#franklin foggy nelson
theatrekidenergy · 2 months
College Matt and Foggy having a hang out!
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Time taken: 33 minutes ^^
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espeletteghoul · 2 years
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DO NOT talk about what’s legal and illegal when it comes to Matt Murdock in front of Foggy Nelson, hope this helps
ID: An illustration of what’s inside of Foggy Nelson’s mind 24/7. Foggy is looking like he’s about to cry, eyes already tearing up thinking about Matt tilting his head all the time: when he’s confused, when he just woke up hungover, and when he’s activating his puppy eyes mode covered in nasty bruises just to prevent Foggy from exploding with wrath. End of ID.
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need so badly to smoke a joint with foggy nelson
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loonymeowny · 2 years
matthew and foggy have matching coffee mugs "objection overruled"
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from daredevil reborn (2011) #4
writter: Andy Diggle, artist: Davide Gianfelice
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hiitspath · 8 months
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Jesus Foggy went on I assume like two dates and he’s already to marry Karen??? Damn they move fast in the 60’s.
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Matt you were gonna propose too???
Man guys this love triangle has me firmly in my seat. I am anticipating which lawyer will propose to the girl just doing her job.
Daredevil #5
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daredevil-artwork · 2 years
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Foggy Nelson by AJ Lemon
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paanmoxi · 1 year
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thinking about them ☹️☹️
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certifiedgoofball · 5 months
something that i think is really funny about matt murdock is how obvious it is that he's daredevil, but since he's blind, no one suspects him. if he wasn't blind everyone would know by now. it's right in your face. even karen has her suspicions about matt but foggy claims matt is an alcoholic or something and karen goes along with it, because what else would it be? the blind attorney she works with is also the devil of hell's kitchen? that's bogus.
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lus-sav · 4 months
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And the curse ruled from the underground, down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
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lesbiandardevil · 1 year
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daredevil's pal
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deliriousbean · 9 months
It's a bit late but...
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Have a patented Nelson, Murdock, and Page new year's dance party
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foggy Nelson is so pretty actually
end of post
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nightblood · 7 months
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okay but can you imagine how much it sucked to be Foggy in S2 of Daredevil. like both of his besties are down bad for the fucking Punisher and no matter what he says or does they just think he's hotter
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plus-size-reader · 4 months
Matt's Stupid Mistake
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Foggy Nelson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2080 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Foggy finds out that their mutual best friend already knows Matt’s secret, even though he just found out himself.
Foggy was having a tough time.
The news of what Matt had really been doing all those times he’d called and gotten sent to voicemail wasn’t exactly easy to swallow. It was crazy that he was some kind of masked vigilante, and you weren’t here to argue that.
You knew that it was insane.
Honestly, you knew that better than anyone by this point.
It wasn’t like you were thrilled when you learned about it in the first place yourself. You hated that Matt did all that to himself and that he took so many unnecessary risks, but that was a bridge to be crossed another day.
Right now, you just wanted to see your two best friends talking again. It was driving you crazy that they were fighting, and you wanted it to stop.
Whatever you had to do, you were desperate.
The three of you hadn’t gone this long without spending time together since the last year of college and you didn’t exactly want to break that streak after so many years. Especially not because of some mistake.
“Fogs, I know you’re home. Let me in” you called, knocking on his apartment door over and over again, in what you knew was a desperate and likely futile attempt at getting him to open up.
You had been standing here for fifteen minutes without a peep from him, and at this point, you were having your doubts that he would ever open the door. Which, just wasn’t like him.
Foggy had never been the silent type, and you weren’t sure that he’d ever gone this long without talking in his entire life. He was a passionate person, he felt things very deeply, and when he got upset, he talked.
It just was who he was.
On every day except for this one, apparently.
In all the time that you’d known Foggy, he had never been this way with you. He always put you first and never iced you out, even on the rare occasions when he and Matt got into spats.
He always made time for you.
Still, it was becoming more and more apparent that this thing with Matt was weighing on him more than he wanted to admit. You understood that, and you weren’t here to blame him or ask him to forget it.
That was the last thing you wanted.
He was worried about his best friend, worried about one of the only people in the world who had been by his side and it was really affecting him.
“Come on Foggy, I just want to explain” you sighed, practically begging. You had deflated now, your forearm propped up against his door, your forehead resting against it.
You felt like dirt.
The last thing you wanted to do was hurt him. Not that telling Foggy that was going to lessen the sting of betrayal at all. In some ways, this was just as much your lie as Matt’s and you knew that but you couldn’t just leave it at that.
It wasn’t like you had intentionally kept this from him.
You hadn’t even meant to find out.
It happened in a situation not dissimilar to when Foggy had, though under vastly different circumstances. It wasn’t a day unlike any other, and you had no reason to think anything was going on. You were just dropping off some takeout.
That was it.
You had gotten dinner for yourself and on the way home you passed Matts’ apartment and decided to leave him with the leftovers. Foggy had always been a little better about taking breaks, going out with Karen to Josies, or ordering in when working late.
Matt didn’t.
If left to his own devices, he would just keep working on whatever case they’d taken on and only feed himself after the nagging in his stomach became too much to ignore.
That was it.
It wasn’t your fault that by simply using the spare key Matt had given you, and letting yourself into his pitch black apartment, you had blown open his biggest secret. Though, in your defense, you weren’t exactly expecting to find him bleeding out on the couch.
It was quite literally the last thing you could have hoped to see, but that was what happened.
Would Foggy have made a different call if he’d been in your place? You didn’t think so. Not to mention the fact that if he’d been keeping this secret all along, you would have done whatever you had to in order to protect him too.
That was just what you did for each other, even though it had gotten out of hand this time.
It wasn’t like Matt was completely guilty in this either if you were being honest. He was arrogant and misguided, sure, but his heart was in the right place. He wasn’t trying to hurt Foggy either.
You just hoped you could try to make him understand.
That was why you’d come here, after all.
You hoped it would be a little easier to swallow coming from someone who wasn’t Matt. This had been hard for you too, from the moment you found out, the secret had just been eating you up.
Now that someone else knew, you wanted to explain.
You wanted to talk about it.
The whole thing was so important to Matt that you couldn’t be honest about how genuinely frustrating and taxing it was for you. How nerve-wracking it was to be caught between one best friend in constant danger and lying to the other.
It was awful, but this was the thing you dreaded the most. Every day, all you could think about was how much you wanted to tell Foggy and how much it was going to hurt him when he inevitably found it.
…but your hands were tied, weren’t they?
You just had to hope that he would understand if he ever gave you a chance to talk to him about it. Which, as the minutes continued to tick by with no word from him, you doubted would ever come.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought about it every day, but it wasn’t exactly my secret to tell” you huffed, giving up almost entirely, your voice nothing more than a faint expelling of air now.
It was no use.
Foggy was mad, he was hurt, and there was nothing you could do to change that. What had happened was really unfortunate, and it was far from how Matt would have wanted him to find out, but again, it was out of your hands.
There was very little you could do about any of it without somehow betraying one of them, and you made the best call you could knowing that.
On one hand, if you kept Matt’s secret, you were knowingly deceiving Foggy and the lies were bound to pile up. However, on the other hand, if you spilled Matt’s secret and the wrong people got ahold of it, there was no telling what could happen.
So, you made a call. Maybe it was the wrong one, but you couldn’t have known that before.
For better or worse, this was just what it was now.
“Okay well, you know where to find me if you want to talk” you finally decided, resigning yourself to accepting his silence. Clearly, if Foggy felt like talking about it, he would have done it by now.
You had nearly given up when you heard the soft sound of the latch on the other side of the door click out of its place.
It wasn’t much but it meant that at least Foggy had been listening to you. He’d heard what you said and that was more than you could have hoped for leading up to this moment.
It was probably more than you deserved.
He should have hated you for keeping something like this from him, for lying to him and potentially putting yourself in danger for Matt, but Foggy wasn’t irrational. He understood that you didn’t really have a choice.
Matt’s secret wasn’t one that you could have shared, because it wasn’t yours. If anything, he was just glad that the other man had someone who knew the truth, even though he didn’t.
“How long have you known?” he asked weakly, the door hardly even open before he started to speak. It wasn’t something you were prepared to answer right off the bat, but luckily, Foggy was in no mood to split hairs.
He didn’t seem to want exact details or long-winded, complicated answers. He just wanted to know the truth and he wanted you to be the one to tell him.
“I don’t know. A couple of months” you guessed, if you were being honest, it could have been years by now and it wouldn’t matter. It felt like time had been slipping through your fingers here lately.
Since you learned the truth about what happened in Hell’s Kitchen after dark.
Foggy considered that for a few moments, mulling over the implications of that. That you had been lying to him every day for months and never once felt the need to give him any clue as to what was going on.
That you had potentially been putting yourself in danger and he didn’t know. That Matt had been putting you in danger in the first place.
“I never wanted to hurt you”
There was an earnestness in your voice that made Foggy’s heart clench, but he couldn’t rightly let you know that. Not until he knew exactly how much had been going on without his knowing, and just how deep you and Matty were into this.
Foggy just looked at you for a second, taking in your disheveled appearance and clear distress before ultimately loosening up a little.
He was still pissed, of course, but it wasn’t right for him to make you pay the price for Matt’s stupid mistake.
“Come in” he prompted, swinging the door wide, only catching it just short of it slamming into the wall opposite.
There was a softness in the suggestion, an admission of sorts, that let you know that the two of you would be okay eventually. Right now, you weren’t sure what the future looked like, and for the first time in a long time, you weren’t sure if Matty would be a part of it.
…but if nothing else, you knew that you had Foggy.
“I’m so sorry Fogs” you hummed, your voice almost entirely muffled by the fabric of his hoodie as you hugged him.
He knew.
Of course he knew, but ultimately this was about so much more than a lie. This was about you, and him, and Matt. This was about what you had chosen to do, and what your friend had been doing all this time without considering how it would affect everyone else.
This was about how Foggy felt about the two of you, and how far he’d have been willing to go for either of you if it came to that.
How did Foggy feel about you? In this moment, holding you in his arms like his life depended on it, he felt like he knew but like everything else, that was too complicated.
It always had been.
“I’m sorry too, for getting upset with you” he muttered, finally cooling down enough to realize why blaming you had been such a bad idea in the first place.
None of this was your fault. You had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time and if he’d been in your place or you’d had a secret you needed him to keep, he would have done it in a heartbeat.
You just nodded in reply, not pulling away from him, even though you were sure that this would be quite the sight for his neighbors if they happened to come home now.
You both stayed like that for a while, trying to figure out what more there was to say. It felt like there was so much more, and the issue was far from resolved, but every time you went to speak, you came up empty.
What words could say more than you already knew? What could ever even come close to smoothing something like this over?
You had no idea.
All you knew right now was that Matt has some major explaining to do, and as much as you loved him, today was the day you’d have to stop covering for him.
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daredevil-artwork · 1 year
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Foggy Nelson by fedde
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