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So you know how comfy and flirty fort is with peat behind the scene? Always touching, hugging & kissing. Do you think... Fort will always be like that with all his co-star? Even one day if he change partner right. Willl he still act like that? Fort used to star in BL before and his partner is Pie Saran. Do you think he is always like thay tbh, not just w peat....
Hi there Nonnie,
Sorry it took me a few days to answer this. I wasn't really sure on how to do so. I looked up Fort with Pie and found one clip that I realised I had seen before but they were barely interacting. The person who posted the clip was insinuating they weren't close but it was a few seconds of video at a fan meet where they were talking to people on differing sides of the stage and I'm assuming whoever posted it was Fort/ Peat biased by the way they wrote. So I can't really judge.
In all honesty though, I generally don't pay attention to the actors outside of the shows. I see bits of the stage shows and fan meets come across my dash and I feel proud that they're doing well but I don't watch the clips or read the comments. I'm in it for the fiction, not for the supposed reality.
I saw a few things about Noeul Lee, and when I checked a little into them, he went from being the actor on a show I liked to being a guy that made my skin crawl just looking at him. (I'm not going to go into that further. I don't believe in being negative online - this is my relaxation space. Feel free to do your own research if you want) After that I guess I decided I didn't want to know them too much outside their characters.
At the end of the day, acting is their job so if they genuinely get on with their coworkers that would be great and hopefully it makes the end product of their show even better. But if they don't and they're just faking it for promos, I'm not bothered by it.
I'm sorry that that's probably not the answer you were looking for but it's all I've got.
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De calçotada
11 de març del 2023
Què tenen en comú uns calçots i uns fideus d'arròs a l'estil cantonès? Que es poden menjar i vomitar el mateix dia, que és el que he fet jo. Dia de contrastos, de la cultura catalana més nostrada al menjar xinès. A 11 de març ha arribat la meva primera calçotada: ha estat al Fort Pienc, és on anem cada any el mateix grup d'amics de la uni. La veritat és que es fa bona festa, mentre que els calçots deixen bastant a desitjar. Com que ja som uns habituals, sabem a quina hora hem d'arribar per pillar els millors llocs, quan ens hem d'aixecar a pel menjar, com ens hem de distribuir (qui s'aixeca i qui es queda a guardar lloc), i en quin moment ens hem d'aixecar per refugiar-nos de la guerra de calçots que es forma cap al final de l'��pat. Mira si ho hem fet bé que ens hem pogut amagar després d'acabar-nos la tarta de Santiago de postre mentre plovien calçots i encara hi havia gent fent cua per recollir el seu jalo. Vaya primos.

Després de dinar es recullen les taules i cadires i queda una immensa pista de ball, que ve a ser la plaça del mercat (o hauríem de dir la plaça del Mercadona) en aquest cas amb una fina capa de restes de calçots per terra, de manera que no és gens bona idea caure o que se't caiguin coses. I llavors ha començat la festa. Punxaven unes PD (punxa-discs) de la terra, amb aquests noms enginyosos com PDcat; PDtes, o després hi ha els noms que cutregen com PD rebels o PD katalans, que no hi ha res que em foti més bola que la penya que encara es pensa que posar 'k' enlloc de 'c' fa de progre. Enmig del """concert""" (eren PD punxant Shakira 'Las de la intuición' i l'opening de Ranma, banda sonora de totes les festes de l'esquerra indepe), han decidit fer el bingo. Compraves número (no n'he comprat) abans de pillar els calçots i podies guanyar una panera, oh sorpresa, amb productes de la terra, una samarreta d'Arran, un got de cubalitre, una caixa de 5kg de verdures de la cooperativa de on Cristo va perdre l'espardenya i unes cerveses artesanals d'un casal del barri qualsevol. El PD que duia perruca i anava vestit com si fos Ladilla Rusa era l'encarregat de cantar el número guanyador. Però anava més borratxo del que s'imaginava, suposo, la cosa és que ha ensopegat amb el cable just quan estava demanant que qui volia ser la mà innocent. Ha caigut de l'escenari i s'ha fet un trau al cap.
Els del públic que estaven més a prop s'han acostat a ajudar-lo. Des de la distància hem vist que no era massa més greu que lo aparatós, per la qual cosa hem optat per no acostar-nos-hi nosaltres també, que ja hi havia prou gent. Ha pujat a cantar el guanyador una noia vestida de leopardo, que ha anunciat que era el número 34. "El 34! Qui té el 34?", doncs ningú el tenia al final perquè han hagut de tornar a treure un altre número i ha sigut el 75. Ha guanyat un tio amb ulleres de sol, molt alt, ros i amb la samarreta del Liverpool (?). Ha volgut pujar a l'escenari i arrencar-li el micro a la leopardo de les mans mentre cridava "Can I say something?". No m'ho podia creure. Un guiri. Un puto guiri ha guanyat la panera d'Arran. Ràpidament la gent del Fortpi ha calibrat la magnitud de la tragèdia i se li ha dit que no podia pujar a l'escenari a dir res. Al final no sé ni si ha guanyat la panera, segurament no, perquè aquest tio si està de turisme no crec que es vulgui endur la caixa de verdures a Liverpool, tot i que ho agrairia. Llavors se m'ha acostat la Maite, una de l'organització del Fortpi que coneixem perquè hem coincidit en altres calçotades, i ens ha demanat a la Cris i a mi "Podeu punxar vosaltres?". Ens ha deixat de pedra, quants anys fa que no punxem? A veure, és que no ho he dit: la Cris, la Raquel (que actualment viu fora) i jo érem PD en el seu moment -quan érem universitàries-, ens fèiem dir PD Les Tres Mosquiteres, un nom que de PD katalans està a anys llum de millor. Ens vam retirar poc abans de la pandèmia, perquè ja no estem per trotes i perquè mai ens van pagar, només se'ns donava barra lliure i va arribar un moment que l'edat ja pesava per aquesta mala vida. "A l'Eloi (hem deduït que el noi que s'ha obert la barbeta) se l'han d'endur al CAP, i l'acompanyarem... Us fa res posar-vos-hi mentre som fora? Tornem en una hora com a molt. A canvi, teniu barra lliure". Ja està, quan ho han sentit la resta del grup han dit que evidentment que punxàvem, que ni ens ho penséssim. Total, que hem acabat la Cris i jo dalt de l'escenari passant les cançons que hi havia al pen-drive de PD katalans. Era un repertori nefast, però crec que la penya s'ho ha passat prou bé. El que passa és que hem gastat les cançons bones que està pensat que sonin ja més cap al final de la nit, i nosaltres hem posat Pont Aeri i aquestes històries a les set de la tarda. Però s'ho han passat bé. I hem acabat bevent per sobre de les possibilitats, per això quan hem acabat, -després de dues hores dalt de l'escenari, perquè no volíem baixar- hem decidit tots anar a sopar junts a un restaurant xinès del costat. Tot estava molt bo.
Un cop a casa, ho he vomitat tot.
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moments of love - coming february 14th
#moments of love#smartjames#fortpie#thai bl#bl drama#bl movie#smart chisanupong#james pongsapak#IM GETTING MY SMARTJAMES BACK 😭#FINALLY#also is this a triangle im smelling there? hmm#also the first and second to last gif are supposed to be choppy#idk why they did it like that but yeah
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don't know wtf this is but will be watching for SmartJames
#thai bl boys love moments of love#fortpie my heartless boy#smartjames my crazy love#getpun my lovely tutor#nonforth my ex-boyfriend#Youtube
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Rituximab maintenance improves overall survival of patients with follicular lymphoma—Individual patient data meta-analysis
Publication date: May 2017 Source:European Journal of Cancer, Volume 76 Author(s): Liat Vidal, Anat Gafter-Gvili, Gilles Salles, Sami Bousseta, Bernice Oberman, Carmit Rubin, Marinus H.J. van Oers, Catherine Fortpied, Michele Ghielmini, Ruth Pettengell, Mathias Witzens-Harig, Peter Dreger, Umberto Vitolo, Maria Gomes da Silva, Andrea Evangelista, Hailun Li, Laurence Freedman, Thomas M. Habermann, Ofer Shpilberg BackgroundRandomised trials of rituximab maintenance (MR) for patients with follicular lymphoma support improved progression-free survival (PFS), but the effect on overall survival has been inconclusive. To evaluate the effect of MR on overall survival according to patient and disease characteristics, and to explore certain adverse events, we performed an individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis.MethodsAll investigators of randomised controlled trials that compared MR therapy with observation or treatment only at relapse (no MR) for patients with follicular lymphoma were invited to participate in an IPD meta-analysis. We obtained baseline patient and disease characteristics and time to progression and death for each patient. All analyses took into account the trial and original randomised treatment group. We analysed data in two ways: a two-stage analysis and a multivariate model including patient and disease characteristics.FindingsSeven trials including 2315 patients were analysed. Overall survival of patients improved with MR compared with no MR (hazard ratio [HR] 0.79, 95% CI 0.66–0.96). We could not detect any patient or disease characteristics that were associated with a survival benefit with MR. In all of the models, MR had a beneficial effect on overall survival compared with observation for all types of patients, which was not shown in a particular subgroup in which the patient had already received rituximab in the induction phase and received first-line therapy. MR improved PFS compared with observation (HR 0.57, 95% CI 0.51–0.64). The risk of adverse events was higher with MR, specifically infection of any grade and grade 3–4 infections.InterpretationBased on IPD from randomised controlled trials, MR improves overall survival consistently in all patients, regardless of patient and disease characteristics when compared with observation, and should be prescribed after a successful induction with R-CVP or R-CHOP for patients with follicular lymphoma. It is still uncertain if that holds when the patient has already received rituximab in his/hers first induction. The effect of MR after bendamustine-rituximab induction compared with rituximab at progression should be further explored. http://ift.tt/2ozlzM3
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“Moments of Love The Movie” tells the story of 4 couples. Starring GetPun, FortPie, SmartJames and NonForth. Directed by Golf Tanwarin. Coming 2023.
#moments of love#smartjames#thai bl#bl drama#upcoming bl#i thought this was gonna be a series but a movie is fine too dfkjghdf#also bold of them to pair fort with someone new lmao#but i like it#im excited for this!#also the poster is nice
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