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nhyhu · 1 year ago
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@foxquinweek day 1 : Royalty AU
fox being flustered bc of quinlan is so !!!!
my kofi :)
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wolviecat · 1 year ago
kiss it better
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“It’s nothing, Fox, I swear”, said Vos:”I’ve just…” “Jumped through a closed window and fell two levels, “ Fox cut in. He opened his desk and started rummaging through it , until he found a pack of little bacta patches. “Aren’t they little…childish?” “If you act as a child, you deserve to look like one.”
Foxes @foxquinweek day 5 Tending the injuries
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pencildragons · 1 year ago
snippet from my upcoming foxquin fic sinner, sinner (come to dinner) for foxquinweek !!!!!
“Commander Fox,” says the Chancellor, smiling his kindly smile. Fox stands very still and stares straight ahead, past Palpatine and through the great transparisteel window at the city below, skyline exploding in the brilliance of the sun’s final dying rays. The fanciful part of him that will one day be responsible for his death imagines that, if he’s just still enough, Palpatine will forget him entirely. It’s ridiculous, he knows, he knows, of course he knows, but he clings to it anyway, endeavours to move as little as possible, turns trying to hide even the slight rise and fall of his chest into some sort of test of how good his impression of being a block of stone is. “Sir,” says Fox. “Commander Fox,” Palpatine says again, still smiling that awful fucking smile, but sadder, now, mournful, bushy eyebrows doing something terrible and expressive. “You have disappointed me.” “Yes, sir.” “I gave you a very simple directive, Commander, and still you failed.” Fox is barely breathing now. Only a few klicks away, the spire of the Jedi Temple burns in a halo of pink-red, spearing through the cloud-strewn sky. It looks like one of the paintings hung in the Senate rotunda corridors, the ones that like as not cost more to procure than he did. His throat is dry. He tries to swallow. It sticks. It is likely he is dehydrated. There is a little light flashing on top of the spire, warning away in-atmo transports and low-flying starships. Orange-blue-green. Orange-blue-green. He stares at it, so he doesn’t have to look at Palpatine. “Yes, sir.” “Such inadequacy is, of course, unacceptable, Commander, as I’m sure you’re aware. I really had hoped it would not come to this, you understand.” Liar, Fox thinks. You love this. “But there is only one way to learn, and that is through experiencing consequences of your actions. Perhaps next time you will not take your sworn duty so lightly, hmm?” “Yes, sir.” “Draw your blaster, please, Commander.” Fox blinks and, in his surprise, breaks his stillness to turn his head to face Palpatine properly. “…Sir?” “Must I repeat myself twice? Draw your blaster from your holster.” Slowly, Fox draws. He wonders if this is some sort of test, if he’s going to be punished further for making his weapon naked in front of the Supreme Chancellor of the entire fucking Republic. (In the light of the dusk spilling through the window into the opulent office, Palpatine’s eyes seem almost gold. It is for but a brief moment, just the rays of the fat sun catching oddly, and then they return to that sharp, ice-chip grey like nothing at all happened.) “Good,” says Palpatine, and smiles again. Like this, he looks like some natborn’s father’s father—grandfather, he believes the term is—all benevolent wrinkles and knowing looks. “Set it to kill.” Fox sets it to kill. It is not a difficult thing. He is just as much a weapon as the blaster in his hands, well-oiled, clean, smooth. Efficient. He was designed for this. It is easier to follow orders mindlessly; his brain, like all their brains (except, perhaps, Kote’s, but Kote’s a little fucked up and is an outlier for everything else, anyway), is primed for command, made to obey. A perfect, thoughtless gun, with just enough ruthlessness and self-determination to set them apart from the CIS’ droids. That’s the idea, anyway. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Kaminoans failed in the execution of something. “Turn around, Commander,” Palpatine murmurs, words soft and smooth and rich as the heavy velvet-fabric from his home planet that he has all his clothes cut from. “And fire at will.”
rbs deeply appreciated :]
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foxquinweek · 2 years ago
FoxQuin week 2024 Writing prompts
I am happy to announce the writing prompts for FoxQuin week 2024! Posting will be from January 22-28. You may choose to write as few or as many of these prompts as you like, and if you don't like the prompts for each day, there are a few alternate prompts to choose from to use for any day!
Day 1 "I'll buy you time"
Day 2 Undercover/undercover as civilians
Day 3 "Technically it wasn't on fire" "Of course it wasn't on fire! You completely blew it up!"
Day 4 Culture sharing/multicultural relationships
Day 5 "I found him in the dumpster"
Day 6 BAMF Quinlan and Fox
Day 7 Quinlan as Guard general from the start
Alternate prompts
"You know you love me"
Wing AU
"There are at least 17 ways this could have gone better. Literally. I'm counting them right now, you moron."
Soulmate AU
Temple meeting
"He's right behind me, isn't he?" "Actually, he's right in front of you"
Order 66
Pet names
Migraines/chronic pain
"I don’t know what the kriff true love even is but I do want to hang out with you for basically the rest of my life."
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dino-cattivo · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Force Bond (Star Wars), That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), The Force Is Weird (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox-centric, POV CC-1010 | Fox, CC-1010 | Fox Kills Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Fights Series: Part 7 of FoxQuin Week 2024 Summary:
Fox's Jedi is missing and he is not taking it well at all. If Vos will not return soon someone will die.
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insertmeaningfulusername · 1 year ago
Quinlan enters Fox’s office bearing gifts, one welcome – and one not so much. Or is it?
Written for the @foxquinweek prompt for day 5, "I found him in the dumpster."
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sithfox · 1 year ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos
Characters: Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox
Additional Tags: Dai Bendu Language (Star Wars), Mando'a Language (Star Wars), CC-1010 | Fox is a polyglot, As are the rest of the clones tbh, Hurt Quinlan Vos, Quinlan Vos Needs A Hug, POV CC-1010 | Fox, Protective CC-1010 | Fox, Touch-Starved
Series: Part 2 of A Study In Scarlet, Part 7 of FoxQuin Week 2024
Fox walks over to him, absently intending to wrap his arms around his waist, but the moment Fox brushes his bare skin he shudders violently, as if he's startled to be touched. Fox freezes in place.
Oh. He knows what's going on here.
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day seven of foxquin week!
the prompt was ‘​Quinlan was a General the whole time’ which was absolutely delicious, and it was so painful to keep it (relatively) short, I swear to god
4, 949 words, rated T for a fair bit of light necking
‘Scipio goes differently, but there are still heavy losses.
While Fox is pulling himself back together by the light of Thorn’s bacta tank, General Quinlan Vos decides to take ‘give your problems to the Force’ a little more literally than usual…’
(Title: Your Heart is Safe on My Belt)
(this was why I was dunking Thorn in a tank of bacta the other week btw, if you even care, etc etc)
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oathena11-writes · 1 year ago
@foxquinweek day 6, alternate prompt: Wing AU!
I had a blast worldbuilding this one and it may have gotten out of hand.
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos Additional Tags: Humor, Planet Coruscant (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), POV Quinlan Vos, Flirting, dumpster diving, Mistaken Identity Summary:
When his pursuers had rounded another corner and were out of sight, Quinlan let go of the ledge and dropped into a dumpster at the bottom of the wall, hoping that whatever he landed on wasn’t sharp. Or sticky, sticky would be bad.
It wasn’t either of those things. Whatever he landed on was soft and warm and said “oof!” very loudly.
Quinlan immediately rolled off to one side, onto some garbage that definitely was a little sticky, and turned to look behind him. It should have been pitch black inside the dumpster, but instead it was lit up by a little yellow lantern; by its light he could make out the identity of his unusual landing pad. It was a clone, the same clone from last week judging by the scar.
“Wow,” Quinlan whispered. “You sure like dumpsters.”
 Running into someone in a dumpster on Coruscant is unexpected. Doing it again is unlikely. And a third time? Well, that's just plain weird.
I couldn’t help myself. I’m in the middle of posting a 90K+ Fox/Quinlan fic and I... wrote another one! For @foxquinweek, which lured me in with the Day 5 prompt, “I found him in a dumpster.” I am weak, I had to write more of these two. Please enjoy this much more lighthearted flavor of Quinfox Foxlan Fox/Quinlan Foxglove (can we make that their ship name?) in between chapters of Built on Bones and Middens.
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wolviecat · 1 year ago
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Stone was so proud when he brought it to him. A proof that another one of those bastards had been eliminated. Fox should smile, tell him that he did a good job, and then move on.
Then why was everything suddenly blurry, tears rolling down his face no matter how hard he tried to blink them away.
For @foxquinweek day 4, prompt Fox with Quintana sword
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pencildragons · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox & Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone, CC-1010 | Fox & Clone Commander Thorn, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-4477 | Thire, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone & CC-4477 | Thire & Clone Commander Thorn, CC-5869 | Stone & Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly & CC-1010 | Fox, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, Aayla Secura & Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly & CC-6454 | Ponds, Coruscant Guard & Quinlan Vos Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CC-5869 | Stone, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, Coruscant Guard Trooper Hound (Star Wars), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Medic CC-5869 | Stone, get cmo'd bitch Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Psychosis, Addiction, Withdrawal, Day One: Migraine/Chronic Pain, this spiralled so so so so quickly, Dreams, pls heed the tags fox is having a BAD FUCKING TIME of it, Abuse of Authority, Sheev Palpatine Being An Asshole, Purge Trooper CC-1010 | Fox, CC-1010 | Fox Whump, Hurt Quinlan Vos, tfw when your dumbass marshal commander is being a dumbass, so you have to enlist his pet jedi to help you wrangle him into the medbay, award for most long suffering cmo of all time goes to commander stone, Genderfluid CC-5052 | Bly, god i have to do everything around here myself, Transfem CC-5052 | Bly Series: Part 6 of oranges and sunflower seeds Summary:
“Good,” says Palpatine, and smiles again. Like this, he looks like some natborn’s father’s father—grandfather, he believes the term is—all benevolent wrinkles and knowing looks. “Set it to kill.”
Fox sets it to kill. It is not a difficult thing. He is just as much a weapon as the blaster in his hands, well-oiled, clean, smooth. Efficient. He was designed for this. It is easier to follow orders mindlessly; his brain, like all their brains (except, perhaps, Kote’s, but Kote’s a little fucked up and is an outlier for everything else, anyway), is primed for command, made to obey. A perfect, thoughtless gun, with just enough ruthlessness and self-determination to set them apart from the CIS’ droids. That’s the idea, anyway. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Kaminoans failed in the execution of something.
“Turn around, Commander,” Palpatine murmurs, words soft and smooth and rich as the heavy velvet-fabric from his home planet that he has all his clothes cut from. “And fire at will.”
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foxquinweek · 1 year ago
FoxQuin Week 2024 Writing Masterlist
Day 1 "I'll buy you time"
FoxQuin week | 1 "I'll buy you time" by dino-cattivo
Orders by lbibliophile-sw
i want everything to change and stay the same by commander-dont-give-a-fox
in which the force just wants to fuck with fox by redhairedmuses
Life is for living not overworking by oathena11-writes
Day 2 Undercover/undercover as civilians
FoxQuin week | 2: Undercover by dino-cattivo
don't you want to see a man up close by commander-dont-give-a-fox (explicit)
Making it Count by howdidthisevenhappenanyway
Gold for Vengeance by iwishtocountthestars; additional prompt: Order 66
Day 3 "Technically it wasn't on fire" "Of course it wasn't on fire! You completely blew it up!"
FoxQuin week | 3: "Technically it wasn't on fire" "Of course it wasn't on fire! You completely blew it up!" by dino-cattivo
Case Closed by lbibliophile-sw
i hope the roof flies off and we get blown out into space by commander-dont-give-a-fox
Careful what you say by oathena11-writes
Day 4 Culture sharing/multicultural relationships
FoxQuin week | 4: Culture sharing/multicultural relationships by dino-cattivo
Isrir be Ijaat by gladheonsleeps
Day 5 "I found him in the dumpster"
Another Man's Treasure by bilbosmom-belladonna
FoxQuin week | 5: "I found him in the dumpster" by dino-cattivo
Rescuing strays by lbibliophile-sw
the scarlet thread in the colorless skein by commander-dont-give-a-fox
I'd Love to Keep my Promises, Darling by howdidthisevenhappenanyway
Dumpster Jedi by oathena11-writes
(Not So Un-)Welcome Gifts by insertmeanfulusername
Day 6 BAMF Quinlan and Fox
FoxQuin Week | 6: BAMF Quinlan and Fox by dino-cattivo
Day 7 Quinlan as Guard general from the start
Consent by lbibliophile-sw, alternate prompt: "You know you love me"
FoxQuin Week | 7: Quinlan as Guard general from the start by dino-cattivo
Rocky Path to Happiness by oathena11-writes
Gar Runi be Morut'yc bat Ner Kama by howdidthisevenhappenanyway
the silver is white, the red is gold by pencildragons
I used tumblr links over AO3 where possible. If you would like me to add the AO3 link or use the AO3 links instead of tumblr, please let me know. I know that AO3 usernames are not the same as tumblr for many, so please let me know if you would like the AO3 username or both. I will fix it if that is the case.
There were quite the list of alternate prompts used, so I decided it was best to put the alternate prompts on a separate post.
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dino-cattivo · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos Additional Tags: Ambiguous/Open Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, CC-1010 | Fox Needs A Hug, CC-1010 | Fox-centric, CC-1010 | Fox Whump, CC-1010 | Fox Deserves Better, POV CC-1010 | Fox, Misunderstandings, Amnesia, Temporary Amnesia Series: Part 5 of FoxQuin Week 2024 Summary:
Fox didn't know what he expected when he heard noises from a dumpster. Not to find a man without any memories. And especially not to fall in love with said man.
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insertmeaningfulusername · 1 year ago
He doesn’t remember who or where he is - until a stranger shows up and gifts him his name.
Written for the @foxquinweek alt prompt "You know you love me."
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sithfox · 1 year ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos
Characters: Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox
Additional Tags: Force-Sensitive CC-1010 | Fox, POV CC-1010 | Fox, Not Beta Read, Established CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos
Series: Part 1 of FoxQuin Week 2024, Part 1 of my mind is a safe
He tips his head to the bartender, grabs both glasses, and weaves his way between tables to the booth where his prey waits. He’s quiet in his approach, practicing hiding himself in the Force, and manages to make it almost all the way to the table before his man looks up and grins blindingly. "You’re getting better."
Fox growls, annoyed at his failure, and slides in next to Quinlan, passing him a drink as he does. "Hello to you too, Korto."
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