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ecnmatic · 1 year ago
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HALLOWEEN ENDS (2022) dir. David Gordon Green.
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drytacomeat · 1 year ago
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𝐀 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
My first series begins! It was actually inspired by a random prompt generator. I plan to make it 3 parts, and probably have smut. Sorry the header is ugly kinda. I’ll work on that.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Plus Size Black! Reader
Synopsis: Steve is suddenly unarmored by Y/n, and he is determined to get her to give him a chance.
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You couldn’t say you were one of them yourself, but today you did have ulterior motives. You actually needed to study for the third history exam this week. Your teacher was insane to be quite frank.
Despite that, the library was pretty packed with buzzing and gossiping girls. It was sweet you thought.
They didn’t really think the same about you, that was common knowledge.
You were about the only girl here who did not wear cute skirts and flattering sweaters. There also were not many bigger girls at this school. Layering being black, fat, and not your average styled girl was a recipe for being an outcast.
You tried your best though, and you figured the people that truly mattered around here liked you. You were a good person who did good things. You also gave discounts to any parents who had kids also in high school for your babysitting services.
Some of those parents really needed to be cut some slack, and their kids would come to you for thanks. You’d built quite the reputation, so, no, you weren’t bothered much despite odds being against you in little Hawkins.
You weren’t noticed much either though, at least not until this beautiful Spring day that you decided to sit by the window of the library so you could watch the surroundings.
“Hey, do you work here by any chance?” Steve Harrington asked you with a look of desperation. He completely yanked you out of your own daydream.
You couldn’t help but scrunch your face because what the actual fuck?
“No, I’m a student here…we have been in school together since kindergarten. I’m in the same history class as you,” you shook your head and looked back down to your book. You wished you would have took the extra 2 minutes to look for your Walkman this morning.
“Oh, I‘ve—um—never seen you around here before,” his eyebrows shot up and his lips curled inwards like he was actually trying to think.
“Probably just weren’t looking for me,” you responded lowly.
He just shrugged.
“Well, you’re the only one over here, so maybe you could help me out?” he somewhat smiled.
“Depends on what you need “King Steve”,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Don’t—whatever. Can you just tell me where the history books are?”
You pointed towards the back of the library, and to your luck, he didn’t ask for more. He would have to search more, but by the time he would come back to the table for further instruction, you would be gone.
You quickly grabbed your items and walked away. So much for studying.
As you began to make it near the library exit, you questioned as to how he could just not know you? The school was not big enough for that honestly. You didn’t necessarily stick out aside from the obvious because you were relatively but still.
Now, you were usually never one to go by rumors as you had heard so many about yourself that were just blatant lies, but there were a lot about Steve. Some of those rumors were even proven to be true by one of your closest friends who happened to actually date him, Nancy Wheeler. Still, maybe “King Steve” was just all caught up in his mousse slicked head. Maybe he was just an asshole.
Just as you walked out the double doors, you bumped into dickhead Tommy Hagen and his girl, Carol.
“Watch where you’re going fat-ass,” he spat, and Carol threw her shoulder in such a bitchy way that it made you inwardly cringe.
As usual, you did not respond. You just went on about your day.
Steve had been racking his mind that whole day. How could he not have known you? If you had been in school together since kindergarten, there was no way he just could not know you. You weren’t just the typical Indy girl. No, you dressed differently, and in his opinion, you looked quite different, as well. Not that he saw anything wrong with that.
He had seen your interaction with Tommy and Carol that day and cringed a little himself. You had definitely been a target of the two at least once before then, so that made him really wonder as to how he never noticed you before. Well, he never really noticed any of the people Tommy and Carol bothered because they bothered everybody really.
He tried not to think of it too much really. Him getting his ass handed to him almost every time he fought could be to blame for this memory clog.
It’s just that after that moment, he started to see you everywhere now.
He saw you in the cafeteria, in the school parking lot, at the vending machine, at the water fountains immediately after lunch. He saw you walk into your classes (he could probably wring your schedule out if he tried hard enough now), and he even saw you in the gym after school. He didn’t think you played any sports. Not necessarily because of how you looked, but because other people knew how you looked. There was no doubt you would experience mistreatment, unless you were absolutely perfect at whatever you did.
He had been seeing you so much the past two weeks. He would think you were doing it on purpose, but you seemed to show no interest in him when he asked for help in the library. He also only saw you doing absolutely normal things around school as well and not paying attention to him whatsoever.
Over the time, he started to take notice to your wardrobe. You never wore bright colors. Every color you wore was muted and…dull. You also never wore skirts. Ever. It was spring, and you wore no skirts. What kind of Hawkins girl are you? He figured you accessorized well enough, even though he knew nothing about that sort of thing.
He always found his eyes on you all of a sudden, and he didn’t know why. You were nothing like any girl he was ever involved with.
If he hadn’t agreed to taking this scrunchy little kid to his little middle school dance, he might have gotten over this abrupt infatuation sooner than later.
“Sorry, Steve. I left my bike here earlier because my mom picked me up, and I just don’t want it to get stolen or anything,” Dustin explained as they both pulled into the Wheeler residence.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not too out of the way,” Steve shrugged.
Dustin quickly scrambled out of the car to go after his bike.
As someone made their way out of the front door, he averted his attention from the boy.
It…it was you! What the actual fuck were you doing here? And you had on a dress! It was a little maroon number with black lace trimmings around it. He had never seen any girl wear a dress like that, but then again, he didn’t pay attention to what they were wearing for too long.
You had your hair done up into some sort of braids that he was sure you did not have in earlier, and you had on makeup. Simple look, but makeup nonetheless.
You looked really fucking pretty, and Steve was losing his mind.
Steve’s eyes lingered maybe a little longer than they should have until Dustin jumped back into the car.
“Sorry that took so long. Come on, Steve. You have to floor it because I cannot be late!” Dustin panicked.
Steve nodded and reversed the car, still looking in your direction. Nancy was following behind you now.
No way. Were you friends with Nancy this whole time?
You were absolutely confusing his mind.
He emptied his head as he watched Dustin enter the gym after near drowning himself in cologne.
Steve could not believe that he was here in this moment. Driving a little scraggly kid around and actually enjoying it. He was really starting to grow fond of the little guy. A lot of things in his life was just starting to scramble around.
The day after those kids’ little dance, Dustin was absolutely talking Steve’s ear off.
“—and then this girl danced with me!” Dustin spoke causing Steve to completely zone in.
“What? A girl danced with you, Henderson?” Steve’s eyebrows raised, “I told you man!”
Dustin cheesed widely.
“Yeah, she was-actually you might know her! She’s in high school!” he faced Steve excitedly.
“High school?” Steve now raised his brows more.
“Yes! High school, Steve! She babysits for the Wheeler’s so I kind of know her, but that does not change the fact that I looked like the coolest motherfucker there!” he yelled.
“Hey, watch it,” Steve said, sternly eying the boy. Dustin just sat there staring Steve down for a second before they both burst out laughing.
“Okay, well, there’s a lot of girls in high school, Henderson. What’s she look like?” Steve asked.
“Uhm, probably a few inches shorter than you. She’s…well…she’s black, and she’s just really pretty. She had her hair in these braids and stuff,” he rambled while moving around more before he accidentally spilled his can of soda.
“Aw, fuck, Henderson!” Steve yelled quickly reaching down to grab the can.
“Sorry,” Dustin cowered.
Steve just threw down some napkins he so conveniently had on his dashboard into the mess. He made sure to floor it too.
“Sorry about your car, Steve,” Dustin frowned as they pulled up to his house now, “I get my allowance on Monday! I can help pay for cleaning or something maybe.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Steve rolled his eyes and shooed Dustin sassily.
Dustin hopped out quickly, and Steve was about to drive off until he recalled the conversation he had before this. He wanted to know what high school girl now got the privilege of being the middle school gossip topic for the next week or so.
“Henderson!” he yelled out, “What was the name of that girl that graced you with a little dance?”
“Oh! Uh, Y/n!”
Steve actually scraped his brain that entire weekend. He did not know anyone who went by the name Y/n, but it had sounded familiar.
He felt like his mind was actually leaving him at this point.
That next day at school, Steve had been watching you the whole day, yet again. You were always just around, and nothing was clicking in his poor little mind.
As he noticed you more, he noticed that everyone seemed to know you. You interacted with a huge variety of people. Despite your size, which is something most of the kids here are super petty and judgmental about, no one ever really bothered you, except for Tommy and Carol.
He found that strange.
Speaking of, he sat in the school cafeteria berating Tommy about not eating his meatloaf and how he should’ve gave it to him.
Once he looked away from his tray, he noticed you were standing in front of his table, running a conversation with the cheerleaders. You talked to them effortlessly, and it looked as if you all were friends.
He couldn’t help but berate himself for having the mentality that it’s a shock people treat you kindly.
As he sulked on his poor judgement. Carol stood up and apparently bumped into you. You quickly turned around to apologize as she was turning around as well.
This caused you to drop the vanilla pudding cup in your hand to the floor. Steve’s brows jumped as he inspected the situation.
You were frantically apologizing as Carol was dramatically gasping.
“You bitch!” she yelled and notified the entire cafeteria. Everyone’s attention was on you now, and you were cringing. So was Steve. This wasn’t unusual of Carol. She was a real piece of work.
What was unusual, though, was that Carol raised her hand to you and slapped you right across the face.
Carol was usually all bark, no bite. Steve’s jaw dropped, and Hagen had a big grin on his face. He looked over at his “friend” and scoffed. His eyes went back to you, and you seemed as though you just processed the slap as your hand went up to your cheek. Carol turned back to look at Hagen who was still grinning widely. Almost as if he was…proud of Carol.
You scoffed and reached down to pick the pudding up off of the floor. Steve figured you would just walk away, but you dipped your hand into the pudding. Carol was taken off guard when you smeared your pudding soaked hand across the top of her red hair.
Steve couldn’t help but crack a smile as you flung the pudding from your hand as Carol looked distraught.
His eyes caught yours for a split second. His face ran a little hot, and he quickly looked down. You had quite the balls.
Everybody knew Carol was a piece of shit, but nobody ever did anything about it.
“I’ll kill you, Y/n!” Carol yelled as Tommy came to her aid quickly with a napkin.
You stormed out of the cafeteria as Tommy was trying to help Carol. She was only slapping his hand away and running off in a different direction.
Meanwhile, Steve’s eyes were bulging out of his head. You were Y/n! It was all clicking now, and Steve was cursing himself for being such a dumbass.
You were the girl to dance with Dustin. The girl he could not stop talking about. Hell, after hearing all the great things Dustin said about you, Steve even started to like you a little bit, not even knowing it was you.
Now that he put a name to face, he couldn’t help but like you a little bit more. He knew nothing about you, though.
He would have to change that.
Steve was pulling Henderson up to the Wheeler’s house. They were supposed to be playing their little nerd game that had absolutely too much going on to even possibly be fun. Dustin was bouncing in his seat from excitement.
“And then, they are going to let me be dungeon master this time, Steve! Don’t tell him, but Will is a master hog,” Dustin rolled his eyes.
Steve tried to look interested, he really did.
“Yeah, well, good luck Henderson,” Steve granted him a smile as Dustin was about to hop out of the car.
“Oh! One more thing, can you, uh, ask Nancy where this…Y/n may happen to stay?”
Dustin’s face puzzled before he looked around. Steve had pleading eyes, kind of hoping he wouldn’t ask any questions. He knew how this must’ve sounded.
“Oh! You know Y/n!” he bounced a little, “Man, you’re so cool, Steve.”
Steve only raised his eyebrows at the boy. Dustin nodded and ran on off into the Wheeler house.
Steve was about to back out of the driveway until he saw Nancy’s small frame dashing out of the house. She was walking with such intensity that her hair was rising inches from her shoulders before cascading back down.
Steve couldn’t help but roll his eyes and sigh. Fucking Henderson.
Steve rolled his window down and tried to put on his best fake smile. He was nervous because he knew Nancy was probably some type of upset.
“Steve! Why are you having a little boy ask me about Y/n?” Nancy said in an accusingly way, even if she wasn’t technically accusing Steve of anything yet.
“I just…I-I needed to ask her something,” he tried to say coolly and shrugged. “I don’t see why it’s, um, any of your business.”
She gave Steve the must incredulous look.
“Steve, c’mon. Seeing as you are my ex and she is my friend, it is very much my business!” she declared.
Steve shrugged nervously. Nancy could only sigh.
“You don’t have a good track record with girls, Steve. If you’re trying to play some game with
Y/n, I promise you that I am not letting that happen,” Nancy shrugged and crossed her arms.
Steve couldn’t help but admire her carefulness.
“Look, I watched her get bitch-slapped by Carol. I wanted to apologize for the situation,” he said after letting out a breath.
“You never have tried to apologize to anybody Hagen and Carol have taunted before, except for Jonathan,” she sighed. Steve couldn’t help but cringe at the name. He was over the situation, but reminders of it still made his heart murmur.
“She also danced with Dustin. He’s like obsessed with her. I just want to do a nice gesture for the girl. You have to believe me,” Steve pressed.
“You don’t know her.”
“Hoping to change that,” he half smiled.
Nancy stared at him intensely, perhaps scanning his face, before her eyes softened.
“Fine, I’ll tell you where she stays, but you have to bring me with you when you decide to go. That’s my rule, and I will not break it,” she uncrossed her arms and pointed at Steve.
He nodded slowly. She turned away and stormed back off into their house.
Steve let out a breath he had not known he was holding. That was fucking intense.
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First part! To be honest, I am not sure if this will be correct because I wrote it in another place and transferred it because Tumblr is very hard to write in. Let me know if it looks like there are any gaps and feedback/ requests are welcomed.
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jazzworldquest-blog · 6 years ago
USA: Jazz Takes The Stage With Swinging Versions Of Classic Show Tunes On Putumayo's Broadway Jazz
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Contact: Adam Sullivan
Web: www.Putumayo.com
Putumayo continues the celebration of its 25th anniversary with Broadway Jazz, featuring swinging jazz covers of beloved show tunes. The company began the year with New Orleans Party in May, 2018, honoring its current home in the Crescent City. Putumayo now celebrates New York City, another important music center and its original home in 1993. The album is set for release on January 25, 2019 and will be available on CD, digital download and streaming on Apple Music.
  Broadway Jazz explores the deep and storied history of musical theater and jazz and their intertwined relationship that dates back to the early 1900s. Since its inception, jazz has been seeping into Broadway shows. The influences went the other way as well, as songs written for Broadway quickly became adopted by jazz musicians as standards. That trend continued over the years, and the list of Broadway songs that have been interpreted by jazz musicians could fill a book.
  Broadway Jazz opens with Kermit Ruffins’ New Orleans-style take on “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” a song that owes a big part of its success to another Crescent City trumpet player, Louis Armstrong. Act 2 of our musical revue highlights the silky vocal stylings of Maxine Sullivan performing Duke Ellington’s “I Got It Bad, and That Ain’t Good.” Blues legend Jimmy “T-99” Nelson reminds us that life is a “Cabaret” with his smooth performance of the title track from one of Broadway’s most successful musicals.
  Jazz saxophone legend Coleman Hawkins keeps the show going with “Make Someone Happy” from the musical Do Re Mi. Canadian jazz singer Emilie-Claire Barlow offers a playful version of the Frank Sinatra classic “You Make Me Feel So Young,” a song that lived a long life before it finally made it to Broadway in Twyla Tharp’s Sinatra revue Come Fly Away.
  Though its Broadway run was short lived, Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s The Threepenny Opera gave birth to one of the most recognizable jazz tunes in history (thanks to Louis Armstrong and Bobby Darin’s famed renditions). Another great trumpeter and singer, Leroy Jones, gives his own New Orleans-style twist on “Mack the Knife.” This is followed by the classic Broadway tune, “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man,” from Show Boat, performed by Tony-nominated singer and actress Bertice Reading.
  Legendary saxophone player Sonny Rollins delivers a moving instrumental version of a classic with his 1957 version of “I’ve Grown Accustomed To Your Face” from My Fair Lady. Our night at the theater concludes with a double-header from the late, great Peggy Lee who sings two classics from Oklahoma, “People Will Say We’re In Love” and the closer, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.”
  Putumayo’s Broadway Jazz brings together the beautiful melodies of musical theater and the coolness of jazz for a beguiling collection. Broadway and jazz music’s shared history and longtime reciprocal relationship make for a perfect musical partnership. For more information or to interview Putumayo founder and music compiler Dan Storper, please contact Adam Sullivan at [email protected].
    julia thomas
  via Blogger http://bit.ly/2W6SXI2
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ecnmatic · 1 year ago
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HALLOWEEN ENDS (2022) dir. David Gordon Green.
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