#fp bellow
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lucyjung · 19 days ago
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Don't go.
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harrisonstories · 1 year ago
So here's something interesting...
The Beatles Derek Taylor Never-Before-Heard Collection of Lost Beatles Recordings: Including the 1967 Kenwood Sessions and John Lennon Private Recordings
This is the track listing from the description:
Tape 1: Unheard Beatles Sgt Pepper Rehearsals from Kenwood late 66 early 67
Run time is 56 minutes, songs include:
Revolution #9, mainly John in many accents, George can be heard, Paul too, Ringo one time, Terry Doran is also heard being interviewed by John, Terry Doran was ‘The Man From The Motor Trade’ on Sgt Pepper, every identical animal sound effect from Good Morning Good Morning is featured throughout, probably pre-dates Pepper and John has the sound effects saved, cockerel, hens, sheep, horse, pigs, cat, dogs etc, the very ones used on Pepper. Sitar drones almost all the way through by George, Piano backdrop also
Track Listing:
That much Control
Monte Carlo rally sound effects Terry Doran is Jack Brabham Formula 1 racer
Cat Feeding Services (Monty Python esque sketch)
A million miles away, John Indian accent Beatles far east tours in 66
Crazy banjo song, JL bellows
I’m aware of the situation monologue
Swing your partners
Lennon.McCartney complaining about the heat
John and George shouting over a very loud backing track
John/Paul counting in 123 testing, JL turns it into a poem.
Dear Prudence very early demo John wrote it way before 1968
British Police are pigs, in an Indian accent
Tape 2: George Harrison With the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and Jimmy Page.
15 tracks, 59 minutes George with his Thames Valley muso friends, Jimmy Page, Jon Lord, Joe Brown, Sam Brown, Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah band (Neil Innes, Legs Larry Smith, Vivian Stanshall) Alvin Lee, all songs written by the Bonzos and George, all recorded at FP.
Track Listing:
George into talk while playing guitar, introducing a new song
Brazil take 1 written for the Handmade films project Brazil (never went to production)
Brazil take 2
Brazil Take 3
Sooty Goes to Hawaii
Mandalay monologue for handmade films production of the same name
Sooty Goes to Hawaii #2
Sooty Goes to Hawaii #3
Operatic Aria sung by Georges father-in-law and Olivia Harrisons dad Zeke Harrison, I doubt that Olivia has heard this
Bullshot theme song for Handmade films completed production.
Hare Krishna chant by everyone
Chant 2
While my Guitar Gently weeps with Jimmy Page on guitar
Same with Alvin Lee on guitar
if I Needed Someone
Tape 3: George with Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band band, all co-written 25.30 mins, 16 tracks
Track Listing:
Intro Legs Larry Smith
Do You Remember
Nothing Ever Changes
Urban Spaceman
Isle of Money (I Love Money)
Can you Groove (George)
There’s a Bright Golden Boil on my Penis
I Like Cesar
Misery Farm
When You Gotta Poop
Now You’re Asleep
Telling me The End
Viv Has Gone to Heaven
Mandalay Monologue #2
Tape 4: John Interviews Yoko 1969
Recorded by John in 1969, 45 minutes, John questions Yoko’s motives for being with him, discusses very personal matters, very revealing.
Tape 5: Yoko with Dr. Artur Janov
Yoko’s Primal Scream therapy 1 hr 40 mins, of very personal therapy, Yoko discusses John, music and very personal issues including John’s friendship with George.
Tape 6: “One From The Nursery” Unreleased John Ono Lennon Album
John and Kyoko Cox Tittenhurst Park
Run time is 47 minutes
4 tracks
Lots of John talking and playing acoustic guitar (sounds like his J60E) recorded at Christmas time, Various songs stand out, all written by John & Kyoko
John, I Love You
I Wish You Were my Father.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 months ago
"I've just uploaded my repack of Mortyr, forgotten polish FPS from 1999, on the internet archive. It's the full game with fixes to run on modern systems and optional widescreen patches. Download link on the post bellow"
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"Credits of what was used in the repack to make the game run and their respective authors"
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dianacarvalhoyt · 2 years ago
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I made a gameplay preset that only has two active effects which means it's super light, doesn't cause FPS drops or lag and makes the game much prettier, that's why I named it gameplay preset
ღ Important Info ღ
• This preset was created with the version 5.7.0 of Reshade, but it works in any version
• I recommend you to leave the edge-smoothing activated in your game options
• I recommend downloading shaders & textures from this preset, especially qUINT shaders
• This preset is made to use while you play, but I also made a preset for screenshots that you can download here
• Effects and download available bellow 👇
ღ Effects Used ღ
• Technicolor2
• LumaSharpen
ღ download [sfs] ღ
You can check my Youtube Channel here ღ
Fiz um preset de gameplay que só tem dois efeitos ativos, ou seja, é super leve, não causa queda de FPS nem lag e deixa o jogo bem mais bonito, por isso o nome é gameplay preset
ღ Informações Importantes ღ
• Esse preset foi criado na versão 5.7.0 do Reshade, mas funciona em qualquer versão
• Aconselho vocês a deixar a suavização de bordas ativada nas opções do jogo
• Recomendo baixarem os shaders & texturas desse preset, especialmente qUINT shaders
• Esse preset é feito para usar enquanto vocês jogam, mas também fiz um preset para screenshots que vocês podem baixar aqui
• Efeitos usados e download disponível em baixo 👇
ღ Efeitos Usados ღ
• Technicolor2
• LumaSharpen
ღ download [sfs] ღ
Vocês podem visitar o meu canal no YouTube aqui ღ
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coolcat101s · 2 years ago
Raw notes from my surface level welcome home dive from last night
Obvious spoilers under the readmore
Welcome home:
Firefly video link https://www.clownillustration.com/4-14-bf
Bottom right of Eddie flowers have an audio link https://www.clownillustration.com/will-2
Bottom left has an audio log as well and the url https://www.clownillustration.com/help
Landing page:
Wally draws home link in it https://www.clownillustration.com/i
The y on the site update is invisible
Y hidden behind the word five in the update
“We always knew it was real, ever since that first itch in the back of our mind. You need to know too now, don’t you? Do you feel it. It’s good that you came back.” Good shit right on the page feels like Lore
About us:
The o is up
Hidden in text: When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open. Open. Open. I want it out. I’m going to get it out.
After the text in the why did you make this website> Does it hurt?
Hidden After do you know how many episodes> The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can’t see them.
The hearts https://www.clownillustration.com/a. Love the eyes stuff omg
Preying mantis at bottom right:
https://www.clownillustration.com/10-14-js it’s another video!
Stickers page
The spider: https://www.clownillustration.com/11-14-jb another video, also I notice it cuts out when they try to say Wally’s name in these interesting
The star flower drawing https://www.clownillustration.com/i-2 another audio with Wally drawings
Weird loopy thing over stickers and under the w
Caterpillar https://www.clownillustration.com/12-14-hb another video the Wally cut out again at the end
“So many guest signatures… So many of them are trying to communicate. What are you telling me for? Do you think I can answer. What are you trying to do to me. I’m closing that guest book, I’m not playing this game anymore. The ringing is enough.” Feels like not the team is that is it Wally? Who is it?
The neighborhood:
Text changed I think:
Home is where the heart is and Welcome Home's residents are the heart of the neighborhood. Even if you don't live there, you're still one of its most important denizens! But don't worry, with the help of this colorful array of neighbors, it'll feel just like home in no time at all! 
Found this eye when I messed up copying the text above I’m not sure where it came from (update!! On desktop hes hidden behind the art banner apparently)
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Swirl under home still there
Still has as bellow, as above now works too which it didn’t before I don’t think : https://www.clownillustration.com/as-above here leading to stars that have this https://www.clownillustration.com/soon (he says let me in) and the c on back looks like a 3
Eddie had a bug on his page! https://www.clownillustration.com/8-14-ef
Wally’s page had a flower on his canvas https://www.clownillustration.com/will
Bug on the menu https://www.clownillustration.com/9-14-fp
All of these are amazing like even the not hidden stuff is so fun
Little rainbow bug thing after the interview: https://www.clownillustration.com/1-14-ph
Spiral on the last phone photo, repeating  motif is noted
Butterfly: https://www.clownillustration.com/6-14-jf
The playfellow exhibition: big that runs and hides like a little sneaky https://www.clownillustration.com/2-14-sp
House at bottom left https://www.clownillustration.com/understand
Guestbook: in the opening a speech bubble from Wally https://www.clownillustration.com/find
Bug on the opening page https://www.clownillustration.com/13-14-he
Bug on first page https://www.clownillustration.com/7-14-ej
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s2lavander-cakess2 · 1 year ago
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I just wanted to ask for help manifesting some friendship and love into my life!! Or even self love, luck, positivity!! I described my situation down bellow, if you need context before helping me! (If you want to, of course/nf)
Tomorrow I go back to school!!! I hope I find a/some friend(s) this year!!!! I've been trying to manifest love and friendship into my life, because I'm REALLY lonely :( I've been trying to get more friends recently, going to conventions and just ... Trying my best ig!!
But it's not really working, and my therapist told me that my fp apologizing to me didn't mean that they wanted to continue our relationship, they just wanted to stop feeling guilty. So that really sucks... My other friend doesn't like texting on the phone, etc. so I'm in real need of more friends!! My depression, anxiety and BPD are really kicking my ass, and I've just gotten out of a really bad episode.
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So yeah, I just ask you, reading this, that if you're comfortable, send some good energies and luck to me!! I really need it.
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pm-memeteam · 1 year ago
Today marked a significant milestone for our project as we convened for our largest team meeting yet, conducted in person. With meticulous attention to detail, we methodically reviewed each shot, meticulously dissecting and discussing our work. Through collaborative efforts, we compiled a comprehensive list of feedback, addressing areas for improvement and refining our approach for the final push.
Moreover, we finalized the asset list, ensuring that all necessary elements are accounted for as we enter the concluding stages of the project. This collective effort underscores our commitment to excellence and sets the stage for a successful culmination of our endeavours.
We brainstormed some enhancements to enrich our project further. Firstly, we unanimously agreed to introduce drones into several shots. Our team member Nidhi had already prepared a model, which we eagerly integrated into our scenes. These drones will dynamically examine and fly past our duo, adding a dynamic and futuristic element to our visuals.
In addition, we explored ways to emphasize the theme of betrayal more effectively. In one of our shots (sh01), we envisioned incorporating a holographic screen featuring the Witch. As she extends an invitation into the mainframe, her voice glitches out, subtly hinting at her deceit and betrayal towards the duo. This clever narrative twist adds depth and suspense to the storyline, engaging our audience on a deeper level.
Our full notes were as follows:
Gameplay 1 (Hammad/Sai)
Character pushes button instead of taking gun out
FPS hud + FPS weapon from camera view
Environment Modelling/Texturing
Lift starting to move down
Lighting/Volumetrics. If possible, spinning maintenance light
Character Anim
Starting position inside structure
Can add buildings to the city, so we maybe see the top of one. If possible, blinking red light on top of it
Drone from nidhi, animating up and examining them
Holographic screen with witch + glitch effect
Pyramid. Decreased size. + Texturing
Buildings added.
Beam, electric effect from Nidhi
Sh02 same
smoke/volumetrics if needed. But hopefully everything from sh02 will work for sh03 automatically
drone flying past
Sh03 (Mainframe)
Sh04 Same
Witch modelling finish.
Witch texturing. (LED's? to make it look more like a life support machine)
Environment Modelling (More details).
Environment Texturing
Lighting/Volumetrics. Could have light coming from bellow, for dramatic/evil effect.
Changed to split view (top/bottom). Top = closeup of reload. Bottom = closeup of witch
Beam effect from previous shot added
same changes from sh02
smoke if necessary
camera change from perspective of dron
a few drones flying around
Gameplay end
Platform coming down while turrets power up, shine spotlights at them, getting ready to fire
As firing starts, characters run into cover. As they are running, cut's to gameplay
pillars could open up to reveal turrets (spiderman kingpin ref)
Intro gameplay room Model/Texture
Elevator model with cover
Screen (plane with witch texture)
Drone model (from Nidhi)
Beam effect (from Nidhi)
Pyramid texturing (lower priority)
Pyramid face texturing (lower priority)
Witch Model/Texture
Mainframe room Model/Texture
Character Pushing Button
sh01, characters subtle look at each other (reacting to the witch), take out weapons
Reloading animation (close up)
sh06 idle animation (lower priority)
Take cover anim/crouch
Music 1 (slow/tense/synth)
Music 2 (combat music)
Witch speaking
Turret 1 firing
Turret 2 firing
Reloading sounds (SMG + pistol)
Drone sound
0 notes
domers-group8 · 1 year ago
Pavel - R&D Render Test
Last week I had done some R&D which I did not write a blog post about after sharing with my team, thus wanted to quickly add it to the record on here. I tested out the process of rendering out a 360 panoramic sequence from unreal in 8K quality, then taking it into Adobe Premiere and downsizing to 4k and exporting. Making sure everything is working correctly and thus eliminating any possible problems early on in this projects development. While also taking note of how long this took my computer. It took me 2 hours and 5 minutes to render 3 minutes of time. (Which is 4319 frames at 24 FPS).
I used a pre-made level for this test. Infinite Blade - Grasslands. Here is the result! (I cut down to only a few seconds, due to the large file size)
(Also, Erik made me aware of some AI tools by NVidia that could be useful to use for downscaling when the time comes, I've yet to test them myself yet).
There were a few issues I ran into, the first being with the shadows on some objects that the camera in scene wasn't facing. However, after closer examination, this did in fact match my scene. The reason was the sun facing the direction of those objects, when seeing the image in it's distorted view I thought there was an issue here but it was just my mind playing tricks on me. The second issue was the sun glints/reflections on the water. It seemed to create large flickering sparkles on the renders that were not present in my scene. I narrowed the issue down to being that the sequencer in unreal is re-loading some or all of the scene assets but was not able to find a quick and easy solution. My lecturer Neil Gallagher said to play with the "warmup" setting under anti aliasing when rendering the sequence, unfortunately this did not fix it. However, I have found a workaround, which is to very slightly increase the roughness of the water shader from 0.0 -> 0.1 (See right image bellow). This seemed to have solved the issue. Lowering the specular could further reduce this problem if needed.
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Even though our animation does not have water, I wanted to debug this issue as I could imagine this happening with the windows on our spaceship/vehicle (which will have low roughness as well). Or even some other element that we don't know yet. That's all for now! Cheers.
Epic Games. (2015). Infinity Blade: Grass Lands. [Online]. Available at: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/infinity-blade-plain-lands?sessionInvalidated=true [Accessed: 3rd February 2024]
pavelm. (2024). Render test 360 8k to 4k. [Online Video]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2SFOTfVYWk [Accessed 3rd February 2024]
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ethan-a-levels · 2 years ago
week 26/27
This week we were learning about adobe premier pro. We first started on the basics and the important things to do eg save all the files work in an organised way by arranging everything in different bins
Our teacher gave us some some notes. Bellow are the notes
Sync settings have creative cloud and allows multiple people to work on the same project from different devices.
Home setting are where the filter and search bar are, these help locate the exact file one needs. It is better to use underscores instead of space when titling a project as using space takes time in processing. (Vinyl code: 0 = space 1 = character and 0 is heavier to process than 1)
It is better to save all drafts incase one file gets corrupted, the data will not be lost.
The final porject that we will be working on will be under a folder with 3 other folders: Source, Render, Project
Source: Raw files
Project: Premiere pro project files
Render: Outputs, the cuts and final projects.
Copy - It copies and creates similar file, back up
Transcode: Makes a different low res file, but are not connected.
Create proxy: Makes a different low res file, but they are connected.
Tabs that are the top of the software include; Learning, Assembly, Editing, Color, effects, Audio, Graphics, Libraries.
Yellow: Original (source)
Red: Unrendered no cache/no preview created (project)
Green: rendered (render)
Editing workspace will have 4 window
1) Project window: all the files and clips we have to import.
3 ways to import: Files to input
Ctrl+i or double clip.
Zoom in zoom out: +/- keys
Freespace and thumbnail view
Sort to filter in what way you want the files to be
Lumetri presets: Filters for colour grading
Twiddle (~) key for fullscreen
2) Source window
Double clicking on a panel shows it to you in source panel.
Effects control: Helps manipulate effects in clip
Meta data: All data of clip, the FPS, ending, beginning, properties.
FPS 24 aka Every second has minimum 24 frames
Higher the FPS smoother the video, slow motion
Program window has 6 tools, before, overlay, insert after, replace and overwrite.
In point and out point, mark in and mark out, marks the beginning and end you choose of a clip and when dragged it appears automatically cropped
to take you to the first and last frame.
3) Timeline:
New sequence; sequence preset, needs similar preset to camera.
Clip mismatch warning: Clip and camera settings don’t match.
Work area bar, defines precise work area.
M: muting track
S: Solo track will play only that track
4) Decibel monitor to monitor the sound
5) Tool Bar - has 5 tools
Magnet: Snapping tool helps precisely place clips (always on)
Linked video (always on)
Selection tool: Select and move clips
Track select tool: it moves everything on all the tracks
Ripple edit: It crops and moves clips in place automatically, changes position of video.
Rolling edit: One clip gets cropped shorter the other cropped longer.
Razor tool: helps cut a clip into multiple clips.
Slip tool: Shot size remains the same and content is free to change.
Pen tool: Masking and VFX
Hand tool: Scroll
Text: To add text
Auto reframe sequence changes aspect ratio, moves the centre according to the clip.
Window: Controls visibility of windows
Right click menu
Adobe audition: only for audio manipulation
Enable: removes visibility.
Make subsequence
Label: easier to distinguish, group and categorise.
higher the % higher the speed
Scale to frame size: For multiple clips
Set to frame size: For one clip
Adjustment layer: Where you insert all the effects including colour grading
Audio gain and audio channels.
Audio gain: Amplification
Video effects and transition difference:
Effect - Applied to whole
Transition - Always applied in between two audios or videos or on a cut
EQ: Equalizer
Modular changes
Noise reduction.
Constant gain: Constant volume no matter what
Constant power: slight dip in audio and then constant
Exponential fade: crossfade, fades into and out
Echo: echo motion.
Color correction: uniformity to get same baseline.
Colour grading: add a color tone.
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0 notes
pleasantlyinsincere · 1 year ago
They expanded on the description and, oh what a bunch of stuff. 😲
Tape 1: Unheard Beatles Sgt Pepper Rehearsals from Kenwood late 66 early 67
Run time is 56 minutes, songs include:
Revolution #9, mainly John in many accents, George can be heard, Paul too, Ringo one time, Terry Doran is also heard being interviewed by John, Terry Doran was ‘The Man From The Motor Trade’ on Sgt Pepper, every identical animal sound effect from Good Morning Good Morning is featured throughout, probably pre-dates Pepper and John has the sound effects saved, cockerel, hens, sheep, horse, pigs, cat, dogs etc, the very ones used on Pepper. Sitar drones almost all the way through by George, Piano backdrop also
Track Listing:
1. That much Control 2. Monte Carlo rally sound effects Terry Doran is Jack Brabham Formula 1 racer 3. Cat Feeding Services (Monty Python esque sketch) 4. A million miles away, John Indian accent Beatles far east tours in 66 5. Crazy banjo song, JL bellows 6. I’m aware of the situation monologue 7. Swing your partners 8. Lennon.McCartney complaining about the heat 9. John and George shouting over a very loud backing track 10. John/Paul counting in 123 testing, JL turns it into a poem. 11. Dear Prudence very early demo John wrote it way before 1968 12. British Police are pigs, in an Indian accent
Tape 2: George Harrison With the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and Jimmy Page.
15 tracks, 59 minutes George with his Thames Valley muso friends, Jimmy Page, Jon Lord, Joe Brown, Sam Brown, Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah band (Neil Innes, Legs Larry Smith, Vivian Stanshall) Alvin Lee, all songs written by the Bonzos and George, all recorded at FP.
Track Listing:
1. George into talk while playing guitar, introducing a new song 2. Brazil take 1 written for the Handmade films project Brazil (never went to production) 3. Brazil take 2 4. Brazil Take 3 5. Sooty Goes to Hawaii 6. Mandalay monologue for handmade films production of the same name 7. Sooty Goes to Hawaii #2 8. Sooty Goes to Hawaii #3 9. Operatic Aria sung by Georges father-in-law and Olivia Harrisons dad Zeke Harrison, I doubt that Olivia has heard this 10. Bullshot theme song for Handmade films completed production. 11. Hare Krishna chant by everyone 12. Chant 2 13. While my Guitar Gently weeps with Jimmy Page on guitar 14. Same with Alvin Lee on guitar 15. if I Needed Someone
Tape 3: George with Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band band, all co-written 25.30 mins, 16 tracks
Track Listing:
1. Intro Legs Larry Smith 2. Do You Remember 3. Nothing Ever Changes 4. Urban Spaceman 5. Isle of Money (I Love Money) 6. Can you Groove (George) 7. There’s a Bright Golden Boil on my Penis 8. I Like Cesar 9. Misery Farm 10. Julie 11. Danda 12. When You Gotta Poop 13. Now You’re Asleep 14. Telling me The End 15. Viv Has Gone to Heaven 16. Mandalay Monologue #2
Tape 4: John Interviews Yoko 1969
Recorded by John in 1969, 45 minutes, John questions Yoko’s motives for being with him, discusses very personal matters, very revealing.
Tape 5: Yoko with Dr. Artur Janov
Yoko’s Primal Scream therapy 1 hr 40 mins, of very personal therapy, Yoko discusses John, music and very personal issues including John’s friendship with George.
Tape 6: “One From The Nursery” Unreleased John Ono Lennon Album
John and Kyoko Cox Tittenhurst Park
Run time is 47 minutes
4 tracks
Lots of John talking and playing acoustic guitar (sounds like his J60E) recorded at Christmas time, Various songs stand out, all written by John & Kyoko
1. John, I Love You 2. I Wish You Were my Father.
According to Derek Taylor, all of the material was edited, banded and mixed for release on Zapple Dec 1969, was shelved.
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Of the recent auction lot this is the one thing that I would really like to have. So if Beatles tumblr is wondering what they could pool money on to get me for my birthday...
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starkittensblog · 2 years ago
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She found the first shard
Finding pieces AU by @lucyjung
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lucyjung · 2 years ago
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"You've always worked hard."
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demon-fetal-harvest · 2 years ago
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lucyjung · 2 years ago
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa why I found this now?!!! I already saw this on Twitter but it's still looks awesome 😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕
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This is from @lucyjung FP au oh stars I love it soooo much ❤️I’ll post this on my Twitter too #FP au
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dianacarvalhoyt · 2 years ago
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I made a second version of my gameplay preset! It also has only two active effects which means it's super light, doesn't cause FPS drops or lag and makes the game much prettier, that's why I named it gameplay preset! You can download the first version here
ღ Important Info ღ
• This preset was created with the version 5.8.0 of Reshade, but it works in any version
• I recommend you to leave the edge-smoothing activated in your game options
• I recommend downloading shaders & textures from this preset, especially qUINT shaders
• This preset is made to use while you play, but I also made a preset for screenshots that you can download here
• Effects and download available bellow 👇
ღ Effects Used ღ
• FilmicPass
• LumaSharpen
ღ download [sfs] ღ
If you can't download it above, try pasting this link on your browser: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3973160/
You can check my Youtube Channel here ღ
Fiz uma segunda versão do meu preset de gameplay! Também só tem dois efeitos ativos, ou seja, é super leve, não causa queda de FPS nem lag e deixa o jogo bem mais bonito, por isso o nome é gameplay preset! Vocês podem baixar a primeira versão aqui
ღ Informações Importantes ღ
• Esse preset foi criado na versão 5.8.0 do Reshade, mas funciona em qualquer versão
• Aconselho vocês a deixar a suavização de bordas ativada nas opções do jogo
• Recomendo baixarem os shaders & texturas desse preset, especialmente qUINT shaders
• Esse preset é feito para usar enquanto vocês jogam, mas também fiz um preset para screenshots que vocês podem baixar aqui
• Efeitos usados e download disponível em baixo 👇
ღ Efeitos Usados ღ
• FilmicPass
• LumaSharpen
ღ download [sfs] ღ
Se você não conseguir fazer o download acima, tente colar esse link no seu navegador: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3973160/
Vocês podem visitar o meu canal no YouTube aqui ღ
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rwqv · 3 years ago
a new beginning.
1.3k words
sanddaddysoot x reader
for @zooone , their alts name is sanddaddysoot, i made this after a slip up i made and thought it was funny :)
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You watched as your character disintegrated into little bits and pieces which were the remnants of your inventory fell onto the ground. A big pop up flashed on your screen as Rank #2. A laugh erupted not a second later from your opponent's little character, who had won #1 Battle Royale Victory in Fortnite. Your hands flying to the table, a flurry of angry sounds erupted from your room. 
“BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME.” The player named Sanddaddy_x_soot.69 screeched with competitiveness and laughter. “LOSER.” Their character started to pull various emotes on your dead body, not seeming to care about your feelings.
You, on about 15 bottles of Fortnite Slurp Juice from your sippy cup, started to yell with such a ferocity only known from a Ninja watcher with only 1 hour of sleep a day with a logged on 23 hours on various FPS games. Your winning streak was a good 2 in a row, and this person reset your counter. 
“FIGHT ME. 1V1. NOW. MIC UP.” You screamed through voice chat at the character dancing on you still. 
Another bellow from Sanddaddy_x_soot.69 came out with a thunder in agreement. A little friend request came through on the side bars, coming both from discord and your fortnite account. 
You started ringing Sanddaddy_x_soot.69 on discord. As soon as the little connecting logo disappeared, noise coming from both ends of the call started coming out. A good 2 minutes went by, not calming down from the anger from you and the laughter coming from sanddaddysoot. Both of you somehow went quiet at the same time. 
Your shitty wifi finally got you two into the match. You both mumbled out at the same time, “I hate you.” 
Awkward silence coated the arena. You played through the first 5 minutes in utter silence. 
Sheer long unrequited silence. Your mind caught yourself anticipating sanddaddysoot to come out behind you at any time, you on the edge of your seat. You hated Sanddaddysoot more than anything. They made fun of you. They were toxic. So why did they excite you? Why were you excited to finally meet up with those pixels on the screen? Pathetic, you thought to yourself.
While you were lost in thought, you let your awareness slip. Now, Sanddaddysoot was 10 pixels away from you and you just immediately pulled out a grenade in utter fear.  Sanddaddy_x_soot.69 was completely silent, seeming deep in thought themselves. 
The grenade was cast. Your Blue Fortnite Slurp juice was splattered onto the table. The splash text #1 flashes across your screen. You’d won. 
You slammed your table again, your 20$ mic falling off and breaking. Although, this time, Sanddaddysoot was quiet. They didn’t make a sound, except for a very quiet “Rematch.”
“Why should I? I won. You lost.” You said with poison dripping from your words.
“Just do it.” They mumbled. 
Maybe this time you were a bit too mean. Your inner softie uwu showed for just a brief second and you said “sowwy my alpha. My omega wittle baby self didnt mean t
Maybe this time you were a bit too mean. Your inner softie uwu showed for just a brief second and you decided to say your apologies. “Look, I’m really sorry darling, but-” 
Oh shit. 
“I didn’t mean to say that.” You replied with almost a pleading voice, not to blow your well constructed cover. 
“Sure. Sure you didn’t.” Sanddaddysoot mumbled, starting to get slightly less uncomfortable with being around you. You could almost tell the warmth in their voice if you squinted hard enough. 
“I swear!” You replied with a slight stammer. A blush creeping up on your face that you attributed to your hot room. Sanddaddysoot laughed.
You both then had a brief moment of silence, before both of you asking at the same time “1v1 again?”
So, the rounds kept going on and going on. You learned more about sanddaddysoot, like the fact that they have this obsession over a british minecraft youtuber (they seemed rather fond of his feet), more of their personality shown out as you could clearly tell that they were romantically involved with a color. That should tell you enough of them, you thought to yourself. Yet you and sanddaddysoot seemed to have a stunning connection with each other, but every time there still was still a competitive tension between you two. The times you had won, sanddaddysoot would be silent for 2 seconds, and then start talking about that british dudes feet. When they had won, they would also attribute their win to “wilburs long toes giving them a long win streak.” Hours and hours passed like this. You somehow learned everything there is to know about that dudes feet, you got to see every picture of it too. 
But, as soon as you got into the call with Sanddaddysoot, you had barely noticed the 10 hours passing by. Your desk was broken in multiple places, your slurp juice had stained your computer and left a crusty residue on there, your mic was barely holding on by a thread, yet you were still having fun with your enemy. Wasn’t it weird? The person who you were aiming to kill 10 hours ago now seemed very… nice. 
Maybe Sanddaddysoot wasnt so bad afterall. 
They must have read your mind in and out, since then they started going on a rant about how amazing and cool they were. 
“My height is just unrequited by any other, no one else can beat me the alpha wolf gamer secret lost princess never will be loved-”
“I could love you, more than anyone before you.” You blurted out in desperation.
They seemingly ignored it though, as they only paused for a moment before continuing the rant. 
“... loved only by very beta cuck tory prince…”
Why did they ignore you? Were you not good enough for them? What did you do wrong in your speech, you had(n’t) crafted it to perfection, and they just ignore your love?
“...so then i said ‘goofy ahh clown feet are my favorite’ and then he roundhouse kicked me in the left arm…”
Did they truely hate you? What happened between your relationship, no, friendship, no, acquaintanceship, no, rivalry? Did they not care about you?
“...then a fucking goblin came out of nowhere and said ‘your world is mine, omega peasant. Hand over your 2002 Toyota Corollas. You cannot resist. So then I made out with that sexy gamer chad alien…”
Where were you in their world? It didn’t seem to exist. Your hands went motionless, something odd for someone jacked up on 1000 grams of caffeine and fortnite slurp juice which basically you’d stuffed with sugar. Your eyes trembled, bright blue tears threatening to fall just like you would if you didn’t get your caffeine fix. 
You closed a tab on your barely functioning computer, closing multiple screens of fortnite r34 and ninja videos. 
“...and anyways, this is just my long winded way of saying i love you more than anything my honey schmoops stinky poo poo bear mullet daddy uwu <3”
Wait. Hold it just a second. What?
“What the fuck? Did you just call me mullet daddy?” Your question rang through your microphone and into sanddaddysoots ears.
“Yes. Look, y/n, i've loved you ever since the time I first killed you in that first round, and it might be too soon to say this, but will you be the daddy to my sanddaddysoot?”
Well, things sure changed around, you thought quietly.
“I-I-I, yes!” you exclaimed. Your day brightened up like an LED light bulb. 
“Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we watch beastars??? Its my favorite anime ive watched like 30 times already!!” 
“Yes.” You blatantly said, not really thinking as much as you should be, just jumping for joy that your rival, no, lover is now with you. 
never in my life have i ever played fornite before so sorry if i got some wrong hahah also i kinda got writer block'd at the end sorry but i hope this made you want to murder me (in fornite!!!!) :)
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