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problematic-president · 1 year ago
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Some 1776 fanart i made last year but never posted. I think there should be more fan content of john adams and ben franklin being weird besties because that dynamic is top tier
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sleepybamboo · 5 months ago
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Ok but why do I feel like they woke up cuddling each other.
Edit: I wondered how they reacted when they found out they had to sleep together…
(then again, it’s the 18th century and they most likely slept in a place with standards lower than they were, but still)
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ladiemars · 1 year ago
wowie thank you for 2200+ followers!! frankie/adam doodle below the cut for my OGs 🖤
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jayden-jade · 1 year ago
If I travel to the US someday, THIS is the first thing I want to see.
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taymelgreen-blog · 7 years ago
Freya Armstrong
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Full name: Freya Jane Armstrong
Better known as: Frey (sometimes)
Age: 24
Birthday: December 20th, 1992
Sexuality: Undecided
FC: Alejandra Alonso
Account: @freyajarmstrong
Present Parter: Engaged to Adam Lane 
Previous Partners: Two guys
Children: none
Fur Children: Tiny Tim (dog with Adam)
Other Relatives: an older brother 
Closest Friends: Taylor Green, Jade Lawson, Lauren Green
Known for: being a nanny
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malangtoday-blog · 5 years ago
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Juosss!! Mahasiswa KKN 127 UMM Hasilkan Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Urien Sapi
MALANGTODAY.NET- Maraknya pemakaian pupuk anorganik yang terlalu berlebihan menjadi permasalahan saat ini dalam sektor pertanian. Dalam hal ini sejumlah mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam kelompok Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) 127 UMM mengambil langkah inisiatif untuk membuat pupuk organik cair yang berbahan dari urine sapi (POCUS). POCUS merupakan hasil kreatif dari KKN 127 UMM yang bertempat di Desa Sidoluhur Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Lawang. Proses pembutan p sangat mudah dan tidak memakan banyak waktu. “Pembuatan pupuk organik cair ini kita lakukan kurang lebih selama satu minggu, itu juga sudah termasuk pra proses pembuatan hingga proses akhir” ujar Ahmad selaku koordinator Divisi Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan KKN 127 UMM. [caption id="attachment_289479" align="alignnone" width="1068"] Proses penyaringan urine sapi yang dilakukan oleh tim KKN 127 UMM@Dok. KNN 127 UMM[/caption] Tujuan pembuatan pupuk organik cair ini adalah untuk memanfaatkan limbah peternakan (urine sapi) yang mana hasil akhirnya bisa mendorong usaha produkstifitas dan meningkatkan perekonomian desa. Proses pembuatan POCUS dimulai dari tanggal 21 Juli 2019 dengan tahapan awal yakni menampung urine sapi.
Bahan utama POCUS
Untuk alat dan bahan sudah dipikirkan dengan sangat matang untuk mempermudah dalam proses pembuatannya. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu urine sapi, gula tetes, dan nanas. Fungsi nanas disini untuk memberikan aroma wangi pada pupuk tersebut. Dengan demikian bau menyengat dari urine sapi akan hilang. Uniknya lagi, selama ini tidak banyak pupuk organik cair yang memiliki aroma buah-buahan. Hal ini dapat menjadi keuntungan tersendiri sebagai nilai plus dalam pemasaran POCUS. Kabar baiknya lagi, POCUS akan dijual dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau. [caption id="attachment_289481" align="alignnone" width="1067"] penyuluhan pembuatan kepada peatani di Desa Sidoluhur, Kabupaten Lawang, Kecamatan Lawang@Dok. KNN 127 UMM[/caption] “Kami sangat berterima kasih untuk semua pihak yang sudah membantu, mulai dari H. Mulyono selaku ketua kelompok ternak GAPOKTAN (Gabungan Kelompok Tani) Rahayu, kepala desa Sidoluhur bapak Mulyoko, dosen pembimbing lapangan Bu Arina, serta seluruh rekan-rekan KKN 127 UMM. Semoga apa yang kami lakukan ini bisa bermanfaat untuk desa Sidoluhur” jelas Ahmad. Tidak hanya itu, kami juga berterimakasi kepada UPT Penyuluhan Pertanian Lawang yang turut mendukung secara penuh dalam mengenalkan produk kepada masyarakat Desa Sidoluhur khususnya kepada petani. Penulis: Nanda Wahyu Pamungkas Fradam Hadi & Riska Fatmawati
Source : https://malangtoday.net/malang-raya/pendidikan/juosss-mahasiswa-kkn-127-umm-hasilkan-pupuk-organik-cair-berbahan-urien-sapi/
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dolley-madison · 8 years ago
IMA question What are the best and worst ships (In order from Jesus fuck is this not canon to death to all that ship this fucking flaming trash heap of a couple)
Excellent challenge! But I’m no good with numbers so I’m gonna do tiers
Washington+Caroline, Mindi+Alex, Alex+Thomas (jamilton), James+Alex, ok lbr Washington+any of them
Ben+Alex, Abby+James
John+Abby, John+Thomas (jadams)
James+John, John+ Ben(fradams(MY FAVORITE)), Mindi+Abby
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freebet-gratis · 7 years ago
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mionaomi-blog · 8 years ago
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土曜日はフラダンス見に行って 今日はブリッジのお祭行った🌿🌿 brigeは日本のお祭り。 ここはアメリカ今日だけ日本って、、 笑いとまらなかった。これだけど。 http://youtu.be/pn-Kh-2xLGE 写真撮る余裕もない。 夜はプールして走ってきた。 明日からまた頑張ろーと。
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sleepybamboo · 5 months ago
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ladiemars · 4 years ago
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some fradam doodles because i haven’t been able to form a coherent thought since i saw that art of adam mishka posted on instagram
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burr-did-nothing-wrong · 3 years ago
You all shipping fradams but no one does friends to lovers to enemies to friends quite like Adams and Jefferson. 
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xtcz · 9 years ago
i know this is self indulgent but hear me out ok
ima au where instead of going to 2012 chicago, they end up in like 1920-ish chicago and theres like gangs and stuff let me do this
the guy that brought them there(does he have a name? idk) was part of some gang under some crime boss
okay so the gang would smuggle moonshine and stuff to all these speakeasies
and the guys get caught up in this gang
hamilton fits right in like what do you expect
he’s good at making deals and sees stuff well from the crime boss’ point of view so like almost immediately he gets to be important
the six of them get their own speakeasy to manage
franklin disapproves of the entire thing but he can’t really stop it or change it, so he has fun and sort of gets into it
he encourages all the others eventually
since adams is a coffee shop fella in the real one, maybe he can tend the speakeasy bar or something
he’s totally the voice of reason like everyone comes to him to talk and he’s like wiping glasses and giving good advice
jefferson is probably having a great time tbh
since its the 20s he was exposed to a different type of music but who cares? he’s still a rockin jazz/swing fella and that’s even better
all the ladies love him
hamilton still uses madison to gamble
okay but it’s fallen mostly on franklin to take care of madison bc everyone trusts franklin w/ that responsibility
madison maybe as a side plot gets noticed by the crime boss and it used to predict police positions and stuff so they don’t get caught
poor buddy
but yeah mainly he’s chill and he’ll sit at a table and listen to whatever music is there, sometimes it’s jefferson
washington is the getaway driver no one can tell me anything else
he’s the driver bc franklin said one night ‘were the authorities to pull us down, you would look the best behind the wheel’
also bc he was the only one willing to learn how to drive
(adams tried too but it was a disaster)
madison is like franklin and adams’ ward, it’s on them to look out for him
~~but in cool 20s clothes and a dire prohibition setting~~
hamilton is like so sleazy and untrustworthy i can’t stress this enough
he’s the connection to the crime boss bc he’s so criminal and he gets orders and tells everyone else what to do 
no one likes it
i’ll think of more
i just want ima aus ok 
if you have anything to add please do bc this could get really cool
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jayden-jade · 1 year ago
As a Fradams shipper, I second the motion!
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Some 1776 fanart i made last year but never posted. I think there should be more fan content of john adams and ben franklin being weird besties because that dynamic is top tier
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dolley-madison · 9 years ago
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IMA + high quality shitposting (6/?)
guess who’s still beating the dead horse that is this joke (also lots of hammy in this one but what can i say he’s relatable)
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sleepybamboo · 5 months ago
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