#forsythe pendleton jones 111
keepcalm-and-beyou · 5 years
Jughead Jones(Riverdale)
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Title: What!? 
Pairing: Jughead x Readed, Archie x Reader
summary: Archie has upsetting news to tell Jughead after spending some time with You. 
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Jughead thought nothing more of your friendship only being a friendship with Archie. he trusted You his girlfriend and trusted his best friend. Archie always seemed so into veronica, sure y'all were close very close and that’s how its been forever so nothing knew to him when he’d see you and Archie laughing, smiling, and being in close proximity.   
Archie although thought more to being just your friend, only you and everyone else did not know that. He always tried hard to make you smile, he often craved to be close to you, what harm could come by just being around you like the best friend he was right? Well until he changed that. 
“Y/n! hey! you excited for best friends day?” Archie runs up to you smiling wide. 
“heck yes i am” you reply with the same excitement giving him a high five then shutting your locker after putting your school books away as it was the end of the day. and as Archie said its best friends day. why today you weren't sure it was a random idea Archie had to have a Friday evening just you and him the best friends y’all were. You link your arms with Archie’s as y'all walked down the hall. 
“Hello girlfriend” Jughead appears with a small smile. 
“hello boyfriend” give give him a smile and peck on the cheek. 
“so whats going on tonight?” Jug asks. 
“best friends day remember Juggie?” you chuckle and point to Archie as hes standing beside you with a smile.  
“and i cant come? yet i’m his best friend to” jug pouts then laughs lightly. 
“nope, you may be one of his best friend but you ain’t mine” you sass back and tick your tongue out at him. 
“ouch” Jug fakes being offended. 
“don’t worry man me and you will have a best friends day to if it makes you feel better” Archie laughs seeing Jugheads uninterested look. 
“awe how cute, Archikins you better remember that’s my man, i aint’ going to be in no weird bromance girlmance triangle trynna fight your redheaded self over my beanie boy” 
“seriously?” Jugheads asks rolling his eyes
“Jug is all yours” Archie replies looking horrified at the images you must have in your head of the two. 
“yes i know cuz i’m like Gillette” you tell him. as Jughead gives you a weird look like what are you talking about. 
“your what” Archie laughs 
“i’m the best a man can get.. and ill cut you” you say as serious as you can. making both boys laugh. 
“yep that’s my girl.. crazy” jug smiles putting his arm around you. 
“i guess we should get our BFD started so ill call you later jug” you kiss him softly on his lips
“don’t have to much fun without me” jug jokes and gives you a hug goodbye.
“BFD? as in best friends day right?” Archie asks making sure he understood and trying to make fun of you.
“duh arch” you roll your eyes overly dramatic as you both walk through the school doors.
You were driving your shared car you have with your Mom as Archie was in passenger seat. 
“so whats the plan Stan?” you asked glancing his way
“don’t call me that” Archie gave you a ew face and laughed. 
“it rhymed, and you know me i’m a poet” you joke
“oh yeah and you know it” Archie joked along with you
“hey! that rhymed” you laughed. he rolls his eyes
“oh oh yes i know!” you exclaim. “how about pops take out? you know what that ain’t question we gonna get pop!” you speak loudly like a kid excited for cake. 
“wow sometimes i think your worse then jug when it comes to food” Archie stares at you like you a little insane but honestly he loves that about you. your craziness, your wildness, your liveliness. 
“wait what? omg are you saying i’m fat Archie Andrews!” you toss him a hurt shocked expression. 
“what no! no. your beautiful, i was joking i didn’t mean it like that!” Archie panicked. you burst out laughing at your adorable friend. 
“i was totally joking arch” you smile at him. as he gave you a relieved smile back.
“Hi Y/n, Archie, what can i get you today?” Pop tate asked you both as you approached the diner counter with his usual kind smile. 
“oh you know our usual shakes for sure, strawberry and chocolate to go please” Archie answers pop
“oh burgers! two please as well” you smile sweetly. 
“coming right up” pop smiles and head to the kitchen. while you and arch await in a near by booth. some time later pop came by the booth with your order telling you both to have a nice day and enjoy your food. he never has to in your opinion tell you to enjoy it because it always is a given with Pop Tates food. who in their right mind could not enjoy the food at  Pops Chocklit Shoppe. 
“thank you pop” you say in sing song.
“My dads at work so no worries on our what did you call it BFD being interrupted” Archie chuckles as he opens his front door and let you step in first.
“Good keep the old people away of our young fun” you respond laughing. 
“Right. like hey dad wanna play video games and be horrible at them while trying to talk about the good old days” 
“Archikins your starting to sound like me” you chuckle and poke him on the cheek with your pointer finger. Archie grabs you by that finger dragging you up stairs to his room. he hands you your burger. 
“awe i love you arch thanks for paying by the way” you smile and start unwrapping your food taking a huge bite and making cute little sounds of enjoyment. Archie cant help but smile and stare at you in awe, until you looked up at him from your food and he awkwardly clears his throat taking a seat next to you on his bed and unwrapping his own burger to chow down on. 
“Hey your so cheating!” Archie exclaims but holds a smile on his face as he keeps glancing at your beautiful features, the way your eyebrows are constantly moving and your eyes squinting at the TV screen often, or how you give it death glares when the game aint going your way. 
“no you just suck” you reply trying to hold back a smirk. 
“wow you know sometimes i forget how mean you are when playing” he jokes
“ha ha i just keep it real” 
“yeah real mean” he laughs. but right as Archie is distracted with his laughing at you, you happen to kill him. in the game of course! his laughs instantly died down and his face turned to shock wide eyes gawking at the the tv screen. you start laughing and grab a pillow hitting him in the head with it. 
“see you just suck” you laughed more. Archie grabs the other pillow he had on his bed hitting you back with it in a playful manner never wanting to actually harm you. you get up fat in case you need to make a break for it and run out the room. Archie goes to swing his pillow again to you but your faster and hit him first, and then again and again.
“your gonna get it Y/n” Archie tells you as if trying to sound intimidating. 
“your funny Andrews, good luck trynna give it to me” you rely with your sass and quickly hit him with your pillow and run out his room holding your pillow tight to not drop it. you ran all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen with Archie hot on your tail. you round the kitchen island and then fake going one way and run the other as Archie just about gets you with his pillow. and you laugh at him. 
“your a brat Y/nn” he yells after you. 
You ran pretty fast to hide in behind his brown leather chair in the living room but slightly failing at it. as you hear his laugh.
“um nice try i think your a little big to hide there” he says smiling standing in middle of his living room arms crossed still holding his pillow in one hand.
“there you go again calling me fat” you stand up pouting. hoping Archie falls for it. 
“no jeez whats with your girls and being fat” he rolls his eyes 
“ouch whats that suppose to mean arch?” you continue pouting only harder this time. 
“ugh i didn’t mean it like that!” he dramatically throw his hands in the air and you take that time to run out behind the chair past him. 
“HEY!!. that’s it i give up” he yells. and then hears your little feet making its way back to him stopping in the door way trying to be cautious in case its a trick.
“are you sure?..” you asks slowly with your one eyebrow raised.
“yes i’m sure you win” he throw the pillow he was holding on the couch indicating he is telling the truth. 
“yay i love winning” you smile bright
“i know” he smiles wide back 
“i am the best” you cheer
“yes you are” he agrees nodding.
“Your not gonna make me watch some really really girly movie are you?” Archie asks watching you go through the movies on Netflix acting like he’d hate that but little did you actually he’d watch anything in the world with you as long as he gets to be by your side, long as he gets to see your features change to while you watch the movie, and oh how he gets to hear your laugh and often remarks you have about what is happening in the film. 
“hmm now that sounds like an idea” you smirk and give him an evil laugh.
“oh no”
“just kidding! lets watch.. hmm.. tough tough choices.. uhh.. maybe something funny? like hmm.. oh oh this! Dirty Grandpa.” you finally pick a movie. 
“isn't that with that old guy?” Archie asks 
“uh yes? hence the word GRANDPA. you know that usually means old.” you give him a duh look.
“ha. ha.” 
“oh but the old guy ain’t why we watching it, we watching for the hot one” you chuckle as Archie just gives you a cringing ew look. 
“omg i cant like i cant even” you laugh and cant stop laughing as you watch the scene with the Zac Efron dancing naked only having a hornet stuffy around his junk. 
“oh god no! why are you making me watch this?! you cant even?n i cant even!” Archie says covering his eyes. and you keep laughing but part of it is because his response to the scene. 
“wait let me cover your eyes that just ain’t right to watch, you cant seriously like that” Archie says while he puts his hands on your face trying to cover your eyes. yo both laughing. 
“noooo let me see the goods!” you yell out his hands still on you eyes slightly.he moves his hand from your eyes but they are still on your face and your laughs dye down. 
“Your crazy” he says in a admiring tone holding your face staring into your eyes. you feel his warm breath fan your face, and that’s when you realise how close you two are on his bed. sure you've been close many times but this situation this moment feels very knowing, you see his eyes flicker to your lips and look at him confused for a second, just a second because the next thing you knew he kissed you! but on instant you kissed back, until you stopped kissing back just as quick. its not like the actual kiss was horrible or his breath was gross, and if it wasn’t for jug you’d be into it but you cant be not when your love for jug is only blossoming. so you pulled away while lightly pushing Archie away on his chest.
“uh i don’t know why i did that. sorry.” he says eyes slightly widening as he speaks each word. and distance him self from you on his bed. 
“You don’t know why you did that? things like that don’t usually just happen for no reason” 
“ohh crap” he speaks to him self. hating that he just did that. freaking out in his pretty redhead. he tries avoiding your eyes but gives in and glaces at you and sees you giving him a well go on speak up look. 
“okay okay, maybe it wasn't for NO reason, maybe i have had some feelings for you, maybe i just wanted to do it and did it, and now feel real stupid like really stupid” Archie speaks out but in a worry tone and panicked tone. 
“Archie.. first off please don’t feel stupid okay? your not at all stupid, your amazing, you are smart you are gorgeous you know for a redhead” you try lightening the mood with a joke. he only looks at you unimpressed with what your saying and not believing it. you sigh and continue
“its all true arch you are so great your the best best friend a person can ask for but that’s it arch.. your just my best friend..”
“ha yeah i’m such a good best friend.. look what in just did Y/n i kissed you i told you i like you and your dating MY best friend, my guy best friend” you hate this him beating him self up to much it makes you feel horrible. 
“you know what Archie i don’t care what you say because what i am saying is right and i’m always right. you are great amazing awesome and a good friend and will make any girl not only in Riverdale but the world happy, any girl would be lucky to have you, even me if i wasn't so in love with jug you would be the perfect guy, just gotta be that guy for someone else. and this  doesn't effect how your my best friend arch” you give him a warm small smile and a comforting hug that he returns. 
“thank you.. i-i don’t deserve you or jug as a friend.. i’m sorry” he says face in your hair still hugging. 
“hey shit happens its done and over with, well.. kinda.. i do think as Jughead’s girlfriend and his best friend we shouldn't keep secrets.. even if he gets mad you know its the right thing to tell him” you pull away from the hug and try giving reassuring smile. 
“yeah i know your right”
“like always” you smile.
So as agreed Archie had planned to tell Jughead and it being a new day is better time to tell him then any. Archie and Jughead had met up at Pop’s for dinner.
“Let’s get something to eat on me man” Archie told Jug giving him a tight lipped smile. 
“Well sense it’s on you” Jughead joked.
“Hey Pop can I get a burger and side fries” Jug had asked the older man standing at the counter top.
“sure how about you Archie?” Pop asks the redheaded boy.
“uh same is fine and couple shakes you know our kind” he smiled answering Pop Tate.
“So uh hows your dad?” Archie asks Jug awkwardly taking a seat in a booth near the back of Pop’s. 
“he’s good? as good as he can be trying to get his life straight so we can get jellybean and Mom back in Riverdale” Jughead answers with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“that’s good Jug i-i’m happy for you man, i really hope it works out you deserve it” Archie’s eyes filling with guilt as he thought of how much Jug has meant to him his whole life pretty much and how he truly deserves so much good in his life, he deserves his dad being sober, his Mom and sister in his life, and he deserves you the thought of Archie ruining that for him made him feel ill. 
“Order up boys” Pop comes up to the booth placing the food on the table in front of the both boys along with their shakes holding his as always polite smile.
“Thanks” Jughead and Archie say at the same time.
“How was the BFD day?” jug smirks slightly at the silly way you called the time spent with your best friend.
“was alright” Archie coughs. and continues to eat his food as Jug does the same. 
“just alright?” jug asks knowing very well its you so there must of been lot more excitement then that. 
“played some video games”
“and i guess she beat your ass because you suck man” Jug jokes
“oh wow you both really are the same” Archie refers to you telling him he sucks at playing. and Jug just smiles back. 
The two boys walked around town Archie trying to figure out how to bring up what happened, he was going to say it after eating dinner at Pop’s but with the small crowed around the diner he didn’t want to make a scene if he happened to turn out that way. so now being alone in silence of Riverdale town walking around perfect timing right? Archie still deep in thought kicking rocks, Jughead walking be side him in the silence and watched how Archie seemed off.
“what’s going on Archie?” Jug asked his friend clearly knowing him well enough to know that there must be something going on with the boy. Archie stopped immediately and turned to face Jug with a worrisome sigh leaving his lips. He hesitated to speak usually people would say nothing is going on, i’m fine. but that would be a lie, and he did not want to lie to Jug hence the reason he had made sure to see Jug today. 
“I did something stupid that i regret i feel horrible man and and i don’t want to ruin anything for anyone” Archie lets out a long breath after speaking in not many detail. his anxiety rises with each second he had been trying to tell Jug.
“what did you do Archie?” Jughead looks at him with his eyebrow furrowed feeling worried him self now at god knows what his best friend had got him self into, i mean its Archie he tends to be a wild one that often has got into some trouble like his great idea to hook up with Ms Grundy or hit up the Whyte Wrym looking for a fight from gang members. Archie doesn’t respond at the question just gives Jughead a look, a very sad guilty hurting look. and that look is only making Jug worry grow.
“Archie. What did you do man?” Jug asks his words dripping with more worry then previously. 
“Jug like i said it was stupid and i’m sorry, it was a mistake” he spoke in the most pleading tone Jughead has heard come from his best friend. Jugs brain was trying to catch on and his thoughts went to You. You and Archie had just hung out and now next day Archie is acting strange, he saying he messed up and is sorry. Sorry to him? 
“What did you do?!” Jug raises his voice stepping closer to Archie needing to know right now what on earth his friend is talking about and if it has anything at all to do with You. 
“I kissed Y/n!” Archie yells out raising his voice to the same level Jugs was. “I’m-”
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“What!” Jug cut Archie off. clearly not happy about the news. Nostrils slightly flaring wishing he didn’t have to believe his friend would do that to him. His eyebrows felt permanently furrowed down his forehead confused, betrayed, shocked. so many different feelings running through his mind. If he was being honest he wanted to punch him. Hard. but also did not want to hit his best friend. 
“Jug I’m-”
“Why would you do that!” jug pushes Archie thinking maybe it be better then a punch to his best friends face. Jugs nostrils still flaring and trying to calm his breaths. Archie stumbled back a few steps letting his friend get some anger out. he wasn’t surprised at the action he felt he deserved worse. 
“Sorry! i am so sorry jug it was a mistake and i said i felt horrible i still do, your my best friend i cant believe i would even do that to you. you you should just hit me man like i deserve it hit me jug” Archie yells out desperately needing his friend to forgive him even if it means bruising his face. Jughead just gave the redhead boy a look telling him he’s an idiot and crazy. 
“seriously just hit me, it would make me feel better, but mostly i’m sure it would make you feel a lot better” Archie practically begs. 
“dude no” Jug replies with a look of disgust towards his friend. and shakes his head at the boy then decides to just walk away, not wanting to deal with it really was else is there to say right now. 
“wait” Archie pulls on his friends arm but Jug shakes it off harshly. “Jughead please man” he tries again to grab a hold of the boy in the beanie. 
“leave me alone Archie!” he yells back. but Archie wont quit.
“No Jug what can i do? ill stay away want me to stay away for a bit? give you and her space?” Archie suggests. Jughead just shrugs not really knowing what to do here. 
“come on man i’m trying to make this right, and we didn’t wanna lie. she loves you and pushed me away, i know me and her are only ever going to be friends and i’m okay with that, you deserve her jug ans she deserves you. i know that i see how happy you two are together i will never ruin that again i promise man, i love you dude your my brother, and that’s more important than anything, i’m so sorry please jug” Archie begs pleads his eyes filled with the most hope he can master for forgiveness. Jughead takes notice of all of this, all his attempts, him not quitting, his apology’s,his features showing his feelings very well showing Jughead he truly is sorry and hurting as well for what he had done, and him trying to do whatever he must to help make things right whether that may be leaving you both alone or taking shots to the face Archie Andrews would do it for his best friend Jughead Jones. And though it could take a little time to trust Archie fully to be alone with You, he could find it in him to forgive just not forget at least not right now. 
“Okay” Jughead nods his head
“Okay?” Archie repeats but more of a question and looks a wee confused
“yeah okay i forgive you” he replies putting his hands in his pockets. Archie hugged his beanie friend in happiness not caring for him not hugging back at this moment, it was a quick hug not trying to make it awkward like hey i kissed your girlfriend now i’m hugging you but to let Jughead know he was thankful to be okay as okay as they can be right now. Jug took his hands out of his pockets and gave Archie a pat on his back. and the two friends walked off together in brief silence.
“wait is that why you paid for my food?” Jug asks chuckling.
“i felt really bad man i owed you”
“well in that case tomorrow ill take a burger, fries, onion rings and a shake for lunch” Jug smiles at his best friend. 
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 5 years
FP Jones(Riverdale)
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Title: So Sick(Ne-yo Song)
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“I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears So done with wishing you were still here Said I'm so sick of love songs, so sad and slow So why can't I turn off the radio? “
After breaking up with Forsythe Pendleton Jones the 2nd. also known as Fp Jones he had trouble with some things, typical drinking but more than his typical self does, more distant from family and friends. i mean it sure is hard making time to other when drunk off your ass and sick, sick of how life has been and even sick of songs, the kind of songs You and he would share in blissful moments alone together, songs you would sing to him. love songs. Fp Jones was so sick of love songs. 
Fp Jones was tired, tired of life going wrong, love going wrong and tired of tears. the tears he shed behind his closed trailer door, the ones warm and burning from your departure of his life, the ones at times hard to control. 
The man was done wishing for things that wouldn't happen. he wished for your scent to fill his nostrils first thing in the morning when he’d awake to you by his side, his arm lazily draped over your waist and his face buried in your hair. He was so done with wishing that you were still here. 
He kept thinking he was so done with love songs, every time one came on the radio his first instinct was to change it, love songs that are so sad and slow to him yet couldn't figure out why he couldn't turn off the radio. 
Fp had yet to make some changes. the kind he should have done sooner than later in order to help the process of getting over you, but parts of him didn’t want that either. the voice mail you left on his answering machine because his was boring you had said laughing at it then decided when he wasn’t around to change it to your cute voice. and it makes no sense now to have it sense you walked out the door but it was the only way he heard your voice anymore. 
He knew he was stronger than this. its been months and yet he cant find it to get it. And it didn’t help when he’d see you around town, why did Riverdale have to be a small town, many turns he would make you’d be there and in any crowed he would notice your face. 
Walking around with his head down, avoiding stares of everyone. hating eyes on him, pity feelings from his pears and attempted reassuring smiles that life goes on. He doesn’t want to be doing this anymore head down being so blue crying over You. 
Fp had been sitting in his trailer on his old fashioned couch holding his beer tightly taking long gulps of the liquor easily finishing a few beers prior to this one. he had a few tear stains let he let slip while thinking again about you wishing you were still here. there was light sound in the background. music playing on a radio in the kitchen. it was hard to make out most of any tune coming from the old radio but Fp knew very well what song had just come on. a song, a love song he had only heard in his life because of You. a beautiful song, a slow song, the sweetest melody, but that sweet sound was a little bitter to his ears. that bittersweet sound, it being sad to him and now had reach the chorus Your favourite part to sing the loudest to and that’s when he felt a slight snap in him. he had gotten up fast with big strides to the kitchen hit hard on the off button and  instantly pressing it back on, finding it hard to turn off the radio. 
As Fp was flipping through his calendar he had noticed a date marked. he had noticed who marked the date. it being You. the little red hearts around the boarder and written in your small hand writing was the word Anniversary. A shaky breath leaving his mouth knowing that he has to fix the calendar marked July 15th because without you clearly there’s no more anniversary. More and more thoughts coming to his mind. thoughts of you and him sharing little anniversary like silly teenagers, one month anniversary, three month anniversary, thoughts of how much even the little things and time like that was important to you to insure him that he is special in your mind, and now its ruining his mind. so fed up of those thoughts and memories now its like every song reminds him of what use to be. 
And that’s the reason He is so sick of love songs, being so tried of tears, so done with wishing you were still here, those damn sad and slow love songs and still cant turn off any damn radio. 
He was cleaning up his side bed table catching glimpse of something heart shattering. a photo, a photo of You and him. in the photo you you both were smiling, not the posed basic smile people take for pictures no no real smiles, smiles plastered on your faces before knowing a picture was being taken. All he could think was Leave me alone. don’t make me think of her smile don’t make me see her smile, don’t make me feel this way while looking at that smile, or how we could of had a child. a little sibling to add to the family he wanted to be, jug approved of you, heck that beanie boy had loved you like family, breaking Fps heart more so after you left. He needs to let it go, he need to be able to turn off any radio.
How many more times can he tell him self he’s so sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so darn done with wishing you were still here, they are so damn sad and slow! why cant he just turn off the radio?
He laid in his bed missing the feeling of your skin touching his, missing that giggle leaving your soft sweet lips, even missing your tossing and turning, missing your frustrated sighs on the nights you cant sleep, missing your kind voice babbling about anything and everything. hearing enough love songs these months on the radio got his head filled with them. his eyes started watering hearing a familiar tune again but this time in his head. again wishing you were here. the tune running through his mind in a sad slow manner, if his head was a radio he’d probably have just as much difficulty turning it off. why cant he turn off the radio? he really wants to turn off the radio, he’s scared to turn off the radio, would turning it off make it real, make him really have to get over you? he wants to stop feeling the hurt but he does not want to lose more of you even if its killing him inside. He cant do it yet he isn’t ready to change that voice mail, to possibly never hearing your voice so sweet again, he isn’t ready to mark that calendar off ruining your beautiful writing, and he sure as hell isn’t ready to turn off the radio. 
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