#found family let's gooo :D
the-uraniumverse · 29 days
Lucas lore drop after YEARS 😔 (a little tame yk)
Strasburg, France was a lovely place. The lights, the designs on the buildings and the rivers. The III river was a favorite of Lucas. He loved riding on boats through the III river with his family, watching himself in the water or watching the lights at night and how they lit up in the dark, illuminating the roads of city. He would play with his cat poppyseed on the grass outside or in the fields. One day his parents Hélène and Charles had grown to develop serious arguments and fights, which sometimes included Lucas himself that led to an eventual divorce with Hélène taking Lucas (and poppyseed) out of France to Saskatchewan. When he arrived, Despite English and French being a little similar Lucas still had to take time early high school to pick up english as much as he needed. Lucas being behind on the language caused some bullying on his behalf but despite all the times he still wants to keep learning english to be on the same level as his peers. Although at times the bullying had gotten bad for possible different reasons which would cause him to come home with injuries that he would (poorly) wrap himself, he still wanted to find a reason that he could be found at Saint Cassians.
Lucas and his mutism would situationally only come from school. In places like his work or at home he can talk just fine. At school with the loud crowds and all the dangerous situations he could possibly encounter his anxiety spirals to much for him usually to utter a peep which in some situations he'll communicate with close friends through writing on his phone or a piece of paper (friends unknown besides the choir.)
Starting to flesh out his lore more guys let's gooo 😼🙏
yayy lucas lore :D
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iris0gardens · 1 month
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋The Lengths I go for you𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ - Legion!Wrench x FEM!Reader
"Wrench..I think.." "You sure?" "I trust you."
TW/Tags: Forced marriage, Escape, Romance, guns, violence, RESCUEEEEE LES GOOO
description: Reader gets forced into a marriage with Mary Kelly's son in order to help her family. Wrench find her sitting on a dock near a river...something in him couldn't just let her be.
inspired by: my wonderful friend @angeltrafalgar and her lovely music :P
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You`d never believe that you found the love of your life until you see them..Atleast thats what they all told Wrench. He couldnt believe that rumour to be true when he saw a young beautiful woman crying at the docks of london. Everything told him to run and contuine with his mission but as if someone hacked his brain, he slowly approached her.
Her H/C a mess as her black jacket slowly seemed to part away with her shoulders as her back was turned to the masked man. She was unaware of who was close to her until someone sat down next to her. Wrench watched the woman tense up as he sat down next to her, his hands together between his legs as he leaned forward a bit, glancing out towards the river. "Shitty day, aye?" he softly asked her as his mask displaced his usual Xs. No response came from the woman as her sobs became quieter. She looked down before angrily asking the man "Are you with them? Here to take me back to those fuckers so I could marry that witches son?...tell Lin I wont do it." her voice laced with venom as she tried to intimidate the masked man.
The blond man proceeded to lock his gaze with hers, processing the information before gave her a wholehearted laugh. "Do you really believe im with whoever is fucking with you? nope. Just a merc wanting to see what this beautiful lady is crying about."he explained as his leds changed to a happier expression. "Who is trying to get you anyway?".
The woman's shoulders relaxed a little when she got the confirmation that this man wasn't a part of the clan she so desperately wants to avoid. "...how can I trust you wont just run away and get them on me for the money?" she asked quietly as she lifted her head, her E/C softly shining in the moonlight as Wrench had to stop himself from getting engulfed in them. "Because whatever clan you got chasing you, are the ones I'm probably attempting to avoid and not get killed by." Wrench honestly replied as he looked back onto the open waters as he thought what clan this poor girl could be stuck in.
"Sounds like Clan Kelly...Im Y/N..you are?" "Wrench. My name is wrench." "odd name but i like it".
Once the introduction was over with, they proceeded to talk about why Y/N was stuck with them. Turns out, her family owes clan kelly and to get out of debt, they were going to sell her to the clan and make her marry Mary Kellys son. Something she obviously was against with from the beginning but had to go through if she wanted to see her family alive again. Wrench felt a stinging pain in his chest as he saw her tear up again at the explanation. He looked up as he saw the full moon and promised her to be here at this spot every time she needed someone to talk to.
The H/C woman felt relieved and hugged him as a big thanks before realising she should go now. "I will try to be here if the clan can provide it to me. I will make it a condition to them to have one full moon to myself to see you. Thank you, new friend" She spoke her goodbyes with a small smile on her face as she parted ways with Wrench.
Wrench shook his head with a small smile on his face as he stood up to leave as well. He didn't know what went through his body but he knew he wanted to see this mysterious stranger again.
The nights flew past as Wrench was looking forward to the next full moon which would be soon. A couple weeks went by when he last saw her and he was invested in her story. The dangers he was aware of, being close to someone being affiliated with clan kelly and he could careless as he knew that she wouldn't throw him under the bus unless she knew what he could do.
Wrench went through multiple outcomes as he stood at the same docks he met Y/N and was prepared to meet the fists of multiple clan kelly members before his thoughts were interrupted. "Wrench!" Someone softly called out as rapid footsteps were heard approaching him. "I really didn't expect you to be here" Y/N said as she stopped Infront of him, attempting to catch her breath as she leaned down to put her hands on her knees. "Told you Id be here, Y/N" Wrench responded as he decided to sit down.
The female nodded as she caught her breath, allowing herself to take a seat next to him. "I know. You never know however if someone changes their mind"she laughed out as she took in the scenary. "been a while.."
Wrench nodded as he proceeded to look ahead as well, taking in the soft waves of the river splashing as it seemed to be the only noise admitting from it. "yeah..a month or so. "he muttered as he looked back at Y/N, taking in her outfit and seeing a small silver ring on one of her hands. "Did you?"
"Get married to that prick son?..yeah. I had no choice but I'm glad they at least allowed me a day. They really didn't wait with the wedding and just rushed it before anyone could plan against it." her voice turned into anger the more she mentioned her marriage to the clan kelly son as she formed her hands into fists. The blonde male sighed as he put a hand on top of her fists as he spoke his condolences "Hey..im sure we can figure something out together. You are in the heart of it now and I'm a reckless idiot ready to explode stuff" The joke in the sentence didn't get unnoticed by Y/N as she let out a small chuckle, nodding in agreement as her hands eased up to his touch. "yeah...I trust us."
Their meetings on each full moon made their relationship grow closer as they soon planned her escape in eachothers arms. Neither Y/N or Wrench wanted to admit that they were crossing a boundary normal friends dont do but didnt seem to mind as the situation couldnt allow for more as of now. One night they got together a plan as Y/N would be attending a meeting at one of the towers at london bridge with clan kelly soon, the perfect oppertunity to escape and for Wrench to stick it to the clan for thinking they could just hurt such a wonderful person.
The full moon meeting before the event lead to them confessing that afterwards they want to still find themselves together, aiming for a future that is in each others attendance. Wrench felt nothing but motivation for the escape day and spent his time tinkering on perfect contraptions to help with it. His own version of the bombing drones and automated spiderbots that seeked out their targets. The blonde male wanted nothing else but for this plan to work, he wanted to hold her close and call a future of their own.
Wrench was standing close by as the day had arrived, he was standing one some scaffoldings that were on a construction side on the other tower of the bridge as he saw clan kelly cars approach. His heart was racing in his chest as he watched closely and counted the men coming out of the car. A count of 15 men in total, the last car approached and there was his wonderful Y/N, she wore a black dress with silver Jewellery. That sight knocked the air out of the masked man for a moment before he got back to reality as a man took her into his arms and held her hand as they approached the tower.
+Probably that prick of a virgin that she got married to.+ Wrench angrily thought as he started coming down from the scaffolding. He felt prepared for this but couldn't place his emotions properly. Was he nervous or excited for this heist? Either way he wanted to get her out of this horrible environment she was stuck in. Once down from the scaffoldings, he proceeded to walk towards the door of the other Tower of the bridge.
Deciding on that it would be a better idea to go through the entrance that isn't currently crowded with people, he hacked the inside control panel and allowing himself access to tower. Wrench quietly went up the stairs as he prepared mentally for the men surrounding the place.
The place admitted an eerie sound as distant voices were heard, getting closer with each step further up the tower. Soon he was met with a couple of men, standing guard around equipment what Wrench assumed to be either Albion or Clan kelly things. Without further hesitation, he proceeded to stealth eliminate what he now counted to be five men. Ten more left to go before he could officially claim Y/Ns freedom.
The blonde men moved stealthy around the tower once he got to the top, there he went through the double doors and what he saw made his heart clench. There stood Y/N and her fake husband, laughing and making jokes as a few drones flew around them and what seems to be the...CEO of Albion Nigel Cass? What was Clan Kelly doing with the boss of Albion? Weren't they at war?
Wrench was going through multiple stages of anger before deciding on what his next step would be since the original plan from the Full moon meeting would just result in her getting hurt. Taking down the current fleet of drones at once and staging a kidnapping, killing the fake husband in the process sounds like a better plan. With that half thought plan made, he proceeded to tip toe around the group of people and up a ladder to what seems to be a control station.
There he proceeded to stage a countdown for the droids to shutdown as he tapped on the control panel to active it. While that now active countdown went down, Wrench prepared the huntsmen spiderbots, that should once the countdown went off, run to the nearest clan kelly guard and explode. As much as Wrench would've loved to use his bomb drones, they would've just caused potential harm to his beloved.
The preparations went without further detection besides needing to take down one of the guards and cloak him to avoid the other guards alerts. Wrench was back with the group including Y/N and the other traitors as he looked nervously at his watch. Once the countdown hit 4 seconds, he activated his spiderbots and ran out into the open.
"Get the fuck on the ground!" He yelled out as he took out his gun and snatching Y/N into his arms. "play along, buttercup" Wrench quickly whispered into her ear as he went ahead to point the gun at her head. Y/N at first was filled with shock before hearing a familiar voice whisper in her ear, now she was intrigued yet worried at Wrenchs sudden change of plans as she looked helplessly towards the other two. Nigel and the fake husband had a shocked expression as they realise what was going on around them. The drones that were there to protect them were turning off one by one, the men for double protection now exploding off into open space and now a masked man holding a young woman as a hostage.
Nigel couldn't let it stand by him as he took out his own gun and proceeded to point it at Wrench. "Put your gun down, you have no idea who you are playing with." he warned out as he held a firm grip on the gun. Wrench laughed out as he proceeded to point the gun towards the fake husband "and you have no idea who you are fucking with when you decided to talk to the clan kelly." he hissed in anger as he pressed the trigger.
The next few moments were a blur as Wrench officially had shot the man who held Y/N captive in the head. Screams, yells and gun shots were heard as he held tightly onto Y/Ns hand as he dragged her along into the tower. "Wrench! this wasn't the fucking plan!!!" she yelled out as they came to a halt together. "I know but you didn't tell me you would be there to talk to Nigel fucking CASS!!"Wrench frustrated replied back as he blocked the double door of the tower.
The female paced back in fourth as she thought about a response until she sighed out shakingly, putting a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes to gather her thoughts "I..I didnt know. Im sorry, Reggie.". Soon she was embraced in a hug from Wrench, both of them silent in each others arms, calming down from the adrenaline from a few moments ago before footsteps were heard underneath them and someone attempting to bust through the double doors. "Alright. its okay, buttercup. For now we have to figure out how to get out of here because they probably caught on that you planned this with me." Wrench explained as he parted from the hug to reload his gun and prepare for a potential confrontation. His gaze switching between the double doors and the staircase as the H/C Female took a moment to catch her breath and shake off the tense feeling on her body.
"I- right. we got this." Y/N responded as she looked around, her glance slowly going towards the big window, the view showing the river that was under them.
"Wrench...I think.." "You sure?" "I trust you."
The noise of footsteps had gotten louder before a group of men emerged from the stairs leading down. They looked around before they soon saw Wrench stand at the window, holding Y/N in a bridal style. The group held out their guns, yelling different things towards the couple. "You guys can go suck a dick!" Wrench yelled as he proceeded to bash through the window with his shoulder, letting Y/N hold onto his chest as they fell towards the river below them.
While in mid air, he proceeded to turn around facing the tower, holding Y/N tightly with one arm while the other was reaching outwards with his middle finger extended out on his hand. The men attempted to shoot after Wrench but to no avail. Wrench's laugh was heard echoing across until they both hit the waters below them.
"And thats how I met my now wonderful wife :)"
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-AYOOOO YOU GUYS THOUGHT I WAS DEAD? NAAAH. just on vacay and reloading my story idea battery ;P i will be home next week and going off on thoseee. hope you guys enjoyed and dont forget my requests are opennnn!!! cya all on the next oneee <3-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
So apparently I never posted my thoughts on the final the fuck. Okay so here it is.
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
Episode 10.
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Episode 10:
I have no energy and I'm sick so let's go.
Preview. Rossi Tyler sounds like he just adopt another child.
Flash back...ahh
I love Krystal tho.
I still wish JJ was unit chief but Krystal being the support wife ìs the best thing ever.
Dave please leave the BAU after this case please.
I love in charge Emily Prentiss no one fucks with her family.
And yes Rebecca coming into help. Fuck I hope her and Tara try again.
Rebecca better not get in trouble.
Aww poor Holly.
Dave staring into the camera.
Emily gasp aww.
Emily degrading Bailey is great hehe. The girl is scared her father is in danger.
Bailey is doing his best can Emily just breath please
Gold star...ooh tgoes reaction.
Luke's hand on Penelopes back while Will watches JJ concerned. The boys know how close thier girls are with Rossi.
JJ tapping Penelope should just melts me.
My first though and my hope is that its the thing that Reid is on...I know it won't be and I won't see him but a bitch can hope right..
Garcia phone call...
Tyler in surgery..
D did she just call him David...why did they cut deep...
Luke is the pole support we all need. He's pure strong he's always looking after him come onnnnn.
Ellias wife is stupid his kids are smart.
She found a kill kittttt.
Rossi is a fucking legend yes bitch.
Aww Garcia smile is the cutesttt.
Rossi profiling is hot fuck yesssss.
Yesss bitch Yesss.
Yeah I need therapy but man I love David Rossi.
Fuck I'm proud of him.
Let's gooo.
It worked...kinda...
Ugh fuck off Rebecca and Bailey I dislike you two.
Emily is highly pissed off.
Did Bailey just swear
Okay Emily knows something up with deputy douchbag
Luke and Tara profiling together yes.
Go Rossi go.
NOOOOOOO you don't get to quit David Rossi fuck you.
(Was anyone else hoping that Krystal was going to turn into Aaron like unreasonable I know but still)
I like the flower in Garcia hair.
Fucking hell deputy dick ugh.
Did he just lose his shittt. Yesssss.yess yesss.
No no no. If that's JJ.
Will like this bitch.
So can Bailey please get shot.
What is gold starrrrrr.
Maybe Bailey is his undercover man.
Will...be careful.
JJ concern for Dave...
JJ..don't get death or Luke be careful.
Will and JJ working together...
Omg Bailey dead..haha shit.
JJ concern is love. I love them.
Luke....Luke...Holy fuck you got him.
Is Elias crying?...
JJ & WILL is love.
JJ talking to Sydney is ahh so sweet.
Sydney is girl boss.
Hold on Rossi they coming.
Aww Krystal
Time to live!
Luke fuck yeahh.
Ewwww fuck no.
Garcia never see him again please.
Wait is she finially breaking it over with him... Yay.
Goodbye kiss. Now a hello kiss with Luke right...right..?
Dave and Emily hug. The hey you...
A whole group hug cos they got the son of a bitch.
Dave kissing penelopes cheek 🥺 my daddy issues.
Bailey funeral...
Aww the team..
I hope Will is around alot more.
Okay I need to stop getting my hopes up for thoes two.
JJ admiting how scared she was when he was out.
Will saying they make a good teammm.
JJ is babbbbyyyyyy. I love these two so much.
Why do I think Dave knows what it is.
What are thoes men doing...
Oh no
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UPDATE 1: Episodes 1-4
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Honestly I never expected to actually check any of these bingo squares but here we are. Thanks @aleksandrachaev and @justanalto for helping and screaming with me! :)
I'll explain why I checked those squares and give some predictions, let's gooo
They get a fucking break
There is a time jump between seasons 3 and 4. Saru mentions spending 5 months on Kaminar. I don’t remember exactly what the discovery was doing, but the crew looked so happy??? They were delivering dilithium, having fun in missions and flirting on the bridge (pls give me more jola I’m begging you writers). They must've had enough time to process the events of last season. Also no one was going to therapy yet, so all that counts as a break, right? right?!?!!
Grudge is Actually A Queen
We all knew this but, even if she doesn't rule anything (other than our hearts), the cool butterfly people also said she's a monarch. That's enough for me :))
Emily played us all (about jola subtext)
Omfg where do I even start, I've been screaming about this for weeks-
In DST London, Emily said they were playing jola like a romance. Emily and Oyin have been doing lots of character work since season 1 with those side looks, basically deciding that they are dating or have a very strong friendship. She also said that, even if they are just friends, “there's definitely sex involved” or something like that. [incoherent gay screaming]
BUT THEN, in an interview for Trek Central, she said that they are each other’s rocks and each other’s families, and that she looks to her as a best friend and as a sister. She could be talking about Joann or about Oyin, idk it’s confusing. I just want them to kiss 😭
Michael has another mom
Okay okay let me expLAIN
In episode 3, Choose to Live, Michael asks her mother who J’Vini is to her to know who she’s dealing with. Gabrielle says J’Vini found her when she arrived to the future and took care of her. The line “I was once her lost cause” makes it sound like a romance, so… Michael might have another mom? 👀 idk it's kinda gay
They save another endangered alien species
Also in episode 3, J’Vini is trying to save the aliens in cocoons from grave robbers because their biomatter has high concentrations of latinum. She explains that they are called Abronians and that they are the last of their kind. So yeah, they saved another endangered alien species!
Saru/President of Ni'var (T'Rina, I finally learned her name lmao)
I’ll admit this is the only bingo square I thought could happen in season 4, but I didn’t expect it to be sO FAST. Also Michael SHIPS IT kjdshfkjds. That tension and those looks??? “Will you join me for tea?” Yeah, tea, of course. It’s like what I want from jola lmao (I still have hope). What do y’all think about it? Is there a ship name?
Looking forward, which other squares could be checked in future episodes? I have some theories:
Reno is in one (1) episode: Jett Reno will be back for episode 5 and I really hope it’s not the only one, but it’s a possibility.
Someone gets high again: At least one person has gotten high every season: Tilly in season 1, Stamets and Reno in season 2, and Michael in season 3. This season could be no exception. Michael’s log mentions that the Qwowat Milat has days-long sessions drinking hallucinogenic tea (??) and that she wants to share it with her mom (???). Normal mother-daughter bonging activities, amirite?
I cri: Tilly leaving did make me cry because I can relate a lot to her situation, but it didn’t make me cry while I was watching the episode. I have no doubts the show will find other ways to destroy me though.
Unsanctioned missions, mutiny and getting demoted are also possible, but I lack evidence and reasons for them to happen rn, so let’s wait and see.
Do you have any ideas, theories or other bingo cards? What would your free space be? Let me know what you think! :D
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songfell-ut · 4 years
Chapter 14 is gooo
Taking a short break after this. My hands hurt. Yep
The moment Sans appeared outside of Alphys’ laboratory, he knew he was going to hate this. He took in the good ol’ Hotland ambiance – mostly rocks, lava, and being too damn hot – then kicked the snow from his slippers, brushed off his overcoat, and banged on the heavy door.
It peeked open, and a yellow snout showed in the crack. “C-come in,” a voice said apologetically.
Sans rolled his eyes as best he could. “It’s me, Al. Move it, will ya?”
“Sans!” The door flew open, and the reptilian scientist backed up to look at him fully. “It’s r-really you! I thought the h-humans g-got you!”
“They did. I got better.” The giant skeleton bobbed his head at her as he stepped inside. “How’ve ya been?”
She smiled weakly. “Um...”
He nodded and went ahead into the main area, Alphys shuffling after him. The building was three stories, constructed of brick and steel in order to keep any mishaps contained. Now that he was using his sense of smell, it stank in here; Frisk’s workroom smelled like books and priestess and green things growing, but this was something acrid that made the magic of his nose and throat sting. “I’ve been w-working,” said Alphys, somehow phrasing it as a personal fault. “W-would you like something t-to drink? His M-Majesty brought t-tea.”
Sans came to a halt as he spotted a large shape moving from the back storeroom into the nook by Alphys’ first-floor library. The King of the monsters flipped a witchlight on, and it burned so bright that Sans had to shut his eyes. The humans’ lights really were a lot dimmer. “Welcome back, Sans,” Asgore said jovially, seating himself on a couch and gesturing for the skeleton to take the biggest armchair. “It seems you’ve had quite the adventure. How are you feeling? Would you like some tea?”
“No, thanks, Yer Majesty.” The larger boss monster wedged himself into the chair. “I’ve had a hell of a time. What all did the others tell ya, if I may ask?”
Asgore smiled thinly. His beard was longer than Sans remembered, and his hair looked like something had been nesting in it—as if they needed more evidence of how useless he was on his own, Sans thought. “It was quite a story,” said the King. “Would you mind telling me what happened again, please, from your perspective? But first…” He gestured over Sans’ shoulder.
Sure enough, Alphys was hovering behind him, holding something in one shaky claw. “Um,” she explained.
Sans scowled at her. “Don’t gimme that look, Al. I’m not gonna bite ya.” He extended his hand. “That’s a truth stone, right? I don’t care. I’ve got nothin’ ta hide.” Much.
“It’s m-mostly to check for any residual human m-magic that may be affecting you,” the scientist said, presumably truthfully. She allowed him to pluck the cobalt sphere from her grasp and skittered away with a speed that hurt his feelings a little. He and Alphys had never been the closest of friends, but…well, Frisk and her flagrant lack of fear had obviously spoiled him.
Crap. Whatever was in the stone was pretty damn potent, because thinking of Frisk made him want to say things that he had no intention of letting out until he absolutely had to. Asgore was suspicious enough of him having been around the High Priestess and other humans for so long; what would happen if he found out Sans had fallen for her like a ton of bricks?
“Now…” Asgore poured himself another cup. “How did you come to be in the humans’ grasp?”
Sans hadn’t minded telling Undyne all this stuff, but sitting here fiddling with the stupid rock while the King sipped his tea and watched him as if Sans was going to explode—that, he did mind. But he did it, starting with how he’d been out hunting poachers for a couple days straight without eating anything, getting weak enough to eventually be captured, and failing to kill the High Priestess when she came to make him that fateful offer.
Asgore was frowning, one hand to his chin. “She was sincere about taking you as her apprentice, with no attempt to harm you or steal your magic? Didn’t that strike you as odd?”
No shit, King Fluffybuns. “Yeah, it did, but she never even tried anything like that.” It was true; Gaster was the one who’d purloined a bunch of his magic. Sans wasn’t going to muddy the waters by bringing him up just yet. “I could tell she knew what she was talking about with the potions and stuff. She’s pretty sharp.”
“Yes, of course. Forgive me, but I want to be very clear: she subdued you without harming you, single-handedly?”
Sans’ socket twitched. “Your Majesty is correct,” he said stiffly. “She’s the High Priestess fer a reason. Her barriers are stupid powerful. I don’t think you, me, ‘n Tori put together could crack one.”
As he’d intended, the casual mention of Toriel made Asgore twitch right back. From her position behind Sans’ chair, Alphys cleared her throat nervously. “Are you s-sure? A human sh-shouldn’t—”
The skeleton held up the blue sphere, tapping it with one phalange. “Yeah, I’m positive. If humans had anythin’ like boss monsters, she’d be one fer sure.”
Asgore put down his cup. “And this extraordinary young woman also happens to be the child we knew as Kris? Is that correct?”
“Yep. She’s proven it beyond any doubt ta both me and Undyne.” Somehow, Sans doubted Asgore had made her hold the goddamned rock while she talked. “The others forced 'er to lie about bein’ a boy, but everythin’ else about her was real. She didn’t wanna leave here at all, and as soon as she got her memories back, she started figurin’ out how to come back with me. It happened sooner than we planned ‘cause the King tried ta sell some monsters out from under her. She got so pissed off that she broke the law and brought ‘em here on her own.”
“Got her memories b—ah, yes. Undyne said they were taken from her at the convent.” Asgore’s foot patted the floor a few times. “How old was she when she first visited?” he asked, with a new edge to his voice.
Sans frowned. “She said she was ten. She just looked a lot younger ‘cause they weren’t feedin’ ‘er. Why?”
Another slow pat, pat of fur on carpet. “Undyne overheard someone say the High Priestess was King Stephin’s illegitimate daughter. Do you believe this to be true?”
The giant skeleton looked at the blue stone, studying the patterns swirling in its depths. “I’ve seen how the King acts with her, and the guy I was talkin’ to had no reason ta lie. Puttin’ everything together, yeah, it makes total sense.”
There was no response. Sans glanced up. To his surprise, Asgore was staring into his teacup, his brow furrowed; the King set the cup and saucer down so hard that it sloshed all over the table. Sans had never seen him spill his tea before. “What about her other personal connections?” he asked brusquely. “Other friends and family?”
“Uh…” Sans craned his neck around to see if Alphys understood what was going on, but she was pushing her glasses up and looking at him in equal bewilderment. “Well, she’s got a bunch of half-siblings from the King, but she’s not real close with any of ‘em. One actually tried to kill ‘er while I was there.” Asgore blinked in astonishment, and Sans nodded grimly. “She doesn’t have any other family. She said ‘er mom was dead, and I haven’t had a chance t’ask her any more about it. Not many friends, just some lady she knew from school an’ a lot of guys wantin’ ta marry her.” He wrinkled his nasal ridge. “A lot of guys.”
Asgore nodded again. “I see. Thank you.” He finally noticed the puddle of tea, and used the hem of his already-stained cloak to mop it up. “You’ve spent a great deal of time with her. What do you believe are her true intentions? What does she gain from freeing monsters and antagonizing the other humans?”
“Frisk doesn’t think in terms’a what she can get, Yer Majesty,” Sans said irritably. “I know she sounds too good ta be true. I thought so, too, at first. But she really wants to help us, an’ she can do it better than anyone else. She’s already taught me how ta make fertilizer and a bunch of other stuff to improve our crop yields, and she’s got a whole plan t’get us outta slavery fer good—I’ll let ‘er lay it out for you whenever ya talk with ‘er.” He tossed the sphere from hand to hand a few times, then curled his fingers around it. “Did Undyne tell you about the farm on the river?”
The King stroked his beard. “She did, but I have difficulty believing it. I’ve seen that property myself, and I can’t fathom anyone buying it out of pure altruism.”
“’s not just altruism. She wanted t’do it before she even knew she’d been here as a kid, but now she remembers us an’ how much we all cared about her.” Asgore half-smiled in acknowledgment. With considerable effort, Sans forced himself off that tangent, concluding, “Frisk’s the real deal, Majesty. Turnin’ her down ‘cause she’s human would be the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
The King sat back, eyes narrowed, and Alphys made a more-than-usually nervous sound. Sans fidgeted with the sphere. “Anythin’ else, Yer Majesty? I wanna get back home.”
Asgore’s gaze shifted from him to the diminutive scientist. “Do you have any questions, Dr. Alphys?”
For the first time, Alphys came around to stand in front of Sans. “Um…d-do you think she’d let me s-study her magic? I just c-can’t believe a human could be that p-powerful.”
Sans shrugged. “On the way here, she hid us with a barrier that kept people from seein’ or hearing me ‘n the wagons for over ten minutes straight. They couldn’t even tell the barrier was there.”
The King looked him, and at the sphere. Sans was rolling it around on his metacarpals at Alphys’ eye level, daring either of them to say he was lying. When Asgore remained silent, the scientist asked, “What else have you s-seen her do that m-most humans can’t?”
“Be a good person,” Sans mumbled, but the stone’s magic prodded him, and he had to add, “Here’s somethin’ weird. I was checkin’ on ‘er after she used up all ‘er magic on that barrier, and I ended up givin’ her a bunch of my magic by accident.”
Alphys’ jaw dropped. “You did what?” the King demanded.
Fuck. “Not like havin’ a kid or anything,” the skeleton said hurriedly. “I just…she’d been sick right before we left, so she was already a little run down, an’ I didn’t want us ta be stuck out there without ‘er magic.” That was true enough, but he had to physically stop himself from saying exactly how worried he had been. “I picked ‘er up, and next thing I knew, she was fresh as a daisy ‘n I was passing out. The exact same thing happened a few hours ago, right before I zapped us inta the Ruins.”
“I see.” Somewhat mollified, the King stroked his beard again. “Was she able to use any of your abilities, or did she convert your power into magic of her own?”
“She put a barrier up with it, so it was all her.” As he’d told Frisk way back in his prison cell, monsters were useless when it came to barriers; even if a human stole their magic and tried to use it to fuel a barrier, it wouldn’t stick. “Givin’ it away didn’t hurt me at all. It was jus’ like I’d been workin’ really hard, and I was fine the next day. I’m still a little tired from last time, but I feel like I just need ta get home ‘n go to sleep.”
“Hm.” At least Asgore looked thoughtful now, not angry or alarmed. “Has she ever passed any magic to you in a similar fashion?”
Something came into his mind and straight out his mouth: “No, but we did share a dream where she was able t’touch me, even though we were way far apart. Think that has somethin’ ta do with it?” Argh, that stupid fucking stone—
Luckily, this information didn’t seem to make as big an impression. Asgore just shook his head, looking helplessly at the scientist. “What do you think of all this, Doctor?”
“Hmmm…” The reptilian monster folded her arms. “The humans’ royal family has always had the g-gift of magic. She didn’t get any training as a ch-child, did she?” Sans shook his head. “That means it kept growing until she c-came to the Underground, and this environment p-probably stimulated it further. Humans who don’t use their magic as children will usually h-have more power as adults, and her magic didn’t manifest as anything d-destructive, so she was able to w-wait until the optimal time to learn how to use it.”
The King picked up the teapot. “How is she able to turn a monster’s power directly to her own use? And what about the shared dream?”
“I d-don’t think she’d be able to do that with a regular m-monster, Your Majesty. I think it’s because a boss monster’s S-SOUL is powerful enough that he had magic to spare, and his intention for her t-to have enough magic to p-protect them was the impetus.” She turned to Sans. “Have you been in proximity to her at another t-time when she needed m-magic and you wanted her to have m-more, or was this the first time those c-conditions existed?”
The skeleton thought it over, and had to shake his head. “Nah, this was the first time we were in that bad a situation. So, it’s not gonna keep happenin’ at random? It’s just ‘cause she needed it an’ I wanted her ta have some?” And we were cozying up? he managed not to add.
“I th-think so. It doesn’t hurt that you’ve spent so much time around each other, or that she’s been to the Underground and already l-likes monsters. Given that and your naturally strong c-capabilities, that could explain how her body was able to internalize your magic and express it for her own p-purposes. The same factors would facilitate physical c-c-contact in your dream.”
Sans nodded as calmly as he could, clamping his jaws shut as the truth spell urged him to say something about wanting to give her a lot more magic on purpose.
“Fascinating,” Asgore murmured. He absently picked something out of his beard. “All things considered, it doesn’t sound like she poses an immediate threat to any of us, and we may well benefit from her presence. Therefore, I will trust your judgment and Undyne’s, and allow her to stay for now. However, I will hold both of you responsible for her actions. Is that clear?”
“Sure, Yer Majesty.” Sans held the stone out to Alphys, who slipped into her coat pocket. “I’m gonna get goin’ now, if that’s all right.”
“Absolutely,” the King said, getting to his feet. “Welcome back.” He started to extend his hand, but withdrew it as Sans hopped up and started toward the door, hands in his pockets.
“I-I’ll see you out,” Alphys said quickly, covering the awkward moment. “If you’ll e-excuse me, Your Majesty—”
Asgore nodded, sinking back to the couch. A glance over his shoulder puzzled Sans: instead of being mad at the deliberate slight, the King was scowling and staring at nothing again, obviously back to his unhappy thoughts.
For once, Alphys went straight ahead of him, holding the door wide and closing it right behind them. “I didn’t w-want to ask this in f-front of King Asgore,” she stage-whispered up at him, and Sans obligingly knelt to hear her better. “Everything you were saying about exchanging your m-magic—are you…um…”
Sans gestured impatiently. “Spit it out, Al. Like I said, I’m not gonna—”
“A-are you in love with Frisk?!”
…Well, shit. Sans had forgotten how invested Alphys could get in any kind of narrative, and how quickly she’d pounce on any hint of romantic feelings between anyone, fictional or not. When he failed to immediately deny it, the scientist’s face nearly split in triumphant glee. “I knew it! The way y-you were going on, trying not t-to say too much—it was b-better than a whole p-play!”
“Shhh!” he hissed, though no one was even in sight, much less earshot. “Come on, Al! What would that even matter?!”
“Are you k-k-kidding me? Direct magical c-conversion doesn’t happen every day! It’s only possible between m-monsters in a reproductive context, and I’ve never heard of it at all between a monster and a h-human! Y-you gave it to her and sh-she used it twice!” The scientist slapped her own face and rocked side to side so gleefully that Sans thought she was going to keel over. “Everything I said to His M-Majesty was true, b-but there’s n-no way your magic could be interchangeable unless your SOULs had developed an incredibly strong b-b-bond!” Something like a tiny squeal. “I c-can’t b-believe this! You’ve g-g-got to promise me to b-bring her here tomorrow so I can s-see it for myself!”
“She was gonna come visit you anyway!” Sans protested. “I’m not puttin’ a show on for ya, okay? You can just study her magic!”
Alphys dropped her arms and gave him a look that made him more nervous than the entire interview with the King combined. “What?” he asked warily.
She held up one claw, then pulled a small device out of her coat. It was a square of glass set on a rod only a few inches long, framed with stones in eight colors. The scientist rubbed the white one and held it up as the glass came alive, flowing and surging within its frame like a drop of oil on water. “Hold s-still, please.”
Sans allowed Alphys to peer through the glass to check his SOUL, wishing more than ever that he could see it for himself. “How’s it lookin’?” he inquired carelessly, fooling neither of them. “What’s my LV?” A remarkably stupid question: it had been 20 for four or five years now, and LV didn't go any higher than that.
The scientist stared for so long that Sans had to reach down and tap her on the head. “Hellooo? Alphys? Ya there?”
Alphys didn’t move, except to say, faintly, “It’s 17.”
A very long pause. “I must be misunderstandin’ something,” Sans finally rumbled, “‘cause yer makin’ it sound like I lost a few LV. That doesn’t happen.”
“Be honest,” said Alphys, still staring. “How many p-people did you k-k-kill when you were with the h-humans?”
“Uh…one. Just…one. Someone who was tryin’ really hard ta murder her right in front’a me.” It was true, no matter how hard he thought about it. He hadn’t killed that group of poachers on his way back from bringing Snowdrake to the Underground, or even the fucking bastard who’d said something about her and called him names right to his face. “What does it matter? How would I even lose EXP? It’s not like I un-killed anyone!”
Alphys was starting to grin again. “I, er, w-won’t ask too many p-p-personal questions, but…do you feel…nicer when y-you’re around her?”
Sans scowled, but it was hard to keep up. “Are you sayin’ I’m gettin’ so mushy that it’s knockin’ my LV down? Remember the part where that’s literally impossible?!”
“These don’t l-lie, Sans.” The scientist waved the device at him. Sobering, she said, “I don’t th-think we should mention this to Asgore. He’s still a little, um, t-touchy about humans and m-m-monsters.”
“Agreed,” Sans mumbled.
She grimaced, and fiddled with the device, staring at the ground. “Um...d-does she still like p-plays? At all?”
Sans didn't know what to say. “If it'd make you happy, then yeah, I guess she does.”
“Hmm. I think y-you're probably right.” Alphys smiled in a quiet way he didn't usually see, then gave him that knowing look again, tucking the glass back into her coat. “I have a p-proposition for you. Just let me track your LV when you come here with Frisk tomorrow, and I won’t s-say anything strange to her about your SOULs. D-deal?”
He didn’t bother accusing her of blackmail: it was blackmail. Sans tried to look very scary, but she just folded her stubby arms at him until he stood up, said, “It’s too fuckin’ hot out here. See ya,” and was gone.
 “Wow,” said Undyne. “That’s…wow.”
“Indeed,” murmured Toriel. She took another bite of apple, dabbing her mouth with the household’s single clean napkin. “You opened the box, and reclaimed your memories?”
Frisk nodded, cheeks glowing. “It’s been very hard,” she said, unable to keep a little quaver out of her voice.
This was honestly not what she'd had in mind. She'd planned to tell Toriel everything that had happened with Sans, explaining her mission and her plans for humans and monsters, and what a peaceful future could look like; instead, the former Queen had asked a few questions about her personal life, and now Frisk couldn't stop talking about it.
Toriel took her hand, breaking her out of her guilty thoughts, and Frisk smiled at her gratefully. “I think I’ve cried more in the past week or so than I have in the past year,” the priestess confessed. Not to mention more hugs in the last three weeks than the past three years. “So far, the second fortune seems to be coming true. Making it to the Underground was one of the hardest parts, so we’ll see how my plan might work from here on. And…” She coughed. “I’m not ashamed of what else might happen, I just…”
The air in the room got a little more heavy, the silence more complicated. They were sitting around the table in the chairs Undyne had charged out to grab from someone else’s house; Frisk had been feeling so emotional in general, and so grateful to have two other women to confide in, that she’d told them nearly everything, including the fortunes and the bit about having a child very soon. Undyne was visibly working up to the giant, inevitable question of “Who?” when the boss monster shook her head. “I hope, Frisk, that you’ll think very carefully before you make any decisions of that magnitude,” Toriel said disapprovingly.
Frisk was about to answer when all three women stopped, looked at the kitchen, glanced at each other, and did a sort of collective shrug. Toriel cleared her throat. “Besides abstinence, of course, do you know the steps you should take in order to avoid that outcome?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Frisk replied. Undyne looked lost, but Frisk wasn’t in the mood to explain human biology and birth control—it was awkward enough having to say why she needed to bring her bag with her to the bathroom. She also planned to never ask Toriel whether she thought a run-of-the-mill contraceptive would be sufficient against a boss monster’s magic.
“Well,” Undyne said firmly, moving on, “if it’s a big damn family you want, we’re not going anywhere.”
“Stop it, or I’m going to cry again,” Frisk scolded her, and they chuckled.
There was a more comfortable silence as they finished the last of the apples. “I hope this goes without saying, but if there is anything I can do for you while you are here, my child, you need only ask,” Toriel said, dabbing at her fur again.
“Actually,” said Frisk, “I would like a favor. We brought two wagons with us. One of them has gifts for everyone, and the other has a few provisions and my herbal supplies. Could you please check whether they’ve been inspected, and when we can go unload them?”
Toriel hesitated. Frisk understood why: it was a more official duty than Toriel had performed in a while. “I know it’s a lot to ask,” the human said, “but…”
“For you, dear, I will.” The boss monster sighed deeply. “I’d better do so now.” She folded the napkin and pushed her chair back. “Will you take her home with you, Captain?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. I—” Undyne’s face fell. “Oh. Uh. Actually, my house is…”
Toriel sighed again. Frisk couldn’t help grinning. “Did you burn it down, or wreck it?”
“It was a training exercise that got too awesome,” the Captain said proudly. “I regret nothing! But, uh, I don’t have a house. I’ve been crashing with Papyrus.” She thumped the table. “Don’t worry, Frisk, I’ll stick with you. I’d do it even if His Majesty hadn’t ordered me to!”
Frisk winced, recalling what Sans had told her about the royal pair’s falling-out. A moment later, the fish monster caught herself and winced.
Sure enough, the former Queen’s hands were now gripping her robe, her eyes distant. “Did he?” she inquired. “How typical. Heaven forfend he speak to you or protect you himself, my child.” The boss monster shook her head. “You may either stay here or at the inn tonight, but starting tomorrow, my child, I’d like you to stay with me in the Ruins. You’re very welcome, too, Undyne.”
“But—” Frisk wished she could stuff the word back into her mouth as the monsters looked at her curiously. Somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to say that that was too far from Sans. “We’ll see,” she said lamely.
Undyne nodded. Toriel studied Frisk for a moment before saying, “All right, then. I’ll check on the wagons before I head home. Good night, dear.” She got to her feet, giving Frisk another hug. “Sleep well, Undyne—” She raised her voice. “I don’t know why you’ve been lurking back there, Sans, but I hope you also sleep well.”
“Yeah, I know it’s your house, boss, but eavesdropping is creepy,” Undyne said in the kitchen’s general direction. “Good night, Your Majesty. It’s, uh…it’s good to see you again.”
Toriel smiled a little, and let herself out.
The giant skeleton emerged from the back room, grumbling something about privacy. “Oh, bullcrap,” the fish monster retorted. “It’s not our fault your magic’s so damn strong. A kid could’ve felt it when you came in.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Sans went into the living room and stretched out on the floor, looking at them upside down. “I see Tori got my note. Must’a woke ‘er when I knocked.”
Frisk and Undyne exchanged nods of agreement to not tell him what’d happened. “How’d it go with Asgore?” asked the latter.
“Pretty much what I expected. He made me use a damn truth stone, but at least now he knows I wasn’t lyin’ about Frisk wantin’ ta help everyone.”
Undyne scowled. “That sucks.” She sniffed. “You know what? It reeks in here. I don't mind it, but Frisk deserves better. C'mon, pu—Frisk, we're going to the inn.”
The priestess glanced at Sans, who looked as irate as she felt. “Maybe—”
“That's great. Night, boss!”
It was no use. Twelve minutes later, Frisk was staring at her reflection in the hotel's bathroom mirror, listening to Undyne's energetic nighttime routine in the next room.
The human sighed as dramatically as she could, turning out the light. Oh, well. At least she'd be able to get some sleep.
 Frisk was too tired to sleep.
For one thing, her brain just wouldn't stop berating her for not sleeping, and for being at all unhappy. She'd made it Underground! She was home! She'd hugged Toriel just a few minutes ago; Undyne was in the next room; the abused monsters were all safe with their families; Sans and Papyrus' house was in easy walking distance...
It was wonderful. It was everything she'd wanted so much as a child that she'd had to forget it to even function again.
...But she couldn't sleep, because she couldn't scoot over and curl up against her giant, grouchy apprentice, which he...probably still was? They hadn't talked about that. They hadn't talked about several things that they really should have already. She'd been exactly brave and tipsy enough the other night to convey her intentions, but that had been pretty one-sided. Just for fun, Frisk tried saying it to herself: I gave him homework to do before he can have sex with me. It...didn't sound better in her head.
She heaved a sigh and burrowed under the thick hotel pillows to escape her own thoughts. Could this situation be any more ridiculous? How many steps had they skipped in a normal courtship? Was it even a courtship if he was both desperate and terrified to touch her?
She didn't care. She just wished he was here.
Frisk must have dozed off like that, because when she sat up, the pillows tumbled off the bed. “Sans?” she whispered.
Something rustled by the door. The priestess fumbled for the lamp, but her hand encountered bone as he reached it first.
It should have been a lovely moment, but the light clicking on forced her to throw the covers over her head. Sans chuckled, giving her a little shiver. "Nice ta see you, too," he murmured.
Now Frisk was squinty and self-conscious. There had been just enough room in her satchel for her oldest, frumpiest, most easily wadded-up nightgown; she'd also forgotten to pack a hairbrush, and the hotel only had huge, saw-toothed ones for monster fur. “What are you doing here?” she asked, sounding more petulant than she meant to.
Pause. "Leavin', I guess," he said in evident displeasure.
"No!" Frisk flew out of the covers and grabbed for his wrist. "I'm sorry! Don't—"
"Hey, hey, easy," Sans said gently, sitting on the floor and smoothing her hair out of her eyes. Frisk moved over on her knees to bury her face in the white fur of his collar, and he rested his hand on her back. She missed the soft, disbelieving smile that crossed his face. "Just wanted t'check on ya. 's kinda weird bein' back in my stinky ol' bachelor pad with just me 'n Pap."
"I bet," Frisk said, petting the fur on his collar. "I wish we could find another bed big enough for you. Mine's been in that room for a couple of centuries at the very least, so it's not going anywhere."
He snorted. "I don't think my room's even big enough ta hold it. The whole room'd just be bed." They both considered this, and he said, "Honestly, I'd be okay with that," to which she had to nod agreement.
It was quiet, except for the snoring next door. "Is Papyrus still asleep?" asked Frisk.
"Yeah. I hope Tori got the wagons taken care of so we can feed 'im tomorrow." Sans lifted both pillows back onto the bed. "I'd be okay, 'cept ya went an' got me used to eatin' every day, so..."
"I'm not sorry." Frisk yawned. She was getting hungry for something more substantial than apples, but knew better than to ask. It was impossible to forget the fear of not knowing when she'd eat again; she had to remind herself that she wouldn't die from missing a couple of meals, and that the monsters had been living this way for years. If she had her way, it wouldn't be for much longer!
Sans was playing with the ends of her hair. "So..."
"Mm-hmm." Despite herself, Frisk was relaxing, her legs complaining about having to keep her upright. It'd been a very long day, and the little tugs on her scalp felt wonderful.
The giant skeleton nodded vaguely. "Alphys wants t'see ya," he mumbled. "She missed you, a'course, but she mostly doesn't believe me 'bout your magic bein' super-duper amazing." Frisk made a pleasantly indifferent sound. "And..." She felt him tense up. "You were right."
"About what?" she asked, opening her eyes, not quite looking up at him.
"Alphys checked my LV—ever heard of it?" She shook her head. "It stands for 'level of violence,' which is exactly what it sounds like. Monsters figured out how ta quantify it a long time ago, 'n mine's been 20 for years an' years. If it could go higher than that, I'd probably be in the forties or fifties by now. Well..." Deep breath. "It's gone down to 17."
"Hm." Frisk scratched her nose where a few white strands were tickling it. "Is it usually difficult to lower it?"
That must not have been the reaction Sans was looking for: he growled at her under his breath, withdrawing his hand. "It's not 'difficult,' kitten-pants, it's impossible. LV is what it is. There's no take-backs on killin' people. I shouldn't be so spoiled by livin' in a nice place with a nice lady an' nice food that I somehow got less evil. It doesn't work like that."
"You're not evil, Sans. You're not perfect, and you have done a lot of terrible things—" He grunted, and she persisted, "—but that doesn't mean you're irredeemable. If you were, you wouldn't care if you were evil or not."
He grunted again, which was not the answer she was looking for. Frisk poked his sternum. "I think you're looking at it the wrong way. You've been absorbing years of accumulated negativity down here, haven't you? What if you've been...I don't know, negating it with better emotions, or maybe sloughing it off like Gaster said? Would that account for your LV going down?"
He just shrugged, and she retaliated with more poking. "Then tell me this: did you kill anyone yesterday, before Undyne attacked you?"
His massive ribcage swelled, carrying her outward and back in as he sighed. "No. One guy said somethin' gross, so I stabbed 'im in the foot. That was it."
She believed him. "And if you'd encountered him a month ago, would you only have stabbed him in the foot?"
The orange of his eyes dimmed. "...No. I'd'a killed him an' all of his buddies, no questions asked."
"All right, then." Frisk absently ran a finger down his ribs, pausing halfway down as he twitched. Was he ticklish? "That's another thing: if your magic's poisonous, why didn't I get sick and die when you gave me some of it?"
The skeleton laughed, short and harsh, nudging her hand away. "I barely even know how ya got it in the first place, sweetheart. Don't ask me why it worked or didn't work a certain way. 'm still not okay with just goin' for it the ol'-fashioned way an' hopin' you'll be fine."
That was the second time he'd called her that. Frisk's heart was in her throat. There was no wine or home-ground advantage here; she had to jump right in. "So..." She tried to sound playful, and was pretty sure she just sounded nervous. "Is that a 'no' after all? You don't ever want to try it? I know you haven't had much chance to practice what I asked, but..."
He had stopped moving—no breathing, nothing. The priestess pulled back a little. "Sans?"
"Then what?" he rumbled.
Frisk's hackles rose. "What do you mean, 'then what'?"
"I mean, what happens if we do it 'n I don't kill ya? Then what?"
It was a reasonable question, and she'd just been telling herself they needed to talk about it. Now that she had to answer, though, her mind was a roaring blank. "...Then...that would be...good?"
His hand flattened across her back and shoulders. "Yeah. At the very least, you could cross it off the list of stuff that's gotta happen for monsters t'go free. Sucks that gettin' knocked up is part of the deal.” Snort. “Maybe it's not too late ta find someone you'd actually want the kid to look like. You've still got a zillion guys ta pick from. There's, what, a month left before the timing starts t'get—"
The priestess pushed away hard, ignoring the pain in her chest. "What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded, sitting back to stare up at him. "Is it supposed to be some kind of joke? Or are you saying I'd sleep with anyone in order to make everything else happen?"
He blinked, realizing exactly what he'd said. "Uh. When ya put it like that..." The skeleton tried to shrug. "Heh. Nah, I was...I was just kiddin'."
"No, you weren't!" She jerked a hand upward and snapped her fingers twice, creating a bubble in which she could convey her thoughts at the proper volume. "I know what a joke sounds like, and that wasn't it!"
Sans scratched the back of his skull, bone grating on bone. "Fuck. I didn't mean—"
"You didn't mean what?" Frisk was too tired and hormonal for this! "What kind of shallow, selfish, irresponsible moron do you think I am, Sans?!"
"I don't!" The giant skeleton held up his hands, scooting back against the wall. "Wouldja calm down? Yer not dumb, or shallow, or whatever, and ya gotta be the least selfish person ever! Jus' forget about it, okay?"
"No!" She glared at him till he couldn't meet her eyes. "What were you trying to say? Was it, 'Frisk, I am concerned that you're rushing a major life decision for both of us based on something someone told you at a street fair, and I would like to discuss the long-term consequences, such as the ramifications of a child being half human and half boss monster'?"
"Yes! Exactly! ...Pretty much!"
"Then why didn't you say that? Why frame it as me being a shallow, selfish, irresponsible moron?!" The pain in her chest was getting worse. "No, don't answer that! Here's a better question: are you really that insecure? Do you honestly believe that the only reason anyone could ever love you was because they had to?!"
Sans looked as if the universe had crashed to a standstill. His eyes had gone blank, and his mouth moved a little, but nothing came out.
Frisk cleared her throat and swept her hair behind her ears, face burning. "I know you can't change how you think of yourself overnight, but until you do, I'm not going to sit here and let you insult me or you like that," she said, soft but firm. "Is that understood?"
No answer. His gobsmacked expression didn't change; in fact, he wasn't moving at all.
Despite herself, Frisk wanted to laugh. Poor Sans. He hadn't expected that word, had he? Purely to snap him out of it, the priestess said, "If you really can't make up your mind, then tell me so I can find someone e—"
It was Frisk's turn to sit very still as the echoes died away. The boss monster glanced up at the barrier. He shook his head violently, scrubbed his face in both hands, and let his head drop back against the wall. "Look, I'm...I didn't think I was still so damn scared, okay? I thought I was gettin' over it, but when we're actually talkin' about this stuff, I—"
"You don't think I'm scared? I'm the one who's having a child!" If she had to spell it out for him further, then so be it: "Listen to me, Sans. I'm not doing any of this because a fortune told me to. It just helped me figure out how to get what I already wanted. Do you understand?"
His sockets slowly widened, his entire skull reddening, and now her face was hot again. "It's your turn to say something," Frisk mumbled.
Her apprentice rolled his head sideways, eyes flicking toward her, as if he'd scare her off by looking for too long. "So...ya really..." His voice faded and didn't come back.
Frisk desperately wanted to hug him again. Instead, she sighed, rubbed her breastbone – was it heartburn? – and summoned all her priestessliness to say, "Here's what I'd like to happen, Sans. We'll still be friends, I'll be your teacher, and you'll remain my bodyguard until we both decide otherwise. If you make up your mind and decide you want more than that,you need to tell me when you're ready. I won't bother you about it again."
Sans shifted his weight, but didn't answer. The priestess turned onto her side away from him, cuddling a pillow to her midsection—stress always made her cramps worse. "It's very late. In fact, at this point, it's very early. Please go and see if the wagons have been brought in, and have the gifts and the herbal supplies moved to Snowdin. The food can be distributed wherever it's most needed." She didn't hold in a yawn. "I'm going to sleep in for as long as Undyne lets me. We'll come to your house as soon as we're both up. All right?"
No response. "All right," she said. A click of her tongue, and the barrier was gone. Frisk got under the covers, rearranging the other pillow under her head. "Turn out the light, please."
Silence. The light clicked off. She heard him move toward the bed; something smooth touched her cheek, and without thinking, Frisk reached up and clasped his forefinger. "Good night, Sans."
His hand slipped away. Her chest hurt so much that she wanted to cry again.
...He hadn't gotten up yet. Could he tell that she didn't mean the calm, logical things she'd said, and how much she wanted him to stay?
No, it wasn't his job to read her mind, and at least one of them had to be sensible about all of this. Frisk stayed quiet, burying her face in the pillow as she heard him climb to his feet.
But instead of the whisper of magic taking him away, there came a shuffling sound and a soft thump, and another shuffle and thump; a whooshing sound, the smell of leather—the boss monster was removing his slippers and his overcoat, tossing them on the floor. Frisk sat up, trying to see him in the total darkness. "Sans, what are you—"
There was a strange feeling in the air, and a sort of grunting sound, analogous to a human trying to break wind. "There. Think I got it," he said after a moment.
That was strange; he hadn't moved, but his voice sounded much closer. Thoroughly confused, Frisk edged away as he sat down on the bed. The pain in her chest had almost disappeared, but she forgot to breathe as Sans shifted even closer. The mattress creaked, and his shoulder bumped hers as he reached across her lap, resting his weight on her other side and bringing his face just a few inches away.
Frisk's heart was thumping so hard that she couldn't think straight; she didn't understand what was so different about him until she reached up to touch his cheekbone, just below the light from his sockets. Suddenly, it hit her: she could spread her fingers and cover almost the entire side of his face. "You shrunk?" she squeaked.
Sans chuckled again, and Frisk felt-lightheaded. "Ya wanted me t'work on that, right?" He placed his human-sized hand on hers. "Ta-da." Pause. "Man. It's like wearin' clothes that're way too tight. Dunno how long I can keep this up."
Still in disbelief, the priestess rubbed her thumb across his nasal ridge, feeling his breath on her forearm. That explained why his eyes were only about a foot above hers now—it was convenient, but extremely disconcerting, to say the least.
"Till then..." He took her wrist. "Here's somethin' else I wanna try."
Frisk shook her head. "What do you mean? Something like—yeep!"
"Shit!" Sans dropped her hand like a piece of red-hot metal. "Did I bite ya? 'm sorry, I—"
"No! No, I just thought..." She tried to look at her palm, which of course she couldn't in the dark, wondering if she was losing her mind.
Sans let his head drop to her shoulder; she had the impression that he was getting ahold of himself before he sat back up and reclaimed her hand. Frisk tried not to jump as it happened again: he pressed her palm to his mouth, and instead of bone, she felt something warm and soft, exactly as if he'd kissed it.
She now had no idea what to say or what to expect. It was a huge relief to be drawn safely against him, his arms winding around her, stroking her hair and down her back. "So, yeah," he murmured into her hair.
At this size, his touch was a little less gentle than usual, not as light or careful, and he was holding her tighter. Her heart was doing the glued-together thing again; like every other part of her body, it reveled in being held like this, but it wanted her to move even closer and let him squeeze her harder. "Yes?" she managed.
"So...what all did you want me t'do again? Fix the size thing, make up my mind, quit hatin' myself?" The bones of his arms and ribs were starting to dig into her as his grip tightened. "Is..." He exhaled. "I still don't like me that much, so...is two outta three okay?"
Frisk's heart soared. She put her arms around him – all the way, for once – and let him bury his face in her neck, nearly crushing her against his ribcage. He was definitely hurting her now, but she didn't care—if anything, it wasn't enough. "Maybe," she said into his shoulder, playing with the folds of his shirt, which he obviously hadn't figured out how to downscale with the rest of him. "You don't have to be as confident as Papyrus, but are you willing to at least tolerate yourself?"
The skeleton shook his head a little, as if trying to rattle the words loose, then raised it enough to say, "I 'unno. 'm pretty lazy, an' it sounds like a lotta work."
"There you go again!" Frisk tugged on the shirt for emphasis. "You're not lazy. You've done so much for me and for the other monsters—would it kill you to do something for your sake?"
A long pause, ending on a shaky sigh. "Can I start with yer sake, maybe work up to mine?"
She closed her eyes, melting a little. "Deal." It was incredibly tempting to tell him how cute he was, but she didn't want to risk embarrassing him enough to start a full-blown pout. And as long as they were doing this... "Would you turn the light back on, please?"
A short pause. "Don't wanna."
"Why?" Inspiration struck: "I know I look awful, but you can just close your eyes."
"Wha—what kind of stupid crap is that? You—"
"Ha! You see?" She poked him in a random rib. "See what it's like?"
"Ha, ha, lady," Sans growled in her ear, making her pulse flutter again. He shifted his weight without letting her go. "'s not you, dummy. 'Sides, I can see pretty well in the dark already, 'member? I just figure I look goofy as hell, all bones and then this fleshy stuff hangin' off my mouth. At least ya can't see my tongue when I've got it out."
"Your...oh." Frisk's face was even warmer. "So that's what that was." Well, that was good to know. If he was worrying about how he looked with lips on, then that meant he planned to keep them on, which meant...
"Yep. I figured it out from bein' human. Wasn't that hard." Sans ran his phalanges over her scalp, and stopped dead at the sound she made. "Wouldja knock it off? I can't think straight when ya do that."
"Do what?" A sudden, kittenish impulse made Frisk run her nail down the back of his skull.
He growled again, much deeper. "That does it." Before she could react. Sans' fingers wound themselves into her hair, metacarpals spread in a loose grasp on the back of her head. She swallowed very hard, but let him tip her face up to his and lean in. His mouth brushed her lips, the lightest touch—
Frisk made another small sound, and to her frustration, his head snapped up. "What's wrong?" he demanded. "'s not my fault I don't know what I'm doin', I'm just tryin' not ta—"
He stopped as Frisk took his head in both hands. "Nothing's wrong. Now do it again," she whispered.
With a blink, and a deep breath, Sans let her pull him down to touch mouths again, but only for a moment before he ducked his head and dropped both hands for the first time. "You know...maybe this ain't such a good idea." She'd never heard him sound like this—not angry, but so self-conscious that he couldn't bring himself to look at her, even in the dark. "There's gotta be other stuff I can do fer—"
"Sans," she said, and when his eyes cut back to her, Frisk rose on her knees, groped around for the back of his skull, and leaned down to kiss him so hard that he had to catch himself before she knocked him over. Whatever magic he was using felt real enough to her: warm and yielding, it offered just enough resistance for him to kiss her back as his arms came up again, almost shyly.
She enjoyed the slow, deliberate movements for several seconds, then paused, silently daring him to stop; she was almost immediately rewarded with a hand threading its way back into her hair, pulling hard enough for a very nice twinge of pain. His other arm circled her waist, and Frisk scowled as his head moved down again. But a moment later, something sharp grazed her neck, and she cried out, grabbing blindly to keep him there.
Luckily, Sans seemed to have gotten the point. He chuckled, an almost predatory sound; something hot and damp trailed up the curve of her throat and along her jawline, his grip on her hair holding her in place so he could lick her neck again, and again, pressing his tongue hard enough to send chills and heat racing through her.
The boss monster let his teeth drift over her skin once more, a little edge of fear sharpening the pleasure. He nipped here and there, careful to lick anywhere he'd bitten too hard, until he misjudged and made her gasp aloud. When he paused to check on her, Frisk shook her head and leaned into him, humming the tiniest bit of encouragement.
That was all the invitation he needed: the world spun as Sans lowered her to the mattress, shoving the pillows aside and discreetly hitching up his baggy trousers. Frisk allowed him to settle himself most of the way on top of her, breathing deeply into the crook of her neck and giving it a few gentle laps. "You didn't mean it, didja?" he said, barely audible.
The priestess swallowed, trying to remember what the hell he was talking about. "I don't—"
He nuzzled her cheek, his phalanges tracing her collarbone. "I know ya didn't really mean it, findin' someone else if I couldn't make up my mind, 's just kinda..."
Frisk sighed impatiently. "I meant literally everything I said except for that."
Tap, tap went his fingers on her shoulder. "Everythin', huh?"
"All of it." Frisk rested her cheek on him. Compared to the incident in the bathroom, when all that had set him off was a glimpse of bare skin, he seemed in complete control of himself; maybe that was another reason he'd wanted the lights off. Either way, she wondered what would happen now. Was he going to go back to his house right away? Cuddle with her till Undyne got up? At this time of the month, it wasn't as if they could—
"'Kay," said Sans, with a different note in his voice. He shifted upward and kissed her again, more confident. Frisk started to speak, but forgot it when his tongue flicked against her lower lip, his hand working its way under her head. Her arms draped around his shoulders as her lips parted, and the feeling of his tongue sliding into her mouth made her whole body turn to plaster itself against him.
Letting him taste her was so absorbing that it took Frisk a minute to realize what his other hand was doing. The backs of his fingers stroked down her neck and along her collarbone, but they didn't stop there; his phalanges deliberately traced the side of her breast, and she was tingling in anticipation when his hand kept right on going to her waist, reaching under her thigh to pull it up so he could—
Frisk went rigid and shoved at his clavicle. The moment her mouth was free, she emitted a steady stream of "Waitwaitwaitwait!"s that brought him up short.
Very reluctantly, he sat up, and she grabbed a pillow to hold between them as an extremely ineffectual barrier. "What the fuck?" the boss monster snarled.
She could have slapped him. "Don't give me that!" she snarled right back. "No one said we were going any further than that, and we can't right now!"
Sans was panting so hard that she could feel it heating the entire pillow. "Okay," he said, trying very poorly to sound reasonable. "Right. Asgore, destiny, can't get knocked up yet blah blah—"
Well, at least she was too angry to be embarrassed. "It's not just that! I've got my period, Sans. You know, menstruation? Did you come across it in any of my books?"
He blinked again, this time in thought. "Yeah. Is that how you say that word? I think I was drunk when I read about it." He shook his head. "So you're...what now?"
God damn it. "I'm bleeding from the exact place where you were going. It's technically possible to go ahead and have sex anyway, but I'm tired, and it already hurts a little, and it would make a horrible mess, and I would completely hate it. That's why the answer is 'no' for at least four or five more days, and then there's Asgore and destiny blah blah. Understood?"
Sans' ardor seemed to have cooled. "Yeah, I get it," he said grudgingly. "Here, close yer eyes."
Frisk thought he was trying to go in for another kiss, but a moment later, the light clicked on. From behind the pillow, she felt another strange pulse of magic. "There. Man, that's better." His clothes shuffled; when her eyes had adjusted enough to look at him, he was back to his usual stature.
She waited, very patiently, and he eventually glanced at her. "So...d'ya want me ta leave?" A beat of silence. "Forever?"
"Of course not, unless you want me to think that you're not interested anymore," Frisk said before she could stop herself.
Squint. Glare. "Is this another thing where you're makin' up stupid crap ta prove a point?" She looked away, and Sans smacked his forehead. "Shit on a brick! No, I'm not ditchin' you 'cause I can't get laid right this second! I just figured..." Squirm. "That was really...y'know..." He sat down again, face glowing. "'m sorry. Did I hurt ya?"
Frisk winced. Now that the mood was officially gone, her neck was starting to feel distinctly chewed-upon, but she didn't want to talk about that. "No, I just meant my period. It's normal to have some pain or discomfort as your body's getting rid of certain things. Basically, it's Nature's punishment for not having a baby yet."
"Wow. That sucks big time." Scratch, scratch. "So...what can I do right now to not get in any more trouble?" he asked slowly.
The priestess gave him a wan smile. "That's an excellent question, but the answer is that you're not really in trouble. If you hadn't stopped when I said to..." She drew a finger across her throat. "But you did, and the rest of it was...fine." She smiled wider, though she couldn't quite look at him. "I think we should go to sleep now."
“Agreed.” Her heart sank as Sans stuck his feet into his slippers and retrieved his overcoat. The lamp clicked off. "Don' mind me," he said abruptly, and turned onto his side, the orange light of his eyes fading.
Frisk sat there for a moment, then climbed over the second pillow, to where his head was resting on the floor. "Good night," she said, and pulled the covers loose from the foot of the bed to get under them from the wrong end.
There was no response, but she felt him reach over to touch her cheek again. She squeezed his forefinger again as his hand rested on the bed; neither of them quite let go as they lay back down, and both swiftly fell asleep.
 Bam. Babam. BambamBANG went the door.
Frisk jerked awake as light streamed in from the hallway. "What's wrong?" demanded Undyne. "Are you sick, or—"
There was a perfectly frozen moment as the Royal Guard Captain, in her fish-print pajamas and comfiest eyepatch, stared at the High Priestess, resplendent in her rumpled nightgown and a severe case of bed-head, and then at the bleary skeleton on the floor. Then there was no skeleton on the floor, only Frisk reaching for the lamp. Undyne blinked. "Uh..."
"Good morning," Frisk said, not being casual or sheepish, because why would she? "What time is it?"
Undyne scratched her neck, sweeping her loose hair aside. "It's almost eight o'clock. Don't expect me to let you sleep this late again." She glanced at the floor, as if doubting herself. "Rough night?"
Frisk looked at her, and she said, "Yes."
"That sucks." The fish monster came into the room and opened Frisk's satchel. "Not a lot to pick from, is there? You could borrow some of my stuff, but I don't think anything would fit. You're still pretty shrimpy."
"I'd argue if I could." Frisk yawned. "I'll see if I can go shopping later. In the meantime, I should have at least one clean outfit left."
Undyne did a quick, professional sniff test, locating the gown in question and turning to hand it to her. "Here. We've got a busy day. The wagons are ready to be unloaded, and I already had 'em take out...the food...for. Uh." Her eye widened. "That's...wow."
The priestess had been feeling fairly confident that she'd avoided any awkward questions for the moment, though she was dreading the hints Undyne would drop when they got to Sans' house; that wisp of security evaporated under the Captain's stare. "Wow," she said again. "I...damn! Seriously?!"
Frisk had no idea what she—oh. Oh, God. Oh, no. No no no no no—
Undyne had the decency to let Frisk run to the bathroom and stare at herself in the mirror for the count of twenty; then she sauntered in, allowing the human time to snatch her collar up to her chin. "Yep," said Undyne. "Here's your dress." She set it on the counter.
Frisk had another pathetic little hope that that was it, until she glanced in the mirror and saw that her friend's face was completely contorted with the effort of not grinning her giant, toothy, giant grin all over the place. "Really?" Undyne asked rhetorically.
"Shut up." Frisk stared dully at the bruises and occasional tooth mark ringing her neck. "Please, please shut up."
"Pffft! Like I have to say anything!"
"Shut up, please!"
Undyne was shaking her head, not as a threat so much as sheer disbelief. "I—seriously? No offense, but, Sans? I don't believe this!" Her grin faded a little. "Well...” She shrugged. “Not that it's anyone else's business, but just so you know, this is gonna mess some people up pretty bad." The grin faded to a smirk. "There's no way we can tell Her Majesty about this, or she'll turn him into a million toothpicks." It faded a little more. "I dunno how serious you guys are, but..." The smile was gone. "I don't think His Majesty would take it that well."
"Undyne, please don't tell anyone yet," Frisk said urgently. "Sans and I agreed not to let things get too far before I've spoken to Asgore about a peace treaty, and don't give me that look! This is as far as we got!"
The Captain held up her hands. "All right! All right! I know how serious you are about makin' peace, and about all of us. I won't mess that up." She straightened and gave a sort of salute, looking very stern in her pajamas and comfiest eyepatch. "My lips are sealed."
The High Priestess nodded. "Thank you." She examined her neck again in the mirror. Undyne closed the door, still shaking her head; when she was gone, Frisk finally permitted herself to smile.
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elizabethvaughns · 3 years
as a way to procrastinate treat for having finished half of the 5+1, i expose impart to you my outline notes. they might be a little cursed. 
chapter 1
“what if?”
david pov
come to meet josh
because i said so
and it’s honestly not even that much of an issue, since he bikes there semi-regularly anyways
but they haven’t seen each other in like two years
except for the occasional call
so it’s nice to meet your best friend again
dismounts to sit somewhere and wait
sees this guy staring in his general vicinity
blond, late-30s probably, and really cute(ie. lucas)
oooh they’re making eye contact
shield the children’s eyes folks this is getting hot and heavy
oh wait no the other guy broke it off
maybe he was just staring off blankly into space and not at me
eh whatever
need to meet josh anyways
end scene
lucas pov probs now
okay i will start outlining let’s go ladies
mental state !!!
lucas was excited
his bff was coming back 
now he’s not going to say i told you so even though he always does but...i told you so
stands still, stares out into space
thinking about something
how much he loves beth prolly
i loove beth
i miss those days when we did shit together
or maybe some oren bashing
who knows?
but he’s broken out of his reverie by the most beautiful creature to ever walk this earth(ie. david. i’ve always imagined lucas as one for the dramatics)
physical descriptions always do wonders
wait he’s looking back
kinda into this ngl
wait no i’m in love with beth stop stop stop
break eye contact ABORT ABORT ABORT
but he’s still pretty cute though
wonder if he’s single?
probably not...even so, i’m in love w/ beth, i shouldn’t fret about this
maybe i can convince her to participate in the street action with me, just like old times...
empty table let’s gooo
“it’s a fateful day, isn’t it?”
“excuse me?”
end scene
chpater 2
“some other me”
so i’d say roughly 3 years from ch. 1
ok so this should be quick
david pov
so he was biking
and this dude bumped right into him
“oh sorry”
he didn’t say anything and was totally distracted; looks like he’s been having a horrible day
he is really cute though(see my reprising? this is totally intentional motif usage and not me being unable to find other ways to describe people)
anyways time to keep biking got things to do(get home and change) places to be(work)
the man from the park stayed at the back of his mind for the rest of the day
end scene
lucas pov
last words were ringing through his mind
lucas gray was having a horrible fucking day
first this girl called him old which...what? (i’m not getting older i’m the same age i’ve always been)
and then he met beth which...was supposed to be...
who knows? something good? they are...were best friends after all
but then he screwed it up! go lucas!
and this was probably his last chance at well, love, or a family
who knows, maybe he is old…
suddenly broken out of his thoughts
he bumped into a bicyclist whoops
“oh sorry”
he looked at the guy’s face and...wow
handsome(see i can describe people), a real adonis from face value alone
he’s literally left speechless
maybe this day could get a little better?
he could not think about anything except the bicyclist from the park for the rest of the week
end scene
chapter 3
so basically lucas ends up in the er
idk a protest got fucked or something
we’re turning the tables here! lucas goes first because i said so
make up an injury
uhhh it’s a spins wheel here hand injury he’s got a gnarly ass cut on his hand. so he’s just talking to the 20-something intern who’s doing the sutures. 
so he’s just chilling there
and he found another person to talk to 
and that guy’s mildly receptive
so he’s ranting about activism
e v e r y t h i n g   i s    c o n n e c t e d 
all factors of activism affect life
housing rights: every person deserves sustainable housing
if a person cannot afford a house then they most likely will not be able to afford other stuff
so it’s a self-perpetuating cycle you see. better-funded education is in more affluent neighborhoods, so those children have more opportunities for scholarships and higher education. in fact, they can afford college.
as a result, these people are more “qualified” so they have better access to better jobs and higher positions. positions over the people who grew up in less affluent neighborhoods, could not get better degrees due to their financial insecurity and thus hold lower positions. lower position, lower salary. thus, they will probably live in poorer neighborhoods, and the cycle will repeat. 
but. here’s the thing. due to this everyone deserves a house! doesn’t have to be big or opulent or whatever, but people deserve to live. for the future generations if not for this one. ain’t no man manhattan! no one person holds more value than any other. every life influences every other either directly or indirectly. so you want to improve your life? start from the bottom not the top.
okay uh you’re done
so basically he distracted himself talking about shit
“oh thanks”
so he makes his way over to the reception desk thingy takes the bill and goes home
sees this guy leaving in a rush
looks vaguely similar to the cute park guy who he thought about for a full week?
but then again it’s been months
maybe it’s wishful thinking
maybe it’s maybelline
david pov time
so he’s a pediatric surgeon, right?
so maybe he’s just vibing in the er
and he’s done so he’s just chilling at the reception desk thingy
when he hears this guy
just ranting about stuff
he just listens in! why not?
he’s so passionate about it and seems so dedicated and stuff
he thinks it’s really admirable
and that face gives him a strange sense of déjà vu
a good déjà vu, something positive
he thinks it’s deja vu at least(it’s not. they’ve seen each other twice now.)
maybe he’s getting a teensy little crush on mystery guy who hasn’t talked to at all yet? who knows?
and then his pager goes batshit. because that’s how stuff works.
so he sneaks one last glance and dashes off. 
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Ngl whenever I see OC asks I'm tempted to just ask all of them lmao
Buuut, let's see... from the OC creation asks, maybe 12, 15, 19? And for the other one, 1, 8, 52, 69? For any OC you'd like ~
I’m not shitting you when I say, DO IT. 
It’s my favorite time of the day~! Do you think I’ll ever shut up? Not likely, so let’s gooo! >:D 
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
You know, I always think about this to be fair because it’s something that can be a bit of a block for me when writing any of my OCs since they’re all really different personality wise. Fane, in particular, is a bit of a challenge. Especially when it’s not his POV. He’s hard to explain at times, and it’s why I take so long to create one shots or chapters because I want to make sure I’ve been as clear as possible with him or how other’s perceive him. I have to think in my head, ‘How would such and such really feel about Fane’s personality? How would they respond to his outbursts or his views on the world?’ It takes a lot of reviewing banter from Inquisition and seeing how characters interact with one another for me to confidently piece together dialogue in regards to Fane, and at times, my mind wanders into non canon territory to where I then have to yank it back. Fane lets my mind explore, but the wanderlust gets to be a bit..much. I think so, at any rate. Lol. 
On a more personal level, Fane is also me, in a way. He’s a persona that allows me to express what I tend to go through mentally at times. While it’s a sort of comfort for me to get things off my chest through him, I also have to take a step back and breathe, especially if my mind that day isn’t in the best of places. I mean, I want to write during those times, but it can be incredibly difficult to formulate words with enough sensitivity so it doesn’t hit too hard for anyone else and come off wrong.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
I’m gonna use Estoria for this because one thing I’ve created with her always makes me smile and giggle like a madman. That thing is, is the fact that she’s a flirter, but if it’s directed at her then she’s a bumbling fool. She’s all miss big bad mercenary elf until someone says, “You’re eyes are truly a delight.’ and then she just laughs nervously and nearly crumbles into a ball at their feet. 
And you bet your ass that Solas’s smooth talk kills her to where she actively has Cullen syndrome and runs away--tripping and stumbling over her own feet because she can’t. Then, when she does manage to get away she just sits on the floor and goes with all the enthusiasm of a teenager, “He..he thinks I’m graceful? He thinks I’m graceful!” Then she just rolls around on the floor, kicking her legs like a happy little flower. :3
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
That Fane has a sweet tooth. Hands down. Man becomes a literal puppy around cake, cookies, anything sweet. I have it in my fluffy little head that he swipes those things from Skyhold’s kitchen without anyone seeing because he’s embarrassed. He’ll try to be all sneaky and slick, but someone always stumbles upon him stuffing his face and then..well, you know. Fane becomes Aterian and Solas has to be called to tame a dragon before the walls come down. *smiles pleasantly*
1.  What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
We’ll go down the line for this one!
Fane is ‘Tempest’ due to his ‘calm before the storm’ demeanor when in battle. Varric gave it to him when he saw how fast Fane could move despite his size, and how hard he could hit once closing in. He’s literally a lightning bolt as he’s never in the same place twice and he does it all without batting an eye like how a real storm can destroy everything in its path, but when the clouds part, it’s calm, controlled without a shred of guilt towards the wreckage.
Estoria is ‘Snapdragon’. He adoptive father gave it to her as a sign of affection and to let her know that she is strong, even if the world believes she’s just a delicate little flower to be set on a window and forgotten. It also came about whenever he saw just how fierce a fighter she could be and how passionate she would get towards specific topics--’snapping’ like a dragon does with their treasure hoard or young. 
Mhairi is ‘Snow bird’ or ‘Fawn’. Courtesy of Varric and Dorian! Snow bird is Dorian’s nickname for her and it’s mainly due to her proclivity towards ice magic. Fawn is Varric’s choice due to how wide eyed and curious Mhairi is, like a newborn fawn discovering the world for the first time.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
This is Fane’s. Fane’s, Fane’s. Only because I have so many thoughts about his voice that I have to try to explain it! All right, so his voice is deep, obviously. However, it’s gruff, it’s tired, and it rumbles like the softest of thunder. You can take the man out of the dragon, but you can’t take the dragon out of the man. He always has a slight growl to his voice, even if he’s not irritated. He does have an accent, more or less along the lines of what the game gives us, but it’s deeper, has more timbre and husk to it. It drops dangerously low when he’s furious--almost warbling with the natural growl. It jumps a slight octave when he’s flustered--sometimes cracking on specific syllables. When he speaks Elvhen though..well, let’s just say Solas has an existential crisis to where he blanks for a good twenty seconds because how the words just roll near perfectly from a deep, deep, near criminally seductive grave. It’s a good time. *waggles eyebrows*
52. What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Oh god. Well, it is time to try and explain why Fane does the shit that he does! Namely, why the hell he supports the destruction of the Veil, even if he knows it could kill people he loves.
One: Fane is heavily devoted to Solas. Centuries of bonding and losing each other does that, after all. He strives in every fashion to lessen the burden on Solas’s shoulders because he’s seen it happen before. He’s seen and felt Solas practically scream for an end. So, he refuses to abandon him again to that torture, even if he has to bloody his hands from those he had come to consider friends. It’s a difficult road for both of them, but Fane tries to keep a tiny shred of hope in his heart that everything will be okay in the end--that they’ll be okay. He just wants to protect Solas with everything he has, even if it brands him a monster. So, in a way, Solas’s continued presence motivates Fane to keep pushing, even if it’s indirectly.
Two: Fane is passionate towards his kin. He wants to free them from the world they are forced to endure. Another reason for why he supports Solas beyond their close bond. He knows that dragons are needed for the world to survive. So, the thought of his kin being able to show what they are truly made to do is what guides him to endure a lot of the heart break and a lot of the words that are eventually hurled at him. It doesn’t make fighting them any easier though.
Three: Fane is heavily mired with family or those he considers family. He took Mhairi’s place in his father’s experiments because he wanted to protect her, not himself. He throws himself in front of blades, magic that’ll make him ill, and kin bearing claws just to keep those close to him alive because he can’t stand the thought of their eyes going dead and grey. He doesn’t want to kill; he wants to preserve, even if eventually, he’ll have to turn his back because of necessity.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Fane likes snowy, cold, frigid weather. He was a snowy dragon. Who lived on mountain. Had ice in his lungs. Boy melts in the desert, trust me. Besides that, he just likes the way the world looks when its blanketed with snow and ice. It’s still and quiet. Those aren’t things he’s used to, so he greedily indulges in them when they’re present.
Estoria is the opposite. She loves the heat, but primarily she loves rain. She’ll stand out and just look up at the sky with a huge smile on her face--completely unconcerned that she could get sick. All because it reminds her that the world is still moving along, even if the people in it believe it’s not. It’s still growing, flourishing, thriving, and that gives her comfort and joy.
Wowee! That was a lot, but damn was it fun! Thank you for the ask, as always! I can ramble, ramble, ramble like my life depends on it! XD 
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
I stayed up way too late to answer these, it was worth it
Questions by @pauletta-00​ *dances* here we gooo, some cautions before reading the answers: 1) will contain spoilers for much much later in the fic so don’t read the answers if ya don’t want dem spoilers. I’m gonna try and keep ‘em vague enough that they don’t give everything away, cause I gotta make ya go read it, don’t I now? 😉 2) While I follow KOTFE/ET as a loose guideline it is just that. A guideline, in a lot of places we veer waaaaayyy off the established canon because *singing to the tune of a popular song* ✨it’s my fanfic and I do what I want to ✨ so don’t any of y’all yell at me because my headcanons are different pls? ok good :D
With that out of the way, the questionsss
1. Starting with basics. Who is your Outlander (which class, what their aligment)? How did they end up being frozen in carbonite for 5 years? Why did you make them the Outlander?
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(my own art because losing an eye is not a scar option in-game and it’s one of her most defining features)
Vano Saal-Shenly - Canon Sith Warrior (alignment: Light IV in game, I class her as Neutral Good) and Empire’s Wrath. She got made the Outlander because it just made the most sense, also there are some parallels between her fate/whereabouts (including the amount of time they were “missing” to each other) in KOTFE/ET and that of her wife in earlier parts of the (class) story that I very very much did on purpose 😉 She was also the Wrath, so it made the most sense for her to end up on Marr’s ship when it went boom and led into KOTFE. Pretty much follows the canon there, Vano cuts her ship loose, tells her crew + wife to gtfo of there, she and Marr are taken prisoner and she gets frozen in carbonite after the dust up in the throne room. Becomes the Alliance Commander
2. Now, to the rest of classes. What happens to them during KotFE/ET? Did they know the Outlander? Were they allies, enemies, family? Do they join the Alliance or have something else to do? Do they play a major or a minor role in the story? Spare no detail (if you wish, of course).
Aria Saal-Shenly: Human, Major role. Vano’s wife, semi-canon Jedi Consular (alignment: Grey/Dark I, Chaotic Neutral) (follows the Consular story arc grey-Dark aligned, is in fact a Sith Inquisitor playing sleeper agent). Alias “The Wrath’s Shadow” (for obvious reasons) Joined back up officially with Vano during the SoR arc, they marry sometime in the interim between Rishii and killing Revan; on the other flagship with Lana, Theron and the others when Vano’s crew returns to give them the news. Inconsolable after her wife’s disappearance and refuses to accept that she’s dead (they share a Force Bond, so Aria knows and becomes increasingly frustrated when nobody will “listen to her telling them damn it!!”), drives Lana and the others crazy by continuing to try and look for her wife and putting herself in danger in doing so. Sticks with the Alliance, of course, her wife’s the Commander XD helps Vano to manage Odessen-side things of the Alliance, specialising in helping Ni’kasi and Sana-Rae at the Force Enclave of course.
Saarai Ahaszaai: Sith Pureblood, Major role. Niece to Vowrawn and twin sister to Ni’kasi (SI). Alt Sith Warrior in-game. Light I/II, Chaotic Good, but hiding out on Rishii to escape being convicted of a serious crime and exposing her family to Vitiate/Valkorion (who would absolutely kill them if he knew) picked up by Aria and Vano during their search for Lana and Theron during that part of the storyline. Joins up with the Alliance because she and her family have a personal vendetta (tm) against Vitiate/Valkorion and she wants to stab that dude too. Eventually becomes Empress alongside Vano who  remains as the Commander (I still need to work out the details but basically it’s like...coalition government style thing and Saarai and Vano are the joint “final decision” voice mm’kay? hopefully that makes sense), with Lana, Theron and Aria to watch as Marr’s ship go boom. Has to restrain Aria when she loses her shit when they try to tell her Vano’s dead, helps Lana and the others to track Vano down and formulate the rescue plan. Stays with Aria to make sure she stays put like she was told while Lana gets Vano out of carbonite.
Ni’kasi Ahaszaai: Sith Pureblood, semi-Major role. Niece to Vowrawn and twin sister to Saarai (alt SW). Semi-canon Sith Inquisitor/Darth Occulus (follows the canon Inquisitor storyline, but is not related to Kallig, instead related to Vowrawn and lurking in hiding under Vitiate’s nose. Ends up as a “slave” when she takes the fall for her twin’s “crime” in order to protect her.), Light I/Grey, Lawful Neutral. With Saarai and the others on the ship when the big bad happens, sticks with the Alliance (and her twin) to try and track down Vano. Tries to contact Vowrawn and the other Dark Councillors etc., but can’t reach them obviously.
Merak Shenly: Mirialan, Minor role. Younger brother to Vano and friend to Aria as they briefly worked together before Aria returned to being a plant in the Jedi Order, Smuggler, Grey/True Neutral (mostly non-canon as of yet, I need to fully play through the Smuggler story and see how much of it I can graft into the fic-verse if it works or not), takes Aria’s side and works tirelessly to help them track down his sister, is likely the one to find the lead that takes them to Zakuul. Joins the Alliance and works alongside Hylo to run ammo/supplies etc. to the Alliance as they need it.
I haven’t yet played the Bounty Hunter or Trooper storylines, and my only current Imperial Agent is Aria’s mother (Light V/Lawful Good); she runs semi-canon in that she defects to the Republic, but is instead found out by the DC and Aria is sent to kill her as part of her Sith trials, so she’s dead long before KOTFE/ET happens.
I have a Jedi Knight too, but I honestly couldn’t figure out how to put him into the plot so I just left him out for now, I guess he was recruited and is probably in the background somewhere idk sjhsdyuidg
3. What about companions? Do you follow their in-game story or have headcanons for them? Did they stay with your non-Outlander characters or not? Why?
Mainly managed to plan out for the Warrior/Consular companions, haven’t thought deep enough into the Inquisitor companions yet, though I imagine at least Andronikos, Khem Val, Talos and Xalek will likely return to join the Alliance or at least ally with them somehow, because I love them ;-;
Qyzen: Stung by Aria’s betrayal and “leaves” for a while, re-recruited to the Alliance as canon/in-game and the two eventually patch up their relationship (as best they can, but are not as close as before). Tharan/Holiday, Felix, Nadia and Zenith do not return in my fic-verse. They cut ties with Aria after they find out her true loyalties are to the Empire and not the Republic.
Vette: Stays with Aria, Saarai, Ni’kasi etc. initially, eventually goes missing during their searches for Vano and loses contact with the rest of them, ends up teaming up with Gault and returning canonically/as in-game.
Quinn: is court-martialled and thrown in prison after the Quinncident. Released sometime during the five-year carbonite shebang, becomes an officer/aide to Darth Vowrawn, later joins the Alliance along with Vowrawn on Iokath. He and Vano reconcile of sorts, though she no longer considers him a friend and simply a “tactical advisor”. Quinn knows he fucked up so he doesn’t dare complain about it, or Aria will absolutely E N D him.
Jaesa: stays with Aria and co,
4. If applicable: how your characters react if the Alliance joins the opposite faction on Iokath and after that? For example: how do Sith characters feel about joining the Republic? Will they stay or leave (if it’s too spoiler-ish, then feel free to skip this)?
Aria was never truly on the Republic’s side, so she very much supports joining the Empire. Saarai and Ni’kasi originally came from the Empire so of course they’re enthusiastic. Merak is skeptical, but trusts his sister (and sister-in-law) so doesn’t protest even though the Sith do scare him, a lot.
5. If applicable: if your Commander decides to be a saboteur, would they tell anyone (PC or companions)? Why/why not?
Haven’t got this far yet to be able to plan this out, lemme get back to you when I do lol
6. How would your characters react if one of their companions is exiled or dead because of Outlander’s choices? For example: sith warrior’s reaction if Commander doesn’t save Vette?
Aria pretty much only cared about Qyzen out of her companions, he comes back fine in the end so she’s a-okay. Other than that the only person she would be deeply affected by losing again is Vano herself. She will fucking kill as many someones as she can get to before Saarai stops her if they let her wife go bye bye again.
don’t have a bounty hunter to be upset about Torian. I don’t hate him, he’s a great guy and I really enjoyed his character, but I cannot bring myself to not save Vette ;-; Vette and Vano have a sisterly-like relationship and her lock-picking etc. skills are very important to the Alliance. That Twi’lek ain’t dying on nobody’s watch hahahaha
haven’t yet had a chance to plan out anybody else’s, don’t think there are any choices in game (or that I’ve planned out in the slightly-altered fic timeline) that would affect this. May change as I get that far ahead and add or change things to fit!
7. If you have something written about anything from the above (bc I know some people do), share the links to your works (again, if you feel like it)!
The only thing I have published out on the web atm is Aria’s part of the class story, “Creeping Shadows”, which is on AO3, go give it a read if you want (rated M for mature themes like mentions of drugs & alcohol and frequent swearing etc.):
Creeping Shadows on AO3
I have pretty much all of the rest planned out, I’m just a big dummy who likes to write chronologically and as of yet cannot manage to write multiple fics at once, I will get through every part of this fic if it kills me or takes me 20 years so help me god. If you wanna hear more about my dumb children you can also DM me I could literally yell stuff about them for hours on end 😆😆
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92 things :)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag people.
i was tagged by lovely @themessafterthemarty​ who is pretty lovely have i ever said that okay here we gooo
1. drink: water, i think. how exciting. 2. phone call: my mum, who called me to listen to ‘tequila’ that was playing in wherever she was. what an angel :D 3. text message: her 💕 4. song you listen to: ‘supermassive black hole’ from muse ✌️ 5. time you cried: last night, heh #findgabbie’smentalstability2k17
have you:
6. kissed someone twice: yup and it was lovely  7. kissed someone and regretted it: i haven’t really regretted the kiss above yet, but i feel like i should (it was all consensual though; it’s just that we are both trying to move on and i  c a n ‘ t) :’D 8. cheated on: i haven’t even in a position to be cheated on :P 9. lost someone special: everyone’s special in their own way (i want to keep @themessafterthemarty​‘s answer because it’s really nice and i can surprisingly relate) 10. been depressed: no medical proof to back that up, but i would say what i have been feeling for at least 3 years or more has been pretty close :P 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i haven’t gotten drunk, but i have thrown up multiple times in my life (i say that as if i should be proud of that lol)
list 3 favourite colours
12-14: pink, blue, mint green (all pastel because i have an a e s t h e t i c (or at least try to)
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: i have :) 16. fallen out of love: more like fallen in love lolololololol 18. found out someone was talking about you: i mean, i am so popular. everyone is obviously talking good shit about me and not trash or anything because everyone likes me right of course right (i am kidding) (unfortunately( 19. met someone who changed you: yes, and i am v thankful for them :) 20. found out who your friends are: i mean, yeah. though no one has proven they aren’t a friend of mine because i like my friends (for now) (jk) (i hope) 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i has no fac-e-book
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: still no fac-e-book.  23. do you have any pets: two birds (chubby the third and skylar) and a dog named kiko ^-^ 24. do you want to change your name: not really, to be honest. gabbie’s pretty cool.  25. what did you do for your last birthday: i think i went to school, went out to fortinos with some friends and had potato wedges and red velvet cake, and lied down in my bed at home, doing homework, and ate cupcakes with my fam. also got a uke. good times :) 26. what time do you wake up: well as it is summer, i have been waking up later than i usually try to (6 am), so 8 am - 10 am-ish? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: crying/sleeping. huh.  28. name something you can’t wait for: thomas sander’s part 2 to his newest sander sides video (because who leaves me on a cliffhanger on youtube how dare he) (kidding he’s amazing), but i can’t wait to be happy (aka never? i hope not) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom?: like, a few hours ago. she just went to work.  30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my obsessive perfectionism. let’s just say that and carry on before this becomes 92 regrets :P 31. what are you listening to right now: there’s a tv in the background, and my sister is listening to “almost is never enough” on her phone.  32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: …have i??? *has a crisis* 33. something that is getting on your nerves: being criticized for my decisions and what i look like by my freaking family. like, seriously?? 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, or fanfiction.net. i am too lazy to check :’) 35. mole/s: i have been told the mole (is it a mole or a birthmark i am not too sure) on my arm resulted in my mum drinking a lot of bubble tea during her pregnancy, resulting in a tapioca-shaped mole on my arm, lol. i have one on my nose as well, and probs more, but those are my significant ones :P  36. mark/s: quite a few good ones. i earned ‘em at school. pretty solid tbh. (lol i have some body marks, i guess. depends what you mean by marks).  37. childhood dream: i wanted to be an author or a princess. one out of the two are still possible for me (tho ya never know) 38. hair colour: dark brown 39. long or short hair: short, but desperately trying to be dodie-esque short 40. do you have a crush on someone: yupppppppppppppppp. 41. what do you like about yourself: i am an strong advocator of human decency. i think that’s pretty good :) 42. piercings: just ears. not cool enough for any other ones (aka i am too much of a wuss) 43. blood type: my dad said my mum knows. i am too lazy to call her up for the sake of this, so je ne sais pas.   44. nicknames: gabbie is short for gabriella, but i also go by gabs, gabster, and really cool person, and trash can. 45. relationship status: single pringle.  46. zodiac: sagittarius  47. pronouns: her/she :) 48. favourite TV Shows: friends *claps four times* 50. right or left hand: right or left hand wot 51. surgery: never had one *knocks on wood* 52. hair dyed in different colour: i really want toooo 53. sport: never. of course not. why would i ever try to. dat’s hard stuff. (where is 54) 55. vacation: i like vacation! im on summer vacation rn, but not going anywhere extravagant soon other than ottawa, i think. 56. pair of trainers: wait wot do you mean sneakers idek know anymore
more general:
57. eating: what a good thing. i love eating. i just had spring rolls and rice and adobo flakes with an egg ✨ 58. drinking: SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS of water, 59. i’m about to: go pee. also i should be working on pbb, or at least some kind of writing.  62. want: my wifi back. stop being 90% used and just reset already. also happiness; or at least, satisfaction. 63. get married: “I mean, I need a partner in crime someday” @themessafterthemarty​ wins the award of being the most awesome  64. career: something in psychology or creative writing? who knows :P
which is better:
65. hugs or kisses: i might say kisses, but hugs are nicer and cozier and i can’t screw up a hug i think 66. lips or eyes: i like looking at eyes, but like eyes in general kind of freak me out. i like kissing lips? i dunno what even is this question 67. shorter or taller: a healthy mid-height. of whatever this means. 68. older or younger: what are you on about 70. nice arms or nice stomach: how do these become nice things every part of the body is nice i guess 71. sensitive or loud: like in volume or personality? be a lil’ more specific, game. 72. hook up or relationship: “you go from bros to hos, but like, good hos” @themessafterthemarty​ how are you not an motivational speaker yet 73. troublemaker or hesitant: if you mean which one is better, i would say hesitant. a little bit of hesitancy means careful, i guess. maybe that’s just me.
have you ever:
74. Kissed a Stranger: not a stranger, no. 75. Drank hard liquor: i like my water hard, ya know 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: not permanently — contacts on the ground once they’re out and i can’t see = hell on earth 77. turned someone down: both close romances have turned me down i know that wasn’t the question but i crave sympathy 78. sex on the first date: you talk as if i am good at getting/having either 79. broken someone’s heart: i am not too sure. 80. had your heart broken: unfortunately it hurts more when you knew there was nothing to be broken 🙂🙃🙂 81. been arrested: of course not. 82. cried when someone died: i didn’t expect myself to, but tears was just an automatic response when my godmother died. 83. Fallen for a friend: unfortunately it hurts more when you knew nothing could happen with them 🙂🙃🙂
that was the worst game of have you ever ever my poor heart
do you believe in:
84: Yourself: not usually, lol 85. Miracles: “per definition this means divine interference and i just think any possible god is a bit too busy, the world’s just full of glorious coincidences” i am yet again stealing @themessafterthemarty‘s response it’s just too good. 86. love at first sight: not completely, no. 87. santa claus: OF COURSE I BELIEVE IN SANTA HE IS REAL 100% I WILL FIGHT WHOEVER SAYS OTHERWISE 88. kiss on the first date: not on a first date, no. maybe it’s because i have technically never had a social outing when both members of the party considered it a date. 
90. Current best friend name: sierra 💕 91. eye colour: like a black hole. or really really really dark chocolate.  92. Favourite movie: for now, i’m going to say la la land. mainly because i can probably watch it tons of times and still feel amazed by it. 
i tag @evermoredeath @lovelylilaclester @troyescacti @lovelyfrankway @sleepyphanfics and anyone else who wants to spend time on these questions (you’re gonna have to choose what 54 is though because i dunno what it is) :P
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carnationsinjanuary · 7 years
92 Sentiments Tag
I was tagged by  @artificialskyway , thank you (and sorry it took me a while to answer). 
Rules: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 (or however many you’d like) people!
The Last: 
1. Drink: Water 
2. Phone Call: My Mom 
3. Text Message: Mah bestie Jane
4. Song You Listened To: “She Had the World” by Panic! At the Disco 
5. Time You Cried: This past Friday
6. Dated Someone Twice: Nope
7. Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Nope
8. Been Cheated On: Nope
9. Lost Someone Special: Yes :(
10: Been Depressed: Yes
11. Gotten Drunk And Thrown Up: Nah
List 3 Favorite Colors:
12-14: Blue, Yellow, Purple
In The Last Year Have You:
15: Made New Friends: Yes :D <3
16: Fallen Out of Love: Nope
17: Laughed Until You Cried: Yes, frequently XD
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: I don’t think so…?
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: I’m not sure
20: Found Out Who Your Friends Are: Yup
21: Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: Nah XD
22. How Many Of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know IRL: All of them XD
23. Do You Have Any Pets: The Family Beta Fish named Sandy (he’s such a pretty color of blues)
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: Nope 
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Went out for breakfast 
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 8:22 am
27. What Were You Doing Last Night: Watching Past streams from BrownMan (Ray) on Twitch and then sleep
28: Name something you can’t wait For: Beautiful in LA! LET’S GOOO!
29 When was the last time you saw you’re Mum: Last Night
30: What Are You Listening To Right Now: “Replay” coverd by Astro for a special stage (originally by Shinee)
31. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom: I think back in Pre-School 
32: Something That Gets On Your Nerves: Dishonesty
33. Most Visited Website: Youtube and Tumblr
34-36 are missing
37. Hair Color: Dark Brown
38: Long or Short Hair: Long (Medium length really)
39: Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes but trying to get over it
40: What Do You Like About Yourself: My eyes and that’s it
41: Piercings: No but I wanna re-pierce my ears
42: Blood Type: I don’t know
43: Nickname(s): Mo, Moni, Nique, Nicki, Monirose, etc. 
44: Relationship status: Single AF
45: Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (Capricron-Aquarius Cusp)
46: Pronouns: She/Her
47: Favorite TV Show: There is too many I can’t narrow it down
48: Tattoos: None but I want some in the near future 
49: Right or Left Handed: Right
50: Surgery: None
51 is a repeat so SKIP  
52. Sports: I love Baseball
53. Vacation: No, haven’t been on one in years
54. Pair of Trainers: Converse, Nike, and New Balance 
55. Eating: A Sandwich soon
56. Drinking: Water
57. I’m about to: Eat Lunch and do Chores 
58. Waiting For: Tomorrow 
59 also missing
60. Want: A cat and/or dog
61. Get Married: I hope I do one day
62: Career: Photographer/ Graphic Designer (hopefully)
Which is Better 
63. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
64. Lips or Eyes: Both
65. Shorter or Taller: Taller (I’m smol)
66. Older or Younger: I don’t know 
67. Nice Arms or Stomach: Why not both 
68: Hookup or Relationship: Relationship
69: Troublemaker or Hesitant: Hesitant
Have You Ever: 
70. Kissed a Stranger: No
71. Drank Hard Liquor: Yup and it was gross
72. Lost Glasses or Contacts: No they always somehow just get broken
73. Turned Someone Down: No 
74: Sex On the First Date: No 
75. Broken Someone’s Heart: No
76. Had Your Own Heart Broken: Yep
77. Been Arrested: no
78. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
79. Fallen for a friend: Yes and I’m glad it stopped at crush that I got over quickly
Do You Believe In: 
80. Yourself: Nope
81. Miracles: Yes
82. Love At First Sight: Yeah I’m sure it happens for some people
83: Santa Claus: Yes still 
84. Kiss on the First Date: If it feels right then go for it
85. Angles: yes
86. Current Best Friends Name: MoonMoon, Kale, Kala, Sara, Jane
87: Eye Color: Honey Brown
88: Favorite Movie: Kingsman: The Secret Service and Saban’s Power Rangers
I’m Not gonna tag anyone, if you see this and wanna do this then go ahead.
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