naggingatlas · 8 months
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'I think I must reply to your question by another. What would your feelings be, seriously, if your cat or your dog began to talk to you, and to dispute with you in human accents? You would be overwhelmed with horror. I am sure of it. And if the roses in your garden sang a weird song, you would go mad. And suppose the stones in the road began to swell and grow before your eyes, and if the pebble that you noticed at night had shot out stony blossoms in the morning?' 'Well, these examples may give you some notion of what sin really is.'
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saganssorcery · 4 months
You have been blessed by the lucky money frog! 🍀 Let there be lots of money and prosperity to go around ✨🙏✨
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Artwork: RemCat
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
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I mean...
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suburbanbonfire · 10 months
My little sibling did the 'guess nhl team names based on blank logos' and this was by far her best creation:
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muffinlance · 6 months
Isopuppy Sewn Pattern Update: At long last, I've found time to get back to working on this! AKA I didn't feel like writing this weekend so LET'S GO SEWING YAY.
Current status: I have the final pattern worked out (plus or minus some seam allowance adjustments) and I've moved from junk fabric to final fabric. Hoping to get a good way into cutting/construction tomorrow. Unless I feel like writing. Who knows! Not me!
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bi-shop · 1 year
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i need someone to come up with a name for this trio . you do not want me to coin this group as 'uranium city's death posse' you really don't
(also this is probably a given but Please don't tag as ship)
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The Amazing Zodiascope, E. Rivlin Distrib., 1968
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marlynnofmany · 1 month
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Hm yes I see. Today we make our own luck.
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fran-oewm9 · 11 months
Some SkullGirls fanmade variants I did for fun!
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Part 2: ★
(Extra images below)
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 months
My sister and I are watching all Pixar movies and rating them based on our subjective opinion, we only have seven left and due to that I wanted to try and see how the first 21 compare. I wanted to see if we may have a preference for movies we saw growing up, due to nostalgia (although, we are missing those few newest movies I've seen as a teen or an adult). In chronological order, I assigned each movie a colour in such a way that the oldest movie is red and the "newest" is purple, all through the colours of the rainbow. I then arranged these colours in the order that we've so far ranked each movie, to kind of see if we have a preference for movies from any specific period. It looks like this:
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A real colourful array of stripes! Perhaps green and blueish colours are favoured, but some are also lower on the list! I can't really find any other consistent theme, except a sort of general dislike of the "newer" (2015 to 2019) movies might be visible and a lot of orange hues in the middle... but these are really not the rules. Especially since we've consistently rated most movies to be at least an okay watch, like, generally a pretty good time!
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forcedhesitation · 6 months
this is going to be pure word vomit, but wow. okafor being as important to the entire story of the ones who live despite dying in the first episode was insane and incredible writing. the parallel between him and rick coming full circle at the end, with rick remembering the last thing okafor said before dying and not letting beale manipulate him at the echelon meeting. okafor retroactively being revealed to have never "died" as rick never really did, deep down, because he warned rick about the sword. the ONLY time he snapped was when rick insisted he had nothing, because he didn't have nothing. he always kept his wife's sacrifice in mind, just as rick always kept michonne in mind, even after he chose to "die," because he did this not being able to escape, but he could at least still build a better future for michonne and their children. rick switching sides, just like okafor did, and destroying the CRM's army to save everyone else. the story about rick's father and the burning crops...and okafor being someone who was someone who was researching and growing crops, whereas beale was stealing resources from other communities and destroying them. like okafor knew the CRM had to be destroyed so something new could grow, and he genuinely had a plan to do that and saw a future where more could grow, but beale only ever saw destruction in the future and used violence so that his own community could grow. beale telling rick that both the walkers and them are dead, whereas okafor told rick that all people are his people, everyone alive. beale had spies in other communities to help keep him informed and to help destroy those communities, whereas okafor trusted rick and told him the truth plainly, despite this going against beale's aims and potentially endangering his life, and rick finding his strength in trusting michonne, and lack of trust being what undoes thorne and jadis.
i'm just. wow. donald okafor the perfect morally grey character that you are ....
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mostrizzaward · 4 months
happy to report that i’m one of the thousands of lesbians who sent phil my sapphic drama
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cucumber-in-mourning · 4 months
philas spider-man au when?
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
I was singing along to Fair today and I noticed something fascinating: it's possible that there are three characters in the song: "I," "he," and "she."
Most of the first-person material in the song is in the form of quotations (e.g. and he'll say "it's not fair how much I love you"). We certainly have two characters, "he" and "she", who speak to each other throughout the song.
At the beginning and the end, however, something different might be going on. The song opens with a few verses in first person with no reference to "he" or "she" (It's what my heart just yearns to say...the reason I was born). Because Joey Batey is singing, it's easy to assume that this is "he" narrating. That may be the intention. It's interesting, though, that directly after this it switches to third person: Cos outwardly he says I try so hard to make you laugh at me / And she, she does, she laughs...
A similar thing happens at the end, starting with "how unfair they'll sing." This verse is narrated by an outside perspective: something looking in on the couple from outside. Fascinatingly, the chorus that comes after this is the only one that does not begin with a dialogue tag, simply saying "it's not fair." It's almost like that first line is a moment of the narrator's perspective before it switches back to dialogue between the characters.
Is this narrator a different person, perhaps a friend of the couple? Is it the world? Is it destiny? Is it the stars that hum and hear them? Regardless, they seem to be just as in love with the story and the people as the couple are with each other, and I think that's beautiful.
TLDR: The narrator in Fair may be a seperate entity from the characters within the song, but they are just as in love with the story as the characters are with each other.
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deprivedmusicaljunkie · 2 months
need someone to gush over baby andrew with after boba_brainrot’s new video :’))))))
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hex-blogs · 1 month
So we're doing this now, huh?
I don't recommend following the listed individuals because they fill me with so much joy and love that I cannot handle it. Just kidding! This is an appreciation post a-la @thefreelanceangel Buckle up, buttercups! Feels are happening below:
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My person, my sister, my friend, my life-partner of whom I know I'll grow old with outside of our husbands! You've been my rock for 9 years. You've been my shoulder, you've been the words I needed to hear when the actions of others sought only to tear me down. Nine years of working together as a team, as companions, to ensure that we're both always seen, heard, and felt. I can't begin to express what you mean to me. What your influence as done for me, but more importantly, it's what your kindness has afforded me. I really am so fortunate to call you my best and closest friend. You know me more than anyone, and I trust you implicitly. I love you! ♥ --- @thefreelanceangel:
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I don't have a photo of us, but I DO have a throwback to 2012 when Lux got married and made the unfortunate decision to have Othello as a bridesmaid! Let me tell you, girl. You're an amazingly bright person who treats everyone they meet with kindness and respect. Throughout the years we've been in the same RP circles, same games, and always, ALWAYS, you've greeted me like an old friend. I'm so fortunate to have someone like you in my circle. Someone who encourages, is helpful, and brings a light to my life I'm forever grateful for! I love writing with you, taking screenies, and chatting it up at all hours! You, my friend, are a keeper, and I'm thankful for you, your influence, and the delight you bring me! I love you! ♥ --- @sigridderioslainn
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(tumblr compressed this image but you'll know what it is when you click it! LOL) The one and only Short King! Haaah! A fantastic companion with a mind-blowing talent for the written word! For years we've delved into amazing stories together filled with anguish, tribulations, and character development! Our character's weren't the only ones going through those developments. You and I, together and separately, have grown into stellar people. I'm so thankful that I have you in my life. Truly. Since, gosh, 2013? You've been someone I've spoken of in high regard even through ups and downs that life seemed to toss our way. The ways of which you've grown are awe-inspiring! I love reading your messages after a long day. I know it's going to be a good time when I have 20 unread messages from you detailing shenanigans your characters are getting into! From GW2, WoW, AU's, and now FFXIV---I can confidently say I've had a solid friend throughout them all! You're the best. You're amazing You're talented You're beautiful I love you, Linds! Can't wait to continue having O cause chaos just to have her justice driven inquisitor/justiciar tailing right behind!
--- @iarecereal:
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Oh look, a picture with you, me, and @sihdiel! The fact that we met on Xbox360 in a Call of Duty lobby back in 2010 is WILD. What made it even more wild was you being gone for who knows who long, only to log on and say: "Hey! I moved to WA!" (Also, I'll never forget being in that 1V1 lobby, where I'm dominating and suddenly I die, out of nowhere and I see in the top left corner: 'Donovan killed Lady Lunacy'. Then your laughter when I yell: OH, YOU BITCH!' into the mic!) You've been there for me through many facets of my life. You were a key player in early House Cress lore with Caelnon, you were my 'pew-pew' pal for a while, and even were a part of my baby shower. I think of you fondly ALL THE TIME and I know life broadened the distance between us, but we always pick up where we life off. As if time and distance are just words and not facts. I love you, man. I really do, and I appreciate everything you've been a part of and will continue to be a part of in the future! ♥ --- @adoraphlox
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Girl, you know I had to drop this pic of us from back in the day LMAO! Your gentleness is something I've always admired, but that doesn't discredit that fiery spirit of yours! Through the years and the 'life has a way' moments, you've been a friend, a counselor who guided me through some pretty rough times, and someone I know I can message at anytime and get a ♥ back! Writing characters not only in House Cress but other AU's with you has been a highlight of my writing 'career ' that I look back on fondly! You're a real one, through and through! I will always consider you a friend no matter how much time passes.
I love everything about you --- @lilac-memorials I wanted to post a screenshot of our Warcraft babs but I'm on my work PC so just know, that image is in my mind! Remember when we were in voice chat and we thought we were complete strangers till we discovered we were 'One Kevin Bacon Away' from one another for over a decade? "Omg I remember that!" "Omg! I remember YOU!" It was like a friendship that had always been there finally had the doors opened and we were waiting on either side to embrace one another! You, my friend, are one of the strongest individuals I know to date. You have a POWER to you that is wielded by a kind hand. Nothing can stop you, and I mean nothing. Our time together has been amazing and I can't wait for more! Writing with you, laughing with you, going through the motions with you--I'm here for all of it! You're a welcoming person. A wholesome person. You're someone who vehemently believes in right over wrong and that's exactly the type of person I want to surround myself with. Keep being you. Keep being amazing. I look up to you in more ways than one! I love you, through and through! --- @v-xv Dude--I was going to post that pic of us we took when I visited in 2013 but decided not to do us that sort of disservice! Lmaoooo I know we rarely engage in mushy feelsy things, but I think you know the positive impact you've had on me since our humble beginnings. Your talent for art and prose is widely known, but the thing I admire the most about you is your attitude. You're real. Like, you tell it how it is. You set your boundaries but that doesn't take away from your ability to be a kind person. Writing with you is an absolute joy and I love when we get the time/chance to. I know our lives have a choke-hold on us but you know I'm there for you whenever you need it, however you need it. You're hilarious! You make me laugh so fucking much, it's insane! I love the time we spend together and look forward to more of it! Thank you for being authentically you and thank you for being my friend through all these years. You're another one who, no matter what time passes, we pick up like nothing happened. I appreciate you in more ways than I could ever express! Much love, bitch! ♥ --- That's all the time I have for today! Thank you to everyone in my circle! Thank you for shaping me into the version of myself you see today. You all had a hand and I am so, SO thankful for each and every one of you. I love you all! All the love-- H E X
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