#foxberry fanfics
brambleberrybunches · 2 years
In which two former sons of the former British Empire bond over a myriad of strange and seemingly random conversation topics, from Dolphin Nations to America's chat-muting habits biting him in the ass.
(A low-stakes, plotless one shot just exploring a casual hang out between these two)
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brambleberrybunches · 2 years
Explanation for each below:
The Sandman: A series of comics by Neil Gaiman, known Tumblr cryptid and author of other popular series like Good Omens. The comics center around the Endless, a group of seven immortal siblings that embody their assigned aspects: Despair, Death, Destiny, Delusion, Destruction, and Desire, and specifically, Dream. Dream does his best to protect the world of dreams and keep his more chaotic siblings (Despair and Desire) from ruining humankind and the fate of the world. I'd merge it with Hetalia in that, like the nations, they embody something inhuman, but unlike the Nations, they're much more cosmically God-like? It would probably chronicle the Nations mostly interacting with the Endless like they would familiar strangers, with more or less intimacy depending on how often they interact with a certain Endless (Death's a frenemy to the older nations, Delusion's unknown by most, etc).
El Ministerio Del Tiempo: When a widower Spanish EMT sees a man dressed in a French Army outfit inside of a burning building, he dives inside to save the man, despite every coworker saying that the building was already cleared. He finds the man passed out inside, and encounters two others dressed similarly before he passes out. When he wakes, he's told that he imagined it all, and that his grief over losing his wife is causing hallucinations. He's dismissed from his job and recommended therapy, but when his "therapists" arrive, he learns that he didn't hallucinate at all, and that he's being recruited by a secret department of the Spanish government known as "The Ministry of Time". Alongside a soldier who was to be hung in the 1500s and one of the first women to attend college in Spain from the 1800s, he travels through time to make sure the present stays stable and secure. I'd merge it with Hetalia in that all the nations now have their own ministry of time, but none of the personifications except a select few know about it. The story would be told from the point of view of a few humans who work for the ministry and their occasional interactions with the nations. (Plus a few nation POVs when they see the same human again and again centuries apart)
Edit: You can't edit poll times apparently so WHOOPS, new post)
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brambleberrybunches · 2 years
Tag Masterpost
(As of February 13th, still tagging posts! WIP) Acai Asks: Any post involving an ask towards me Artbutus Berries: A play on Arbutus Berries, which is my tag for any post with art! Bramble Rambles: Posts that involve my personal thoughts Foxberry Fanfics: Posts involving fanfiction! Either my own or others' Historical Hetalia: Posts that involve history in one way or another Huckleberry Headcanons: Posts that involve headcanons, both mine or others' Mulberry Memes: Posts that involve memery and/or jokes Raisin Replies: My replies with other posts Raspberry Reblogs: My reblogs of other's posts Strawberry Ships: Posts that involve shipping talk! Individual ships are tagged separately Tayberry Text: Any posts that involve more text than a simple tagline!
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