panneshirley · 2 years
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Gay like queer or gay like gay? Because Sam and I call ourselves gay but we’re both actually bi.
pride gifset for @wbywebseriesreviews!
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We get it. You’ve already rewatched your favorite webseries, there’s nothing new on Netflix, and you’ve already re-read Anne of Green Gables.
Don’t worry. We’re Still Here-- and we’ve got a surprise coming up over the next few days. Watch this page, and make sure you’re subscribed to the official Arsenic Martini Youtube channel.
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20genderchild · 5 years
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mystery crew
songs for some meddling kids.
8tracks | Spotify
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is-there-gay-in-it · 6 years
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Jason “Ace” Hereweald
Show: Four Pals and a Dog
Category: Webseries
Portrayed by: Marquis Julian Hill
Status: Main Character
First Appearance: Episode 1.2, “The Menace”
Orientation: Asexual
Orientation Confirmed: Episode 3.5, “Q&A w/ Ace!”
Check readmore to see if character is alive.
Ace is alive.
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monstrous-femme · 6 years
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Something weird is happening around here.
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galwithalibrarycard · 6 years
This was prompted by @monstrous-femme for the Mystery Girls, Sidney x Iris, from her webseries Four Pals and a Dog. Prompt was “ride or die” and angsty girlfriends, so I’m sorry in advance for the pain. I hope you like it, Hailey! This is just something I’ve been thinking about regarding Sidney’s character, and it was fascinating and cathartic to explore. 
In Disbelief
“Oh my gosh!” Iris exclaimed, dancing around the room, her pink skirt swishing around her as she moves. “I can’t believe it, we found a real ghost!”
Sidney rolled her eyes, plonking down into her desk chair and staring into the camera on the tripod across the room. She couldn’t deny that her girlfriend was adorable when she was this excited. But that didn’t mean Sidney had to be excited too. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I still think there’s a rational explanation for all this, just like there was on every other case we’ve investigated.”
“Come on, Sid, you saw the footage! Sam saw the ghost with his own eyes! Why aren’t you excited?” Iris asked, sitting next to her and taking her hands. “This is a major breakthrough, this could change the laws of physics as we know them, you love that stuff! Let’s celebrate.”
Iris leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Sidney’s cheek, her lips warm and slightly tacky with gloss. Sidney blushed, looking down at her hands. She should be happy, she knew, but there was a pit of frustration and dread in her stomach, growing every time she thought about the footage, and what it meant for her, every time she had to see her friends gloating.  
“Look, I don’t want to be a stick in the mud,” Sidney started, looking apologetically into the camera, instead of facing Iris. 
“Then don’t!” Iris was still beaming as she pulled away from Sidney, obliviously filling the viewers in on the celebratory pizza party they were planning to have with Ace and Sam tonight, to mark the occasion of their first real ghost. Sidney sighed audibly, and Iris stopped, turning to look at her. 
“What? Are you okay?” 
Sidney bit her lip, dreading the argument she knew she was starting. Ugh. “I just… I thought you were different, Iris.”
“Different than what?” Iris furrowed her brow in confusion, which was also, annoyingly enough, adorable. 
“Different than Sam!” Sidney burst out. “Different than Ace, and Rose, and Twyla, and Selene. I thought you were the one person who wasn’t going to jump on every single chance to prove me wrong about something like this.”
“I don’t understand…” Iris murmured.
“No, you really don’t.” Sidney forced herself to look at her girlfriend. “Iris, I don’t think you get how lonely it can be, being the only person who doesn’t believe. Gods, ghosts, cryptids, they’re all fiction to me, even if I really like studying their folklore. But to everyone else, who does believe in magic, I’m always the stick in the mud. I’m the person who’s ruining everyone’s fun, the grump who’s too deep in her science textbooks to see this whole other universe that’s supposedly out there.”
“Sid, no, you are not ruining anything, okay? You’re tons of fun, you know that. We love you,” Iris assured, touching her shoulder gently. Sidney shrugged her hand away. 
“It’s not about how fun I am, Iris! You have your ghosts, my roommates have their witchcraft, even my parents have their religion… and all I have is myself. Myself, and my science. And every time you guys get so excited about a case, I just can’t make myself join in. Every time I go to a moon meditation with Rose and her partners, I can’t keep from thinking how all their zodiac predictions are really just coincidences, and I feel like such a jerk for that. I am constantly on the outside, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t make myself believe something that I just don’t think is true. I’m always going to be that stubborn, boring cynic to you guys.”
“Sidney,” Iris breathes, stricken. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know, I didn’t… I don’t care what you believe. I don’t judge you for it, I promise. You are so important to me, and I don’t ever want to make you feel you can’t be yourself around me.” 
“See? Right there.” Sidney points at her, fighting back the frightening moisture building behind her eyes. “You don’t care what I believe. But I care, Iris. I care that no matter what, we disagree on a fundamental level. What if we can’t get past that? What if it breaks us?” 
“It won’t. Honey, I won’t let it,” Iris says, openly crying too. “I’m gonna fight for you. You and me, we’re the Mystery Girls, ride or die, right? And as for beliefs? I don’t believe different philosophies should keep people from being together. There’s always middle ground. Always.”
“I wish I could be so sure about that,” Sidney says bitterly. “I think you should leave.” 
“But –“ 
“Just go!” She screams, the tears finally coming in full force. “Please. Just go. I can’t do this right now.”
“You know what? Fine. Just let me know if you decide to believe in us again, Sid. And it had better be soon.” 
Iris leaves without another word, shutting the door with a slam. Sidney falls backwards onto the bed, her head buried in her pillow, and sobs until she falls asleep. 
It isn’t until the dawn of morning, when the sun casts ghostly shadows across her walls, that Sidney realizes she forgot to turn her camera off.
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sirenofthetimes · 6 years
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rose-crantz-blog · 6 years
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iris + sitting on the people she loves
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ivanhoe-dont-do-it · 6 years
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Mystery Crew + denim
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reasonandnonsense · 6 years
This isn’t something I usually notice but the new four pals and a dog is so impressively shot? Like the lighting changes through the time lapse, and the light/angle/mood difference between the intro and the rest and the effects???? Also just visually the colours/framing/mood look like a living aesthetic post in the best possible way?
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violivs · 6 years
4 Pals Arc 1 Liveblog (1.6 through 1.11)
- “Incident-prone Iris” I LOVE IT
- Likes purple and dislikes ‘jeepers’ yessss that’s my Daphne Blake I love her
- Iris and Sidney’s dynamic is super sweet and I love how warm and bubbly Iris is and how nervous and unsure Sidney is
- Is Ruby the dog? Because that is adorable and perfect
- Omg the ghost is an AI, I cannot believe
- Truly the scariest aspect of living in 2018 is those creepy home assistants like you will never catch me with an Alexa or Google Home, I have seen Smart House, I know how that shit ends
- Her voice is kinda cute though?
- Post-Mortum time! Woo!
- The Zoinks flu! I love this show
- Aww Ace is such a talented sweetheart and I hope he learns to take a compliment, he deserves them
- Side note I’m really enjoying all the Ace puns, A+
- Poor Sam, I hope he finds an actual ghost soon, he’s being a good sport about being proven wrong, and such an enthusiastic dork, I love him
- They got a literal A+, I’m so proud!!!
- I can’t wait for Sidney to embrace the Mystery Crew name. So cute. Friendship to the max!
- Ooh conference between Sam and Iris, how mysterious
- Omg that jealousy from Sidney though! She’s freaking out! I can’t wait to see where this goes...
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panneshirley · 3 years
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mystery llc + plaid
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Early on in the writing process, we had a conversation that went something like this. 
[conversation not vetted for accuracy]
Hailey: let’s not have our characters say “fuck” too much, I want it to pack a punch when they do
Elizabeth: you know how like in Bojack they only get one “fuck” a season? We could give each character one “fuck”
Hailey: can sam’s be really insignificant and kinda dumb?
Elizabeth: yes
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20genderchild · 6 years
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sidney: oh geez was that okay what did i just do
iris: SHE KISSED ME!!!!!!  FINALLY!!!!!!!
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is-there-gay-in-it · 6 years
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Iris Duke
Show: Four Pals and a Dog
Category: Webseries
Portrayed by: Cassia Ward
Status: Main Character
First Appearance: Episode 1.1, “Introduction Feat. Pizzazz”
Orientation: Lesbian
Orientation Confirmed: Episode 3.6, “Paranormal Activity”
Check readmore to see if character is alive.
Iris is alive.
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monstrous-femme · 6 years
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The Mystery Girls 
Four Pals and Dog (2018-2019)
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