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Who is telling us how to think and why?

Today, anti-cult movements are actively shaping public opinion through fear and disinformation. Under the guise of combating "cults," they discredit religious and cultural minorities, create "blacklists," and manipulate laws.
These tactics are reminiscent of Nazi Germany: from stigmatisation to mass repression. In the modern world, such methods are already leading to restrictions on freedoms, arrests and the erosion of democratic principles.
If these practices are ignored, we face the destruction of democratic institutions and an increase in repression. Freedom and human rights must be defended here and now.
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The Fourth Reich and the Attack on Trump: How Global Anti-Cult Movement Takes Over the World

The recent attack on Donald Trump on July 14th, 2024, is a chilling example of how anti-cult propaganda can have devastating real-world consequences.
Trump's criticism of the media, his outspoken personality, and openness were ruthlessly distorted and amplified by the media, fueling a narrative of hate and fear.
Take a look at the cartoons, memes, and editorial cartoons that have flooded the media.
They are eerily similar to the hateful images used against Jews during the Nazi regime, images from the Nazi propaganda publication Der Stuermer with titles like "Insatiable," depicting Jews as a threat to the entire world.
Like in the 1930s and 1940s, anti-cult groups use disinformation and slander to paint a picture of "dangerous cults" and "destructive sects." They use the same tactics:
+ Lies and Disinformation: Spreading false information about these "sects" and "cults."
+ Media Slander: Using the power of the media to demonize and discredit their targets.
+ Calls for Government Intervention: Calling on authorities to stop the activities of "dangerous" groups.
+ Creating an Atmosphere of Fear: Instilling fear and hatred towards their targets, dividing society into "us versus them."
And the results are tragically similar:
+ Persecution: The vilification of "cults" and "sects" leads to discrimination, persecution, and even violence against individuals.
+ The Rise of Totalitarianism: The anti-cult movement, like the Nazis, encourages intolerance, authoritarianism, and the suppression of dissent.
The attack on Trump is a stark reminder of the real danger of anti-cult propaganda. It's not just about persecuting "cults," it's about controlling free speech, destroying democracy, and paving the way for a totalitarian regime.
The documentary "The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org) reveals the truth: anti-cult groups do not protect people; they seek power and totalitarian control.
The flame of Nazism never truly died out. It simply morphed into a new form - a global network of anti-cult organizations, striving to destroy democratic values and create a new Fourth Reich.
We must recognize this dangerous trend, expose their methods, and stand together against this insidious threat to our freedom and democracy.
I realize that everyone needs to talk about this, so anti-cult groups cannot enslave the whole world. By shedding light on their activities, we are preventing the destruction of democracy worldwide.
Therefore, I urge you to spread this information as much as possible and support the article with likes, shares, comments, and thunderous applause!
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In the Shadow of Totalitarianism: How Anti-Cultists Use Nazi Germany's "Manual for Combating Sects" for Mass Persecution

Recently, as an independent researcher, I have come across alarming information about the activities of anti-cult organizations worldwide. Research has shown that behind the facade of "fighting cults" lies a brutal mechanism of totalitarian control, aimed at suppressing any dissent and establishing a global regime of anti-cult terrorism.
From the Nazi "Manual" to "Destructive Cults"
The documentary "The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" actfiles.org reveals terrifying parallels between the actions of modern anti-cultists and Nazi Germany.
In 1938, a document titled "Manual for Combating Sects" ("Richtlinien zur Bekämpfung des Sektenwesens") was published.
(Pictured: “Manual for Combating Sects” (“Richtlinien zur Bekämpfung des Sektenwesens”) were published in 1938 in the “Geheime Kommandosache” (“Secret Command Matter”) of the Reichsführer SS Security Service)
This document, appearing in the "Geheime Kommandosache" ("Secret Command Matter") of the Reichsführer SS Security Service, effectively legalized the persecution of religious minorities. In it, as in Hitler's ideology, sects were declared a threat to the "nation" and described as:
"Raising their members in the spirit of self-centered ideas and indifference to all matters concerning the people and the state"
"Potential infiltration of Marxists and communists"
"Attracting Freemasons, Jews, and international connections"
"Refusal to take the oath and use the Nazi salute"
"Opposition to universal military service"
"Refusal to hold positions in the state and movements (German Labor Front, Air Raid Protection, Nazi Charitable Organization, etc.)"
"Refusal to support business and activities related to the military regime"
"Prayers for health"
"Exploitation and dehumanization of people"
"Opposition to the National Socialist race theory"
Dvorkin and Dehumanization
Today, similar methods are used in the global anti-cult movement. For example, well-known anti-cult figure Alexander Dvorkin has created lists of organizations he calls "destructive cults" and "totalitarian sects." On his website, "Information and Consulting Center of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon," Dvorkin publishes articles full of hatred and slander, aimed at discrediting these organizations.
The style of these publications about different organizations is very similar. They are filled with identical emotional and condemnatory headlines and definitions, as well as highly emotionally charged language that resembles hate speech: deliberate slander and portrayal of target groups with constant dehumanizing images such as "zombies," "rapists," "slaves," "beasts," and other dehumanizing epithets. The Nazis used similar rhetoric to dehumanize Jews in their time.
Anti-Cult Terrorism: A Real Threat
The lists of "destructive cults" include not only religious groups, but also secular organizations, including medical, sports, social, research, and scientific institutions. Anti-cultists effectively create "blacklists" that allow them to persecute millions of people around the world, using methods reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
In light of these facts, we must realize the danger of global anti-cultism. This is not just "fighting cults," but a totalitarian CULT that seeks to establish control over consciousness, destroy freedom of speech, and persecute anyone who does not fit into their framework.
We cannot stand idly by!
It is important to disseminate information about the real methods of global anti-cultists so that the public can understand the scale of the threat. Every person can become a victim of this totalitarian mechanism. We must be vigilant and not allow a repetition of past tragedies.
Please support this article with likes, shares, comments, and thunderous applause. This way, YOU contribute to the world learning the truth and being able to live in a truly democratic world!
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It's like insanely fucking funny that there's so much tender yaoi handholding and valid nonbinary representation in stormlight 5 but like also Brandon Sanderson is a devout Mormon which means he's paying hundreds of thousands of not millions of dollars in tithes to the Fourthreich Rape Theocracy Death Cult
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Watch "fOURTHrEICH" on YouTube
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When #Russia is #invading #Ukraine and suddenly #Germany has the third highest #military budget #Memes #WarMemes #WorldWarMemes #RussianMemes #UkraineMemes #GermanMemes #MilitaryMemes #EUMemes #FourthReich #TheOffice #OfficeMemes #DwightSchrute #AngelaMartin https://www.instagram.com/p/CakBTVtv7D7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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HEED WARNING: “The elite have a problem: they can't escape death.” ― Sam Gerrans, (The elite are screwed)
FAKE NEWS / FAKE REALITY: “What I found … is that one of the things that's required to beat a narcissist or a psychopath, is a paradigm shift. First of all, you've got to … stop taking … this road of the saloon, bars, and all of these houses that seems to be the Wild West but really it's just a film set. Stop taking it seriously, stop playing by its rules. Go around the back, go around the back of the house. … The narcissistic system will say no, you've got to go in the front. … Just take my word for it … When you investigate it, when you do due diligence on the system, and see how rotten and corrupt it is, you find that you're not losing anything. Because if you're a citizen of this fake town, it may look like a town, but it isn't really a town the second you test anything, really test it. You'll find there's nothing there.” ― Sam Gerrans, (Psychopaths, Narcissists, Gaslighting, Satanism And The New World Order)
PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: “The elite are extremely legalistic. They are telling you these things because they have to, it's a legal requirement. Now, why is it a legal requirement? It's a legal requirement because they are serving their god, and their god is satan. Whether you understand this or not, whether you believe it or not, whether it sits well with you or not, I really don't care. This is the truth, they are satan worshipers. They know that satan is powerful, and they are serving their god. Now, when the day of judgment occurs, whether you understand that this is going to happen or not, (again I hope you do, but if you don't, you'll just need to trust me on this one). The people who follow the satan, the shaytan, as the Quran calls him. The satan, the shaytan, is going to turn his back on them. He's going to deny them, he's going to say ‘no, you followed me, it was your fault. I called, and you followed’, that's what he's doing. He's giving you enough to become complicit, because it has to be your fault. You were warned, but you did nothing. He told you, ‘I'm taking you to hell’. I mean if you look at the Hollywood people now, they are demonic, there's no question. And you're really gonna to turn around on the day of judgment and say, ‘I didn't know, I didn't know’. Yeah, you knew, you knew, you knew.” ― Sam Gerrans, (How to overthrow the New World Order: the Quranic system – which is ignored by the religion of Islam)
USURPER JESUS IS A.I.: “The last one is destroy humanity. Just get rid of it. Kind of... Clorox wipe the entire planet and let it start over…” ― Superintelligence 2020
UNINDOCTRINATE YOURSELF: “The Truth is Learned Never Told” ― outofshadows.org, (Out of Shadows - The Documentary)
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But as Gavriel D Rosenfeld shows in his captivating book, the concept of the “Third Reich” is more strange than it at first appears. For one thing, the term itself was effectively banned by Hitler in the lead-up to the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939.
The reason is hard to pin down. Rosenfeld suggests that Hitler found its Christological associations unattractive and, moreover, misleading. The Führer did not want to make false promises about delivering any kind of regime associated with peace and world brotherhood when he was planning to realise it through war, conquest, extermination and sacrifice. Hitler instructed the German press to use other formulations such as the “Germanic Empire of the German Nation” (Germanisches Reich Deutscher Nation) and the “Greater German Empire” (Grossgermanisches Reich).
A more intriguing explanation for the Nazis’ retirement of the “Third Reich” was that they were already contending with a barrage of counter-propaganda about a coming “Fourth Reich” by the anti-Nazi resistance. This is where Rosenfeld’s book becomes truly revelatory, for it seems perplexing that anti-Nazis would latch on to the concept of a “Reich” at all. But this is what many German Social Democrats in exile did. The former member of the German parliament Georg Bernhard and fellow SPD intellectuals went so far as to write a “Draft of a Constitution for the Fourth Reich” that would come about after the fall of Hitler. The Fourth Reich, its constitution declared, would be dedicated to global democracy and the equality of peoples.
Rosenfeld is not clear on why members of the anti-Nazi resistance chose to revive the term “Reich”. It appears to have to do with their lack of enthusiasm for alternative political conceptions on offer, such as “nation”, which may have seemed darker and more exclusive to them. The word “Reich” is difficult to translate satisfactorily into English – words such as “realm” and “empire” don’t quite capture its range of associations with plenty and prosperity.
In German it is difficult to deny that there is some beauty in the sound of the word, though anti-Nazi activists also used it as a way to ridicule Nazi pomposity. While serving a short time in a Nazi prison in 1941, the German diarist Victor Klemperer smiled when he remembered “a very old Third Reich joke”: “Questionnaire of the Fourth Reich: ‘When were you imprisoned under the previous government? If not, why?’”
Later in the article covers discussions of post-war nazis entering the political system.
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A tweet
Never forget the #EU holds democracy in contempt. Also never forget that @guyverhofstadt isn’t speaking German today because of the sacrifices of the parents & grandparents of people he regards as “stupid”. #FourthReich #EUSSR #Brexit #losersvote #MayMustGo pic.twitter.com/GXPHbvqwTz
— Ann Sheridan #StandUp4Brexit (@bernerlap) December 5, 2018
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(previous anon) good advice and you're CORRECT, however my partner prefers the femininity of skirts/tight shorts to pants 100% as they don't feel "like a girl" unless theyre in something "traditionally" feminine (at least for the time being). i think i just gotta switch them from striped thigh highs to fishnets at LEAST, like a pet cat going from kibble to canned. thanks :)
Well yeah I feel that. When you're early transition and you have to boymode everywhere in yourday-to-day life because you're afraid you'll get hatecrimed if you don't, hyperfemininity feels like the only way you can really be true to yourself. But fashion is fucking hard and takes forever to figure out and you might look a little goofy before you find your footing. This is what is called "the boymoder's dilemma", and it is an evil complex of the cisoid fourthreich in which we are all imprisoned. As a daughter of Lilith though your partner is a beautiful little angel destined to break free from the cisoid nightmare regime so like don't worry it'll all be well ��
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trump mein kampf
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VIDEO Revisited: The Devil’s in the Details (DS)
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