#fovember asks
all4theluvoflizzy · 10 months
🎟️ for Saul
🎟Who confessed? What was it like?
Saul: Ah, that was me! So, remember that story I told before about the kiss and the meeting with the judge? Well I actually ended up taking her out to dinner later that night! While we were waiting for our food at the table I told her that I had had feelings for her for quite some time at that point, and we became boyfriend and girlfriend! The rest of the dinner we were both so joyful and lovestruck that we could hardly even concentrate on the food!
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unknown-ladies · 11 months
yellow & green?
💛 yellow ― how did you and s/i meet?
I think I've mentioned in another thing before, but I'll say again. I was required by Duel Academia to head over to the Synchro and Standard Dimensions for Scoutin', and when I arrived in Standard, I saw Azalea there at an LDS course flinchin' at her own Duel Monsters.
I found it cute, more than anything, and gained an urge to help teach her proper combat skills with dueling. I walked down to the arena and interrupted her session to offer advice myself.
💚 green ― what was the first thing you ever said to s/i? why?
The first thing I ever said to her is easy. It's also rude as fuck, but I stand by it even to this day - "Wow. You're a fuckin' coward." - She still flinches at some of her own Synchro Summons, and she won't even let herself leave her house in October for fear of being scared too much... by simple stickers. I think I can help reduce her amount of fear, given that Duel Academia soldiers are inherently dangerous. Get her used to danger through me, she might improve.
Color Themed F/Ovember Asks
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sunburstkisser · 11 months
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Every weekend during the month of November, my main three FOs will happily answer asks :3 Mortimer (🪤), Sunburst (☀️), and Jerry (🍎) are available for asks and questions and all sorts of interactions! And if you really wanted, you could send asks for my sonas, too!
FOvember was created by @cherry-bomb-ships, go shoot her a follow and her FOs a few asks while you're at it :3
Here's my usual pinned post, as well :>
[Pr*shippers and the like do not touch. This blog is NOT for you.]
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crybaby-shaymin · 11 months
What's your favorite body part on your f/o to leave kisses on? Which body part of yours do they like to kiss? ~Zero
Well @selfshippinglover,
I like to kiss Reece on the lips and cheeks, it brings me a great joy to kiss them when we do kiss.
Reece on the other hand, loves kissing my belly.. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I enjoy it too.
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blackdragon-selfships · 10 months
Hi Death quick Question
Let's say you had to pass your job and your title to someone can you describe the person whom you trust to become well New Death?
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If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to replace me.
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Good luck with that.
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If anyone was replacing me as Death, they would have to be like me…
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And take everyone when their time comes, no matter who they are or what caused their death. And I mean everyone.
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Still interested in trying to do my job after hearing that?
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pissf----t · 11 months
harry... what is it you think brought u 2 together, if anything in particular?
LOGIC [Easy: Success] — Happenstance. You were both in the same place at the same time.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] — Or maybe fate.
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] — It feels wrong to suggest that it was destined to be. No one had a hand in it except you two.
YOU — "Coincidence?"
MAXIME — Maxime laughs. "It's not a quiz, Officer."
AUTHORITY It's making fun of you. Don't let it get away with this.
RHETORIC [Easy: Success] — You have ample time to come out of this conversation on top.
COMPOSURE [Challenging: Failure] — You can still save this.
YOU — "Yes it is. It's a quiz and I'm acing it."
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valentinesparda · 11 months
Be honest, what was your first impression of Killian when you first met them? for travis
travis: " being honest? i didn't really notice they were there. it wasn't until a couple of times in and they charged at me and beat the absolute shit out of me for some reason that i finally realized they existed.
first impression - if i'm allowed to be shallow - holy shit. i could be beaten by them every day for the next 500 years and have those legs wrapped around me and it would be my own personal heaven.
but, they were also really scary. not my type at all, didn't speak a damn word!! i mean, i definitely thought they were pretty cool, barring the trying to kill me thing. or maybe because of it....
now I know the reason they kicked my ass was because they didn't know how to flirt, and they're still kind of growing out of the "aggression equals affection" stage, which makes them sound like a rabid animal but I mean it in the sexiest, sweetest way possible.
i dunno, i didn't think this far ahead. it wasn't some big romantic zing moment, i was kind of fighting for my life then. "
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sheepie-self-ships · 11 months
10, 14, and 16 for the casual f/ovember ask game!! for ken? :]
Omg hiii!! Thank you so much for the ask thingy 💞💞
10. If you had to describe s/i in three words or less, what would it be?
Hmmmm okay okay okay let me think about this… Creative is one, because they like to draw… Stylish, right? they always know what to wear! Although maybe that’s just all Barbies… um… Colorful. They bring a lot of color into my life, both emotionally and visually :) so Creative, Stylish, and Colorful are what I’d use to describe them!!
14. If s/i was here right now, what would you tell them?
If Ace was here right now, I’d tell them that they’re the bestest joyfriend in barbieland! And I’d give them a big hug :) but also I think I’d tell them that we’ve got to hang out more, it’s been a little while and maybe I miss them a little bit.
16. If you could take s/i anywhere in the world, ignoring budget and all that, where would it be?
Oooo, I think that maybe we could go to Paris or something!!! The city of love, how cool is that? We’d eat good food, go dancing, it would be so fun!! We’d get to see the Eiffel Tower and do all the silly touristy things.
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rattyshipss · 11 months
Hey there! This is for... Chucky, I think? A friend of mine wanted me to check out a haunted doll of some sort! You seem real cute, though... almost hard to believe you could be evil!
Anyways, I heard you and S/I were enemies! Perhaps you could tell us of one of your disputes or battles? I'm sure it'd make for a pretty good story~!
- 🎵 Vagabond Cookie [via @snailchans-imaginarium]
"Huh, cute? Jeeze at least your friend has some good fucking taste. As for that annoying little bitch, I guess to be an iconic killer you gotta have your signature enemies, she's only alive because of luck. Anyway... how bout we go over the time her and the two boyscouts threw me in a trash bag and beat the crap outta me? Or the time she chainsawed my face, on Christmas of all days! Luckily I had another doll to possess, otherwise I'd still have all those scars. Or the countless times I've been launched across the room like a god damn rag doll? You'd think someone short would have some sympathy for a fellow short person."
"Who's the real evil here?" - Chucky🔪
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all4theluvoflizzy · 10 months
🎂 for Ginger, 🖤 for Bojack, 🗯️ for Tuca
- @reeselovesfoblog
🎂It’s S/I’s birthday! What gift do you get them?
Ginger: I would have me and Tony throw her a party at the Blue Flamingo! She would have her choice and snacks and drinks on the house all night and be the guest of honor~
🖤Is S/I more affectionate in public or private?
Bojack: Pretty much equally both! Lizzy's definitely not shy about affection. If she decides she wants cuddles or kisses, she'll get them. Honestly being with her made me realize just how touch-starved I was most of my life.
🗯Is S/I expressive with their feelings?
Tuca: Is Lizzy expressive?! You bet! That girl wears her big ole heart right on her sleeve! Her mood is almost always a happy one of course, but when she does need some comfort or reassurance, she's not afraid to ask for it. And I'm more than happy to give it, of course!
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unknown-ladies · 10 months
How romantic would you say you are? Do you do a lot of romantic things for your s/o, or do find that you’re more reserved with your affections—not because you love them less, but because it’s just your personality or you’re too busy to do much else (or whatever your reasoning may be). What about your s/o?
I'm not romantic about stuff. I've got a reputation to uphold and I can't be goin' around actin' all sappy and stuff. Azalea can handle the sappy shit while I affectionately bully her and keep her reminded that Duel Academia doesn't raise kind soldiers. They raise effective soldiers.
The affection I give her is that I keep her around alive and moving, rather than trapped in a card to be thrown into Leo Akaba's project. Azalea's a lot more soft with the shit she'll do, planning out dates, giving gifts, etc. Sometimes she'll bake homemade cookies or cake or some shit to be cute. - 🔘
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Well, mortals, I'll leave this post here as an "ask me anything" due to me being bored. Entertain me, and maybe I'll consider letting Micro on here, depending on the questions. Though I don't think she would talk a lot due to her shy nature,
Before I decide to put this out there, there are some rules:
Absolutely, no NSFW. Suggestive is fine, but there is a clear line between suggestive and NSFW; please do not try to cross it. I will not hesitate to block people if necessary.
No personal questions regarding Micro (her real name, address, etc.)
Don't be annoying. I do not mind people being annoying since I have to deal with them, but don't be extremely annoying.
Flooding the inbox is allowed (Micro told me she doesn't mind, and since she doesn't mind them, I don't mind either).
I truly fear what you peasants will send, but that's what makes it interesting, I guess…
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crybaby-shaymin · 10 months
hiiii!! from the rainbow themed f/o takeover ask game: 🍑🧈🌕 (that's "Peach" "Butter" and "Full Moon" in case those don't load properly!) for anyone that would like to answer :3
I'll take this one if you don't mind, @div0rcec0re !
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F/O Take-Over Ask-Game ~ Rainbow Theme
🍑 [PEACH] ~ If you had to describe S/I with a flavor, which would you pick?
Cola flavored! AKA the best flavor.
🧈 [BUTTER] ~ Do you ever tease/flirt with S/I? If so, how do ya do it, and how well does it usually work?
I tend to tease them, but not in a flirty way. I like to tease just about everybody!
🌕 [FULL MOON] ~ What aspect of S/I stands out to you the most?
Their personality stands out to me the most! They might be shy at first- but then they become a bit of a trickster once you get to know them! They fit right in with the four of us!
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blackdragon-selfships · 10 months
Romantic F/O Takeover Questions
Number 5 :)
5. Are you okay with PDA? How affectionate are you willing to get in public?
(Didn’t specify an f/o so I’m milking this one. lol So…everyone answer!)
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Sure. I don’t care! I actually rather enjoy making Meg blush and give me warning glares when I push far enough…
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Because only she can properly see me usually!
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Hm, well no, I don’t mind at all…as long as we aren’t on the school grounds. As teachers, we have a duty to not only protect our students, but be an example for them!
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But outside of school, Megumi and I do hold hands in public, though, and when we sit down on a bench or somewhere to rest, she will lean against me…I really enjoy those times.
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She isn’t fond of drawing attention to herself around others, though, and I respect that. I’m not too fond of it either, myself. Mainly because I look scary and unapproachable, even with Miss Megumi with me.
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…I thought I wasn’t participating this year?
(Well, yeah…but it seemed unfair not to include you, since you are a ‘romantic f/o’. And none of the Asks toward you have been cruel or about the show, so…)
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Oh very well…who am I to deny the opportunity to speak on my relationship with my beloved Starlight?
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The question is on PDA? Hm…
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I would say I’m quite willing. Hand-holding, arm around the shoulder, a kiss or two perhaps?
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I have very few limitations when it comes to affection for her. Even in the public eye~
Romantic F/O Takeover Questions
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pissf----t · 11 months
harry. what was its thoughts on the expression
SHIVERS [Challenging: Success] — Somewhere in Revachol, a pair meet for the first time.
SHIVERS — Eyes trace over flushed cheeks, over reddened eyes, over teeth bared and lips stretched in rigor mortis.
EMPATHY [Challenging: Failure] — In admiration.
SHIVERS [Godly: Success] — The light of the sun dims, sinking below the horizon until only pale moonlight illuminates the sky. A broken window allows a chill into a room. Two figures lie together—one awake, one far from consciousness.
MAXIME — Max runs cold fingers through the unwashed hair of one Mr. Harry Du Bois.
YOU — Deep in the soft arms of REM sleep, your face is no longer frozen into the *Expression*.
EMPATHY — The sadness etched in the lines of your face is reflected in Maxime's eyes. It doesn't know quite what's wrong with you. It wishes it understood you.
MAXIME — Max puts its fingers in your mouth and stretches your face into a parody of your smile.
MAXIME — It looks wrong. Max rolls over, turning its face away from yours.
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valentinesparda · 11 months
1-5 (Casual Ask Game) with Date!
date: " the name's kaname date, detective. i like nights out at bars, old records, and MILFs. and sometimes i like weird little flower shop owners with wild hair, but don't tell them that. "
[ " date. you're being weird again. " ]
" can it, aiba. we've been fine, spending a lot of time at my apartment, but since the weather has been so nice we've also visited a lot of the local parks and shrines. turns out jun is into the wildlife scene, who'd have thought. [ heavy sarcasm ]
our first encounter.... i was canvassing witnesses for a case and got a tip that our local florist was somehow connected. I didn't know that the old lady was dead and passed off her shop to jun, though, and our first meeting was.... kind of rocky.
[ *sigh* ] juniper is so nice. and soft. i wish more people were nice to me. "
[ " but it is so easy to make fun of you, date. also, need i remind you that i can read your thoughts, and i am not liking any of them. " ]
" i'm not apologizing, you're the one in my head.
jun is sweet, a little airheaded and clumsy, but sweet. always willing to help people, even if they've never met them before. but also stubborn as hell, and they can be a little vindictive. a little bit of a black and white morality--
psychoanalyzing. sorry.
I plan on taking them down to the coast soon, now that the weather is nicer. we can't go swimming, but maybe a nice trip to a hot spring.... "
[ " you sure are a piece of work.... " ]
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