#four's moral compass is messed up beyond repair
weepingtalecowboy · 2 days
Fanfic prompt:
Four knows a lot about illegal and forbidden warfare
About how to get information in a very disturbing and cruel manner
And more
Because Vio was taught by the same kid who burned down almost all of Hyrule
There is no way Shadow or Vaati respect Warfare
They probably use it as a to-do list
And Vio was dragged along and given hands on experience how to torture people
And four sometimes forgets that it isn’t fine to put salt on the fields of his enemies thereby ruining food production for generations
Or that getting tied to a stake and getting threatened with death by public execution
And dark magic like necromancy and stealing people’s life souls
Is considered a war crime
Warriors who fought in an unhonorable war against evil is genuinely disturbed by four's knowledge of their tactics
And how four sometimes accidentally thinks the same way or similarly to a monster or dark mage
Wind considers himself a master criminal but the second four opens his mouth
He has to tune him out for his own sake
And remaining innocents (he literally can’t even comprehend most things four implies because he still is a kid)
Four has done things
You don’t know how to torture people with such success if you haven’t done it yourself
That little man has skeletons in his closet
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