#found this on an insta memes page
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
its-just-luci · 1 year ago
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happyendingsong · 2 years ago
ryanair kill yourself also i found that shirt from a post i rbd earlier should i get it
credit for 2nd pic
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psychelis-new · 1 year ago
pick a pile: "How people view you through your (main) social media account?"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to find out what people may think of you or how they may perceive you from what they see of you (what you allow them to see of you and your life) on your most used/most followed social media account. thank you Anon for your suggestion!
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
People see you as someone private/reserved. You may be sharing photos or words if something really happens and you really feel like sharing about it but even more... when you remember. You may not be that social (at least online in specific contexts). Or maybe you don't have too much time to spend online for fun and you rather just scroll through your feed and enjoy random stuff (art, videos, photos especially by famous creators/memes or such. You rather be entertained than entertain). You may filter what you post/say or you literally add different filters on or edit your photos/videos a lot... Anyway the result is pretty pleasing to the eye, maybe you follow a certain pattern in your posts (aesthetically, so you cannot always post pictures if they don't resonate with the whole page).
It seems you kinda hide part of yourself or what you do, it feels like you're mysterious/there's more about you; but you don't have to do it (=be this reserved/mysterious) on purpose, it may just be your way to behave online. As said you may just post occasionally also cause you may not like social medias that much or feel too comfortable with them (maybe you don't enjoy the drama around them, the people lurking on you or you don't want to really be seen/found by too many people; some of you may fear your account being found by someone you don't want to discover you or you had bad experiences with someone stalking you and now you're trying to act differently online and use a more-difficult-to-be-recognized nickname and persona). Maybe some of you created an account somewhere just to try how it works or what can happen. You more likely have a specific social media you like and feel good at using and sharing stuff on, while you may not like many others (let's say you feel good on tumblr but not on insta/fb/tiktok/x..., for example). Some of you may even have a private account you made viewable basically only to friends. Wait... maybe you're the one lurking on others (at least to an extent)? If it's so, all I'm gonna say now is: please try to work on your demons before bringing them out on others.
song: i see red | everybody loves an outlaw
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pile 2
I heard "break the internet". So maybe you're some type of internet famous (every post reaches lot of public and gets interactions easily) or you may actually use socials for marketing or work in communication/advertising or something like that. Maybe you are in charge for someone's/some associations' feed or like a shop or something. Anyway, you seem to share good vibes and bring support and encouragement to others. You may share your values (or those the brand you work for represents) too, not just what you do for fun or how to make the best of what you have. And you may have created a large public/community around you, even if you don't know. People do see you as inspiring and really like to know about you or hear from you. You may bring comfort and relief, make them feel special and heard/seen. I don't feel like you have many haters or if you do, they don't seem to be too communicative about their feelings: maybe they also fear you or something. Maybe you also don't care much about them: well done! For a few: you'd like to become famous online and trying to go viral anytime you can or you'd like to work with social medias (even as a social media manager).
We all know social medias have particular rules and in order to make it you need to keep in mind different aspects of your communication, schedule things in advance when possible and be constant (ofc there may be a lucky post, but it needs to be supported by others). But anyway, you kinda have "it"? It seems you have good ideas, you're fun, you give entertainment and many different occasions for interactions with your public: this helps your image/work spread around. You may have a good amount of followers/public waiting for your next post, you may also be good at creating the right hype about it. And ofc, you're good also at what you do, like the main subject of your feed: eg. let's say you're a photographer, you're pretty talented at taking photos; same if you're an astrologer, you're very good at reading charts. But you're also good at how you communicate/share about yourself when you aren't posting about your specific "field". If you're not there yet, I think you mostly need to work on the boring part of this, like learning how to work properly on each platform as all of them have their own rules. It can be really really boring, but if you have the passion and will, and you're ready to say goodbye to holidays for a while... it's worth it. This is also why it's important that you find what works for you.
Ofc, remind yourself of yourself. You're important, you have needs and... it's good to show them to others too. You may at times not share about your lows, and keep them for yourself, but they're part of life as well. You won't lose followers if you do this. I think they'd appreciate you even more. And... having lot of followers won't make your loneliness better. Sure they seem to care about you but, not everyone can stay through ups and downs, they're there mostly for what you give them (find your balance here). Just needed to remind some of you about this. Keep working on yourself, while you also enjoy your time online. Try to not make of it another reason of stress, go with the flow.
song: they don't really know | enbound
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pile 3
I think people see you as very pretty and young. You may seem naive on occasion, kinda childish-like but not in a negative way. People thinks you're cute mostly. I get very feminine and young energy here, no matter what is your gender (if you recognize yourself in any). You may also be a nostalgic person and may like to share events/things from the past, maybe you also like to take photos with polaroids or analog cameras or you add a pretty nostalgic filter/editing to your photos. You may also share inside jokes with your friends or family on social medias.
I think you may have not been that much into social medias at first or you weren't good at using them well, but now you're enjoying them more. You use them mostly to keep in touch with friends, share about your parties/nights out or travels, and every funny event you may happen to be around/join. You may like to post photos/videos taken with your friends indeed. You may end up occasionally posting the wrong stuff by accident like you may share on public some photos you should keep on private and similar but all in all people see you as a funny character. Maybe a little clumsy, but very much pretty and cute. You may also use social medias to too keep yourself updated about celebrities and to gossip with your friends too. I feel like you may be using eg. insta and share pics of your travels, of gifts, shopping/spa days with friends and maybe pics of yourself in beautiful places all taken by your friends. Or maybe by your partner. I get more likely a group of at least 3-4 people tbh but ofc I could be wrong, and it could also be family. I feel some influencer-style vibes here. Kinda aesthetic posts, but more in the sense of the vibe you give through them. Again like, lot of fun and interesting stuff going on in your life. An... autumn-core (does this exist?), cottagecore, travelcore, studycore, whatever brownish-pastels-core you feel like may pertain. Yeah you may be sharing a lot also about your studies those very aesthetically pleasing well written notes or images of you drinking coffee in front of a computer. Since I feel a young energy it may resonate with you still being a student or at the initial stages of a job but ofc it doesn't have to. You may also be studying abroad hence why you share a lot about travels and try to keep in touch with family/friends also through socials and the nostalgic vibe I got in the beginning.
song: don't cry | guns'n'roses (I hope you're really not crying darling... unless you need to ofc)
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kuoukyeee · 4 months ago
Kengan characters on social media
This is what I think the kengan characters would do, some of them aren't very accurate cus I haven't read the manga in soooo longgg.
Let me know if you guys want a part 2!
Feedback is appreciated!
Adam Dudley
Mostly public accounts with a pretty large following maybe 2-3k. I can see him having insta and tik tok, I can't see him on twitter or tumblr just because he doesn't seem like the type to enjoy reading in his free time.
He doesn't post much (he does thirst traps and they sometimes go viral) and he doesn't add many things to his story.
His following consist of mostly dudes and a few girls who he's talked to or found him cute. His feed and fyp are filled with 'alpha' motivation and humor and pretty girls. You best believe he's includes himself in petty drama in every comment section.
Akiyama Kaede
Has instagram, twitter and tumblr. They are all private and only close family and friends follow her. Her profiles are very organised and pleasing to look at. She posts rarely, when she goes out somewhere nice.
In the mini comics it's cannon that she is into shipping fictional characters, so she probably interacts with the fandoms shes in. Her feed is her friends posts, a few outfit ideas here and there and maybe news. (Idk). She's not afraid to smash the 'block' and 'not interested' button when she sees something she doesn't like, she doesn't take no bs.
Elena Robinson
VERY organised and aesthetic profiles. Has to put her accounts on private because Mokichi forced her to, so she would be 'safe from weirdos online'. She mostly posts selfies of when she goes out with her friends (karla) and on her stories she puts cute animals and nice scenery. DEFINETLY has pinterest.
You KNOW all her friends are up in her dms and comments hyping her up. (Her friends are probably just as sweet as her🥺)
Hatsumi Sen
He's not very active, he only has a few decent pictures of himself posted. Messages every woman he finds and hearts all their stories, uses sucky pick up lines like the ones he uses on Shion. (They all block him). Like Adam, he listens to alpha male podcasts.
Though most of the time he's too busy relaxing, which leaves his accounts collecting dust. He makes excuses about leaving people on delivered but we all know he's just lazy.
Himuro Ryo
Just like Hatsumi he uses pick up lines when messaging women, however he succeeds as his ones aren't cringe. Posts pictures and selfies of him doing whatever frequently and all his simps eat it up. (Also posts 'felt cute might delete later' pictures).
He's pretty popular at 6-7 ish k. He's one of those people who have a shit ton of notifications.
He threatens posting unflattering pictures of Lihito and Okubo daily.
Imai Cosmo
Follows meme pages and sends memes to Seki and Waka. Has a private spam account and a public main where he posts pictures with his family on holidays.
His feed and fyp is mostly memes with some cute animal videos sprinkled throughout. Sometimes when he sees a particularly cute video, he leaves a positive comment like 'aww your puppy is so cute🥺' .
I can see him as the type to always have airpods in his ears blasting music so loud that everyone can hear. Seki and Waka have had to remove his earphones quite a few times to get his attention.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 1 year ago
I just saw that you have 0 requests, so imma give you one:)
How do you think would the boys insta profiles look like? Like their posts oder their stories..
You can show it with pictures like you did at that other request.. if it is easier for you;) Greetings
the boys and their insta profiles!
the way i ran to pinterest as soon as i read this ask-
i decided to go with instagram since that's the social platform i use most, also i have officially decided that the brothers' last name is morningstar lol
all images found on pinterest!
genre: other
cw: mature themes in ricardo's, language
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❧ he's basically a social media influencer
❧ he posts about the places he travels to and the shenanigans he gets up to with his friends
❧ on his stories he'll post his friends' content, little updates, and any memes he finds funny
❧ he'll also boost any social movements/local efforts, uses his platform for good
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❧ wanted to make a dark academia aesthetic page but that was too much effort
❧ also thought about doing a book review page, but that was also too much work
❧ ended up getting a lot of attention from lucia's fans who comment on his posts thinking it'll get lucia's attention?? so levy has the word "lucia" banned from his comments lmao
❧ his stories are full of historical content, and he absolutely follows a "this day in history" type page
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❧ most people think his page is some sort of arg, cryptic mystery
❧ his followers have tried to reverse image search his post, thinking it's ai or from a video game, but it's completely original and taken by mefy
❧ where is this place? why did he take it? why does the caption only say "time is running out"? why is he verified??
❧ added to the mystery is the fact that the year on the post is years before instagram was launched mefy hacked the app to do that, he just likes fucking with people
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❧ had kurt help him set up his account lol
❧ all of his captions are complete sentences, it's very old man of him
❧ posts mainly about nature and his garden, and he'll show off anything that kurt makes him
❧ on his story he'll post inspirational quotes
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❧ only has this account to keep an eye on lucia and kurt
❧ he also follows levy, mefy, and oswald
❧ mefy doesn't follow him back
❧ doesn't intend to post anything ever, he just doesn't see the point
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❧ goes live a lot to do readings and horoscopes once a week
❧ keeps his regular posts to a minimum, but posts a lot on his story about space, nature, and astrology
❧ lowkey the only reason why he's got so many followers is because lucia beefs about him a lot on his page
❧ now there's a whole team lucia vs team mikael feud going on in their mini fandom
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❧ lemme hear you say thirst traps!!
❧ the only reason he's so famous is because he's hot and an asshole
❧ every now and then he'll post his gun and if it gets taken down within a week, he'll let a random follower choose his next tattoo
❧ he's technically also a social media influencer, but for all the wrong reasons
❧ the link in his bio leads to his other socials, paypal/venmo, and an only fans
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❧ ricardo lowkey talked him into getting an account so he can cyberbully him
❧ doesn't know what he's doing; looked up "profile pictures" and picked the first one he found amusing
❧ same thing with his singular post, and the caption is simply "this is funny"
❧ his followers are mikael, ricardo, oswald, and lucas, whom he follows all back as well as a cat meme page
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❧ another influencer who got famous for his pretty boy aesthetic and howl pendragon vibes
❧ none of his followers know his location, and they cannot for the life of them figure it out; it's similar to mefy's page where all his posts are completely original, but nobody knows where they were taken
❧ also uses his platform for good, and the link in his bio leads to a bunch of activism resources and articles
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❧ this is his main page, just a bunch of middle school shenanigans
❧ has a spam account that's really popular at his school; it's basically a school meme page with regular memes sprinkled in
❧ he also secretly runs his school's shoot your shot page
❧ complaints about his job on his story but always forgets that kaim follows him lmao
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obsessivelollipoplalala · 2 years ago
So the insta Explore page decided to casually obliterate me with this accursed meme
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This is much worse after knowing about this quote from Brian from Mojo Magazine:
"[Rami] gradually slipped into just being Freddie when we were off-duty together. So, especially during the filming itself, I found myself speaking to him as if he really were Freddie."
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ramayantika · 1 year ago
Random free gyan for chotus here
I took time off from social media, news, everything for a while. I logged out of my main insta page. I used the internet only to watch lectures, dance and writing. I have come back but I no longer login to tumblr like I used to nor do I use my other accounts for Instagram that much. My main account is still logged out since 27th August. Hence, here are some few things I discovered/realized
1. Navigating through loneliness, FOMO, and restlessness about your work/future/friends etc
I took a drop year in 2022, gave entrance exams till July and I have now secured a college. All this while I barely talked to my school friends who themselves were busy in their courses and college activities. So it does feel sad and a little depressing seeing everyone do other stuff while you are here in a small room studying the same 11th 12th books.
Then I made a new insta account once again after my exam dates neared so I would reconnect with everyone again. Does it happen so easily? Not at all. I was still alone. I would like reels, stories and posts but apart from that nothing except a few calls from friends.
That did give me a desperation to share everything about myself. No one to talk to, no friend nearby and you have so much to talk. I remember staying late up and writing god knows what on my closed stories, ranting about my crying episodes every damn thing. Then after getting a college I was still feeling lost, thinking what to do ahead regarding my career plans. I would then chat with whoever I found from school groups or online friends groupchats late at night but a lot of it was just shallow interaction because I wanted to pass time and not utilize time. We all write about the strange cringe feeling we get after oversharing about ourselves, put up memes for it, but do we ever work on it.
Yes, you can shitpost on tumblr, reblog those relatable posts but you have to put in work to control yourself. And after a while I was fed up. I knew I needed to change it. I needed to put a line over myself which made me disable and log out social media accounts. I came back home after completing my admission related work at my college, finally deciding to find my own worth, fix my restless hopeless personality for wanting to share everything on the first online app I get. This doesn't mean that you stop posting on tumblr. I literally wrote in all caps about savitha Sastry, dance stuff, college, yes. But if you are someone who is alone preparing for exams, away from friends, do not give in to that strong desperate urge to put up everything for everyone to read; to share every bit of it to the new person you made friends online.
I have had my own share of FOMO. Not knowing what I am doing with myself while seeing others doing internships, attending competitions, fests and trips while I sit here scrolling right to left. We are all online most of the time, but it is really necessary to not attach your sense of worth to social media.
Some of you are younger to me, still in school, and maybe you all aren't at that stage now, you all can be tomorrow for preparing for entrances or other stuff that will demand you to be away from social events for a while, to have a rigorous academic schedules. It's sad, but that's how it is. Maybe some change can be brought later for young minds to still have a healthy routine that combines studies as well as other activities.
If you all ever get this dreadful feeling wondering where you are, what are you doing, is it all even worth it. I need you all to take a deep breath. Yes, it is worth it. Yes, you are at the right place, and yes you are learning at this age so you are doing good. It's okay. Your attempts, your hardwork will always get you 'success.' failure is a path to success, and all that disappointment, sadness etc will exist. You will have endless doubts over yourself but please remember that all of it was worthy. You will definitely see in some later period that whatever you underwent was all worth it.
But what about my lost time, lost friends didi?
You know little ones, friends change with age. Some stay intact for a long time while some move away and sometimes you grow out of it. Sometimes you will also reconnect with those friends from class with whom you barely had any conversation but later you see them talking with you and you realize that they are fun too.
And about lost time... I did this mistake too. You all never lose time. You aren't ahead in the race nor are you behind. You are where you have to be. You will get your desired friends, colleges and life. But to reach there, that 'lost' time teaches you patience. And to learn patience, one needs to learn how to wait through hopeless situations and endless moments of despair where you want to give up. But that's the catch, if you give up, you don't learn it anymore.
This is why for every thing that sometimes goes wrong in your life at this delicate stage where you all are growing up, I want you all to be kind to yourself. Take a deep breath, and indulge yourself in your favourite activity or close your eyes and actually meditate or just listen to music depending on your mood. Yes, the same advice everyone gives, but it works. You all, me, everyone needs discipline bacha. Wherever you see yourself, be it career, financial stuff or relationships, one needs to learn discipline and patience. You need to learn how to control the mind because it's going to be very easy to fall into a mindless scrolling session, or giving in to other distracting temptations.
The mind loves chaos. It easily jumps to doubtful thoughts. In the end, from this age you need to learn to control the mind and take steps to be your best self, best adult figure for your younger self to look upto. Jin posts ko reblog karte ho ki I want to be the woman, my 10 year self would look upto etc uske liye effort time sab lagana padega.
Meine bhi voh memes pinterest posts like reblog ki hai that were about existential crisis, the absolute dread of not doing anything in life and other stuff that are actually problematic in the long run for the mind. Kahin na kahin tum jab inko like reblog karte ho they do retain inside your head and tum vaise hi mind ko train karte ho.
Aaj jee neet cuet ke liye akele sabse durr rehna hai, kal badme masters ke liye wait karna padega ek saal ya phir baki exams. Uske liye vapas doston se durr, ek room mein padhai, phone kamm, shaadiyan trips band hoti rahegi. We all need to take life in a simple and easy way too. And sometimes these problems have solutions that you all know deep inside but choose to procrastinate or not take a step towards it.
In the end all of you chotus, just understand one thing ki life badi hai. Aaj yeh nahi hai kuch mahine baad sab milega vapas. Phir kuch pal baad tumhe vapas se akele rehna padega yeh phase sabka hota rehta hai. Rona aarha hai ro lo, akelapan lagega but iske liye jaisa meine pehle kaha tumhe hi khudko kehna hoga ki mujhe apne life mein abhi bahut kuch karna hai yeh sab usi laksh tak le jayegi. I know you all are wonderful, and capable of so many things. You all need to wait for a while, and work hard. Tumhare friends sab tumhe badme milenge humesha aisa boring akela phase zindagi bhar nahi rehta aur nahi hai humesha Bunny from yjhd types happening hogi.
Jab yeh sab permanent nahi hai toh bas mann ko samjhao ki apne kaam pe dhyan do. Tumblr pe bhadas nikaldi kabhi ek baar kisiko overshare kar diya theek hai chalta hai par isse apni personality mein pura entwine nahi kar daalo.
You all are made for so much for. There's so much in life that you all will slowly experience, good and bad everything. You all are growing up and I wish you all the best for it.
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saintslewis · 1 year ago
This ain’t just silly season anymore love. There’s actual potential lawsuits afoot. Man dem doing up internal investigations and all a that.
Do you know how I found out? A meme page on Insta…
bae if you don’t get twitter rn 😭 They asked that man to step down and resign from his post, he’s going to hell
And mind you the season hasn’t started
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foulrests · 6 days ago
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independent, very selective &. private multimuse blog by nini (she/they, gmt-3). low activity. sometimes iconless. extremely plot based. please, only follow if above twenty-one, for you may find mature themes on the content here present. you can also find me on my main blog, @skinclocks. read rules below before interacting. muse list down below as well. prompts can be found here.
001. standard roleplaying rules apply. no prejudices, hate speech of any kind is allowed. the characters i write do not belong to me, though they come through my own interpretation.
002. please, reblog memes from the source.
003. this blog has fluctuating activity. my main blog is @skinclocks, so please follow me there if you wish !
004. english is not my first language ; you may find grammar mistakes from time to time. please be kind regarding that.
005. i do not insta-ship, but i love shipping and am more than open to writing shipping content. open nsfw threads will not occur, though, and i prefer plotting beforehand.
006. my muses are canon based but do not follow canon essentially. i will post profiles and developments from time to time, but will not create pages for each of them. if you have any questions regarding them, please feel free to inquire.
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lady belle fox, from the artful dodger, bisexual.
elizabeth bennet, from pride and prejudice, bisexual.
jack dawson, from titanic, bisexual.
rose dewitt bukater, from titanic, heterosexual.
lilliandil, the blue star from narnia, pansexual.
christine daaé, from the phantom of the opera, pansexual.
ruby bell, from maxton hall, heterosexual.
padmé amidala from star wars, bisexual.
persephone, multimedia, pansexual.
katara, from atla, heterosexual.
suki, from atla, bisexual.
asami sato, from korra, bisexual.
mako, from korra, bisexual.
elphaba thropp, from wicked, pansexual.
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jonnyardor · 1 year ago
Why I want to learn saxophone in 2024🎷
The saxophone 🎷 in Detective Conan's soundtrack captivated me as a child. And when I found Sidney Bechet's 'Si tu vois ma mère', as a teenager, I just wanted a saxophone. And with finding Sade, I knew without a doubt that it was the next instrument for me, no matter when.
Years later, I found a pocket saxophone in an Instagram ad and it was mesmerising
Spontaneously, I decided to buy this instead of music business resources . It was so cool and I want to play like Coltrane and Masego. I want to do all the things I really love. Being on the phone is a sign of boredom and if wasting my time on earth. Even though I learn a lot and gets a few laughs out of the videos and memes, but I want to experience life. The old fashioned way with instruments, writing manuscripts for books and letters to faraway friends in longhand, cooking more and not ordering food to your doorstep, and time offline to read all my novels and contemplate about life and pray and be present with my wife and kids. I call myself a writer, musician and philosopher and I want to do just that, not approximated hesitant approaches to writing by outlining, fantasising and researching without ever writing down chapters that can be read, reviewed, edited and shared. All these unused notebooks, Collegeblocks and calendars. All this motivation and no tangible goals,results or organisation for my creative and intellectual life. I don't wanna be a wannabe.
What's stopping me?
The second reason was that I wanna build new enjoyable habits, not just detect and stop my harmful ones. For example my habit of pornography needed to stop but my sexual energy should be transferred or transmuted to other physical and mental activities. It's easier to stay physical for my inferior Se (exterior sensing) to be stabilised and challenged just enough. So making sports, playing instruments over reading or producing music on my laptop. I need a physical, haptic kinetic component in my activities. Walking outdoors does wonders for me even if I'm pushing the stroller and watching my babies play.
The third reason is that being a stay at home dad, I need a mental challenge. Being with toddlers all day, not being in deep conversation with adults or engaged in critical thinking, I fear that I can't get to play off my greatest strengths. And while I enjoy the time with my boys -which will end soon enough and I will miss this slow pace- I could need a challenge to grow my faculties.
Financially I want to retire my wife and secondly my mother, so I gotta make money. But since I can't get a babysitter for my babies, I gotta treat the post-pandemic world as if I'm in a pandemic in a music business sense. So how can I make money without performing, without being outside and over the long term?
My answer is: 1. build a catalogue that can be sold and streamed online (I stay away from DSP like Spotify and will use YouTube, SoundCloud and Bandcamp)
2. Get sync licenses for your music to be used in
4. Use your music and books in your own productions of artworks and media (own soundtrack,own script written, own director work)
Multi-hyphenate work like Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton
5. Use Collabs to reach new fanbases
6. Write Longform content on the email newsletter and website and introverted spaces (Wordpress and Tumblr)
Medium sized articles with links to my other pages on reddit
Write short form on Thread and X, and with images on Insta, Tiktok and Facebook
7. Get meetings online and on phone call (interviews for publicity ,group chats for community )
8. Promote yourself online aggressively and consistently (you have to be seen for your tribe to find you)
So the saxophone that I am awaiting will teach me to start learning correctly from the start and will serve as a symbolic transition from hobbyist to self-employed blogger and offline artist that shares his mind, connects for a brief time and then dips out again to resume his preferred life off the grid.
I want to make money with digital real estate like Monopoly. It means that my revenue from my creations will add up cumulatively but it doesn't need my constant supervision every second of the day. I will be making money in my sleep and will promote, create more and start speaking and teaching to pass it forward and to be a teacher and guide for other Christians, creatives and growth-oriented people.
Thank you for reading.
I want to write more and it feels good to express my thoughts and verbalise my ideas. 💡
I will try to do it more often.
Below you find the ad that made me order the pocket saxophone:
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youjustwaitsunshine · 4 years ago
people pit f1blr and f1 twitter against each other all the time meanwhile all f1 instagram does is stalk wags steal memes and lie
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curryaboo · 4 years ago
quite upset and devastated that i won’t be able to understand or relate to the posts from my high school meme page anymore 😭
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adore-gregor · 4 years ago
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As if this day couldn't get any better <33 🥺🥰💗 Gregor first liking my comment and then also my meme, just in one day.🥺💗
I luv him sm, he's so sweet :') 💗
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yanderepuck · 2 years ago
Ikevamp where almost everything is the same, except the mansion has a huge social media following.
It's modern day. Some of the residents have managed to get quite a following online which isn't the greatest thing for a vampire to do.
Leonardo has started painting again and posts on Instagram quite a bit. He does a lot of detailed digital art now however. He loves that his canvas can be huge and he can zoom in and get super detailed. Even more detailed than he could with a real brush. He even creates his own brushes and just gives them out for free online so anyone can use them.
Vincent also does a lot of art. It's still actual paintings but he's gotten creative with how he creates things. It took him a while to learn TikTok but he's basically got the hang of it now and loves doing art trends. (I found this artist and I feel like Vincent would 100% try to do something like this)
Leonardo and Vincent also do a lot of collabs, and no one has caught onto them living together, even if Vincent takes pictures and Leonardo is in the background working on a Wacom. Brush also has his own insta. They also do Pinterest DIYs and get hooked on random things. They could basically have a DIY Youtube channel at this point.
Mozart went viral without trying. It was all by accident. It happened on Vine too. He doesn't know what to post on Instagram or TikTok, if anything he just goes live and starts playing. It started with him getting into an argument online about someone playing something wrong so he replied with a video of him doing it himself to teach them, and it just blew up.
Theo follows so many artists it's insane. He's got connections like it's no one's business so he is 100% willing to help artists with what they want to accomplish. But because of social media and things going viral, it also sorta makes his job slightly harder because people can now just sell their art without needing an art dealer. He really loves to help college art students.
Arthur calls everyone by their actual name and once a week there is a segment of finding a sleeping Da Vinci in random places. He's got a fairly large following because of his looks and probably accent but he'll take it. But he definitely puts his life on social media without much of a thought. He has a separate page for supernatural things and going to haunted locations with Dazai.
NOW DAZAI??? MEME PAGE but also random life hacks??? Gotta show off the farm. And the koi pond. Now let's have story time. It's just anything and everything.
Oh Theo also takes food pics and talks about small not well known bakeries everywhere he goes and tells you what's the best to try which helps their business a lot.
Charles also posts random things, but they are also somehow cohesive??? He likes to post things about the city. He's def a fashion boy and posts his look on his story everyday.
Isaac is probably the next Bill Nye. Its not really social media that he has but random studying tips and science facts. Dazai and Arthur would somehow get him to record some crazy science experiments
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salsasolutions · 2 years ago
🪲Hey! I’m Salsa!! I go by he/they/xem
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🪲I’m just a silly guy who likes to draw silly things!! Occasionally I’ll chat my thoughts (under the tag #salsert talk) or share other’s art!!! ESPECIALLY MY WIFE CAUSE HES AWESOME!!! But mostly it’ll be my silly drawings!!
🪲Silly drawings of what? I hear you cry, well I draw a variety of things ranging from JRWI memes and shenanigans to some of my own personal oc stuff to random fandoms I join on a whim because either the Mr. Circle himself (Charlie Slimecicle that is) has cursed upon me or just something I found!!! So if that sounds like something you dig stick around! :]
🪲Here’s some tags I use when I ramble or give song recommendations!!
#salsert talk
#random thoughts with salsa
#salsert song recs
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🪲Here’s some of my boundaries and just things to know when interacting with me:
-You can ask me questions and requests for art!! that’s fine! As long as they aren’t NSFW or creepy in nature I’ll probably respond to them
-Absolutely no Proshipping or any sort of weird shit like that will be tolerated here, if you say or act anything along those lines I will block you immediately. The same goes for any homophobia, racism, or any bigotry of any sort. This tumblr is supposed to me doodling dumb shit, and I don’t want to deal with any of that bullshit.
-I probably will be posting ocs and stuff about them here, if you want to ask them questions or draw fanart, go right ahead! As long as it’s SFW, and you tag me in the post, I will always be down for some fanart and or asks about my ocs!!
🪲Other socials of mine!:
Insta: salsasolutions (same as here lol)
Toyhouse: salsasolutions
Artfight: salsasolutions
My straw page also has all my socials and info too!! PLUS YOU CAN SEND ME SILLY DRAWINGS!!! :D
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corporationkills · 3 years ago
do I inexplicably know you from somewhere or did you get Scrungy from reddit because that’s literally my cat kffjsjsnakdjhfskkfkgg
omg....you are the parent of scrungy? i found that image im pretty sure thru a insta cat meme page? probably a reddit repost ! pls kiss ur scrungy cat for me
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