#fp jones x fem reader
lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Mother Dearest
Part Four
Pairing: FP Jones x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 908
Summery: History of FP and his wife
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You met Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr when you were in elementary school. You had moved to Riverdale when you were really little. As a kid you didn’t much care for the change, it’s a new experience. The first memory you have Forsythe is when you were introduced to the class since you moved in the middle of the year. You were sat next to a boy with black hair and dark eyes. On the other side of him was another boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. The boy with dark hair was staring at you as you sat down which made you duck your head down as you were shy. 
A soft voice broke the silence that surrounded the table. “I’m Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr. You can just call me Fp though.” You looked at the boy with dark eyes. 
“I’m Y/N.” You almost whispered to him. You then looked at the other boy as he was watching you too. 
“I’m Fred Andrews.” He spoke. 
“You can call him Freddy, I do.” Fp said with a smile. You smiled back. 
Time Skip
When you were middle school was when you realized that you liked Fp Jones as more than a friend. You didn’t know how or when you started to like him like that but it grew as you went into high school. In ninth grade was when you both started to grow into your teenage bodies. Starting to adjust life as you grew. It was also the year you both realized that you both liked each other. 
You can remember sitting with Fp at his house. You were both in his room on bean bag chairs. Though he pushed his up against yours so close that he was able to lean over and comfortably lean on a little. You were reading, so you didn’t notice that he wasn’t looking at his bike magazine anymore until he said something. 
“Y/N...” You looked over at him and saw him staring at you with a look in his eyes that you never seen before. 
“Yeah?” You said. You placed the still open book on your chest so your whole attention was on Fp. He put his head down and started to slightly rip the pages of the magazine. 
“I think...” He took in a deep breath and let it out as he spoke. “I like you a lot. As more than friends....” He sat there, almost regretting telling you.
But he didn’t look up to see a smile grow on your face. “I like you too.” You told him. His head jerked up and turned to you making you giggle at his face that he made. His eyes were wide with shock and jaw had fallen slightly. 
A grin tugged at his lips as he wet his lips and asked breathlessly. “Really?” You nodded at him as you leaned your head back comfortably against the bean bag but kept your eyes on him. “Th-That’s great! Uhhh,” He paused as he thought for quick second. “Do you want to go on a date soon?” He asked in a hurry and excited tone. You smiled at him.
“Sure. Just tell me where and when.” You told him. Next thing you knew he basically threw himself and wrapped his arms around your waist and was on his knees with his head buried in your stomach. You grinned and ran your hands through his hair. 
Time Skip
The next important memory you have of you two was when you both joined the Serpents when you were 16. Fp’s dad had put him out, which made your mom take him in. You both lived on the Southside. You both were tired of the shit that people were giving you both so you joined the Serpents. Which turned out to be the best decision you had ever made. They became your family. 
When you were 17, you both were in love. You felt you could do anything while he was by your side. 
Fp and you had slowly risen in the ranks of the Serpents. It was put on hold once Fp joined the Army right after high school along with your engagement. He served for a couple of years before coming home and picked up where he left off with the Serpents. When coming back it was slightly different. You had also risen in ranks in the Serpents. Kind of like a Mom or caretaker of the gang. If someone was hurt and didn’t want to got to the clinic, they went to you. They had a problem, they came to you. 
He couldn’t be prouder. 
It was when you were both 25 that you got married, finally. That same year, Fp and Fred started the construction company. Two years later you were pregnant with Jughead. When Jughead was 5, you got pregnant with Jellybean. 
The problems started when Jellybean was around 2, mostly because Jelly was a sickly kid. She was constantly in and out of the hospital. Bad immune system which wasn’t ideal with Riverdale weather. This caused hospital bills to start piling high. Making Fp turn to less than legal ways to provide more money for the needs of his family. 
But you both were King and Queen of the Serpents by the time Jughead was 10. 
The drinking and jail were last straw for you. You couldn’t handle the down hill direction the love of your life was going. 
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Unexpected Snowstorm
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Request: Yes / No List was made by @alpaca-clouds 
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader 
Word count: 759
Warnings: Nothing! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was dark on the cold december night. I was hanging out at Sweet Pea’s place when the snow started coming down hard. Neither of us noticed, until we started getting cold. I felt the shivers and looked over at Pea, who was also slightly shivering. 
“It’s cold in here.” I mentioned and Sweets nodded. He got up and checked the head, which was on. He looked out the window and his eyes widened. 
“Uh, I guess it started snowing.” Sweets said and I got up to look. 
“Oh my God…” I said as I looked at the snow quickly piling up. I heard my phone ring and quickly went to answer it. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” My brother, Jughead asked. 
“I’m at Pea’s place.” I answered. 
“Dad! She’s with Sweet Pea!” I heard him call out. 
“Darlin’? You’re still at Sweet Pea’s place?” Dad asked and I nodded, before realizing he can’t see me. 
“Yeah.” I answered. 
“Stay there tonight, there’s a bad storm outside and it looks like we’re gettin’ snowed in.” He said. 
“Yeah, Sweets and I didn’t realize it even started snowing until we both felt how cold it was getting.” I said and looked over at Sweets. 
“You both are gonna be able to stay warm, right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I think so.” I answered. 
“Good, alright, try and keep your phone charged. We might lose power.” He said. 
“Okay, Daddy.” I said with a nod. We hung up and I turned to Sweet Pea. 
“Guess we’re stuck here until the storm is over and people can start digging us out.” I said and he nodded. 
“Fine by me.” He said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and started to rub my arms. 
“Dad said he thinks we might lose power.” I said and Sweets groaned. 
“We’re gonna freeze to death.” He said and I giggled. 
“I might freeze first, so you can eat my body if you need to.” I joked. Sweets chuckled then noticed me shivering harder and rubbing my arms. He walked off and returned with a warm looking sweater. He tossed it to me and I happily put it on. 
“That looks better on you then it does me.” He said with a wink and I blushed slightly. Sweets and I returned to the couch and started watching another movie. 
Maybe half way through the power cut out. Pea groaned and I sighed. It almost instantly got colder. I checked my phone and saw Jughead had texted me. He was making sure my phone was charged and we were okay. I texted him back and told him that my phone was charged and that Pea and I would be fine. I started shivering again and Sweets looked over at me. 
“Sweets?” I asked. 
“Yeah?” He asked.
“C-Can we move t-to your bed?” I asked. He nodded and we both quickly went to his room. I rushed to his bed and wrapped the blanket around my body and felt a little warmer. Sweets left the room and came back a few moments later with extra blankets. I smiled and moved over to make room for Sweets. He got under the blankets with me and wrapped the extra ones around us. Sweets laid down and pulled me to lay on his chest. I smiled as I felt the warmth of his body. 
“Imagine Jugs face if he saw us frozen like this.” I joked and Sweets laughed. 
“He’d find a way to bring me back just to kill me again.” He said and I giggled. My brother was alway protective of me when it came to guys. When he found out me and Sweet Pea were dating, Dad had to stop him from killing my now boyfriend. Dad wasn’t exactly happy about me dating Pea either, but he could tell how happy I was with him. That’s the only reason he was a bit more lenient with us. 
I could feel myself growing tired, but I didn’t really think I should sleep while being this cold. My eyelids were growing heavier and heavier, I could hardly fight it. 
“Get some sleep, babe, it’s pretty much the only thing we can do right now anyway.” He said and I sighed. 
“I don’t wanna freeze to death.” I mumbled. Pea chuckled and pulled me closer. 
“I’m not gonna let you freeze babe, I’ll keep you warm all night.” He said and my eyes finally closed. I mumbled something in my sleepy state as I finally lost the fight.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 @reblogserpent @darkestbeforethedawn16 @fandom-princess-forevermore @will-noble-owns-my-ass @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @madebyleftovermuses @liz-owl
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Bulldog's Or Sister - Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Jones Fem!reader
FP x Daughter Fem!Reader
Jughead x Sister Fem!Reader
Fangs x Toni x Fem!Reader (Friends)
Warnings: mention of near death bullying
Word count: 966
Summary: Reggie beat’s up Y/n and Sweet pEa isn’t ok with it. Neither is Fangs and Toni or FP. BUt Jughead her brother thinks there must of been some type of misunderstanding. Which makes things wrose between him and the Serpents. Y/n’s been one of them way longer than him.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“This is going to far.” Sweet Pea shakes his head trying to control his anger.
“Agreed.” Fangs stated crossing his arms.
“They hurt Y/n. I don’t know about you but I want revenge.” Toni all but growled in defense of her friend.
“I’m right here Toni.” Y/n smiled gratefully at her best friend before turning her attention back to everyone. “And I want revenge to.” Y/n stated from her seated position, still hurting all over from the beating.
“We’ll get it princess. We will. We all will.” FP promised his daughter as he walked over to her, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
Seconds later the door to the Wyrm burst open and in walked the beanie wearing teen that everyone had been trying to get ahold of.
“What happened?” Jughead said once she was fully in the bar. As he looked around he noticed pretty much everyone was there.
“Where have you been?” FP turned to his son, fuming in rage.
“I was with Betty, we had to look into something. I came as soon as I could.” Jughead shrugged his shoulders, not getting the urgency.
“We called and texted you hundreds of times.” Toni spoke up glaring at Jughead. How could he just ignore everyone trying to get a hold of him.
“Not to mention hours ago.” Fangs joined Toni in glaring at the beanie wearing boy.
“Sorry. I was busy.” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows in confusion on why everyone seemed so passed at him.
“To busy to come to the aid of your bleeding sister?!” Sweet Pea yells enraged, he took a step forward. How could he not care about his own sister then again Sweet Pea felt he shouldn’t be surprised. Jughead always seemed to only care about his Northsider friends, more than he cared about anyone else.
“We had to take her to the hospital.” Fangs added, he to stepped forward off the wall. Fangs stared at Jughead, pissed off. “You didn’t even get here till she was already discharged.”
“Do you even care?” Toni narrowed her eyes as she put the question out there.
“Of course I care.” Jughead scoffed looking over to his sister seeing her all bruised and bandaged, cut’s littered her face and neck. He could only imagine what was under her clothes. “What happened anyway? Who hurt you?”
Jughead’s lack of concern on his face and in his tone were shocking to everyone.
“Reggie and the rest of the bulldog’s. That’s who.” Y/n spat at her brother. How could he be so nonchalant about this?!
“Are you okay?” he asked although there wasn't any concern in his voice. That’s obvious.
Do I look okay?!” Y/n yelled not believing her brother just could stand there in front of her looking at her all injured and not seem to care at all. “I’m hurt, bruised, bleeding and broken. I’m in pain and one of the people I wanted here for me was my brother and he couldn’t even bother!”
“Why’d they attack you?” Jughead asks, pointing at his sister.
“Why?” Sweet Pea copied Jughead’s words while clenching his fists.
“Yes, why? I’m sure it was a misunderstanding.” Jughead himself narrowed his eyes at the taller serpent.
“They targeted me, Jughead.” Y/n spoke up, getting more upset with her brother by the minute.
“Did they think you were someone else?” Jughead was trying to find a solution as to why the Bulldogs would do this.
It shocked and amazed all the serpents and not in a good way that Jughead instead of seeing his sister and caring or wanting revenge he would try to defend the one’s recognizable for almost killing his own sister.
“Stop trying to make excuses for them!” Sweet Pea yelled, slamming his hand down on the nearest table. Which happened to be the table Toni and Y/n were sitting at.
Y/n reached for Sweet Pea’s hand, hoping to calm him down. To reassure him she was there. Before Y/n turned her gaze back to her brother.
“They followed me, they conquered me and they attacked me. They knew it was me, I was the intended target for their attack… And you don’t even care.” Y/n had tears welling up in her eye’s at recalling what had happened to her and that it seemed her brother could care less about her.
“What happened to my son that loved and protected his sister? Cause that’s not what I’m seeing.” FP shook his head, eyes filled with disappointment.
“Dad-” Jughead start’s with wide eyes at his father’s words.
“They hurt her and you're defending them, trying to find an out.” FP stated raising his voice, anger and pain obvious in his words as he spoke. “Get out Jughead.”
Jughead loaded at his dad like he was crazy. He wants him to leave! “What?”
“Get out of my home. Get out of my serpent den. Till you can care about your family again, get out.” FP had made his decision. He didn’t recognize his son right now.
Jughead looked around seeing how no one is opposing his fathers statements of kicking him out.
“Not that you care but they did this to send a message.” Toni tells Jughead before he turned to leave.
“They left a letter with me when they left me to wither in pain and almost die. It was a threat, and doing this to me was only the beginning.” Y/n told her brother with anger and sadness in her eye’s. Letting out an unamused laugh shaking her head. “Hope you enjoy your Northside friends Jughead. Since you apparently care more about them than your family.”
A tear ran down her check as she looked at her brother like a stranger.
taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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Requests I have (if you don't see yours please let me know)
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!Andrew!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn’t stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it’s not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can’t find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
1.Twisted Desires
Dean, Sam, and Y/N Winchester were trapped together from the moment John found yellow eyes had killed the mother of his child was killed by yellow eyes in 1988 exactly five years after his wife and mother of his eldest two children were murdered by the same demon. The three lived by there father’s code doesn’t go somewhere twice and you don’t stay long. They never got to make friends so they were all each other had so maybe it was a flower in the attic complex. The three siblings loved each other far more than anyone else ever but maybe Sam and Dean’s love wasn’t a way older brothers were supposed to love their little sisters and Y/N’s love wasn’t a way a little sister should love her brothers. But they controlled themselves the best they could. Sam went away to college and Y/N and Dean continued until Sammy got home. The three of them wouldn’t admit it but they needed each other but one night after all three Winchesters were frustrated over a particularly hard case and tightened sexual tension. Sam threatens to leave and Dean tells him to go. What happens when Y/N breaks down and begs him to stay? Will she confess how she feels or will there twisted desires remain hidden?
1.Going against the gods
Ivar the Boneless always felt like everyone tortured him everyone but his perfect goddess like Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair and Y/E/C (Your eye color) little sister. She was made for him she loved all her brother’s but Ivar knew he was her favorite. Whatever he wanted she gave him whatever he wanted her to do she did. When he killed Sigurd she didn’t call him a monster and never talk to him again. She began to cry and beg the gods to let him into Valhalla but not before Ragnar’s only living daughter took his hands softly and told him he needs to work on his temper but she still loved him. When Ubbe and Hvitserk boarded the boat she refused yelling, “He needs us I will not leave our brother and I will not choose between the three of you.” Though his sister began to distance herself after he married Freydis and realized he was a god. She began to pull away from Ivar and with ever pull there was a slide closer to there older brother Hvitserk. Ivar didn’t like it and as king he had to stop it even if that meant going against the gods.
1.Love At First Sight
Okayyy so It Would be the little sister of Scott (cyclops) and Alex(Havok) wich would fall un Love With logan the first Time she sees him☺️(3
1.I never stopped loving you
Billy Hargrove and Y/N Harrington were young and in love many years ago in high school. They broke up because Billy didn’t know his worth. Billy stayed in Hawkins went to a trading school and opened a garage. He even started steadily with a new girl after Y/N never came home at Christmas and then summer. She went to a big college a few states away her way of escaping her family even though Billy always said she was running from him and his messy life. A few weeks after moving to college she finds out the biggest shock of her life. She was carrying Billy Hargrove’s baby. Only one person knew, her twin brother Steve Harrington. Now four years later Billy is engaged and Y/N is finally coming home. What will happen with the two back in town together? 
2.Love Again
After Diana left him he though for sure he would never love again. Then the summer after the Hargrove's moved to town here comes Neil’s eldest daughter. 22-year-old Y/N moves to Hawkins Indiana after college. She pulled up one day to pick Max up from  El’s. The moment Jim swung the door open his breath left his chest. What happens when he hires her as Eleven’s tutor and Jim finds himself falling in love with the young woman. Will Y/N fill the same way? Is this Jim Hopper’s chance to love again or will he get his heart broken again?
MY girl
Nikki and her new girlfriend make it official
1.Two Broken Souls
Y/N is heavier than her friends and suffers from it. They are constantly putting her down. Her parents are constantly fighting at home. Jughead Jones is the loner boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Both are broken and hurting. Will They find Solace in each other or will they both suffer in silence.
2. Death … and new chances
Y/N Andrews's best friend dies and she is opened to a new possibility for her son
1. Together: 
Alex Standall Smut (4)
2. Our kids …..
Y/N Jensen is ready to co-parent with her one night stand 
3. octavia blake x sister reader smut
4. Rebekah mikaelson x sister reader smut
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smokietaylor · 1 month
Request: FP Jones x fem!reader
Plot: Them flirting to the point that he pins her to a table or the wall, but she decides just to tease him
This was originally going to be just a little 300 words snippet, and then I kept having ideas 🤭
(Super smutty things will be in chapter 2, I wanted the first chapter to be a little more tame in case people aren't into that sort of thing)
My Girl (FP Jones x Reader)
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Description: FP decides that he is going to handle things his way when you think it's a good idea to tell him that you know what's wrong with his bike (AKA: his firstborn child)
NSFW Content +18 Content Minors DNI
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Our Son
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Request: Yes or No
"You'll be staying with your mother for the rest of the summer." FP said, glancing at (Y/N) stomach. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"It's a baby, not a demon."
"Might as well be a demon if that psycho's the dad." Jughead grumbled.
"Fuck off, Jughead." (Y/N) sneered. FP sighed, rubbing his forehead.
"Come on, (N/N)."
(Y/N) ran a hand through her son's black curls. She smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Ezra yawned, looking up at her.
"Morning, Ma." Ezra mumbled, rubbing his (E/C) eyes.
"Hey, baby." (Y/N) sat up. Erza slid out of bed, going to the bathroom.
"(Y/N)?" The young woman looked up when Jughead entered.
"Malachai knows your back. He wants to see you or else he'll keep having his boys pick fights with us." Jughead said. (Y/N) glanced at Ezra when he walked over, handing her his toothbrush and paste. (Y/N) helped him put the rest of the paste on the toothbrush.
"Does he know about...?" She motioned towards her son. Jughead shook his head. (Y/N) stood, grabbing her jacket and putting it on.
"Ezra, come, we're gonna go meet someone." (Y/N) said. The toddler tilted his head as (Y/N) got some clothes for him. (Y/N) made some toast for Ezra, going with Jughead.
Malachai still looked the same just with longer curls. His eyes softened upon seeing his ex. He curiously eyed Ezra.
"Why'd you bring a kid?" Penny asked. (Y/N) stepped forward, heart racing. Ezra occupied himself with his mother's dog tags.
"He's my son." She replied. Malachai furrowed his brows.
"He's... Our son, Malachai." (Y/N) said softly. Malachai faltered, realization flashing in his eyes. He dropped his bat and approached them. Ezra looked at him curiously, glancing at his mom.
"He's mine?" Malachai whispered-asked. (Y/N) nodded.
"This is your daddy, Ezra." I snorted when I wrote that (Y/N) said. Ezra blinked, looking at Malachai. He eyed him, not sure what the say or do.
"Okay." He mumbled. (Y/N) pressed a kiss to his temple.
"They're staying with me." Malachai said, looking at Jughead. (Y/N) looked at her brother, stopping him from saying anything.
"Don't mess with other Serpents and I'll go." (Y/N) said. Malachai huffed but nodded.
"Deal." He backed up, going back to the other Ghoulies. (Y/N) followed with Ezra.
"I promise I'll be a good father." Malachai said, gently touching Ezra's cheek. (Y/N) smiled, kissing him.
"I know you will, Mal." Ezra yawned, nuzzling against his mother. Jughead sighed, knowing his father was gonna be pissed.
"Mom!" (Y/N) looked away from the fridge as Ezra stomped into the room.
"Tell dad that Pietro is better than Wally West." He crossed his arms as Malachai entered the room, crossing his arms as well. They looked exactly alike. (Y/N) snorted, chuckling. She grabbed a water bottle, closing the fridge.
"I prefer Wanda and Artemis over both of them." Her two boys huffed and went back into the livingroom. (Y/N) shook her head, giggling softly. Ezra looked and acted more and more like Malachai with each passing day. (Y/N) already knew her son would grow to be as attractive as his dad.
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Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: FP Jones x Fem!Reader
Written: January 10th, 2021
Posted: January 10th, 2021
Warning: Reader is legal however she is in her mid twenties. // Mentions of drinking, a swear or two. Angst, Fluff, Gets Steamy.
Word Count: 1,442
Summary: When the reader returns to Riverdale, an unlikely reunion happens.
FP Jones Masterlist
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Bounding up the stairs of the Wyrm, butterflies began erupting in your stomach. It had been a while since you were last in Riverdale. Graduating from Riverdale High, you went straight to college, rarely coming home with the exception of holidays.
Fidgeting with the zipper on your pink leather jacket, you took in a deep breath, before opening the door. You were promptly greeted with a wave of warmth. Your gaze on the floorboards before you, as you walked in.
Music rang through your ears along with unusual quietness. Lifting your gaze, you were greeted with the eyes of patrons of the Wyrm.
Before you knew it, Toni was throwing her arms around you pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug. Grinning, you reciprocated her actions.
“I’ve missed you, T.”
“Come on.” She grinned grasping your hand leading you into the group of Serpents.
Hours seemed to pass by like minutes. You had felt as if you talked to every serpent patron in the bar, except for one. The only one that really mattered.
Sighing, you had decided it was time to go home. Making your way to the front of Wyrm, you threw a smile over your shoulder, you had felt lucky to have such a warm welcome home. 
Once you opened the door, you were overwhelmed with a chilled wave of air. A small cloud of condensation could be seen. Bounding down the stairs, you sat on one before you ordered yourself a Taxi.
“Did you think you could leave without saying goodbye?” A husky voice questioned, in front of you.
You scoffed shaking your head. “I did since I didn’t even get a hello.” You shot back.
FP sighed, before sitting beside you. The side of his shoulder resting comfortably against yours. 
“Sorry, kid.” He spoke softly, turning to face you. His breath laced with alcohol. “How about I drive you home?” 
You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes. “That’s not necessary.”
“I know it’s not.” He grinned. “I’m just trying to be a gentleman.”
“Wow, I never thought I’d hear FP say he wanted to be a gentleman.” You teased, nudging his shoulder with yours.
A bellow of laughter filled the air, causing you to laugh along. 
Your taxi you had called pulled in front, interrupting the small banter between you and FP.
Standing up, you began making your way towards the car. A firm hand grasped your wrist preventing you from leaving further.
“Wait.” FP’s voice rang through your ears. Turning to face him, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let me take you home...Please.” He pleaded, his eyes filled with want.
Offering him a closed-lip smile, you sighed. “Look, FP, we’ve both been drinking...Alcohol helps people make bad decisions. I won’t be one of your drunken regrets.”
FP frowned. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before clenching his jaw. 
Letting out a huff, you felt heat dance along your cheeks. Standing on your tippy-toes, you placed your hands on his shoulders, your lips coming in contact with his cheek.
“Good night, Jones.” You spoke as you retreated towards the cab.
“Good night, Y/L/N.”
“Well hello there, miss Y/N.” Pop greeted, standing before you.
“Hi, Pop.” You grinned, glancing up leaning on the diner counter. 
“It’s good to have you back, kiddo.” He smiled. “Your order’s on me.” He spoke hushed, as he tapped the counter in front of you before gliding away to clearing a booth.
Gazing at the order window, a hat caught your eye.
“Jones?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. 
Whirling around, he came face to face with you. He grinned at you before the realization dawned on him. His grin melting off his face rapidly replaced with a shocked expression.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh, what every other person does at Pop’s... Getting food?”
Gazing at you, he placed his hands on the counter leaning against it. “Well yeah, but-”
“Order up.” The sound of a ring filled the air.
Grasping your to-go bag, you winked at FP. “Nice hat.”
His hands subconsciously reaching for it. “I-”
“See you around, Jones.”
“Hello?” FP’s groggy voice questioned through the phone.
“Jones.” You groaned. “Can you come and get me?”
Sitting up in bed, any ounce of sleep dripped away. “Where are you, sweetheart?” He tossed the blankets off his body, rushing around his bedroom.
“Jones.” You giggled, as you leaned your head against the railing of the porch stairs.
“Y/L/N.” He grinned, taking a seat beside you. 
“I think I overdid it.” You hummed.
“You think?” FP’s voice dripping with sarcasm. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Leaning against him for support, you stumbled a few times before making it to his truck. Helping you in his truck, he jogged to round the front of his truck, getting into the drivers' side.
Staring out of the windshield, you could taste the bitterness on your tongue. Coming to a halt at a stoplight, you let out a huff.
“It’s all bullshit.” You spat.
FP furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Frowning, he wasn’t familiar with the tone of your voice. “What is?”
“Love. Love is bullshit.” You spat, crossing your arms along your chest. “Why are we expected to feel something from a fairy tale to know we’re in love? And if we haven’t found someone by a certain age, we’re branded as bitter or too independent.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“And if it’s not some fairytale garbage it’s not considered love.” You scoffed shaking your head. “Whose to say love has to be a fairytale? I’m just supposed to wait for some guy to come and save me? To swoop me off my feet as he’s dressed as my ‘Knight in shining armor’?” You questioned making air quotes in the process.
FP decided it was best to stay quiet during your drunken rant and listen to what you were saying.
“You know, you and I are more alike than I thought.” You spoke, gazing out the passenger window, as FP continued driving down the road.
“How’s that?” He smirked raising an eyebrow.
“We both run away from our feelings.” You spat, your voice coming out bitter.
After that night, you had gone out of your way to make sure you avoided FP. You were successful for a few weeks before it came to a crashing halt.
Sitting on your couch, you were watching your favorite show, waiting for your order of pizza.
“Coming!” You called, pulling open the door you were surprised to see FP standing before you. “Jones-”
Entering your apartment, you gazed at him in shock. “What are you-”
“These are for you.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck, as he shifted from foot to foot.
Grabbing the bouquet, you were taken back. “Jones-”
“I’m...I’m sorry if I came on too strong-”
Placing the flowers on your table, you made your way in front of FP.
“FP!” You exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that night I drove you home.”
“Oh no.” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I’m sorry for anything dumb I said while drunk.”
Grasping your jaw, his chest pressed against yours as he closed the space between you. FP rested his forehead against yours causing your breath to mingle.
“Can...Can I kiss you?” He whispered giving you a gentle Eskimo kiss.
You hummed in response, leaning forward.
Moving backward, he let out a sigh. “I need to hear the words, baby girl.”
“Jones, please kiss me-”
Placing his lips gently on yours, he kissed you. Reaching up, you laced onto his hair, giving a gentle tug to the ends.
A throaty groan passed through his lips as he pressed his hips against yours. Grinning against his lips, you turned your head allowing you to gauge the direction of the couch. FP latched his lips to your throat sucking as he allowed you to lead him.
Giggling, you felt him hum against you. His hands grasping your hips attempting to keep you as close as possible.
Reaching the couch, you placed your hand on FP’s chest, before motioning for him to sit. Once he was situated you promptly straddled his hips. Sitting on his lap, you connected your lips once again. His hands roaming the length of your back. 
Opening your mouth, his tongue snaked in exploring your mouth entirely. Moaning slightly, you pulled away resting your forehead against his. Your breaths coming out as pants.
“I know I’m not prince charming.” His voice coming out deeper than before. “But I hope you’ll have me.”
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@little-miss-naill​ @femalestorywriter @shotarosleftpinky​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction​ @sarahh-wigginss @beth-winchester21​
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auroracalisto · 4 years
as fate will have it
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request: Can I please request a Sweet Pea x sweet/innocent!fem!reader when soulmates meet, something important to themselves appears on their soulmate’s wrist as a tattoo. So since being a Serpent is so important to Sweet Pea, a Serpent tattoo appears on Y/n’s wrist, and since being loving is so important to Y/n, a heart would appear on Sweet Pea’s wrist. It would be especially cute if Y/n found out that she’s actually FP’s daughter/Jughead’s year younger sister (but was raised by her adoptive parents in the Northside and maybe FP didn’t know that he had another daughter because her birth mom never told him she was pregnant) because she has “Serpent blood” so it’s like it was fate.  Oooo also, I don’t know if this would be good to add to the plot, but it would also be interesting if Y/n’s adoptive parents told her she had to pick between them or FP & Jug, so an it’s us or them type of thing. Y/n picks FP, her birth dad, and her newfound older brother, Jughead, so she would go to live with them in the trailer.  — @kpopgirlbtssvt​
summary: request covers this 
word count: 2.4k words
warnings: rude parents?  adoption (idk if that’s something to trigger, but just to be safe).  being kicked out of home.  it’s also very possible that it’s ooc sweet pea BUT it’s fineeee
author’s notes: i wanted to clarify that it’s been like two years since i last saw the first season riverdale, so some things could be a little off.  the show is wack but i love the characters.  i also might have somewhat gone off from what the request was, and if i went off too much, just let me know and i will write something else!
Your friend quickly took her seat beside you, smiling.  "Did you hear?"
"Hear what?" you looked up from your book, slipping a piece of paper in between the old pages.  
She let out a soft giggle.  "Well, uh, I know you don't really care, but everyone else is busy—"
"—is that why you're talking to me?"
"Oh my god, no," she blushed.  "No, sorry, that came out totally insensitive, didn't it?  I just... okay, well, they're closing down the southside."
Your eyes widened a bit.  "What?"
"Yeah.  They're gonna consolidate the schools.  So everyone from the southside will be coming up here.  They're supposed to start coming in today.  You should try to see if anyone is your soulmate," she grinned.  
"Yeah, okay, but you've already found your soulmate," you sighed softly, standing up.  You had hardly touched your lunch at all.  From your book and the mention of your soulmate, you didn't want to touch it.  You wanted to meet your soulmate.  Oh, you wanted to love them like they deserved to be loved.  But here you were, finding it hard to believe that you had a soulmate.  
Your friend just smiled.  "You know I love you, right?"
You rose an eyebrow but you soon returned the smile.  "Yeah, yeah.  I know."
She just smiled before she rushed off, gods only know where.  
You stuffed your book back into your backpack, carrying your tray to empty it.  You needed to stop by your locker before your next class.  
Walking out of the cafeteria, you started towards your lockers.  New faces filled the hallway the farther you walked.  You could feel the anxiety start creeping into your veins, but not because of the southside—you had began to wonder if you would find your soulmate from the people who transferred.  
You sighed softly to yourself as you came to your locker—and you had even been prepared to get into it when you saw a man leaning up against it.  He was tall, his hair was dark, and he had gorgeous brown eyes.  He was talking to a short girl with streaked hair and another guy with equally dark hair.  
You cleared your throat to get the tall guy's attention and your blush only darkened as he looked over at you.  
"Would you mind moving?  You're on top of my locker..."
He stared at you for a moment before he nodded, pushing himself off from the locker.  But before he could move too far, a searing pain took over his wrist.  Just as quickly as it had came, it disappeared.  He quickly looked down at his wrist, only to realize that the same exact thing had happened to you.  And now, you were staring down at a serpent tattoo on your wrist, whereas a heart took its place on his own.  
The girl with streaks in her hair was smiling.  "Uuhhhh," she grabbed a hold of the other boy.  "Have fun," she quickly said, before leading him away.  
You blushed and looked up at the man.  "Uh—"
"—a northsider?" he asked, but he couldn't help his smile from forming.  He was about to tease you, but he couldn't help his happiness.  He finally found his soulmate.  "Do you know how much hell I'm gonna get for this?"
Your blush only darkened.  "I—I, well," you breathed out, but your own smile spread across your face.  "That's exciting.  I still need to get in my locker."  You were buzzing with happiness.  The boy moved out of the way and you quickly got into it, looking up at him.  He was far taller than you.  You couldn't help the grin that showed up.  
"I'm Sweet Pea," he said.  
You blushed.  "That's cute."  He rose his eyebrows.  "I mean—" you let out an awkward laugh.  "My name is [Your name]."
"It's nice to meet you, [Your name]," he blushed a bit.  He just smiled.  He would have said more, but his name was shouted from across the hallway.  He looked at you and bit his lip, before he suddenly grabbed your arm, taking a permanent marker from your locker.  He wrote down his number before he looked up at you and grinned.  "Text me, okay?"
You blushed and nodded, before you watched him leave.   
That night, you were too excited to tell your parents about your day.  You finally found your soulmate.  And he was totally attractive.  And worth your love.  You had decided this just moments after he grabbed your arm to write his number down.  It felt like the stars were aligned, just for you.  Perhaps that's what it felt like when you found your soulmate—like nothing could go wrong.  
But as you walked in to your home, dropping your backpack to the floor, it was dead silent.  You walked into the dining room, seeing your parents sitting there with a couple of papers laying out.  Your mother was close to tears, but your father seemed angry.  He cleared his throat as he saw you.  
"[Your name].  Sit."
You did as you were told, beginning to frown.  You looked at your mom.  "What's going on?"
"[Your name].  Remember how we told you we had adopted you?"
You looked at your dad and nodded.  "Of course.  But that doesn't matter... because you're both my parents.  What's this about?"
"Your mother."  
You quickly looked at her, frowning.  
"Your mother fabricated a couple of papers.  She wanted a baby so badly that she would lie about who you belonged to just so she could have you."
"You belong to FP," your dad said, staring down your mother.  You always knew that your father didn't like southsiders, but this was odd.  
"I don't belong to anyone, dad—"
"—don't," he said, frowning at you.  "Your mother decided that it was okay to adopt the child of a gang leader.  She put us in danger.  Your sister.  Your grandparents."
"What—they've never hurt anyone," you frowned at the man.  "Why would she have endangered them if they swear against violence like that—"
"—you'd be surprised," he snorted through his nose.  He clenched his jaws before he handed you the papers.  Before you could grab them, he just dropped them in front of you.  You picked one up, seeing your real birth certificate.  Your birth mother was listed, and then so was your birth father.  Your father was right—FP Jones was listed as your birth father.  
Your face paled and you looked up at him.  "What is this?  What are you trying to tell me?"
"Excuse me?"
"Choose.  The Jones.  Or us."
You looked over at your mother in disbelief.  "What happens if I choose you?"
"We will forbid you from talking with the Jones."
You blinked a couple of times, confusion washing over you.  "But if they're my biological family, I'd like to know them—"
"—if that's the case," your father frowned, "just go and live with them."
You stared at him, feeling your heart beat rushing in your ears.  You quickly got to your feet.  Your mother wasn't defending you.  Your father was kicking you out.  It only took a few moments for you to decide that you would leave.  You quickly rushed to the front door, grabbing your bag.  But not before you had grabbed the papers your father had sat in front of you.  The proof was in the ink—literally.  
You pulled your backpack onto your back, looking down at the papers as you pulled out your phone.  
It had been literal years since you last talked to Jughead Jones.  You had his contact, still.  At least, the one he had whenever the two of you were friends in your seventh grade year.  You began to hope that the stars were aligned for you once more as you clicked on the contact and listened to it ringing.  By the fourth ring, you were prepared to turn your phone off, but you almost gasped as you heard Jughead's voice.  
"Shh," you heard Jughead, before he said hello.  
"Jughead?  Uh, it's [Your name]—"
"—yeah, I have your contact."
"Right," you blushed.  "I, uh," you cleared your throat.  "Do you mind if I swing by your house?  I need to talk to your dad."
You didn't mention the fact that you had just been kicked out of your home.  That could come at a later point in time.  
Jughead blinked a couple of times and he leaned back in his seat.  "Yeah, of course.  When will you be here?"
"In about an hour," you said.  
"Alright.  See you then?"  
With that, he hung up.  He looked over at Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni.  
"Who was that?" Sweet Pea asked.  
"[Your name]."
You hadn't anticipated the walk to Jughead's house, but you still remembered the way.  It had taken you the full hour to get there from your house.  But you were there.  As you walked up to the trailer, you noticed two motorcycles parked by Jughead's dad's truck.  You walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.  You probably looked a mess—from the walk and from the cold air, you were sure you were as red as the red lipstick you always had stuffed in the bottom of your book bag.  
The door began to open and you quickly greeted Jughead, only stopping short when you realized Sweet Pea had answered.  
He smiled at you.  "Hi."
You began to blush and you smiled.  "Hi..."  
He moved out of the way and let you inside.  FP was in the living room, and he looked over at you, confused.  
"What has it been?" he asked, beginning to smile.  "Three years?"
"Four, sir," you weakly smiled.  
FP took notice and he tilted his head.  Sweet Pea frowned and led you over to sit down.  He looked at the papers in your hands as he sat on the edge of the armchair you sat on.  His eyes widened and he quickly looked over at Jughead and his father.  
"I... I wanted to tell you about this.  I don't... do you remember a Julie Harding?"
FP blinked harshly before he nodded.  "Yes."
You took in a deep breath as you looked down at the papers.  "She's my birth mother."
Jughead looked at you with a frown.  "You were adopted?"
You nodded towards him and handed FP your papers.  He took one look at the birth certificate and he looked up at you in disbelief.  "Are you serious?"
You weakly smiled, once more.  "They kicked me out when they realized you were my birth dad."
Sweet Pea's jaw was locked as he looked at you.
FP frowned.  "Well.  You're always welcome here.  I...  I can't believe this," he said.  His frown soon formed into a smile.  "I have another daughter," he breathed out.  
Jughead looked at the papers for a moment.  "We're siblings?"
"I guess so," you began to smile as well.  
Sweet Pea watched you for a moment.  You were always filled with smiles.  You were always happy, even in moments like this.  It astounded him, but he knew that he needed that in his life.  He knew that the stars were truly aligned in just the right way.  
He suddenly took a hold of your hand and you laced your fingers with his, blushing.  Sure, your parents hurt you.  But you took one look around the trailer and you realized that these people were the ones that you could truly make a family out of.  
Two months down the road, you were still asking Sweet Pea to move out of the way so you could get into your locker.  But instead of him staring at you the entire time, he would just kiss your cheek or your forehead, or even your lips, and move to stand on the other side.  Which side truly depended on his mood, just like where he kissed you.  
Every time you would see Jughead, he would greet you with a smile and a short conversation, but when the two of you were with your new friends, you were truly yourself.  You found comfort in the serpents.  You found comfort in your biological family, and with your soulmate, Sweet Pea.  
Sweet Pea stood by your locker, his arms crossed over his chest as he saw you walk down the hall.  He couldn't help his frown from turning into a smile.  Before you could ask him to move, he leaned forward to kiss your cheek.  He quickly took your books and stuffed them in your already opened locker—Toni had memorized your combination and he asked her to unlock it for him.  
He took your hand.  "Come on.  I have a surprise for you."
You rose an eyebrow but you laced his fingers with his.  You tried to protest when you realized that he was about to lead you out of the school, but you stopped yourself.  FP wouldn't berate you for skipping a couple of classes.  
Sweet Pea brought you over to his motorcycle and her turned to look at you, smiling.  "Wear this," he said, handing you his helmet.  
You just blushed and did as you were told before you got onto the back of the sleek bike.  You wrapped your arms around his torso and he put on his helmet before he started his motorcycle and took off.  He drove fast, but not dangerously.  In a matter of minutes, the two of you were back at FP's trailer.  Sweet Pea helped you off and took a hold of both of your hands.  
"I don't have anything to show you.  I just... know that your birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to celebrate alone while we can."
You blushed and gently shoved his shoulder.  
"Not that," he laughed.  "Get your mind out of the gutter.  Nah, I wanted to have a movie marathon with you, but if that's what you want—"
"—movie marathon," you blushed, taking a hold of his hand once more.  He smiled and led you into the trailer.  
He stopped in the doorway to look at you, just taking in your beauty.  He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"Did I ever tell you how thankful I am that you're my soulmate?" he asked.
You just blushed and shook your head as he let out a soft laugh and hugged onto you.  
Your soulmate acted tough in public—but around you and in private, he was a softy.  Your heart melted every time you saw him, and actions like this only strengthened your love for the man.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.  
"I love you, Sweet Pea."
His eyes widened as he heard the words, but his smile never left him.  
"I love you, too, [Your name]."
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kneedeepinfandoms · 4 years
Hey everyone I'm slowly working on new imagines to post to my fanfic acc (@losttinwritings ) and for you all to enjoy. In the meantime though, I'm gonna share a few of the ideas/future imagines that are currently in the works.
Letters From You [2nd part] - Jughead Jones x Fem!Reader
description: FP, Betty, Archie and Veronica stumble upon Jughead's lifeless body with the note he had written, beside it.
Familiar Face [kinda a 2nd part to See You Again] - Luke Patterson x Fem!Reader
description: Luke finds a familiar looking face in a photo in the home of his ex-bandmate.
Out Of Love - Reggie Peters x Fem!Reader
description: In which you have fallen out of love with Reggie and are scared to end things with him.
Writing To The Void [chapter twelve] - Peter Parker x Fem!Oc
Boyfriend Stealer [chapter two] - George Weasley x Fem!Oc
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Malachai x Fem!Jones!Reader 
Word count: 1949
Warnings: Blackmail, mentions of blood, mentions of a gun
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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We were sitting at home and we were all trying to keep calm. My older brother had been kidnapped by the Ghoulies and we had no idea where they took him. My Dad had all the Serpents looking for them, but there wasn’t even a hint at where they could be. Betty and her Mother were calling everyone they knew to try and help. I was sitting with my arm around Jellybean and tried to comfort her. That’s when the phone rang and everyone stood still. Dad walked over and picked up the phone. 
“Hello?” He asked, while looking at all of us. 
“Where the fuck is my son!?” He growled into the receiver. 
“No fucking way!” He shook his head. Dad was silent for a moment until he sighed. He walked over to me and handed me the phone. I looked at him confused as I took it from him. 
“Hello?” I asked. 
“Hello there, Princess.” I heard Malachai smirking voice come from the opposite end. I looked up at my Dad with wide eyes and he knelt in front of me. He gently squeezed my knee and gave me an encouraging nod. 
“Where’s my brother, Malachai?” I asked and he chuckled. 
“Where’s the fun in that? I wanna talk to you for a bit.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Malachai, cut the crap and tell me what you want for my brother.” I said and he sighed. 
“Fine… I want you, babe.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I asked. 
“I said I want you.” He said and I bit my lip. Dad looked at me with worried eyes as I felt tears spring to my eyes. 
“Let me talk to Jughead.” I said, much less confident than before. I heard Malachai sigh then a door opened. It sounded like he threw the phone and someone caught it. 
“Talk, asshole.” Malachai’s voice sounded distance now. 
“Hello?” Jughead asked and my heart pounded faster. 
“Juggie?” I asked with a slightly broken voice. 
“Y/N/N?” He asked and I sobbed slightly. 
“Are you alright?” I asked. 
“I’ll be fine. Whatever he wants don’t give it to him. I can handle whatever these idiots do to me.” He said and I just knew he was giving Malachai a hard stare. 
“That’s enough.” I heard Malachai say and the phone was pulled out of Jughead’s grasp. 
“Y/N!” Jughead shouts became distant. 
“You know he’s alive now, babe. So what’d ya say?” He asked, clearly having a smirk. I stared at my family and bit my lip. My Dad asked me to give him the phone but I shook my head. 
“Let me sweeten the deal, if you don’t, I’ll kill your brother.” He said and my breath hitched. 
“What do you say, babe?” He asked. 
“Fine…” I whispered. 
“Oh I promise you won’t regret it.” He said with a smile. 
“I’ve got your number, I’ll text you where to go and meet you there.” He said and hung up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it in shock. 
“What did you agree to, honey?” Dad asked, making me look at him. 
“Nothing, Dad. Malachai’s just an asshole and wanted torment me.” I lied and he pulled me in for a hug. 
“We’ll get your brother back, I promise.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and held my Dad tightly. 
Once the sun went down and the moon was high in the sky, I sat at my window and stared into the night. I felt my heart beating rapidly as I waited for the text from Malachai. I had written each of my family members notes and snuck into their rooms to leave them. I even wrote one for Juggie to let him know that this wasn’t his fault. I was doing this to save him, he didn’t deserve whatever the Ghoulies were doing to him. I didn’t want him to die, but I knew he was going to blame himself. My phone dinged, pulling me from my thoughts and made my heart beat quicker. I grabbed my phone and looked at the address that Malachai had sent me. He even added a ‘hurry babe, or your brother is gonna pay’. I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag that I packed a few things in. I grabbed my bike keys and headed out of my room as quietly I could. I snuck out the house and hopped on my bike. I started it and saw the light turn on in Betty’s room. I quickly pulled away from the house before anyone could stop me. 
I pulled up to the address and found it to be an abandoned warehouse. I parked my bike and took a deep breath. I walked into the warehouse and found a bunch of Ghoulise staring at me with smirks. 
“Where’s Malachai?” I asked with my arms crossed and my eyes glaring at all of them. 
“Well the Princess arrives!” Malachai said as he pushed through the group. He smirked at me and walked right up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I kept my arms crossed and glared at him. 
“Where’s Jughead?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Why ruin the moment?” He asked and I raised a brow at him. 
“Fine, bring out the Prince!” He shouted and two people went to go get my brother. Malachai turned his attention back to me and pulled me even closer. He leaned down and kissed my neck, making my breath stop. 
“If you just be a good girl and act like you actually give a shit about me, I promise you won’t be hurt.” He whispered in my ear. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck and he smiled at me. 
“There you go.” He said and pulled me in for a kiss. I reluctantly kissed him back and I heard someone gasp then struggle. 
“Get off her!” I heard Jughead growled. I pulled away from him and looked at my brother with wide eyes. His face was bloody and I saw some blood staining his shirt. 
“Juggie!” I shouted and went to run towards him, but Malachai wrapped his arms around my waist and stopped me. 
“Mal, let me go.” I begged and he smirked down at me. 
“Hearing you call me that is perfect.” He said as he rested his head on my shoulder. 
“Mal… please, just let me see my brother.” I begged him and he sighed. 
“Let him go.” Malachai said and they shoved Jughead to the ground. Malachai still had me wrapped in his arms and I looked at Juggie with pleading eyes. Jughead got up and started rushing towards up. Malachai chuckled and pulled out a gun, holding it towards Jughead. He stopped moving and his eyes went wide. 
“Malachai, you promised!” I shouted and squirmed in his arms, but he only tightened. 
“I’m gonna let her go to say goodbye to you, but if you try anything to take her from me I will kill you.” He said and I stopped moving. He let go of me, but turned me to face him. He looked at Jughead with a smirk and kissed me possessively. I head Jughead growl, but he didn’t move. Malachai finally let me go and I rushed over to Jughead. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. Jughead held me tightly and I buried my head in his shoulder. 
“What’s going on, Y/N/N? Why the hell is Malachai kissing you?” He asked, gently pulling me back so he could look at me. 
“I’m saving you Juggie…” I whispered. He looked at me confused and shook his head. 
“Tell me Dad knows your here, or anyone?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“You can’t do this, Y/N/N…” He whispered. 
“He said he’d kill you, Juggie… I can’t let that happen.” I whispered and let a tear slip down my cheek. Jug whipped it away and held my head in his hands. 
“What the hell deal did you make?” He asked and I sighed. 
“Me for you.” I answered quietly. 
“No, no! I’m not letting this happen, so go home.” He said and Malachai came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. 
“Too late, Prince. The Princess already agreed and the deal is done.” He said with a smirk. 
“Get your fucking hands off my sister!” Jugead growled and went to lung at Malachai, but two guys grabbed him. Malachai let go of me and held his gun to Jug’s head. 
“Mal, no!” I shouted and stood infront of my brother. 
“Please, you promised me that you wouldn’t hurt him anymore if I came.” I begged. He looked between us and his gaze settled on mine. 
“Please…” I begged. 
“I said if he tries anything he’s dead.” He said and I gently pushed his gun down. 
“H-He just needs to leave, please Mal…” I begged and he sighed. 
“He has two minutes to leave, if he’s not gone by then I’ll kill him.” He said and walked back. He motioned his guys to let Jughead go and I turned to face my brother. 
“Please just leave, Juggie.” I begged and he grabbed my shoulders. 
“I’m not leaving you here.” He said and I shook my head. 
“You have to…” I whispered and pulled one of his hands off me. I placed my bike keys in his hands and stepped away from him. 
“Y/N/N, please… you don’t have to do this.” He begged. I bit my lip and stood next to Malachai. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. 
“Relax snake, she’s about to be a Queen.” He said with a smirk and Jughead glared at him. 
“Just go, Juggie. I’ll be alright.” I said and my brother started at me for a moment. I knew he could see the fear in my eyes, but I was more scared of losing my brother than being forced to be with Malachai. 
“One minute left, better hurry.” Malachai said, his smirk growing as he shook his gun. 
“Go…” I begged and Jughead sighed. He walked up to us and I saw Malachai go to lift the gun, but I squeezed his arm and he left it at his side. 
“I’m coming back for you.” He whispered and Malachai laughed. 
“Good luck with that.” He said and held me tighter. 
“I’m not letting you snakes take my girl from me.” He said and Jughead glared at him. 
“I swear I’ll be fine, Juggie, just go.” I begged and he sighed. He left the building and looked back at me one last time. I let my tears fall as my heart broke. I heard my bike roar to life and the sound slowly fading as my brother returned home. 
“Don’t worry babe, I’m gonna make your life perfect, just like you deserve.” Malachai whispered and kiss my head. 
“Meet your new Queen!” He shouted and I heard his gang cheer. I knew my family wouldn’t let me go easily, but I also knew that Malachai doesn’t want to hurt me. I think he actually loved me, which is weird to think about. I could possibly keep the peace between our gangs and prevent a war. But at the same time, I knew my family wouldn’t stop until I was away from the Ghoulies. I would do anything to protect my family and if that meant being with Malachai as he wanted, I would. I will keep my family and the Serpents safe.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl​ @mindsetjupiter​ @averysinclaire​ @mittelerde1999​ @sweetest-peas​ @rousewriter​ @camiconfessions-blog​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @cenyddtheunicorn​ @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448​ @hatter-madigan3​ @mamacobie13 @scarrasco1325 @madebyleftovermuses​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @liz-owl​ @adamsbubblegumbitch​
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Masterlist *Requests Open*
Requesting Rules/Requests I take
Come Join Waywar-River and I’s Discord
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Sweet Pea
Well this is Awkward
Needy Boy
Just Dance With Me
I’m Fine plus size reader
I’ll Wait plus size reader
I Promise
I hate you, I love you
It’s Stupid
He’s Coming
The Set Up
Can’t We Be More *Smut*
Constant Male x Male
Take It
Let Me Go
It’s My Fault
On Your Terms
Make Me
Feel it
Run A/B/O Dynamic
Protect You Male x Male
Perfect Match
The Box
Scales and Stones Dragon!AU
Empty *Smut*
Look at Me
Care *Smut*
Talk to Me
Love or Hate Halloween
Everything Was Normal
Sparks Halloween
Vulnerable Halloween
Kitten Halloween - Kinda Smut
7 Months
More *Smut*
Working From Home *Smut*
Hidden in Private *Smut*
Spaces *Smut*
Too Much - Part 1 Part 2
Fling - Part 1 Part 2
Forgotten - Part 1 Part 2
Protector - Part 1 Part 2
Relief Werewolf!AU - Part 1 Part 2
Did You Hear Me - Part 1 Part 2
Blind - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Lose Me
Wrong Turn
Saving You
Leave Right Now
Forever and Then Some (Halloween)
Secrets (Halloween)
Stuck (Halloween Time Travel AU)
Open Your Eyes - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Lifeline Magic!AU
Give It Up
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You’re What!
Can I get some sort of cute Jughead bff blurb? Needing a pick me up
Pretending (Fp Jones)
Starved (Platonic Jug, Sweets Fangs Toni)
Vampire Moodboards (Pea,Mal, Fangs, Reader, Relationship)
Holiday Moodboards (Fangs, Pea)
Bingo Moodboards *Large Variety of Boards Here* (Most are not specific to characters, made for @riverdalebingo​ many different concepts)
Sunflower Wedding x Fangs
Fake Socials
Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader College Travel
Sweet Pea x Emo Fem!Reader
Fangs x Plus Size County Girl Fem!Reader
Fangs x Plus size Country Girl Disney x Harry Potter Wedding Continuation
Choose your character halloween x reader (Continution of HP wedding)
Fangs x Fem!Reader New Serpent
Fangs x Fem!Reader dating Pea’s sister in secret
Fangs x Bi Fem!Reader at Pride
Jughead x Fem!Reader Rainy day
Cheryl x Artsy Fem!Reader
Reggie x Fem!Reader on a Texas/Longhorns game trip
Sweet Pea being clueless af being a dad but tries so hard  
Being Jugs sister and dating sweet pea
Sheriff found out his little girl (daughter) dating a bad boy, skyscraper Sweet pea
Joining the Serpents and knowing parseltongue
AU where Jason lives. How different do you think Cheryl would’ve been?
Fangs definitely loves playing with your hair
Dirty talk with Fangs
I feel like fangs getting super nervous on the first day of school so he just holds your hand the entire time
How do you think rebounding from jugs to fangs would go?
Being a virgin and asking fangs or sweet pea ( your best friend ) to take your virginity.
Waking up from a one night stand to sweet pea/and or/ fangs looking at you adorably
I feel like Fangs is more of a hands-on romantic and Sweet Pea is a practical romantic
If you were alone with one of them at a time (Toni, Fangs, Jughead, and Sweet Pea) and began crying/having severe anxiety, how would each of them react?
How would SP, Juggie, and Fangs make love to you the first time?
Being friends with Jug/Fangs/SP and each of them walk in on you touching yourself and moaning their name. How would they each react?
Stumbling into the Wyrm after getting the crap beat out of you by some Ghoulies. How would the gang react?
Going to the gym w Sweets and Fangs
vampire!Sweet Pea and Malachai turning his s/o because she is dying
Prompt lists
When sending in a request please put character and the number of the prompt list as well as the number of the prompt you choose. Feel free to mix and match!!
List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
List 5
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Northside Serpent - Fangs Forgarty
Fangs x Fem!reader (eventually)
Jughead x Toni x Reader (friends)
Warnings: bullying?
Word count: 1,154
Summary: Being a Northsider who is very quiet but when the bulldogs and Cheryl are being mean to the Southsiders she speaks up.
Authors Note: That summary is the idea I came up with but it turned into something with that as the underline plot but also something. So I can’t say it's really a good description and I can’t say it's a bad one.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Hey, Juggie.” Y/n waved towards her beanie wearing friend as he showed up in the school parking lot with his friends.
“Y/n/n, long time no see.” Jughead smiled as he approached the Y/h/c-ed girl along with Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
“Jug I saw you two days ago.” she laughed, hugging him once he got close enough.
“We haven’t gone to school with each other in a while.” Jug nod's his head at her statement.
“True.” Y/n smiled
“Why are you outside?” Fangs asked the pretty girl who obviously knows Jughead.
“There’s a welcoming party for you all.” Y/n smirks shaking her head as she answered the handsome young serpent.
“Huh?” Jug looked at her confused and suspicious.
“Only a few put it together and yes, it’s who your thinking Jug. But be warned the Bulldogs and Cheryl are very against this.” she explained, shrugging in the process.
“Well before we go in mind introducing us to your friend here Jones? Toni?” Sweet Pea crossed his arms, not missing how Toni had also greeted the girl with a hug.
“Well, if either of you ever paid attention to anything other than pole at the Wrym you would’ve met her already.” Toni stated giving them an annoyed look that screamed ‘I told you so’.
“We’ve known each other since we were in diapers, she’s not just a friend she’s like my sister.” Jug explained to his followed Serpent boys. Jughead could tell Sweet Pea was still wary and Fangs seemed to not be able to take his eyes off her.
“She use to hang at the Wrym all the time.’ Toni added.
“Having known Jughead here all my life FP’s like a father to me.” Y/n smiled at the two boys standing in front of her.
“Like?” Jug scoffed tilting his head in her direction.
Y/n was family, there was no question. There was also no question that she was the honorary adopted daughter of FP.
“Oh haha. Fine, he is practically my dad. He helped my mom raise me and has been there for me my whole life.” Y/n answered.
“So are you a Serpent?” Sweet Pea asked with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes.” Y/n nodded as she answered his question holding her head high. She could understand his skepticism from his point of view.
“Y/n is the Serpent Princess.” Toni smirks nudging her friend, teasing her with her nickname.
“A title my dad gave her and I believe it’s fitting.” Jug stated.
“I’m gonna be the polite one between me and Pea and ask your name.” Fangs smiled
“It's Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” Y/n smiled reaching out to shake his hand. “An you?”
“Fangs Forgarty.” he smirked slightly but it ended up just turning back into a smile.
“Nice to meet you Fangs.” Y/n nodded
Once they let go of each other's hands Fangs elbowed Sweet Pea. “ow” Sweet Pea glared at Fangs.
Toni raised her eyebrows at the tall boy. “Introduce yourself instead of integrating the girl.”
“Sweet Pea, nice to meet you Serpent Princess.” he introduced himself after giving the pink haired girl an eye roll.
Y/n laughed at the exchange before shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
“Now that we're all acquainted, why don’t we all head into school now?” Jug asked, always the lover of education.
With that said they all grabbed their stuff and headed in. After the greeting by Archie, Veronica, Betty, and etc etc … Toni turned to Y/n with a look before asking. “This is Northside hospitality?”
“Welcome to the Northside.” Jughead snarked
“You know Y/l/n I thought once we were rid of Jones here, you would finally understand where you belong.” Cheryl spoke as she approached the group of young Serpents.
“Oh? And where would that be Cheryl?” y/n asked with her voice full of sarcasm as she crossed her arms turning to fully face the red headed Bombshell.
“By my side and the Bulldogs of course, silly. Not with these street rats.” Cheryl smiled her fake Blossom smile. Y/n would know the difference.
“Listen here Bombshell. These street rats as you call them are way better friends than your bulldogs would ever be. As for you Cheryl Blossom. You and I were good friends once upon a time until you decided to become a snot-nosed Bitch.” Y/n spoke pissed off stepping into Cheryl's personal space. Looking the HBIC right in the eyes. Y/n honestly missed having Cheryl as a friend. But then Cheryl she became someone who wasn’t the Cheryl Y/n grew up being friends with. If Cheryl ever came back then they could be friends again. “So leave us alone. I’m where I should be. Are you?”
With that said everyone started to head off to where they needed to be for the first period. After Toni and Y/n left off to their first classes the boys stood in the hallways for a minute. Sweet Pea and Fangs were ready to intervene when it came to Y/n and Cheryl’s talk. But Jughead and Toni had convinced them to back down. Y/n could fight her own fights, they know that for a fact. But they still stood ready as back up if the Bulldogs so much as moved a finger.
“I think I’m in love.” Fangs stated as they watched the girls disappear.
“She’s a Serpent so I’m cool with it.” Sweet Pea stated with a shrug at his friend's words. Truth be told he’s just glad it’s not a Northsider.
Jughead cast a glare at Fangs before saying. “She’s like a sister to me. If you hurt her Fangs I’ll bury you somewhere no one will ever find the body.”
Fangs gulped looking Jug in the eyes promising. “If I can get her to actually say yes then I promise I’ll never hurt her. At least I won’t try to.”
Sweet Pea suddenly got a thought in his head and he smirked. “Jones, you said she’s like a daughter to your dad right?”
“Yup.” Jughead nodded, casting a confused look to the tall dark haired boy. And then it hit him.
Sweet Pea clapped Fangs on the back as he let out an amused laugh. “Good luck Forgarty.”
Fangs turned his head to look at Jughead hoping he could explain since it seemed like he understood what Sweet Pea meant. “Huh?”
“Sweet Pea’s hinting to the fact that you’ll be dating the honorary daughter of Fp Jones, leader of the Serpents.” Jughead explained, and it was true if Fnags could get Y/n to say yes then he would be seeing the confusion leave Fang's face and was replaced by worry and a hint of fear. Jug patted him on the shoulder before continuing. “Don’t worry Fangs. She’s worth it.”
Tag: @gruffle1
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Here is a list of my......
ship request
Things I have to do
let me know which of these interest you guys the most and I will start with that. I am not sure where to start with so many so if you guys could vote and any you would like to see first.
These are all the requests I have for ships and Imagines if you don't see yours it was either lost or I never got it please resend it. 
ship request
A Riverdale Male ship
A TVD unspecified gender X Gender Neutral ship
A male and female Riverdale ship
A TVD and Riverdale Male and Female ship
Male MCU and Riverdale ship
Actor and Character ship for MCU and TO
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Teen!Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!teens!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn't stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it's not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can't find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
In my drafts
Billy Hargrove X Fem!Reader and Steve Harrigton X Fem!Reader
Lip Gallagher X Sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jughead Jones X Plus Sized Fem!Reader
Joffery Barathen X Twin!Sister Reader (Smut)
Sam and Dean Winchester X Sister!Reader (smut but none between Sam and Dean)
Ivar the Boneless X sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jim Hopper X Younger Fem!Reader
FP Jones X Younger Fem!Reader X Gladys Jones (Smut)
Sweet Pea X Fem!Reader X Reggie Mantle (Smut? Nothing between Sweet Pea and Reggie/ )
Cheryl Blossom X Fem!Reader X Betty Cooper (Smut /Nothing between Betty and Cheryl/)
FP Jones X Fem!Reader X Sweet Pea (Smut/Nothing between FP and Sweet Pea)
Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut / Nothing between Dany and Sansa)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Margaery Tyrell X Baratheon(Lannister) Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut/Nothing between Margaery and Sansa)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Ragnar Lothbrok X Christian Princess!Reader X Ivar Lothbrok (Smut/Nothing between Ragnar and Ivar/)
Lagertha X Lothbrok Fem!Reader x Torvi (Smut)
lagertha x Ealhmunding!reader x ragnar Lothbrok(smut)
Billy Hargrove X Harrington Fem!Reader
Steve Harrgton X Henderson Fem!Reader
Jason Dean X Fem!Reader
Mark Sloan X Shepherd!Reader
other things I have to do
Post the next few updates to A Dark Truth
Update my books on wattpad
ideas I have that I may post to get back into writing to add to the drafts for another time
Bellamy Blake X Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Lincoln Kom Trikru X Fem!Reader
Damon Salvatore X Fem!reader
Octavia Blake X Fem!Reader
Kai Parker X Fem!Reader
Raven Reyes X Fem!Reader
Sebastian X Fem!Reader
Josephine Lightbourne X Fem!Reader
Hope Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Chuck Bass X Fem!Reader
Lizzie Saltzman X Fem!Reader
Blair Waldorf X Fem!Reader
Dark!Josie Saltzman X Fem Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Caroline Forbes X Fem!Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister Reader X Octavia Blake (smut)
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Klaus X sister!Reader X Rebekah (Smut)
35 notes · View notes
serpentwithatardis · 6 years
Sweet Pea:
Mad World (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Smitten (Sweet Pea x Reader)
100 Years (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Poison (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Auld Lang Syne (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Reggie Mantle:
I'll Fight For You (Reggie x Reader)
Hatred (Reggie x Reader)
I Won't Say I'm In Love (Reggie x Reader)
Fangs Fogarty:
Tutor (Fangs x Reader)
The Vixen and The Serpent (Fangs x Reader)
Assignment (Fangs x Reader)
Archie Andrews: 
Period. (Platonic Jughead x Archie x Reader)
Football (Archie x Female Reader)
Jughead Jones:
Panic Attack (Jughead x Reader)
Period. (Platonic Jughead x Archie x Reader)
Visiting Family  Part 2 (Jughead x Cousin Reader)
They Don't Care About Us (Jughead x Reader)
FP Jones:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love Part 2 (FP x Teacher Reader)
Veronica Lodge:
Always and Forever (Veronica x Reader)
Date Night (Platonic Veronica x Reader)
Friends With Benefits (Veronica Lodge x Reader)
Betty Cooper:
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Betty x Reader)
Quiet Mercy (Betty x Reader)
Toni Topaz:
Vixens (Toni Topaz x Fem!Reader)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Ben Hardy:
Movie Night (Ben Hardy x Reader)
Cold (Ben Hardy x Reader)
Brian May:
6 Months (Brian May x Reader)
Roger Taylor:
I'm In Love With My Car (Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader)
210 notes · View notes
Hidden / Jughead Jones x Reader
HIDDEN / JUGHEAD JONES X READER Word Count: 1675 Warnings: Profanity, mention of drug abuse. PROMPT: The reader (fem) is Cheryl’s younger sister. She is also Jughead’s secret girlfriend. They keep it private in fear of Cheryl and her parents’ reactions, but one day Cheryl catches them. (Request)
You ran through Eversgreen Forest, your boyfriend Jughead in hot pursuit behind you. You screamed as you looked behind your back and realised how close he really was, causing you both to laugh and pick up pace.
Sooner than you would have liked, you reached the bank of Sweetwater River and instantly screeched to a halt so as not to plunge yourself straight into the water. Jughead crashed right into you, almost knocking you in himself, but he caught you at the last moment and spun you around to be staring into his brilliant blue eyes.
“Looks like I’ve caught you.” he grinned, pulling you further from the river’s edge and onto the stable land.
“Looks like you have. But it’s okay. You’re not as bad as I thought.” you teased him.
“Whatever Blossom,” he laughed and sat down next to one of the trees, beckoning you to sit next to him.
“Blossom? Okay, Jones.” you kicked some of the dirt away from the area of forest undergrowth next to Jughead and lowered yourself down.
“You can’t get your pretty little Vixen outfit dirty can you?” he chaffed.
“Shut up.”
“You know I love you really.” he put his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You leaned on his shoulder and watched the river water flow by, the peaceful tranquillity of the situation bringing you immense comfort.
Both of you spoke to each other, joked and had just a genuinely good time in each other’s presence. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were. It was in Riverdale High’s library when you met Jughead. Being in the year below him, you shared no classes but the pair of you did share this one free period on a Tuesday morning.
You would spend each of these periods in the library studying and catching up on homework. Occasionally Jughead would be in there too, sitting at the same table in the corner, typing something up on his laptop with a to-go drink from Pop’s by his side.
One day, however, he broke this pattern. As you highlighted keywords for an upcoming history test, you heard the chair on the opposite side of the table scrape against the floor. You looked up and saw Jughead sitting across from you.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. You flashed a brief look at his usual corner table, assuming it had been taken by one of the other students. It hadn’t.
Nonetheless, you accepted and he stayed in his seat, pulling out an actual textbook and not his laptop you were so used to seeing him on. The mutual studying stopped soon after it started and conversation broke out between you two.
The period ended and he left for his next class, leaving you in the library smiling to yourself. Despite the fact you had just met him, there was something about Jughead Jones that you loved. So you decided to ask your older sister in his year about him.
Bad idea.
“Jughead Jones?” she scowled at the mention of his name, “That hobo? He’s really weird and he comes from the Southside, ew. Why?”
“No reason, I just heard his name today, that’s all...”
Your family’s views of the Southside and its residents didn’t change your opinion on Jughead. When next Tuesday rolled around, you eagerly dashed to the library in hopes that Jughead would be joining you again. That’s where you found him already sitting at the table with not only his Pop’s drink but one sitting across from him in your seat too.
“You got me this?” you asked when you reached the table.
“Yeah. I didn’t know what to get you so I just got a cherry soda because you’re a Blossom,” he explained.
“More of Cheryl’s thing, but I still like it.” you giggled and sipped at the drink.
Once again the study period deteriorated into a chatting period. Things continued like this until you and Jughead decided to start meeting up outside of school.
It was a summer’s evening and you were sitting around the back of Pop’s with him when he asked you out. You accepted happily. Because of your family’s views, you decided to keep it quiet for your own safety, you could never be too sure what they would do even to their own daughter.
Which brought you to where you were now. Sitting in his arms in the forest, laughing at one of his sarcastic little jokes and then leaning in. Eyes closed. Slightly chapped lips meeting yours. Sensations of joy spreading throughout your body and knowing you could do this forever and ever but-
“Y/N?” the voice was oh so familiar and you didn’t even have to open your eyes and turn around to see who it was.
“Cheryl- I-” you began but was cut off immediately afterwards.
“Jughead Jones? Seriously? Even after what you’ve been taught about the type of criminals on the Southside? After what his father did to JJ?”
“No, Cheryl-”
“And here? The bank of Sweetwater River. Where that gang crawling with crackheads and criminals, that he’s,” she pointed a finger at Jughead, “Probably a part of snatched him snatched him up and killed him? I can’t believe you.”
With that, Cheryl turned swiftly on her heel and stormed out, disappearing behind the trees.
You wanted to run after her but something held you back. Tears welled in your eyes at the mention of Jason, Cheryl’s fury and her disapproval of your relationship.
Jughead took action immediately, “It’s okay,” he cooed, “She’ll come around.”
She’ll come around. That’s what Jughead had told you. But, no matter how much you wanted to trust his judgement, you didn’t think she was going to.
It had been weeks since the run in at Eversgreen and Cheryl still seemed furious. You sat next to your mother at the dining table, Cheryl across from you. She gave you dirty looks as you ate and at that moment something snapped.
Anger rushed through your body. Why was she giving you such a hard time? She should be happy for you. Basically your entire life she had insisted on finding you a boyfriend, but now you finally had one she was disapproving and cruel. You understood she was upset about Jason, you were too. But that was FP, not Jughead.
You didn’t want to cause a scene in front of your mother and Nana Rose so you bit back your words and rose from the table, claiming you weren’t hungry anymore and going back to your room.
About ten minutes later you heard Cheryl go into her room across from yours and took this as your chance to give a piece of your mind. You strode into the room, slamming the door shut behind you and before she could even open her mouth exploded into a rant.
“Cheryl, I want to know why you’re so pissed off at me for nothing!” she opened her mouth but you cut her off, “Don’t even begin to speak. Yours and mom’s and every other Blossom’s derogatory views of the Southside need to stop. It’s literally a side of town. Yeah, there are more criminals, but that’s because us Northsiders treat them like shit so much that they just resort to gang violence and crime instead of trying out life. Instead of helping, people like our family and that Alice Cooper and even the fucking mayor of Riverdale just keep taking shots at them even though they’re already down.”
You paused for a second but Cheryl stayed silent. You continued.
“And Jason. I loved him just as much as you did. So why am I dating Jughead? Because his father helped do what happened to Jason, not him. He had no part in it. I want you to be happy for me Cheryl, I want to be like how we used to be. But if you’re gonna keep degrading Jug then forget it because he makes me the happiest girl in Riverdale and doesn’t deserve you constantly degrading him.”
Similarly to how Cheryl did a few weeks ago, you turned around and headed back to your room, leaving Cheryl in a stunned silence.
It was a few days after your eruption at Cheryl when she came to your room.
She walked in, sat at the end of your bed and begun speaking.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said, Y/N. And- well- you’re right. Even though I never particularly liked Jughead I should at least be happy for you. Which is why I am going to give him a chance.”
You were shocked.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted and the way I've been treating you these past few weeks, Y/N. Please, forgive me.”
“I forgive you.”
And that was that. The feud was over. Finally, you felt at peace. The next few hours were spent in your room discussing all the events that had taken place in each other’s lives in the weeks that you were arguing.
When you went to sleep that night, you smiled to yourself. You finally had your sister back.
From that day on, everything improved. You could now be more public about your relationship with Jughead and even invite him over to your house without worrying about being walked in on.
Cheryl and Jughead had reached this awkward stage between strangers and friends. Although they were wary of each other still, you were happy with their friendship because it was better than you would have ever expected to happen.
Cheryl was the one to open the door when it was sharply rapped three times.
“Oh, hi Cheryl, is Y/N in?” it was Jughead, wearing his signature beanie and S shirt.
“Yeah, just wait here a sec,” she said and walked back into the house, calling up the stairs for you.
You ran down and thanked her, said goodbye and left the house, hand in hand with Jughead, excited for the date that was about to commence and happy that you didn’t need to be hidden any longer.
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andesiteworks · 6 years
Still Do
FP Jones x Fem!Reader
Warning: Cheating? PregnANCY?? Being left at the aLTAR?? aNGST? idk ah (also this says fem!reader bc well uh pregnancy but there’s no prounouns so!)
Summary: Wedding Days are supposed to be special. So why wasn’t yours?
Requested by anonymous
i delved from the ask a little bc this woulda been kinda long (it still iS) otherwise bUt it’s hERE
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You loved him. Your relationship had never been the easiest, what with FP dealing with the serpents and all, but you loved him.
You were at your place, washing a few used dishes as you occasionally watched the gleam of the ring on your finger. Maybe it was cheesy to be so happy but you weren’t going to let that stop you as you began to dry the dishes. You were supposed to meet FP at Pop’s in a little over an hour for an announcement of yours.
Maybe you were a little worried about telling him of the bun in your oven, but he had a right to know and if he did love you, like you assumed, then there shouldn’t be a problem. Perhaps too eager, you left your place.
You decided going to Pop’s and having a shake or two until FP arrived wouldn’t be too much of a bad idea. You didn’t go to Pop’s too often but Jughead, FP’s son who you were certainly fond of, raved about it enough that you started to go more.
The drive wasn’t long as you hopped out of your car and started towards the entrance. As you pulled the door open, you peered inside the diner for a moment. It wasn’t that busy but it wasn’t empty either. You scanned for a moment before you spotted FP already inside.
You didn’t mind him being here early but you did mind the woman sat across from him. You knew her well. Alice Cooper, an old flame of FP’s so to speak. You weren’t the jealous type but the way they sat at that booth together was far too much for your heart.
It reminded you of your first date with the Serpent and you couldn’t help but swallow the lump in your throat as you turned on your heels and left as fast as you could. No one had seen you that mattered so it was like you were never there, like you hadn’t seen anything.
You had a week until the wedding and you were hoping your heart could survive until then.
Maybe you had overreacted but you had chose not to speak to FP for the entirety of the week. You were chewing over talking to him about what you had seen but you couldn’t do it. Hell, even now as you stood in the church, in your wedding garments, you were still anxious.
Jughead, though confused as to why, had taken the liberty of telling his dad that you were just superstitious and wanted to keep yourself as far from him as possible until the wedding. He even told him that you had forgotten about the announcement you were going to make.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” You spun around to see Toni Topaz watching you with a smile of adoration. She was one of the few Serpents you were close with, and she was close to Jughead, so maybe that’s why you chose to have her here with you.
“She’s right,” Betty agreed, mimicking the same smile. Even if the thought of Alice only brought pain to your heart, Betty was Jughead’s girlfriend and you loved having her around as well.
“Thank you both,” you sighed, forcing a smile. You realized they were both trying to keep you calm while everyone eagerly awaited FP’s arrival. Archie, perhaps not the best choice for the wedding party, had already accidentally revealed that FP was late. You specifically remembered his girlfriend, Veronica, casting him a glare and a slap on the arm for telling you that. “Where’s Jughead?”
“Here,” Jughead responded, promptly entering the room where you were all gathered. The girls quickly excused themselves to leave you and Jughead to talk.
“He’s running late,” you sighed, casting a glance toward your overwrought frame in the mirror. You then turned toward Jughead in his suit, the usual beanie still on his head. “Really, the beanie?”
“It’s a part of me,” Jughead scoffed, a playful smile on his face. Though he wouldn’t admit it, he did enjoy you being around. You made FP happy and what more could Jughead want? “Can I ask why you haven’t talked to my dad for a week?”
“I may have seen him with someone and I was just more worried-“ Before you could finish, the door squeaked open and Betty peeked her head in. She gave Jughead a sorrowful head shake and you certainly knew what that meant.
In a single instant, you were on your feet and running for the church doors as tears streamed down your face. You had a right to be sad and you were. Not only had you seen him with the woman he certainly never stopped loving, but you were stood up on the day that was supposed to be the most special of all days for you.
It’d been three months or so. You chose to avoid FP at all costs and it seemed he wasn’t intent on seeing you either. As mad as you wanted to be, you could only be so mad because in some way, you still loved him.
And you hated it. You hated it with just about every fiber of your being. You wanted to curse him and move on but on some nights, you would just sit in your place and the tears would flow. You could never stop them and you just wished for it all to stop.
For the hurt to go away.
Jughead was caught in the middle. He had been so mad at his dad that day and when a month later you had told him about your pregnancy, he had gotten madder. He loved his dad, he did, but he also loved you both together and this entire thing was hell for him.
But you made him swear not to tell FP. You wanted to do that. At least, you wanted to when you were ready to face him. You still couldn’t do it and until then you were going to live your life.
You went to the doctor, but it wasn’t a routine checkup. You were going to find out the sex of the baby and you were ecstatic about it. Part of you thought about keeping it a secret but you couldn’t wait to find out.
Only, when you walked into the clinic you wanted nothing more than to leave. “Y/N, wait!” FP called when you had already begun to turn on your heels.
“What?” You snapped back, glad the clinic was empty except for the receptionist who quickly went to check some files.
“You weren’t going to tell me?”
“Like you deserve to know,” you scoffed, glaring into his eyes. “And for your information, I was planning to.” You pushed past him and went up to the receptionist, ready to check in.
The receptionist pointed out the door for you to go into and you gave FP one last glance. You began down the hallway. “Wait.” You froze at the sound of his voice. “Just...let me come with you.”
Perhaps you were too soft, or perhaps it was the love you still held for him, but your gaze wasn’t as hardened as you gave him a nod and continued down the hallway.
“I wasn’t with Alice,” FP announced the moment you stepped into the empty room. You simply continued forward and sat down, waiting for the doctor’s arrival. “Y/N?”
“I heard you,” you bit back. “That doesn’t excuse the fact you left me at the altar.” You crossed your arms over your chest, before setting a hand on your bare stomach. This ultrasound was supposed to be exciting but now you just wanted it to be over. “I don’t even get why you’re here.”
“Jughead told me the appointment was today.”
“Of course he did,” you sighed, not surprised that Jughead had cracked and told his father. Perhaps he hoped it would fix everything, this moment, but you felt that was just a little bit too wrong.
“I,” FP began, seeming to struggle with his own words, “thought you deserved better. Than me.”
You cast him a cold glare that had a deep sorrow to it. “I loved you.” FP glanced down toward the floor tiles. “I still do,” you muttered under your breath, earning another glance from FP.
It was then that the doctor entered. The tension was definitely high in the room but you were just eager to get it over with. “Hello,” the doctor greeted cheerfully, not sensing the atmosphere. “Are you the father?” FP didn’t respond, and neither did you. “Right, okay! Let’s get to it.”
The gel was applied to your stomach as you continued to avoid FP’s stare. Then, in an instant, your anger and sadness had washed away at the sight of the baby on the ultrasound screen. Maybe you couldn’t fully make out the baby but it was there nonetheless and you knew it.
“Congratulations,” the doctor began, looking toward you both, “it’s a boy.” You let out a soft laugh, letting that wash over you. You had no guesses about what it was going to be, but you certainly couldn’t be happier.
You glanced toward FP, noticing the tears brimming his eyes. As the doctor began to clean up and leave, you chuckled lightly, “The Great FP crying? Who would’ve thought?” FP playfully rolled his eyes at you as he seemed to stumble for words. “We’re not naming him Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV.”
“We’re?” FP asked with a soft laugh of both amusement and disbelief.
“Yes, we’re,” you repeated, sending him a slight smile. “I’m still mad at you and we definitely have problems to work out, but I do love you and this is your baby. I’m not doing this alone, I’ll have you know.” FP couldn’t help the smile on his face before he crashed his lips against yours.
You both certainly had a lot of work to do, but one thing was for certain.
You loved him.
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