awitness · 3 years
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1. See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
—  Yoḥanan Aleph (1 John) 3:1
Father of my fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thank You that the gift of faith You have given me allows me to literally see what love You give to me in every moment, circumstance, trial and testing.
It also enables me to walk in full assurance of the eternal love Your Beloved Son, Yeshua the Mashiyach, has for me. 
No matter what is happening in my life I can and will remind myself, with praise and thanksgiving, that "For this I have Yeshua!" 
For this challenge I have Yeshua! For this disappointment I have Yeshua! For this conflict I have Yeshua! For this anxiety-producing circumstance I have Yeshua! For this loss I have Yeshua! For this temptation to sin I have Yeshua!
Sometimes the cares of this life tempt me to forget that I am called by Your Name as Your child.
Sometimes I forget that being Your child, which the world neither knows or understands as it neither knows or understands You, can and will draw some of the world's people, who don't presently belong to You, to judge me and treat me harshly.
For this I have Yeshua!
Image Source: Curt Götlin
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