#fpe tickles
just-cutie-avocado · 2 months
I'll never draw a FPE tkl art again...
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But I love those cinnamon rolls aaaaaaaaaaaa
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lanb3r · 4 months
Can you do lee zip
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Oh come onnn it doesn’t tickle that much ya little baby
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maybedraws-things · 4 months
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revenge against teachers Part 1
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"The consequences of failing"
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Lers: Miss Circle
Lees: Abbie
(This is completely platonic btw)
"There's nowhere left to run, Abbie~"
Miss Circle chuckled as she busted down the door to the room Abbie was hiding in. The frightened boy stumbled back, his anxiety becoming worse each second as he tried to reason with the angry math teacher.
Miss Circle smirked, taking another step towards Abbie until he was completely against the wall.
"Oh, you poor unfortunate soul..You should've seen this coming~ You already know what happens when a student fails my class~"
Abbie held back a sob, squeezing his eyes shut as he pressed himself further into the wall. He was expecting the most painful death imaginable..But he was completely caught off guard when Miss Circle held him in her arms, using her pointy black fingers to dig into his side. He immediately burst out into uncontrollable giggles.
"Eek--! M-Mihihihiss!? Wh-What are you dohohoing!?"
Miss Circle snickered, a playful smirk on her face.
"Giving you your punishment, obviously~ What else am I doing?"
Abbie continued to squeak and giggle, squirming around in Miss Circle's grasp. His face was now turning red in embarrassment.
"Ehehehehehehe! *Snrk!* I-I wahas not expecting thihihis!!"
Miss Circle's smirk widened, clearly enjoying the young man's squeaky giggles. She found it adorable, (in the motherly way, of course).
"That's the point, dear...No one ever expects being tickled by an angry teacher."
She growled playfully, her claws now scratching and digging into Abbie's stomach. This made the poor student become absolutely hysterical.
Abbie squealed, starting to squirm around even more. Miss Circle chuckled loudly, making sure to keep her grip on him strong so he wouldn't get away or get hurt.
"You sure are a sensitive little thing, aren't you? That's precious~"
She continued to tickle his tummy, not stopping for even a second. Abbie whined, grabbing onto her hand and trying to push it away.
He cried, basically begging for mercy at this point. Miss Circle's eyes lit up slightly, stopping her attack but resting her hand on his stomach.
"Sorry for what, darling?"
Abbie took a minute to catch his breath, looking up at the teacher with teary, pleading eyes.
"I-I'm sohorry for- for failing.."
Miss Circle's smirk turned into a grin. She decided to show mercy, but still held him in her arms.
"..I guess I can accept your little apology, dear. But you better promise me that it won't happen again."
She spoke in a rather serious tone. Abbie immediately nodded, covering his stomach in case she decided to tickle him again.
"I-I promise! It w-won't happen again.."
Miss Circle hummed, placing him back on the floor.
"Good. Now let's get back to class."
She turned around, walking back to the classroom. Abbie eventually followed behind her.
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hyperfixation-fox · 2 months
hows about some lee zip
I luv herrrr
Here :3
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(sorry it doesn't look the best I kind of rushed plus I'm not the best at drawing tickle art but I tried)
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inazamikiyoshii · 5 months
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Miss. Circle❤️
30% lee 70% ler
LER 70%
• Circle is the type of ler that will chase you around the school with evil laughter and saying; “tickle monster!”
• would definitely poke you
• would use her claws to tease you around your sensitive spots before tickling you
• Would literally tickle you until you beg for her to stop or laugh uncontrollably
• fav lees : Oliver, Ms. Bloomie, Claire, and Abbie
LEE 30%
• weak spot: Tummy, ears, and thighs
•squeals, And would squirm a lot.
• she would try to stab you with her pencil though😭
• if you try to sneak on her, she would definitely must get you back
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She's mad but enjoying it <3
(Her arm is behind her back bc one of Oliver's hands is keeping it there bc if not she's gonna get payback>:3 [she'll get him back anyway]) [characters are Kaaaties her Channel is on YT]
Thanks to @just-cutie-avocado for convincing me it won't be bad 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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the-one-and-omly · 18 days
Edward’s Tickle Machine!
Ler! Edward. Lee! Zip
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Summery: Edward needed someone to help test his new machine and thought his girlfriend Zip would be the perfect victim test subject.
WARNINGZ: This is a tickle fic! Zipward! And (kinda) intense tickles! Tough Restraints!
Edward stood in his science lab with a huge smirk on his face. He had convinced Zip to help him test his new machine. Zip had no idea what the machine was for but followed him into the room, where he closed the door and put up a DO NOT DISTURB sign.
Edward led her to the machine and began to speak, “Okay Zip, lay down on your back.” Zip nods and does as she’s told, a bit tense. “H-Hey Ed…? What exactly is this machine for..?” Edward smirked and pressed a button making two hands come out and pull her arms above her head, as metal cuffs pin her arms up.
The poor girl let out a little gasp of surprise and wiggled around as metal cuffs pinned her ankles down too. She looked at Edward with a nervous expression. “E-Edward…?” He smirked, “you fell right into my trap, silly!” He turned on the machine and the hand tickled her sides a bit hard.
Her breath hitched as she began wiggling.
“W-Wahaha!? Edwahahahard!! Nohoho!!”
Edward watches his girlfriend laugh and squirm and clicks another button, making another pair of arms come out and tickle her armpits with feathers, making her snort.
Her face turned bright red as she squirmed and pulled at the metal cuffs. He chuckled and grinned. “You’re just so ticklish~ I HAD to tickle you~” She snorted and tried to kick him but her legs were tied down. “FUHUHUCK YOU!!” He fake gasped in offense. “Oh no~ Such bad language Zip~ I think you need a punishment~”
He clicked another button and the machine tickled her thighs, inner and outer. She let out a loud yelp. She couldn’t take it, her thighs, sides, AND Armpits. She struggled as tears of joy rolled down her face.
He chuckled at her dismay as she turned a bright shade of red. She snorted and lay there helplessly.
He looked at her with a smirk. “You want Mercy, huh?” She nods frantically as she laughs like a crazy person. He nods and turns off the machine, ruffling her hair.
She lays there, panting and sweating. “G-Gohod…” Her eyes are teary as she looks up at Edward. He sighs and pets her, “You alright, Zip? Didn’t wanna make you too overwhelmed…” She panted, “I-I’m okay..”
He nods and unlocks her restraints, allowing her to sit up. She wiped sweat off her face and hopped off the machine and stretched a bit. “You’re such a jerk…” Edward chuckles, “Sorry Zippy… do ya forgive me..” Zip blushes a bit, “Yeah…” He nods and wraps his arms around her as she speaks up again, “Can we maybe not tell Oliver about this…” Edward nods, “yeah.”
Edward smirks and looks at Zip. “Hey, we should make Oliver try out the machine next! He’s been awfully grumpy recently!” Zip smirked, “Hell yes! C’mon, I know where he is!”
(Part 2???)
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alechans-cutetickles · 3 months
🇮🇹:Miss circle ha il singiozzo (guardate il mio post in primo piano prima di interagire!!)
🇺🇸:Miss circle has hiccup (read my pinned post first to interact!!)
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just-cutie-avocado · 14 days
The spikes on Zip's back are super ticklish
(I usually go anonymous however I decided not to for this so)
It's really cute hc :3
I think she always tries to hide how ticklish her spikes are but the only ones who manages to go for them are Chip, Edward Oliver (and sometimes Miss Thavel (I see Thavel as Zip's and Chip's mother))
(okayy I got it :])
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lanb3r · 4 months
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maybedraws-things · 4 months
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HEY! happy birthday :3
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"Apologize!" (Ler!Engel and Lee!Oliver)
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Lers: Engel
Lees: Oliver
Some trigger warnings if needed: Swearing. I think that's it-
Oliver cried, basically rolling on the floor while being a flustered, laughing mess.
Engel only scoffed in response, not stopping his tickling on the poor boy's underarms any time soon. (Unless he apologized for pranking him of course).
"Hell no! You pissed me off when you filled my locker with soap! Now apologize!"
Oliver growled through his laughter, trying but failing to protect his tickle spots from the angry student.
Engel hummed in response, clearly growing more annoyed the more Oliver refused to apologize.
"Oh really? You're not gonna apologize? Ever?"
Oliver stubbornly shook his head, tears of laughter streaming down his face. This guy really was something else..
Engel's frown slowly turned into a smirk. He was gonna get Oliver to apologize one way or another.
"Oh? Alright then...So you don't care if I did this to you, right?~"
Without any warning, Engel lowered his head towards Oliver's stomach and blew a long raspberry right on the center. Oliver was now literally dying-
Engel smirked even more. He then pulled his head away, happy with Oliver's response.
"Good! You should be sorry."
Oliver eventually caught his breath, eventually sitting up and glaring at Engel.
"I-I hate you!"
Engel only chuckled in response.
"I know you do."
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hyperfixation-fox · 30 days
4, 7, 8, 10 for Zip
Q4.: "what is their laugh like?"
A: high pitched, loud, squeaky
Q7.:"who is someone in their life that they tickle often?"
A:Probably either Chip(platonic siblings) or Claire(because lesbians)
Q8.:"who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?"
A:Claire(because lesbians once again), Miss Thavel(platonic mother daughter thing)
Q10.:"are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?"
A:Yup, Zip would definitely be embarrassed about how ticklish she is and would deny the fact that she is like her life depends on it-
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inazamikiyoshii · 5 months
hello! Can you do LERS Miss thavel and Miss Bloomie and Lee miss circle? Thx
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I finally finished the lee Claire and ler Alice
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Which one is better?
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