#found one of my mom's old dvd's and had to gif this lol
jungle-angel · 2 years
43. The kid(s) hiding under the bed while mom and dad watch a grown up movie
Sweetheart this gives me Rhett vibes!
Honey Please!!!! I got Rhett vibes the minute I put it on the list!!!!! lol
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Finally, everything was done. Dinner, baths and bed were all good to go, the kids asleep and finally a chance for you and Rhett to enjoy yourselves.
"Alright darlin," Rhett said as he entered the room with a little something in his hands. "Might I treat thee to a little movie night?"
"Oooh, what'll it be this time?" you asked.
Rhett held up two DVDs, two that the both of you were familiar with but never dared watch in front of the kids. "Old School or Porky's?" he said. "Take your pick."
"Porky's!!!" you said excitedly.
Rhett laughed naughtily as he put it in the DVD player and crawled in next to you. "Man does this bring back memories," he laughed. "I remember bein a kid and me, Perry and Wes all snuck in to see it at one of the movie theaters."
"Did your dad whoop your asses?" you asked.
"Nope, never found out," Rhett answered. "I remember when we snuck in to see JAWS too. We had a swimmin hole over on the Wind River Reservation where Wes's family lives and we were convinced after that movie that sharks lived in it."
"Oh my God, NO!!!"
"Oh yes darlin," Rhett told you as you waited for the movie to load. "Wes's older brother was stupid enough to have one of those little shark fins on his head and scared us shitless. We punched him in the nose before the three of us went back to the house cryin like a bunch o' girls."
"Oh no," you laughed.
"Oh yes," Rhett continued, the movie still taking forever to load on the shitty little bedroom DVD player. "Wes's grandma opened up the biggest can o' whoop-ass I'd ever seen on that kid. Dad came to get Perry and I but we refused to even take a bath for a month."
You were practically in stitches from Rhett's little story, the movie already beginning to play as you snuggled into each other under the warm covers and the fall rain battering the windows outside. The two of you laughed hysterically at the movie, pure raunchy smut in the eyes of Dolores Newman, the cranky, miserable church lady of Wabang. You and Rhett even imitated Lassie's howl, joking about whether or not you could make the other howl like that. Until......
"BOOBIES!!!!!!" shouted two little voices from under the bed.
You and Rhett knitted your eyebrows together, the two of you leaning over opposite sides of the bed to find the source of those little voices......Tatum and Tanner, your troublemaking twin boys.
"What in the blue hell are you two doin outta bed?" Rhett questioned.
"We wanted to see the movie Daddy," Tatum replied innocently.
"Uh, last I remember good sir," Rhett said, matter of factly. "This movie is for grown ups only."
"Why Daddy?" Tanner asked him.
"Because it's got bad words and naked ladies in it," Rhett answered him.
"WE WANNA SEE THE NAKED LADIES!!!!" the twins shouted at the tops of their lungs.
"Oh no, no, no, no," you insisted. "You two little ghouls need to go to bed if you wanna go pumpkin and apple picking with Papa and Nana Cece in the morning."
Tatum and Tanner groaned, their little lips starting to pout before they army crawled out from under the bed. "Can we still see the naked ladies?" Tatum asked.
"OUT!!!" Rhett ordered, thrusting his arm towards the door. "Out ya little monsters!!"
The twins ran away laughing and squealing, their feet barreling up the wooden log stairs to their room.
"You ok?" you asked, seeing the exasperated look on Rhett's face.
"Lord help me when they become teenagers," Rhett groaned.
"If they're anything like you, I would agree one-hundred and ten percent," you laughed.
You snuggled into Rhett, the both of you fixated on the movie, hoping to God that the two little miscreants hadn't snuck back in again.
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twdxjess · 5 years
Hey There, Princess: A Negan Story ( Chapter 5)
Summary: After running into Negan in the woods. You agree to go on a spontaneous date with him, ending up at a location only Negan knows about. Will you get the answers you’re looking for while resisting his devilish charm?
Setting: Season 7
Pairing: Negan X Reader
Need to catch up?  Masterlist 
Interested in reading about the reader and Negan’s past-> click here
Tags: @khloekiddo @squidsart1910
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All you could hear was the engine running and nothing else. You thought it was a little awkward for Negan to not say a word but maybe he was nervous right now too. Finally the awkward silence was broken by Negan saying, “ Almost there sweetheart...just a few more miles.” Negan squeezed your hand as if he never left you, just like the good ol’ days. But, you quickly removed your hand and placed it in your lap. Negan chuckled. “ Playing hard to get...just how I like it.” He then placed his eyes back on the abandoned road. Even though it’s been years since the world went to shit it was still weird seeing rodes with nothing on it. No cars, no roadkill, and no sign of life.
The car was slowing down as Negan drifted off the road into what looked like a driveway. You were stunned at the incredibly cute beach house in front of you.
“ Oh my god, Negan you remembered.. ” you looked at him with glee.
“ Darlin’ I knew you would like it.” He said as he got out of the car.
In this very moment you finally saw the old Negan. The Negan that saved you from that heard, the Negan who stood by you for what felt like forever, and the Negan you feel in love with and truly missed. And the Negan that remembered all those stories about your family and how you loved going to the beach. You even made a pact with him that if you were to ever find a beach house you and him would live there for the rest of your days. If only the people in Alexandria could see this side of him you wouldn’t have to choose who’s side you were on.
Negan interrupted your thoughts by saying, “ Whatcha waitin’ for let’s go in!”
You smiled and raced Negan to the door, “ I win!” You proudly boasted.
“ Nope I declare a rematch, I was distracted by your perky ass.” Negan stated as he leaned in for a kiss. You quickly opened the door avoiding his kiss, even though every fiber of your body wanted to kiss the handsome man you needed to set new rules when it came to Negan. Rule #1- Don’t fall for his dimple filled smile, Rule #2- whatever he does don’t kiss/sleep with him, and rule #3- try to convince him Alexandria is a great place to live so that eventually you can throw out rules 1 & 2!
After you agreed with yourself about the “Negan Rules” you let yourself explore the house. As you walked around, you could see this place was once a great vacation spot for a family. With 3 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, and a nice living room you instantly fell in love and could see yourself and Jax leaving Alexandria for this. With weekly contact of course because Aaron would hate you if you just left with no reason to come back. But, you also saw Negan here with you and Jax, and maybe another little munchkin or two. “God, why did he have to be the villain.” You thought to your self. Luckily the decorations on the wall got your attention and as if the universe was talking to you, your eyes landed on a sign that said, “ Life’s a beach!”. “ Ain’t that the truth!” you laughed out loud.
Negan soon caught your attention and said, “ (y/n) you haven’t even seen the best part of the house.” Negan grabbed your hand and rushed you down the hallway out the back door. In front of you you saw an amazing porch that you only saw in those Home & Garden magazines or on the HGTV Network. This porch had an amazing entertainment place with a bonfire, chairs, a bbq pit and in the corner it even had a juccuzzi which probably didn’t work, but still it was absolutely incredible. “Incredible, isn’t it?” Negan asked and you nodded your head in agreement. “ I found this place a while back, it actually saved me from some ugly ass walkers looking for something to eat.” You could tell Negan was nervous cause he kept babbling, which made you blush thinking you could still make him so nervous. “ Anyways, I decided for this place to be my secret getaway so I’ve been somewhat cleaning up the place hoping one day you would be here too!” Negan got closer to you but you were able to redirect his attention to the fire pit.
As the evening went on you and Negan sat by the fire pit sharing stories from when you both were younger and eventually Negan kept his promise and made you dinner which to your surprise was, rabbit stew. “Wow you can make something else beside spaghetti?” You teased Negan.
“ A mans got to survive somehow, darlin’.” Negan replied and he could tell you were getting colder so he offered you his jacket. You tried to refuse but Negan insisted and besides you were cold so you aren’t technically breaking your “Negan rules”. Negan did, however scoot closer to you for warmth.
Trying to kill the romance in the air, you commented to him, “ Can I just say this stew is amazing your chef will have to give me the recipe.”
“ This maybe hard to believe doll face but your looking at him.” Negan grinned and continued to say, “ but I’ll only give you the recipe if you tell me a little more about our boy...”
Speaking of Jax you were thankful you and the Wilsons made an agreement if it gets late than Jax will just spend the night. This came into play when you were on a supply run with Daryl and the two of you were trapped by walkers having to wait it out ‘til morning.
Refocusing on Negan’s question you answered, “ Well, he is very cute probably the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. But I’ve got to say he does take after his daddy because he gets all the ladies wanting his attention.”
“That’s my boy!” Negan proudly cheered.
You continued to say, “ Jax loves the color green, seems to like Disney movies his favorite being 101 Dalmatians, he has a best friend named spot, which is his stuffed dog, and he loves Cheerios. Let’s see what else....” you saw Negan smile at the thought of Jax and his favorite things which gave you another thought, “ also Jax has the cutest smile with dimples just like you. He’s definitely helped me get through the days I missed you the most because one look at his face and I could picture you right there with me.” Your eyes started to water making Negan get up to give you one of his famous bear hugs. “Shit!” You thought to yourself, “ remember the rules, stupid.” So to avert the situation you suggested to take this “date” inside for you were cold and it was getting darker, Negan agreed with you and to make sure you wouldn’t break any more rules, you sat your perky ass on the couch. Patiently, waiting for Negan to put out the fire pit and come inside.
When Negan walks into the living room you started to laugh because he had placed old glasses on his face making him look older than he was.
Negan then said, “ There’s that laugh I’ve been missing....but seriously do I look...like a college scholar?”
You contined laughing and replied, “ Oh Negan...let’s just hope you never need glasses in the future.”
Negan gasped as if he was hurt but then he threw down the glasses and plopped on the love seat next to you. His hazel eyes just yearning for your touch you just smiled at him and said, “ I have a question for you.”
Negan looked at you and replied, “ Shoot, I’m an open book sweetheart.”
This was your chance to ask Negan about the Saviors and Alexandria and all this shit that’s currently tearing you apart on the inside so you asked, “ What happened after you left me that night at the R.V?”
“Gosh damnit, out of all the questions I could have asked I ask this one...curse those hazel eyes getting me off track!” You thought to yourself.
Negan’s booming voice interrupted your internal conversation, “ Well...when I went back everything was on fire the hotel the cars, it was as if that group had no souls.” You could tell Negan was getting upset but he continued and said, “ not to get into the gross details but it was pretty horrific (y/n). Once I got there I started killing those bastards left and right. I just prayed they wouldn’t find you. After the bloodshed I found out that group was called “wolves” thats why they had the Ws on their heads.”
You squeezed Negan’s hand but you had to know one more thing, “ How many people from our community survived?”
Negan took a few minutes before he answered, “About 5, me, Simon, Fat Joey, Tiffany, and Mandy’s dad.” You started to burst into tears realizing that your favorite student Mandy didn’t survive, hell none of the children did. “This is why (y/n), this is why I’ve changed. Nowadays it’s better to be the leader than the follower because there is messed up people in this world and I’m not talking just about the dead. I honestly think the living is more dangerous nowadays because people will do anything to survive. ”
This was the perfect opportunity to let Negan know about how Alexandria is different but he already seemed defeated so you thought maybe tomorrow you can bring up you POV. But for now all you could think to do was embrace Negan letting him know everything is going to be okay.
“ Darlin’, and I spent days looking for you and when I finally saw that picture of you and I in your house I about jumped for joy!”
You smiled at him and said, “ So that’s why none of my things were taken...Hey, but then who took my dvds?”
“ Not I but I’ll get them back because I think I know who did and he’s a total ass..enough of this sad chick flick stuff, let’s play a game...who do you think lived here before the walkers came? Ready and go...” Negan quickly stated while pointing to you as if you were on a game show.
“ Oh shit.... Okay.... Well, I think it was a family of 5. I say the dad was a contractor who refurbished the house and then the mom was a teacher and they had 3 wonderful kids. Who eventually grew up and then the couple retired here having there grandkids visit.” You looked at Negan waiting for his answer.
“ I like that idea, but I think your wrong...” you gasped at Negan’s comment when he continued, “ from the looks of this house I’m pretty sure it’s worth a pretty penny so no way a couple could afford this place on a teacher salary and contractors .”
“ Fine then Mr. Smartypants, what do you think?”
“ Pretty sure the guy who owns this place was a porn star or director or both.” You looked at Negan and the both of you started to laugh at his comment. Negan waved his hand trying to settle down and said, “ the reason why I think so is because when I first went to the back left bedroom it had an ass load of porn movies directed by the same person and there was a camera and many costumes back there from those movies. Don’t worry I threw everything out....well except for one outfit.” Negan wiggled his eyebrows at you and grinned.
Negan convinced you about his theory but you replied, “ Fine but I still like my love story better and I hope that outfit fits you cause no way in hell am I gonna wear that nasty thing it has STD written all over it!” After a few more stories and laughs you were seriously holding it together to not kiss this man.
“It’s getting pretty late do you want me to take you home? I’m sure our baby boy is missing seeing his momma. ” Negan stated.
“ No it’s okay Jax is most likely asleep anyways and I have this deal with the Wilsons about watching Jax over night, so he’ll be fine before morning. Unless you gotta be somewhere.”
That’s when Negan got within kissing distance from you and said, “ This is where I want to be.” Out of nowhere you finally initiated the kiss. Screw your stupid rules you thought, so that’s exactly what you did.This was the Negan you longed for all those years.
So you finally gave in and that was literally the best kiss you ever had. As you come up for air you read a sign on the wall that had said, The best things are worth waiting for! , with a picture of a surfer enjoying a wave. And that’s exactly what you where doing at this exact moment enjoying the ride.
Negan stopped the kiss and sweetly told you, “ Now I know things have changed, hell even I have a bit but (y/n) one thing that hasn’t changed is my love for you!” You two continued kissing when eventually the kiss lead to more and sooner than later Negan carried you to his bed and the rest was history.
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