#frank destorying things
rubbish78 · 2 years
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My Chemical Romance all sharing one brain cell while performing live at iMusicast on 05/23/2003 (x)
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annabeth707 · 3 years
@girl-ghostly I couldn't find a only Harry Potter fanfic so instead I'm posting this Percy Jackson-Harry Potter crossover. If I find and post anymore Harry Potter fanfics I'll make sure to tag you in them.
In this fanfic the seven plus Lou Ellen are sent by a prophecy to Hogwarts. Also in this universe pretty much all of the Harry Potter characters that died are alive and Harry, Ron, and Hermione have returned for their 7th year.
Chapter One
Annabeth's POV
    Percy and I were playing 2 v 2 volleyball against Rachel and Lou Ellen, when suddenly Rachel fell into her all too familiar trance.
    "Lou," Percy said. "Go get Chiron."
She nodded and ran off. Lou got back with Chiron, just as Rachel began to speak.
    "The seven half-bloods will once again unite, this time one more shall join their rank.
A world of magic they will explore, making friends or enemies will be frank.
An enemy risen from the grave, seeks to destory.
Teaming up is the only hope or else there will be no joy."
The green mist around Rachel disappeared and she started to fall, but Percy and I caught her.
    "This calls for a meeting," Chiron says.
    "Percy and I will go grab the other councilors and meet you in the rec room," I say.
     "Very well," Chiron replies. And after making sure Rachel is okay,  Percy and I start the rounds.
    About 20 minutes later, Percy and I enter the rec room. We take seats next to each other around the ping pong table. And as for it seems the first time the table isn't pure chaos, the only is the Stolls seeing how much Cheez Whiz they could put in Clovis' mouth before he wakes up.
    "So, what's the prophecy this time?" Clarisse asks.
    "Annabeth will you please recite it?" Chiron asks me.
    "Sure," I say standing up. "The seven half-bloods will once again unite, this time one more will join their rank. A world of magic they will explore, making friends or enemies will be rank. An enemy risen from the grave, seeks to destory. Teaming up is the only hope, or else there will be no joy." I recite then I sit back down.
    "Well, obviously the 7 are Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Piper, and Jason." Miranda says.
    "Then who is the other going to be?" Piper and Jason ask at the same time.
    "I'll go," Lou Ellen says. Everyone turns to look at her. "What she asks? It mentions magic, and that's right up my alley."
    "Well," Chiron says. "I'll go make a few Iris Messages and those involved meet back here tomorrow morning." We nod.
    That night the nightmares came tonight's were some of the worst, because they included Percy dying. I awoke from the nightmares to Percy in my cabin, with his arms wrapped around me and comforting me with his words. We stayed cuddled up like that for the rest of the night. The next morning, I awoke to find Percy already awake and holding a scroll of paper.
    "What is that?" I ask him. He looks over at me.
    "No idea it was here when I woke up." I grab it from him and I open it to find it's written in ancient greek.
    "It's from Hecate," I say.
    "We better go meet up with the others, we can read it on the way." Percy says. I nod. Percy heads back to his cabin to change as, I change myself. I grab my bag which I had packed the night before, and I meet up with Percy as we make our way to the Big House.
    "Annabeth," Chiron says to me.
    "Yeah?" I respond.
    "Hecate said she sent a letter to you, will you read it aloud to us?" He asks.
    "Sure," I reply as I pull it out and I start to read.
Chapter 2
Percy's POV
    "Dear demigods, I've been informed that you are going on a quest that involves witches and wizards. You see long ago I gave magic to a few mortals, those were the first wizards and witches, since then their population has grown immensely, and they have wizarding schools all over the globe, for this specific quest you are heading to Hogwarts in Scotland. These witches and wizards have recently ended a war of their own. It was against an evil wizard who was known as Lord
Voldemort and his followers which were known as Deatheaters. At Hogwarts, the students are split into houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin, the students are sorted into each house by their personality. Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart, Slytherins are ambitious, and Hufflepuffs are basically everyone who don't fit into the other categories. At the school only the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, has been informed of your parentage. A muggle is a person without magic. There are also 3 types of wizards, pure bloods, half bloods, and muggle borns, if you are asked reply with half blood. Your cover story is that you are transfer students from America that are spending their final year at Hogwarts. I have granted each of you with magic that can be used through a wand. Once you get to England go to the Leaky Cauldron on Charing  Cross Road in London. Once, inside ask the bar tender for help to get into Diagon Alley, and he will help you. Once, you will need to go to Gringotts Bank which is run by goblins show attached note and they will take you to your vaults which have been supplied with wizarding money once that you all will need the supplies listed at the bottom of the paper. Good luck, Hecate."
    "Wow," I say.
    "How are we getting there, and what about Hazel and Frank?" Piper asks.
    "We have arranged magic transporting to Charing Cross and the others will meet you there." Chiron replies. "Now if you will all stand here." Chiron says motion to right in front of him. Leo kisses Calypso good bye as he moves to in front of Chiron and the rest of us join him. "Ready." Chiron says. And Lou Ellen, Leo, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, and I vanish.
Chapter 3
Leo's POV
    We appeared on a cement side walk outside of an old bookshop. I looked to my left to see that like Chiron has said Hazel and Frank were now with us.
    "Hey, Frank. Hi, Hazel." I say.
    "Good to see all of you again," Hazel says to the group.
    "We can talk later," Annabeth says. "Can we just focus on finding the Leaky Cauldron?"
    "It's over there," Percy says pointing a few shops down. We make our way there and we make our way in. The pub is dimly lit and full of people in robes and hats. We walk up to the bartender.
    "Can you help us get into Diagon Alley?" Piper asks him.
    "You must be the transfers from America, I was told about, follow me." He replies. He leads us out into a small courtyard and taps a brick with his wand, the bricks move around to reveal a door way.
    "There you go," He says.
    " Thanks," Jason says.
    " By the way my name is Tom," the bartender says.
    "Thanks, Tom," Annabeth says and we walk through the archway into Diagon Alley.
Chapter 4
Annabeth's POV
We walked down through Diagon Alley to a large white building at the end. As we entered Gringotts I couldn't help but notice all the vaulted ceilings, and doorways it was really cool and it made me really want to start sketching. We walked up to a goblin at the end of the hallway.
"Indenfication?" He asks. And I hand him the note Hecate gave me.
"Very well, follow me," the goblin says. He holds the note out to me and I take it back then he leads us down a hallway to a railway. He calls another cart and we climb into them. Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Frank in the one in the front and Percy, Leo, Lou Ellen, and I in the cart in the back. We arrive at vault number 213. We climb out of the carts. The door of the vault has 8 locks on it.
"According to the note each lock will open when we say something we have given up for someone we love.
"I'll go first," Percy says. "I gave up becoming a god for Annabeth."
"I gave up learning magic from CC for Percy." I say.
"I gave up being praetor, so that we could close the doors," Jason says looking around at all of us.
"I gave up my safety to save my dad," Piper replies.
"My life to stop her from awakening back in 1942," Hazel says.
"Being a good daughter, I gave it up so, I could train and so I could protect camp," Lou Ellen says. The locks on the door had clicked open as each person said their thing. The vault door opened to reveal gold, silver, and bronze coins.
"Protection, I gave it up to give protection to others," Frank says.
"The Argo 2," Leo says.
"The gold ones are galleons, the silver sickles and the bronze knuts, and remember there are 29 knuts in a sickle and 27 sickles in a galleon," the goblin told us. After, we each collected a reasonable amount of money we, climbed back in the carts and we left the bank.
Chapter 5
Percy's POV
We got out of the bank and we got our supplies. After, collecting the main things we head to Ollivanders for wands. "Hello," an old man says as we enter.
"You must be Ollivander," Lou Ellen says.
"That's me," He replies. "Getting new wands?" He asks us.
"Yep," Annabeth says quickly.
"Many others have too," he said. "Now who's first?"
"I guess I'll go," Hazel replies stepping forward.
"Let's see, try this one, hazel wood, 10 1/2 inches, unicorn tail, slightly flexible," he says handing it to her she waves it around and sparks come out of the tip. "It's a match," Ollivander replies.
Next is Annabeth whose wand is elm wood with a unicorn hair, 13 3/4 inches and unyielding flexibility. Then it's Jason, whose wand turns out to be vine with dragon heartstring, 12 inches and slightly springy. Lou Ellen's is blackthorn with a unicorn hair core, 11 1/2 inches and reasonably springy. Piper's wand is apple wood, with a phoenix feather core, 9 1/2 inches and inflexible. Frank's is larch wood with unicorn hair 14 inches, and slightly bendy. And Leo's is pine wood with phoenix feather core, and is springy. Finally, it was my turn. Ollivander gave me a few wands but after a while, one finally chose me. It's red oak with a phoenix feather, 12 1/4 inches and is slightly bendy.
After, getting our wands we head back to the Leaky Cauldron to book rooms for the night, before we leave for the train in the morning. We book 4 rooms, Jason and I in one, Piper and Annabeth in another, than Frank and Leo sharing one, and Hazel and Lou Ellen sharing the fourth. After, booking rooms it's only around 5.
"How about we explore a bit more," Piper suggests.
"Okay," Annabeth says. "But stay with a buddy, and we'll meet back here in an hour for dinner." And everyone agrees. Annabeth then grabs my hand and we back to the courtyard. I pull out my wand and I tap the same brick that the bartender had and the doorway to Diagon Alley opens. As, our group walks down the alley the group gets smaller first Leo, Piper, and Jason, head off to an ice cream parlor, and Frank, Hazel, and Lou leave to look at a second hand store. So, then it's just me and Annabeth.
"Okay, Wise Girl, how about that really bright, eye catching one over there," I say pointing.
"So, what shop should we go to first?" I ask her.
"I don't know, you chose," Annabeth replies.
"Okay," she says. We walk over to it. "Weasely Wizard Wheezes, Joke Shop," Annabeth reads aloud. "Really, a joke shop?"
"How about we just go check it out," I respond.
"Whatever you want, Seaweed Brain," she replies leaning over and pecking my lips. Then together we walk into the store.
Chapter 6
Annabeth's POV
    Weasley Wizard Wheezes is a store the Stolls would be proud of. The inside was crowded and very brightly colored.
So apparently I never even finished chapter six and I think it was because of my ADHD and that by the time I was writing chapter 6 my hyperfixation was gone.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Alya salt Alya and class (except Chloe and sweet tomato Nathaniel) destory Marinette's sketchbook but shes doesn't care cuz it was 4 the class and consequences happen (based on unmaskedagain fictattered remains and broken dreams(yours not mine))
Screwing Up (You Did, Not Me)
This has light salt cuz I'm too lazy to to continue. If y'all want a sequel tell me.
Marinette hums as she put her sketchbook of her designs in a metal box with a lock in it. She had bought the small vault after Chloé copied her hat design.
Chloé still winced and gave her a sheepish smile whenever they hanged out at the bluenette's room.
At least she showed she regretted it honestly.
She was glad she got the steel box, it was something she was glad she got once Lila came into the picture. She lost trust in her ex friends a week after Lila came back since they easily followed Rossi without taking into consideration what she was saying.
Sure the class have only known her for two years, but surely they've heard about her the four years that she's been at Dupont since moving from America at the age of 10 years old.
They acted like friends, but they honestly saw her as someone to only do stuff for them.
At least some did a commission unlike others in the class. That made it easier to have separate sketchbooks for the class really.
She puts a white sparkly sketchbook in her backpack since Sabrina and her had been discussing the designs for the school play that she and the rest of the theatre class were going to put on.
At least the theatre teacher commissioned her early on and Sabrina and her discussed with Marinette on what the style of the costumes they wanted for the play.
Mylene had been kicked out of the theatre club as well the class after they witnessed her verbally assaulting Marinette, who had been ignoring the shorter girl by listening to a P!ATD song. Mylene had protested, but Sabrina had ripped Mylene a new one. She may not get along well with the bluenette since Chloé and her became friends with the bluenette, but she didn't believe Marinette deserved to be treated harshly.
She wore a baby pink sundress with a black motorcycle jacket with pink flowers stitched into it and pink combat boots with spikes on them.
She had started to hang out with Gina more now and her outfits have changed a little because of that.
She fixes her hair in a side braid before grabbing a granola bar and a yogurt cup before grabbing her school bag before heading to school 40 minutes early. She had a small breakfast meeting to get to before class started.
She met with Sabrina and the theatre teacher in the theatre classroom to discuss any alterations and last minutes things needed on the classroom, which were not needed much to Marinette's relief.
So when there was about 10 minutes before class was set to start she went to her locker and put up her small make up bag that just contained eyeliner and light pink lipstick and a few nail polish containers. She noticed she was missing a white sketchbook with the design of a rainbow poop emoji, but she shrugged it off.
It wasn't that important. Well it was, but only for her class really, the classmates that deemed it a right to use up her time among other things for free things that she really believed they didn't deserve.
She hums listening to I Write Sins Not Tragedies as she walked to class, softly mumbling to the beginning of the song.
Nathaniel was pacing back and forth outside the classroom, he noticed her and tried to talk with her, but Chloé grabbed his hand and questioned him quietly as to what was worrying him.
A few of her classmates had a shameful look on their faces while a few smirked smugly at her or snickered as she walked passed them on her way to her seat in the back.
She frowns upon seeing shredded paper on her desk, but realization struck her when she saw the cover of the sketchbook her ex friends ripped up.
Nathaniel and Chloé watched from the door with a nervous and worried look on their faces.
She shrugs and sings along to the song softly as she takes a picture of it, grabs the cover of the sketchbook, saving it into her backpack.
For fun reasons only.
She then sent emails to whoever she needed to before grabbing the shredded paper and throwing it into the trash can that was beside the corner in the back. Making sure to clean up the mess well in her desk, and goes over to the front of the. She wanted to see their faces as she told them that they all screwed themselves over.
Well... a few of them did really.
Nathaniel tried to gently grab her shoulder, but she waved him off with a soft smile. She took off her headphones, music blaring loudly out of it as La Devotee played out.
She turns back around before groaning and pinching the bridge of her nose before smiling widely to the class.
Her ex friends were very much surprised, they thought she would be crying, or screaming really. Even Lila was a little shocked at the biracial girl's reaction to seeing her ripped up sketchbook. She wanted the Chinese Mexican American girl to at least cry.
They thought the the
"Aren't you.... aren't you at least a bit sad dudette?" Nino asked weakly.
He wasn't close to Marinette anymore because of Lila, but he knew that Alya went too far in destroying the bluenette's sketchbook.
He was honestly debating on breaking up with her ever since she started to beg for more dates and tell him to drop their younger siblings off with Marinette, who he knew was possibly too busy to even do so because the bluenette always had her schedule in order.
Marinette breaths in deeply and makes a praying gesture with her hands as she does this before giving them a toothy and wide eye grin.
A very wide toothy grin with wide eyes that sorta freaked out a few of her classmates. Possibly even Lila.
"I cannot stress this enough... but y'all fucked up, pendejos. Pinche brutos," she said slowly as if to let them understand as if they were children.
Which they were, but more on the teenager part really.
Everyone gaped as the small petite bluenette cursed at them. Lila blinked in surprise before smirking smugly, hiding her smirk as she dipped her head low.
"I would be, but not really. Ya ni me va importar ese cuaderno," she says with a small tilt of her head.
Everyone in the class blinked, except for Nathaniel and Chloé. Sabrina stepped in a second later and paused to take in what's happening.
She was about to speak when Chloé shook her head, making her frown, but she stayed quiet.
Marinette raised an eyebrow, "don't really care for that sketchbook really. It wasn't at all tan importante. Not at all that important to be frank with y'all."
Everyone blinked in shock at what they heard the bluenette say.
"What do yo-"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT IMPORTANT?! IT WAS YOUR SKETCHBOOK!" Alya screeched as she stood up.
Lila flinched and winced at the yell since Alya sat very close to her.
"It was a sketchbook yes, but not one that would break my heart if torn," the bluenette said with a shrug which shocked the class.
"Wait what," Nathaniel asked in shock making Mari lightly giggle before giving the class a shit eating grin.
"The sketchbook with all the designs that are worthwhile and deemed good are locked away at home in my room. I stopped bringing it to school a month after the hat contest," she said as she looked at her nails.
"The sketchbook with a rainbow poop emoji is for this class specifically. Specifically for the class members who demand for things for free, as well as class representative things."
Everyone in the classroom frown.
"What do you mean demand? We commission you for almost a lot of things," Ivan asked curiously.
He may have stopped being friends with the bluenette, but that didn't stop him from paying a commission early than necessary for things he needed since not many stores carried his size.
A few others nodded since they always commissioned the bluenette as well order a box or two full of pastries from the bakery when they wanted to bring a treat to the class that they have Marinette bring. However, only a few froze and sunk in their seats little at the implication.
Marinette raised her eyebrow at him and gestured with a nod towards Mylene, Alya, Kim, and Alix who all just sunk down in their seats from being called out.
Lila raised an eyebrow at the people who got called out.
Rose frowns as well did the rest of the class, "wait... hold up-"
"Wait... did you all four expect Marinette to make your stuff for free?" Nino asked in disbelief.
"It's just that she desi-"
"It doesn't matter if she's a designer Alya. Marinette may not be our friend anymore, but even if she was it doesn't mean to take advantage of the fact she designs clothes and other things," Rose said with a disappointed look on her face.
"Don't worry to those who commissioned me, I have your commissions on a separate sketchbook and you all did the commission online so you're all good. I just need to work on them so that they can be finished in the intended date."
"Césiar she is wasting time on making things that you and the other three useless beings don't bother to commission that make her waste tons of material just to make your useless asses things that honestly none of the four of you really deserve to have made," Chloé bit out icily with a glare.
"But it's just small things! A dress here, a jacket here-"
"Yeah posters really," Kim interrupts Alya.
Chloé raised an eyebrow and smirked widely as she stepped towards her ex friend.
"Adrien, do tell how much a custom made design does your dear old dad charge someone."
Adrien blushed and mumbled softly.
"I'm sorry what?"
"$9,000 and that was for a simple black pantsuit with a a red rose stitched in one pocket," he said out loud. The blonde shaking a little, he had arrived a minute before Nathaniel so he didn't know what was going on until the commotion started.
Chloé hums and looks at her manicured nails.
"My mother would charge up to $3,000 depending on the 'simple' dress Alya asked for really. Up to 20 grand for the dresses Alya and Mylene basically demanded from you unless she had to hand sow herself," she said with a smug grin to the two girls that basically demanded Marinette to make them skirts among other things really.
The two girls paled as they realized how much money they basically would've saved if they hadn't ripped up the bluenette's sketchbook. Even if they basically demanded it to be made by her.
Alix paled as she realized that she demanded Marinette to design her a suit simply because she hated dresses. That would've cost her so much more than a simple measly $100 that she had somewhere really.
"B...but I need a dress for a date with Ivan!" she gasps out with wide eyes.
"So do I! I need a new skirt!" Alya growls out.
"Yeah too bad so sad, but you two are not going to get anything because my commissions are already full really," Marinette said.
"B...But the school's basketball's team needed new uniforms!" Kim out.
"That is a ridiculous thing you had asked of me Kim, even your basketball couch was appalled that you asked that of me," Marinette said with a raised eyebrow to her ex friend.
Kim blushed at the realization of what was said, "but-"
"Either way I gave him the number of a really nice cousin of mine, Carrie Ross-Snell. She does design for a living, but it's more of a hobby in the side to be honest. She doesn't mind really," she mumbles the last part.
"She gave him a good price really," she said out loud.
She really was going to have to thank the stars that Sue had used the bunny miraculous to have Carrie be placed in a new home when born after The Blood Prom occured. At least Fu saw it fit for the girl and her boyfriend see their error of their ways and wanting Carrie to have a happy childhood. Which led her to be adopted by Ms. Desjarden.
Their future P.E teacher. Who later married her uncle Chris.
Thank god Master Fu had been in a America for a short while when that happened.
At least Carrie was raised with love and was cared for. Even if she was still a very shy person.
"Either way I can't work on all the things that were on that journal, there were too many last minute demands you forced on me. They're gone, as well as the other things that were on that sketchbook," Marinette said with a shrug.
"W...what about fundraisers you promised to help?!" Alix screamed out.
The bluenette raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips, "I never promised anything at all Alix. You and Kim bitched about wanting help and that's it. I just told y'all good luck really," she told the now embarrassed two.
"B...but my outfit for Kitty Section!" Mylene cries out.
"Can't really work on it, it wasn't a commission, although the rest of y'all didn't commission for anything so I don't really have a reason to work on anything," Marinette said with a shrug.
The members of Kitty Section nodded, but then everyone who commissioned her froze. She had her schedule she stuck by so they knew she was already swamped and all internally groaned.
Those who never commissioned her didn't think what the matter was but remembered how much they had to have paid if they even ever asked for a commission.
They paled after that remembering what Adrien said.
The others internally groaned remembering that they had a few things they knew couldn't be worked on because they forgot about them.
Marinette shrugs, "I also had a few of the class representative things there, but oh well, can't do those anymore. As well a few things that only a few other people asked for."
Everyone frowned, but shrugged it off really as the bell rang for the school day to start.
Ms. Bustier walked in and sighs before looking at Marinette with a soft concerned look before sighing.
"During lunch class we will decide the new class representative. Marinette unfortunately has to pull out due to reasons," the teacher said with a weak smile.
Marinette smiles brightly at the teacher before going to her desk.
"What a shame, we could've gotten to go see Luther Inc. and Oscorp," she says to herself, but she said it out loud for people to hear.
All of them heard and felt their hearts break at what they just heard.
The class will soon realize that those who destroyed Marinette's sketchbook for the class fucked them all over.
Because not only did it have things for class representatives and such.
It had their schedules and other important dates that Marinette always believed and told them were very much important for them.
Something they honestly believed wasn't until the last minute and caused them to feel dread at the thought of them forgetting something or anything they had scheduled.
All because Alya and the other three decided to tear up Marinette's sketchbook.
The wrong one at that.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and we hit now as p er his order to get you losers off him.  we loaded up tons and tons of your idiots and see yours dan and we use it now..a.nd he says cant wired and boom are up and then this we use it on you....and he has two real potential bricks you dont asshole dan  can blow youand  yourroom sky high...duh ok.  and mike wants you out dan you fag and bja...taliban next door dufusses....and he says would have to order new batteries is all.   but this is more affective so we do it..and look at the stuff here now more seriously he is saying it they dont do a damn thing you say and or respect me in any way and i total thier areas. so we se it and move in and are. t hey asked for it... we destoryed half your remaining aareas dan the ohter half today if you wish. Duke Nukem Blockbuster you are attracting our attention dumbass and your bands get ruined prior to release each and every time it is just that your so p oor you continue fng up as mac says Frank Castle Hardcastle Thor Freya
0 notes
djscreendoor · 10 years
2014 Year In Review
2014 Favorite Labels:
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 1. The Trilogy Tapes  2. Ilian Tape  3. Mistress / Hush  4. Giegling  5. Pan
2014 Favorite Artists:
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 1. Doubt / Eecee  2. Objekt  3. Andy Stott  4. Lee Gamble  5. Traumprinz
2014 Favorite LP Reissues:
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 1. Caustic Window - Caustic Window 5 LP (Rephlex)  2. K. Leimer - A Period of Review (1975-83) (RVNG Intl)  3. Jon Hassell / Brian Eno - Fourth World Vol. 1 (Glitterbeat)  4. Transllusion – The Opening of the Cerebral Gate (Tresor)  5. SND - Tplay (Special Extended Edition) (SND)  6. Vangelis Katsoulis - The Sleeping Beauties: A Collection of Early and Unreleased Works (Into The Light Records)  7. Martoc - Music For Alien Ears (EM Records)  8. Various - Music From The Mountain Provinces (Numerophon)  9. Clone - Son of Octabred (Dead-Cert Home Entertainment) 10. Children of the Mushroom - Children of the Mushroom (Out-Sider)
2014 Favorite Single Re-issues:
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 1. DFX - Relax Your Body (Remastered) (Full Time)  2. Population One - Starting Over (Metroplex)  3. Basic Channel - Q Loop (Basic Channel)  4. Symbols & Instruments - Mood (Remastered) (KMS)  5. E-Dancer - Heavenly (KMS)  6. OBX - It's All We Know (Trippin' On Air) - (Positive Science remix) (Classic)  7. Surgeon - Surgeon EP (remastered) (SRX)  8. Felix Da Housecat - Free Love (Sytrax)  9. Rising Sun - Message/Come Together (Kristofferson Kristofferson) 10. Unknown - I'm Gonna Destory That Boy (Munster)
2014 Favorite Compilations:
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1. Pinch b2b Mumdance - Pinch b2b Mumdance (Tectonic) 2. DJ Koze - Reincarnations Part 2 (Pampa Records) 3. Various - Pop Ambient 2015 (Kompakt) 4. Various - Enjoy the Silence Vol. 3 (Mule Musiq) 5. Raresh - Fabric 78 (Fabric)
2014 Favorite Albums:
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 1. Andy Stott - Faith in Strangers (Modern Love)
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 2. SD Laika - That's Harakari (Tri Angle)
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 3. Kangding Ray - Solens Arc (Raster Noton)
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 4. Lee Gamble - Koch (Pan)
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 5. Objekt - Flatland (Pan)
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 6. Not Waving - Human Capabilities (Emotional Response)
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 7. The Bug - Angels & Devils (Ninja Tune)
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 8. Clark - Clark (Warp)
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 9. Ben Frost - A U R O R A (Mute)
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10. Aphex Twin - Syro (Warp)
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11. Millie & Andrea - Drop the Vowels (Modern Love) 12. Patricia - Body Issues (Opal Tapes) 13. Dean Blunt - Black Metal (Rough Trade) 14. Call Super - Suzi Ecto (Houndstooth) 15. Kettenkarussel - Easy Listening (Giegling)
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16. Talker - Talker (Downwards) 17. Pye Corner Audio - Black Mills Tapes Volumes 3 & 4 (Type) 18. The Cyclist - Flourish (All City) 19. Frank Sebastian - Towards Distance (Subspiele) 20. Population One - Theater of a Confused Mind (Rush Hour)
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21. Death Blues - Non-Fiction (SIGE) 22. Alberich - NATO-Uniformen (Hospital Productions) 23. Sebastian Mullaert & Eitan Reiter - Reflections of Nothingness (Mule Musiq) 24. Dalhous - Will to be Well (Blackest Ever Black) 25. Advisory Circle - From Out Here (Ghost Box)
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26. Answer Code Request - Code (Ostgut Ton) 27. Cuticle - Mind Holding Pattern (Not Not Fun) 28. Prostitutes - Petit Cochon (Spectrum Spools) 29. Kassem Mosse - Workshop 19 (Workshop) 30. Roman Flugel - Happiness is Happening (Dial)
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31. Christoper Willits - Opening (Ghostly International) 32. Joey Anderson - After Forever (Dekmantel) 33. Barnt - Magazine 13 (Magazine) 34. Vessel - Punish Honey (Tri Angle) 35. Ninos Du Brasil – Novos Misterios (Hospital Productions)
2014 Favorite Singles and EPs:
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 1. Some Well Deserved Recognition This Year for a Midwest Favorite: Doubt - Chaos Om Vision I (Disposable Commodities) Doubt - Chaos Om Vision II (Disposable Commodities) Doubt - Remember Fono (Mistress Recordings) Doubt - Beauty (Mistress Recordings) Doubt - Poor Dog (Don't Be Afraid)
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 2. Objekt's Dancefloor Essentials: Dopplereffekt / Objekt - Hypnagogia (Leisure System) Objekt - The Stitch Up (Not on Label)
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 3. DJ Richard - Nailed to the Floor (White Material)
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 4. Gesloten Cirkel - Submit X (Murder Capital)
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 5. Shed's Key Cuts: Head High - Megatrap (Power House) Martyn - Vancouver (Head High remix) (3024)
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 6. Traumprinz's Eclectic Offerings: Traumprinz - All The Things EP (Giegling) Traumprinz - Intrinity (Traumprinz) DJ Metatron - U'll Be the King of the Stars (Traumprinz) Efdemin - Parallaxis (Traumprinz Over 2 The End version) (Dial)
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 7. The Trilogy Tapes Barrage of Essential Releases: Barnt - His Name EP (Hinge Finger) Dario Zenker - Mörsin (The Trilogy Tapes) Ondo Fudd - Coup D'État (The Trilogy Tapes) Minor Science - Noble Gas (The Trilogy Tapes) Ekman - Entropy (The Trilogy Tapes) Maxmillion Dunbar - Drizzling Glass (The Trilogy Tapes) Anthony Naples - Zipacon (The Trilogy Tapes) Zennor - Never In Doubt (The Trilogy Tapes) Rezzett - Zootie (The Trilogy Tapes) Willie Burns - Tab Of Acid EP (The Trilogy Tapes)
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 8. Ilian Tape Key Selections: Skee Mask - Serum (Ilian Tape) Marco Zenker - 2626 (Ilian Tape) Jonas Kopp - 55 Dias (Ilian Tape)
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 9. Pan Essential Selections: Mesh - Scythians (Pan) Lee Gamble – Kuang EP (Pan) Beneath - Vobes (Pan)
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10. Unique left of center "Outsider House" Selections: Pilotwings - Agorespace EP (Brothers From Different Mothers) SVN feat. Paleo - On Tempo / AU feat. Paleo - It Takes Time (Wania) Ivvo - Theories Of Anxiety EP (Danse Noire) NGLY - NGLY (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) DJ Qu - Raw 7 (Strength) Môme - Heading Feel - (Stefan Goldmann Remix) (Victoriaville) Austin Cesear – There's A Crack In Everything (Proibito) Healing Force Project - Strange Apparitions In My Recording Room (Hashman Deejay's Ambient Mix) (Berceuse Heroique) Nicuri - Outflight (Yygrec) Tiago - Sem Titulo (Interzona 13) Vakula - Bandura 004 (Bandura) Coyote - Passing Memories (Rothmans)
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11. MPLS-Style Techno: Daniël Jacques - End Of My World (Mistress Recordings) DVS1 - Black Russian (Klockworks) DVS1 - Lost Myself (Hush)
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12. Darker Goth-inflected Selections: Sigward - Black Mambo (Simon Garcia Remix) (Something Happening Somewhere) Dollkraut - Fire (Permanent Vacation) Laps - Ladies as Pimps (Clan Destine) KMFH - Our Love (Wild Oats) C.A.R. - Idle Eyes (Roman Flugel) (Kill The DJ Records) Daniel Avery - All I Need (Roman Flügel Remix) (Phantasy Sound)
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13. The Ambient / Downtempo Lucky 13 Selections: Crotocosm ‎– Fanatic EP (Second Circle) Kiyoko - Fragments EP (Samurai Horo) Dalhouse - Visibility Is A Trap (Blackest Ever Black) Dead Heat - The Dam (The Field Remix) (Life and Death) Mala - I Wait (Pt. 2) (Deep Medi Musik) Burial - Lambeth (Hyperdub) Weval - Easier (Kompakt) John Roberts - Ausio (Dial Records) Fennesz - Liminality (Editions Mego ) Sad City - Introduction to Lisboa (Phonica Special Edition)
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14. Unique Deep Techno Selections: Claro Intelecto - Remember (Delsin) Anno Stamm - Aqua/Lemon Peel/Violet EP (Macro) Patrik Skoog - Judgement (Sample & Hold)
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15. Industrial Techno Selections: Talker - Cut the Weight (D/N Records) Rainer Veil - New Brutalism (Modern Love) Ben Frost - V A R I A N T (Remix EP) (Mute) Powell – Club Music (Diagonal) Powell - Club Music Remixes (Diagonal) Prostitutes - Truncheon Cadence (Part One & Two) (Mira) General Ludd - Hit It (Clan Destine)
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16. Joy O Essential Cuts: Joy Orbison & Boddika - Tricky's Team (Not on Label) Joy Orbison & Boddika - More Maim / In Here (SunkLo)
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17. Heavy Chicago-Style Techno by Todd O: Todd Osborn - Put Your Weight On It (Running Back) Todd Osborn - Over & Over (7777) 2 AM/FM - Starfist Lazerbeam (Creme Organization)
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18. UK Techno-Bass Hybrid Selections: Hodge - Mind Games (Hotline) Hodge - Amor Fati (Dnuos Ytivil) Dark Sky - IYP (Mister Saturday Night Records) Call Super - Depicta/Acephale II (Houndstooth) Unspecified Enemies – Everything You Did Has Already Been Done (Numbers.) Dat Oven - Icy Lake (Total Freedom Remix) (Night Slugs) R-zone - If U Going Thru Hell Keep Going (R-Zone) Bruce - Not Stochastic (Hessle Audio) Aquarian - Aquarian (UNO) Graze - Soft Gamma Repeater (New Kanada)
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19. The Scissor and Thread label had a great run this year: Black Light Smoke – Screws In My Head (Scissor and Thread) Desert Sound Colony – The Way I Began (Scissor and Thread) Frank and Tony – Girl (Scissor and Thread) Gry Bagøien – Phantom Power (Scissor and Thread) Frank And Tony – What You Believe (Scissor and Thread)
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20. Romanian Style Minimal Selections: Quilla - A Million Broken Bikes - (Ricardo Villalobos & Shaun Reeves remix) (Visionquest) Mari Kvien Brunvoll - Everywhere You Go (Villalobos Celestial Voice Resurrection Mix) (Sei Es Drum) ODE - 660 B (ODE) Vinyl Speed Adjust - Sequences EP (Gilesku records) Un Node - Paula (From Any Direction) Petre Insprescu - Talking Waters (Mule Musiq) Barac - Variety of Different Feelings EP (Metereze) Vlad Caia - Codex EP (Amphia) Ricardo Villalobos - Voodog (Pressure Trax) DJ Pierre - What Is House Muzik (Ricardo Villalobos What Is Dub) (Get Physical) OdD/Barac - Photosynthesize EP (OdD Music) Emi Nescu - Simfru EP (Contur)
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21. More Deep Atmospheric Techno Cuts: Marcelus - Shine (Tresor) UVB - Mixtion (Mord) Henrik Schwarz - Lockstep (Ostgut Ton) RE \\ LC - BROS005 (Brothers) Acronym - Dimensional Exploration 003 (Dimensional Exploration) Spherical Coordinates - SCFLS-05 (Token) Woo York - Come Closer (Planet Rhythm) Voices From the Lake - Velo Di Maya (The Bunker)
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22. "House" Cuts for the Heads: Mark E - Shapes (Futureboogie Recordings) Victor Shan – How You Want It (Versions) (The Healing Company) DJ Boom - Kinda Kickin' (Curle) Phil Weeks - Social Club (Robsoul Limited) Seven Davis Jr - PARTY (Apron) Daze - Lips (Lobster Theremin) Todd Terry - Tonite (Clone Royal) Art Crime - Never Look Back (WT Records) Willie Burns - Woo Right (Unknown to the Unknown)
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23. Spaced Out Deep House: Legowelt - Blue Tearz (Riverette) ##### - ##### (No Label / Rush Hour Recordings) Terekke - LIES BLK 07 (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) X (Terekke) - X (No Label / Rush Hour Recordings) Tyson Ballard - Feel Like I Feel (feat Sheff) (Voyeurhythm)
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24. Funky Rocking Techno from the US: Alex Falk – CGI004 (CGI_Records) Grey People – Welcome To My Chevy (Proper Trax) The Lost Kid - Southern Discomfort (Proper Trax)
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25. L.I.E.S. Analog Techno Terror: Voiski - Culture to Trash (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) Voiski - Moog Series 01 (The Monkey Bar) Florian Kupfer - This Society (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) Florian Kupfer - Head (12") (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) Randomer - Residents (L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)) Randomer - Stupid Things I Do (Clone Basement Series)
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26. Pumping Techno Tools: Radio Slave - Don't Stop No Sleep (Nonplus) QV - Social Music (Phonica White) Julien Bracht - Sub Collapsed (Cocoon) Fango - Tei (Degustibus)
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27. Melodic House: Tambien - Der Elf (ESP Institute) Genius of Time - Juno Jam (Running Back) Steven Tang - Leaving the Physical World (Smallville) Pablo Mateo - Why EP (Curle) Floating Points - King Bromeliad (Eglo) Floating Points - Nuits Sonores (Eglo) Moomin - Time Circles (Closer)
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28. More Melodic House, More Minimal: Ygrok - 002 A (Ygrok) Quenum - 5AM (Mathew Jonson Remix) (Serialism) Dave DK - Woolloomooloo (Pampa Records) Isolee - Beau Mot Plage (DBOW remix) (Classic) Ten Walls - Requiem EP (Life & Death)
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29. Vocal Cuts: Paul White - Where You Gonna Go? (R&S) Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan (Poolside Edit) (Not On Label) Moderat - Bad Kingdom (DJ Koze Remix (Monkeytown Records) Caribou - Our Love (Daphni Mix) (Jialong) Caribou - Can't Do Without You (Jialong) Mikael Seifu - Tuff Ruff (1432 R) Jamie xx - All Under One Roof Raving - Young Turks
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30. Banging Industrial Techno: Blacknecks - 6 (Blacknecks) Life's Track - Invisible Symphony (COS MOS) Life's Track - Sometimes They Come Back (Bosconi Various – Various Artists: White (Coincidence Records) Eeoo - Workout EP (Unknown to the Unknown)
6 notes · View notes
itstheartistical · 7 years
tagged by: @tfw-all-good-usernames-are-taken tbh you’re like the only person that tags me in these things aha rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
no offense but im a loser so i doubt i know as many ppl as there are questions
lmao same
i tag: @adelinehatter @docxie @littlemisssquiggles @cherrycardcaptor @desolation-n-solitude @aph-stress @gergeehippieenthusiast hee gerge its-a me boorcoo weedcome 2 ur 1st atg thing copypasta ask sydknee
1. coke or pepsi: coke 2. disney or dreamworks: dreamworks bc voltron amirite lmao same also DRAGOMS 3. coffee or tea: tea 4. books or movies: like...i have a hard time getting into books and i kind find appealing plots half the time, so movies i guess 5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: Detective Comics Comics 7. x-box or playstation: playstation 8. dragon age or mass effect: well like...ones in space...but the other has dragons...this is so hard why 9. night owl or early riser: both i dont sleep aha *wink wink ba dum tis* 10. cards of chess?: uno 11. chocolate or vanilla: raspberry 12. vans or converse: ive never owned vans in my life and considering i have a thing for odd converse as seen from my red sparkling dorothy sneakers and apple print high tops *deep breath* i think im going to have to go with converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: fuck the waht 14. fluff or angst: combine them and come back to me 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: cats 17. clear skies or rain: rain both, similtaneously, at the same time rain 18. cooking or eating out: neither i starve to death or eat potstickers from the holy trash (the trash community is a wonderful place 19. spicy food or mild food: cold bUT SPICY 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: i am confusion...but halloween cause then i can dress like the filty witch i am 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: temperate 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: freezing things cause then i could just freeze myself for a hundred years and stay beautiful and not talk to anyone and eventually when i melt from the inevietable environmental heat damage i will freeze the sun and the volcanos and anything that could potentially destory earth and rebuild society and in my image...literally my descenants will rule the earth and make peace treaties with alieans 23. animation or live action: animation 24. paragon or renegade: idk but renegade sounds cool 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team ironman: cap but not hydra cap to be frank he sucks 27. fantasy or sci-fi: bORH I MEAN BOTH 28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: nope nah and no 29. youtube or netflix: um...netflix i guess 30. harry potter or percy jackson: whispers i havent read either but both seem coll?? 31. when you feel accomplished: i dance taunt 32. star wars or star trek: no 33. paperback books or hardback books: hardcover most of the time 34. to live in a world without literature or without music?: i mean if i was born into a world without music or literature i wouldnt be missing out i guess...but i watched the little mermaid 3 so im gonna say it would suck 35. who was the last person to make you laugh?: myself cause im laughable aHAHAHAHA 36. which is better: sour or sweet candy?: sweeeet 37. do you believe in aliens?: naturally i jUST DONT THINK THEY’RE HUMANIOD LIKE WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY BE HUMANIOD THEY MIGHT BE SPACE MERMAIDS OKAY 38. dawn or dusk?: what 39. piercings or tattoos?: tattoos 40. girls? HOT?????: no theyre adorable 41: snow or fog?: fog 42: do you sleep facing the wall or the room?: wall 43: TRC or AFTG?: wat 44: horror or drama? i dont like scary tings but at the same time...i demand blood...but people arguing with each other over stupid reasons never gets old 45: ocarina of time or majora’s mask?: what is a zelda 46. would you rather live in an area of more nature or city? both id rather live in the future with both 47. what’s your addiction right now? nothing im void of passion NO WAIT THE VOLTRON LEAK IM ALL OVER THAT SHIT shatt 48. what languages can you speak? english, turkish, spanish, french, i promised a friend id learn korean buut i will become the greatest polyglot on the planet just you wait 49. what kind of music do you listen to? UM anything that sounds appealing to me lol 50. fave mythological creature? dis is mah quescion
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Best car insurance rates for male college student?
"Best car insurance rates for male college student?
Hi, I'm buying a 1996 Corolla. It comes with VIPER anti-theft. I'm a male with one speeding ticket. How would I go about finding the best deal for car insurance? The best deal I got was from geico, the bare minimum plan I think, for $600 / 6 months. They also gave me the good student discount. The last owner of the car payed $300 for 6 months. Any tips and tricks to lower my insurance rate? Any other discounts that I can ask for? like a good student discount etc? I attending a University in Omaha, Nebraska, but live in Hawaii. Thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
What is the lowest car insurance rate I can get in Michigan?
I'm 21 and I don't have any car record and I'm looking to purchase a Lincoln MKZ. I also live in the greater Detroit metropolitan area.
Getting insurance for a car?
my step daughters cousin is buying her a used car. tiffany does not have a license yet. she has her learners permit. we live in pennsylvania. her cousin does not want the insurance in her name she wants my step daughter to get it. can you get insurance without a license? she lives with her dad, can she get on his policy? would she automaticaly be on her cousins insurance since she will own the car? thank you""
Honda CBR 600 insurance...should i get collision?
I just bought a 1995 CBR F3. My first bike I got last year was a klr250, rode it since last summer all year (no car for me), even rode in the snow for the hell of it. For the KLR250, my insurance was 200 a year all minimum with only like 500 for comprehensive. For the CBR, my insurance im looking at is going to be 200 a year without anything, only the minimum liability. I like the fact of how cheap it is, but even though I have great experience with motorcycling, should I just go ahead and get bare minimum insurance? Bike cost me 1800 dollars, awesome condition. valves all good, just putting in a manual CCT this week. Its cheaper than the KLR (i got it for 2k), but i dont know why im feeling i need so much more coverage this time. Maybe cause the bike is CLEAAAAN. What yall think?""
Where can i find the cheapest insurance??
im 19. i live in california. ive never been in an accident and ive never gotten a ticket. i drive a 2004 suzuki forenza and i pay almost 200 dollars a month for insurance!!! i have to have full coverage because im still paying off my car, but come on i think thats a little ridiculous.. its more than my car payment. Any idea where i can get it cheaper and if so, how do i go about changing it?? any help is greatly appreciated!""
Will insurance total out my car?
When insurance companies figure out what your car is worth..do they go by the private sale value or retail? I got a bunch of hail damage and I see the claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering if they might total it out. Damage is just over $6,000...car is worth $6,500 - $8,700 depending on which way they look at it.""
Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?
I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks
Why does my car insurance come up so high even when im 21 years old?
hi the car insurance has been destorying my life. I cannot figure out why car insurance in UK is so high, im 21 and i want to insure a 1.6 mazda 3 which is i think group 6 insurance. I HAVE CLEAN LICENCE!! no claims or any other other conviction and still the cheapest quote i get is 6000 hahahaha. thats ridiculous!!! like 2 years ago i use to get cheap quotes for same size cars at around 1000 now for some reason same thing costs me more!!!!!!!!!!!! i have tried everything but cannot figure out why this happening. PLZZ HELP ANY ADVICE WILL HELP SO MUCH. i have 0 years no claim discount but thats because i have been on my dad's policy but even then dont you thing 6000 quote is mad, even when i try insuring a littlle 1.0 ltr car quote comes out at 5000 lool""
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deducatable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
Teen car insurance cost?
Hi! I was wondering what some of you think a 6-month insurance policy for a newly licensed 16 yo driver would cost. Area- Rural N. CT. Full coverage on 2007 VW Rabbit and 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage on 1999 Cadillac STS. Good student discount + drivers ed discount. I'm hoping for the $400 range on a 6 month policy, or $800-900 on a 12 month. Thoughts? Rate testimonials?""
Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.""
What car would be cheaper for insurance?
I am about to be 16 and I live in nebraska in a small town I was thinking of getting a 2005 camaro or a 2000 or 2003 corvette what car would be cheaper for car insurance and if I get a truck would you recomand a ford f250 or ford f350 and how much would insurance be monthly for the ford trucks and if you have any sports cars you would recomand to get then tell me it and insurance on it monthly
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
What is the best motorcycle insurance for military personnel?
i am joining the military and i was wondering what insurance company offers the best rates for motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old male?
Where can I get best and affordable liability insurance for Photographer?
Need liability insurance for over $1M to be able to photograph Resort weddings. There is xxx companies out there offering insurance but It's hard to choose specially when I'm new in it. Somebody told me to become member of PPA and used their discounts for liability insurance. Thank you very much for your time. Frank
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
An average how much is car insurence for teenagers?
i have been talking to my parents and they told me its time for me to pay for my own insurance,so i was like ok,but what is the average amount for car insurance?""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old for a 2000 toyota corolla.?
I just got my g1 and I'm planning on buying a used car. Can someone tell me what car a beginner could start off with. But it must be cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. And if you can please tell me the price of the insurance.
What are my best options for cheap car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and I am looking to buy a car. I'm 21 year old female, and obviously I haven't got any no-claims or anything! Ideally I am after a little 1.0lt KA or Corsa. I've had a look on Compare the market etc and I've been quoted at 2,100 as being my cheapest offer on my own policy! My dad drives, but he is taking some convincing when it comes to insuring me on his policy! Basically I am wondering what the best way is to obtain cheap insurance!""
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
Teen car insurance question?
Everyone knows that if you get good grades your insurance costs are lowered. i live california just so you know i dont know if it matters. but if i got about a D average my first semester and B+ or an A average second semester will they look at that or average them together. also any other tips to lower insurance costs... thanks ahead of time.
Best car insurance rates for male college student?
Hi, I'm buying a 1996 Corolla. It comes with VIPER anti-theft. I'm a male with one speeding ticket. How would I go about finding the best deal for car insurance? The best deal I got was from geico, the bare minimum plan I think, for $600 / 6 months. They also gave me the good student discount. The last owner of the car payed $300 for 6 months. Any tips and tricks to lower my insurance rate? Any other discounts that I can ask for? like a good student discount etc? I attending a University in Omaha, Nebraska, but live in Hawaii. Thanks
Where to get really cheap car insurance?
i live in ny, i have a 1998 Honda accord lx, quotes from the big name insurance companies is 250-300 dollars a month, which i can afford, but its really cutting into my income, is there anywhere i can get insurance for like 150 a month, i only want state minimum required insurance liabilities""
Cheap Uk Car Insurance?
Which car insurance company in England is cheaper?
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
Car insurance for cars off the road...?
is there a type of insurancee I am able to get just to cover my car while it is not in use? I have purchased a car and I am currently waiting to take my driving test. So I was just wondering is there a type of insurance that will cover my car just while it is sitting on the path justin casee it is damaged or stolen?
Where to find cheap auto insurance in florida?
We are relocating to port richey florida and I am trying to find a cheap auto insurance company
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
Insurance: Can one person be a primary driver for more than one car?
Basically, I'm in need of a car, but cannot afford to pay my own insurance. I am considering putting it under a friend's name and have her as a primary driver and myself as a secondary driver, which would be cheaper. My concern is that she already has her own car under which she is a primary driver. So my question is: is she able to insure another car as herself being the primary driver?""
What would the insurance on a 2000 corvette be?
What would the average state farm insurance for a 2000 corvette be for a 15 year old. No comments about not getting a 15 year old the car, just answers to the insurance question.""
What is the approx cost of car insurance ( group 18) for a teen driver? UK?
What is the approx cost of car insurance ( group 18) for a teen driver? UK?
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Take away driver insurance!?
why is it so hard to get insurance for driving take aways? is it even possible?
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
How much is a 17 year old liability insurance for a camry 4 door in los angeles?
i need to know howmuch is basic liability for a 17 year old with a camry 4door in los angeles california.. any recomendations and i dont really feel like searching up quotes so any past experience is prefered.
Driving without a license and no insurance?
I recently got pulled over in GA im from PA for driving without a license and no insurance on my car and i was sent to jail and i bailed out and i go back to court in April and i was wondering if i should waste my time on actually getting an attorney and what exactly you think they'll do to me. And is there anything i can do to go in there and fix the problem like get my license or will it show up in the DMV that i went to jail for not having one? I figured if i could go get my license and my insurance figured out maybe the charges wouldn't be so harsh. Any ideas?
Need car insurance help?
how much a month would it cost for a 16 year old and a 78 corvette please help
How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?
For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
Auto insurance for teens?
OK so i will be getting my license in around 2 months. So i have began to look for cars. My parents and i have decided to cut the cost 50/50. But my question is what do i do about insurance? Do i go onto their plan? My dad doesn't want to buy a car yet cause he doesn't want to have to pay for the insurance as soon as we buy the car. I do want to buy the car somewhat soon so that i could practice with it for my driving test. So could someone just explain how we should go about getting insurance? Should we put the car under my parent's plan and will it be very expensive? (I live in NJ btw) Thanks!
Insurance for motorcycle rates.?
Since others said there are to many variables i'll list out as many as I can that they stated . Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 will be parked in a small garage, I will be getting a BCR licence to go with it, and I live in Zion, Illinois. The use of the motorcycle will be to get me from home to school which is only a mile and to get me to a job that is within 10 miles. I'll be 16 when I buy it and I don't plan on doing any sport racing or stunts so whats a rough estimate, once again without the referral of a website quote.""
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
Will I affect car insurance rates ring on the cars title?
Me and my fiance re buying a car together I asked him to put it in both our names but he said nothing against me he just don't want his insurance to go up but I was told I don't have to affect the insurance even if the title says (him and me) the insurance would still just Be in his name.?
What would be an inexpensive car insurance company for drivers that dont have the best record due to speeding?
i live in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows a cheap insurance company""
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
Best car insurance rates for male college student?
Hi, I'm buying a 1996 Corolla. It comes with VIPER anti-theft. I'm a male with one speeding ticket. How would I go about finding the best deal for car insurance? The best deal I got was from geico, the bare minimum plan I think, for $600 / 6 months. They also gave me the good student discount. The last owner of the car payed $300 for 6 months. Any tips and tricks to lower my insurance rate? Any other discounts that I can ask for? like a good student discount etc? I attending a University in Omaha, Nebraska, but live in Hawaii. Thanks
What is the cheapest motor vehicle insurance company in NY right now?
I wanted to know if anyone knew of any good insurance companies with low rates. I'm kinda sick of the one I have now Geico. Service is not great, guess they spend too much money on commercials and none on customer service. Any info would be great! Thanks.""
How do you value a damaged tree for insurance purposes?
Long story short, a guy ran his car off the road into my front yard and hit a tree. The tree is a complete loss. He has insurance (thank god!). How much should I expect to receive from the insurance company for the value of the tree? The tree is a mature Blue Spruce. It was about 20-25 feet tall, had an 8-10 inch trunk, and a spread at the base of about 15 feet or so. I know that I should at least be entitled to the cost of removing the tree/debris and planting a new tree. But you cant really plant a 25 foot Blue Spruce! So, the problem I am having is determining what value should I be entitled to considering the maturity of the tree? Who can I call to get an appraisal? Other info: I live in a subdivision of custom brick homes on a large lot (about 1 acre) and my home is worth about $275k. The tree sat on the edge of my property in the front yard in a group of two trees (the other one was slightly damaged also, but can probably be salvaged) that provide some shading from the neighbor and the road. Obviously, the amount of shading is now reduced and the aesthetics of the group of two trees is messed up to the point that I am considering just removing both trees.""
I'm a first time driver (with provisional license)... I don't get it, why does insurance cost more (4000 - progressive) for 2005 Nissan Frontier then for a 2003 BMW z4 (2500 - Progressive).... and its not only that, it costs less for a corvette then for a v6 mustang... And its like that for all insurance companies from e-surance to Geico, can anyone explain why or if it even will be that much less?!?!? i mean its more for a BMW 325 4dr (2900 - progressive) then for the BMW z4... How is this possible... Will it cost even less if i get it on my mom's policy? BTW i know BMW are expensive to maintain, but i got a job that i believe will cover everything... do they make z4 4 cylinders or is it only 6? Based on the lowest type of insurance that an 17 year old can get from internet quotes... Ty in advance!""
Insurance question?
hello, i have a new car, but do i really need insurance on the car?? will i still be able to get the yellow tags on my license plate if i dont have insurance>? does my registration have anything to do with insurance>?? thanks alot for your answers""
Where to find affordable complete health insurance?
i am looking fior affordable health insurance, like as in family. i am looking online, but so far have come up with nothing. they are dropping my insurance at work, so i need to find something. if i have to go online to find it, that is ok.""
How much will my auto insurance cost?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
Which 600cc motorbikes are the cheapest to insure?
I am 19 years of age and have recently passed my bike test, and am looking for a 600cc fairly nice bike as i have been riding motorbikes since i was really young but i am just wondering if anyone knows of some bikes that are quite cheap on insurance and worth getting, many thanks.""
Question for someone who is familiar with car insurance companies?
I had a wreck and I have full coverage with car rental included for 30 days (20 dollars a day) if I don't use the car rental, do I get a check for the amount that I didn't use...I have Allstate...my daughter had a wreck a year ago and she received a separate check for the total of the car rental expense she didn't use, but that was with farmer's insurance...If I'm paying for collision and car rental on my premium and the insurance doesn't pay the car rental place, shouldn't they pay me?""
How much does a married couple spend on monthly bills?
house, insurance car..etc... Im trying to plan ahead and want to know what I'm in for and if I can manage it with two teachers salaries. oh, it would be great if you can tell me a round number of each thing. and yes, i know everyone varies, but I'd like to see what everyone else has. thanks!""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2004 Yamaha Blaster?
im considering buying a quad im wondering how much it would cost.
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
What is the medical exam and questions for life insurance like?
We are looking into life insurance. I am wondering what the medical exam and questions are like? How much more typically is it if you have a medical issue (like high blood pressure) compared to if you have good health? We are in our late 20's.
Will my car insurance be cheaper driving a 2007 corolla or a 2005 altima?
20.m.IL clean driving record
If i was buying a car and its a class C would this increase my car insurance?
I have 3 years no claimi currently have a 1.6 i am thinking off buying a mini cooper which has been in a accident its a class C.the mini has the same size engine as my car at the moment. Just really want to know if it would affect the price of my car insurance thanks guys xx
Temporary US insurance?
I'm going to the Us to meet my friends for three months. Is there any way I can get insurance for just these three months there? Please help
Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?
I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?""
Car insurance: why is a quote for an older car model higher than a brand new car?
i'm 18 and about to get a car. if my parents buy it for me, i'll be getting a toyota yaris 2010 2 door hatchback. if i'm purchasing it myself, i'll be buying a used 2000 toyota echo 2 door. i'll be paying the insurance either way, so i got quotes from desjardins for both the cars. for the 2010 toyota yaris, i got 260 a month, while for the 2000 toyota echo, i got 295 a month! why is this?!? the only information i changed was the model of the car! is this an error?""
Which company has the best renters insurance in terms of service and price?
I'm looking for a renters insurance company that is not expensive and has knowledgeable and cordial employees. Is not eager to deny claims and has an extensive policy. If you found one that covers breakage of your belongings due to accident or use by you, let me know. I'm not so sure if those types of policies exist.""
Whole Life vs. Term Insurance?
People always ask about whole life vs. Term Insurance and the insurance salespeople always defend Whole life and trash Suze Orman (not a fan of her anyway)... But they fail to prove the point with real hard numbers. Show me how Whole Life beats Term with the additional premium saved being invested in a Total Stock market index fund or other no load investment at a Vanguard or other low cost provider.
How much would it cost a year to own a car like a Ferrari in INDIA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer?
a car like a porsche 911 or ferrari f430. how much would it cost a year to own. dont include the buying cost. include everything else. like insurance, tax, fuel cost, everything, etc.""
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Why do companies that claim to offer them the best insurance quotes sell leads?
I was shopping around for insurance quotes on my home and cars. Many of the websites that I came across claimed to offer the best quotes from different companies thereby getting me the best price. I started filling out a few forms and, for once, I decided to read the fine print ( you know that small font form we all click agree on). Basically what I found was that the company used 4 agencies that paid them to contact me. What the site was trying to advertise to me was that i would have he best possible quote in the world without having to call up the many insurance agencies around me individually. In reality the fine print ( which in the case of the Internet can be 25 clicks hidden) states that they offer quotes from companies that pay them. Why not state that the information I'm giving them is a lead and that people that get it pay for my information and those that don't do not get it. What about some insurance company that can't afford to pay for my information but can offer me cheaper insurance than those that do pay hat site? I wouldn't be so ticked off if these sites simply stated that they sell our information. Rather than try to make it seem as they find you the best price. False advertising is a cancer. http://www.4freequotes.com/web2000/agents/ http://www.netquote.com/about/media-kit.aspx http://www.netquote.com/affiliate/ http://www.2insure4less.com/insurance-leads http://adrianasinsurance.com/about_adrianas/terms/ Go to any free quote webite and read their privacy policy and the page that's made for affiliates/agents, you will clearly see how your information is sold.""
""New Driver, Buying Used Car, How much is monthly insurance?""
18 years of age, recently got my license more than a month ago. Looking into this 2003 Ford Taurus I found at a dealership (4 door).... Parents are saying insurance will cost around $300 a month! excluding the car payment which will be around $200 a month. For some reason, I don't believe them what so ever with the cost of the insurance. I do have to get full coverage insurance. But thats just ridiculous. New drivers, how much do you pay for insurance. Only answer if your on your own plan.""
Another insurance question for you...?
I'm 16, and soon I'll be getting my first car. When my mom checked out how much my insurance would be on a black Honda Civic 2-door from 1997 they told her it would be $100 a month. Needless to say, that car is gone and I now have my eyes on a silver Chrysler Sebring 2-door convertible from 1998. Judging by the price of the insurance on the Civic, how much would it be on the Sebring? Thanks in advance.""
Best car insurance rates for male college student?
Hi, I'm buying a 1996 Corolla. It comes with VIPER anti-theft. I'm a male with one speeding ticket. How would I go about finding the best deal for car insurance? The best deal I got was from geico, the bare minimum plan I think, for $600 / 6 months. They also gave me the good student discount. The last owner of the car payed $300 for 6 months. Any tips and tricks to lower my insurance rate? Any other discounts that I can ask for? like a good student discount etc? I attending a University in Omaha, Nebraska, but live in Hawaii. Thanks
Health insurance options for a college student?
One of my best friends is headed off to college, but she doesn't have health insurance, and her parents won't allow her to stay on theirs (they can't afford it, either). I'm concerned for her and obviously want to know if there are some options for her to get some affordable but decent health insurance. What are her options? For the sake of this question, assume that her university does NOT provide their own student health care options. Thanks in advance!""
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What kind of vehicle would have the cheapest insurance?
I need to buy a new car, and have pretty high insurance. I was wondering what types of vehicles would have the cheapest insurance for a newer car (2000+)""
Why can't I get car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 11/10/12 I am not the registered owner on the V5 Log Book, my father is already insured on the vehicle that will be handed over to me as a shared car yet, I can't get my own insurance because I had one claim as a provisional license back in 2010, would it be better to go as an additional driver on my fathers policy or somehow resolve the problem as be the policy holder myself. Also my father admits he will be no longer needing the car when the insurance expires, but what do I do? just to be able to drive my car as I've only recently passed and want to go out for a drive!!!! Will the log book eventually need to be in my name so I can insure it? Also I'm having great difficulty with the claims, I can't seemed to be insured just because of a motorcycle accident claim that wasn't even my fault! thanks.""
What are tips on getting the cheapest car insurance?
...like I think you are suppose to have $1000 as opposed to $500 or $5000... I have a good driving record and I recently bought a house (so I'll probably have my house insurance with the same company)
Had my car insurance cancelled. What can I do?
My car insurance company recently cancelled my policy due to unpaid direct debit. Here is what happened. My direct debit didn't get paid on the 8th Jan 2013 due to my bank refusing as I didn't have enough funds. 3 days later I recieved a letter through the post stating they will try again in 7 days. 10 days later they tried again and it said that it successfuly went through. It's now February, I just checked on the MID website and my car is uninsured! I checked my bank account and no payment went out this month, and last month, when the payment did go out succesfully, I notice on the same day the payment went back into my account! I can't phone my insurance company yet as its 6am but I assue they've cancelled it and are wanting me to pay the rest in full. Now, when I take out a new policy, will this effect me? I have been getting quotes already and I can see an option asking ''have you been refused insurance beofre?''. My answer would be no, I haven't. I have had it cancelled due to non payment but not refused. Or does 'refused' mean cancelled due to non payment?""
Can I get Insurance I am the only employee at my office Group of One?
I live in California and work for a Doctor's office but it is only part time. I have been working for a little over three years and my boss said I can look into the option of getting health insurance however all the companies I look at only want to insure groups of people can my employer get me health coverage even though I am the only one on the plan. Curious in California
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance?
I am 21 have a clean driving record and have a motorcycle permit. I got a quote of $30 a month that's with comprehensive with a deductible of $100. Is this probably as cheap as I can get?
Can anybody give a good estimate on how much my insurance would be for me driving a 2002 ford mustang?
Im 16 years old and i'm a girl if that matters. My mom will not let me get one but I really want that to be my first car. Also can you give me some ideas to convince her to let me get it. I really need the actual price of how much the insurance would be.
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
Getting a quote on a 67 mustang cobra?
i can't seem to find anything on the internet about getting a free quote on this car. i'm wanting to get a 67 mustang cobra with a 302 engine. i have no idea how much my insurance is going to rise up on it. which is why my father doesn't want to buy it. -.- does anyone know how much this would make my insurance go up? no, i'm not asking for a direct quote, i'm asking for an approximate raise. an example such as: This raises your insurance by approximately $200""
Where to find affordable auto insurance in Texas?
We just purchased a 2009 Chrysler Sebring with only 27,500 miles on it. We are just looking to find a good deal. Any suggestions?""
What is the best Dental Insurance for North Carolina??
I need to purchase dental insurance for myself because I know I need to go get a cleaning etc. What is the most affordable insurance to purchase that covers the most & gives me options on which dentist I would like to go to? I know I have atleast one cavity so I need insurance that won't break the bank but will keep my teeth looking good. Thank you in advance!! Easy 10 points for best answer!!
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
Cheap car insurance UK?
I'm a young driver 17 I have no provisional experience or pass plus Im a girl and I'm hopefully getting a ford Ka 2002-2003 Do you know what the cheapest place to get insurance is? I've looked everywhere! Any help appreciated :)
I'm looking to buy a new car but I wont be able to afford car insurance on my own plus paying for a car. If i get a car under my name can i still be placed under my parents car insurance? Im 21 btw. Thanks
Where can I get affordable health insurance for an infant?
I'm having a baby around the first week of December, and I need to figure out how best to set up health insurance for her without going bankrupt. I looked into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and to be eligible for a child-only plan, the baby has to be atleast one year old. For us to get a family plan the cost is absolutely through the roof, more than our monthly income, and even then the child is only covered from 6 weeks of age. Does anyone know of any companies that will insure a baby from birth, without the parents having to be insured? I'm giving birth at a birthing center, and one of the terms of care is that I have to take the baby to a pediatrician within 72 hours of birth. No decent pediatrician will accept us without insurance. I think we may actually be eligible for Medicaid, but I don't want to go that way because high quality doctors don't accept that around here. So can someone please suggest a company that I can go to to insure my baby affordably, in Florida.""
Can I switch Car Insurance 2 weeks later if I am financing a car?
I bought a car and I am financing it through the dealership. I got it insured but now I found a cheaper premium through a different Insurance Company, so I would like to switch. This is about 2 weeks after I put it on the original Insurance Company. And is there a fee for canceling the Insurance so I could switch to the other company?""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 17 and have only had my lisence a week. I need the cheapest car isnurance I can get with minimal coverage, I have a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas?""
Motorcycle insurance quotes?
Anyone know how much comprehensive or third party fire and theft insurance on a 08 CBR 600 would be for a 32 year old not having ridden in 10 years any bikes,and just passed driving test ?! Just looking for quick quote from those in the know really,before I ring around on Monday for some actual quotes from insurance companies. And also can anyone recommend any motorbike insurance companies in uk ? Thanks in advance""
Infiniti g37????????
I'm 19 and I'm getting an used 2007 Infiniti for $12000 yayy ive been driving for a year with no tickets or anything! how much would my insurance cost? I live by myself in Virginia far away from parents just with my gf so don't even rely on my parents..
Can I drive this car without insurance?
So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks.""
Best car insurance rates for male college student?
Hi, I'm buying a 1996 Corolla. It comes with VIPER anti-theft. I'm a male with one speeding ticket. How would I go about finding the best deal for car insurance? The best deal I got was from geico, the bare minimum plan I think, for $600 / 6 months. They also gave me the good student discount. The last owner of the car payed $300 for 6 months. Any tips and tricks to lower my insurance rate? Any other discounts that I can ask for? like a good student discount etc? I attending a University in Omaha, Nebraska, but live in Hawaii. Thanks
0 notes
snyderly · 7 years
This was merely going to be a list of various career paths and why I did not choose them or failed at them...
Accounting – woulid have been easy and boring for me; I wasn't interested in dealing with numbers forever
Math – doable, but gave me headaches and not something I wanted to do
Writing – this is still an option, I guess. I've been fighting it my entire life because I have never liked the process, but I'm a creative person and do love to create, even if I don't like the writing process. At all.
Music – interestingly, I was recently reminded via finding my ACT test results that "music theory and composition" is what I selected as potential field of study at the time. It honestly baffles me mostly because I took a music theory class and there is no way, no matter how much I love singing and performing (which I have only once done in public other than in choirs, and it was a miserable failure due to stage fright), I cannot see myself in composition. Note that my all-time favorite college class was "History of African-American Music" with Josephine Wright.
Politics – This would havew been a great career choice. What held me back mostly was that even in the 1990s, long before the sewer fire that is our current political dialogue, I found arguing and research exhausting—especially arguing. I can do the research; it's tiring but educational and rewarding. I could not and still cannot debate worth anything and would rather hide. It must be the introvert side of me.
Teaching – I have gone through all the training and have the license. I love education and learning, but I am a ridiculously horrible teacher, and don't get me started on classroom management. I am thinking of running for school board and have notions of getting a masters or phd to be in guidance or administration, but I have no money to do that and I need an income now.
Communications – I honestly don't know what I'd do in this field, but I did enjoy studying and my intro to communications class. I'm too soft-spoken and introverted, I think, to be a public speaker, although that is a skill I would love to grasp.
Religion/theology/Christian history – a definite choice, even today, if I had the money and time to pursue it, which I don't. The biggest hindrances historically for me were the thought of entering an echo chamber of my once conservative theology and (like with politics) the exhaustion of debate and argument.
Graphic design – This is #1 on my list, but I failed at taking my chance when I had it. (Hamilton would be disappointed.) I first entered this field when it was just called desktop publishing, learning Adobe Pagemaker in 1995, and I fell in love. I did have two separate full-time jobs and several temp jobs during the 1990s and early 2000s, but did not have a graphic design degree that was then becoming popular, so was often passed over for better opportunities. One of my favorite jobs in my career was working at the small local print shop where I learned Photoshop on the job and got to manipulate or create business cards, newsletters, annual financial reports for banks, and—most improtant of all from my few months there—a catalog for a ceramics exhibit and a local arts center. I did not create the catalog from scratch, but I wasn't supposed to change the design at all yet sneaked in little changes—better use of white space, a serif other than that infermal and ubiquitous Times New Roman, better symmetry and alignment of elements—that I thought made a great layout. And I still have one of them in my possession.
You'll note I said "my few months there". This was the derailment of my first opportunity. See, I'm completely blind in one eye. (I was alrieady when I got my print job.) This happened when I was a sophomore in college the first time. That didn't stop me in desktop publishing. But five years after that first vision-destorying infection, my other eye got infected. It got to the point where I could no longer see to drive or even cross a street by myelf and it was at least nine months until I (quite thankfully) had vision restored in that eye as well as I could expect (thanks to surgery by the doctor who would have operated on the POTUS if he had needed eye surgery, who was named Frank Burns, of all things (M*A*S*H*, if you don't know). That's nine months that the print shop was supposedly willing to wait for my eye to heal and me to see again, but I didn't want to saddle them and I was depressed and I had no idea how long it would really take or if, again, I would lose my sight completely.
Long story short, because most of this is for a separate post someday, my vision was much more limited even after surgery and I had trouble distinguishing shades of colors, which I knew would make me worthless in graphic design.
Four years after that, I did have the opportunity to try for a graphic design degree at Ohio State, but at that time entry into the major was limited and highly competitive and required art classes and painting and drawing samples. I honestly just want to place elements on a page. I had no interest and still have little interest in acrtually creating my own drawings and such. I canvas and my creativity are in the layout and use of type and white spaces. And my vision was still crappy (I would have the computer screen an inch or two from my face to be able to fully decipher what I was looking at), and I knew there were numerous people with much better drawing, painting, and design skills than I had, so I didn't bother trying.
Well, that's the main list of things I have considered pursuing. Obvously part of my problem has always been simply nailing down one thing and sticking with it because I like too many things. In the end, I simply finished a bachelor of arts in English at OSU (the quickest and easiest route at the time), then didn't get any work in it until I started subbing, then got my teaching license that I haven't fully used.
What am I doing now? Proofreading part-time for a local newspaper (well, an international Amish/Mennonite newspaper, I could say) and trying to freelance edit. I enjoy doing these things, although I suffer immensely from imposter syndrome.
And still, that voice telling me to write, which I have tried to smother and suffociate for decades, is there saying "I told you so". And I continue to try to ignore it.
(This post is not grammatically perfect and has not been and will not be edited.)
0 notes