#fort langley
rob604designs · 6 months
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Fort Langley, British Columbia -Rob604
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beesofbumble · 2 years
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in-sightpublishing · 8 months
The Greenhorn Chronicles 57: Lynne Denison Foster on Recognition & Repetition (4)
                    Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open…
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duey65 · 1 year
Brae Park, Fort Langley
I spent the afternoon going for a walk in my favourite spot in BC. I wanted to see how high the Fraser River was as there has been a lot of rain this past winter and spring.
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in-sightjournal · 3 months
Ask A Genius 981: Old Dallas from Fort Langley
Scott Douglas Jacobsen: So, Dallas, I had a really bad headache today. I was having trouble focusing, lying down a lot, and trying to get some writing and scheduling done for articles. My mind started wandering, and a memory came up from when I used to live in Fort Langley. I was a child at the time, probably in my late single-digit age or early teens. I remember walking into and out of town,…
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muntzerism-diggerism · 5 months
Fort Langley Community Hall spotted
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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USAF base suffered mysterious invasions of drone swarms for weeks
Swarms of drones attacked Langley Air Base in Virginia, triggering assets even from NASA to investigate.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 24/03/2024 - 11:03am Incidents, Military
It was reported this week that Langley Air Base, located in southeastern Virginia in Chesapeake Bay, was "invaded" for weeks by mysterious drones, leading to a comprehensive investigation by the U.S. military.
According to the TWZ website, at Langley Air Base, drone swarms were seen in varying numbers, sizes and formations, indicating the presence of different types of unmanned aerial systems (UAS).
“Last December, Langley Air Base in Virginia became the center of an intriguing security puzzle by going through weeks of unexplained drone activities,” U.S. Air Force officials said, saying the drones were first spotted on December 6, 2023. The incident aroused not only curiosity, but also concern about the safety and protection of the airspace, an official source reported to the TWZ website.
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Satellite image of the Langley-Eutis Joint Air Base in Virginia.
Even if the drones were not aggressive, their appearance in restricted airspace could compromise the safety of the flight. As the TWZ notes, USAF's main concern is not an imminent attack, but the possibility of security risks, such as potential surveillance or defense capability testing.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was promptly notified, highlighting the seriousness with which the military treated these violations.
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"None of the incursions seemed to present hostile intentions, but anything that flies in our restricted airspace can pose a threat to flight safety," emphasized the spokesman.
Efforts to address drone activities involved a collaborative approach, involving local authorities and other federal agencies to ensure the safety of personnel, facilities and critical assets in Langley. However, the details regarding the specific measures taken or the impact of drone activities on basic operations remain undisclosed, a reflection of the discreet nature of military operational security.
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NASA's WB-57 aircraft was used to monitor the strange activity of drones on the base.
The reaction included sending specialized resources, such as NASA's WB-57F high-altitude research aircraft, emphasizing the importance of having tools to monitor or respond to drone activities.
Interesting flight tonight for the Nasa WB-57 Imaging platform. It hopped to Robins AFB earlier and refueled. Now it has set up an orbit over the Newport News shipyards near Norfolk VA. Fairly low for the WB-57, 22,000 feet.
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— MeNMyRC (@MeNMyRC1) December 18, 2023
This NASA WB-57 is making very nice circles over Langley AFB–especially when you consider that it looks like there may be a 75 knot wind from the southwest!
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— John Wiseman (@lemonodor) December 19, 2023
Observers did not detect the presence of drones, but certainly took note of the abrupt escalation of nearby military operations.
Located in southeastern Virginia, Langley Air Base is officially part of the Langley-Eustis Joint Base, which also includes U.S. Army Fort Eustis. The base hosts F-22 Raptor stealth fighters, playing a crucial role in supporting NORAD and NORTHCOM missions to safeguard the U.S. homeland, including the defense of the country's capital, Washington, DC.
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The drone swarms at Langley Air Base present a complex challenge to national security, combining technological innovation with the old game of espionage. As drones become increasingly sophisticated and accessible, their potential use in surveillance or as a tool in more malicious ventures cannot be ignored.
In recent times, there have been numerous cases of unidentified drones invading U.S. military bases, critical infrastructure and even nuclear power plants. For example, U.S. warships in the Pacific have encountered swarms of drones several times between 2016 and 2021.
So far, no country has taken responsibility for these drone activities. However, last year, there was an incident in which a Chinese spy balloon was spotted floating over the United States, leading to allegations of Chinese espionage against the US.
Tags: Military AviationDronesF-22 RaptorIncidentsUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"BELIEF IN "HAIRY GIANTS" NOT CONFINED TO INDIANS," Toronto Star. March 8, 1934. Page 5. ---- White Men Familiar With B.C. Natives Belief In "Sasquatch" ---- ONE SAW FAMILY ---- By A. D. KEAN That "Sasquatch," the legendary hairy giants of West Coast Indian fame are believed in by white men borne borne to-day when J. A. Hewat, came into The Star office to see me. Mr. Hewat is the son of Ronald Hewat one of the best known of the older police constables of British Columbia, and has been an acquaintance of mine since Childhood, having been born in the Similkameen valley near my own home.
"Sure I believe in Sasqusttch," stated the known stalwart J. A. "for I've known a great many Indians who must have seen the hairy giants. Not only among the tribes who live on the mainland but among those of the north end of Vancouver island as well. For three years I was with the Dominion geological survey, in the capacity of packer, with from 10 to 20 horses and three to five helpers in charge, and at various times I came I came in contact with Indians who told in detail of meeting the Sasquatch. The giants are thought to live in caves mostly, and have been known for ages in the districts adjacent to the Fraser delta, the western mountain passes of the coast range in and around Coquohalla - where the boundary railroad comes through from the Okanagan valley to Vancouver, and upon the high table-lands about Victoria peak on the northermost tip of Vancouver island.
More Than Legend "Sasquatch is considerably more than a legend with all those Indians," said Mr. Hewat convincingly. "I've even heard the giants described being the last living descendants of the once powerful Aztecs of Mexico and the country to the immediate south. I knew a prospector, Cariboo George by name, who told me he had seen huge barefoot tracks of the Sasquatch in the shore of William's lake (North Central B.C.) and had followed the giant's trail up into the hills nearby.
"Cariboo George related how he had hidden himself in some bushes while the Sasquatch went by. They were a monster 8-foot man and his wife and child. All were completely naked except for a thick coat of pale, brownish-colored short fur or matted hair. The giants spoke with deep rumbling, guttural voices and seemed act very happy toward one an other. Old George seemed so wholly convinced by what he described that I found myself believing likewise in the reality of the Sasquatch," admitted Hewat seriously.
"Cariboo George also claimed that a good-sized family of the giants lived in the William's lake district somewhere and that they paid visits intervals to the local waters at nightime for fishing.
Several Near Fort Langley "Near old Fort Langley, on the upper Fraser delta," went on J. A., "there are known to be several of the giants. Many Indians there whom I met and knew told me they had seen the Sasquatch. These Indians, like those farther inland, declared the giants to be rather blonde than otherwise, but that the Indians feared the Sasquatch greatly considering them in the light of evil spirits. All the Indians agree, however, that the Sasquatch are of immense stature and tremendously powerful, and that they possess the faculty of seeing clearly through the darkest night.
"No can hide from Sasquatch, one of the stock phrases of an Indian, when relating some legend of giants," said the dark-eyed Hewat.
"About the best story I heard told of the experience of an Indian trapper who lived on the northern extremity of the Mt. Victoria plateau on Vancouver island. went on J. A This Indian looked on out of his split log cabin in early one morning to find a Sasquatch stalking about dooryard.
"The giant spied the Indian just in time to prevent being shot at. According to the trapper the Sasquatch leaped behind the corner of the shack and tore the whole roof-corner off at a single sharp pull.
"This act so terrified the Indian inside that he fell into a swoon, from which he did not awaken for several hours. When that frightened trapper regained consciousness the place seemed deserted so the redman crept cautiously outside to look around.
"While following the huge footprints left by the Sasquatch the trapper came suddenly upon the giant seated calmly at the foot of a widespreading 12-font cedar tree. With horrified gaze the Indian froze In his tracks. the while the Sasquatch eyed him silently. Presently the giant spoke. He used the native dialect of the Indian though hardly used to it.
"Why Do You Follow Met" "Why do you follow me? asked the Sasquatch in a rumbling voice. I could have killed you but you were too frightened. So I came away. Now go back and tell your tribesmen what you have seen and I have done and remember, Sasquatch cautioned, ominously. 'If you so much has tell the least falsehood about me I shall bring more of my people and we will destroy you all. At which the trapper turned away and fled.
"I asked the trapper what that Sasquatch looked like and he described the giant as being of a red-brown color with a cost of thick all over the body. He said the Sasquatch showed great shiny white teeth and around the loins of the monster was a short skirt made from the pounded inner bark of cedar plaited into a strong-looking cloth.
"The Sasquatch wore no shoes or moccasins, but the bottoms of his feet appeared tough and calloused, like the pads on the feet of big bear. The giant's hands were of immense size, nearly twice as large as of a man. And the height of Sasquatch was at least eight feet. He must have weighed 400 pounds, declared the trapper.
"ONe day at home in the Similkameen valley I met an Indian who claimed to have visited the cave of Sasquatch," continued Hewat. "The place was near the head of the Tulameen river, up near the old pass used to drive cattle over to the coast when you and I were boys."
"Yes I know where you mean," I answered, but go on with the Sasquatch story."
Found Great Stools "Well this Tulameen redskin told me he walked right to the mouth of the strange cave before he realized it was there at all. Inside the darkened dwelling were great stools made of gnarled fir tree roots. There were six of these, the Indian said. In the centre of the big cave was a strong wide table. It, too, was made as though to carry several tons of weight.
"There were long logs piled at the side of the cave, near a sort of rough-looking fireplace. Farther back hung the unskinned carcass of a blacktail buck deer and there were several set chunks chunks of meat hung upon the cave, sharp racks protruding. The Indian took one fearsome look around, then darted from the cave mouth at a swift run. He never stopped, he said, until he reached the safety of his own family wig-wam.
"So you see," explained Hewat, "it's pretty hard to disbelieve the presence of the Sasquatch, in face of all the realistic stories passed on by the various tribes of Indians who live near the mountains, and who are so convinced of the existence of the giants that they scarcely dare to speak of them in more than the whispers.
"How about yourself?" I questioned J. A. "Do you believe in the Sasquatch?"
"Sure-I can't help but believe in them, after hearing almost every tribe along the lower mainland of the B.C. coast tell about the wonders of the Saskquatch," concluded Hewat.
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rob604designs · 5 months
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Fort Langley BC
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beesofbumble · 2 years
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United States: Dictatorship or Civil War
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
Okay, just for fun, let me tell you all what Once Upon a Time is. I have never watched this show beyond very brief and scattered clips years ago, so this is mainly drawn from cultural osmosis and friend mentions. Let's see how badly I butcher this.
Snow White and Prince Charming get their wedding interrupted by an Evil Queen, and she's walking up the aisle with all the castle/church shutters slamming shut as she progresses, like Snape walking into class. And she's all, "Ha, I'm very evil, and you offended me somehow, and I'm going to steal your future daughter!" ...or maybe it's the daughter's christening, which would make the threat a lot more palpable. Or maybe it's not about the daughter. Maybe she's like, "Mwahaha, I am going to send you both to the REAL WORLD!"
One of the above.
Anyhow, their daughter is named Emma Swan, and she ends up living in Fort Langley - ahem, Storybrooke. (Sorry. At one point I lived not too far from where they film the real world scenes, and had friends who would sometimes spot the cast, though I never did.) Emma is cynical and jaded, and remembers nothing of her fairytale origins. But she has a son, Henry (adopted?) who is a cinnamon roll, and loves fairytales, and is a true believer and optimist.
I think the Evil Queen (Regina) raised Emma, and she's evil for a season or two or three but then gets a redemption arc, and we get motherhood stories both around Snow and Regina.
Meanwhile Snow and the Prince are questing for a way to find their daughter and defeat the evil queen, and eventually they get to Storybrooke, and possibly there's a memory wipe involved? At any rate, they obviously don't recognize the grown up Emma as their daughter at first, but they get to be close with her as a friend. Meanwhile, Henry is catching on to what's going on a lot faster than some.
Now there's also Belle, who is involved in a love/hate (but more so love) relationship with Rumpelstiltskin, who is a manipulative magic user in the fantasy world, but is also present in Storybrooke under the name of Mr. Gold, the pawnbroker/curiosity shop owner? Also still a manipulative magic user? This guy is constantly starting on/completing redemption arcs only to make evil choices again and it frustrates the fans because sometimes it seems like the writer's can't commit rather than they're pulling off a really complicated arc? But people enjoy him/find him fascinating.
Now there's a weird dynamic where more and more of the characters make their way into Storybrooke, but their stories are also featured in the fairytale world. This show is either super into flashbacks, or we're dealing with alternate timelines and time branches. Other people who get into Storybrooke? Red, who is Little Red Riding Hood in an incredible cloak that all the closplayers wanted at one point, and who now works as a waitress as a diner and has some encouraging words for Belle when she's having trouble with Rumple. BUT RED DIES TRAGICALLY! (Don't ask me how, or in which world.) There's also Captain Hook, who is all guyliner and longing looks and trying to be witty - but he also trades the Jolly Roger for Emma, and it's a huge sacrifice, and they have true, true love. He has the unlikely name of Killian in Storybrooke. (Come on - his name is James Hook!)
With the introduction of the Neverland Storyline (which is a cool storyline?) we move away from fairytales proper and just start including whatever Disney properties we want. Frozen gets shoehorned in there, as do Mulan and Brave. In Arendelle, Anna's preparing to marry Kristoff and tries on her mom's wedding gown which Elsa found, but then the trolls have some kind of bad news. Elsa gets sucked into a vase and transported to Storybrooke, where she accidentally freezes the town. Also Elsa's aunt Ingrid is there, secretly using her ice powers to run an ice cream parlour.
Meanwhile Anna's trying to get her back, and goes into the countryside where she meets Snow's Prince who now has long hair and is enslaved to Bo Peep and this is emphatically a different storyline than the other storyline(s) he's featured in? Maybe a curse made it this way? Anyway, Anna teaches. him to use a sword and stand up for himself. Then she and Kristoff go to the castle to research or something, and Elsa's there (maybe this is the backstory of how Elsa got to the real world?) and they find out about a spell that causes shattered sight (you only see the worst in other people, or maybe in the people you truly care about.) The spell is based on that mirror in The Snow Queen where a bit of flawed glass gets in your eye. Anna falls under the spell, gets resentful for the way Elsa treated her in childhood, and traps her in the vase (yes, this is definitely backstory!) Later Anna ends up in the water in a sea chest and somehow gets to Storybrooke?
Ingrid explains to Elsa that she wants a perfect family because her-non-magical family treated her like an outsider, and she wants Elsa to be part of her magical family. Elsa is appalled and resolves to fight her. Later, everyone in Storybrooke realizes the shattered sight spell is coming, and they all lock themselves in the jail or something so they don't tear each other apart. It doesn't affect Anna and Elsa though. But most notably Snow and her prince are fighting, and it's awful! They somehow got it all figured out in the end...
Many curses happen.
At some point Henry is the only believer. (In what? Magic? Love? their true fairytale identities? Who knows?)
There's an Author, and he's a scum, and maybe behind a lot of what's going on?
Merida shows up, and Emma goes through an arc where it looks like she might turn evil (the Black Swan? The Dark Swan?) and they go underground and stuff.
Eventually there's a musical episode, because Snow in the fairytale world wished for magic to help defeat the Evil Queen, and love expressed through song is super powerful. They sing a duet about how cool the singing is, and the fans are shocked that they're both great singers. Something evil happens, and they go in search of Hook, who's at a tavern and sings a big musical number about how he wants revenge on the crocodile for taking his hand, and he's backed by a wonderfully over the top chorus of pirates. (I have in fact seen this clip multiple times, because it's very fun.) Turns out the Crocodile he's talking about is the Dark One, who is Rumpelstiltskin, who is currently locked in Snow and the Prince's dungeon. Um... things sort out.
Eventually Emma and Killian have a wedding and it's a very climactic episode. There's a later season made, but we don't talk about it.
Best I got, folks.
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reusedprops · 6 months
This Fort Langley Community Hall is seen in Spooky Buddies (2011) and seen in Once Upon a Time: True North (2012) when the Fire department arrives at the town hall after Emma rescues the Mayor from the fire and seen in Riverdale (2017)
9167 Glover Road, Langley, BC V1M, Canada
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thaissa1918 · 9 months
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Dear Jeremy: For over six months now i Have some stalker hacking into and destroying everything I do on the computers. He also can shut off my two cell phones whenever he wants to and almost murdered me over this past weekend. He can hear very ell what I say. I was having chess pains from the stress this person is constantly terrorizing me daily He heard me say "I am having chest pains from his stress, and I need to call either an ambulance and/or doctor. When I went to pick up my phone to call my cardiologist the man shut off my cell phone service on both my phones and I had a heart attack right here in the apartment. Last week when I felt suicidal, I went to use my cell phone to call my psychologist. When I picked up the cell phone this bastard whomever he is stopped my cell phone service for over 8 hours to try to murder me by letting me have a heart attack and not being able to call anyone. I found him on my cell phone recording my voice to murder and having an album cover .He is trying to murder me using the same type of murder weapon's my father and the mafia uses as a regular hobby. He has all types of head and screen shots of me. He is putting in what he 2was in a file called my last words and DIE/ARY called "DIERY QUEEN<" he has recorded all the shit things I have said about the mafia and you and I being in danger from the mob etc etc and his album cover even has my photo a photo of my head. He calls it his furze "art work: He has files calling them "CL/ASS/WORK KILL ASSSASSINATION WORK. My father taught me the assassination contracting business since I was born and I have killed and assassinated everyo0ne from Africa President to being a child soldier in Africa and was also a soldier with Daddy in Vietnam etc.. so I know what I see and am saying is right. He plan's to murder you too #jeremypaxman Last night I threatened to take a hit out on him and I did with Al Qaeda. Then he started showing me unfinished album covers with your photos on it and songs with your voice on them meant that he was going to kill you too. Be careful AND IF YOU WANT TO TALK MORE JUST CALL ME love Jilly
PS: I am always on your side Paxo I WAS WRITING TO YOU MORE AND THE MAN SHUT OFF MY KEYBOARD PLEASE HELP ME JEREMY. JILLY He can stop my keyboard my cell phone and he plans t murder and I have no where to go and no help from law enforcement To hell with probation. I just want peace and the human right to life and in the USA I dont even have that right. Arnold A Stark told me and I used to have a recording of it saying "I have never seen more egregious human rights violations against any US citizen but you in America it is jus like you have been living for years in North Korea right here in Passaic County. TRUTH. I I took hits out everywhere
to remove as many La Cosa Nostra members as possible since i get mine for free they came to over 2000. Since my father is ready to drown all of Brooklyn with a 8,.0 Ramapo Fault line earthquake to "tie up all his loose ends (he kills all his contractors that is how he taught me he got to be the BIG SHOT HE IS by taking care of those old contractors before they get caught by the FBI and talk ," Now he is coming for all his old acquaintances in Brooklyn." How? He has two low grade atomic bombs in the Hudson River to go off and set off the Ramapo Fault Line which runs from NYC right down to nearly touching Langley and Fort Detrick biological Warfare base. When that goes off those two bomb's Irv Starr says "It will move the systematic plates of the Atlantic Ocean cause an 8.o earthquake (Ground Zero) United Nations NYC. He says every single President will drown on that day because all presidents will be in NYC at the UN for some special occasion on that particular day. I don't know the date and Irv Starr you can cook dinner and grind him to death, and he will never tell anyone that date no matter what torture anyone puts him through. I was little but I asked my father I asked "and we were standing in Bloomingdale NJ at the time. I said "Dad, how fast will the wave be when you make it?" Irv Starr said "It will be at least 5000 miles an hour and it will wipe out the entire Bloomingdale NJ Police Station...
I then asked Daddy," Daddy, how high will the waves be IM scared?" Dad replied "They will be as high as the lights by the Bloomingdale Police Station that light up at night." I then started shaking and said "DADDY! IF I AM STILL AROUNF BLOOMINDALE NJ AT THAT TIME HOW DO I KNOW WHEN IT IS TIME TO LEAVE?!" Daddy responded by saying this: "Jill when the first two systematic activities take place on the Ramapo Fault line one being a 3.2 and the other a 2.7 (to the best of my memory) run like hell away from Bloomingdale NJ and keep running from NYC all the way to Middletown NY where Aunt Joyce lives because that Tsunami is going to kill everyone in its path up to Middletown NY where your Aunt Joyce lives. ." I said "Why are you going to do that Daddy?" Irv Starr replied "Because I am retiring the richest man in the world Jill, and no one is going to have a chance to be arrested to start singing about me and the ICA and my contracting business to ruin that for me they all have to die and Treetop are where the majority of my contractors are in this area and the Tsunami will reach Nick and Dora Los Gatos in Syosset where the other majority of my contractors are Jill.," Then I have to take out Harry J Shortway from Nam (Vietnam) so the Tsunami has to take out Susses and it will end before my sister Joyces house in Middletown." Then I said What about Paxman are you going to kill him too?" Irv Starr said," He is one of the biggest lose ends I have besides you Jill. if I have to I will blow up all of Buckingham Palace, Mi6 and all the BBC just to murder Former Mi6 Director General Sir Howard Andrew Parker." We used to work at Babcock and Wilcox you remember him dont you Jill from there?" I had to tell him "Yes." It is true.
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elle-camino · 1 year
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Fort Langley, BC | July 2023
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