pertenebras-blog · 8 years
@forrademinkonge replied to your post
Shut up Sansa!
me: sansa plz no. plz. plz.
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ungkriger-blog · 8 years
|| @forrademinkonge​ cont. here ||
“If you don’t know that, you will be dead very soon”
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“Next time to stab a man, you make sure to kill him” Rollo spoke, throwing his axe into the body, “He’s dead”
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    After his uncle killed the man that attacked him and Rollo, he looked at him and glanced at the body, “I’m going to be a terrible viking...”
“No wonder, father doesn’t want to take me on raids...”
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aprincessoftheblood · 8 years
"Woman.. Are you still talking?"
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“If you do not wish to discuss it further we can continue at another time...”
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"Follow me, and I will kill you"
“You do not scare me one bit. I believe I can handle whatever may happen to me.”
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To my (brother) Rollo
@forrademinkonge I love you.  Roan pushed the mun aside and glared at her, as he ran a distinct line through her words.  “What?” she pouted. “I wasn’t finished!”  “I don’t trust you.” Roan said flatly, and took place by the keyboard. “And jeez, you fucked up the headline.”  “I’m not sorry,” the mun muttered, but Roan was busy typing - he didn’t hear. or he didn’t care.  
To Rollo, my brother. I will treasure our adventures, our fights, your humour, us growing up together, always. One could not ask for a better sparring partner.   I wish you were here to help me sort this issue with Bard. Know that I trust you, even if you’re known to betray kings. You’re too proud to ask for it, but should you ever need my hand in combat - know that I’ll have your back.  Stay away from snails, and please - don’t delete Frankia.
- Roan 
Roan cast a sideways glance at his mun. “I know what you’re thinking,”  “What?” she sulked.  “I will not encourage him to delete Franika, just because you had a hard time learning french.”  “Pft, I’m sure he’ll relate!” she insisted, but Roan wouldn’t give in. She rolled her eyes. “Fine...” “But at least tell him that Thorunn has some sort of secret crush on him, and that if he wants to find her, she’s...”  “Wait wait, stop - you know where Thorunn is?”  The mun lifted her eyebrows and crossed her arms. “Are you actually serious?” “Yes?” Roan mimicked her actions.  “Well, of course I know where she is, you meat head.”  “I got this message from Bjørn, that we need to talk about...” 
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dead-girl-in-repose · 7 years
It was her wedding day. On that day Princess Sansa Stark, daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and sister of King Robb Stark would be marrying Rollo Lothbrok, a wildling who according to Jon was the brother of a King from beyond The Wall. The thought of marriage had terrified her not that long ago, but this marriage Sansa embraced gladly. This marriage would save her from bondage, would keep her safe from any Lord who would seek to steal her away. Sansa would wed this wildling gladly, she would do her duty.
On that day Sansa looked even more beautiful. She was garbed in a white gown that was all lace and silk, making her look all the more maidenly. To her surprise, the King’s wife Lagertha had given her the gown. Not only that but she had also styled her auburn hair for that special day. Sansa had been unsure, not used to such kindness from strangers.
Sansa held tightly to Jon’s arm as she walked that path through the Godswood to the heart tree where she would be wed. Her face was stoic and it was clear that she was not afraid. She gave Jon’s arm a squeeze, her maiden’s cloak brushing against the ground. Brothers of the Night’s Watch, Baratheon men and wildlings were in attendance, all to see a Northern Princess marry a wildling man.
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tagged by: @astatheloner
1st rule: tag 9 muses you would like to know better
@ofodinn, @princeubbe, @shieldmaidentorvi, @theboatbuilderswife, @ivarragnarsscn, @forrademinkonge, @flokithetrickster
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true for your muse (both canon and modern verses)
i am 5'7" or taller
i wear glasses
i have at least one tattoo (modern verse)
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair (naturally) (modern verse)
i have brown eyes
i have short hair (is it considered short?)
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had braces
i love meeting new people
people tell me that i’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well
i can play an instrument (sort of)
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or er in the past year
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship (verse dependent)
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have a crush on someone i know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year (verse dependent)
i have had feelings for a friend
my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states
there is snow right now where i live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 cd’s
i share my room with someone
random shit:
i have breakdanced
i know a person named jamie
i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages
i have made a new friend in the past year
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forrademinkonge reblogged your post and added:
Rollo grabbed her hand, to stop her for a moment.. “A real man does let a woman braid his hair. Braids come in handy on the field of battle,” Rollo spoke, releasing her hand to carry on.
“A man does not just let anybody touch his hair”
Blaeja let out a soft giggle, “I am not just anybody. I am his wife.” She leaned over the top of his head so that she could meet his gaze. “It is rumored you once changed your hair to please your wife. Is that so?”
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