#fortress of Kurul
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A 2,100-Year-Old Marble Statue of Mother Goddess Cybele Discovered in Turkey
An estimated 2,100-year-old rare marble statue of Cybele, the mother goddess of Anatolia, has been unearthed in excavations in northern Ordu province located on the Black Sea coast.
The historic sculpture of Cybele sitting on her throne weighed a whopping 200 kilograms and was about 110 centimeters tall.
The statue is also the first marble statue found in Turkey in its original place.
The ancient artifact was unearthed in excavations launched by a team of 25 archeologists led by the head of the Department of Archeology in Gazi University, Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yücel Şenyurt, in the 2,300-year-old Kurul Kalesi, or the Council Fortress.

"We are continuing our work non-stop. Two days ago we found an extraordinary artifact. According to our research, the statue remained intact after the walls of the entrance of the fortress of Kurul collapsed during an invasion by Roman soldiers. This statue has also shown us that the fortress of Kurul in Ordu was a very important settlement [in ancient times]," Prof. Şenyurt said.
Saying that it was an incredibly rare find, the professor said that they were proud to unearth such an artifact in Turkey. He also said that the priceless statue would be later on transferred to the archeology museum in Ordu.
The professor also said that the first attempts to conduct excavations in the area were made about 6 years ago, but had been postponed for various reasons.

Meanwhile, Mayor Enver Yılmaz also pledged to provide TL 500,000 in funds to all excavations in the fortress of Kurul. He also said that the fortress will be turned into an open air museum in the near future and hopes the excavations will contribute to tourism in the region as well as in Turkey.
The excavations in the fortress are also the first archaeological diggings on the eastern coast of the Black Sea.
Cybele, an Anatolian mother goddess, is the symbol of prosperity with her pregnant belly, seated on her throne.
In Anatolian mythology she was the personification of the earth. In Greek mythology in which she was equated to Earth-goddess Gaia, Cybele was mostly associated with fertile nature, mountains, town and city walls, as well as wild animals such as lions.

#A 2100-Year-Old Marble Statue of Mother Goddess Cybele Discovered in Turkey#fortress of Kurul#marble#marble statue#marble sculpture#the mother goddess of Anatolia#ancient artifacts#archeology#history#history news#ancient history#ancient culture#ancient civilizations#roman history#roman empire#ancient art
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Engelsiz Filmler Festivali başlıyor
Engelsiz Filmler Festivali başlıyor

Puruli Kültür Sanat tarafından on ikinci kez gerçekleştirilecek Engelsiz Filmler Festivali, Türkiye ve dünya sinemasının öne çıkan ödüllü filmlerini sinemaseverlerle buluşturmaya hazırlanıyor. 7-13 Haziran tarihleri arasında Ankara’da Paribu Cineverse ANKAmall ve Goethe-Institut salonlarında izleyicilerle buluşacak.
ANKARA (İGFA) – Festivalin Paribu Cineverse ANKAmall gösterimleri için biletler, biletinial.com üzerinden 50 TL’ye satışa sunuldu. Goethe-Institut’taki tüm gösterim ve etkinlikler ise ücretsiz olarak gerçekleşecek.
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Kısa film üretiminin gelişimine katkıda bulunmayı ve tüm dünyadan nitelikli örnekleri festival izleyicisi ile erişilebilir olarak buluşturmayı amaçlayan Kısa Film Yarışması’na bu yıl konu sınırlaması olmaksızın; kurmaca ve animasyon türünde, süresi 20 dakikayı aşmayan 28 ülkeden 136 kısa film başvurdu. Sinema yazarı Öykü Sofuoğlu, sinema yazarı Hasan Nadir Derin ve festival program koordinatörü Kaan Denk’ten oluşan seçici kurul 8 ülkeden toplam 15 filmi yarışma programına dahil etti.
Engelsiz Filmler Festivali Kısa Film Yarışması’nda; João Rodrigues’in Ana Morfoz (Ana Morphose), Dana Arshagti’nin Aslında Hiçbir Şey Olmadı (Nothing Really Happened), Onur Bilmen’in Ben Yağmurum (I am Rain), Jérémy Prudent’in Beş (Five), Alexandra Shadrina’nın Doğruluk Mu, Cesaret Mi? (Shtander, shtander, Katya!), Çağıl Bocut’un Her Gün Biraz Daha Kolay (Every Day It Gets A Little Easier), Haoran Deng’in Kulaktan Kulağa (On the Grapevine), Yasemin Demirci’nin Onun Kalesinde (In His Fortress), Ivan Sosnin’in Otuz Saniye (Thirty Seconds), Maryam Khodabakhsh’in Örümcek-Kadın (Spider-Zan), Natalia Dementyeva’nın Paltonun Altında (Under The Overcoat), Valentin Coste ve Florent Beaudot’un Seçme Filmi (Selftape), Resmiye Emir’in Sonunda (At Last), Mahmood Pouyandeh’nin Stratosfer (Stratosphere) ve Shahrzad Ebrahimi’nin Zilden Sonra (After The Ringing of The Bell) filmleri yer alıyor.

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Excavation works resume on 2,100-year-old marble statue of Cybele in northern Turkey

Archaeologists have resumed their efforts to excavate a marble sculpture of Cybele, the mother goddess, in northern Turkey's Ordu province located on the Black Sea coast.
A team of 20 archeologists led by the head of the Department of Archeology in Gazi University's, Professor Süleyman Yücel Şenyurt, discovered the ancient artifact last September in the 2,300-year-old Kurul Kalesi, or the Council Fortress.
The 110 centimeters tall sculpture of the goddess sitting in her throne weighs an impressive 200 kilograms and is being showcased in the archaeology museum in Ordu.
According to the Mayor of Ordu, Enver Yilmaz, the excavation work is very important for learning about the history of the region. He explained that the statue of mother goddess Cybele statue was visited by 2000 people in only 45 days. Read more.
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