gryffindorcs-blog · 7 years
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frtsq · 5 years
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“FRANK!” Alice yelled with the might of a tiny drunk person, because that’s exactly what she was. She’d drunk what seemed like a never ending supply of alcohol after her shift. She’d danced, she’d been able to make the best of a night that had otherwise given her a bad feeling. It was foolish, maybe, to allow herself this happiness -- this escape -- but she couldn’t help it. The current state of things was bleak, she was no optimist, but she knew she had keep going any way she could -- so she allowed herself this. “It’s so good to see you, I don’t mean to be a party pooper or anything but can we go home? I’m too drunk to apparate myself and I don’t trust myself to find a portkey. I need to check on Aster, too. I’m sure he’s fine but I just miss him. I miss a lot of things. I missed you.”
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alectoilsecarrow · 7 years
“Well, this is awkward…”
sitting on the kitchen floor, humming a tune, and overindulging in ice cream
“Oh, please,” Alecto scoffed out around the spoon hanging out of her mouth. Granted, this was a strange way to be found in the midst of a party, but she had an inkling Longbottom had no feet to stand on, so to speak. So what, she was hiding out in the kitchen, and had found a rather accommodating house elf willing to bring her the finest ice cream the house possessed. Something told her he was only in the kitchen to escape how awful it was himself, and so, he had no place to judge. Thus, with this justification, Alecto removed the spoon and dug it back into the carton with as much prim dignity as she could muster. 
“As if you’ve never done this yourself. Super therapeutic,” She said, scooping up another mouthful to gesture with in his direction. “And a wonderful way to pass the time before someone finds you and drags you back into the party.” Alecto popped it back into her mouth before doing a comic exaggeration of a look of surprise. “That’s not what you’re here to do, is it, Longbottom? I hope not. I’ll share the ice cream with you if you don’t tell anyone I’m in here.” The offer, out of character though it was, was all Alecto could think to do. The evening had her exhausted, and she had no energy with which to recall if he was even okay to talk to anymore. “I’ll even split it fifty-fifty if you know of a better place to hide.” 
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emmclines-archive · 7 years
@franklongbottcm  sent in  “Well, this is awkward…”
❝What, you've never attempted to better understand how something works by taking it apart and trying to put it all back, only to have it f a i l miserably?❞ It was a bit of a reach, but surely Frank had to know what she was going through at the moment. At least a little bit.
Her attention turned back to the items before her as she dropped a small piece back onto the table. She'd wanted to try and fix it sans magic. Now she just felt defeated. ❝I don't even remember how it's MEANT to look. D'you have anything to say that might help?❞
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licnesslily-blog · 8 years
Frank and Alice
Daydreamer - Adele
send me 🎶  + a ship for a song!
@alice-forts @franklongbottcm
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     IT WAS A CHALLENGE make the trip from Frank’s cozy couch to this movie night, but when he suggested they go this movie event -- filled with muggle movies and her precious movie popcorn -- Alice knew that ONE, Frank deserved to have her stop moping and crying on her couch & actually be his friend, and TWO, she needed to get her arse back in action. The world wouldn’t wait for her just because she couldn’t deal with her heart feeling broken. The world was slowly going to shit, and she needed to do something about it. So, she thought that while this movie night was a good way to unwind, it was also a good way to keep tabs ( and make new ones ) on people she need to keep an eye on. Especially seeing as this was an event hosted by The Ministry. 
Alice surveyed the crowd, taking in the pungent smell of popcorn, her arm that was wrapped around Frank’s ( he held her up, in more ways then one and today she needed the support -- her anxiety was heightened ) tugged in the direction of one of the vendors. “Longarse, can we PLEASE get some popcorn?? I only agreed to this for the popcorn, mate, you know that.”
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