🏤Stepping into a house that gives off all the wrong vibes (@Fragmentingtimespace)
Eerie Atmospheric plot starters  🏤Stepping into a house that gives off all the wrong vibes @fragmentingtimespace
Exploring was something that was constantly on Magic’s mind, them making sure, however, Martin stays close where ever they go. It’s just safer that way. The two exploring on their own often drew eyes, but it was easy to get adults to leave them alone...
This however, was different. While traveling, Magic stumbled across this house, excited by the thought of going into an old abandoned house, seeing how things were before it was left to rot. They didn’t know the universe, nor the time period, hell, the area around them didn’t mean much to them either, they just wanted to go on adventures.
Martin, on the other hand, was exceptionally cautious. He’d never been overly superstitious, but this was just begging for trouble. Though, try as he might, he couldn’t convince Magic to abandoned this... He clung tight to his “sibling”’s arm as they stepped forward, gently pushing on the rotting door as is slowly slides open with a long, echoing creeeeeeeeeak. Surely a good sign. Without hesitation, Magic walked in, dragging Martin with them.
Immediately, things felt wrong. Creaks and shifts deeper into the house and upstairs hinted that someone was still around, Martin gripping tighter to Magic’s arm, shaking. The invasive cold chill that hug in the air was burrowing deep, even into Magic, who had the advantage of magical heat. They couldn’t image how cold Martin was...
Magic turned their masked covered face to different areas, noting silently that the door closed behind them... They notice a shadow moving... Just barely out of their sight... Hm...
“H-Hello? Wh-Who’s there!?” They called out, vines wrapping around their arms... 
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