#fotd edlen
didasgomas · 1 month
Drown in your own sins
Day 7 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Waterboarding/Drowning/Choking
Content warning: Violence, homicidal drowning
Direct continuation of my day 3 snippet, so this one is also an important part of my story "Eyes Blue", an au for FOTD, a story written by @moonlightsmasquerade
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Natural water - In almost all religions, water is seen as a gift that grants new beginnings and brings with it health and invigoration. Any natural sources of water were seen as symbols of purification, renovation, deliverance, fertility and abundance.
September 21st, 1977
He had found the note on the living room right as he put everything down from work, so now here he was, walking towards the empty docks in the middle of the evening at his wife's request.
James knew Maris and her brother followed some weird other religion and how that was sometimes why they acted a bit strange, but she had never done something so weird like this.
The fog got thicker and thicker the more he walked, but eventually, he spotted her, staring right back at him.
"Sweetheart, what's going on?"
"I found out, James."
"Found out...what?"
"About you and her."
He panicked on the inside. This wasn't supposed to have reached her. How could he ever explain that he simply never fell out of love with Hannah?
"Maris, please, let's talk everything out and decide on the best-"
The anger finally boiled over and appeared on her face, as she slowly walked towards him, index finger pointing accusingly.
"I'm not going through any of your terms. You've betrayed my trust enough and wasted too many of my years faking that our marriage was a good one."
Without warning, she punched him in the face, just strongly enough that he tumbled to the side.
"I'm going to make you fucking pay."
They locked eyes. Fear rushed through him like never before.
"You're- You're not going to push me into the ocean, are you, honey?"
"Oh no. I'm going to do something so much worse than just push you."
Before James could defend himself, she jumped at him, pushing them both off of the edge of the docks. He may have been older and taller, but she was stronger and faster.
A whole minute passed after they had both fallen underwater, the two of them obviously deep below the surface, as the ocean remained still save for the waves.
Finally, Maris resurfaced, breathing with difficulty and her legs stiff and starting to hurt. First thing after getting back home would be to take another tablet of acetaminophen.
Edlen had already helped her take care of the other woman, so maybe she'd get them a candy cane later as a sign of gratitude, but not right now.
She needed to empty her house out of everything that belonged to that pig, burn it, break it, whatever it took. To cleanse everything in her life of his past presence was the only way she could be at peace.
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