friend’s older sister. They were older now and he was much less dramatic than the teenage version of him had been. In love was an overstatement these days of course. Not that the semantics of it all really mattered in moments like the one he was in.
“Something I can do for you, Officer Rogan?” she finally asked, proving one more time over that she was the only Reyes sibling who could address him as such without using any sarcasm.
He turned so that he was completely facing her, purposely ignoring the looks he was getting from her two younger brothers. He shook his head as he walked over to her, standing on the opposite side fo the counter from her. “No. Just making the rounds and thought I’d stop by.”
She hummed in amusement as she stood upright again. “Got it. Thought your ears might’ve been burning somewhere out there.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You talkin’ about me?”
She laughed and shrugged. “Was talking about getting someone to throw these two,” she nodded towards her brothers, “out of my shop. And then you rolled up.”
“Yeah,” Angel chimed in from where he was still sitting, “like an answer to all your prayers, right?”
Evangeline shot her brother a look. “An answer to one of them, at least.”
Franky turned and looked at Angel and EZ. “You know it’s bad when even your own sister is waiting for you two to get picked up.”
Angel stood up out of his chair. In two easy strides he put himself right in front of Franky. There was just enough of a height difference for Franky to have to tilt his head to look Angel directly in the eyes. It was something that would never stop amusing Angel in any close encounters the two of them had.
“I bet you’d be real happy to do that for her, huh, Officer?” he goaded.
Evangeline was standing, arms crossed over her chest as she shook her head at the two of them. EZ was watching her just as intently as he was watching his brother and Franky. The scene was amusing from every angle for different reasons. And, as much as he would’ve loved to see how far Angel was going to take things, he liked his sister too much to let it happen in the middle of her shop. It was one thing when they were at the clubhouse, or Vicky’s. But not here.
“C’mon, Angel,” EZ inserted himself into the conversation, “let’s go. Pop still needs help with the compressor anyway.”
Evangeline cut a small sigh of relief, flashing EZ the quickest of smiles to thank him. “Yeah,” she agreed, “go make yourselves useful somewhere. Por favor. I’m begging.”
She was half expecting Franky and Angel to crash shoulders as the two Reyes boys made their way to the door, but they didn’t. Franky did manage to get the last word in with them, though. Rebutting Angel’s, “Stay safe, Officer,” with an easy, “I’m sure I’ll see you two soon. With the lights and sirens on.”
The door chimed again to signal the two of them leaving. Through the glass windows that made up the storefront, she and Franky were able to watch as the two of them made their way next door to their father’s shop. They were both shaking their heads at the pair of brothers, but for very different reasons.
“Nice to see you boys all getting along still,” Evangeline joked once they were out of sight.
Franky laughed as he put his attention back on her again. “Saying that like I’m the one who started any of that.”
She shook her head as she made her way around so that they were both on the same side of the counter. She leaned back against it, crossing her arms once more out of habit. “That’s not what I said.”
He watched as she crossed one leg over the other, the bright silky fabric of her pants distracting for only a moment before his gaze traveled back up to her face. He saw her knowing smirk and he cleared his throat, hands resting on his belt as he looked down at the floor for a second before getting himself together again.
“They give all the cops that hard of a time? Or just me?”
She laughed. “No one has an easy time with those two…” she trailed off for a moment before continuing, “but yeah you get it a little worse.” She saw the incredulous look on his face and she couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t something endearing about it. “C’mon, Franky. I know you were all friends in school but, you know, they grew up and became members of a motorcycle club. And you grew up and became a narc.”
He laughed, placing one hand on his chest. “Ouch, damn.”
She shook her head as she laughed right along with him. “Their words, not mine.”
They shared another quiet laugh about it before the conversation hit a pause. The only noise in the shop was the music playing from the speakers scattered around, a playlist the Evangeline changed from day to day depending on the mood she was in. Franky looked down at the floor, then around the shop, and then back at the woman standing next to him. He didn’t know for sure but he was fairly certain that she’d been watching him the entire time.
“Talk to me, Rookie,” she said, gently nudging his shoulder with her own. “What’s going on?”
That got him to chuckle. “Evangeline, I told you, I haven’t been a rookie in—”
“Franky, I told you, it’s not gonna make me stop calling you that.” She smiled. “I remember when you were slugging your way through the academy, before they got stupid enough to give you a gun,” she joked. “You’re always gonna be a rookie to me.”
“Almost as hurtful as your brothers callin’ me a narc.” There was a brief pause and he cleared his throat. “I really was just checking in. I think they told me that something about this job has to do with protecting and serving or some shit like that.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I heard the rumors.” Reaching back, she took her hair out of the loose, messy ponytail that she’d thrown it into earlier in the day. She continued to speak as the long, loose waves of hair fell down around her shoulders. “I appreciate you checking in. I’m alright, though. All quiet on the strip.”
“’Til your brothers get here.”
She cracked a smile. “Yeah, ‘til my brothers get here.”
He stepped away from the counter and reached into his pocket for his keys. “I’ll let you get back to work then. Don’t wanna be another distraction.”
Her smile was warm as she shook her head at him. “Very considerate of you.”
He stepped backwards towards the door. “Call if you need anything.”
“911 still a good number to reach you at?”
He grinned. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
She was laughing, mostly to herself, as he turned and let himself back out of the shop. She watched as he went back to his patrol car, noticing how he shook his head at her brother’s bikes on the way. There was a split second when she thought she was going to get exactly what she’d asked for earlier, that he was going to knock them over. But of course he didn’t, not looking to kick up that kind of trouble.
By the time that EZ and Angel came back over to her shop, Evangeline had not only finished altering the pants that she’d been working on earlier when they’d stopped in, but also taken care of another pair in between customers filtering in and out. She considered it a successful day, and the shop wasn’t even closed yet. Judging by the looks on Angel and EZ’s faces, she wasn’t sure if they’d had the same amount of success she did.
“Compressor got you beat?” she asked.
Angel scoffed. “Fuck no. We fixed that shit.”
She looked over at EZ. “Did you really?”
He flashed a grin. “Limping it along until the new one comes in.”
Angel’s head dropped back and he let out a dramatic sigh. “Dude, what the fuck?” He ignored the way that they were both laughing as he focused on his sister again. “So, what’d Rent-A-Cop want, anyway? Y’know, besides your hand in marriage.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes. “He was just checking in.”
Angel scoffed. “Yeah, gotta make sure his precious Evangeline is all good over here.”
She tilted her head. “Why are you saying my name like that?”
Angel gestured to the curb even though Franky’s car was long gone. “That’s how he fuckin’ says it! Swear to God, ‘mana, I haven’t heard that guy refer to you as Eva since he was like, twelve.”
Evangeline laughed. “How dare he call me by my actual name.”
“You know what I mean,” he shot right back, attempting to sound more annoyed than he really was.
She tried to divert the conversation rather than going deeper down whatever rabbit-hole Angel was trying to drag them down. “Why are you guys still here, anyway? Don’t you have motorcycle business to attend to? Parties to throw, windows to smash, all that fun stuff.”
“Party’s tomorrow,” Angel replied with a shrug. “You should come through.” He nodded towards EZ. “Prospect is playing barback.”
Evangeline laughed and nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
The two of them hugged her, taking her gentle cue to get going. Angel pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Just don’t bring the narc as your plus-one.”
She laughed as she pushed him towards the door, but chose not to acknowledge his last comments. “Be careful out there.” She waited until the door to chime shut behind them before she muttered a quiet, “Pendejos,” to herself and got back to work.
Mayans Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added!):
@garbinge @withmyteeth @darqchilddaydreamz @artemiseamoon @proceduralpassion
@fanfic-n-tabulous @danzer8705 @justreblogginfics @cositapreciosa @narcolini
#mayans mc#mayans fx#mayans mc fanfiction#mayansmc#ez reyes#ezekiel reyes#angel reyes#franky rogan#officer rogan#oc evangeline reyes#oc eva reyes#my writing#fanfiction#drabblesmc
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Plausible Deniability
OC Evangeline Reyes & EZ Reyes Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
Part of the Not My Brothers' Keeper Universe
Warnings: 18+, language, angst/arguments
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: they're BAAAAAACK!!!! been marinating on this one for a while. a little angst for my children Evangeline and Franky 😌
The buzz and chatter of the farmer’s market made Santo Padre seem like it wasn’t such a small town. While a lot of the small vendors were close to each other in town, there was something unique about the mood of it all when they all had their booths and tents set up outside in the square. The typical food vendors always looked forward to the weekly rush—something extra to look forward to on Saturday mornings.
It wasn’t a far trip for Evangeline. If she hadn’t had so many different things to put up and display, she wouldn’t even bother loading everything into her car to get it there. But it would’ve been just a few too many relays back and forth for her liking. It was one of her favorite times of the week as well. She liked the extra sense of community, of course. But she also enjoyed the teenagers and twenty-somethings that showed up with their guitars to play music, their cases and hats out for tips. She liked how some of the food vendors would send one of their employees to run snacks and drinks to other vendors running their own booths who couldn’t necessarily leave. Along with all of that, it was a way for her to meet some new people outside of her regulars who came to the shop.
She was chatting with a woman as she cashed her out for the couple pairs of earrings she purchased. While a majority of her focus was on the woman in front of her, carefully placing the jewelry in their little boxes, she still saw the next person in need of her attention. The smile on her face was one that could, for the moment, be passed off as the typical customer service grin.
Evangeline handed the boxes over, along with a copy of her business card. “The address for my shop is on the back. But,” she gestured back over her shoulder with a chuckle, “if you walk a few blocks that way you’ll be able to find it without a GPS.”
The woman beamed as she tucked the business card into her purse. “I’ll have to stop by! Thank you so much.”
Evangeline nodded. “You’re welcome. Have a nice day!”
As the woman walked away, Evangeline tucked the receipt away so she could compile it with the rest later. The smile on her face grew and she shook her head slightly as she caught Franky out of the corner of her eye. He was no better at pretending to be paying attention to anything other than her than she was with him.
She was adding to the running tally in her notebook when she spoke up, not looking at him just yet. “I hope you know there’s no discount for the boys in beige here, Officer Rogan,” said before closing her small record-keeper.
The humor in her voice as much as the comment itself got Franky to drop the thin charade he’d been putting on. He let out a surprised laugh. “I don’t think I ever asked for one.”
“Mmm,” she hummed in question as she tilted her head. “Maybe not. But I also just get the feeling that you didn’t exactly have to pay full price for the pastries in that bag,” she said as she nodded towards the brown paper bag on it. She recognized the sticker on the outside of it immediately.
“Wh—this?” He held it up with a smile. “Nah, alright, I didn’t. Bu—”
“But,” he reemphasized, “that’s not because I’m a cop.” He shrugged, a smirk on his face. “That’s just ‘cause Ms. Nelly thinks I’m cute.”
Evangeline laughed. “Of course.” She paused for a moment. “You’re not getting a discount for that here, either.”
“Damn,” he said with a laugh. “I was just tryna come over here and say hello. Offer you one of Ms. Nelly’s coyotas but if you’re gonna be like thaaaat…” he trailed off, dramatically taking a step back from her booth and holding his hands up in surrender, pastry bag clutched tightly in one of them.
Evangeline’s eyes widened, a grin breaking out across her face. Leaning forward, she rested her hands on the table to give herself some extra balance. “Wait, wait, I—”
He laughed and crossed his arms over his chest, bag partially hidden now. “Oh wow. That’s how it is.”
She was laughing but not saying anything to try and come to her own defense. It wasn’t going to do her any good. Not that she needed to—they both knew that when it was all said and done he would be handing over the bag so she could pick whatever looked the best to her.
“I tell Ms. Nelly how mean you’re being she won’t send me with extras for you anymore.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes. “Yes she will.”
Franky let the silence hang in the air for a moment longer before uncrossing his arms and holding the bag out to her.
Evangeline laughed, a sound that had the ends of Franky’s mouth curling up into a grin. She took the bag and unrolled the top so that she could look inside. It only took her a couple seconds to make her decision. Reaching in she deftly plucked one of the pastries out of the bag before handing it back to Franky. He’d hardly taken it out of her hands before she was taking a bite.
She shut her eyes for a moment, like she had never tasted something so good before. She finally looked back at Franky. “You didn’t tell me they were pineapple.”
He laughed. “Didn’t get to tell you anything since you started in on me once I got here.”
She smiled before taking another bite. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“’Course not.” He tried to sound annoyed but it was never good enough to be convincing with her. “You never do.”
“I think in your line of work they call that plausible deniability.”
“Or perjury.”
Her head fell back as she laughed. “I’m not under oath!”
“Oh,” he laughed, “alright. So it’s just lying, then.” He shook his head. “Watch Law and Order and suddenly you just know it all, don’t you?”
“You might as well deputize me.”
“Yeah,” he joked. “I’ll talk to the chief about that right away.” There was a brief pause, allowing each of them to laugh and gather themselves back up. Once the quiet between them had persisted for long enough, Franky cleared his throat. “Evangeline, you think—”
“Well, well, well,” Angel’s voice stopped Franky’s sentence short. “Look what we have here.” He looked at his sister from the opposite side of her table. “Eva.” He gave a non-plussed look to Franky. “Officer.”
“Angel,” they both replied in unison with drastically different tones. Franky’s was nothing but pure annoyance, meanwhile Evangeline couldn’t cover up the fact that while she knew that her brother was acting childish, she did find it to be the slightest bit amusing.
Evangeline looked at her brother. “What are you—” she tripped on her words for a moment when she saw that Angel was far from alone, almost the entire rest of the charter in tow, “all doing here?”
“What?” He almost sounded genuinely offended by the question. “We can’t just show up and support?”
She rolled her eyes. “You can. You usually don’t.”
“If you miss us that much, just—”
“Sorry, Miss,” Taza interjected himself with a smile. “Is this guy bothering you?”
She laughed as she nodded. “Always.” Leaning across the table, she pulled him into a quick if not slightly awkwardly positioned, hug. “You the reason they all came out today?”
“For the sake of not incriminating myself, I’m not going to answer that.”
Evangeline laughed before looking back over at Franky. She gestured to Taza. “See? He gets it.”
Franky didn’t speak up in response, but the tiny grin pulling at his lips said everything that Evangeline needed to know. Whatever remarks he normally would’ve had for her, he wasn’t going to be saying in front of Angel of all people—Franky caught enough flack from him about Evangeline as it was.
Evangeline let herself get pulled into a conversation with Taza about where some of the jewelry pieces on display were from. She knew for a fact that she had a couple pieces back at her shop that she’d set aside because she had a feeling that Taza would like them. If she’d known that he was going to show up, and bring the whole club with him, she would’ve made sure to pack them. She told him as much, but even so she could tell that there were a few pieces that were catching his eye.
She was watching him try on one of the leather bracelets when she heard EZ’s voice pop into the mix. Looking up, she gave him a smile and a wave as he made his way to the front of the pack so that he was by the table. At first, she didn’t give much thought to the fact that EZ had landed himself right next to Franky, but shortly after they exchanged a quick greeting, Evangeline watched EZ’s expression change as he turned to face Franky directly.
Evangeline immediately clocked the quizzical look on Franky’s face. He looked as unsure as she felt. They were standing close enough for her to hear EZ ask, “Got a minute?” as he nodded for them to step out of the thick of the crowd.
If Franky had any idea what EZ was about to be asking him about, he didn’t show it. He quickly muted the confusion on his face as he nodded. Even if he said no, he knew enough to know that it would only be delaying the inevitable. The club, the Reyes Brothers, they always found a way to corner people for their attention at one point or another.
She wasn’t trying very hard to hide the fact that she was watching the two of them interact, but even so, she wasn’t expecting Franky to turn and put his attention on her. Her eyes widened, trying to figure out if she should be bracing herself for something.
Leaning in, Franky placed the bag with the other pastry on top of the table. She chuckled and shook her head, gesturing for him to take it back. “I’m good, really.”
He flashed a quick smile as he shook his head. “It’s fine.” He took a step back as he started to leave with EZ. “Not like I paid for them anyway, right?” he added on with a chuckle.
Evangeline laughed, the action completely contrasting the way she was shaking her head at him in admonishment. Whatever she had to say in answer to that would have to wait. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the two of them managed to slip past the crowds that had formed between her booth and the one next to hers. They were standing far enough away to be out of the thick of it, for the sounds of the crowd to drown out whatever it was that they were discussing.
Her attention was torn between the conversation that was tucked away off to the side, and what was unfolding directly in front of her. She was cashing Taza out as some more new customers started to mill about. She didn’t recognize them despite the fact that it was a small town, but none of them seemed to be deterred by all of the men in kuttes lingering around. It probably didn’t hurt that Angel, Coco, and Gilly had gone and gotten snacks of their own from the vendors—it was hard to be intimidated by men who were trying to smack donuts and pastries out of each other’s hands and laughing the entire time they were doing it.
The small rush of people subsided after a couple minutes—that’s the way that it tended to go at things like this. When it slowed down again, she looked around to see if she could find EZ and Franky. The club was a little more spread out now, but the general crowd wasn’t too much smaller. For a moment she thought that she had lost the two of them. Then EZ popped right back up again in front of her table.
Evangeline knew that she was wearing her questions on her face, but she still managed to start the conversation with a casual enough, “Hey.”
She’d barely seen EZ since the night of the party. She certainly hadn’t seen him for a long enough, or private enough, stint of time to ask him about everything that had happened that night with Happy. She kept waiting for him to stop by, or to call, but he never did. It wasn’t particularly out of character for him—none of the Reyes men had a great track record for having difficult conversations, for communicating in general. But every now and then she plucked up the energy to get her hopes up. One of these days they wouldn’t fall short.
“Franky leave?” she asked when EZ didn’t seem like he was going to be moving the conversation along.
EZ nodded, pretending to be much more interested than he really was in the rings that she had on display. “Yeah.”
Even if he’d been looking at her, Evangeline still would’ve rolled her eyes at him. “What was that all about?”
He shrugged, finally looking up at her, gripping the edges of his kutte as he did so. “Nothing.”
She frowned disbelievingly as she nodded. “Right. Sure.”
His brows came together just a bit, like he was fighting the urge to let his face tighten up in annoyance. “Don’t worry about it—it’s club shit.”
She laughed but still managed to keep her voice low. “Right. Franky, Santo Padre’s Finest, is gonna help you with ‘club shit’. Okay.”
EZ sighed at the sarcasm. “Yeah, ‘cause Santo Padre’s Finest have such a good track record.”
Her jaw clenched, face hardening immediately at the statement. It wasn’t that she had any love to spare for their local police force in general, but this was Franky. And that was exactly what she told him. “It’s Franky, Ezekiel. You expect me to believe—”
“Believe what you want. I’m not getting into this here.”
She scoffed. “What else is new?” She watched as EZ drew in a breath deep enough to let her know that he had plenty to say about it all. However, before he could start in on her, an older woman made her way to the table, asking if Evangeline had any other purses with her other than the ones on display. She forced herself back into her customer service persona, leaving the disgruntled sibling routine off to the side for now. “Sí,” she said with a smile and a nod. “Dame un momento.”
She crouched down to grab the few bags she had underneath the table, and by the time she was standing upright again, EZ was gone. She didn’t let the frustration show on her face as she answered the other questions that the woman had. By the time that Evangeline had finished helping her and the few other customers who trickled in after her, the rest of the club had seemed to vanish too, leaving Evangeline there to let out a deep sigh that no one else was close enough to hear.
It was much later than Evangeline had bargained for when she finally bothered to check the time at the end of the day. The fact that it was dark out, the only light streaming through her storefront windows coming from the lamps outside, should’ve been enough of a clue. When she went the extra step to look at the clock on her phone, she immediately regretted it. It hadn’t taken that long to break everything down once the market was over—she was done and able to leave at a reasonable time. But once she sat down at the sewing machine, she lost all track of time. And now it was dark out, and her stomach was growling in a way that made her glad she was in the shop alone.
Propping her elbows on the table she was sitting at, she allowed her head to drop into her hands. Her eyes shut for a moment, trying to push the questions and frustrations from the day back out of her mind again. Maybe that was why it was so easy to stay caught up in her work—something else to focus on. She passed her fingers through her hair as she finally looked up again. It wasn’t until she pushed her chair back away from the table that she saw a car pulling in front of her shop, taking up space on an otherwise empty block.
Having Angel and Ezekiel for brothers meant that she could spot the shape of police car headlights anywhere. She wished that she was more enthused, knowing that there was really only one officer who would be stopping by after-hours like this. If the start of the day had gone a little differently, her smile would’ve come a little easier as the bells above the door chimed.
“Think you’re open past curfew,” Franky joked lightly as the door swung shut behind him.
She laughed, a quiet sound compared to their laughter and banter earlier in the day. She made her way towards him. “What, you going to arrest me?”
He could hear it in her voice that she was trying to meet him where he was. He could also hear that she couldn’t quite do that. “You good?”
She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m alright.” She saw that he was about to try and repeat his question, get another answer out of her. Before he could she said, “You good?”
His concern shifted to confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She nodded towards the door, a vague gesture to the big wide world outside her shop. “Saw that you took off after you talked to EZ.”
His expression faltered for a moment. “Oh. That, that was nothing.”
“Nothing?” she parroted back, clearly not buying it.
He tried to go for nonchalance, but he never got the hang of it around her. “Yeah, you know how it goes. Club shit they’re always trying to drag me into.”
She gave a slow nod. “Friend of the club now, Officer Rogan?”
He wished that he could take all of his words back, but it was too late. He was just going to have to keep digging this hole until he came out the other side of it. “It’s not like that.”
She was too tired to try and pull answers out of him. “Okay.”
It felt like a trap, not that she had ever really been the type to set them. Franky felt like it was wrong to just let the topic die out at that, leave it unfinished in the most unsatisfactory manner, but he also didn’t want to pick a fight with her about it either. He could tell her the truth, but if EZ hadn’t told her, there was probably a reason. That’s what he was going to tell himself anyway.
“It’s always gonna be something with them, Evangeline. You know that.”
Her gaze snapped up from the floor so that she was looking at his face again. Her exhaustion hardened into something colder. A chill that felt frigid coming off someone who made a habit of exuding nothing but warmth.
The look in her eyes had Franky taking a small step backwards before he even realized what he was doing. Whether he was subconsciously trying to make a quick getaway, or put a beat of space between them for whatever she was gearing up to say next, he wasn’t sure. The only thing he was sure about was the fact that he would love to go the rest of his life without ever being the reason she looked like that again.
“Whatever it is, Franky, I hope it’s worth going down for if it gets to that.”
He shook his head, suppressing the scoff he felt climbing up his throat. “It’s not gonna—”
“I hope not. I’d imagine Aiding and Abetting charges look worse when you’re a cop.”
She studied him carefully as he shook his head at her. It wasn’t a fair fight, really, and she knew that. She knew that Franky wasn’t willing to go blow for blow with her. He might’ve been the only man in her life who wouldn’t—too many people loved an argument. He wouldn’t fight back, and if everything came crashing down she knew that it wouldn’t actually be all his fault. But he was the one who was in front of her now.
She gnawed at the inside of her lip for a moment. “I have no interest in deja vu.”
Franky’s expression turned somber as he processed what she’d said to him. They never talked about it, what had happened the night EZ got arrested for killing that cop. There was too much to deal with at the time, and when it’d been dealt with, neither of them knew what to say to the other about it. So it’d been lying in wait like a sleeping dog all those years.
“It’s not like that.” He wasn’t sure if that was the truth of the matter, but he desperately hoped that it was. Just like the woman standing in front of him, Franky had no interest in taking a trip down memory lane if that was going to be the memory.
She wanted to believe him but she knew better. “If you say so.”
“I think you’re right—it’s way past curfew.” Her voice was quiet but firm.
He took in a slow, deep breath. He didn’t want the conversation to end there, end on such a sour note. He couldn’t remember the last time an exchange between them had ended like that—there was always some layer of levity that they were walking away with. There was something in her eyes that was telling him he was going to have to accept that this battle was one he’d lost.
It might not be ending the way he wanted, but he could at least end it on a bearable note. “You okay getting home?”
She tried to let her lips curl into something like a smile, but it didn’t quite work. Still, she shook her head as she went to grab her purse and her keys from behind the counter. “I don’t need an escort, Officer. If that’s what you’re asking.”
His eyes were full of sympathy. “It’s just been a long day.”
She walked by him, motioning for him to follow her as she started to shut off all the lights in her shop. “They’re all long days.” She could feel him staring at her as they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Her back was to him as she locked the entrance to her shop. She gave herself an extra second before turning to face him again—she wished that the regret wasn’t so evident in his features. “I know it’s not good, whatever it is. So, just…” she shrugged helplessly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
“Get home safe, Franky,” she said, resting her hand on the outside of his arm for a moment before turning and walking down the block towards her car.
Mayans MC Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists!): @garbinge @darqchilddaydreamz @withmyteeth @justreblogginfics @cositapreciosa
@narcolini @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @fanfic-n-tabulous
#mayans mc#mayans mc fanfiction#mayansmc#mayans fx#ez reyes#ezekiel reyes#franky rogan#officer rogan#oc evangeline reyes#my writing#fanfiction#drabblesmc
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ohhhhh my gooooosshhhhhh. the pining on frankys side is just so damn good. but i am on the edge of my seaaaattttt. i am so curious how shes going to handle it with ez. also i need to mention, the callout of knowing that each of the club guys has had their fair share of things that earned them time in prison and the connection for Evangeline being like things similar to EZ, but seeing it all on paper… chefs kiss. it tells the story of who she is and how she views the club soooo beautifully. also happy is prob the last persons rap sheet you’d want to see anyways lmaoooo
loved this so much! love Evangeline 💖
Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
For @narcosfandomdiscord Book of Negative Spaces: Fanwork using a line from a diff show/movie as a prompt (i used: "let it rip" from The Bear)
Part of the Not My Brothers’ Keeper Universe
Warnings: 18+, language, light angst
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: i missed them! i just want them to chitty chat forever. i want franky rogan to be pining always.
Franky hadn’t had it in him to stop by her shop since their last run in. The days had gone by so quickly and yet now that he was sitting in the driver’s seat of his patrol car with the engine still running, every single one of the seconds that had passed since he last spoke to her seemed to cascade over him like a mountainous wave.
Reaching over, he grabbed the folder that was sitting on the passenger seat. He was busy enough as it was when he didn’t have favors looming over his head. This particular favor, though, and the person who was asking for it, made him keep a little busier than usual. He could’ve still tried to make the time to stop by, but it would’ve been hard to look her in the eyes when he didn’t have anything in the ways of answers or explanations. She was kind, and she would’ve given him that look that asked all the questions so she wouldn’t have to say them out loud. But they were questions that he still wouldn’t have answered, and then all the look in her eyes would convey was sadness. And he couldn’t be the reason for that again.
He had the answers now, though. Or, at least, he had answers that would get them to the next set of questions. He had no idea what any of it meant. As he flipped through the papers, he wondered if Ezekiel was even going to know what any of it meant. Franky knew that the right thing to do probably would’ve been to show EZ what he’d found since EZ was the one who had sent him looking for it in the first place. That would’ve been the right thing to do, but what Franky was doing now felt a hell of a lot better than being right and he was willing to settle for that. EZ wouldn’t even have to know.
Looking out the passenger window, Franky saw Evangeline’s car parked in the driveway—she always took Tuesday’s off. Or, at least, if she was doing work she was doing it from the comfort of her living room. He stayed seated as he gazed out across her lawn, across the deck that branched off from her house. He remembered when they’d bought the house. It had always seemed exactly like the kind of place that she would settle down in.
Before he thought about it too much more, he cut the ignition and pushed the door open with the ball of his foot. The walk up the driveway was a short one, and Franky easily jogged up the few steps onto her porch. Taking a breath, and skimming through the papers in his folder one last time, he reached forward and gave a few firm knocks on her door.
Despite knowing that she wouldn’t just instantaneously appear, each second that passed while he waited there had him looking around, trying to find ways to fill the time like it was hours he spent there instead of seconds. He was gearing up to knock again when he heard her voice coming from the other side of the door. She wasn’t speaking to him, but sheer force of habit had Franky leaning in to try and see how much he could hear of whatever conversation she was having without him.
“It was good to hear from you,” she said as she undid the locks on her front door. “Don’t be a stranger, alright?”
Franky couldn’t hear whoever was on the other end of the line, but he did see a few moments later when Evangeline briefly peeked from behind the thin curtains that covered the glass panels on her door. He did his best to offer a smile, one that at concealed at least some of his nerves in a convincing manner. He pretended not to see the shift in her expression when she saw him, the small smile that had been on her face taking on the weight of worry.
Pulling the door open, she stood in the space that she’d created. Leaning against the side of the door, she gave him a purposeful once-over. “Hey, Franky.”
It felt good to hear her say it. Felt good in that silly, almost stupid way it felt good when she would give him a smile and a wave when they were back in school, when she was just being nice to him because he was Ezekiel’s friend. The why of it all hadn’t mattered to him back then, seems like it didn’t matter a hell of a lot more to him now.
“Evangeline, hey,” he responded, relief in his voice that wouldn’t have made sense to anyone else but her. He glanced over his shoulder out of habit before focusing on her again. “You got a minute?”
She pinched her brows together, trying to figure out what he was there for without having to tread into the waters of that conversation with him. “It’s my only real day off, you know.”
He managed a weak smile. “I know. Wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t think I needed to.”
Part of her knew that she could drag it out if she wanted to. She could’ve kept him standing right there on her porch sweating it out for the rest of her day off if that’s what she felt like doing, and he would’ve let her with no real complaints. But she didn’t like how things had been since their last conversation anymore than he had, so she pulled the door open wider and motioned for him to step inside.
“Next time I’m going to make sure you have a warrant,” she said, a little bit of the levity back in her voice.
“Only thing I’m looking for here is you.” Franky should’ve wiped the smirk off his face when he said it but he didn’t have a chance in hell at that.
Walking deeper into the house, she motioned for him to sit at the table, one that would’ve been big enough for family dinners if her family had been into that sort of thing. It was in the perfect spot, catching all the sunshine that came in through the sliding glass doors that lead out into the rest of the porch. Franky watched as she went into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of glasses from the cupboard before getting the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge. He sat down, placing the folder on the table while somehow feeling like he should’ve been hiding it away even though it was half the reason he was there to see her.
“So,” she said as she filled both their glasses, “what’s going on?”
He knew the question was coming and yet he still felt flustered when she’d asked. All the words that he wanted to string together were jumbled in his head as he sat and watched her. Even when she was home, even on her days off when she didn’t think that anyone but her own reflection was going to get a look at her, she still looked beautiful. Denim shorts that were frayed along the bottom, an old t-shirt that she’d pulled apart and stitched back together to make something new out of it, a ponytail high enough up on her head that it swished with each step she took. Even if he’d come in with a clear and concise story to start with, she would’ve knocked him off-kilter anyway.
It was the sound of her setting the glasses down on the table in front of him that got him to snap back to attention. He blinked a couple times, dialing back in. Evangeline sat down in the chair next to him, studying him as she took a sip of her drink. She knew him well enough to know that she was going to have to ask again. There was comfort in those small consistencies.
“Are you getting someone into trouble or out of it?” she asked.
That got him to smile, even if there was a little bit of uncertainty in it. “I’m…not sure. Was hoping you might be able to help me figure it out.”
She nodded towards the folder. “State secrets in there or something?”
Franky knew that maybe it wasn’t the time for humor, but the two of them had a hard time escaping that. He allowed himself a small smile as he said, “Somethin’ like that.”
Reaching out, she pressed her fingertips onto the folder but didn’t try to pull it towards her. “This have anything to do with what EZ was talking to you about before?”
He nodded, not quite ready to let her take it from him yet. “Yeah. I’ve got…I don’t know, Evangeline. Doesn’t make any sense to me.”
She hummed in thought. “And you think it’s going to make sense to me? This very secret business that neither you nor my brother wanted to tell me about?”
He drummed his fingers on the folder. “This isn’t my busi—” he started and stopped, trying to figure out what exactly it was that he wanted to say. “Whatever this is doesn’t have anything to do with me. I just went digging. That’s,” he shook his head, “that’s all EZ asked me to do.”
She tilted her head. “He doesn’t know you’re here, does he?”
“Hell no,” he replied, laughing for the first time in what felt like a while.
She returned the favor with a genuine smile. Despite all of the mess and the tension, there was something about that that felt familiar, almost comforting. “Alright then, Officer Rogan.” She pulled her hand away, leaning back in her chair like she was giving him space for his next big trick. “Let it rip. I wanna see what kind of classified documents you’re bringing into my house.”
Franky had a smirk on his face as he shook his head, but he still pushed the folder in her direction to open. Once she pulled it the rest of the way towards her, he finally reached for the glass that she’d set in front of him. He took a sip, glancing around her house as he did. He could count on one hand with fingers left over how many times he’d actually been inside her house, past the threshold of the doorway. There usually wasn’t much of a reason for him to be. It felt warm, comfortable. It seemed like everything she touched was like that.
But when Franky looked back over at Evangeline’s face while she was flipping through the pages he’d brought, all the warmth was gone, her face almost pale as her eyes racing across every line that was typed out in front of her. He’d shown up hoping that, at the very least, it would ease some of the tension that had been lingering between them since he last saw her. Best case scenario, she’d tell him that this was all some wild goose chase on EZ’s part, or club things that she didn’t know anything about and wanted to keep it that way. Now, though, seeing the look in her eyes, he was wondering if he was creating a whole new slew of problems between them.
“Wh-why,” she cleared her throat, taking a sip of her drink before looking at Franky and trying again, “Why’d Ezekiel want you looking into this guy?”
“You know him?” Franky asked, dodging her question, feeling more like a cop than he usually did when he was sitting next to her.
She started to nod, and it dissolved into a shrug. “I don’t know him. I, I met him once.” She couldn’t peel her eyes away from the photograph in front of her. “Why was my brother asking you to look this guy up, Franky?”
He shook his head. “Didn’t say.”
“You didn’t ask?” The words came out sharper than she’d meant for them to. She caught it immediately, her expression softening as she shook her head. “Sorry. I just,” she held up the slip of paper that had Happy’s mugshot on it, “I sat next to this guy and had a beer with him.”
He was better at hiding his surprise with other people, but his eyes always said it all with her. “Jesus—”
“Is all this true?” she asked, shaking the seemingly endless list of crimes on his rap sheet. Evangeline was many things, but naïve had never been one of them. She knew that the types of men who found their way to clubs like the Mayans, or the Sons of Anarchy, had all done things. They had done things the same way EZ had done things that landed him in prison for all those years. She knew that, it weighed heavier on her chest than she ever liked to admit. But knowing it and having it all spelled out in black and white in front of her were two completely different things.
He wished that he could give her the answer that she wanted while also not telling her a lie. Knowing that those two things couldn’t coexist in that moment, he nodded. “Yeah. If anything they probably…” he trailed off, instantly wishing he hadn’t started expanding on his point, but he wasn’t going to be able to backpedal now, “probably missed a few things along the way.”
She set the paper back down, staring at it for a few seconds longer before shutting the folder. Even though there was nothing but a blank manila cover staring back at her, she was still picturing it all in her head. She tried to peel it all apart in her head, reorganize it in some way that would make sense to her. For a brief moment she wished that she could think the way that EZ always seemed to, not just with his flawless recall but the way that he could treat things like jigsaw puzzles, finding out how to perfectly fit them together to create just the picture that he was looking for. Franky had just given her someone’s entire life story and she had no idea what she was supposed to do with any of the information that she was now privy to.
Franky watched her, wishing not for the first time that he could read her mind. He could see the worry on her face, and the confusion. There was a tightness in her jaw that wasn’t usually there, her brows pinched together harshly, not in the focused way they would be when she was working. He was regretting that what had started off as a show of good faith was now turning into something else entirely.
He wanted to reach out and take her hand in his but he stopped himself. He kept his hands busy instead with taking the folder back, getting the feeling that it wasn’t something she had any interest in keeping even if he’d offered it to her.
“I ruined your day off, didn’t I?” he asked, just enough humor in his voice for her to know that he was doing his best with what he had.
It got her to smile, got her to look him in the eyes. “You? No, you didn’t. Your folder full of classified information? Maybe a little, yeah.” She slumped back in her chair. “I have no problem blaming my brother for that if you don’t, though.”
Franky chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Works for me.”
Reaching forward, Evangeline reached and grabbed her glass of iced tea. Taking a long drink from it, for a moment she wished that she had spiked it with something stronger. Cupping the glass in her two hands, she stared down into it for a moment before looking at Franky again.
“Talk to me about something else.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “What?”
“You came and played bad cop with all of that,” she motioned to the folder in front of him. “So now you need to play good cop and tell me something else.”
He laughed. “I don’t think that’s how good cop, bad cop works.”
She took another sip of her drink before setting the glass back on the table. Leaning forward, she propped her elbows on the tabletop and rested her chin in her hands. “Give me some good news anyway, Rookie.”
The answer was always going to be yes, or as close as he could get to it whenever she asked him for anything. Whatever she wanted to hear, he’d tell her. He’d always do that for her, but after he’d seen the look on her face just a few short minutes before, he was willing to say damn near anything.
“Lizzie asked about you the other day,” he said, smiling as he looked out the glass doors and then back at Evangeline again.
Her expression instantly warmed at the mention of her. “Yeah? How’d my name come up? Talking to your niece about me now?”
Franky laughed and shook his head, lying to himself that he didn’t feel warmth creeping up his neck towards his face. “Nah, alright, calm down with all that. She was the one asking.”
Her smile grew a little wider. “What was she asking about?”
“She’s got her quince comin’ up.”
Evangeline laughed, partially because she couldn’t believe how old his niece was already, but also because she knew how much of a to-do it was all going to be if Lizzie’s mother had any say in it at all. “Your brother must be so excited.”
Franky smiled and nodded. “He’s trying to pretend that it’s all her mom but,” he shot Evangeline a knowing look, “he’s not foolin’ me.” The two of them shared a laugh at that before he continued. “She’s gotta get her dress soon, and she was wondering if you’d do all the, you know,” he made a motion with his hands, like he was gesturing to a gown that wasn’t there.
Evangeline was almost doubled over with laughter. “Alterations?”
He laughed and nodded. “That, yeah.”
She playfully swatted at him. “Franky Rogan, how long have we been friends and you couldn’t remember the word for alterations? That’s,” she gestured around like she was at her store instead of her house, “that’s half my job!”
He held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry. That’s my bad.”
Her laughter quieted into a hum of amusement. “The answer is yes, though. I’d be happy to work on her dress once she picks one out.”
He nodded. “I’ll make sure to pass along the good news.”
The conversation tapered off into comfortable silence as the two of them continued to sit at her table. Franky was vaguely aware of the fact that he should probably leave, but he had no real desire to. It also didn’t seem like Evangeline was in any big rush to send him away. He was fine enjoying a good thing while it lasted.
Evangeline could feel Franky looking at her as she looked out the sliding glass door. She could see her porch, her lawn, Franky’s patrol car parked alongside the road at the edge of her yard. Her grass was longer than it should’ve been—if Felipe came over at any point within the next week he would get the lawn mover out of the shed and take care of it himself, chastising her the entire time he did. The mental image of it made her smile. Then she brought herself back inside to the reality she was in, with Franky Rogan sitting at her kitchen table with her.
She wished that she could sit there and pretend that this was just a social call, like all those other times when Franky would pop by the shop under the thinnest veils of excuses she’d ever heard. She enjoyed those, even though she liked to give him a bit of a hard time about it in the process. It almost felt like those times, but the folder on Happy Lowman was still resting on her table.
Franky could feel it, too, the little bit of tension left looming in the air. Different than how it’d felt last time he saw her, different even from how it’d felt when he had first shown up. This was the kind of tension that he couldn’t just make dissipate by apologizing—that would’ve been so much easier.
She walked him back to the door, not looking at the documents that were tucked underneath his arm. As she pulled the door open, she asked, “Are you gonna tell EZ that you stopped by here first?”
He stepped out onto the deck before turning around to face her again. He studied her expression for a moment. “You want me to?” When she shook her head in response, he asked, “You gonna talk to him about any of this?”
She nodded, pressing her forehead against the side of the door. “Eventually.”
He frowned. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “It’s…it is what it is, Franky.” She saw the way that he was going to try and apologize again, or try to come up with explanations that neither of them could really put too much stock in, so she beat him to the punch. “Call me when Lizzie wants to come by, alright? I’ll make sure my schedule is clear for her.”
He smiled. “Thank you.”
“Should be thanking you,” she joked as he started to backpedal away from her doorway, “since you’re out there talking me up and drumming up business.”
He laughed and shook his head as he turned around to continue walking away. “Bye, Evangeline!”
She was grinning in a way that he could hear in her words as she said, “Stay safe out there, Officer!”
(divider by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💞)
Mayans MC Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added to any of my taglists!): @darqchilddaydreamz @garbinge @justreblogginfics @withmyteeth @cositapreciosa
@narcolini @hausofmamadas @artemiseamoon @proceduralpassion @fanfic-n-tabulous
#mayans mc#mayansmc#mayans fx#mayans mc fanfiction#franky rogan#franky rogan fanfiction#oc evangeline#oc evangeline reyes
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LOVING these headers soooo much
Not My Brothers' Keeper
Angel Reyes & OC Evangeline Reyes & Ezekiel Reyes OC Evangeline Reyes x Franky Rogan
Fic list for the series under the cut!
- Interruptions
- Crunch Time
- Party Tricks
#mayans mc#mayans mc fanfiction#mayansmc#mayans fx#angel reyes#ez reyes#ezekiel reyes#franky rogan#officer rogan#oc eva#oc evangeline
19 notes
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This was so great! Absolutely loved it!
Angel Reyes & OC Evangeline Reyes & Ezekiel Reyes Franky Rogan x OC Evangeline Reyes
Warnings: 18+, pining, language, this really is just a fluffy little something
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: For my next trick! I will pull out of my bag of wonders a character that the show-runners seemed to have forgotten about but I sure didn't! 😂 Shout-out to Franky Rogan- I hope he's doing okay lmao. I'm not really planning on turning this into a multi-chap per se, but I do plan on just writing some snippets/one-shots that all exist in this universe. This is our first look into this au, but definitely not the last if I have anything to say about it 😂 Enjoy! xo
As far as Evangeline was concerned, there was no real reason for Angel and EZ to be in her shop. She’d told them as much about five minutes after they’d walked in and started causing more ruckus than she wanted to be dealing with. She tried to shoo them away, tried to get them to pop one more door down to go and bother their father instead, but they weren’t budging.
Angel was sitting on one of the chairs by the dressing room and EZ was standing off to the side of the sewing machine that she was currently using. Angel was gawking around at everything as though he didn’t stop by every week, and EZ was studying over her shoulder like he was thinking of becoming the next family seamstress. If the shop had belonged to anyone else, the two of them never would have bothered to set foot inside. Not to mention if the shop had belonged to anyone else, they would’ve barred the two of them from entry ages ago.
“I can feel your breath on my neck,” she said, sounding annoyed for a split second before she started laughing.
EZ chuckled, stepping back and instead starting to pace around the shop. “Sorry.”
“Vete—go be sorry somewhere else. You’re gonna scare people off before they even set foot in here.”
Angel shook his head dismissively. “C’mon, Eva. Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like…we’re like protection, you know?”
Head still angled down at the pantleg she was hemming, her eyes lifted just enough to look over at her brother. “What, you two in the mob now too? MC wasn’t enough?” She shook her head and looked back down at the garment draped over the machine. “Protection,” she mocked. “Who you guys gonna protect me from, anyway? The high school girls coming in for me to tailor their prom dresses?”
EZ laughed as he watched his two older siblings go back and forth. “I don’t know,” he chimed in. “Think those girls might have Angel out-gunned.”
He sucked his teeth. “Fuck both you guys.”
She finally leaned back in her chair, taking her foot completely off the sewing machine pedal. “If you’d left when I told you to, you wouldn’t have to be going through this.”
Angel was finally laughing with her and EZ. “Nah, you know if we never stopped by you’d—” He stopped mid-sentence and stood up from his chair when he saw a police patrol car pull up to the curb right in front of Evangeline’s shop. “What the fuck is this?”
Evangeline mirrored his actions, standing up and carefully draping the pants she’d been working on back over the hanger she’d took them off before she had company. The tailoring job for them was a quick one, or at least it would be once her brothers left and she could actually do her job. She ran her hands over the fabric of her own pants, smoothing them out before looking out the window to see whatever it was that had elicited that reaction from Angel.
She laughed when she saw the cop car parked out front. “Oh, good. Maybe someone will finally be able to make you leave. You think if I ask real nice they’ll give me a couple pairs of cuffs specifically for you two?”
EZ was smiling and shaking his head at his sister, but then when he saw that Franky was the officer getting out of the car, both he and Angel became way more amused than they were annoyed at the cops being there. “Oh,” EZ said with a nod, “yeah I’m pretty sure he’ll give you whatever you want.”
Angel was on the brink of cackling as he nudged his sister’s shoulder. “He’ll give you a pair of cuffs as long as you promise to use them on him just once.”
She rolled her eyes. “I can’t stand either of you sometimes. I hope he knocks your bikes over,” Evangeline muttered with a tiny smile as she moved away from her little brother and went back behind the desk where the cash register was.
There were only a couple seconds between Franky shutting the door to the patrol car and him walking into the small boutique that Evangeline owned, but it was long enough. Angel was sitting back down again, this time just in a different chair that was towards the front of the store. He was leaning back, practically sinking into the soft cushions of it. His legs were spread farther apart than necessary, one hand on one knee, his other on the arm of the chair that he was sitting in. Meanwhile EZ was standing behind his brother’s seat, hands holding onto the edges of his kutte—his default these days.
Evangeline was looking at both of them with a mildly amused look on her face. It looked like they were pulled right out of a movie or a cartoon—stereotypical goons trying to look tough and not quite hitting the mark but they didn’t realize it yet. Her attention shifted off them when the soft chimes above her door signaled Franky’s entry.
He stepped inside, immediately looking around and greeting her with a casual, “Hey, Evangeline,” as he did. He looked at Angel and EZ, seeing the image they were trying to put off and also not being overly convinced by it. When it was just the two of them separate from the rest of the club, they weren’t nearly as intimidating. It was hard to be scared of the same boys he went to school with. He’d known them long enough to know that whatever macho act they were putting on, really was just an act. They had the same look in their eyes that they did back then when they were about to cause trouble after school.
It didn’t take long at all for his gaze to land on Evangeline, the real and only reason he’d even pulled up to the shop at all. She was standing behind the counter, leaning forward onto it so that her elbows were propped onto the wood and her chin rested on top of her interlocked fingers. Her hair was pulled back out of her face, a convenience style when she was using the sewing machine, but there was one unruly lock that had managed to escape and it was hanging just enough to the side so that her face wasn’t obscured at all. She smiled at him, head tilting slightly as it rested in her hands.
He'd known Angel and EZ for most of his life, and it made it hard to find them intimidating these days. In the same vein, he’d known Evangeline for almost his whole life too. Only instead of that fact making her less intimidating, it almost made her more intimidating—it was a different kind of intimidating than her brothers were aiming for, but still. Sure, it’d been so long since high school, and they were all such different people now in a lot of ways, but sometimes when she was looking at him like that Franky still felt like he was the dorky kid in class who was a little in love with his friend’s older sister. They were older now and he was much less dramatic than the teenage version of him had been. In love was an overstatement these days of course. Not that the semantics of it all really mattered in moments like the one he was in.
“Something I can do for you, Officer Rogan?” she finally asked, proving one more time over that she was the only Reyes sibling who could address him as such without using any sarcasm.
He turned so that he was completely facing her, purposely ignoring the looks he was getting from her two younger brothers. He shook his head as he walked over to her, standing on the opposite side fo the counter from her. “No. Just making the rounds and thought I’d stop by.”
She hummed in amusement as she stood upright again. “Got it. Thought your ears might’ve been burning somewhere out there.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You talkin’ about me?”
She laughed and shrugged. “Was talking about getting someone to throw these two,” she nodded towards her brothers, “out of my shop. And then you rolled up.”
“Yeah,” Angel chimed in from where he was still sitting, “like an answer to all your prayers, right?”
Evangeline shot her brother a look. “An answer to one of them, at least.”
Franky turned and looked at Angel and EZ. “You know it’s bad when even your own sister is waiting for you two to get picked up.”
Angel stood up out of his chair. In two easy strides he put himself right in front of Franky. There was just enough of a height difference for Franky to have to tilt his head to look Angel directly in the eyes. It was something that would never stop amusing Angel in any close encounters the two of them had.
“I bet you’d be real happy to do that for her, huh, Officer?” he goaded.
Evangeline was standing, arms crossed over her chest as she shook her head at the two of them. EZ was watching her just as intently as he was watching his brother and Franky. The scene was amusing from every angle for different reasons. And, as much as he would’ve loved to see how far Angel was going to take things, he liked his sister too much to let it happen in the middle of her shop. It was one thing when they were at the clubhouse, or Vicky’s. But not here.
“C’mon, Angel,” EZ inserted himself into the conversation, “let’s go. Pop still needs help with the compressor anyway.”
Evangeline cut a small sigh of relief, flashing EZ the quickest of smiles to thank him. “Yeah,” she agreed, “go make yourselves useful somewhere. Por favor. I’m begging.”
She was half expecting Franky and Angel to crash shoulders as the two Reyes boys made their way to the door, but they didn’t. Franky did manage to get the last word in with them, though. Rebutting Angel’s, “Stay safe, Officer,” with an easy, “I’m sure I’ll see you two soon. With the lights and sirens on.”
The door chimed again to signal the two of them leaving. Through the glass windows that made up the storefront, she and Franky were able to watch as the two of them made their way next door to their father’s shop. They were both shaking their heads at the pair of brothers, but for very different reasons.
“Nice to see you boys all getting along still,” Evangeline joked once they were out of sight.
Franky laughed as he put his attention back on her again. “Saying that like I’m the one who started any of that.”
She shook her head as she made her way around so that they were both on the same side of the counter. She leaned back against it, crossing her arms once more out of habit. “That’s not what I said.”
He watched as she crossed one leg over the other, the bright silky fabric of her pants distracting for only a moment before his gaze traveled back up to her face. He saw her knowing smirk and he cleared his throat, hands resting on his belt as he looked down at the floor for a second before getting himself together again.
“They give all the cops that hard of a time? Or just me?”
She laughed. “No one has an easy time with those two…” she trailed off for a moment before continuing, “but yeah you get it a little worse.” She saw the incredulous look on his face and she couldn’t pretend that there wasn’t something endearing about it. “C’mon, Franky. I know you were all friends in school but, you know, they grew up and became members of a motorcycle club. And you grew up and became a narc.”
He laughed, placing one hand on his chest. “Ouch, damn.”
She shook her head as she laughed right along with him. “Their words, not mine.”
They shared another quiet laugh about it before the conversation hit a pause. The only noise in the shop was the music playing from the speakers scattered around, a playlist the Evangeline changed from day to day depending on the mood she was in. Franky looked down at the floor, then around the shop, and then back at the woman standing next to him. He didn’t know for sure but he was fairly certain that she’d been watching him the entire time.
“Talk to me, Rookie,” she said, gently nudging his shoulder with her own. “What’s going on?”
That got him to chuckle. “Evangeline, I told you, I haven’t been a rookie in—”
“Franky, I told you, it’s not gonna make me stop calling you that.” She smiled. “I remember when you were slugging your way through the academy, before they got stupid enough to give you a gun,” she joked. “You’re always gonna be a rookie to me.”
“Almost as hurtful as your brothers callin’ me a narc.” There was a brief pause and he cleared his throat. “I really was just checking in. I think they told me that something about this job has to do with protecting and serving or some shit like that.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I heard the rumors.” Reaching back, she took her hair out of the loose, messy ponytail that she’d thrown it into earlier in the day. She continued to speak as the long, loose waves of hair fell down around her shoulders. “I appreciate you checking in. I’m alright, though. All quiet on the strip.”
“’Til your brothers get here.”
She cracked a smile. “Yeah, ‘til my brothers get here.”
He stepped away from the counter and reached into his pocket for his keys. “I’ll let you get back to work then. Don’t wanna be another distraction.”
Her smile was warm as she shook her head at him. “Very considerate of you.”
He stepped backwards towards the door. “Call if you need anything.”
“911 still a good number to reach you at?”
He grinned. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
She was laughing, mostly to herself, as he turned and let himself back out of the shop. She watched as he went back to his patrol car, noticing how he shook his head at her brother’s bikes on the way. There was a split second when she thought she was going to get exactly what she’d asked for earlier, that he was going to knock them over. But of course he didn’t, not looking to kick up that kind of trouble.
By the time that EZ and Angel came back over to her shop, Evangeline had not only finished altering the pants that she’d been working on earlier when they’d stopped in, but also taken care of another pair in between customers filtering in and out. She considered it a successful day, and the shop wasn’t even closed yet. Judging by the looks on Angel and EZ’s faces, she wasn’t sure if they’d had the same amount of success she did.
“Compressor got you beat?” she asked.
Angel scoffed. “Fuck no. We fixed that shit.”
She looked over at EZ. “Did you really?”
He flashed a grin. “Limping it along until the new one comes in.”
Angel’s head dropped back and he let out a dramatic sigh. “Dude, what the fuck?” He ignored the way that they were both laughing as he focused on his sister again. “So, what’d Rent-A-Cop want, anyway? Y’know, besides your hand in marriage.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes. “He was just checking in.”
Angel scoffed. “Yeah, gotta make sure his precious Evangeline is all good over here.”
She tilted her head. “Why are you saying my name like that?”
Angel gestured to the curb even though Franky’s car was long gone. “That’s how he fuckin’ says it! Swear to God, ‘mana, I haven’t heard that guy refer to you as Eva since he was like, twelve.”
Evangeline laughed. “How dare he call me by my actual name.”
“You know what I mean,” he shot right back, attempting to sound more annoyed than he really was.
She tried to divert the conversation rather than going deeper down whatever rabbit-hole Angel was trying to drag them down. “Why are you guys still here, anyway? Don’t you have motorcycle business to attend to? Parties to throw, windows to smash, all that fun stuff.”
“Party’s tomorrow,” Angel replied with a shrug. “You should come through.” He nodded towards EZ. “Prospect is playing barback.”
Evangeline laughed and nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
The two of them hugged her, taking her gentle cue to get going. Angel pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Just don’t bring the narc as your plus-one.”
She laughed as she pushed him towards the door, but chose not to acknowledge his last comments. “Be careful out there.” She waited until the door to chime shut behind them before she muttered a quiet, “Pendejos,” to herself and got back to work.
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